Contemplative practices - Affirmations, white light visualizations, healing meditations
Wishing all a lovely day. - Rhonda
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Thanks for this @rlschaller . It will make my day.
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Author Parker Palmer posted this on Facebook, and I just loved it. Had to share with you all. ❤️🙏🌈 Rhonda
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Happy Sunday
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@rlschaller, Thanks for posting the short affirmations. They are just right for those of us who are not into hard core meditation but see the value in it.
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@rlschaller Have you read The Five Invitations by Frank Ostaseski, founder of the Zen Hospice Center? I found the book really insightful, with powerful stories of Ostaseski's own struggles with grief and anger, as well as his understanding gained from hundreds of people in hospice care. These are the five invitations in a nutshell:
-Don’t Wait
-Welcome Everything, Push Away Nothing
-Bring Your Whole Self to the Experience
-Find a Place of Rest in the Middle of Things
-Cultivate Don’t Know Mind
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@maggie15 thanks for the feedback 🙏❤️ I’ll post more of those. I get so excited … lol and have been known to overwhelm with too much … lol part of my journey for sure.
@tougholdcrow I love this ! Thank you so much for sharing the 5 invitations I will get his book. I heard him speak and lead a meditation on Zoom during Covid sponsored by the NYZCCC. I read a little of his work in Awake by the Bedside, which is a lovely collection of chapters on sitting with death and dying . These 5 invitations are beautiful teachings and guide posts for living well. With gratitude- Rhonda
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Happy Sunday
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Happy Sunday back to you! Thanks.
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Here is a short 3 minute talk by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hahn from 2014 . A gem. Just listening to his voice, brings ease and calm to my body and mind.
For those in the USA who celebrate, I Hope everyone had a lovely thanksgiving . Happy Sunday to all. Rhonda
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Laughter meditation. A nice point of entry into the weekend, happy Saturday 🙏❤️
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Hi , here is a lovely visualization to try - short and profound .
What grows in my garden
15 minutes: Visualization - Mindfulness garden
Imagine your life as a garden. a beautiful garden. You look around at this beautiful garden, what flourishes here? What needs nurturing, watering to grow stronger? What weeds are here, what needs to be pulled to make room for what needs to flourish? WHat is blocking the sun? You probably know what weeds need to be pulled. What will you weed? What will you water?
What positive qualities, relationships, and activities do you want to nurture and have flourish in the garden of your life? What is here? What needs to be planted? Seeded? What qualities, relationships, and activities need to be pulled?
Now add wayfinding to your garden, signposts along the pathways so you can relax here, grow here, flourish here. These signposts are what we cultivate to help us flourish and grow. These are 7 attitudes of mindfulness: trust, patience, letting go/letting be, beginner's mind, acceptance, non striving, non judgment, kindness - where do they go in your garden? What signs do you need in your garden.
Write down which one will be your ally in the coming week. Draw your garden as a vision board to guide you, and place somewhere you can see it and remember you are all that you are in each moment, fresh and new.
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@rlschaller oh I love that garden idea! I will definitely use it. Thank u for sharing.
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@rischaller, Thank you so much for sharing, just on time for my Sunday mindfulness practice.
Happy Sunday to all of us!2 -
@lacombattante and @snm , nice to meet you and I’m so glad you like these posts ! My practice is a mainstay for me, connects me to the light and love eternal. Just this breath.. ❤️ and allowing the visualizations to form and nurture , expand into enlightened awareness… ahh.. and that too. Have a lovely evening all.
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Happy New Years Day - January 1, 2025 . Amazing. I subscribe to a newsLetter, Lions Roar and read this just now by Susan Moon… had to share it. 🙏❤️ parts are intriguing and worth pondering, and others hilarious..
Here is an excerpt.
“Each moment is astonishing radiance, full and round, without direction or corners, discarding trifles.”
—Zen Master Hongzhi, twelfth-century China“ I’ve always wondered what time is. Is it animal, vegetable, or mineral? Is it solid, liquid, or gas? What is this moment? Whoops! It’s already gone. I’m thinking about time more than ever these days because I’m eighty. This seems extraordinary. A fellow old person said to me recently, “I thought it would take longer to get old.” …… Impermanence can be painful. When someone you love dies, that’s painful. But what about when someone you love is born? That’s impermanence, too. Impermanence gives us arrivals as well as departures. Winter goes, spring comes. I want to persuade you that impermanence is beautiful, the coming and the going. Impermanence is life being lived, life living itself. That’s what you want, isn’t it? To live your life? You can’t do it unless you’re impermanent. What kind of a life would you have if you were a granite statue that never moved or changed? No blush could come to your cheeks. Michelangelo’s David never gets a hard-on. “ -
lol lol .. and on that note Happy New Year’s Day to all. With love and compassion for this time bound and limitless life, Rhonda.
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@rlschaller I love your thoughts about true. Thank u for reminding me! Happy new year to you too!
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today’s meditation was cat inspired. My Igor found me doing emails and pawed at me until I sat down to meditate, and he jumped onto the couch with his paws on my legs and went to sleep. Cat wisdom. Then I went and made a pot of tea. Sipping mindfully. Happy Sunday ❤️🙏🐈⬛ May you be happy, May be you be peaceful, Ma yo be at ease.
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Learning to stay present .. lol time is such a conundrum! This image made me laugh. Happy Lunar New Year all.
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@tougholdcrow Im reading Frank Ostaseksi’s The Five Invitations and it is amazing ! Thank you for the recommendation. I’m very grateful ❤️❤️🙏❤️❤️ .
And to all today, a blessed Imbolc .. a time to welcome the first stirrings of spring and honor the goddess Brigid. A festival of renewal, fire and fertility marking the midpoint between the dark of winter and the light of spring.
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my DH and I love reading the talks and teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda. No matter what lineage, or faith tradition, or agnostic practices you follow and enjoy, there is a translation of this sentiment into light and energy for anyone. 🙏❤️
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Happy Sunday. I read this quote from Vaclev Havel, from his “letters to Olga” this morning, and thought it so apropos for what I, and perhaps you go through living with cancer
“I find myself in a radically new existential situation, and the first thing I have to do is learn to live with it, which means finding a completely new structure of values and a new perspective on everything — other hopes, other aims, other interests, other joys. I have to create a new concept of time for myself and ultimately a new concept of life.” Wow. I have found this to be true.
My concept of life includes mindfulness, mediation, and visualization. Allowing, accepting, recognizing, and relaxing. To the light in all of us, and tothe light we can channel , the spirit within us. Here is an Orb of Light meditation for a rainy Sunday - Rhonda :1 -
It is a very interesting and quite applicable quote. Was he going through cancer or did he write this in some other context? Thanks, and happy Sunday to you too.
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Morning @threetree
He wrote it actually when he was sentenced to 5 years imprisonment for advocating for democracy in the Czech Republic, Havel said it was his spiritual strategy for survival. It so rang a bell for me. ❤️
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RLS- I am really loving all of this…
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Thanks for the information about his reason for writing this. Very interesting. I happen to know someone who is unfortunately "doing time" and when I speak to them, I hear a similar tone, and I have often told the person that re dealing with "major life problems" (to put it mildly), I could see analogies between my stage 4 cancer situation and their being locked up for sometime. Who would have ever considered a similarity between these two situations, but it really is like that. In a certain way, those of us with stage 4 are "locked up" in many ways, and the adjustments that need to be made to go on living do have parallels. After all, we did get a "death sentence" so to speak.
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Had a quiet and lovely evening meditation tonight with a mantra based practice that I learned from Thach Nhat Han’s teachings, repeating I am Love on the in breath, and I am calm on the out breath .
In Transcendental meditation, I’m told Deepak Chopra makes some free audio files of Vedic mantras to practice, I’m told, at least he did years ago. My DH studied directly with Maharishi and sent this to me, wanted to share it. All meditation paths can lead to joy with practice, at least that has been my experience. And a calm, concentrated mind is a non stressed mind. And that is a gift !0 -
Good morning, and happy Sunday to all. I’m wishing you a day of spacious silence, love and music.
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Rhonda - I really like this one. To me, music is about the best thing anyone can experience. Interesting, sometimes I put music on to break the silence. Rumi is talking about the reverse here. I'm going to ponder that a bit. Thanks for posting this. Happy Sunday to all.
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Whenever I listen to Bach, I believe as he did that music is God's (or the universe's, or whatever you want to call it) expression through us. You can play DNA sequences as music. There's something to the old philosophical concept of the music of the spheres, heard by the soul.