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Expanders size ~ Implants Final size



  • jktd
    jktd Posts: 1
    edited November 2008

    Hi Pam-

    I had my expander from June-October. 410 cc expander filled to 550 cc's.  600cc Mentor Silicone Moderate profile placed on October 24th. No ripples noted at this time. My last fill was the second week in August and I waited 2 months for the exchange.

    Hope this helps.


  • psalmist
    psalmist Posts: 61
    edited November 2008

    My expanders are up to 515 but to get a "C" I believe I need a 450 cc implant.  My PS overexpands by 50% which means I need to be 690 cc for 3 months before my exchange.  This is to give a natural droop to the breast.  Anyone ever hear of this?

  • ehall
    ehall Posts: 14
    edited November 2008

    Hi Psalmist--my ps overexpands as well.  I'm glad he did--because I have natural droop & jiggle.  Good luck!  Erin

  • psalmist
    psalmist Posts: 61
    edited November 2008

    Thanks Erin,

    I saw photos in my PS office today of his work.  Wow - they were great!  I feel much better now, and it's nice hearing from you and knowing you are happy with your outcome.  Just two more fills for me then a 3 month waiting period for my exchange.   

  • LML
    LML Posts: 1
    edited November 2008

    I haven't had my exchange surgery yet, but I left my bilat mast with tissue expanders filled to 500 cc's on August 19, 2008.  I was surprised the PS was able to make them that big right away.  I had 2 fills of 65 cc's each time, so I am at 630 cc's right now.  My PS likes to do a larger implant than the expander, and I didn't want to be too big.  I'm 5'9" and 155 lbs.  I was a 34C before BC, though I was pretty uneven.

    I read my path report and it said my right breast had been over 800 grams (which is the same as cc's) and my left was 640 grams.  In the spirit of trying to stay the same, I stopped at 630.  I have an odd shape with the expanders, very wide.  Their partially in my arm pits.  Very annoying.  I'm hoping the surgeon will be able to fix that during the exchange.  I also have pretty significant rippling which I hope will go away with the exchange for silicone.  

    I will post after my exchange which will hopefully be in December.  My PS usually does exchange 4 weeks after last fill, but I have a blood clot that needs to be resolved before surgery.

  • psalmist
    psalmist Posts: 61
    edited November 2008

    My PS explained that my rib cage will be slightly caved in a bit due to the pressure of expansion and that he will take that into consideration when selecting the implant size.  I guess that means I'm starting from less than zero, so a few cc's larger should make up that difference.  I'm shooting for a 450cc implant at this point to make me a moderate "C."  I am relatively small (5'5, 125 lbs, 34 ribcage), so I hope the implant doesn't fluff out any bigger than that.  

    Anyone have thoughts on that?

    edited December 2008

    Bumping for Dee.

  • Montana_Mom
    Montana_Mom Posts: 16
    edited February 2009

    I am just joining you fine, brave women.  I love the humor, too. 

    My exchange date is March 17th and yes, I will be wearing something green!  I am expanded to 840 cc and am planning on 600 cc Mentor memory gel silicone breast implants.  I will meet with the plastic surgeon on Wednesday for a "reassessment"; at which time he will order the implants.  I am looking forward to removal of the "rocks" from my chest so I can hug without fear of bruising my loved ones!

    For those lucky enough to live near a warm sandy beach . . . I found that I could lie on my stomach when I dug two strategically placed holes for the "rocks."  I fell sound asleep each time I did this when vacationing in Hawaii; but all too soon, my husband and I had to return to Montana.  I wonder if I could do this in the soft snow?!?   Burrrrrr! Smile

    Best wishes!  Sharon

  • abinneb
    abinneb Posts: 16
    edited February 2009

    Hey - maybe you should wear 4 leaf clovers on your chest for the exchange day!!

  • Mykidsmom
    Mykidsmom Posts: 448
    edited February 2009

    Sharon - Thanks for posting on this thread. I hadn't seen it before, but I found it very helpful for someone looking to an exchange in April. -Jean

  • Montana_Mom
    Montana_Mom Posts: 16
    edited February 2009

    abinneb - I just might do that if I can find some removable tattoos!.  Ha, ha. 

    Jean - hope your exchange is on April fools day!  Seriously, how are you doing?  Are you fully expanded at this time?  Best wishes.  Sharon


  • Mykidsmom
    Mykidsmom Posts: 448
    edited February 2009

    Sharon - I was fully filled at 320 cc until I decided that I should go for a little more. I see my PS this Friday to see whether she agrees. I am scheduled for April 9, not exactly April fools. But my dh would appreciate the humor if it was. LOL. Anyhow, I am doing well. No major issues, especially since I can sleep on my side again! How's things w/ you? - Jean

  • Believe1
    Believe1 Posts: 31
    edited February 2009

    I have never joined a chat room of any kind and am not sure if I am doing this right?  I have my expanders put in this Friday and have no idea what to think or how to feel. 

  • Mykidsmom
    Mykidsmom Posts: 448
    edited February 2009

    Believe - Are you having your mastectomy at the same time, or is this a delayed insertion of the expanders. I think that would make a difference in what you are about to go through. We are there for you. Take care. - Jean

  • Montana_Mom
    Montana_Mom Posts: 16
    edited February 2009

    Jean: I am doing fine for someone supporting 7+ cups of water on her chest; but I am counting down the days until March 17th.  Just curious--how long does your PS recommend from last expansion to exchange?  My PS recommended three months, but perhaps older women (nearly 57) need longer to grow new tissue and skin.  Peace to you on your decision to expand more or stay where you are--not an easy decision.

    Believe:  good luck on your upcoming surgery.  If you are comfortable replying to Mykidsmom's question, we will be in a better position to respond to your concerns.


  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Posts: 69
    edited February 2009

    My expanders were 800ccs and my silicone implants are also 800ccs.

  • ktym
    ktym Posts: 673
    edited February 2009

    Montana Mom, my PS wants at least  8 weeks from final expansion until exchange.  Also believes in overexpanding past size of planned implant size

  • smmr
    smmr Posts: 34
    edited February 2009

    I am in the overexpansion stage right now.  My PS likes to over expand by 100 ccs.  I was happy with my size at 450 on the left and 500 on the right, so am overfilling to 550 and 600.  I was a 36 A/B before mastectomy and I wanted to be a 36 B afterwards.  I hope I did not overfill.  It's so hard to judge when they look like hamburger buns!!

  • Mykidsmom
    Mykidsmom Posts: 448
    edited February 2009

    My PS is relatively casual, but she does like to over expand by at least one fill and likes to wait at least 6 weeks after the last fill. I am not sure whether she will want to do another fill Friday or not, but I am going to talk it over with her.

  • Montana_Mom
    Montana_Mom Posts: 16
    edited February 2009

    I went "shopping" yesterday and choose 600 cc high profile mentor silicone gel implants, for March 17th exchange, which should be a full B or small C for my body size (5'6", 145-150 pounds, 57 years old). Left pocket will need to be revised but otherwise everything is good to go. 


  • AngelaD
    AngelaD Posts: 6
    edited February 2009


    MX & TE on 10/13 filled to 200cc

    Fills until 12/27 filled to 480cc and 500cc's

    Exchanged 4 weeks later 2/4 - for Mentor HP Round 550cc's

    I liked the projection of my expanders and PS chose the implants to match the expander dimensions while filling out the sides & center a little. 

    Notice slight rippling when I bend over on one side.  Love the new implants - I'd say I'm a full 36C and they are way more comfortable than the expanders.  

    I'm 5'8" tall and about 164 pounds.

    Hope this helps!  Thanks to everyone that posts...I will add the series of photos to the pic board next week after my check-up with the PS.  He has my before's and right after surgery pics.   

  • Montana_Mom
    Montana_Mom Posts: 16
    edited February 2009

    Wow, MX to exchange in four months!  My PS over expands by about 50% and then requires a three month wait to allow the skin to lose its elasticity, etc.  May I ask if your implants are saline or silicone? 

    It helps so much to hear from ladies like you!  I am counting the days, hours, minutes . . . Sharon

  • 40somethingMom
    40somethingMom Posts: 73
    edited February 2009

    I'm 5'7" 130lb

    TE 400cc 4 months between exchange.

    High Profile Mentor 450 implants on 2/11.

    Full B small C very natural looking, no ripples, he did move the pockets in a little.

  • Mykidsmom
    Mykidsmom Posts: 448
    edited February 2009

    Just to add my statistics: I had my BM w/ TE on December 16. My last fill was yesterday for a total of 370 cc. And my exchange is early to mid April for 350-400 cc or so implants. My plan is to be a large B. I am 5'2" and about 120 lbs.

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Posts: 761
    edited March 2009


  • mbscruggs
    mbscruggs Posts: 72
    edited March 2009

    Is there any correlation between the size of the breast (mass) at mastectomy and the expander/implant size?  My right breast was 230 gms when removed.  PS put in a 275 mentor expander.  Currently have 150 ccs in it and it looks even a little bigger than my remaining ,non cancerous boob.

  • Mykidsmom
    Mykidsmom Posts: 448
    edited March 2009

    Good question - I don't know. Hope someone can weigh in. Take care.  Jean

  • Believe1
    Believe1 Posts: 31
    edited March 2009

    Ya know, I just asked my ps the size of my expanders at my second fill, and he said mine were 500 expanders.  I am not a big girl, and didnt have huge breasts before, so I'm with you, I have no idea how they pick the size of expander, but great question!

  • sam1991
    sam1991 Posts: 137
    edited March 2009

    Oh Jean...I can't resist this anymore......WEIGH the use of the word now that we're all so top expander/implant heavy...LOL

  • Mykidsmom
    Mykidsmom Posts: 448
    edited March 2009
    Very cute Tongue out


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