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Cold Caps Users Past and Present, to Save Hair



  • lbreedl
    lbreedl Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2010

    No sunshine : Sorry I didn't call you last nigh, it got late on me , so many things to do before a treatment. I'm here at MDA . Decided better talk to Dr before proceeding. You were so sweet to offer your help. I've added you to the growing list of ladies Im praying for. I saw your picture and you are a beautiful lady, and your hair, WOW! Remember to look for the good & hang in there !

  • NoSunshine
    NoSunshine Member Posts: 66
    edited February 2010
    Hey lbreedl--It was so great to talk with you the other night.  I'm thinking of you today and hope that all goes well with your treatment.  Don't hesitate to call me anytime...I'm sure I'll eventually run into you at MD Anderson.  PLEASE let me know if there is anything I can do for you and your family....and remember that I have a spare bedroom if you need to stay overnight for anything.  Take care!!
  • Ang7
    Ang7 Member Posts: 568
    edited February 2010

    Oh No Sunshine -

    I was having a crummy day with SE's - mainly bone aches?  The family seems to think everything is going fine.  "Why should the kids not do fun things because you are going through chemo?"  "You had your chemo Thursday, shouldn't you be feeling good today?"

    When I saw your post I was wishing I lived in TX. so I could possibly have a couple minutes of peace and quiet hanging out in that spare bedroom.Smile

    Thanks for making me feel better...

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671
    edited February 2010

    Hang in there Ang!! We are so close to being done!!

  • Ang7
    Ang7 Member Posts: 568
    edited February 2010

    Thanks geewhiz,

    Listening to you makes it seem alot closer...

    I think I just need to calm down.

  • NoSunshine
    NoSunshine Member Posts: 66
    edited February 2010

    HI Ang7:  Hope you are feeling better...Chemo sucks!  I have one more next week and I never thought I'd look forward to it....but I'm looking forward to not having to do this again! 

    You are welcome to come use my spare bedroom anytime you want to take a vacation to TXCool!!  Feel better...


  • shadow2356
    shadow2356 Member Posts: 93
    edited February 2010

    How is everybody doing? I am still losing strands but not enough for anyone to notice.

    Good luck to everyone!!!

  • Ang7
    Ang7 Member Posts: 568
    edited February 2010

    Same here shadow2356 -

    Losing strands and my head does seem colder when outside, but no one can notice.

    Looking ahead - how long after you finish chemo do you continue to wash hair twice a week, rinse with cold water etc.?  If my last treatments will be in March would I continue to do my hair this way until April or May?


  • shadow2356
    shadow2356 Member Posts: 93
    edited February 2010

    Good question Ang. I can't wait to put my whole body, head included, under a nice warm shower. I am not sure how long you have to wait. I am sure it is at least a couple of weeks but I really don't know. I know its a long time before you can use dye.

  • NoSunshine
    NoSunshine Member Posts: 66
    edited February 2010

    You guys are thinking the same things that I am.  I am so ready to wash my hair more than once or twice a week with hot water using my regular shampoo.  I am also ready to dye my hair...all the white hairs growing in where I've lost hair due to thinning is not attractive at all.  I've got one more treatment this week and I'm going to get a list from Frank regarding what I can and can't do and for how long....I'll share the information that I get.  Hope everyone is well.

  • NoSunshine
    NoSunshine Member Posts: 66
    edited February 2010

    Hi All:

    Has anyone ever used Rogaine to help with hair regrowth due to thinning?  I've sent some questions to Frank (tonight) but was wondering if that would be an option to speed up the regrowth process....I'm thinking there won't be too many options right after chemo until it gets out of my system...but how long does that take...months, a year???? 

    My last chemo is tomorrow.....these past 6 months have gone by so slow!  I'm hoping that I don't lose too much hair with this last's pretty thin now and I'm trying to avoid a really short haircut after all the work I've put into trying to preserve it.

  • Ang7
    Ang7 Member Posts: 568
    edited February 2010

    Way to go No Sunshine!

    I cannot wait to get to my last chemo.

    March 25th will not come fast enough...

  • Kelli1970
    Kelli1970 Member Posts: 32
    edited February 2010

    Congratulations NoSunshine on your last chemo, I hope everything went well...

    I, too, am looking forward to my last treatment.  I have 3 more treatments of Taxol with the last one being on March 31st!  My hair has thinned out quite a bit but I have been on a harsh regimen (AC x 4 and now Taxol) so it is lucky that I have any hair at all.

    My best to everyone who is using the cold caps..... and even those who aren't  :)

  • joansf
    joansf Member Posts: 55
    edited February 2010

    Hi ladies--Just checking in as another cold cap user...I am on weekly taxol for 12 weeks.  I have finished 7 treatments, and am using the caps.  My hair is great.  I didn't think I could do it for so many sessions, but I have a wonderful group of friends who take turns with me each week, two at a time.  I get my dry ice delivered, keep a bag ready with my supplies, and pack the coolers up early on infusion days.  Last week, we were so excited to see another set of coolers already there when we arrived at infusion.  Arbella--it's the gal you passed your caps along to.  Although we introduced ourselves, I had taken an atavan which has dulled my memory of names, but Frank has given me contact info and I will follow up.  BTW, I also take a vicodin to take the edge off the discomfort of the caps, with the blessing of my NP.  Best to all!  Joan

  • arbella
    arbella Member Posts: 20
    edited March 2010

    joan..i am so happy to hear it is going well. i am so in awe of you doing weekly chemo/caps...i only had 4 so seems like nothing compared to you.

    can anyone who has been post caps and chemo for a bit comment on coloring hair? i am desperate to do so....found a non ammonia color and am ready to go but am a bit nervous!!

  • Ang7
    Ang7 Member Posts: 568
    edited March 2010

    Has anyone put in for insurance reimbursement?  I have a scrip. for a wig that Frank said maybe I could send to BCBS.  Would I need something from Frank to go with it?  Should I send it before I finish my chemo?  (2 more in March.)


  • NoSunshine
    NoSunshine Member Posts: 66
    edited March 2010
    Arbella--I'm 6 days past my last chemo and I'm almost tempted to try hair is so thin and dry and now grey that I feel like I look like a freak!!  I'm thinking about getting the applicator (looks like a large mascara brush) that you use to do your roots with (can't remember the name of the product but runs about $7.00) and using it with a no ammonia/peroxide Mom is coming this weekend so I'm going to see if she will help me....I'm glad I could keep my hair but now it looks like a huge someone cut it with a chainsawYell.  I don't think my hair could have taken one more chemo tx....that would have been least for the length anyway.  I find myself wearing black shirts and turtlenecks to cover up the fact that it's so thin.
  • NoSunshine
    NoSunshine Member Posts: 66
    edited March 2010
    Ang7--Have you been trying the Rapid Lash?  I bought some at CVS a couple of days ago and will see if it eyelashes are just about gone (the lower ones are gone) and my left eyebrow is starting to go....hence adding to the freak look!
  • Ang7
    Ang7 Member Posts: 568
    edited March 2010

    No Sunshine -

    Yes, I have been using Rapid Lash.  So far I have not had much loss, although I heard that most of the lashes and eyebrows come out after chemo ends.  I do seem to have some stinging with my eyes and when I put on the Rapid Lash.  They are very sensitive to my contacts etc. so maybe that is why...

  • Ang7
    Ang7 Member Posts: 568
    edited March 2010

    No Sunshine -

    Yes, I have been using Rapid Lash.  So far I have not had much loss, although I heard that most of the lashes and eyebrows come out after chemo ends.  I do seem to have some stinging with my eyes and when I put on the Rapid Lash.  They are very sensitive to my contacts etc. so maybe that is why...

  • Ang7
    Ang7 Member Posts: 568
    edited March 2010

    No Sunshine -

    Yes, I have been using Rapid Lash.  So far I have not had much loss, although I heard that most of the lashes and eyebrows come out after chemo ends.  I do seem to have some stinging with my eyes and when I put on the Rapid Lash.  They are very sensitive to my contacts etc. so maybe that is why...

  • Ang7
    Ang7 Member Posts: 568
    edited March 2010

    No Sunshine -

    Yes, I have been using Rapid Lash.  So far I have not had much loss, although I heard that most of the lashes and eyebrows come out after chemo ends.  I do seem to have some stinging with my eyes and when I put on the Rapid Lash.  They are very sensitive to my contacts etc. so maybe that is why...

  • Ang7
    Ang7 Member Posts: 568
    edited March 2010

    No Sunshine -

    Yes, I have been using Rapid Lash.  So far I have not had much loss, although I heard that most of the lashes and eyebrows come out after chemo ends.  I do seem to have some stinging with my eyes and when I put on the Rapid Lash.  They are very sensitive to my contacts etc. so maybe that is why...

  • Ang7
    Ang7 Member Posts: 568
    edited March 2010

    No Sunshine -

    Yes, I have been using Rapid Lash.  So far I have not had much loss, although I heard that most of the lashes and eyebrows come out after chemo ends.  I do seem to have some stinging with my eyes and when I put on the Rapid Lash.  They are very sensitive to my contacts etc. so maybe that is why...

  • Ang7
    Ang7 Member Posts: 568
    edited March 2010

    No Sunshine -

    Yes, I have been using Rapid Lash.  So far I have not had much loss, although I heard that most of the lashes and eyebrows come out after chemo ends.  I do seem to have some stinging with my eyes and when I put on the Rapid Lash.  They are very sensitive to my contacts etc. so maybe that is why...

  • Ang7
    Ang7 Member Posts: 568
    edited March 2010

    No Sunshine -

    Yes, I have been using Rapid Lash.  So far I have not had much loss, although I heard that most of the lashes and eyebrows come out after chemo ends.  I do seem to have some stinging with my eyes and when I put on the Rapid Lash.  They are very sensitive to my contacts etc. so maybe that is why...

  • Ang7
    Ang7 Member Posts: 568
    edited March 2010

    No Sunshine -

    Yes, I have been using Rapid Lash.  So far I have not had much loss, although I heard that most of the lashes and eyebrows come out after chemo ends.  I do seem to have some stinging with my eyes and when I put on the Rapid Lash.  They are very sensitive to my contacts etc. so maybe that is why...

  • Ang7
    Ang7 Member Posts: 568
    edited March 2010

    Sorry, my computer went nuts...

  • Jill1965
    Jill1965 Member Posts: 7
    edited March 2010

    I'm going into round 2 of TCH tomorrow (today is day 20).  So far, I've lost only a few strands.  I don't think it is any more than what I normally loose through breakage, and I am shedding body hair currently.  Going out for the dry ice this afternoon- thanks ladies for the cooler packing advice, and congrats to you ladies who have finished up!!

  • Ang7
    Ang7 Member Posts: 568
    edited March 2010


    I will be thinking of you tomorrow...

    I will be having my 5th out of 6 the same time as you.  The caps are getting colder each time for me so I am trying the moleskin product on my forehead to see if that helps.  My oncologist also said I could take a Vicodin for discomfort if the cold is that bad.  My hair is really hanging in there!  I hope it continues...