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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509

    scaredstraight.......I am so very sorry you feel this way.

    I do not agree with anything you said in your post.

    I admit I did use the word breeze which was a poor choice of words but I did have an easy time compared to some of our sisters who have had this surgery.  All my family and friends were amazed at my recovery.  Since you were not present with me during my recovery  you have no right to say that my statement about my recovery and expansions are inaccurate.

    It's not only the LDF surgery but other types of recons that can have positive and negative results.  We go into this not knowing how our bodies are going to react.  Just because you are having a problem with your LD results does not give you the right to attack me for posting my positive results.

    The Iron Bra had nothing to do with my recovery from surgery. This can be one of the side effects from having implants. I am not hiding the fact that I am bothered with it.  I think everyone knows that I have this problem because I have posted about it often.  And you are wrong to say that it will never go away.  Since I have been doing my stretches on a regular basis the tightness has gotten better and I feel that it will go away if I will continue to stretch.

    Back in January I got on the boards and posted about my depression...I did not hide that either. I was not depressed over having the LD surgery, I was second guessing myself for removing the good girl.  I recovered with God's help...not drugs or doctors.

    Be realistic????    You think I am getting on the boards and lying...everything I post is the truth.  We are on here to tell about experiences with our surgeries and to help those who are searching. I stay on these boards because I did have a good experience from the surgery itself and I want ladies to know that this is a good alternative to a tram or diep.  I have lots of friends on the boards that I want to keep up with.  I will continue positive post about my surgery because too many ladies have told me that I have helped them. You do not have to read them nor does anyone else.  If someone ask me about my surgery I tell them the truth.....Rosy????? LOL

    I might have told you to get a second opinion but if I told you that your doctor was not good then I am sorry...I will try to find that post.

    Girls, I promise this will not be an ongoing issue like "you may not want to read this"...I have said all I am going to say.  If any of you feel the same way as scaredstraight then send me a PM and we will discuss it. 

    edited to add:  We do need to include any side effects we have encountered with this or any recon surgery when being asked about our experience since our doctors do not tend to give us "all" the info.  We also can direct people to topics that are about these side effects so they can receive the good and the bad and hopefully solutions to what may lie ahead for them.

  • sdstarfish
    sdstarfish Member Posts: 38

    OK, I gues my experience will play devil's advocate.  I wish I'd had a different procedure. However, I have scoliosis (S curve) so maybe that made it a bad recovery option for me. I ended up with a frozen shoulder and my scars really bother me as well. It's been two years and I am just starting to feel like I belong in a yoga class. Also, the skin doesn't match in color or thickness.


  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509


    I am glad you posted.  I found out after my surgery that I too have a slight curviture.  I think that is why one side of my ribs stick out farther than the other side.

    I am so glad you are feeling better and doing your yoga class.  Exercise is so important in our recovery. We need to prepare our bodies before surgery.  I think being the healthiest we can be before and after surgery can make a big difference in how we recover.

    You mention the skin doesn't match, are you talking about your flaps?  If so, then mine also is slightly different in color and also thickness.  I guess that is to be expected since our backs have been exposed to the sun and our breast skin has not...well for most of us LOL

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611

    I have a couple of questions for you all. Ok I had the latissiums dorsi where I do have the two big scars across my back and they went in through the nipple and aerola. So is that the same flap surgery you all are talking about? I have seen some pictures where there are scars that are sort of foot ball shaped is that the flap? sorry I just getting confused.

     I do have the iron bra feeling - My surgery was March 5th. The two things that really still drive me crazy is the lumps under my arms - my PS said it was the lat muscle and that it takes time for it to realize it isn't needed to work like it did and then will relax. I could go with that but it is huge on my left side and very small on my right so that doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Does anyone else have this? When I put on a bra it sort of all squishes over the side. I'm not thin but I'm not overweight so this just seems really odd and sort of grosses me out. 

     The other thing is when I put on a bra it is sort of like they are too low and are so heavy if that makes sense. I keep thinking it is possibly cause they are numb but as time goes by I'm thinking that might not be so. 

    The inscisions on my back are more sunken in does anyone have that? 

    I think any of these surgeries take their toll on all of us even you are in great shape and young or not so great shape and older. They are all still major surgeries. 

    Diane, congratulations on your marriage!

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966

    MOST women who have a great outcome with any type of reconstruction are not on the boards after they have finished their BC journey. Some are. To have a " resident", with a good outcome... who has finished ALL her journey with BC is fantastic. I find it such an amazing gift to these threads whenever I log on... to see a veteran of the BC journey, still here. Teaching and helping in anyway she can.

  • tamgam
    tamgam Member Posts: 83

    Linda- I am with you girl.  All in all I think my LD flap surgery was very easy considering what the surgery entails.  Recovery was relatively easy and I feel great.  I have only good things to say about my experience with my BS and PS.  I am very lucky to have had no complications (so far) and have excellent range of motion.  I have long scars on my back but much of the feeling is returning and I do not notice much difference in strength from the surgery.  My scars are neat and clean and healing very nicely.

    I have been on these boards since my dx in Jan. 2010 and have to say you have been very supportive and have answered severl questions for me.  You have been very upfront about your issues with the iron bra feeling. I feel you have been very honest and positive about your experience and I for one appreciate all your help.  If anyone thinks any part of this journey is a "breeze" they definitley have not been reading the same threads as I have.  Positive experiences give us all hope and can enpower us to work through our challenges.  Thanks you so much for your input and Hugs to you , linda♥

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509


    Ditto to everything you said..thank you for your support

    I could have written that first paragraph about myself.  I think we both had the same experience with our LD surgeries

    For several weeks I have been doing some stretches that "anniealso" emailed to me. I do them 2 times a day and it takes 10-15 mins each time.  You have to be very disciplined to do these on a regular basis.  I am still lifting weights but I am not increasing the weight I am lifting.  I can feel a difference in the iron bra.  Still there but not as tight but I feel that if I keep stretching that soon it will be gone.

  • paula1231
    paula1231 Member Posts: 41


    I honestly think you have done so well because I sense your enormous positivity and compassion.  Not only for others but for your self.  You have been an invaluable help to me in deciding to have the LDF this Tuesday after my LBMX.  For a while, I curled into a ball and cursed the world and moaned and cried.  But after lurking, and then asking for help and reading the posts on this thread, I am healing a bit more emotionally.  I am working on getting my attitude in tune as it is a fact..Positive folks heal faster, live longer and have more fulfulling lives.  I am all for that! 

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509


    Thanks for your response.  Scaredstraight is having a very difficult time and I do continue to remember her in my prayers. 

    I am so thankful that you are doing well.

    (((((((prayers)))))))))) for you on Tuesday..check in when you can

    You are so right about having a positive attitude....that and my God is what got me through all my surgeries and that is what keeps me going.....negativity gets you no where.

    the best to you

  • 2Xsenough
    2Xsenough Member Posts: 48

    Linda--What a relief for you to be lessening the iron bra feeling. For some reason I still have it first thing in the morning. I just have to jiggle the girls around a bit and do one full overhead stretch and poof, it's gone. I can't say enough about the PT that did myofacia release for me and then used the skin extractor thing-ama-jig. I don't know if you read my post about that or not, but I really feel that technique worked better than everything else. 

    Well, it looks like our house sold after all and I'm starting to pack. We only have four weeks to get off the property and we have a 2,200 sq ft garage shop building that my DH has bursting to capacity. We are putting everything into storage (500 miles away) and taking off for a cross country jaunt in an RV. When we return next spring, we'll find a house in our new locale with enough property so DH can build his dream shop. I'm just spinnin' . What a job. We are going to sell most of our furniture, so that takes a load off, but that garage!!!! And he want's to keep it all!!!

    Thanks for letting me vent, and bye for now. I'll try to jump on if I get a minute now and then. 


    BTW--I'm one who had great results with LatFlap, so for all the newbies, hang in. It does get better and better. So many sisters said just that to me months ago and I'm here to say for most of us, it's true.

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509


    Great that your house sold....WOW traveling in an RV for months across country sounds like quite an adventure.

    I know what you mean by a garage full of stuff. My DH has one of those also.

    Have lots of fun and be safe.....will you be coming through Mississippi?

    BTW....I think it is wonderful that we are finding solutions to this tightness.

    take care and you can send me PM's.  I would love to hear all about your adventures.

  • Texas357
    Texas357 Member Posts: 332

    Stanzie, I know what you mean about the bulge under your arm. I just had one side done with the LD Flap and it feels like I've got a pillow under my arm. I'm very thin and just not used to having any padding! But I too have been told that this will diminish over time.

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509


    Have you had your exchange yet?  With my expanders I felt like a linebacker with my arms out to the side of me.  It all got better after my exchange.

    Stanzie, Since you went straight to implants I don't know what would be causing the lumps other than what your PS said.  Yes, strange that one side has a larger lump.  I do not have noticible indentions where my LD muscles were taken. Only slightly.  I wish I could help you more with this.

    I have been doing stretches on a regular basis and my tightness has gotten better.  I still feel the implants but I am praying that with more stretching that will improve.

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611

    Linda so you went through the exchange process and don't have any lumps under your arms - interesting - seems like it would be the same for all if that is what they are...hmm? Love your picture!  Wait that sounds too odd - you are very pretty in the picture, that makes more sense. 

    Texas - thank you, I was sort of worried I was the only one - yes pillows are a perfect description of what they feel like. 

  • tamgam
    tamgam Member Posts: 83

    Paula- Best of luck Tues. with your surgery.  You will be in my prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery. I believe that a positive attitude can be one of our best weapons against this disease.  Stay strong and remember it gets better every day.  Lots of hugs♥

  • Faythnme
    Faythnme Member Posts: 92

    Wow!  What in good gracious has been happening since I've been away!

    This is my story- I know some of you already heard it all.  Smile yeah, yeah, yeah

    First of all I have to say that I did not have radiation or chemotherapy.  Fortunate for me, but my left nipple was completely cancer.

    Like Diane I am half way through my Bilateral Lat Flap.  Actually it's my 2nd attempt and if I had to compare it to the first one they tried after my skin sparing BMX on a level of 1-10.  The first one was a 10+ and I cried all the time and it failed.  This was just the normal one using the pectoral muscle and expanders. I had them removed after 1 popped out. EEK!!  I took a 8 month break and saw a different PS and immediately she said LatFlap. My breast skin was very tight now.  I asked on a scale from 1-10 what would the pain level be like compared to the first type I had.  She said the first one was probably a 10 right? Yep indeed. She said this one would be probably a 7.  To be honest it was more like a 2.  Yep a 2.   I had 6 drains and 4 came out in 2 weeks and the last 2 came out the third week.  On the 4th week I started my fills 60cc to start just so I knew what to expect, after that it was 120cc until the last 2 which were 2 weeks apart and they were 80cc's.  My last fill was July 30th.  Today I thought I could even have handled another 80cc. Supposed to be a full D now. One side looks like a real breast shape and one looks like an orange that sat on its side out in the sun. E-gads!  Good thing it's only the expanders for now. Now to be honest I didn't have a hard time really. I was quite surprised.  I still have my pain pills from the surgery that occurred May 4th, so you know I wasn't really taking them (no refills either).  In the beginning just so I could sleep easier, but haven't had any for sometime nearly 3 months.  I never took muscle relaxers, they tried that last year and my muscles tightened up rather then relaxed.  They said some individuals react the opposite to them.  Guess I was one them.

    So I have to say compared to the first surgery this was a much easier process to deal with physically. Now it's 3 months to my exchange currently scheduled for November 17th.  I tried for the end of October so I could partake in holiday festivities but my PS goes to Alaska the last week and performs breast reconstruction up there.  I have to say she is an AWESOME plastic surgeon and her whole team was great.  Since they were all women I made them all a piece of jewelry as a thank you for everything. PINK of course!! Wink

    So as anyone can see some of us do(did) have an easier time with it and some don't.  It's all in the make up of who we are.  Before I went into surgery this time I made it a point of saying to myself with great conviction that this time was going to be different and everything was going to go well and it has. 

    I just want to say that this avenue is for everyone to find answers or even just a listening ear. Imagine a listening ear without judgement or ridicule. We should never have to experience that on a site that is meant to aide others through their new challenge. 

    Gotta love it!!!  I know it's helped me through some difficult times and so has everyone who has offered some suggestions.  It was up to me to see if any of it applied to my situation.

    With all of that said!

    2xenough - I know, can you imagine no one either wants to talk about their BO (lol) or no one read my the way it has started to subside some and it's been 90+ degrees the past few days too...Frown and in Seattle too!!!

    Well off to try to sleep with the fan blowing warm air.  It's probably going to be another night on the couch...Oh my aching back.....

    Love to all!!!


  • Texas357
    Texas357 Member Posts: 332

    Cindy, I'm also on my second try with reconstruction. I'm amazed by how many of us tried the "easy" route first and it failed.

    Linda, I still have the TE. I'm hoping to schedule the exchange in a couple of months.

    Here's the weird part. One reason my PS kept pushing the LD Flap was that I kept getting a minor case of capsular contracture. She'd clean it out, and a few weeks later it would return. Well, I'm 3 weeks out of surgery for the  LD flap and the entire top part of my breast that's still the original radiated skin is hard as a rock. The PS said it's CC again.

    She'll clean it out during my exchange surgery but since that's been done 3 times now and it's always come back, I'm thinking I'm destined to have a breast that's like a boulder!

  • tamgam
    tamgam Member Posts: 83

    CINDY (Faythnme)-  So glad this experience is better than the first.  FYI- my experience with the exchange was excellent.  I had extra work done on the size of my new "areolas" and some puffiness removed from my back incisions. I have to say I felt amazing within 24 hrs.  I had no drains and felt almost myself when I woke up.  A little sore from the incisons but that was really all!  So, if your exchange goes well you will be enjoying the holiday festivities even better than if you still had TE in.  I will keep positive thoughts 4 you!

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509

    hello Ladies

    I admit when I am wrong.  I was wrong in my statement to scaredstraight that I did not use the word "breeze" to describe my surgeries.  I did just that in a post on this topic. I appologize and I did go back rephrased my response.  Also, if anything positive came from scaredstraight post, it did open my eyes to the fact that when a newbie comes on board asking about this surgery then we should tell our experience with the surgery itself and also mention any side effects we have encountered with this or any type of recon surgery because our doctors do not tell us everything and we are the ones that need to be getting the word out.  I know we have topics going on about these side effects but when newbies come here they may not know how to look for all the info. We can direct our new sisters to the topics they may need to know about before having their surgery.

  • Texas357
    Texas357 Member Posts: 332

    Linda, you are such a positive force on these boards. I know personally you've been very helpful to me.

    I remember nearly two years ago when I was first diagnosed. What followed was months and months of discovering new things HERE because the doctors wanted to "spare me" the details about things that might not happen to me (but usually did). I know I'd want more information than less. Let me process it, understand it, ask the questions. Don't baby me! Maybe that's just me.

  • scareds
    scareds Member Posts: 20
    Thank you so much for editing/omitting your reference to "breezing though all your surgeries and expansions in your 8/11/10 post. I appreciate the fact that you can see how this might be construed as disingenuous to women, such as myself,  who come to this site seeking honesty, candor, and advice. I feel we all have an obligation to tell women what their doctors might not. And yes, I think it is VERY important to hear everyone's stories. After all, we are all very different. I do hope we can put this matter to rest, and hopefully help women through this journey with honesty, candor, and compassion.
    For those of you who might not know, Linda54 was distressed by my previous post on this thread and made it known to friends on "The 2nd TA TAS Sisterhood Reunion in Vegas."  In response to her post, many women called me some pretty bad names. This was my response. (I shortened it a bit because Linda 54 posted that it was way too long so she wouldn't read it.)  My apologies.
    Aug 18, 2010 01:40 am, edited Aug 18, 2010 02:58 AM by scaredstraightscaredstraight wrote:Ladies,I am the woman who posted the message to Linda54 on the Latissimus Dorsi Reconstruction thread. I was quite surprised that Linda brought the issue up for discussion to this forum, and I was even more surprised to read that in response, I was being accused of harrassing her, not appreciating her good intentions, and being portayed as "clearly not in a good place." My goodness. My interest is not a referendum on Linda54; in fact, I think the less said about her (or any other individual) the better.  My interest is giving women a place where they can get honest, open information. I also believe that women who might be suffering from problems due to surgery, as over 40% of all women who have undergone mastectomy with or without reconstruction do, have a place where "girlfriends" will tell them the truth. Doctors don't always have the time nor the inclination to do so.I am one of the lucky ones. My cancer(s) were caught at a relatively early stage.I have the head of Dana Farber as my oncologist; their chief breast cancer surgeon, and  one of the leading Plastic Surgeons who specializes in lat flaps. Yet, their message is clear: bilateral mx and lat flap reconstruction is a tough operation. The aesthetic results are great (my new breasts look better than the old ones--DH is thrilled!) Yet, it is a tough operation--particularly bilateral. Hospitals like John Hopkins no longer perform this type of surgery due to potential side effects.I made a post to Linda54 in response to her August 11th post to Imed46 which stated that  "I breezed right through all my surgeries and expansions without any problems" because I found the statement disingenuous. Even if it was true, it does not help anyone who has concerns or is suffering.  In fact, I too PM'd Linda54 before my own surgery to get the "real scoop" on lat flap surgery. She told me it was great!  No problem. Side effects like iron bra were never mentioned.I am one year post-op, and everytime I have reached out on this forum  for help, Linda54 was also there--trying to get help.  Imagine my surprise.  On 12/16/09, I posted and asked for help with lat flap tightness. In response, someone suggested that I post a PS on another website with my question. By the time I got to the website, Linda54 had already posted the PS question about her problem with tightness/iron bra feeling. (The PS consequently did not want to respond to my question--he considered it a duplicate.)  I don't understand? I thought she had a great result?  No problems?I have found little tolerance on this board for people who have had problems after surgery. I posted my own problems with lat flap surgery on this board and got an outpouring from women who felt similar frustration; women who needed to talk about their experience. Linda 54 said I was "talking down" the surgery.I felt I was telling other women the truth. Unfortunately, the topic was ultimately sidetracked into a rather unproductive debate about reconstruction vs. no reconstruction so I decided to delete the thread.I stand by my belief that this forum should include an open, honest discussion, and provide help to those who are suffering.   If you experience difficulties/ side effects from surgery-- I don't think you should tell others that you "breezed through surgery." I also believe that if someone posts over 2,145 messages on this site, they appear to be the self-appointed "resident expert"on the issue. That comes with an obligation to tell the "whole story."  I also think that it's important for women to learn about  a lot of other women's experiences --not just one woman's experience.
    Thank you for listening.  I obviously feel it is important that women who are considering having bilateral Lat flap surgery know what to expect. It would have helped me. I have spent the last year trying to find out solutions/remedies to the side effects like "iron bra." If anyone needs help, please feel free to PM me. I would be happy to help. Thank you! 
  • Diane509
    Diane509 Member Posts: 42

    Im pretty sure everyone knows who you are scaredstraight

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509


    I think you need to go back and read my  post to faythnme Apr 12 and clwetzel Apr 21 who were newbies at the time and also reread the above post to a couple of newbies asking about LD surgery.  You had stated in your original post that I painted a rosy picture of this surgery and did not tell of the side effects I am having.  I did just that in those post (they have not been edited). If you will reread them you would know that I made known the fact that I was having a problem with tightness.  So you need to make sure you know what you are talking about before you start accusing someone of not being honest.

    I have never claimed to be the resident "expert" on the LDF surgery. I am far from it.  I tell as honestly as I can what "my" experience was with this surgery.  Most of it good.  Ladies who are searching can come on this site and read the good and the bad and decide for themselves which surgery is best for them.

    The appropriate thing to do would have been for you to send me a private message and discuss this in private but you had to bring it before everyone.  That is why I went to my friends on the Vegas thread.  I needed their support or honest truth to what they think of my post on this site.

    I have not received any more negative post or PM's so apparently you are the only one who has a problem with the description of my LDF surgery.

    I said I was not going to say anymore but after I found that I had indeed stated the problem with tightness to new ladies then I had to bring that to your attention.  Also I did not edit out breeze for your satisfaction but only because it was the wrong word to use because no surgery is a breeze but for me it was not a horribly painful gut-wrenching surgery.  I would recommend this surgery to anyone who does not have any other choice.  Yes, there are better options out there but not everyone is candidates for those.

    I do hope this is the last word on this.  If you want to say anything else I would appreciate if you would send a PM.

  • scareds
    scareds Member Posts: 20


    My post about "painting a rosy picture" was in direct response to your stating that you "breezed through all your surgeries and expansions without any problems." I try not to read all your other posts, as there are just too many of them. Over 2,000 posts is to me, is what I call a lot! I brought this message back to this forum in direct response to your August 18th post on this thread. You don't want me to defend my point of view--on any thread.You seem to want to have the last word in public. If you have anything further to say, you can PM me and I will indeed respond in private.

  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916


    I am 2 1/2 years out from a uni lat flap.   I slowly but surely regained almost all sensation.  My PS had told me it could take up to two years for the nerves to regenerate if they are going to.

    I'm one that did have a tough recovery from lat flap, but the cosmetic result was amazing.  I also had very bad iron bra, but have gotten rid of it with a program of rigorous stretching.  Don't need it now, only occasionally.

    Your intimacy, your pain, the feeling, even of hot and cold can all come back.  Don't forget, you've just been thru a war.  What Bobbi writes is actually part of the PT therapy to regain sensation.  Have DH try different textures to let your nerves relearn it all.  It can take awhile.  I had the mtxmy/lat flap 2 1/2 years ago and just now got back hot and cold.  It is preceeded by itching, when the nerves regenerate.

    If I can help you at all, in any way, with lat flap, recovery, etc. regaining intimacy issues, please do not hesitate to PM me. 

    I've had bc two times and I've had alot of stuff done to me.  Hopefully, some of that can be put to good use to help any sister in need.

  • scareds
    scareds Member Posts: 20


    Anniealso is a great source of help with lat flap recovery. She has helped me through my journey immensely. Also, my PT also believes in the same type of therapy that Bobbi's does. Perhaps you might want to try it. It has helped me. Lidocaine patches also help during those times when the nerves are regenerating. 

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671

    Very Important:  voting started today on Timtam's site to move forward with the new one or stay with the old.  Please vote as they need at least 50 interested to proceed with the picture forum and the poll ends the 28th!

  • Faythnme
    Faythnme Member Posts: 92

    Good Morning Ladies ~

    I hope everyone had a great weekend!  I spent part of it putting together some nightstands and then just layed around the rest of the time.  Of course that doesn't do my "iron bra" effect any good. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm sure its a little depression that rears it's ugly head periodically.  Healing from any type of surgery can be a long process and sometimes it's just doesn't go fast enough. 

    I haven't been on a lot these days but I've read some of the most recent posts and some previously.  I think that everyone does their best to help anyone and everyone searching for answers to situations.  It would be nice that we continue to keep this forum open for those who are seeking help from the ladies on this site.  There's an old saying that our mothers used to tell us all the time. "If you haven't got anything nice to say don't say anything then".  I would hate to have  newbies come on board and read some of the most recent posts and go what the "heck" and then move to another site or even create one of their own new topics. 

    If you have a greavance please PM the individual you have an issue with and not bring it out to the forum. I've read this many times in the posts so please respect others on the string.

    It's a new day hence a new beginning.  Everyone have fun with it.

    Much love!!


  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509

    Amen Cindy