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PORT PLACEMENT - Detailed description of process



  • CaroHi
    CaroHi Posts: 5
    edited January 2011

    I finished my chemo (AC + TH) last Monday and was never offered to have a port (I guess nobody thought it was going to be necessary).  But for the past two months, starting an IV or having blood work has been very painfull since the nurses have a hard time finding a vein.  I still have a year of Herceptin to go. Anybody knows if a port would be a good solution or should I try to avoid it if possible?  Thanks!

  • cowgirl13
    cowgirl13 Posts: 793
    edited January 2011

    CaroHi, definitely get a port.  I think it is criminal they didn't tell you about a port.  Many women chose to have a port so save their veins.  Since you will be having Herceptin for so long, they should have told you ahead of time.

    So, call and get your port surgery set up.  You won't believe how it helps.  Good luck.

    I had my port put in a week before my first chemo and had it removed a week after my last herceptin.  You will be so glad you have a port. 


  • TifJ
    TifJ Posts: 804
    edited January 2011

    Ladies, I just had my last tx on 12/30. My port catheter is extremely sore and my skin is red over the upper 2 inches or so. I don't have a fever, but it really hurts. Can the port catheter get infected? I have a call into the onc., but no reply yet. Any thoughts?

  • cowgirl13
    cowgirl13 Posts: 793
    edited January 2011

    Yes it can.  Keep calling your onc or go to the doctor today.  Err on the side of caution.  After chemo we have  compromised immune system which means we are easy prey for an infection and it that develops, our body can't fight it like it should.  Take care.

  • TifJ
    TifJ Posts: 804
    edited January 2011

    Thanks Cowgirl. Just heard back and have a 2:30 appt. Sounds like antibiotics are coming my way!

  • cowgirl13
    cowgirl13 Posts: 793
    edited January 2011

    TifJ, how are you feeling today?  just checking in.

  • TifJ
    TifJ Posts: 804
    edited January 2011

    Had to have port taken out it was so infected. I am done with it anyway-so not a big deal, but it is very painful. They couldn't stitch or glue the incision because of the infection. So it is packed with iodine soaked guaze. i will have to go to a wound care center every week until it is healed to have it looked at. I have been on IV antibiotics for 2 days and will have it over the weekend as outpatient in the hospital. I can't seem to catch a break!! Thanks for checking on me!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2011

    I just had my port put in 2 days ago... and they put me on Keflex for 5 days as a routine preventative. The first day my neck was REALLY sore. I couldn't really figure that out, but the next day, it was much better, and now it is fine. I have the two incisions, and the lower one (where the port is) itches a little, but not too bad. I start chemo in 1.5 weeks and will have my port checked after one week of insertion.

    I met a woman the other day who said she LOVES her port and can't imagine not having it, so I am glad its in... and will only be there til Mid-May. 

    Also, I didn't have anasthesia, just a twilight, but I was talking to the nurse during the whole procedure... not a big deal.

  • TifJ
    TifJ Posts: 804
    edited January 2011

    bdavis- glad to hear your port placement went well. Mine was fine too- all the way through treatment even. Five days after the last tx and I got the infection. Right now I can barely move from the pain of having an open incision and infection. had 3rd antibiotic treatment today-another tomorrow and possibly Monday. This has sucked all the joy of finishing chemo right out of me!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2011

    TifJ... Sorry to hear... I can only imagine the pain and disappointment since you were so close to being done with it... I hope you heal quickly!!!

  • lorenar
    lorenar Posts: 41
    edited January 2011
    Thanks so much ladies for all of your information. I am a new member. I start chemo on 1/24. they said something about getting a port in a couple weeks, but said it was painless, It sounds a little scary, if you all hadn't given me details, I wouldn't know what to expect. Thanks so much and hope you all heal well.
  • DMD
    DMD Posts: 30
    edited January 2011

    I know this is after the fact...I just had my port removed a month ago...but I just had to say this information was so helpful before I had it inserted!  I never really got used to it though...but it served a purpose and I was VERY thankful to have it, but just as thankful to have it gone. Thanks for the great info though.

  • artemis
    artemis Posts: 105
    edited January 2011

    lorenar ~ For me, it wasn't painless.  In fact, for the first few days I had quite a bit of pain, but it was all so very worth it.  Having the port for chemo and blood draws has been a blessing. 

    Best wishes to you as you begin your treatment!  Smile


  • NeyNey
    NeyNey Posts: 4
    edited January 2011

    I just had port placed on Tuesday, Thursday woke up with a constricted feeling in chest, sore to take a deep breath.  Spent last night in ER running XRAY, CAT , EKG and blood tests.  Everything came back ok with the exception of a small amount of fluid on the lungs that they said didn't even really amount to anything.  I was discharged and sent home, still with a tight, painful sensation in the chest and soreness when inhaling.  Still today, Friday, I feel the same.  Anyone else experience this?

  • geocachelinda
    geocachelinda Posts: 10
    edited March 2011

    I'm getting my Power Port put in on April 12th.  I'm a little nervous but I have had two hernia repairs with this type of sedation and don't remember a thing!  That I am glad about, bring on the Happy Juice!  Also starting chemo the day after so my oncologist is going to have them leave the catheter in that the chemo goes through over night with a bandage over it so they don't have to poke and prod me the next day.  I'm going to be bald for Easter I guess!

  • artemis
    artemis Posts: 105
    edited March 2011
    Best wishes to you, geocachelinda! Smile
  • Sudzinvermont
    Sudzinvermont Posts: 10
    edited March 2011

    I had mine put in on Friday, it wasn't so bad.

    I start my chemo tomorrow.

  • Sudzinvermont
    Sudzinvermont Posts: 10
    edited March 2011

    I forgot to add that I only had a little anxiety medication right at the begining. I spoke to the nurse prior to going in and told her I'd rather go light on the sleepy stuff and that's what we did.

    I had a little Versed going in and the locals during. It wasn't painful, just kind of odd with the tugging and pushing.

    I was able to leave an hour later, have a great lunch with my Man and do some shopping. We had a great day.

    It was a little sore that night, but nothing a little otc pain releaver didn't take care of.

  • artiecat
    artiecat Posts: 19
    edited April 2011

    I was pleasantly surprised at how easy the port placement was!  The only discomfort for me is when I  lay down in bed, I can feel it sitting there.  PLEASE tell me you actually get used to feeling it!

  • geocachelinda
    geocachelinda Posts: 10
    edited April 2011

    Thanks Artemis, now I have a cold coming on I think, hope it goes away by Tuesday!

  • geocachelinda
    geocachelinda Posts: 10
    edited April 2011

    I was a little nervous going in today, the staff at Albany Medical Center South Clinical Campus were wonderful!  I was given a little Versed first to relax me and the nurse who started the IV got it in on the first try!  They brought me in after about an hour of waiting and I transfered over to the table, they got me prepped and I didn't even realize when they gave me the sleepy stuff.  I was vaguely aware of people moving around me and then waking up when it was all over!  I stayed in recovery for about 1/2 hour and was given some ginger ale and a warm muffin, got my IV out and went home.  I am a little bruised and starting to get sore but nothing too bad yet.  I'm sure I'm still a little numb.  If this is a sore as I get I will be thrilled!  Glad it is over and getting my !st treatment for chemo tomorrow!

  • CarylC
    CarylC Posts: 30
    edited April 2011

    I've had my port in since March 28th and I HATE it!  It bumps into my clavicle every time I move, it never stopped hurting - although my neck stopped hurting a couple of days after surgery, it sticks up like a HUGE boil under my skin, even though the surgeon said she stuck it under some fascia muscle as well as skin.  I cannot imagine having this thing in me for an entire year.  You can barely see my Dad's port and I realize he is bigger than I am but still, this thing looks like enormous to me.  Yuck!

  • tninalabama
    tninalabama Posts: 6
    edited April 2011

    CarylC,  It took about a month before my port settled. I thought it was going to keep moving up and out until it did. I wish you luck.

  • artemis
    artemis Posts: 105
    edited April 2011

    artiecat ~ I believe you'll get used to your port.  For the first several weeks, I felt sick and dizzy everytime I even thought about my port, and I sure didn't want to touch it.  The whole thing just freaked me out. 

    But before long, I hardly noticed it.  Now I don't think about it all unless someone's drawing blood from it or starting an IV in it.  It made chemo and Herceptin so much easier.

    Best wishes to you!

  • nora_az
    nora_az Posts: 391
    edited April 2011

    I've had my port since the Monday after Thanksgiving and I still hate mine. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I have it because I cant imagine having blood draws and infusions without it. I just cant stand the feeling of it when I accidently bump it or touch it. Sometimes it's quite sensitive too.

    I have posted this picture on another board but I will post it here too so you can see how far mine sticks out, and how you can see the tubing along the neck.

  • Katarina
    Katarina Posts: 99
    edited April 2011

    I have to get my meta port in the next week. I really appreciate Teena for sharing step by step. I had no idea what to expect and everyone else has really provided interesting stories.


     I had a bilateral mastectomy and these tissue expanders are huge. I'm just wondering how the surgeon will work around them and if the port will be up at my collarbone or below my expanders. At least the BS who will do my port is good buddies with my plastic surgeon and thus they have this all figured out.  

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Posts: 1,928
    edited April 2011

    My port looks similar to Nora's, including the tubing going up to the neck, except that it is closer to my collarbone. I think that for those of us who are thin on tip it will be prominent.

    I don't usually think about my port except when it is being used. I'm VERY glad I have it, though. When I had my original chemo it was 8 sessions so the onc & I both figured my prominent veins would be fine. Well, they weren't. They're awful now. Some of them are destroyed and some are hard to find - they roll when someone tries to access them. I think, because of the trauma, when a needle gets near my veins they yell, "Dive! Dive!". I'm on Femara (pill) and Aredia (once-a-month infusion) now but after one Aredia infusion at my local clinic where it took SEVEN TRIES to get a vein I insisted on the port. BTW that's not 7 tries by one incompetent person - it's the nurse trying twice, then the pcp, then the pediatrician.

    I think the problem a lot of people have with the port is getting used to the idea of having it there. Every one is different so I can't say that everyone should feel the same thing. I can say that it's worth it.


  • BirdyRobin
    BirdyRobin Posts: 17
    edited April 2011

    This is an excellent posting. All of the brave woman so willing to talk about there experiences and even sharing pictures! It really helps me understand what it is all about. It is kind of scary for me. The idea of having a central line, a port sticking out of my chest.....just sounds so horrible, I wonder if I will ever feel healthy and normal again. And yet I hear you ladies saying how glad you had a central line placed, how brave you are and how positive. I am grateful for you all expressing your opinions.

    Thank you,


  • artemis
    artemis Posts: 105
    edited April 2011

    Best wishes to you, BirdyRobin. Smile

  • ConnieBM
    ConnieBM Posts: 1
    edited May 2011

    Thabk you.  I am scheduled for port placement next week.  I am extremely anxious about it.  The thought of having a foreign object going into a blood vessel just seems so serious.  I've got to try to calm down.


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