Jewish Warrior Sisters



  • SheriBell
    SheriBell Posts: 32
    edited December 2011

    Yep always looking for that silver lining

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660
    edited December 2011

    SheriBell....silver your good news!!!!!

  • SheriBell
    SheriBell Posts: 32
    edited December 2011

    Belly blast surgery scheduled for Feb 1st.  Bigger boobs and smaller stomach - there has to be a G-d for me to be this lucky! ha ha

    Anyone out there still growing their hair back?  I have about an inch or two.  Last treatment was July 29th.  It sure it taking its sweet time growing back! Sheesh! 

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited December 2011

    Yay Sheri.

    I didn't have the smaller stomach bigger boob option. I didn't have enough stomach for even 1 boob let alone 2, matter a fact when my PS did fat transfer from my stomach/love handles he didn't find enough. Had to get more  fat transfer during nipple recon. (Plenty of fatty material in my thighs and Kosher butt).

    Not sure if you have seen my hair transition linky.  I'm keeping short for now since their is a bit more wave than I'm used to and it's so easy. Just need to get my hair dresser to stop cutting my bangs so short.  Tongue out

  • MaiTai
    MaiTai Posts: 65
    edited December 2011

    Hi All,

    I just found this thread.

    I'm Jewish of courseSmile

    I live in Israel. I'm not religious in any way or form. I love the traditions (and the food).

     Being Jewish is a very important part of my identity without the need of practicing the religion.

    I got tested for the BRCA genes and came out negative. I have no known history of BC or ovarian cancer on my mother's side but I have no contact with my biological father side- AKA sperm donor. So I do not know.

    This seems like a nice place to be in. Hope it is ok for me to join.

    I'm two years away from bilat. MX and immediate recon with alloderm and implants.

    My hair is growing really nice. around a cm per month. Fighting to keep my weight and I blame tamoxy for the difficulties.

    I'm starting to regret not to have accepted to graft my love handles for the little dimples I had...

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660
    edited December 2011

    Mai Tai....welcome to the group....All MOT the tribe are welcome....we don't check to see relgious affilation or practice!!  Where are you in Israel?   I spent 3 1/2 weeks in Jerusalem this past summer and hoping to be able to do the same this coming summer....also did the 1st Komen RFTC in October 2010....walked with Leah_S.  Hugs, Karen

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Posts: 564
    edited December 2011

    Mai Tai - We have some great women on this thread, from all backgrounds, so you are most welcome.

    Lago - Thanks for posting those pictures. I'm still trying to figure out how to post pics. I got my hair cut really short over the weekend and for some reason I can't even get it to post as my new avatar. I'm thinking perhaps I'll keep track of my hair as well.

    Anyone have interesting plans for Chanukah? I'll be midway through my first chemo tx, so I'm not sure what to expect. My sister is planning a get-together that weekend. I bought apples and pears for a great applesauce that I make - I just hope I can taste it! 

  • SAB
    SAB Posts: 1,121
    edited December 2011

    Home made apple sauce.  Yum.

    I was just reading the Trader Joe's ad and it crossed my mind....just for a fleeting moment... to buy ready I haven't sunk quite that far yet!  

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited December 2011
    rachelvk my avatar is 2 weeks after my 4th tx. I was at my nieces Bat Mitzvah… (yeah that's a wig. The only time I wore it was that weekend). Everyone is different but I had no problem. You may do just fine for Chanukah. (After my 3rd tx I was still working out in the gym for 70 minutes!)
  • MaiTai
    MaiTai Posts: 65
    edited December 2011

    Lago - You looked great in all the options.

    rachelvk - Hope all your tx go as lightly as possible. I kept working, participating in every event or trips with my  DD (9 years old) and working out. Life went on as "normal" as possible. I believe that the routine kept me strong. I had very mild SEs especially after AC. The taxol was much easier.

    Yummy the apple sauce. Can I get the recipe?

    My plans will probably include lighting the Hanukkiah with family and friends (each night a new event...) and spending time with DD who won't have school during that week. A lot of sufganiot and latkes.

    I have the best recipe for sweet potato latkes!

  • MaiTai
    MaiTai Posts: 65
    edited December 2011

    karen1956 - I grew up in Jerusalem. I think it is the most special city in the whole world.

    Now I live in Herzlya.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,441
    edited December 2011

    Sweet potato latkes! That sounds delicious. Would you care to share the recipe, Maitai? I am looking forward to applesauce too. I make it in a slow cooker and it makes the house smell divine for hours. Caryn

  • SAB
    SAB Posts: 1,121
    edited December 2011

    Ever since my Mom passed in 2000 we add a light on the 1st night made out of a potato, scooped out and filled with oil.  We make a wick out of cotton and read aloud "One Candle" by Eve Bunting and cry a little. It is very similar to the story my Mom used to tell every year about lighting a smuggled potato filled with margarine in the camps.  

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited December 2011

    A friend of mine sent me this recipe last year after Chanukah. I'm going to make them this year:

    Latkes for chileheads

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Posts: 564
    edited December 2011

    SAB - That's a beautiful tradition. I've gone with ready-made a few times, but there's nothing like making them from scratch. I guess this year I should wear gloves so I don't grate my knuckles... All those little boo-boos you never really think about before chemo is looming in front of you.

    Lago and MaiTai - thanks for the encouragement. I do plan on working through and keeping up as many normal activities as possible (if I can swing it, I'm set to perform in the orchestra for a performance of Pirates of Penzance - the two weekends of shows fall in what should be the perfect time in my three-week cycle).

    I'd be happy to share the apple sauce recipe (just need to grab it from the cookbook), and Caryn, I'd also love to see that sweet potato latke recipe.

    I really should make plans to go back to visit Israel. I was there for about 10 days in 87-88 (Dec-Jan). I suppose that would be a good way to celebrate when I'm done with chemo.

    Speaking of which, have any of you heard of women going to a mikvah after chemo? I've never been to a mikvah, but it's something I've often considered. Since I'll likely wind up in menopause after chemo, I suppose that may be the only reason I'll ever have to go.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,441
    edited December 2011

    Lago, those look delicious!

    Rachel, can't tell you how many times I've grated fingers and knuckles. I've also had several bagel slicing injuries and, using and old fashioned chopper, a chopped liver injury. Yiddishe food is not for the faint of heart!

    SAB, that is a beautiful story.

    I knew a very frum family that always used small oil lamps for Chanukah. They had 9 kids who were a bit too hyped up on the holiday, knocked over a few lamps and burned the house down. Thankfully, no one was hurt. So whether you use oil or candles keep a close eye on the Chanukia.


  • SAB
    SAB Posts: 1,121
    edited December 2011


    I had a visit with the Rabbi who is in charge of the local Mikvah, and she encourages it's use in these non-traditional ways.  Cleansed and renewed...

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660
    edited December 2011

    I will be with my parents in S. Florida  for the first days of Chanukah and then will spend Shabbos Chanukah in toronto with my DD #! and SIL...I will be home for the last days, but by then DD#2 will be in Columbus visiting her cousin.....I usually make latkes once, but not sure this year since we will all be so scattered.....

    I went to the mikva is Tsfat a year after finishing chemo.....Chemo sent me into chemopause, then I had my ovaries out....I thought it would be very special to do it in Tsfat....It was my first trip to Israel....DH and DD#2 and I went to celebrate my was one year after finishing chemno....Since then I have been back to Israel twice....October 2010 with DD#1 for a week and we participated in the first Israel Komen RFTC and then summer 2011 for 3 1/2 weeks....this last trip, I enrolled in a women's learning program for 3 was wonderful.....I can't wait to be able to do it again....and MaiTai....I couldn't agree more....Jerusalem is a special, special place....I would so love to be able to spend more time there.....but I still need to work and have one kid left in maybe with retirement in 10 or so years, I can think about spending a few months a year in Israel.....At this point, DH is not keen on making Aliyah.....

    Rachel....I had my 2nd chemo on the 1st day of say the least that year, the 2nd sedar was more than interesting....people cooked for us....we had so much food as it was a 3 day yom tov....people were non stop bring food over erev Pesach....we were out for the 1st sedar...of course I was just fine that day......2nd sedar it was just the kids and me.....I think I made it to the table a couple times....most of the night I was layed out on the living room sofa...and my DD#2 who was just 8 was on the sofa with me crying!!!!  Not sure if she would remember!!!....So the sedar was mostly   DH, DS and DD#1 (turning 17 and turning 20 a couple weeks after Pesach).....But by the middle of Pesach I was doing okay....You will get through chemo and through Chanukah....and of course this will be a Chanukah to remember!!!!!!

    Anyone want to do a card exchange?  Karen

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Posts: 564
    edited December 2011

    Karen - After reading your post, I thought to check and see when Pesach falls - I will be having my very last tx the week before Pesach starts! That will be a relief - and I suppose I will be extra joyous in my own "passing over" (or through) that particular chapter.

    I did have a brief visit to Tsfat when I was in Israel. I took a beautiful photo of the sunset there. And yes, Jerusalem is a special place.

    Card exchange - as in greeting cards? Sounds like a good idea. 

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660
    edited December 2011

    Thinking Chanukah card...if anyone wants to do it, pm me your addy and I'll put you on my card list....I usually include a family letter and pic.....

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Posts: 564
    edited December 2011

    Sounds good. I just sent a PM.

    I started putting together a year-end letter (first one in a few years), and it's kind of weird. Many of my friends know of my diagnosis, but I'm trying to figure out how to write the letter so it's not just "Hey, hi, happy holidays, and guess what, I've got cancer." I guess the good thing is that I had so many great things happen in the early part of the year (trip to Antarctica, my nephew was born), that I feel like it was still a good year overall. 

  • MaiTai
    MaiTai Posts: 65
    edited December 2011

     Orna and Ella Recipe for Sweet Potatoes "latkes"

     1 1/4 kg sweet potatoes

    1 cup  flour

    1 teaspoon sugar

    1 teaspoon salt


    1 tablespoon soy sauce

    Boil the peeled potatoes and drain them for an hour. They have to be very soft and cold before handling.

    Mash (in the blender) and add the soy sauce, salt and depending of the sweetness of the potatoes, add the sugar. Add the flour.

    The batter is thick and sticky, but a spatula will help you flatten and smooth the pancakes, which you then brown in butter until crisp.

    I use a spoon and wet hands to handle the batter.

    They are best served with a cream sauce:


    finely chopped chives


    you can also add some lemon drops and a little mustard

    salt and pepper

    It is beeter to let the latkes cool in the fridge and then reheat them in the oven.


  • MaiTai
    MaiTai Posts: 65
    edited December 2011
    karen1956 - Don't understand about the cardEmbarassed
  • MaiTai
    MaiTai Posts: 65
    edited December 2011
  • SheriBell
    SheriBell Posts: 32
    edited December 2011

    I am so lucky that my husband loves to cook.  He has a sweet potato latke recipe but I think he uses some regular potatos mixed in.  I will find out.  He has really been cooking a lot this year - esp making me chicken soup which always made me feel better even during chemo!  He even makes kreplach if you can believe.  He really is an enigma - he is also a cop.  How many Jewish cops do you know??  I always joke with him because he has a masters degree in economics but decided to become a cop! 

  • SheriBell
    SheriBell Posts: 32
    edited December 2011

    Lago thanks for the pics!  I am very jealous of you and your "lack of fat."   I was working out like a wild woman last year and had lost 30 lbs and was looking great when I found the lump.  This year has been a blur but I am committed to get back into it and lose the 30+ lbs again!

  • SAB
    SAB Posts: 1,121
    edited December 2011

    Rachel-what an adventure! I've always wanted to see Antarctica.  Did you just decide to see it one day?

  • SheriBell
    SheriBell Posts: 32
    edited December 2011

    With Hanukah  2 short weeks away I thought I would ask about family traditions.  We give our kids new warm PJs and robes (slippers optional) on the first night every year.   We usually do a gift a night but when I was growing up we did not necessarily get a gift every night.  We always have a big family party at some point during the 8 days with Brian's 3 sisters and their familys (18 people total!) and have latkes and we buy for all the nieces and nephews.   This year the adults are each bringing a 35 dollar gift card to local stores or restaurants and we draw numbers to see the drawing order of the gift cards.  It is fun - when you draw a gift card you can either keep it or trade it with someone who has already drawn - kinda like a white elephant exchange!

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited December 2011

    SheirBell I might not have but the weight back on but I am not is the same pre-bmx shape. I was pretty solid with definition in my abs and my thighs pretty solid. Not so much anymore. Need to start crunches, lunges and squats again.

    You'll get the weight off.  You did it once  you'll do it again. Remember that Jan 18th makes a year since PFC.

  • SheriBell
    SheriBell Posts: 32
    edited December 2011

    Lago - had my 3 month scheduled appt with my breast surgeon.  She advises - first year is getting through treatment - 2nd year is for healing.  Let the healing begin (and get my fat butt to the gym!)


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