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Wardrobe pics for boobless days



  • SheChirple
    SheChirple Posts: 95
    edited December 2011

    Love this discussion!

    I had lost 125+ lbs, and was just about 10 lbs from my goal weight when I was diagnosed on 10/14. So, I had not yet splurged on my new wardrobe.  My biggest disappointment with my weight loss was that my breasts were still DD. They wen tfrom 50 DD to 38 DD.  I really needed new wardrobe.  I did finally find bras that held the ladies in nicely.  BAMM BC diagnosis, and recent surgery.  So, now I am looking for new wardrobe summer 2012!  I will try ot get off those last 15 lbs and my new breasts will be C (or slightly smaller) to fit my chest dimensions.

    Would love to meet up with a BC survivor in my area for a shopping spree in the Spring.  Any takers?

    You ladies look AWESOME in these photos.

  • lilylady
    lilylady Posts: 478
    edited December 2011

     I went flat in Aug of this year. I am doing rads now so I haven't even considered going for a foobs fitting yet. We were at JC Penneys yeterday and i noticed their mannequins are flat. Not sure when that happened but next time I am there I am going to try on some of the things they had on them. It was all about window tx yesterday-n clothes shopping allowed.

      I swim 3 times a week and i will say I am able to wear all my tank type suits after some modifications. I just took the extra fabric and made some more tucks out of it. Swimming is fabulous without boobs I will say!!

  • Christy68
    Christy68 Posts: 2
    edited December 2011

    Ladies, I'm so grateful to have found this post.  Sorry for the long post now...  Had been a "lurker" for just over a year.  Thought I was on my way to recovery when I started getting a searing, shooting sensation in my left breast a month ago and the shape started changing.... the same early warning signs I had 4 months before the DCIS diagnosis (that plus nipple inversion, but since those are gone now....).  Because I was 42 when diagnosed, my surgeon and plastic surgeon thought I'd be happier with immediate reconstruction.  Have been a C cup since I was 13. With gravity taking effect, decided this was my one opportunity to be a firm B cup. I'm a total chicken & would never voluntarily go to PS.  My PS apparently didn't "hear" me when I said repeatedly, from the first tearful visit, that I wanted to be SMALLER.  Was happy at 200cc initial fill.  Was DONE at 300cc second fill.  When I woke up with silicone implants, had 350cc and probably need a D cup bra to fit well.  Otherwise I'm flat and weird shaped. Frown

    Immediately after implant exchange my left, cancer-side drains started getting thick, dark, grayish-purple color and gross drainage.  Wasn't right.  Doc office thought I was neurotic.  On 3rd day, went to empty drains and was bleeding thru surgery bra, about a quarter-size.  Got appt to see doc that day.  An hour later it was a spot the size of my hand and and hour after that it had soaked thru the gauze I shoved in to stop bleeding while I drove.  Not wanting an infection, I let PS do a makeshift surgery in procedure room (my head tented, arms & legs strapped, local only) to open me up and try and stop the bleeding (which he couldn't do otherwise).  Since I was very uncomfortable with him tugging & pulling around in my chest, he cleaned me up (could feel him scooping clots out of me! EEEEUW!  Then he told me I got a B- for bravery), closed me up and scheduled me for hospital 4 days later (Monday).  Put me under, flushed me out and put in implant #2.

     Have hated these implants since day 1.  Don't care what anyone says, it's never a replacement for the soft natural breasts I lost a year ago.  I miss the natural me, but I've always hated these implants.  Hate the feel under my chest muscle, they are always "there" & noticeable, the scar across the centers of both breasts are ugly (although as my husband says, much easier to look at now than 6 mo ago), the shape is lumpy, and normal bras hurt on the sides the way the muscle pulls since I'm broad-shouldered.

    After this past month of the agonizing test & wait process, MRI is clear (thankfully!) and diagnosis is capsular contracture.  Of course, right??  Always me!!! lol  Did my homework and realize it's a fairly strong probability (for me anyway) that I'd get CC again.  Have put on 15-20 lbs by not having the strength or motivation to get back in my workout routine. I'm exhausted all the time in a way I can't describe and my family doesn't understand. I'm usually the energizer bunny.  I want to be free of surgeries and move on with my life.  I had pre-eclampsia at 24, severe endometriosis & total hysterectomy at 32, and now I'm in the 1 of 8 population with BC, and then the 8-9% with CC at 43.  Are you kidding me?  30-32% chance of getting it again is almost an instant diagnosis with my luck with odds!! lol

    Had to fire my PS last week.  He was first annoyed I didn't go in for fipples.  Not convinced I really cared.  My first tatoo is NOT going to be one that cancer picks for me.  Plus, I hate these foobies, so fipples aren't going to make me love my body any more now, despite what the PS says.  I almost think capsular contracture was a gift from God to get the foobies out free of charge, 'cause I couldn't beg or plead my way for smaller ones last spring when I tried. When I told PS I was thinking about deconstructing, he got REALLY annoyed with me.  All he could say was "Why would you want to do that??? You'll be FLAT!!"  Kept thinking, "yeah, your point is??"  Geez, cancer was a death sentence, being flat is NOT a death sentence.  When I asked about the body fat reconstruct (now that I've got a little more padding on me), he said it wasn't an option and he wouldn't do that surgery on me 'cause he didn't think I could handle it.  He said I was too anxious and nervous with the expanders, so he didn't think I was capable of dealing with the other more major surgery.  And, he said, "You don't have enough to be the same size you are now!"  At that point I knew he had to go... I told him "I don't care about being this size!!  Do I have enough fat to have some small bumps?"  Finally he started scribbling on the exam table paper, told me I have 3 options, (change implant, reconstruct w/fat tissue, or remove implants).  Then he says "These are your options, we aren't going to talk about it again.  Think about it overnight and we'll call tomorrow to schedule whatever you decide."  And that was it.  Have a consult with a new PS next week.

    Anyway, I'm pretty certain I want to move on and avoid further surgeries.  IMO, my body has already had 2 problems with 2 implants on cancer side (although PS blew off first incidence and said I only had CC once, so he thought I was being irrational until I got CC a 2nd time. What an idiot!).  Don't want to go thru this again.  My friends say I'm one of the strongest women they know, so I'm pretty sure I can deal with being flat, even if I do have an adjustment period.  When I found this post last night, you all have given me the final push to remove the implants.  I'm scared, and I'm sure it will be difficult at first, but I can already feel the sense of freedom that has been expressed by those of you that have embraced being flat & form-free.  It is what it is.  I have a life to live and if someone can't love me for who I am, then that's their problem, not mine.  There are people who experience so much worse, face worse disfigurations besides being "flat"... sometimes I feel selfish for even being scared.

     Anyway, those of you that have posted pics look beautiful!!  Thanks for keeping this post bumped. You have made a difference in the life of at least one more in the sisterhood. Smile Suspect I'll be a part of the "Flat & Fabulous" club in the next 4-6 wks.  That will be my new motto... instead of "40 & Fabulous" it will be "Flat & Fabulous"!! 

  • rowan47
    rowan47 Posts: 64
    edited December 2011

    Gosh, Christy, so sorry you have through such an ordeal!!! What a nightmare for you.....I had BMX in August and have NEVER looked back. Went from a D-cup to flat, so quite a change. My surgeon also never really believed that I didn't want recon. Had to nag her into removing as much skin as possible and leave no "dogears". I am 47, married with 4 children...and I feel great again!! Feel slimmer, lighter and just as sexy :) I am having fun with new wardrobe; love qypsy tops and chiffon-type clothes (floaty, light, pretty). All the best with your decision. Love from a member of "Flat and Fabulous"  club.  Lol. xxx

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605
    edited December 2011

    Christy, you will LOVE it!!! NO bras constricting your chest.... I could never go back to wearing a bra!!

  • mumito
    mumito Posts: 2,007
    edited December 2011
    Barbe ther is a Jones factory store in Vaughn just off the 400.Thats where i bought my dresses last  winter.My whole family went to the party and not one camera amongst us.We all assumed the otherone would have one.Yell
  • Starak
    Starak Posts: 311
    edited December 2011

    Christy, Your story just breaks my heart.  I was a 40M (yep, that's the real size-not an exaggeration), and really not medically or mentally a good candidate for additional surgery, never mind being one of the 5% people so I opted for no recon from the get go.  My only issue was being left with cone shaped dog ears right on the breast bone in the center of my chest that showed through my clothes.  The end of October I sucked it up and had them surgically removed.  All in all a pretty small procedure with a drama free recovery.

    I work for a law firm and have gone flat from Day 1 after the BMX which was early May, 2010.  It has never been an issue and I have some very fitted clothes.  I own my look and am comfortable in my own skin.  I did have a fitting for foobs prior to the dog ear removal and must say they looked wonderful.  It was really nice to see how I might have looked if I had ever been a more normal size.  I am very broad shouldered and so chose a small C - large B (sz 6) to balance as anything smaller seemed out of place.  Maybe I will some day get a pair, maybe for only special occasions or outfits, maybe I get them and they end up collecting dust in the box on the shelf, or maybe I don't even bother at all.

    I must share with you that I have a wonderful PS that came highly recommended.  Though not a word has ever been said, I get that feeling that he thinks that just removing The Mutants (dog ears) and leaving me with the flat chest of a young thin teenage boy was a waste of his artistic talent.  Even if it was in fact a waste to him, it was of enormous value to me.  The fitter told me she had a number of her clients tell her that when they decided against getting nipples to avoid further surgeries, that their PS said "What, I did all this work and now you are not going to finish the job?" 

    I had an adjustment period in the beginning when I wore big shirts and cardigans to hide it.  I slowly moved to more and more fitted clothes and embraced my new look.  Even if someone notices I am flat, I have no reason to think they are at all disturbed by it.  I look at my photos on the previous page and I know if I passed myself on the street I wouldn't give it a second thought.  Likely the only reason I would zero in on the flat chest is because I'm flat and wonder if I am the only one out there.  I think of myself as 60+ flat & fabulous. Cool

    Christy, I pray the rest of your journey is far more drama free and you are definitely Fabulous!!

    OK all, I want to see more pics please.  Barbe, surely you have some to share.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605
    edited December 2011

    I can't seem to post pics for the last 6 months or so. Firefox is very fussy, so I even switch to another program, but something is stopping me. When I go to paste there is nothing there or even if something is there, it won't paste. Any suggestions??

    Barbara I have HUGE shoulders. So big, that when I was on the auxilliary police force in Toronto, they had to custom make my dress jacket!!!! My arms are heavy right now, so the combination makes me look very fat...sigh.

  • Starak
    Starak Posts: 311
    edited December 2011

    Barbe, From what I have gathered, this site only lets you show a photo by linking to an internet address.  It won't let you just insert the photo.  I used a free Google site to store the photo and then right clicked, copied the properties address (also take note of the size), and then when inserting here, used that internet address.  I think a lot of people on BCO use a different site to store the pics but I don't remember which one was mentioned.

    No doubt I am not nearly as broad shouldered as you but even so if I was totally anorexic (take off another 20 lbs from the photo) with my flat chest, I would never be less than a size 10 in tops.  Proportionately, that would probably equal a size 4 or less in pants.  I am not complaining.  While I am a manufacturer's disaster area, my disproportionate parts have served me well.  The broad shoulders helped offset the enormous pre-BMX chest and now to balance the top to the hips.  I have a 5' 4" body on 5' 8" legs and I have always considered my long slender legs as one of my greatest assets.  Now they are one of my favorites when redirecting attention elsewhere. Love love love my jeggings. ;-)  


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605
    edited December 2011

    Barbara, I'm like you in tops. Even now I have to wear a med or lg depending on cut. A size 14 at a minimum for my shoulders. It makes for some hard to fit clothes sometimes. I used to be able to post directly from Facebook just doing a "copy & paste". Dunno what's happened!

  • crystalphm
    crystalphm Posts: 277
    edited December 2011

    I am so thrilled to find this thread! I am eagerly reading all of the older posts, the photos are *wonderful* !!

    I like these waterfall sweaters that have alot of material in the front hanging down, top that with a scarf and it is very nice. I am wearing this in my avatar but i think it is too little to see.

    Spring and summer strike a note of discomfort in me, but seeing these photos, I have alot to learn, but it is do-able. I am not going to aggrevate lymphedema by wearing a bra or it is flat for me.

  • crystalphm
    crystalphm Posts: 277
    edited December 2011

    Ok, so now I see my little avatar and all I see is glaring ****missing boobs and empty flat places*** which tells me this is about attitude more than what I actually look like, because the photos everyone else shows are stunning!

    Ok ladies, I need to find the right attitude here.

  • sespebadger
    sespebadger Posts: 11
    edited December 2011

    Hi everyone, It's been a while since I checked in. I am in the wonderful position of being so busy with life that I rarely think of cancer and I've gotten used to being flat as well. I'm a year out from finishing treatment and almost 1 1/2 years out from BMX with no reconstruction. There are worse things than having no breasts. Last time I had my haircut there was another woman client with no legs. I was thankful for having legs. I find my silicon prostheses very comfortable. I also go flat a lot...especially when exercising. I thought I would share my experiences because after reading one of the earlier posts I thought a perspective other than that of a plastic surgeon was important!!  What do they know about how it feels to be flat if they are not flat themselves? Good luck to everyone!  

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605
    edited December 2011

    Crystal, make your pic bigger for us by cropping it. That will bring your body closer. For me, it just looks like a chick getting her picture taken. I wanna see the "flat parts"...hehehehehehe, I bet you can't even SEE them!! It's because you know they're there that you see them.

    Badger good to hear you're still happy! I never even got foobs. Knew I never wanted to wear a bra again. And just in case I was thinking it, I got mild truncal LE so there is now NO way to wear a bra!

  • Starak
    Starak Posts: 311
    edited December 2011

    Barbe, Just for you trying to link to one of my FB photos.

    Starak Xmas 2010

    Ok, here's how I did it.  Go to a public photo (must be public for everone to see it) on FB. Pull up the photo, right click, choose Properties, highlight the url thru the .jpg.  You may have to scan down as the complete url may be longer than you initially see. Ctrl C to copy. Note the dimensions, this pic of mine was 445 x 442.  Then go to your post here, click on the green tree (insert/edit image) icon above, Ctrl V to paste the url into the top line.  The next line says what it is.  Put the two numbers in the size boxes and click Insert.  If you did it right you will see your image.

    Now as to this image.  It was taken last Christmas (2010).  No foobs and in fact was strapped down to crush the The Mutant dog ears in the center.  The belt I am wearing is what is creating the poof and any illusion whatsoever of a chest.

    Crystal, I think you are right that a lot of this is about attitude.  Not sure what I was doing in this photo but normally I stand up straight.  My goal is to look friendly and approachable to people - not as if I have girls.  So I try to stand up straight, walk with confidence, and maybe most important smile - even add a Good Morning.  I think it makes me seem friendly and likeable.  Besides it forces their focus away from anything that might be missing on my chest and onto my face.  Perhaps it is wishful thinking on my part but when I look at this photo my eye goes to my face. OK I do admonish myself to remember my posture.  As critical as I might be of my own appearance, I still do NOT say to myself, OMG I'm flat and I have no boobs!!

    This was the "old" me, the day before the BMX.  As big as I look, you don't begin to see how bad it really was because they were essentially strapped down and I had girls everywhere in amounts and places you couldn't see.

    No matter what any of you might think - I am wayyyyyyy happier being Flat & Fabulous!!!! 

    Not to say that I would have ever willingly wanted BC to get there. NEVER NEVER NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just that when faced with all of the risks, pain, and expense of multiple surgeries to have foobs, or get her done and go flat - flat looked really good and has proved to be the right decision for me.  


  • Starak
    Starak Posts: 311
    edited December 2011

    Trying again for pre-BMX pic.

  • jstunme
    jstunme Posts: 11
    edited December 2011

    Starak ~ You look FANTASTIC!  

    My BMX is to be Dec 20th (Merry Christmas) .... no recon planned. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605
    edited December 2011

    Barbara you look better FLAT!! Honest!! Doesn't it feel wonderful to get that weight off your neck and shoulders? I'd had a reduction about 6 years before my cancer diagnosis and that took me down to a 42D. Those 'new' breasts never reallly felt like mine so it was easier to get rid of them!

  • Starak
    Starak Posts: 311
    edited December 2011

    Barbe, Thank you and I agree.  I really do think I look so much better FLAT.  Before I couldn't jump, couldn't run even a step because bouncing the enormous weight on my chest was excruciating, couldn't sleep on my back because the weight made it difficult to breathe.  I wish I had a reduction decades ago but for the same reasons of risks, pain and expense, I chose not to.  Once the BC made surgery inevitable, it became for me an extremely easy decision to make.


  • Starak
    Starak Posts: 311
    edited December 2011

    I should also mention that for any difficulty I experience in dressing the flat body, it is still much easier and allows for many more trendier choices than the old one.  Barbara

  • Starak
    Starak Posts: 311
    edited December 2011

    Jstunme:  Thank you!!  What a horrible way to spend the holidays.  I hope your surgery goes well and the recovery is drama free.  Sending many good thoughts and prayers your way.


  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Posts: 4,424
    edited December 2011

    Haven't really read the recent posts, but remembered that I'd said I'd post this photo from our outting to hubby's school reunion.

    I am indeed 'flat' but for this occasion and have 'inserted' my fluffies. The cut of the dress and its halter scrunching easily held the fluffies in place for the evening. So no other undergarment was needed: flat chest + fluffies + red halter dress = happy occasion.

    Fluffies are just fiber-filled.

    Ever onward sisters of the flat-lands.

    As not one person at the event knew me from previously, I can honestly say that everyone thought I was the queen-of-the-ball (it turns out we were pretty 'over-dressed' for the occasion: LOL.) I told everyone that I was the "trophy wife" -- we all laughed at that and we danced into the evening with smiles all around.

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Posts: 4,424
    edited December 2011

    Starak. Honest-to-goodness, your new 'flat' appearance makes you look at least 15 years younger. You look like a pixie-fairy-gymnast now!!!!!

    Not that I'd wish BC on my worst enemy, BUT you could indeed be a model in the trendy category!! Way to make that lemonade, having been given the lemons.

    I too chose no reconstruction -- as I'd already had enough bizarre weird, small percentage events -- that I certainly didn't wish for any additional ordeal brought on by other surgeries.

    YEAH TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Tina337
    Tina337 Posts: 516
    edited December 2011

    Christy68 - I had implant recon and developed CC and deconstructed in April of this year. I feel so much better minus the implants. I have some concavity, but I can handle that over chronic pain any day. It was an adjustment, for sure, but ultimately I am so glad I deconstructed. My husband said I look more like the old me without implants, and I agree. They were only a little bigger but never looked right or natural. Now that I have overhauled my wardrobe to include only clothes that flatter my flat chest, I feel much better about my body and appearance. I am having fun with clothing and fashion again. I wish you the best in finding a new PS who will help you feel comfortable in your own skin again. If you ever want to talk about the deconstructing experience, please feel free to PM me.

  • Starak
    Starak Posts: 311
    edited December 2011

    Faithandfifty, What is funny is I think I have that exact dress only mine is in purple.  Haven't had an occasion to wear it yet.  It was purchased specifically because it is flattering, with or without fluffies, for the Flat & Fabulous as you demonstrate so beautifully.  You are gorgeous. Love it!!!!!  Barbara

  • Starak
    Starak Posts: 311
    edited December 2011

    FWIW, this photo was the "After" which was almost exactly 1 month after the BMX on my first day back to work.  Yes, I showed up totally flat from Day 1.  The exact same outfit.  Just as everyone has said here, everyone thought I looked better "after".

    In the meantime, I had learned I had broken the scaphoid bone, a small bone below the thumb and closest to the long bone of the forearm.  Sometimes being one of the 5% pays off.  The orthopedic surgeon thought the chance of it healing on its own without surgery was about zero.  Took close to 5 mos but it did heal against all the odds.


  • LucyL
    LucyL Posts: 2
    edited December 2011

    This is a very interesting subject - I'm 5 months post single mastectomy, pre-reconstruction and I'm wondering why you all decided not to get reconstruction?  I am a C on my remaining side and it looks quite odd not to have anything on the other side so I usually wear some sort of boob in there.  My kids seem to get a little freaked out when I don't have anything in the other side as it is quite noticeable.  At the moment I'm going through radiation and my regular mastectomy bras rub so I'm wearing this cami thing that is much softer with the softer poof thingie they gave me in the hospital.  But I'm running up on the same problems that you mention, that at home I try not to wear anything but it's difficult not to look completely lopsided.  Anyone been through this? Thanks for your advice!  You all look great by the way!

  • mumito
    mumito Posts: 2,007
    edited December 2011

    Lucy that was one of the many reasons I had my second breast removed a year after the original MX.I was unconfortable being onesided and did not want to go through reconstruction.I personally was very happy with my decision.My girlfiend on the otherhand wears a stick on form on her MX side and is happy with her decision.((hugs))

  • Christy68
    Christy68 Posts: 2
    edited December 2011

    Ladies, i don't even know where to start, except THANK YOU all for your feedback and supporting comments.  It's strange, but I'm at peace with this decision.  Could relate to everything... including the PS being offended at me not letting him "complete his work".  I have so many questions about "tidying" up after the deconstruction... the stretched chest muscle and excess skin.  Now it seems I need to pay attention to dog ears. Maybe i already have that on one of my scars 'cause there's this little flap that sticks up at the end of the scar.  Hate it.  Tina.. will send you a PM.

    Starak, you look amazing! So glad to hear others went from C cup+ to flat and it wasn't traumatizing.  I'm not going to even waste money on forms.  If I want a little something, I'll use fluffies.  Faithandfifty... that red dress looked awesome on you!  Actually, I feel like CC is God's way of giving me a second chance to do what I really wanted to do a year ago.  My DH and I talked about it at length yesterday.  I just don't want to keep spending $ and using time off for surgeries. Also, he's been reluctant to say it outloud (although his body language tells the story), but he finally admitted that, Yes, I look "normal" with a bra & clothes on, but take the bra off and call it what it is... I'm disfigured.  That's what people don't get if they haven't been here.  Once you loose your breast tissue and nipples, they can't be replaced.  Nothing is a substitute for the real thing.  To me, fake, lumpy-looking implants are just as much of a reminder that I had cancer as being flat. Barbe... like you said, "these have never felt like they're mine".  We didn't choose this journey, but we can make the best of it.

     In fact, we were shopping last weekend and as I tried things on, I would think to myself... I bet this will look great when I'm flat, too.  If I didn't think it would look great being flat, I didn't buy it. I love those cute loose tank tops (it's very hot in Houston), but I can't usually wear them 'cause between broad shoulders & full chest... I felt like I looked like a tank in them.  My husband said "You won't be able to wear those low cut little tanks you like to wear".. I said, "yes I can!  In fact, I only ever wore those 'cause they fit my figure the best.  Now I have other options too!"  I'm a CPA and I'm going to go flat from day 1.  Don't want to be bothered with those uncomfortable forms or the hassle.  If I need to pack extra stuff on a trip, I want my suitcase filled with shoes, not breast forms!! lol

    Jstunme - my Bmx was 12/15 last year.  I requested a hamburger and milkshake a few hours after my surgery and managed to escape the hospital in a mere 30 hrs.  You'll be tired, but it shouldn't ruin your holidays too badly.  Enjoy letting others take care of you. 

    Can already feel the freedom.  Anxious to get this over with and get feeling better Smile  The one thing I've learned from this entire thread is that it's all in the attitude.  Have plenty of attitude, so I'm going to embrace "Flat & Fabulous". 

  • Starak
    Starak Posts: 311
    edited December 2011

    LucyL:  First and foremost, my various medical conditions meant I was not a good surgery candidate PERIOD.  Never mind I am one of those 5% people to get all the rare stuff.  I was a 40M prior.  Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to big to even entertain the thought of either recon or prosthetic on the cancer side.  Being that big, even a reduction would have been a very big surgery of many hours, not to mention the many hours and multiple surgeries to reconstruct the other side.  Again, I am NOT a good surgery risk under the very best of circumstances.  I was a DD in the 8th grade and probably a G by early 20's and they never stopped growing.  They caused me so much grief over my lifetime that I was not emotionally attached.  Now one had tried to kill me and I frankly didn't want to give the other one a chance to try it.  Also for me, I knew symmetry would be vitally important to my emotional ability to embrace the new body image. So once I took one it was a no brainer for me to take the other.  One anesthesia, one surgery, minimize the time on the table, minimize the risks, and minimize any likelihood of needing future surgery on the other side.  From my viewpoint a Win Win all the way around.  If I had lived my life with C cups, I imagine I may have had a very different outlook.  Barbara


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