Positive nodes with long term survival



  • goutlaw
    goutlaw Posts: 268
    edited July 2013

    Congrats Marina ....That is a gr8 story...My tumor MRI showed at least 6.5 cm....Getting chemo first can you tell me how you did ur chemo first? Did you do all then surgery and rads?

  • goutlaw
    goutlaw Posts: 268
    edited July 2013

    Anyone triple positive and got it young like 32 and big tumor? Plz help me

  • melmcbee
    melmcbee Posts: 371
    edited July 2013

    Goutlaw, Im so sorry you have to be here. I was 42 at diagnosis and Im not her2 + so I dont fit the bill. I just wanted to tell you to post somewhere else and start your own thread and you will get responses. There are her2 positive threads, young people treads and also either idc or ilc threads. I dont want you to think you are alone because you arent. We are all here for you.

  • purpleamyxo
    purpleamyxo Posts: 1
    edited July 2013

    I know a couple of long term survivors (pretty sure the all had lymph nodes as they all did chemo).

    Family friend had BC 13-15 yrs ago (in her 20s), had chemo then after 5yrs hormone therapy she's had 3 kids. It recurred this year, but it was small and only in the breast and she is back on hormone therapy. She stopped having check ups and only went for another one after my mum was diagnosed.

    A cleaner at my work had it around 15 years ago. She had 7 lymph nodes positive, chemo, mx on one breast, and was part of a trial. She is doing well, no recurrence

    I did a teaching placement (im studying teaching) and the teacher I worked with mum had breast cancer 14 years ago, chemo, multiple nodes and is doing well, no recurrence

    I met a lady who also did chemo for breast cancer 10 years, she is doing well

    Two of my mums friends are also 5-6 years out and did chemo

    My great aunt had ovarian cancer 7-8 years ago, she was given 10% survival, she's still going well with no recurrence

    My mum was dx with bc a year ago after her sister was dx with bc 2 weeks before her (at stage one). Mum was stage 2b er+ pr+ her2 - she had 1/26 lymph nodes and did chemo. She is 45, her sister is 51

    There are so many survivors who don't post on forums
  • lkc
    lkc Posts: 183
    edited July 2013

    Hi Goutlaw.

    I got a poor prognosis too. Had 12 pos nodes with LVI   my BC had infiltrated my ducts, lobes and Nipple. Even after my second surgery  there was  still some affected dirty margins. Blah.. Blah.. Blah. That was over 8 years ago. I am fine and you will be too. It's a harrowing experience especially in the early days ,but please remember having a stage III BC is indicative of getting the Big Guns for tx. You will get through thus time and see your children well into their adult years.

    Stay strong!

  • Shari0707
    Shari0707 Posts: 260
    edited July 2013

    Gout law... I am 32 was 31 at diagnosis.. Stage 2 wi 3 positive nodes... It's terrifying and scary.. No one knows your fate and sometimes a prognosis may say one thing but u can.. We an defy the odds... For her 2 positive... Herceptin is a wonderful medicine that will work really really well on the tumor...,I did my chemo first as well. .. With no herceptin..... Herceptin is added bang for the buck!

  • Shari0707
    Shari0707 Posts: 260
    edited July 2013

    Private message me anytime!

  • gillyone
    gillyone Posts: 495
    edited July 2013

    Goutlaw, bc is not your fault and you are not letting your children down. Bc can happen to anybody. Your job now is to concentrate on getting through treatment. I hope you have some help and support as you go through this.There are lots of stage III survivors around. I am now four years out from a stage IIIc diagnosis and doing great.

  • kelly279
    kelly279 Posts: 18
    edited July 2013

    Hi goutlaw, It sounds like our stories are similar. I was diagnosed almost a year ago to this very day. I was 32 and had a one and a half year old at home. I also had a large tumor and did chemo first to shrink it. Following chemo (I got taxotere and carboplantin) was the BMX, then radiation,  and now I go in for Herceptin once every 3 weeks and I am on Tamoxifen for 10 years. I'm only a year ahead of you on this journey, but feel free to message me if you have any questions regarding treatment or need an ear. Good luck!

  • Shari0707
    Shari0707 Posts: 260
    edited July 2013

    Hiya Kelly! Nice to hear from you .. How r u?

  • kelly279
    kelly279 Posts: 18
    edited July 2013

    Hi Shari! I'm doing well, thanks for asking! I'm currently in the reconstruction phase of this mess and hope to have my exchange surgery sometime in late Aug or Sept.  How are you doing???

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 1
    edited July 2013

    I have a friend who's mom had breastcancer back when treatment was much different. She had what she called a "radical mastectomy" but does not remember whether her mom had chemo or radiation.  Her mom is now in her 80's 30 years later.



  • Lily55
    Lily55 Posts: 1,748
    edited July 2013

    I heard today of a lady who is now terminal with mets aged in her 70´s BUT she first had BC in her twenties, so 50 years ago!!!!!

  • goutlaw
    goutlaw Posts: 268
    edited July 2013

    How big was your tumor?

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Posts: 1,748
    edited July 2013

    Mine was nearly 6cm, had some other smaller ones too

  • babs6287
    babs6287 Posts: 1,619
    edited July 2013

    I was diagosed with IDC on 8/14/12 at which time I had a left mastectomy with lymph node dissection followed by chemo and radiation.  I was stage 3 with 16/26 positive nodes-almost 1 year out and hoping for many more!  Stay positive!!!!

  • Sisi
    Sisi Posts: 1
    edited July 2013

    Linda, I too am stage iiic. 14 pos lymph nodes, lymph invasion, ,Arvin's not clear! What have you been doing to prevent the return?

  • mimi791
    mimi791 Posts: 53
    edited July 2013

    Goutlaw...I was 39, triple positive 5.2 cm tumor and 4 out of 30 nodes positive. This after the first surgeon told me I had DCIS.... I'm past 4 years now and chugging along happily.  My oncologist and surgeon both told me that being Her2+ and being able to take Herceptin was a game changer for me as Herceptin is so effective.  Breathe deep...you have a long year and a half (or so) ahead of you....but like my DH said...treatment was really just a hockey season. My fear of what was going to happen was so much worse than the reality of it...maybe you can take some encouragement from that.  Taking it one day at a time was key...get up...go for a walk....go to work....go home...sometimes it's one minute at a time, but after a while, you'll be surprised that you get some "normalcy" back.  Keep your head up!

  • SpunkyGirl
    SpunkyGirl Posts: 16
    edited July 2013

    I have a lady friend at my church who is a 24 year LN pos 10+ and she still freaks out when she hears about someone else recurring. She gives me lots of hope! Her husband is a two time lung cancer survivor and he looks great too! It's easy to just remember the bad stories when there are lots of good ones all around us!

  • PaulAndSandy
    PaulAndSandy Posts: 10
    edited July 2013

    Mom was diagnosed in 2001 with Stage IIIa, several positive nodes. "To protect us" as she said, she always told us it was only stage I. She got 8 years before it came back to the other breast and another 2 years after that surgery before it spread to her organs and bone. She died a few months ago on May 2nd, almost 12 years after her Stage IIIa diagnosis. The best thing she did was to live life without constantly worrying about the cancer coming back. In the end, she got 12 years of quality life vs. 12 years of worry.

    - Paul

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Posts: 1,748
    edited July 2013

    Paul thank you for sharing, do you mind saying what kind of cancer your mum had please?

  • PaulAndSandy
    PaulAndSandy Posts: 10
    edited July 2013

    Lily, she had IDC with the initial dx in 2001, same thing in 2010.

  • Morgado4
    Morgado4 Posts: 2
    edited July 2013

    Wow reading these posts gives me hope. I was recently diagnosed with 9 positive lymph nodes. I see my oncologist tomorrow for the first time and I'm so scared.

  • Morgado4
    Morgado4 Posts: 2
    edited July 2013

    Too Maggs09. I already posted here but want you to know I'm in the same boat as far as no family history of cancer. Recent bilateral mastectomy with 9 pos nodes. I see my onc tomorrow for the first time. I've been trying to stay positive through it all but I admit I am so scared about tomorrow's visit and upcoming PET scan. I commend you for being so positive and brave and wish you the best in your treatment.

  • melmcbee
    melmcbee Posts: 371
    edited July 2013

    Morgado, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Once you get your treatment options lined up you will feel better. I have just passed a year past diagnosis and it does get easier to handle once you start fighting it. Healing hugs

  • maggs09
    maggs09 Posts: 74
    edited July 2013


    Breast cancer is not the end of the world. There are many other diseases that are more difficult to treat or keep under control. I think of it as a "chronic disease", kind of like heart condition and many others.

    Of course it was a total shock at first, especially that I had 2 primary cancers (not related advanced bc and early colon). In addition I ended up with pulmonary embolism which significantly delayed my mastectomy and chemo. Believe me, that caused a lot of anxiety! But I remember this one young dr (my bowel surgeon's assistant), who interviewed me before surgery. Her words were: "from what I can see here, you are not going to die from any of these cancers". And regardless of poor statistics, I chose to believe that what she said was going to be true.

    Today I'm just a little over a year since my double surgery (umx and colon resection), almost 9 months since finishing chemo and about 6 months from rads.

    And I'm fine, my recent CT scans are clear. Of course I get some "low" days, and the fear comes back... But I try to overcome it by praying, focusing on listening or reading of success stories of long term survivors, taking long walks, researching additional "ways" of preventing reoccurrences.

    Chemo felt like a blessing to me, I actually imagined the cancer cells being destroyed by it! So, please, don't be afraid of your visit to onc. Make a list of questions, ask for explanation of your path report and what chemo regime is being recommended for you and why this choice? When is your PET?

    Did you have any scans before your mx?

    Try not to worry in advance, that doesn't help, only weakens your immune system. I know it's hard, but try to concentrate on positive side and you will be fine. Don't let anybody put you down with their stories or sadness. Honestly, I think most of us here, had to "re-arrange" our list of friends and acquaintances, (it was one of the most dufficult and awkward things I had to do), as some people, although they meant well, would cause so much stress and anxiety.

    I found many new friends through this experience and with their help and support I made it through and you will too!

    Good luck tomorrow, I will be thinking of you.


  • lovujja
    lovujja Posts: 31
    edited July 2013

    Maggs  i solute you!

    You are such a postive person. And i 100% agree with meggs. I used to cry or plan a way to easily die. Knock on the wood, my life start to feel/get better and my thoughts are starting to get more hopeful. Praying and listening music is my source of energy and hope.

    Have a good rest of the summer.


  • SheilaB330
    SheilaB330 Posts: 17
    edited August 2013

    Thank you ladies with Stage III and node involvement for sharing here. I hope to become a happy breast cancer survivor - 5/11 nodes with cancer, 4 with cancer spilling out to surrounding tissue. extensive cancer seen in lymphatic & vasculatory systems at the ductal site where the cancer was. Stage IIIa IDC just finished 2nd dose dense Adriamycin & Cytoxin. 2 more then 4 dose dense Taxol and 6 1/2 weeks radiation then likely Tamoxifen switching over to Aromatase Inhibitors because I have Estrogen Positive Receptors. I am turning 59 August 30 - getting my last Nuelasta shot after my last AC treatment the 29th then getting first Taxol on September 12. Our magic elixir! Grateful there are excellent doctors and treatments for us!

    Thank you for sharing your good news! {{{{{Hugs to all cancer sisters}}}}} Sheila

  • peacestrength
    peacestrength Posts: 236
    edited December 2013


  • Momine
    Momine Posts: 2,845
    edited December 2013

    Actually my PT was just telling me today that one of her patients (a news anchor) had stage 3C - thirteen years ago.


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