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FEC-D regime



  • Lolis
    Lolis Posts: 294
    edited July 2014

    Yensmiles, I am not eating apples because I don't want not to like them after the chemo. I had this kind of bread I like right after my chemo and it tasted really bad so now I don't know if I will enjoy it the same way as I did before chemo. 

  • Amazonwarrior
    Amazonwarrior Posts: 140
    edited July 2014

    Hi ladies, 

    I saw my RO yesterday regarding my latest symptoms: heaviness on the chest, feeling of inflammation (burning sensation) in the throat and trachea, feeling of a foreign object, feeling of internal soreness ( as if someone whacked my chest with a shovel), breathlessness, lightheadedness, nausea, dizziness, shoulder muscle pain (feels pinched).

    His conclusion was that this is caused by multiple factors: recent RT, lower immune system, recent bronchial viral infection, seasonal allergies.  

    He suggested to start a daily dose of antihistamine and Ibuprofen to reduce inflammation.

    He called me again today to follow up on my condition. This guy is great! 

    Yens: I was finally able to get the snow mushrooms yesterday at a local Chinese herbal / medicinal shop. I asked the lady if  the mushrooms were sulphate free. She had no idea, but I bought them anyway. 

    I soaked them up and now I have to figure out how to prepare them. Thanks for the recipe, but I forgot to get the rest of the ingrediences that you suggested, therefore I need to improvise a meal. I think I am going to make some yummy mushroom burgers or I'll try stir frying them with other vegies. 

    Lolis: I will be thinking of you this Thursday for your first Taxotere!

    I would make sure that they ice your fingers and toes to minimize nail damage and reduce neuropathy. 

    Taxotere can be a b*tch as far as bone, muscle and joint pain. I would ask my MO for some strong painkillers just in case.

    I used Oxycodone, and it worked, but I had to take it regularly round the clock for several days. I had to take some stool softener (Docusate) with it as well. 

    I totally get the anxiety before the first treatment. My anxiety level always went up before starting a new treatment. Knowing, however, what to expect lessens it. 

    Ang: Sooo happy for you that you were able to enjoy the normal activities again like eating regular food or getting on a bike and even working out! You simply rock!

    Have you found out if they are switching you to the weekly chemo?

    Have you seen a dermatologist yet? 

    I too believe in moderation, so a little bit of junk is not going to hurt if it makes you feel more normal. 

    Well, here is my weekly rads skin and hair growth update at 15 weeks PFC and 7 weeks PFR. 

    I got a bit creative this time round. :P




  • Gonein40
    Gonein40 Posts: 76
    edited July 2014

    amazon yay for hair growth. Boo for not feeling the greatest lately.  And not to be ignorant either but what is the benefit from the mushrooms. I can't eat mushrooms. Texture thing for me. However would like to know the benefits from them I could make an exception lol.  

  • yensmiles
    yensmiles Posts: 211
    edited July 2014

    LOL! i'm having a good laugh (so good for the soul) on seeing that you're sprouting snow fungus on your head, Amazon! :)The curls on the back of your head looks wonderful! Glad you managed to find it, and also good to know you took multivitamins during chemo. My oncologist asked me to take it, especially those with minerals.. but i still haven't, hesitant, like Lolis, am afraid that it might make it less effective, but now hearing what you've done, and what my oncologist asked me to do, i think i will! :) and hmm.. the omega 3 oils are great for inflammation.. would upping intake of fish oil help reduce need for anti-histamines and ibuprofen? (yes, i'm so anti-drugs, i can't help but feel concern when others take it too). Maybe natural anti-inflammatories like papaya, pineapple and turmeric would also help. hmm.. then again, you already took curcumin as supplement since chemo right?!

    Lolis, ah, get what you mean on not eating apples! i'm a bit fortunate because my taste buds get slightly affected for a maximum of two days post-chemo and then it's totally normal after that. Hopefully when on the taxotere your tastebuds would be affected less. I didn't experience FEC so can't really compare the two different drugs. your first taxotere, will be my third Taxotere-Cyclophosphamide-Herceptin round.

    Footballnut, that's so good to hear that you're having a healthy appetite and even caught speeding on a motorbike! 

    Gonein, there are so many different mushrooms/fungus out there, hopefully one would suit your tastebuds! i can't take oyster mushrooms because i can't stand the texture and also smell.. but love almost every other mushroom out there. Also cooking time and method affects the texture. The snow fungus can be quite crunchy.. it's like "crunchy jelly" and good as lung tonic!  

    And i was planning on writing longer and acknowledging everything written since the last time i log in, but somehow my "chemo brain" is rather forgetful, without being able to refer to the previous page.. lol! i can't remember entirely what to say!!! Oh well.. have a good day everyone! :) and happy eating, living, breathing... 

  • footballnut
    footballnut Posts: 449
    edited July 2014

    hi all

    Wednesday already. In 1 week I'm back in the chair. Suspect that I will continue weekly for my last few weeks but I'll know more next tues when I meet with my onc. If I maintained my schedule it would be 2 more rounds every third week but given my reaction I see this changing

    As of today tummy is much better. Taste buds are off but atleast my tongue is not burning. I've also noticed that my nose is very dry and whenever I blow, seems bloody. I think that there are dry blood clots in there. Anyone else have this?

    Sometimes my nose just decides to drip. Seems like I'm constantly looking for a Kleenex!!!

    Having lost most of my eyelashes my eyes are sticky most mornings and often continues for the duration of the day. I sure hope that eyelashes grow back quickly!

    I am finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning but have my hubby set the clock for 8am. I must admit that I'm having great sleeps although I something's wake up drenched or restless

    I still have enough energy to exercise. Going on treadmill soon followed by weights. I hope that this helps! I try to maintain this as much as possible

    My left foot sometimes feels strange -weird tingling or slightly numb but nothing too bothersome

    Still waiting for appt with dermatologist. I'll remind my nurse. I've kind of chilled with respect to this but still want to know what's going on

    Wishing you all a great day!

  • Amazonwarrior
    Amazonwarrior Posts: 140
    edited July 2014

    yens: I am currently taking Omega 3 fish as well as sea buckthorn oils that are both high in omega 3 fatty acids and Curcumin C3 but I haven't tried eating papaya or pineapple yet.

    Gonein: There were studies done regarding medicinal mushrooms and cancer. There are certain kinds of mushrooms that are potent enough to fight cancer through activating the body's immune system namely NK cells that naturally target and destroy cancer cells. 

    One of the top rated would be shiitake, turkey tail, chaga, maitake, lion's mane and many others.,

    If you don't like the taste, you could take them as a supplement in pill form or tea. 

    Lolis: I'll be thinking of you tomorrow with you first Taxotere.

    Ang: Some ladies have referred to those tears as 'Taxotere tears'. I remember my eyes getting watery especially when I was outdoors. The wind seemed to irritate my eyes, so I would recommend using sunglasses whenever outside. My nose would get bloody while on Taxotere too, so in that same logic I would describe it as 'Taxotere drippy/ bloody nose'.

    The strange tingling might be early signs of neuropathy. I developed a mild form of it on my right toe and 3 fingertips on my right hand. Nothing major, but to this day an ever present reminder of chemo. 

    I experienced more loss of eyelashes and brows while on Taxotere than FEC. They even continued to fall out up to 2 months PFC, but then they started to grow back quite fast. 

    Hang in there, ladies!

  • footballnut
    footballnut Posts: 449
    edited July 2014

    I hate the sensation of having minimal eyelashes. Ugh!!  Can't wait until they grow back and I'm not even done with treatment yet!

    My biggest concern is how my body will react to weekly taxotere. Even now although I'm much better than last week I'm still experiencing some SEs. My tummy is at 90%, taste buds are so so

    When I was on FEC the week before my next infusion I was close to 100%

    Taxotere!  Ugh!!

  • Lolis
    Lolis Posts: 294
    edited July 2014

    Hi Ladies,

    I just finished my first Taxorete treatment. I am feeling well so far. I didn't have much sleep last night because of the Dexamethasone so it will be a long day. I woke up at 3:20 and couldn't fall asleep. Will see what the SEs will. The MO gave me prescription for T3 and I have to increase the fiber intake as I have been having some issues with the bowels last week. 


    Here's me with the ice packs, I look like an UFC fighter ahahha. I didn't have any socks on today so will remember to bring them next time. 

    My blood work was just below the regular range even the white blood cells but not too much to worry about it. I was feeling fatigued on Monday and Tuesday and it has only happened in the chemo week. Weird!!

    My nose is forever dripping, never had allergies in my life. And I have noticed nose sores/pimples that hurt even when I laugh sometimes. 

    My hair has been growing in a peach fuzz mode. Still have a patchy head and need to keep shaving my legs, once every 2/3 weeks which better than 2/3 days. Thinking to shave my head with a razor this coming week. Eyelashes and eyebrows seem to be still full enough


    Hope you all are doing well.

  • yensmiles
    yensmiles Posts: 211
    edited July 2014

    Thanks AMazon, i'll be googling on what's seabuckthorn! :) 

    Footballnut, i have the drippy nose occasionally.. it comes it goes.. and during my second chemo cycle, i had bleeding in the nose for almost the whole time.. usually when i blow, and also some remnants that seems to be in the nose all the time. It doesn't affect me much (besides some mild concern) cos i wasn't sure whether a dripping nose means i'm having a flu. With body temperature okay, after a while, i wasn't anxious about it anymore. The tingling foot sensation is the onset of neuropathy.. i had it more during my first cycle, then took some herbs: Goshajinkigan, and didn't feel it besides a few days during the second cycle. Will know how it goes for this third cycle.. had my chemo yesterday, and so far, no tingling. Been diligentlly taking the goshajinkigan daily.

    Lolis, you look good sitting on the bed with that cheerful smile! :) and so cute too with your hands and feet wrapped up! :) Do the nurses do that for you? I don't sleep well prior to all the chemo cycles - think partly steroids and partly anxiety for me, as my blood pressure would also be higher than norm when i turn up at the hospital. how's it going now? any changes in the last few hours?

    For me, i'm normally okay the first few hours after chemo, then late evening hits, and i'd feel a bit tired and ready for bed.. slept by 10pm yesterday after the chemo, and enjoyed dinner outside with my sister.. just to feel a sense of normalcy - Footballnut, that's partly inspired by you going out after your last chemo session! :) My white blood cells are still super high - double the normal limit - don't quite get why it's so - though the dr say it could be the chemo effect and my body just overproduced it as compensation after the low days. My red blood also within normal range now. :) The only thing i don't like is the BLOATING!!! arghghgg.. put on 10pouds (or 3kgs) by the time i went to bed last night..and woke up with puffy face, chubby hands and feet.. i expect it to go away tomorrow though..usually it does by the third day.. :) 

    I actually forgot my gastric pills this time round..skipped it yesterday evening and this morning and tummy still seems okay.. can't believe i forgot!!! would either take it this evening before meal or skip it again if i feel okay. This time round, somehow the tummy doesn't have gas and pain! :)

  • Lolis
    Lolis Posts: 294
    edited July 2014

    Thank you Yensmiles!! Yes the nurses wrapped the ice packs around my hands and feet. It was weird as they offered me some tea and cookies and had my husband feed me, my personal nurse. 

    Is this your last chemo Yensmiles?

    I am usually okay with sleeping. I sleep like a baby most of the time and my sleep has only been disrupted when I took benadryl and the other day. I was doing fine the whole afternoon. Felts tired because of sleep deprived and went to bed at 8pm and slept okay minus the trips to the washroom. So far I have had a bit of pain in my left knee sort the arthritis pain but very very light pain. 

    I got tylenol muscles and joint pains pills in case the pain is not a lot.

    I shall have to take some of that herb for neuropathy. I have occasionally on my ring and pinkie finger, I think I was born with it as my mom had it when pregnant with me. 

    My blood count was low (just below the min range) this time around, even the white blood cells and my kidney test is forever low and I don't understand why as I drink a lot of water. Also, I started having two green teas everyday. I was eating mostly fruits and veggies and a bit of meat last couple of weeks so I am wondering if I should increase the carbs. 

    After my first chemo I was having eggs for breakfast everyday so I am going to switch back to that for these two last rounds. Hopefully it will help. 

    Will see what Neulasta does for me today.

    Amazon, how are you feeling? 

    Ang, how are you

  • yensmiles
    yensmiles Posts: 211
    edited July 2014

    Lolis, good to hear you've such caring nurses, and a hubby who is with you! :)

    I think for the white blood cells, you'd have to take more protein too.. so the eggs would be great! Especially on taxotere, the dr and nurses keep encouraging protein intake.  Maybe nuts would help too. I snack on them quite often. Also glad that the pain you experience on your knee is light.. is that the "bone/muscle" pain associated with taxotere?

    Now i'm cooling my head/face with an ice pack.. it usually flushes a bit during the first couple of days.Good thing today is i managed to cook my own meal: steamed sweet potato and fish. Usually on the second or third day i'm still a bit off, but today, after a morning/afternoon nap, i feel quite alright. And I still have one more round of chemo.. and many months of herceptin to go. The herceptin i suspect is still affecting my pulse and bp.. bp again shot up, pulse down. 

    How's the neulesta shot? Any effects felt?

  • Lolis
    Lolis Posts: 294
    edited July 2014

    Yes, I will get back to eggs for breakfast and snack on some almonds, walnuts and should get some Brazilian nuts as well. Perhaps add some chicken in the mix. My parents brought me some organic chicken so I am thinking to roast it in the oven. 

    I will give myself the Neulasta in a few hours and the effects usually kick in later in the evening and are more pronounced tomorrow. The effects I felt were muscles and skin aches. It made me feel like a 100 year old :-) but it goes away after 24-36 hours

    I am thinking that the left knee pain would be associated with Taxorete as I haven't that pain before. The oncologist told me that SEs would kick in on day 3 after chemo. Will see.

    That meal sounds very yummy. 

  • Amazonwarrior
    Amazonwarrior Posts: 140
    edited July 2014

    Today I had my first vit C infusion. We started with a Myers cocktail at 10 g mixed with of other vit: 500mg B5, 200mg Selenium, 200 mg B6, 400 mg Magnesium mixed with 200ml saline water. 

    The ND also reviewed my med history, meds, supplements, diet, exercise. 

    His suggestions were to increase vit D intake, add Melatonin 5 mg before bedtime, 90 min of physical activity per week that can include walking, house chores and gardening. 

    I feel more lightheaded after with a slight warm sensation on my tongue.

    Yens: Thanks for asking about me. I have been feeling pretty much the same since last time I posted: lot of internal pain and swelling within the rads field, lightheaded, heaviness and pressure on my chest.

    Lolis: Great pic of you with your 'UFC fighter' mitts. :) 

    Yay for peach fuzz!!!

    Congrats on your first Taxotere down. My hair started to slowly grow back while on it, however that somehow did not apply to eye lashes and brows which continued to fall out up to 8 weeks PFC.

    Roast chicken sounds yummy! I too have some organic chicken in my fridge I can't wait to have some of that. Thanks for the tip. :)

    My Taxotere pains started on day 3 and lasted about a week. 

    I used L- glutamine to help with the pain and neuropathy. 

    Ang, Debbie, Jennifer: How are you?

    Wishing everybody minimal SE.

  • footballnut
    footballnut Posts: 449
    edited July 2014

    taxotere pain!!  Ugh!  Meet with my onc next tues to discuss how we will move forward with taxotere. I think he is inclined to put me on week infusions. Ugh!!!

    My eyelashes are just about gone.  Eyebrows are thinning

    Amazon how long did it take for ur lashes to grow back?  I hate it!!

    The "half moons" on my nails have just about disappeared. Yahoo!!  What next?!

  • Amazonwarrior
    Amazonwarrior Posts: 140
    edited July 2014

    My genetics results (BRCA 1/2) came back negative!

    ang: Are you still experiencing Taxotere pain?

    Maybe the weekly dose might be more manageable for you. 

    My lashes and brows continued to fall out for about 2 months after chemo then I had a period when I saw both new lashes growing and some of the older ones still falling out.  My bottom lashes came sooner than the top ones. I am almost 4 months PFC and the top lashes have not reached their full length yet. They are thick, but still rather short. 

    As far as nail changes, mine had tiger stripes appearance. It is only now that they regained their normal look. 


  • yensmiles
    yensmiles Posts: 211
    edited July 2014

    Lolis, sounds like you've got all the nutrients you need at home! :) I'm trying out a group buy for some nuts that will be delivered to my home next week..can't wait for it to arrived, as i ran out of nuts a couple weeks back! and that's really bold of you to do the neulesta shots yourself! and hope the next few days will be bearable! 

    Amazon, glad the genetics test is negative. how long does it take to get results for one? This would be the BRCA1/2 right? did you feel anything during the vit C infusion? hope all the antioxidants will continue soothing the chest. Melatonin and Vit D sounds fabulous too.. was reading bits here and there about both those supplements and i do occasionally pop some vit D now..especially since i'm hardly out in the sun.. try taking the snow fungus more often.. usually such stuff takes some time to feel the effects.. i took it three days in a row.. chemo day, the day after and at 6am today when i woke up too hungry to go back to bad.. no appetite yesterday, and then it came back with vengence at night!!! :)

    Footballnut, hope the pain disappears soon!

    Wishing all a lovely weekend! :)

  • Lolis
    Lolis Posts: 294
    edited July 2014


    I woke up today with very minimal SEs from the Neulasta usually I am achy but I have been just a bit of internal uneasiness, esophagus feels a bit tender but it's okay. 

    I made some carrot, celery and cucumber juice for myself and it will hopefully help with softening the bowel movements as I feel so bloated. I have been eating lentils soup with carrots, peas and corn but not having the desired effect. Will stock up on some prune juice today.

    Congrats on genetics being negative Amazon!!! That's awesome!!! 

    How many Vit. C IV will you do? 

    Yensmiles - try to eat small portion of food even if you don't have much appetite. 

  • footballnut
    footballnut Posts: 449
    edited July 2014

    hi all

    My pain became very manageable last Saturday. Didn't need any pain meds. My biggest issues this past week were the runny eyes, nose with dried blood, tingly left foot and funky taste buds. 

    I also notice that it is taking longer for me to get going in the morning as I wake up tired. I am getting good sleeps though even when I wake up hot or soaked   Lol

    When I do wake up my eyes are crusty. Ugh!

    Difficult to wear eyeliner when ure eyes are tearing!  Any suggestions?

    Next Tuesday I'll chat with my onc to see what his plan is. I'd like to just do 2 more rounds but the pain was debilitating!  My tummy was also in a constant state of confusion and is just getting back to normal!

    Amazon great about results. I has genetic testing which came back negative as well. It took about 6 weeks to get the results. The testing was done at credit valley

    Going to Scott weiland tonight at the danforth music hall. My hero!  The singer of the stone temple pilots on your solo. Dread going downtown with all that's going on this weekend. It's 10:30 - maybe I should leave now!!  Ha ha

    Gave a great weekend all!!

  • Lolis
    Lolis Posts: 294
    edited July 2014

    Ang, it's good news that the half the moon went away. Did it go away by itself? 

    My energy level are good so far so taking advantage of it in case the SE hit on day 3 which will be tomorrow. 

    Have a great weekend ladies!!! 

  • yensmiles
    yensmiles Posts: 211
    edited July 2014

    Footballnut, great to see you having so much fun! :) i did have crusty eyes before.. only a couple of days on the first cycle. And when the eyes feel teary or stinging, i iced them and instantly it feels better.. though and eyeliner might not gel! :)

    Lolis, thanks for the tip, shall happily eat fruit to snack till my nut supplies come in! :) I feel refreshed just hearing your cucumber, celery and carrot juice.. yummy!!! :) How's day 3 going for you? Due to the time difference in our countries, i've passed day 3! :) It's Sunday night now for me, Day 4, since chemo was on Thursday! 

    I ran out of some really good moisturisers i got from Thailand, and now my fingers are cracked!! hurts when i try squeezing lemon/lime to make a drink! it's the first time my hands have cracked from the chemo.. and i do apply moisturisers continuously throughout the day! nails more brittle too..Am just glad it still continues growing so i can trim them to shape! :)

  • Amazonwarrior
    Amazonwarrior Posts: 140
    edited July 2014

    Ladies: How are you doing? How is/ was day 3?

    yens: Boo for the craked skin! Putting on some mosturizer is a good idea especially over night. I heard that wearing all cotton gloves might help with retaining moisture.

    In fact, I bought a pair of special moisture gloves and socks in a drugstore for the same reason, but I never had any issues with skin cracking or nails therefore I never had a chance to use them.

    I would also keep applying an antibacterial cream, just in case, to prevent any infection. I would recommend an antibacterial cream called Polysporin - kids with pain relief medication that's available here in Canada. 

    Here is the pic.:-)


  • Lolis
    Lolis Posts: 294
    edited July 2014

    The aches and soreness hit me last night. It wasn't really bad. I took Tylenol for muscles and joint pain and it did the trick. Went to bed early as I was tired. In the middle of the night I woke up as my left arm felt gigantic, I thought it was swollen like 20x it size but then I realized it was just due to the position I was sleeping in. I slept on and off as everything hurt. 

    I have tired all day today but managed to do some dishes, put together a nightstand (with DH of course) and doing some laundry. I feel that my knees are more affected. My tongue feels weird, like I ate a hot and spicy meal... annoying!!

    Will go out for a walk soon just to get outside. 

    Ang, how was danforth? 

    Booo Yensmiles, that sucks! Who needs cracked skin right now!! The antibiotic cream suggested by Amazon it's a very good idea

  • yensmiles
    yensmiles Posts: 211
    edited July 2014

    thanks so much Amazon, for the picture of the polysporin and gloves! :) so good that you didn't have to use them. How's your weekend?

    Lolis, good to know tylenol works for you! hope the swelling subsides totally soon! how was the walk? it's so hazy where i am now (seasonal haze from Indonesian oil palm lands that slash and burn for quick jobs and kill millions of wildlife and affect the whole area here every year!! sigh). I'm literally cooped up at home, stuffing any unsealed cracks of doors with wet cloth to prevent the haze from seeping in, and when it does get better, quickly let the dogs out for a while. I've discovered exercises on youtube, watched it on TV and thus far, the workouts (short ones really) helped me sweat heaps and made me feel goood after! :)

    oh, occasionally, my tongue feels weird during the first few days too, and i usually just gargle with apple cider vinegar and all will be well! :) haha, the apple cider vinegar would usually taste funny (almost salty) at those times too.

  • footballnut
    footballnut Posts: 449
    edited July 2014

    good morning all

    I meet with my onc tomorrow to discuss balance of my chemo and then wed back in the chair at 10am. 2 rounds left but if I have to go weekly I imagine that would be six weeks of infusions. Ugh!

    This past weekend I was fortunate enough to meet my idol Scott weiland - Scott used to sing with the stone temple pilots and is now touring solo. I got up on stage to sing with him and he later introduced me to his drummer mike - a cancer survivor!!

    Hot Scott made my night! He's the best and I'll never forget how he made me forget all about cancer and rocked my world as he's done several times in the past. 😊❤️



  • footballnut
    footballnut Posts: 449
    edited July 2014


    following are a few more pics. One with Scott and his band mates - the other with his drummer mike who had leukaemia 13 years ago and is a survivor. He talked to me for 20+ minutes and we are now friends on Facebook. So cool!!


  • Amazonwarrior
    Amazonwarrior Posts: 140
    edited July 2014

    Just got back from the hospital because of an ECG test due to the heaviness, tightness and burning sensations I have been experiencing lately. 

    I also feel very weak and lightheaded and need to lay down often from a delayed rads effect. Not fun, for sure!

    ang: Wow, it seemed like you had a blast! I'm quite sure you enjoyed every second of it.

    I am glad that you were able to meet your hero, talk to him and even befriend his drummer on FB!

    I admire your energy and fearless attitude!

    BTW, you're looking great and love the hat!

    Will be thinking of you on Wednesday.

    Lolis: That cucumber, celery and carrot juice sounds yummy! I made mine with: 

    Carrots, red beets, apples, kale and cucumber.

    I am glad that you were able to manage pain with Tylenol or was is Tylenol3?

    Yens: My tongue on Taxotere felt burnt as if I drank a super hot drink. Even now after 4 months PFC I find that the sensation ever so slight is still there. 

    Are those forest fires fairly close to where you live?

    I once visited Malaysia ( Kuala Lumpur) back in September 1996 as a day stop over from Japan to Europe. 

    Where abouts do you live?

  • footballnut
    footballnut Posts: 449
    edited July 2014

    good morning! Today I have bloodwork and meet with my onc in preparation for my next round of chemo tomorrow

    I am so scared of the side effects this time around. I am just starting to feel so much better - tummy good, eyes good, taste buds good- no pain- ugh!

    Was on treadmill for 40 min yesterday and did weights.

    Will try to continue as it feels so good to workout!!

    Can't wait for end of chemo!!

    Have a good day all!!

  • footballnut
    footballnut Posts: 449
    edited July 2014

    Question for you - according to the Canadian breast cancer foundation - The following ingredients can increase risk of disease including breast cancer - phthalates, parabens, alkylphenols, fragrance or parfum and placental extracts.

    Do you check products that you buy such as lotions, soaps, shampoos and cosmetics for these ingredients prior to purchasing?

  • Amazonwarrior
    Amazonwarrior Posts: 140
    edited July 2014

    Here is my weekly hair growth update after 4 months PFC (16 weeks).  My hubby's comment is that 'it looks and feels like wool'. I got to agree with him on that because my hair is getting so curly that I had to start using hair gel to control it if I don't want to sport an afro. Lol

    ang: I always tend to buy products that were natural, but I believe in a cumulative effect of the environments stresses on our bodies.


  • Lolis
    Lolis Posts: 294
    edited July 2014

    Good luck Ang. You are almost at the finish line!!! How was your blood work? Are they switching you to weekly treatment? Perhaps the side effects will be less intense.

    Amazon, that hair looks really curly. Is is soft? Did you have curly hair before? Also, please remind me what PFC stands for (is it post final chemo?)

    Yensmiles, how are you doing today? Sorry to hear about the fires. That must be very bothersome? How's the cracked skin? 

    As for me, I am feeling a bit better today. The aches and pains are less pronounced but the middle section pressure is still there. My lower back hurts, as I have been sitting all day long (back to working mode again). Yesterday I cut my daily walk short as my ankles were still hurting. 

    Hoping tomorrow is a better day for every one!!


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