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August 2015 Chemo Group



  • MsBrompton
    MsBrompton Member Posts: 324

    Surely if they want to put a port in again over a tattoo they could?

  • Musosgirl
    Musosgirl Member Posts: 305

    Oh, MsBrompton, I am sure they could--but would it ruin the tattoo? Or, maybe there would be issues cutting into all the ink?

    I definitely prefer my PS's work, exerciseguru. I think that is a good call.

    Superius, I actually considered a pink hoodie, but none of them seemed just right. I need a zippered hoodie and the only one I liked was a pull-over. I also looked at a pink lanyard since I need one, but for some reason the ribbon symbol really irritates me. It's funny what does. I know some ladies hate the slogan "fight like a girl" but I actually really like it. Back to the ribbons--that's why I am planning tribute butterflies for my tattoo--one pink, one turquoise, one navy and burgundy.

    How about hot cocoa/teafor the book release?

  • deeratz
    deeratz Member Posts: 318

    I had a great Thanksgiving with my family this year. I even baked fresh buns and Cinnamon buns for my family. Something I haven't done in quite awhile. It was a good time for me to look back at the last year so I can realize how far I have come. I have so many things to be thankful for.

    Musogirl-I didn't have a port or Picc. They just burned out my hand veins with the poison. I have thought about getting tattoos on my Foobs. There are some beautiful ones out there. But I too have though, what if I have a reoccurrence and they have to cut my tattoos up. It would be a real mess. I think I will just stick to the 3D nipple tattoos.

    As for the book launch party I think we need champagne because we need to celebrate! I wouldn't be opposed to a keg of beer or a vat of red wine.

  • WarriorCheryl
    WarriorCheryl Member Posts: 8

    Don't give up. Easy stretching is so important.

  • superius
    superius Member Posts: 310

    I will go for the Tea/ Hot Chocoa. I know a sip is nothing, but I am skipping the Communion Cup at Mass Sunday mornings. I have this funny vision that one of the MD/ Onco people (5!) behind me would throw a hymnal at me if I go for the Cup. LOL

    Musosgirl, have you check out the shopping section on this site?

    I bought a pink pearl ring from Berricle (it was on sale. nice stuff from that site). & I see clothing items from Cafepress.

  • Musosgirl
    Musosgirl Member Posts: 305

    superius, we really need a movie based on your choir/cancer saga! Maybe Kate can get started o a screen play.

  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650

    I've decided I will get tiny tattoos on my radiation tattoos...I even know what I'm getting. I'll post some pics if i ever get them done.

  • KateB79
    KateB79 Member Posts: 555

    I would totally write that screenplay.

    I want tattoos. But we just spent most of our money on new furniture (!), so the ink is gonna have to wait. :)

  • superius
    superius Member Posts: 310

    Oh hey have I ever mentioned the WorryWart has been taking Taekwondo classes? He just got promotion from Orange to Green/Lime.

  • deeratz
    deeratz Member Posts: 318

    Hello Ladies, we must all be doing fairly well as we have been pretty quiet. That is a good thing!

    I have had an amazing few weeks. I have started a project. I have decided to start a breast cancer support group. I live in the largest city in my province and we do not have a BC support group. I know it is crazy. So I have decided to do something about it. I have been in contact with the Canadian Breast Cancer foundation and they are willing to support me and train women to be facilitators of our group. Since I have decided to do this it seems as though the stars are all aligning and the Ying and Yang are happy. I have connected with so many women who are willing to help start this group up. I can't believe he support I have had. I'm excited as to where this is headed.

    Tomorrow is my 1 year anniversary of my last chemo. It's hard to believe a year has gone by already. I'm breathing a sigh of relief as this is my last big anniversary. Fuck you cancer....take that!

    I am scheduled for revision surgery on my Foobs on Monday. I'm hoping this is my last medical procedure for a very long time. I only found out on Tuesday that I was going to have surgery. I didn't think I would have it until the New Year, but I got the call so let's get er done. Then I can wait 6 months and get my nipple tatts. I'm pretty badass.

  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650

    Yay Dee! Congratulations! I had my first year anniversary of my Last chemo on Sunday past and I missed it!

    Well done for founding a support group. I'm very happy for all the ladies and those couple of guys too, who will benefit from your efforts. Pay it forward!
  • MsBrompton
    MsBrompton Member Posts: 324

    Awesome Dee. We've been through so much, learnt so much, gained so much from mutual support, and now it's our turn to support others. I'm thinking of writing a book with another woman in UK who has been through BC. (Will it happen? 50-50).

    My 1-year anniversary of finishing chemo is coming up next Wednesday. I'm fully back at work and apart from that stupid infection in the fake nipple 3 weeks ago, doing pretty well. Deo Gratia.

  • superius
    superius Member Posts: 310

    Go Dee! Definitely Pay It Forward!

    Had Ultra-Sound Thur on "the other side". I have the ache once in a while since Mammogram in May (it really hurt when they squeeze sideway). and I can see the muscles/ ribs? when I move my arms up & down. really weird. So MO ordered it. All clear, still freak me out though. Maybe I've never looked at them [it] before. When I told the tech, she was if I have lost weight (yes, about 20)

    For me, few days ago it was anniversary of end of chemo cycle 4 (day 21). day to stop counting. Although I was also counting the 6 weeks post chemo, when I could start eating raw food! Frankly, I am still kinda giddy every time I cut the mushroom for salads, "hey look, I am not even washing them!"

    Nov 1 will be 1 yr for Tamoxifen. 1 down 9 to go! I found it amusing because psychologically it's like doctor is saying, "you will be alive to be taking the med 10 yrs now." How's that for optimistic. ;) 

  • Musosgirl
    Musosgirl Member Posts: 305

    superius, that is a great point! We will be around to take this med for 10 years. It certainly helps my perspective. Are you going to try Tae Kwon Do too? Is he looking more svelte?

    Dee, how awesome are you?!! Way to go on the support group!

    MsBrompton, I keep meaning to write my story down for my kids. Maybe we can encourage each other to do a bit at a time! Maybe Kate has some tips for us?

    I went out of town this week. We celebrated being officially done with treatment and took the boys to an amusement park. I hiked through a cave and rode rides. It was two kiddie rides that did me in though! Something around Frankenboob popped on one and I was tender the rest of the time. The next one was really fast and put too much pressure on my tummy incisions. I was totally bummed--I mean the adult coaster with 5 loops was so smooth and no problem! Some of you are so far ahead of me on chemo anniversaries. My last one was the week before American Thanksgiving, I think..

  • superius
    superius Member Posts: 310

    Oh yeah! Musosgirl. Someone told me that worrywart told them he had lost 40lb since last yr. I think he started going to the gym sometimes Oct/Dec of last year. I remembered he had had really bad back problem earlier in 2015 - went to ER 2 times, flat on his back couldn't move right before Easter.... And as late as my last chemo end of Sept, he was out couple days.

    Anyway, one of my peeves right now (beside he keeps throwing plastic bottle in trash instead of recycle) is that he doesn't wear hat! he's as bald as Charlie brown, & I know he was told by his barber about needing a hat. Earlier this month, there was a big fancy party at church, a choir friend invited me. Her table has an extra seat... get this, because her bro-in-law was getting surgery on his head for skin cancer. When another friend overheard that, he said, "oh yeah, that's how my aunt lost her second husband." -- who also lost her Third husband to cancer. yup.

    So like... that's where my mind goes when it freaks out & goes to the "dark place". Bawling seriously, you don't get to worry about how much radiation there is from mammogram ("how much radiation is there?! how often do you have to do it?!") when you don't take care of that bald head. We lives in S Cal, for God's sake! ..... & my mind just freaked out typing ... Bawling

  • KateB79
    KateB79 Member Posts: 555

    I do have tips!

    Write it as it comes to you. If you don't have access to a pen/paper/keyboard when something strikes, use the voice memo function on your phone (assuming you have a smart phone).

    I've written two essays now that are, at least in part, about this whole ordeal, and I find it to be tremendously therapeutic to put it out there. Writing about my experiences make me more vulnerable than I would like, but it's also important to share stories since, you know, people tell stories in order to survive. :)

    Dee, I think that's a fabulous plan. Go Dee!

    I've been on Lexapro for a month now, and it has really, really helped me deal with the anxiety. The plan is to stay on it for a year. I used to be kind of a jerk about it ("I don't need that stuff"), but now I understand that a year of BC treatment really did mess up my brain chemistry. It's kind of weird to feel so grounded and centered after months of being all over the place, but I'll take it. I saw my primary care doc last week, who told me that I'm "doing better than most people in similar situations," so I'll take that, too. When I told her about the anxiety, and that I couldn't even look at test results by myself anymore, she was completely understanding and promised to call me to discuss all lab results, etc. She's a good one.

    Whew! In other news, it's so incredibly nice to enjoy the beautiful Michigan fall weather this year. I've always--ALWAYS--loved autumn, and last year was such a s*** show because I could barely walk around the block. . . . This year, I'm going on hikes. The body is an amazing, resilient machine, isn't it?

  • VickiRides
    VickiRides Member Posts: 163

    What a great thing to do, Dee. You are going to help so many ladies (and guys).

    I've been feeling much better recently ... both energy and mood. I just finished 4 weeks of physical therapy for my shoulder and I've been faithfully going to Livestrong twice a week. Life is good.

  • SoCalGrl
    SoCalGrl Member Posts: 59

    Dee - That's wonderful! I wish you the very best with that endeavor! I hope you don't mind me asking, but what's going on with your implants that you need another surgery?

  • deeratz
    deeratz Member Posts: 318

    MsBrompton-great article

  • Musosgirl
    Musosgirl Member Posts: 305

    I didn't even lose a breast and I have tears streaming down my face. I hope all surgeons/nurses really feel that way. I wonder if they feel that way during a hysterectomy.

    I have officially passed my one year being done with hard chemo and moving on to dose dense Herceptin. Dee--I noticed my bangs look just like yours. I guess for those of us growing our hair out we are around the same point. The rest of mine is almost to my jawline, with layers on up to my bangs. I guess a year ago I was NED--but that wasn't official until Dec 10th. Thanksgiving will taste much better this year!

  • VickiRides
    VickiRides Member Posts: 163

    That is a beautiful letter, MsBrompton. Thank you for sharing.

  • MsBrompton
    MsBrompton Member Posts: 324

    Happy Thanksgiving, American friends. And boy do we all have lots to be thankful for.

  • Bluefrog76
    Bluefrog76 Member Posts: 250

    Happy Thanksgiving to all! I will always be grateful for you. And for my non-American friends, find some pie today! :)

  • superius
    superius Member Posts: 310

    Hello there everyone, how's everyone's Thanksgiving? We DO have a lot to be thankful for.

    This is the second time we didn't go anywhere. Last year it was because me - I didn't tell any of the relatives, & my mom broke the BC news to my uncles, because  "we couldn't drive up to LA from San Diego." (3hr drive on Turkey day, 50+ people gathering) This year it is because my uncle who hosts Thanksgiving every year has been out of the states. So it was just a normal day for me yesterday. Have to work today, & we have a traditional of "Left-Over Potluck" so I might still get some Thanksgiving food!

  • VickiRides
    VickiRides Member Posts: 163

    I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We did our traditional Turkey Day 5K in the morning (walking) then had Thanksgiving dinner with my in-laws.

    Have you seen the post about the researcher looking at weight gain after breast cancer treatment? I spoke with her last week and she is looking for more participants. If you think you'd like to participate, I would encourage you to contact her. She was very kind and the interview was painless. Here's the post:

  • Musosgirl
    Musosgirl Member Posts: 305

    Thank you MsBrompton! You are so sweet!

    BlueFrog! How are you? What is your current status? Is Herceptin making a difference still?

    Superius, I remember the drama of last Thanksgiving and your family finding out. I hope you did get some Thanksgiving type goodies at the pot-luck!

    Vickirides, just the idea depresses me! I am so bummed about my weight right now. I don't want to spend 3 hours talking about it! Is it just going to be impossible to lose now...?

    I so enjoyed the break last week. We had an amazing Thanksgiving meal and good quality time with my grandmother. I am having a hard time getting back into our homeschool routine. Thankfully we only have to dig in for 3 moreweeks before Christmas break!

  • Bluefrog76
    Bluefrog76 Member Posts: 250

    Hi Musogirl--treatment is still working (Herceptin, perjeta, Lupron, tamoxifen, Xgeva). My late October scans (chest, abdomen, full body bone) show no evidence of active disease (NEAD), the best outcome I can hope for. That means that there's no cancer activity in my bones, only scarring from all the previous metastatic bone damage, and no involvement in my brain, liver or lungs.There is some general concern about prolonged Herceptin use and potential for cardiac damage, but my most recent echo actually shows improvement. So I just keep plugging along and living a mostly normal life. I definitely have bad moments, but overall it's all tolerable. Here's me in Mexico earlier this month. Thank you for asking!


  • VickiRides
    VickiRides Member Posts: 163

    So glad that you are NEAD, Bluefrog. You look wonderful.

  • MsBrompton
    MsBrompton Member Posts: 324

    Bluefrog, your news has made my Christmas!! So pleased you're doing so well.