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Starting Radiation April 2017



  • 6cats
    6cats Member Posts: 199
    edited May 2017

    Whoo-Hooo! Finished Radiation today! I have radiation dermatitis and extreme redness under my breast. They said the skin effects will worsen for the next 3-5 days and then I should start to heal. Got an rx of Triamcinolon cream to help out in the meantime.

  • sorella
    sorella Member Posts: 54
    edited May 2017

    bravepoint, the area of discomfort is under my arm reaching down my upper arm, in my breast where the tumors were removed (there is a keloid bump there) and the side of my breast. Mostly it is needle pains and then there is some heaviness. My MO called it lymphedema today which really worried me. Although never diagnosed with lymphedema, I was seen by a pt specializing in lymphedema because of my pain (before radiation ) I am about to email her even though my MO said to wait a month before allowing the massage she was doing before. I just want her to look at it and compare measurements. Swelling is normal but I don't know why my RO and MO are calling it lymphedema and not telling me what I can do about it. Every time I think I can relax some, pain reminds me I can't!

  • bravepoint
    bravepoint Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2017

    Sorella - My PT told me to come and see her 10-14 days after rads ended. I'm not sure what she will be able to do with me in terms of massage as I'm so red right now....

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027
    edited May 2017

    Sorella, do you have excessive swelling and pain? It's a great idea to have your measurements checked to rule out lymphodemia. I'm praying it's not that!

    6cats, YAY! Congratulations your done!! I'm doing the happy dance for you!

    jgio, I didn't have to have the boosts at the end of my radiation as I had a DBMX. I still have to worry about recurrence even with a DBMX but I don't have to worry about more surgeries on my foobs, except for exchanging my TEs for my squishies.

    I wish I could go back to wearing my underwire bras instead of having to toss them all out. I'm not having to wear any type of support yet as I have nothing of my own to support and my TEs are hard as a rock and don't move!! My PS told me to stay away from any underwire bras after I have my exchange surgery in September.

    Gentle healing hugs to All 🤗🤗

  • scaredashell07
    scaredashell07 Member Posts: 143
    edited May 2017

    hello. I'm finishing rads on Wednesday and my skin is so red and tight. I have been using mematosone for itchiness and it helps. Doc said no to aquafor not sure why. I think she said it dries it out.

    We're you told what the long term issue with rads could be? I noticed a skin patch round shape and itchy as heck. I am going to a dermatologist for a consult on a few weeks but rad doc said it's not Cancer although the it's itchy as heck. its not on the mastectomy arm. Anyone have any skin issues on other aras after rads?

    On the subject of bras I was told not to wear underwire. My doc even hinted that it might have even possibly have caused the cancer. She asked me if I wore underwire. She said the underwire doesn't allow lymphatic drainage.

  • Tappermom383
    Tappermom383 Member Posts: 401
    edited May 2017

    Congrats, 6cats - as you finished today I began! One down, 32 to go.


  • letsgogolf
    letsgogolf Member Posts: 65
    edited May 2017

    6cats - Congratulations on your completed treatments! What a relief! Enjoy your summer. I will finish on Thursday.

  • Connie1230
    Connie1230 Member Posts: 45
    edited May 2017

    I asked about wearing an underwire and they told me that i could wear one if I wanted; it didn't matter. They don't want me to use anything but clear aloe and told me there was no point in using it before I had an issue. I just finished 16 of 31 treatments and so far, no side effects using absolutely no lotions whatsoever. Of course, I realize that could change tomorrow.

    I have a question. For those of you who have had chemo, how long was it after your last chemo when your hair started coming back in

  • nayda985
    nayda985 Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2017

    Hi everyone!

    I haven't been on here for a while ...Glad to see a lot of you reaching the finish line:)

    I broke down today...I have been strong up until today...I have done 25 of 30 rads...everything finally hit me mid last underarm is constantly feeling inflamed..burning..hurting..aching...I put on the cream they provided which has aloe and hydrophor in it..the cream cools it down for I would say 30 minutes then I am burning again...I have never felt a burning pain like this ever...I never thought I could be so tired that it would hurt....I can sleep on my off day for 6 hours and still wake up feel like body aches all over...I have to take a tramadol just to tolerate being in the supine position while getting radiated...every Monday I see my RO and I was telling him all of this and I couldn't stop crying for some reason...I told him I don't think I have 5 more in me...he said that I have been doing great and that I can do it and please finish...and asked what I needed to get thru this...I was lost for words...b/c I am basically sick of all this ya know..everything....its never ending...its hard for me to see the end of this horrific experience....truthfully speaking I am doing all of this for my family...they aren't ready for me to go and I have 3 kids I have raise..if I didn't have them I wouldn't do any of this...its like being in a bad dream that you never wake up from...after I finish my visit with my RO who is suppose to prescribe me some type of medicated pads to put under my arm and also provided me more pain meds that I can't take til I am off work...I walk past the check in desk and the lady at the desk say are you okay...I say no and start crying in the middle of the freaking cancer center and I couldn't stop crying..and to tell you the truth I can't even remember what the lady was saying...she gave me an awkward hug and I just wanted to run and get the hell out of that place...I had a serious melt down today...I then went str8 to work afterwards and my sweet co workers was making me laugh and smile all day joking around which brightened my cloudy day.

    Thanks for letting me Rant.

    Chemo Sucks

    Surgery Sucks

    Radiations Sucks

    Cancer Sucks!

  • Tappermom383
    Tappermom383 Member Posts: 401
    edited May 2017

    I'd say getting all that out did you a world of good, nayda! Hope the new meds help.


  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027
    edited May 2017

    Connie, I had my last chemo treatment on 12/27/2016 and my hair started growing back a few weeks later. It's slow going but it's growing!

    Nayda, cancer sucks BIG TIME and it doesn't seem like there's an end in sight. Having melt downs is totally acceptable and don't feel bad when it happens so running away when you feel this way is acceptable also. We are all here for you and we've got your back! Vent away! (((Nayda)))

    Scaredashell, I can't believe any of your doctors would suggest that underwire bras cause cancer. Shame on her!

    Credit to BCO...

    "Common Fears With No Evidence: Antiperspirants and Bras

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    In media stories and on Internet postings some factors have been widely rumored to increase breast cancer risk. For example, right now, there is no evidence to back the claims that antiperspirants, underwire bras, and wearing a bra at night are causes of breast cancer. The claims are based on these concerns:

    • Antiperspirant chemicals are absorbed through the skin, block the release of toxins when you sweat, and cause these toxins to build up in the breast.
    • Underwire bras cause breast cancer by blocking the drainage of lymph fluid from the bottom of the breast so it can't get back into your body.

    There is no scientific evidence to support either of these rumors.

    Even the strongest antiperspirant doesn't block all perspiration in the armpit. Most cancer-causing substances are removed by the kidneys and released through urine or processed by the liver. Sweating isn't a significant way for your body to release toxins. And while there are concerns about chemicals, such as phthalates and parabens used for fragrance and preservation, from a whole list of personal care products (including antiperspirants) being absorbed by the body, these chemicals are unlikely to be culprits in causing breast cancer.

    Underwire bras do not cause breast cancer. Only one scientific study has looked at the link between wearing a bra and breast cancer. There was no real difference in risk between women who wore a bra and women who didn't wear a bra. Being overweight does increase breast cancer risk though, and women who are overweight are more likely to have larger breasts and wear a bra. Women who don't wear bras are more likely to be at a healthy weight. This difference in weight is probably why this myth continues to circulate.

    Think Pink, Live Green: A Step-by-Step Guide to Reducing Your Risk of Breast Cancer teaches you the biology of breast development and how modern life affects breast cancer risk. Order a free booklet by mail or download the PDF of the booklet to learn 31 risk-reducing steps you can take today."

    More From Our Site

    Gentle healing hugs to everyone 🤗🤗

  • lohoff
    lohoff Member Posts: 45
    edited May 2017

    nayda - It's good that you were able to have a melt down. Cancer and cancer treatment are the most horrible things on earth to live through. You have every right to cry and feel pissed off. Everything is out of our control. We are kind of just swept along from one traumatic event to another without much time to grieve the loss of our body parts, hair, good health, sex lives, energy, etc. Being so young and having little ones, you have a lot to deal with. I am praying for you. Hang in there. Better days are ahead

  • nayda985
    nayda985 Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2017

    Thank you all for your responses and keeping me in your prayers:) b/c I need it:)

    I agree...we don't get a chance to grieve the many losses we encounter with this disease...I am currently in remission and in the back of my mind I keep playing that cancer radio that it will I can't even be happy that I'm in remission...I see its gonna take me a while before I can get my mind around this whole experience and move on from it...after today 4 rads left..and I cannot wait..but after rads I will have to take a hormone blocking pill and take some kind of shot also..which will knock me into early menopause..well there goes my sex poor husband:(

    #I hate Cancer

  • Connie1230
    Connie1230 Member Posts: 45
    edited May 2017

    WenchLori, thanks for your response on the hair. Mine is coming in...still more of a stubble and doesn't seem to be growing much but there is more of it. It's hard to tell because it's gray! Now it should be gray because I am 67 but I never let it become gray before. I also noticed today that my eyelashes are coming back but they're still pretty short. The one thing that really seems to be growing is the hair on my legs. I've said all along that the one and only positive of breast cancer was not having to shave my legs and so you might know that this hair would be growing quickly

  • lohoff
    lohoff Member Posts: 45
    edited May 2017

    Connie - It took me about 4 weeks to get about 1/8 inch of hair. Saturday will be two months since my last chemo and I only have about 1/4 to 1/2 in of hair. It's mostly white and clear with a tiny bit of brown but every week I see more hair growing and more brown areas appearing. My hair used to be so thick with a lot of volume and it grew fast. I got it cut, thinned out and colored every 6 weeks. My new hair is thin and growing at a snail's pace, but I'm happy to have some hair now.

  • Connie1230
    Connie1230 Member Posts: 45
    edited May 2017

    Thanks lohoff. Mine is about 1/8 inch after 6 weeks. I met a much younger girl today at treatment and her hair was 1/2-1 inch after 3 weeks. I think my hair coming in is worrying me more than anything at the moment which is dumb I know. But we live in FL and a wig or a scarf is so hot already but I cannot force myself to go without one or the other except in my house

  • scaredashell07
    scaredashell07 Member Posts: 143
    edited May 2017

    Nayda- I totally get your meltdown. I feel a black cloud hovers over me For most Of the day. It's been 8 months and I still get up and it's the first thing I think about. Ibhave two small kids and I can't believe I could die from this. I try to live for the day and think about the stats that say I'll be ok but o know I'll never stop worrying about it coming back. I look a really myself and see a bald, cut up (no recon) burned, cancer patient. I don't think about it every minute any more. I finish rads tomorrow and hope to get my life back to normal and enjoy the thought of being with my kids this summer. If anything positive has come from this cancer it's to not worry about little things. I am a big worrier and I have really tried to be more positive and live foe the day. Today I feel good. Last week I was a mess. the crying helps get it out.

    as for the bra I am going to ask more. She did say that it's not proven but here's some research. I don't know what To believe anymore.

  • bravepoint
    bravepoint Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2017

    4 boosts to go and I'm feeling like I can't make it..... My nipple is cracked and so sore to anything that even grazes it. I went in early yesterday to see an RO (not mine) and he prescribed flamizine for the nipple and saline soaks. It hurts to even apply the cream. He suggested that I might need 1-2 weeks bed rest so nothing or less brushed the nipple surface. Just when I thought that I was getting my life back! I had a major meltdown when I got home. It's just all been too much. My poor husband. I want to know that I have done all I can to beat this thing so I'll stick with it. The boosts are above my nipple so it shouldn't get any more exposure. Friday, I'll find out what AI I'll be on. It just seems like one thing after an other and feeling like s**@!

    Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027
    edited May 2017

    Scaredashell, I'd believe what BCO had posted. They did their research and I'm sure they did a very thorough job of it.

    Nayda, I've gone through menopause and had a complete hysterectomy and continued to have an active sex life. Not so much since my BC diagnosis due to surgery, chemo and radiation. Wishing you the best and praying your bad days become less and less as time goes on.

    I've never given into my cancer and haven't had any break downs or shed any tears because of it. I keep waiting for it to hit but over a year later still nothing. I feel like I'm missing an important part of this journey. Do I want the depression, feeling desperate or thinking God gave up on me? No but it still seems wrong that I've sailed through everything to date without batting an eye. My DH says it's not in my nature to think of the negative side of anything we do or we things go through. I have compassion and my heart breaks for everyone on BCO. I wish I could take everyone's pain and anguish away and carry it for you. That's just who I am, I truely believe If I stop laughing, I'll start crying.

    Gentle healing hugs to everyone 🤗🤗

  • Chloe2
    Chloe2 Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2017

    Hi gigi21, On day 1 I had a metallic taste that started about a half hour after treatment. Started up on day 2 again and then went away over the weekend. I mentioned it to the radiation tech who told the nurse who wants the radiation oncologist to see me tomorrow. I have problems with my immune system and I'm wondering if it somehow related? Anyone have any clues as to this metallic taste? I had the opposite breast radiated 4 years ago and did not have this issue. Also had off & on queasiness

  • scaredashell07
    scaredashell07 Member Posts: 143
    edited May 2017

    my burns are starting to peel likenopen sores what can I use that not chemicals? Does aloe work

  • 6cats
    6cats Member Posts: 199
    edited May 2017

    If you have open wounds from peeling, I'd recommend a visit to your RO. Mine are peeling some, but it is more like after a sunburn. I'm using the gel they gave me at the ROs office.

  • Bdagal
    Bdagal Member Posts: 29
    edited May 2017

    hi April ladies - just wondering if any of you who have finished treatment have gotten a really sore breast? I've noticed especially over this last week - and especially through the night while sleeping - that my breast is so very sore!! .....I switch sides quite often and every time I roll over it's excruciating, like every nerve fiber in there just starts firing! Just want to know this is normal? My skin looks great but this soreness isn't fun. It wasn't this sore durin

  • Whirlaway
    Whirlaway Member Posts: 16
    edited June 2017

    Bdagal, I have the same thing happening. I also wasn't this sore during treatment, barely anything. I hope we will feel better soon! Anyone else?

  • nayda985
    nayda985 Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2017

    my skin is coming off...can anybody tell me what they did to stop this from happening...this is very irritating

  • bravepoint
    bravepoint Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2017

    nayda985 - Do you mean your skin is peeling after a sun burn? Mine is doing that so I have been putting on flamazine cream. It feels better today though itchy....

  • nayda985
    nayda985 Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2017
    Options started peeling after my last radiation treatment...its not itchy....will flamazine help my skin stop peeling?

  • bravepoint
    bravepoint Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2017

    nayda985 - Flamazine is an anti bacterial cream to use if your skin is broken or cracked. I used it yesterday when my skin was peeling. The nurse told me last week at the end of rads if I felt any stinging to use the flamazine. I went back to Glaxal base today as my skin isn't peeling just really red where my boosts were..

  • nayda985
    nayda985 Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2017

    ty bravepoint...I think I may use Neosporin and make an apt with my ro this coming up

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027
    edited June 2017

    Nayda, not much you can do to stop the peeling but I hope your RO will give you something to help it to heal faster. My RO gave me silvadene, I used it twice a day and it seemed to help a lot. I lost all of the skin under my arm after my treatments were done. It seemed to heal rather quickly once rads was over. Best wishes for a speedy recovery! 🙏