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Starting Radiation April 2017



  • bravepoint
    bravepoint Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2017

    Flamazine is Siver Sulfadiazine cream. I guess just a different name in Canada.

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027
    edited June 2017

    Bravepoint, thank you for letting me know, I've learned something new today 😊

  • ReginaZ
    ReginaZ Member Posts: 19
    edited June 2017

    Bdagal and Whirlaway,

    I was very sore for about 2 weeks after the end of rads. Was disappointed because I felt hardly anything during treatment. I think this is common, especially with the shorter, more concentrated doses.

    However, if you don't gradually start feeling better, I would follow up with my MD, just to make sure nothing else is going on.


  • ReginaZ
    ReginaZ Member Posts: 19
    edited June 2017

    Bdagal and Whirlaway,

    I was very sore for about 2 weeks after the end of rads. Was disappointed because I felt hardly anything during treatment. I think this is common, especially with the shorter, more concentrated doses.

    However, if you don't gradually start feeling better, I would follow up with my MD, just to make sure nothing else is going on.


  • nayda985
    nayda985 Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2017

    thanx skin is peeling very looks like a scab is growing over it..and it's staying wet for some reason...i feel very yucky...i am praying it dont get infected...imma call my ro office in the morning.

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027
    edited June 2017

    nayda, mine oozed too. Buy some men's soft white t-shirts. They helped immensely to keep the oozing under control and the open sore spot from becoming infected. I got larger t-shirts than I needed so I could stuff some of the side material up into my arm pit. I was amazed how fast the skin healed after treatments ended but the t-shirts were a life saver!

  • nayda985
    nayda985 Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2017

    Lori...I have been using my hubby shirts and messing them up..haha....I bought some non stick pads...and some otc curad silver gel...imma use that til I can see the RO and get the silvadine cream that your talking about....Lori this might be a stupid question...when you skin peeled...did your skin grow back right..?

  • siciliana
    siciliana Member Posts: 61
    edited June 2017

    Nayda, I had some major redness and peeling over the collar bone area and I was starting to get concerned about it. But then, almost overnight, it started healing and the new skin showed up. Now, not even three weeks after the end of treatment, you'd never know it was ever damaged. I still have some light peeling going on over the boost area. I am still using Miaderm, athough I'm about out of it, so I'll have to just use another moisturizer for a while. My RO told me to be sure to use sunscreen on the radiation treated areas.

    I am amazed at how quickly the body can heal itself!

  • 6cats
    6cats Member Posts: 199
    edited June 2017

    I finished my whole breast dads on the 16th and my boosts on the 22nd. I am still red and swollen, the radiated side feels warmer go the touch and the boost area is healing better than parts of the rest of my breast.

    I don't know if I am being over concerned or if this is normal. Thoughts?

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027
    edited June 2017

    Nayda, yes, you can't even tell that I had rads. Within a few weeks my skin was back to normal. It is amazing how such things can heal as Siciliana mentioned 🙂

  • 6cats
    6cats Member Posts: 199
    edited June 2017

    So talked with the nurse at my RO's office. I'm still learning new things... my doc told me I should start feeling better in days. She told me that skin reactions usually peak ~2wks after rads end -- I'm right on schedule. Swollen breast, redness sore & itchy. She said not to worry as long as I don't have a fever and don't have open sores.

    As for the fatigue, she said by my one month appt I should be almost back to normal. Funny thing, after I got off the phone I looked and he isn't seeing for six months! Hmm... maybe a new doc is in order...

    They also didn't tell me that part of my back would be radiated.... now I know why it is so red and sore!

  • bravepoint
    bravepoint Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2017

    6cats - I'm 2 weeks out from my whole breast rads and most of my skin is returning to normal. Where I had my 4 boosts though is still red, itchy and peeling. I am only 8 days out from that. My RO doesn't see me for 3 months.

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027
    edited June 2017

    6cats, I also see my RO in 3 months post rads. It seems like 6 months is a long time to wait between appointments.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited June 2017

    I saw RO one month after rads ended and then go back in another 6 mos. Yet again - we see examples of how the various docs do things differently. Go figure.

  • nayda985
    nayda985 Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2017

    Same as Celia..RO has me scheduled to come back in a month from last radiation treatment...talked to nurse about peeling and everything...she said like a lot of you said if there are no sores it's completely normal...and it's like a sunburn...but I told her I am freaking out b/c I never had a sunburn b/c I am both started laughing and she assured me that I was fine...and I see my MO on Wed...and I can let him take a look at it to make sure it's not infected....I just know I will be glad when I am done with whole ordeal...🤗

  • bravepoint
    bravepoint Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2017

    nayda985 - I will be too! My skin around my scar is still super red and peeling off. Not sure how I'll get a bra on tomorrow but I have to.... maybe some kind of non stick pad underneath it.

  • nayda985
    nayda985 Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2017

    bravepoint...i have the fake boobs..and b/c of my skin peeling..i have been scared to put it on this week at work...scared that the bra is going to constantly rub against my skin and cause more to come I have been going flat all me know if the non stick pads work with the bra.

  • scaredashell07
    scaredashell07 Member Posts: 143
    edited June 2017

    I went for a one week check and now have another check in 2 weeks. Peeling but doc said it looks good. No sores but some swelling

    Have had a lot of palpitations. I'm told that's somewhat normal. I don't have shortness of breath really. But the palpitations are annoying. Anyone else have this

  • bravepoint
    bravepoint Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2017

    nayda985 - I picked up Moist Burn Pads at the pharmacy this morning,

    and used one over the reddest area on my chest then put on my sports bra. It worked well! They are a Canadian company but I'm sure you would have something similar in the US. I was worried it might stick but it just peeled off easily 7 hours later. I didn't use adhesive tape as per the directions just the moist pad alone. The bra kept it in place.

  • nayda985
    nayda985 Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2017

    ty your bra didn't aggravate your burn area right?

  • bravepoint
    bravepoint Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2017

    nayda985 - Nope. The burn area was inside the cup lucky for me! It actually looks better this morning.

  • EpicSquirrel
    EpicSquirrel Member Posts: 12
    edited June 2017

    6cats Why was part of your back radiated, what did they tell you about that

    Scaredashell07 Can you talk more about the palpitations, and what you were told about them?

    (I'm trying to decide whether to do rads or not and looking for info on these kinds of side effects.

  • nayda985
    nayda985 Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2017

    bravepoint...that's great...glad you are healing good!:)

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027
    edited June 2017

    Scared, I didn't have any palpitations at all during treatments. I've gone over the list of possible SEs with radiation that I was given and didn't see it mentioned. It's odd how so many of us have a wide range of SEs and others have none. In your pocket and praying it's not serious.

    Epic, is your RO recommending rads? It's such a difficult decision to make. I had 2 positive nodes so it was much easier for me to do rads. I wanted to make sure I did everything I could to kill the beast!

    I'm finally get my port removed in a few hours. I think I may actually miss the little guy. NOT!

    Gentle healing hugs to everyone 🤗

  • ilsunrise
    ilsunrise Member Posts: 91
    edited June 2017

    WenchLori - congratulations on getting your port removed! It will be nice to put that reminder of chemo behind you.

    Scared - I have had the occasional fluttery feeling in my heart and sometimes cough if I take too deep of a breath. I have a post rads follow-up appointment with the heart doctor in a couple weeks. It makes me a little nervous but I'm hoping it's just short term SEs from rads. I have noticed that I'm even more sensitive to caffeine and alcohol. It seems if I have either it can bring the fluttery feeling back.

  • nayda985
    nayda985 Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2017

    Congratulations on your port removal Lori!😎

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited June 2017

    Lori - Yeah for the port removal and let the healing begin! SIL who had non-Hodgkins lymphoma treatment was very happy to see it gone. Other SIL is still getting infusions for BC, so it will be awhile.

  • 6cats
    6cats Member Posts: 199
    edited June 2017

    Hi Epicsquirrel... I have a similar history of dense breasts, multiple aspirations, etc. I know the whole thought of radiation is scary... but with a grade 2, I would be afraid not to. With mine at a grade 1, they still said it cut the chance of recurrence In half.

    I've had both brachytherapy and whole breast radiation. If you are eligible for brachytherapy, I found it to be much easier on my body - 2x daily for 5 days.

    Whole breast radiation made me more tired. In order to cover the entire breast (and avoid major organs), they did the radiation from two different angles. The part of my "back" that got radiated is just a little farther back than my armpit... almost as if I was wearing a tank top and got a bad sunburn. I was surprised that no one told me. At almost 3 weeks out I am no longer red but the skin is peeling in some spots.

    Feel free to ask if you have any other questions

  • lohoff
    lohoff Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2017

    Finished up 30/30 rads on Weds., 6/7. I hate the way my skin looks and feels. I look like I was roasted. My skin has turned very dark brown and wrinkly and feels super dry and chalky. I hope it doesn't stay this way.

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027
    edited June 2017

    lohoff, your skin should return to normal 🤞 Mine still looks a tad darker but it's gotten soft again.