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June 2017 Surgery Group



  • JenRuns
    JenRuns Member Posts: 299
    edited July 2017

    susanGA, for me, it was invasive lobular carcinoma, which grows in sheets or a straight line, not a solid tumor. Doesn't show on a mammogram. It's 10% of diagnosed breast cancers, so not super common. Shows on an MRI though, so my daughter will push for those vs mammograms when she's of that age.

  • Daphne77
    Daphne77 Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2017

    Legomaster225, SusanGA thank you!

    Yes, it was a little higher located than the area of lumpectomy (that showed I had the DCIS). After the lumpectomy I changed my BS, so the new one suggested to take new mammos and ultrasounds, to determine if I had more microcalcifications, in order to manifest the need for a mastectomy. So while the mammo and US showed that all the major microcalcifications where gone with the lumpectomy, it also showed some minor microcalcifications in other parts of the breast. The US showed another suspicious area above the lumpectomy (not as microcalcifications and not indicated on mammo) and a suspicious lymph node, so due to my history we had FNA biopsies done there. That showed multifocal DCIS (inconclusive for lymph node) again and so we proceeded with the mastectomy and SNB, since the BS said I had high risk to develop IDC (over 50%). And since I have very dense breasts, which could hide cancer, we were more confident then ever to proceed...I, too, have many cysts and often very lumpy and painful breasts, so that' s another reason for me to think about my other breast now... for the time being my BS proposed close monitoring of the other breast ... we will see...

    SBKH, biopsies really suck... and the waiting is so horrible... feeling with you!!!

    JenRuns good thing you did the MRI! I did one last year, after my first mammo showed microcalcifications, but it didn't catch a thing. All about what type of cancer it is, as you said! Hope all goes well with your treatment!

    jeannemg, I can't give you specifics, but really ask anything that is on your mind! It's a good way to avoid sweating over unimportant - in the end - stuff! Don't hold back!

    As for my recovery, I developed a seroma and swelling... since I have/had small boobs, it almost looks like I had recon - which I hadn't! I hope it will disappear without leaving anything behind, the mastectomy scar and not havin a boob is bad enough, I don't need knots or dog ears there!!!

    Hugs and positive energy to all!


  • susanhudvalleyny
    susanhudvalleyny Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2017


    Had my first surgery on June 1st - lumpectomy in both breasts.

    Left breast rendered a diagnosis of ADH.

    Right breast 1 area of DCIS, 1 area DCIS with micro-invasions. DCIS was completely removed with good margins. The area with micro-invasions had involved margins - so had my second surgery 2 weeks later on 6/15/17 - They also removed 2 sentinel lobes.

    Final labs came back good. Clear margins. Lobes clear - no cancer. However, I'm concerned that they found the invasive cells to be HER-2+. The BS mentioned they may think it's a false positive since they were only able to test 5 cells.

    Before either surgery - they recommended radiation and hormone therapy. Have yet to see medical oncologist for final plan.

    Anxious to connect with anyone with same/similar diagnosis.

  • susanhudvalleyny
    susanhudvalleyny Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2017


    They didn't get clear margins on my first surgery either. My first was June1, second was June15. My story stops being similar to yours there though. They found micro-invasions with involved margins - so that meant they now wanted to biopsy a few nodes.

    Thankfully margins and both nodes were clear in final path report.

    Interestingly enough though - prior to the first surgery I had had a mammogram, ultrasound, MRI, AND 2 biopsis - NONE of which identified the micro-invasions. They all saw the DCIS - but not the IDC.

    Anyway - THE VERY BEST OF LUCK with everything!!!

  • Daphne77
    Daphne77 Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2017

    susanhudvalleyny and jeannemg, I am sending you my best wishes!!!

    I was just wanting to add something about dense breasts I didn't see anywhere, I just remebered my BS saying, that allthough I have dense breasts, having the suggested by him digital tomosynthesis mammogram should be better then a regular mammogram... I found a related article on ( about that, but it doesn't mention anything about dense breasts... Actually, I just saw that I had one and it did see an abnormallity to biopsy (which was biopsied but it revieled only DCIS), approximately where the IDC was found after the mastectomy... maybe it's worth asking your docs about it? Take care everybody!!!

  • JenRuns
    JenRuns Member Posts: 299
    edited July 2017

    Daphne, I had dense breasts also and had tomos ... still didn't see it. I think it depends on the type of tumor (ILC for me).

  • jeannemg
    jeannemg Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2017

    thank you susa

  • jeannemg
    jeannemg Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2017

    Thanks Daphne. I hope all is well

  • Kaso
    Kaso Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2017

    runner mom

    My biopsy pathology sounds very similar to yours in filtrating mammary carcinoma with tubal features and well-differentiated my Lumpectomy is on Wednesday and I am insanely scared as to what the pathology here will be

    Can you tell me how different your biopsy pathology was compared to your lumpectomy pathology?

  • ouray17
    ouray17 Member Posts: 39
    edited July 2017

    Hi all, it's amazing that June has passed and here we are in July. June 2017 will be a month to remember.

    Congrats on those with good path reports & making the right decision. It's so hard to know what to do. Mine was in both breasts, but the second was found before surgery & made the decision easier.

    Has everyone had 3D Mammograms/US? My first area 9mm in the right was found on 2D. The other 4 - 2 & 3mm were found with 3D. Saw the other day that while some insurance companies won't cover the cost, Medicare is now covering them & several states are mandating them. Just know that if I'd gone with the original biopsy & plan, I'd have had a lumpectomy, but with the other 4 areas found when I went for a second opinion, bmx seemed the best choice.

    Checkup with the PS yesterday. She took time to explain all the chemo/radiation/expanders/implants scenerios and I feel much better. Got 150cc's added to each one. Was told I'd be very sore today, but not really. Meet with the RO on Monday - was hoping to avoid that.

    Exercise - started 3 days after surgery so 2 weeks ago. First day did only 1 rep of each to make sure I was doing it right & see how it would feel. After day, did what the doctor ordered (5 reps of 6 exercises) & begin walking a block and back. Last week, I bumped up to 10 reps. Yesterday, the PS gave me the next set of exercises and said I would walk a half mile daily (no jogging). Hoping to weekly get stronger & stronger.

    Have a great 4th of July!! Independence Day !! (or no more bra day for me :)

  • tara17
    tara17 Member Posts: 150
    edited July 2017

    kudos to all us ladies making it through June! Am glad to hear that each lady is moving along, doing what needs to be done. SBKH --you are in my prayers for your surgery on the 7th! Lmk what time EST it is ?

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,611
    edited July 2017

    I agree with Tara, yay us!!

    I might be a little whinny but I was not prepared for how annoying the drains and numbness/itching would be, ugh :(

    So sorry for anyone going through this again. For anyone worried about chemo, I found it much easier than surgery recovery.

  • IGL
    IGL Member Posts: 17
    edited July 2017

    Hi Ladies, just wanted to give an update. I had the BMX with TEs on the 26th. Surgery went well but unfortunately I had a positive node. The other four nodes were clear

  • legomaster225
    legomaster225 Member Posts: 356
    edited July 2017

    You are not whiny Illimae. Drains suck. I thought I would get them all out atmy one week follow up since I have had less than 10ml. They are pretty much empty. Dr wanted to leave two in for 5 more days just in case. Itchy and pinchy but getting rid of 2 and the wound vacs was pure heaven for me. Told me no exercise or stretching until next week. I think more because of the alloderm and above the muscle implants. Always an adventure

  • RRusso23
    RRusso23 Member Posts: 25
    edited July 2017

    my post op with my PS got rescheduled till next Thursday.. that's more then 3 weeks after my surgery! His wife however is my breast surgeon and I saw her on Monday so I'm guessing this is why he felt okay pushing my appointment back because she said everything was lookin good?

    I'm doing really bad with exercising.. I'm not sure what I should or shouldn't be doing.. I can use my arm fairly well but I know I can't lift anything and it's really starting to bother me. I almost feel like I would benefit more from going to physical therapy or something.. I know I need to do them but I just don'

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,611
    edited July 2017

    RRusso23, I've been doing the exercises (with drains), were you given those or both (with and without drains)? If you're unsure, I would do those that are movement only, not straining. Mine are basically curls, shoulder rolls and back clinching.

  • RRusso23
    RRusso23 Member Posts: 25
    edited July 2017

    IIIimae there was just a sheet of paper in a folder I got sent home with.. they're for with out a drain though.

  • tara17
    tara17 Member Posts: 150
    edited July 2017

    Here's a link to exercises that might be helpful RRusso23 --- get your surgeons cleanrance for anything above 90 degree ( usually above 90 degree is for after the drains are out )

  • vl22
    vl22 Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2017

    Hi all! I haven't been here for a bit - did a hiking trip to Acadia National Park in Maine with the family last week. It was one of our best vacations ever. My re excision is tomorrow. Feeling great, believing I will get clear margins this time and can move on with this unexpected and unwanted journey. Again, thanks to all for sharing and making this entire nightmare better

  • Leatherette
    Leatherette Member Posts: 272
    edited July 2017

    Hi all,

    I didn't mind the drain that much, but once I got it taken out on Thursday, I realized it was the main thing causing pain and limiting mobility. So I feel great now. Good thing, too, because my husband came down with chicken pox on Friday and has been in bed ever since. Kids,dogs,chickens and dying man all relying on me and my post surgery bod Tomorrow is my post surgery appt., and on Thursday I get my port placed. Ready (maybe) for round two.

  • SBKH
    SBKH Member Posts: 104
    edited July 2017

    Wow - I have never heard of the 3D mammo! How would I know if I had it?

    And for whoever posted the exercises - thank you! So helpful.

    Leatherette - oh my goodness - I can't believe you have so much going on! You and your husband must be quite the pair right now. I hope some of your kiddos are old enough to help. Just curious - how did you get drains out before the post op appt? Is it like if you think they're ready you can call and get them out? Prayers for a good round 2.

    VL22 - glad to see you are so positive! Things will go great for you tomorrow!

    Meanwhile - I'm now 4 days out - surgery is Thursday. Just had a stomach bug and was terrified I wouldn't get well but I'm starting to feel better. Hoping to go into surgery strong. I know y'all have my back and that totally helps.

  • legomaster225
    legomaster225 Member Posts: 356
    edited July 2017

    Good luck tomorrow VL22. Nice to go on a little trip. Our Maine vacation was one of my favorites too!

    Leatherette, you are a strong woman. It's hard when the one that is supposed to take care of you is feeling worse than you are. I hope you have some other help or that the kids are old enough to cooperate.

    SBKH those days before surgery go so slow but so fast as well. Im sure you will be busy. I felt calmer keeping myself occupied pre surgery

  • Olami
    Olami Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2017

    I also finished my chemo on May 11 th 2017 and had mastectomy on June 13th. My under arms are still very sore and numb. How do you deal with it?

  • misbehavinggirls
    misbehavinggirls Member Posts: 9
    edited July 2017

    Hi All, I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Elke and I wish I had found this thread a couple months ago.

  • legomaster225
    legomaster225 Member Posts: 356
    edited July 2017

    Welcome Misbehaving girls! You are here now that's what matters. Hope your recovery is going well. Looks like you are only a couple weeks out as well.

  • SBKH
    SBKH Member Posts: 104
    edited July 2017

    Welcome Elke! Glad you have found us now! How's recovery going?

    And thanks, Legomaster - I'm staying busy finishing a ton of work that had piled up. I'm a little stressed because so far my husband and mom are not very interested in helping and I'm a little scared if I have a complication or something I won't have help. During my maternity leave, neither helped and it was really difficult to even get meals together for myself because my son was ill and I ended up living on toast. I'm having visions of that happening this time too and it's adding a ton of stress to an already stressful situation. I just want the cancer gone and I want to be normal again.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,611
    edited July 2017

    Sbkh, I'm sorry you have any additional stress in this situation and sadly, your comments about unhelpful family members is all too common. I find it stunning that so many have to deal with so much :(

    I guess I really did snag the last great man and while I'm so grateful, I feel a little guilty that so many others must struggle more than necessary.

  • JenRuns
    JenRuns Member Posts: 299
    edited July 2017

    olami, I had surgery on June 6 and my left armpit is still numb... have to have my husband use the electric razor, but even that is difficult.

    And welcome elke!

    SBKH, sorry to hear. Hang in there gal...

  • SBKH
    SBKH Member Posts: 104
    edited July 2017

    Illmae, don't feel guilty about having a great one! Just grab that man and hug him for all your worth! I've met many wonderful guys (one married my sister) and mine has his great moments. He is just not a sympathetic/caregiver type. Which doesn't matter 99% of the time - but that 1%, whew. Fortunately, my in laws are incredible which sort of balances it out. It's just a bit rough on morale in times like this.

  • Leatherette
    Leatherette Member Posts: 272
    edited July 2017

    Hi SBKH, I had my drain out on Thursday and my post op today. I was supposed to call them when my drain output was less than 30 cc's for two days straight, and got it out two days later. Until it was out, I did not realize how much of the problem with discomfort and range of movement was due to the drain! I am practically normal since getting that sucker out. Just no hailing cabs with my left arm!

    And I empathize with you on the husband thing. Mine, however, wants to help, but sometimes that comes out as questioning doctors a little too aggressively, to the point of talking over me in appointments, and sometimes trying to be funny and saying something hurtful unintentionally. As in, there are some jokes I'm allowed to make, but if your boob hasn't been lopped off, you don't get to. I try not to require mind reading though, just give him my teacher look and say, "Too soon." He's my guy, though, and a good one. Just not always properly filtered. Ask friends for help! They want to help.

    I also have a mother that is so unhelpful that I can't even talk to her about any aspect of my bc. She would make it about herself. Find the love where you can. I think local breast cancer groups have volunteers that will do things for people- maybe look into that?

    My kids are 13 and 16, so they are pretty self-managing, and the 16 year old will do things if I ask him to, but isn't naturally empathetic. The 13 year old is a girl who is pretty self centered at this point. But as long as I don't fret about their diets or the amount of screen time they have, they are at least not extra work. I can't imagine having little ones right now, and kudos to those who do and are going through this!

    My husband 's fever broke today, which is great, but he is still pretty weak and wobbly. And yes, we are a pair-in solidarity during our collective disfigurement
