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June 2017 Surgery Group

SBKH Posts: 104

Hey all,

I was diagnosed 3 weeks ago with DCIS and am having a unilateral left side mastectomy with SNB on June 15th. It was very hard to decide between that and lumpectomy with radiation and every other day I second guess myself. However, the oncologist thought mastectomy was best so that helps some. Meanwhile, I've gotten a very detailed description of the surgery (MX) from surgeon and now I'm nervous. I keep telling myself I'll magically bounce back and be fine. I'm mostly concerned about recovery. Just wanted to start this group to cheer and support each other. Love and hugs!



  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,843
    edited May 2017

    Hi SBKH!

    We want to welcome you to our community here at BCO. We're sorry you find yourself here, but we're glad you've joined us, and hope you find support and encouragement as you begin down this road! It's totally normal to be nervous going into surgery, and it's very important to listen to your body and give yourself time to heal! You'll get lots of advice here, as members chime in. Best of luck on your surgery!

    The Mods

  • idonthavetimeforthis
    edited May 2017

    Hi SBKH,

    My bilateral mastectomy is also scheduled for June 15th. I just finished my neoadjuvant chemo on May 11th and so I've had a little more time to digest what is happening. However, recovery scares me too and the thoughts of several reconstruction surgeries. This whole journey I constantly have to remind myself.....take one step at a time. Thank you for starting this thread.

  • Hopfull2
    Hopfull2 Posts: 287
    edited May 2017

    hi ladies, count me in the June group. I'm having mine on June 9th. I'm having a prophylactic mastectomy of my left breast (right breast mastectomy was done in August) and I'm also having reconstruction on both breast with the lat flap on my right side. I'm nervous. Although I've had a bilateral mastectomy done already Im still nervous cuz this surgery consists of a graft and Is going to take longer .Hope you recover well.


  • runnermum
    runnermum Posts: 346
    edited May 2017

    Hi everyone...was diagnosed about 3 wks ago and have been scheduled for a lumpectomy on a June 14th. Very excited to start moving forward with my treatment plan.

  • tara17
    tara17 Posts: 150
    edited May 2017

    Hi i! I am having a unilateral left mastectomy on june 7th. Finishing chemo tomorrow very nervous, cant wait to be done with everything. Wishing all you ladies the best

  • tara17
    tara17 Posts: 150
    edited May 2017

    SBKH --i too have second guessed myself as radiation was on the table of choices for me. However, i decided to avoid radiation to my left breast so as to not have radiation over/to my heart .

    Meeting with the plastic surgeon, seeing the TE and drains, made me want to run away from the whole process . However must keep moving forwards. The only way out is through

  • SBKH
    SBKH Posts: 104
    edited May 2017

    It's so helpful to hear that others are nervous, too. You all seem to have a lot more information about your cancer than I do. I was told I'd find out more after surgery. What I know right now is mostly grade 2 DCIS with a focal area of grade 3 and necrosis. My surgeon is doing any hormone responsiveness testing until after surgery. I have no idea how large the area is - but must not be that large since I was offered a lumpectomy. I'm considering going without reconstruction. I meet the plastic surgeon this week. When I asked my surgeon about trying to leave a tidy scar she said that it would be difficult and that if it bothered me afterwards, I could have it revised with a plastic surgeon. But I'm trying to find out - even if I don't reconstruct can the plastic surgeon be there anyway to help it all look as good as it can?

    How do you all feel about getting to know each other a little? I'm a married 43 year old mom of an 8 year old son. I work in Marketing. I live in a suburb of Atlanta. I used to be very active and love to mountain bike, but when my son turned 2, I felt too busy and got out of shape. I decided this was going to be a great year, despite busyness and had booked multiply family vacations for the summer (my son has only been on one!) and had signed a contract for a year with a personal trainer the day before I found out I had cancer. I had this awesome plan to get out of being too busy and get back to enjoying life and then this diagnosis completely threw me off. So now maybe it's a 2.5 year plan?

    Would love to learn about you all (recognizing that these are publicly searchable posts, so maybe don't be too specific unless it's a PM)

    Have a great day- take care, ladies.

  • ouray17
    ouray17 Posts: 39
    edited May 2017

    Hi Ladies,

    I was diagnosed 3 weeks ago, went for a second opinion that ended with 2 other small areas found. Meet with the SO tomorrow so I'll be joining the June club. Hate the surgery part, but as Tara17 said "the only way out is through."

    SBKH, I understand the great year turning into the 2.5 year plan. Turned 60 last summer. Just paid off our cars & house & were fixing to start remodeling. We've been taking grandkids to Branson with my brother & sister-in-laws grandkids for 15 years. Had reservations for the June trip & Colorado in July. Thankfully, I got on a health kick last fall & lost 35 pounds - joined a gymn. Life is good! Teach high school so spring break went for a mammogram & you know the rest. Life is now on hold for a while. Not happy, but determined to get through this & get my life back! Maybe we can start a 2.5 year plan club. :)

    Very glad you started this post!

  • SBKH
    SBKH Posts: 104
    edited May 2017

    Ourray17, nice to know you can relate. I love Branson and Colorado! Used to go to both a lot as a kid. Congratulations on your health kick. I am so in for 2.5 year club. Guess that starts towards the end of summer?

  • Hopfull2
    Hopfull2 Posts: 287
    edited May 2017

    I'm 37 married with 2 kids 14 & 3. I live in southern CA. I hate this whole cancer thing and chemo was the worst so far.I feel like I'm always gonna be worried if it's come back every little ache and pain. My goal is to go on a family vacation once I recover from this surgery. Hugs to all of you.

  • everymoment
    everymoment Posts: 6,656
    edited May 2017

    Sorry is too small a word for my thinking about each of you joining this club. I'll join in with the moderators to emphasize that taking care of yourself by asking for what you need, accepting offers of kindness from family and friends, and knowing that being nervous, afraid, etc. etc. is very normal. Hugs from my heart to yours.


  • SBKH
    SBKH Posts: 104
    edited May 2017

    For those of you that have already had one surgery, what is the one thing about recovery that surprised you most? And what is the one thing you wish you'd prepared ahead of time?

    I've read through all the lists - but it's hard to imagine until you go through it.

  • SBKH
    SBKH Posts: 104
    edited May 2017

    Hi Hopfull2, a family vacation is wonderful goal! I was thinking the same thing. We currently have a beach vacation planned for Labor Day, but I was worried my scars wouldn't be healed enough to go in the ocean.

    I see you have kids, too. Tough going through it with them. I've struggled with what to say my son. And since medical stuff grosses him out, I'm actually considering having him stay with his grandparents for a bit so he can be spoiled and have some summer fun.

  • tara17
    tara17 Posts: 150
    edited May 2017

    magic light --thank you for the words of encouragement! I see that you went through surgery in 2015 and are two years out --please let us know any tips you would share--thank you

  • runnermum
    runnermum Posts: 346
    edited May 2017

    I am 46 years old with 3 boys...2 in college and a teenager at home. We have a family vacation planned to Colorado this summer as well. I am very hopeful we will still be able to take it. And yes I have told my hubby we are taking a beach vacation or cruise with the kids next winter/spring when this is over.

    I agree the absolute hardest thing so far was to tell the boys. It was gut wrenching. We have tried to be very reassuring and matter of fact with them, not giving all the details but we keep them updated and informed on what we think they can handle and when. When my MRI showed 2 more suspicious areas that needed to be biopsied, we told the boys that I had to go in for another test to make sure we had found all the cancer before my surgery. This was during college finals and I didn't want them worrying about there being more cancer and that being a distraction from studying. We are tying to keep our lives as normal as we can. It helps them to see me going about my normal, everyday life...working, meeting a friend for supper, picking our youngest up from practice, etc. Sure my mind is going 100mph some days but i try to very present and attentive when they around. Some day easier then others.I am lucky that I only work during the school year, so will be done for summer break this week. Have the next 3 months off to focus on my treatment, myself and my family.

  • JenRuns
    JenRuns Posts: 299
    edited May 2017

    Adding myself to the list... bilateral mastectomy scheduled for June 6. Nervous as heck to get through that pathology report...

    I felt a "thing" on the side of my breast. Mammo and ultrasound showed a lipoma, and I was told to follow up in a year, or I could see a breast surgeon "if I wanted." I did, and her clinical exam was concerning enough that she walked me over for the biopsy. A few days later, voila. Indeed, a lipoma, but with invasive lobular carcinoma wrapped around it. Grade 2, maybe 5cm (hard to tell with the lipoma), ER+/PR+/HER2-

    I'm (sadly) fortunate to have a few friends who have been through this. I feel like I know what to expect with the surgery and recovery, but am absolutely terrified at what the pathology may say. [adding to that panic: my pre-op chest X-ray showed an indefinite 1cm nodule or artifact on my lower right lobe. Surgeon is comfortable that it's nothing, but I've opted to get the chest CT tomorrow. *sigh*]

    Ah well. A little meditation, a consult with a naturopath at the hospital and a new focus on me... and my new normal.

  • Hopfull2
    Hopfull2 Posts: 287
    edited May 2017

    hi running momma and everyone else whose joined. I know exactly what you mean about trying to get through the path report. I was told I have dcis then after mastectomy of My right breast was told stage 1a. But I remember how much my stomach hurt the day of my follow up appt cuz I knew my path report was in. Now I know feeling the same about the prophylactic mastectomy of other breast. I feel what if the path shows something. This road isn't easy that's for sure

  • Hopfull2
    Hopfull2 Posts: 287
    edited May 2017

    for those having mastectomys soon one thing I didn't have coming home was something to hthe drains around your neck. What I found worked great for me and I'm going to use again this coming surgery was thin ribbon. I made my own drain chain. I will have 4 drains this time cuz of my reconstruction and flap. I had my pre op yesterday with my ps. The whole time I just wanted to cry. This whole thing is still a lot to handle. Hugs

  • susanga
    susanga Posts: 66
    edited May 2017

    PUt me down for a unilateral mastectomy on June 14th. I have IDC 1CM grade 2. I originally planned for a bilateral but decided on a uni one week ago. I'm still so nervous that I have waited so long. I was diagnosed on 4/14/17 so it will be a good two months before surgery. I was waiting to see PS but I realized that is was delaying me so much and I really wasn't interested in recon. So I called to schedule and still the schedule was so booked out. I have a popular surgeon. I am praying that my lymph nodes are clear. I'll pray for all of my June sisters. We will get through this.

  • susanga
    susanga Posts: 66
    edited May 2017

    PUt me down for a unilateral mastectomy on June 14th. I have IDC 1CM grade 2. I originally planned for a bilateral but decided on a uni one week ago. I'm still so nervous that I have waited so long. I was diagnosed on 4/14/17 so it will be a good two months before surgery. I was waiting to see PS but I realized that is was delaying me so much and I really wasn't interested in recon. So I called to schedule and still the schedule was so booked out. I have a popular surgeon. I am praying that my lymph nodes are clear. I'll pray for all of my June sisters. We will get through this.

  • Shevic
    Shevic Posts: 1
    edited May 2017

    hi everyone! Just got the word from the hospital that my bmx will be on June 20th. Thanks for starting this thread.

    Having a date makes it more real, I've been trying to take it one day at a time and I think I've kinda been in a little bit of denial that this is happening. Now I have to start planning and shopping.

    Best of luck to everyone and wishes for quick recoveries!

  • SBKH
    SBKH Posts: 104
    edited May 2017

    Hey there, due to not being covered by short-term disability until July 1, my surgery is now July 6. In the meantime, my right biopsy came normal so still with a unilateral mastectomy. I recently was diagnosed as severely anemic so now I have the added fun of a colonscopy/egd next week to look for a cause and I start iron infusions tomorrow. Has anyone had injectafer? I'm a little nervous.

  • DanielleT
    DanielleT Posts: 6
    edited May 2017

    hi SBKH and everyone on this discussion,

    THANKS FOR STARTING THIS ... SURGERY DECISIONS ARE SO INCREDIBLY STRESSFUL AND TOUGH... I AM LEANING TOWARD DOUBLE NIPPLE SPARING MASTECTOMY WITH IMMEDIATE RECONSTRUCTION WITH SILICONE IMPLANT ... SCARED OF DRAINS, AND OF COURSE THE FOREVER NUMBNESS AND POSSIBLE NERVE PAIN... BUT THE GOAL IS TO ERRADICATE THIS THING and not have any metastatic recurrance !!! There is a good article in the New York Times about how women who have had mastectomies feel about having had them and what they were told beforehand... worth a read. I have triple negative cancer which is more aggressive so we are throwing everything we have at it now !!! Surgery planned for June 19th!!! LAst chemo may 31st ( Taxol) !!!

    Hoping our shared experiences will be an encouragement to each and information filled and helpful in making decisions...

    Glad to be with each of you on this UNCHOSEN JOIRNEY !!!



  • illimae
    illimae Posts: 5,749
    edited May 2017

    Hi there, I was diagnosed 6 months ago after feeling a huge lump that seemed to pop up overnight. Saw my PCP, had mammo, ultrasound and biopsy, then got the call in less than two weeks. Staging scans revealed a single bone met on my hip, so stage IV at age 41. My lumpectomy, axillary lymph node dissection and reduction/lift are scheduled for June 27th,if new scans show no progression. I had chemo first and can no longer feel the lump, last day of chemo is Monday, yay! I am super lucky to have the best husband ever, no kids, we are dog lovers.

  • Hopfull2
    Hopfull2 Posts: 287
    edited May 2017

    lllimae, congrats on your last chemo. Yay.

    Sbkh, sorry you have to wait another month. I'm sure you just want this done and over with. But at least you'll be covered by insurance. This waiting process is horrible. I know it makes me have days where I feel just so nervous and lots of anxiety.

    Hugs e

  • Myn
    Myn Posts: 1
    edited May 2017

    Not a club anyone wants to join, but here I am. DCIS in my rt breast, lumpectomy on June 22. I was supposed to be a week earlier, but apparently the hospital had past its limit on wire insertions or something. I don't know about anyone else, but I find the waiting to be sooooooooooooooo hard

  • mucki1991
    mucki1991 Posts: 77
    edited May 2017

    Hi everyone MRI Tuesday and lumpectomy is Wednesday not technically June but close enough. I'm ready to get this out as it is painful but worried about anything else that may show up. Seems like every step leads to the next waiting game.

  • SBKH
    SBKH Posts: 104
    edited May 2017

    Yup - each step does feel like you just get to the next waiting period! But this time next year - it'll just be a memory.

  • ouray17
    ouray17 Posts: 39
    edited May 2017

    Surgery June 13th - bmx. Ready to know the final pathology, any additional treatment, and to get back to life.

    My grandmother had the serenity prayer in her kitchen & it makes sense:

    God grant me the wisdom (hard to find wisdom in the shock, denial & being drug into something you didn't ask for)

    To accept the things I cannot change (my son says "it is what it is", but this is so difficult - life-changing surgery & diagnosis)

    To change the things I can (may not have the wisdom or acceptance down, but I can be apart of this wonderful group of women trying to get through this stuff together, I can prepare for surgery, recovery & treatment, and I can remember that this is not just about me, my husband, kids, brother, sister & extended family are all worried, too.

    And the wisdom to know the difference (think this one comes when we look back at this month)

    Please add to this!


  • mucki1991
    mucki1991 Posts: 77
    edited June 2017

    second cancer found in same breast so no lumpectomy for me also 1st tumor is larger than they thought and is in the nipple so that probably explains the pain. Mastectomy here I come!!I'm really glad I got the MRI otherwise the second cancer would not have been found. Time find a plastic surgeon and hope I get this out soon. I'm been doing this since April.

    Best wishes for all of you