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August 2015 Chemo Group



  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650

    had my 'annual' mammo on Tuesday, no news yet... i think that's ok.. I got a glimpse of it on my way out and there were some big white patches on it, but i'm going with 'that's surgical scarring' for now. This never really gets any easier.

  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650

    no news is good news i guess??????

  • Bluefrog76
    Bluefrog76 Member Posts: 250

    I don't think I told you all that my most recent scans were clear---but they are! No detectable cancer activity. I can't believe we are coming up on two years since starting chemo. I'm sure, like me, many of you have some anxiety around this time of year. Sending much love.

  • VickiRides
    VickiRides Member Posts: 163

    That is fantastic news, Bluefrog!

    I had my annual MRI a few weeks ago -- all clear.

  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650

    me too a few weeks back. Much love right back Rachael. Keep on keepin on.

  • Musosgirl
    Musosgirl Member Posts: 305

    Ladies, I am SO sorry I kept you hanging. I never did get any more answers. The red spot is still there but I no longer feel the little lump. I have some weird pains on my lumpectomy side--like milk let-down but painful. That was what I felt before we discovered the original lump--but I am pretty sure it is just the scar tissue being difficult. I honestly have no idea how to tell a lump apart from that mass of scarring. There is a lot and the PA doesn't think it will go down at this point.

    Anyway, I have been too busy to pay attention. One day I just up and decided to get my real estate license. I took the class and passed the first test. I have my big state test Friday evening. Then I sign with a broker. I have also been preparing to teach at our homeschool coop--I have sat back for two years and it is time. So I am co-teaching history, leading a middle school book club, and teaching a fun little writing curriculum called Cover Story (also for middle school.). I also have to plan the elementary book club list, but one of our high schoolers is leading it.

    Rachel, I am thrilled you are cancer free! And that so far we are all staying clear two years out--I am still 14 days out from my anniversary! Would love to hear updates from everyone--life updates! Anyone traveling this summer? I hope to make it out to California in the next year--probably next March or May.

  • superius
    superius Member Posts: 310

    Super cool news, Bluefrog76. & wow, Musosgirl, You've been busy! 2 Year N.E.D. on June 18. Saw Surgeon last Monday, physical exam. All Clear. CT in Aug, MO Sept. & where is Kate with the Book Release Party?

    Did you know that June is Cancer Survivor month? (Ribbon is purple). I attended a "Survivorship Celebration" at the Cancer Center, under the Med School/ University I work. They said Survivorship begins at diagnosis, because you live beyond that. .. It was a fitting conclusion to the Mind-Over-Cancer class I took.

    No news in the WorryLand. I just returned to choir rehearsal after 6 weeks hiatus. Well… I can't hide forever. Gotta face the music, so to speak...

    Before my Hiatus, I talked to a mutual friend of ours & she told me lots of things I've never considered before. She thought the WorryWart was having mid-life crisis / burnt out. He was hurt by the maestro & his wife always on him about every little details. Since he can't take it out on the bosses, he took it out on me (& triggered the Cold War).

    When I told her the way he has been acting in the past 2 years, reacting "too-strongly-as-church-friend" about everything. She thought that he was putting up a front acting angry & worried behind my back but putting on a happy face. He does care, but with his Macho, (chauvinist/chivalry?) Russian upbringing, he didn't know how to show it...

    Then she used the "F" bomb! No.... Not THAT one, but that he was Flirting. testing the boundaries. & got frustrated because he couldn't get any response. I remembered an incident when few choir members were talking about relationship stuff. I expressed my confusion & he threw out something like, "comm'on are you really that clueless/ naïve?" :O Bu... But… That was YEARS AGO!!!! I am still processing this information, what to do if/when he "finally sort himself out" as some of you have said…

    Anyway... The Mindfulness Class is pretty neat, NOT easy. Apparently up to 90% of our thoughts are "alternative reality"? Our mind make things up!!! We can't stop the thoughts, but we have tools & techniques to recognize them, & to defuse those irrational thoughts. To accept those thoughts and emotions but learn to let them just be there....

    Attended my baby cousin's wedding couple weeks ago, a choir member asked me how old's my cousin (25). Well that's usually the age you figure out these stuffs right? I guess we are really late bloomers. So… working on "Me". Would I be ok with it, IF he EVER "sort himself out" & said something? Not sure….

  • MsBrompton
    MsBrompton Member Posts: 324

    Great news ladies. So happy for you Bluefrog.

    I'm doing YOGA!!!

  • ravensally
    ravensally Member Posts: 45

    I'm very happy to hear all the great news. I'm doing fine too! Bought a kayak(flat water, no whitewater for me) and have been paddling every week. My little dog likes it too! I'm running about a mile a day and exercising more. I feel great, but am not really shedding the pounds. I'm ok with that because I feel I'm in good shape, better than before cancer.


  • Musosgirl
    Musosgirl Member Posts: 305

    Oh, Superius! How brave can you be?! I bet if you flirted with him even once his mind would explode! That's worth some video!

    Yes, Kate, when is the book release? We all need a good excuse to meet up.

    MsBrompton, I am so ready to get back into yoga. I have missed it terribly in the past 4-5 months.

    RavenSally, that kayak looks so peaceful! It must do wonders for the soul... And running a mile. I keep *not*walking/running because I feel like I need to do 3+ miles for it to be worth the effort. But I could do one mile. It's a place to start, right? Ugh--I hate summer heat though!

  • MsBrompton
    MsBrompton Member Posts: 324

    Brilliant kayak pic Sally. Great about various all-clear postings. What's this about Kate's book?

    My news: two-year check today - I am officially N.E.D. :-)))

  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650

    Ladies... here we are 2 years later. How are we/you? things are well with me... my actual 2 years on Chemo commences 14 August, my youngest brother's birthday... I have had my concerns over the past two years but I'm sure as time goes by things will continue to progress. I have had thickening of the uterus, and have a follow up pap next week, but last year all was clear. My oncologist checkups are all positive, and I feel well. Not that I didn't before all of this. I've managed to skate most of the physical side effects that some of us have endured.. my hair is almost to the point where I can braid it for work, My kids are doing well in school, my husband harps at me to take my tamoxifen ( but he's also afraid if I don't take it......what may happen) I just got promoted at work again, second time since my diagnosis... I must be doing something ok. I've learned to appreciate life more though. Slowed down a little to savour ( and shed a tear or two) at my children's accomplishments, and to smile when my husband wants us to take a ride in his cool Mustang GT.... that's what it's all about isn't it? Much love to all of you! Nikki

  • VickiRides
    VickiRides Member Posts: 163

    I have a few more weeks until I am two years from chemo start (8/20). I am doing well. My hair is back to its original length and style and I feel good. Switched from Tamoxifen to Arimidex a couple of months ago. Still have 12 pounds to lose, but I am slowly making progress.

    I did have a reminder recently that I will forever have Cancer in my history. I saw an orthopedic doctor for knee pain I have been having, including pain at night. He told me they don't like night pain because it can be cancer so he sent me for an MRI even though there was nothing suspicious on my x-rays. Thankfully, there is no cancer, but it's scary to hear that word again. Now to deal with my torn meniscus and ACL.

    This summer has been filled with camping and riding with great friends. My daughter starts college in a couple of weeks -- she decided to attend our hometown university (which makes Mama happy). I am planning a few getaway weekends with friends in the fall. Life is good. Wishing you all the best.

  • Bluefrog76
    Bluefrog76 Member Posts: 250

    imageI'm stable on first line treatment two years post my de novo metastatic diagnosis. I think I've had more than 40 infusions. The cumulative side effects are tough. But the cancer is being kept at bay. I've had two incredible years with my family. I never returned to work, so I've spent so much quality time with my kids. I've done so many things I thought I was robbed of in those early weeks post-diagnosis. And I've even had the luxury of adding new hopes and dreams.

  • Mom2ABoy
    Mom2ABoy Member Posts: 125

    Hello old friends! It's great to see how everyone is doing. I haven't visited since March, and thought you had all stayed away too! Now I can see this community is still going strong, even if we don't all post with the same frequency as before.

    I finished my every-three-weeks year of Herceptin at the end of 2016. I've been back for monthly port flushes but otherwise not that much thought of cancer except when I had the dreaded followup mammogram (which was clear). Next step is DMX. But I'm having analogous reconstruction, and my belly doesn't have as much fat as my breasts currently contain, so ... my clever PS has suggested a reduction first, then DMX and reconstruction. So at the end of the month I'm doing the first step, the reduction. The PS says I'm currently something like a 38DDD and wouldn't tell me an estimate of what he thinks I'll be when we're done, but I suspect that's because he didn't want me to balk if he said "an A or a B"! The DMX and reconstruction will happen a few months after, towards the end of the year or even in January of next year.

    I'm feeling a bit sad at losing half of my breast bulk. Also kind of weirded out by the thought of my nipples suddenly migrating 2-3 inches north of where they are now. I'm going to spend the next couple of weeks trying to get used to the idea, because this has been the plan for a while but I've really been putting it to the back of my mind and thinking about other things instead.

    In other news, we got a big travel bug out of the way by getting around the West to see the sights, from the Grand Canyon to Yellowstone. It's amazing what there is out there to experience, and I'm so glad we went. We camped and stayed in cabins and even splurged a couple of times on motel rooms. Good time with hubby and son, and son is about to start HS, so every amount of time I can spend with him is great right now.

  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650

    Ladies!!! 2nd anniversary of FIRST chemo today... I'm doing great, very happy with my life and recovery... always the eternal optimist, I've has some cramping, gained and lost some weight... have lots of hair, curly crazy hair.. was successful in another promotion at work, start my new role on Aug 21... one day at a time My Dears, one day at a time :-)

    Love to all,


  • Mom2ABoy
    Mom2ABoy Member Posts: 125

    So glad you're doing well, Nikki! I had super curly hair at first when it came back in, now it's begun to straighten out more. Still keeping it short. Is that superstition? I guess I'm coming up on my 2 year chemo-start-date anniversary as well. I want to say, August 24th? But I don't really remember. In some ways the last two years have been a blur.

  • deeratz
    deeratz Member Posts: 318

    It's great to see we are all doing good. It feels like the last 2 years have been a blur. I look back and can hardly believe all the crap we have been through. I am so thankful to be on this side of treatment.

    Thankful to be healthy again. Life has been busy. Back to work & doing a total house renovation doesn't leave me much time to think about Cancer. That is until I find a swollen lymph node in my armpit. Then I go in to full panic mode. I have had a few ultrasounds and they have all been clear.

    The support group that I started in January is going well. It feels good to be able to help other women with their shitshow.

    I am thankful for each of you ladies. I think of you often and am grateful for the support.

  • Mom2ABoy
    Mom2ABoy Member Posts: 125

    I love it, "shitshow support group"! So glad you're doing well Dee!

  • Bluefrog76
    Bluefrog76 Member Posts: 250

    Just checking in....I had progression to my brain. Not unexpected with HER2 metastatic disease, but still daunting. I had gamma knife yesterday. Hoping for a few normal months with no new developments. Still no active cancer "below the neck". Hope everyone is doing well.


  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650

    Rachael I'm sorry to hear bout the progression. I have had brain surgery though and I know it's doable. I get that radiation is different than surgery but everything I've read about gamma knife is that it is as precise as a knife. (Pardon the pun). I'll be thinking of you and sending good vibes and praying to whomever you wish for no side effects and effective treatment. Big hug to you, the kids and your Honey.

  • Musosgirl
    Musosgirl Member Posts: 305

    Rachael, I do not know what to say. I want to say something uplifting but my heart hurts with this news and I feel stunned. I am so thankful for the medicine and technology we have today. Keep us updated on this Gamma knife procedure.

    I am okay. Been trying to build this real estate business but it is non-existent at the moment. And my youngest informed me this week he does not like me being gone so much. I have my yearly breast MRI this coming week--I did not expect to be so nervous but I am. So terribly nervous. And we bought a puppy. We are sleep-deprived and constantly cleaning up accidents and tiny puppy teeth are so sharp and I have a permanent stench of pee in my nose. But he is the tiniest, sweetest Yorkie! (The vet is convinced he is a Chorkie--I am in complete denial.)

    Missing you all this week. Maybe it's the reflective season of gratitude--I am so very thankful for this group. I hope each of you checks in over the holidays with an update

  • Bluefrog76
    Bluefrog76 Member Posts: 250

    Thank you! Gamma knife was honestly relatively easy. Recovering in Mexico with my family---what a well timed coincidence for this long-ago planned vacation.


  • ravensally
    ravensally Member Posts: 45

    Lots of love to you Rachel. Have a margarita for me in Mexico

  • VickiRides
    VickiRides Member Posts: 163

    Rachel, I am so sorry to hear your news. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you're having a wonderful time in Mexico with your family.


  • Bluefrog76
    Bluefrog76 Member Posts: 250

    Thanks. We had a great time! I even went zip lining. Definitely a bucket list item, but with all my spinal fractures I didn't think I could even dare to dream it.

  • VickiRides
    VickiRides Member Posts: 163

    That is wonderful. I went zip lining in Mexico a few years ago and loved it.

  • superius
    superius Member Posts: 310

    Rachel, you are in my prayers. Zip-Lining!! I am definitely NOT adventurous like that, fractures or no fractures!

    Besided Mindfulness Classes that I did back in May, I also did Bio-Feedback in Sept. -- time to work on my mind! Had a 2 weeks Staycation in October - went to see the movie - Victoria! Went to the San Diego Safari Park (Wild Animal Park), Train trip to Mission San Juan Capistrano. Visited local Benedictine Abbey.

    Not much to report from the WorryWart-Land. Cold War is thawing, not back to where it used to be. different...Here's some doodling I did on my phone. & yes, I noticed that most of the time the girl looks perplex/ in shock/ surprise/ confused/ always rolling her eyes.

  • Musosgirl
    Musosgirl Member Posts: 305

    Last May there was a little lump that showed up on the mammogram. They did more mammos and ultrasounds but decided to wait and see. Well, I had an MRI last week and I got the results today. The lump was visible on the MRI, about 5mm, but it did not light up with the contrast dye, and my Onc's NP feels sure it is completely benign, but I will know more when I see my surgeon next month. A month ago I had an MRI on my back because I have been having excruciating pain--blacking out and collapsing. Thankfully the MRI did not show any cancer! It does show SOMETHING that the radiologist said would cause pain but the NP could not explain further, so I will be asking my PCP when I see him next week.

    Overall it is good news--2 years cancer free! But there is a lump of some sort we have to watch.

  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650

    Muso I'm keeping you in my thoughts.