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Starting Chemo May 2019



  • melza89
    melza89 Posts: 34

    Kim - Have you added this board to your Favorite Topics list? On top of the original post there should be a link that says "Add to My Favorite Topics". That will show a notification bubble on the side bar next to "My Favorite Topics" when there is a new post. I hope your hydration improves soon, and I'm glad the Claritin is helping!

  • Alicesneed
    Alicesneed Posts: 78

    Kimmh012 - You can mark a board as a "Favorite". I think the button is toward the top. Then each time you login if there is a new post by anyway it will show a number by My Favorite Topics on the left side menu. That helps me somewhat.

    Thanks for the info on the Breast Coach App for tracking side effects. I am going to try it - better than my written notes.

    Sorry to hear about root canal - ugh! Why can't it just be one thing at a time?!

    I haven't had blurred vision yet - but first go around I had a night where I woke up and my eyes were so dry I could barely get them open.

    Day 2 today for me. I front loaded on nausea meds & immodium also cut back just a bit on steroids - but extending them over several days to try and head off some of the side effects (per MO direction). I was pleasantly surprised to see my blood work come up a little yesterday - white count was very good. That gives me hope I can stay on track and finish on time. Fingers crossed!

    Melza89 - good luck today!

    Anyone else with treatments this week?

    Sister-in-law arrives this evening - my bad days are coming - thankfully she has walked our path so I believe she will be supportive. Lord knows I won't likely be a good hostess!

    Tomorrow is my birthday #51. I think it will be a couch day - time to fire up the Netflix. DH is getting me an ice cream cake. Hopefully I can enjoy it! SillyHeart

    2 down 4 to go. I think I'm going to plan a little getaway after #3 - give me something fun to focus on!

    Hang in there everyone!

  • kimmh012
    kimmh012 Posts: 85

    thanks Alice, yes it is on my favorites, also added email notifications.

    Happy Birthday Eve !!! I just had my 50th back on the 4th, fun day recovering from lumpectomy re-incision ... HAHA

    What steroid are taking for days? I had 1 steroid, started with a D...but took day before, day of and day after that was it... hmmm, I am going to ask Onc today. Trying to decide if my stomach spasms are another SE or from my already back spasms for pinched nerves and spinal cord ..

    I 10000% agree, 1 thing at a time please, I was in the middle of planning micro back surgery, hahaha, and the BCB (breast cancer bitch) shows up LOL

  • melza89
    melza89 Posts: 34

    Hi everyone. Alicesneed - Happy Birthday!

    First chemo is a go today. MO said my liver enzymes are mildly elevated and still ok for chemo, but she reduced my Taxotere dose for this session. I'm getting TCHP. I'm on the chemo chair as I write and am getting the pre-chemo infusion of nausea meds.

    The bad news is that my PET scan results came back today showing probable liver & bone mets. I hardly have any symptoms (mild lower back discomfort)! Stage 4 De Novo WTF!! I am so mad (why me?). Wish I had better news but at least I am able to get treatment today!

  • Alicesneed
    Alicesneed Posts: 78

    Kimmh012 - Oh! My new favorite BCB (Breast Cancer Bitch)! Thank you for that one.

    So first round I did Dexamethasone - 2 (4mg tablets) twice a day for day before treatment, day of and day after. Then I also received an IV bag of it (12mg) day of. By day after I was so buzzed it was crazy. Never done coke in my life - but it had to be close feeling. LOL

    I talked to MO about it - and she cut me back a bit. So this time I cut the number of dexamethasone tablets in half. I still didn't sleep well the night before treatment but I'm not quite as buzzed today. She also told me I could continue the Dexamethasone for a few more days after at a light dose to help curb SE's. My first round I really struggled with upset stomach, nausea and diarrhea (almost 2 weeks worth). Staying on the Dexamethasone and taking a more active approach on the stomach, nausea & diarrhea.

    Welcome to the 50th club Kim! Time to plan our post chemo birthday trips! LOL - my husband is getting tired of hearing about all of the ways I'm going to celebrate after all this is done!

  • Alicesneed
    Alicesneed Posts: 78

    melza89 - sorry to hear your news but glad to hear you can get your treatment today (I'm TCHP treatment too). Why me is such a tough one to face for sure! But there are so many options to take it head on and get you back to living your life completely. I was just sharing with my step mother that I'm thankful I'm going through this in 2019 and not 10 years ago. My outlook would have been VERY different if I had this 10 years ago.

    Keep the faith, hang in there. It ain't easy.

  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Posts: 380

    Melza89, I'm glad that you are receiving treatment. I'm sorry about your PET scan results and am thinking of you. Hugs.

  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Posts: 380

    Several of us are struggling with the loss of our hair. I have been looking at pictures of bald women and am beginning to think of bald as strong, bold and courageous. I watched the video of Melissa Ethridge and Joss Stone from the 2005 Grammy tribute to Janis Joplin. I encourage you to watch it, too.

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Posts: 857

    YES. Here is another strong, amazing woman. Courage beyond her years.

    I know the hair style is a choice, not like ours. BUT our strength AND our femininity does NOT depend on our hair.

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Posts: 857

    I have a weird thing this evening. Now, you know I haven't managed a successful chemo session yet, but I have had the IV prep twice, plus decadron pre-meds at home once. Also of course enough of the taxotere to know I can't use it. So there have been new and interesting chemicals introduced to my body.

    Anyway, this evening I looked in the mirror and saw that the right half of my forehead is red and slightly raised and rashy. WHY?!? Why only part of my forehead? Seems like it should be all or nothing. I went for a walk late afternoon and had on a ball cap, but it isn't a brand new cap, so seemingly I'm not reacting to it as a new thing. And again, if that's the case, why half my forehead?

    So weird. I washed it and used some steroid cream, triamcinolone, and then took a benadryl pill. Hoping that in the morning it is faded.

  • Hi ladies!

    I’ve been reading this thread from afar but now that I have my first infusion officially booked I thought maybe now is the time to pop in and say hello... hope I’m not too late to the party?

    I have my 1st infusion of AC (4 rounds total) set for next thurs (30th)... followed by 4 rounds of taxol. I also get a PICC line inserted on Wednesday.

    This is all starting to feel “real” now (as if the surgery didn’t do that already Loopy) . Anyway, I’ve already learned so much from these threads... it’s so relieving to feel less alone

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Posts: 857

    Hi britt! Thanks for introducing yourself. You are more than welcome here and certainly not too late to join in. If you haven't already seen the topic on AC, here is a link

  • April0315
    April0315 Posts: 167

    Melza, I am so sorry to hear about the PET scan results. I'm keeping you in my prayers. It's so odd to me that we can just be living our lives feeling totally normal yet all this crap is floating around our bodies, taking it's toll. Hope your infusion goes well with minimal side effects and you can stay on track with the fight.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Posts: 397

    Hi May chemo ladies! I just wanted to pop in and wish you all as smooth as possible chemo journey these next few months. It'll feel like it's never going to end, but you WILL pop out the other side and be ok. I'm still in touch with some of my Aug 2016 chemo gals....I can't believe honestly it's been almost 3 years. Continue to talk and bring each other up with support and laughter. Wishing you all the best in this crappy journey!

  • UpstateNYer
    UpstateNYer Posts: 331

    Prayers going out to you, Melza. Keep the faith. You are tough, you are stronger than you think.


  • UpstateNYer
    UpstateNYer Posts: 331

    ajbclan, thanks for the encouraging words. Nice to know others have been through this and care about those of us who are going through this now. God Bless you.

  • UpstateNYer
    UpstateNYer Posts: 331

    welcome will find a lot of support on this board. Wishing you all the best.

  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Posts: 380

    brittandherboobs, welcome. The people on here are my rocks. Hopefully we'll be the same for you.

    UpstateNYer, early congrats on your 40th anniversary!

    Alicesneed, happy birthday!

    ajbclan, I appreciate you stopping by.

  • SJWhitten
    SJWhitten Posts: 39

    New here - thankful to find an active, supportive group! I look forward to connecting with all of you. I'll read more posts later, but here's where I am!

    1st TC 4/24/19

    2nd TC 5/16/19

    Two down, two to go!

    First treatment - started with an Aloxia infusion for nausea. Got really dizzy during steroid infusion, so they stopped it, did an EKG (I have a history of a-fib), and restarted it more slowly. Did okay with it after that. Then T very slowly, followed by C. I felt pretty good for a day and a half afterwards. Then I felt like a truck hit me - like I had the flu. Compazine controlled the nausea, but food was just ick most of the time. I alternated between constipation and diarrhea for a couple of days, but nothing severe. The inside of my mouth was very sensitive feeling, and I had a major sore throat. I didn't really have mouth sores. Went to see the NP a week after the first treatment. Got antibiotics (bc of sore throat) and Magic Mouthwash. Vaginal yeast infection - monistat. White count dropped very low (1.2) and slow to rebound, so I had two Neupogen injections. After the first injection, I had massive lower back muscle spasms and a serious headache that lasted 5+ days, along with general aches. Other blood counts were fine. After about 10 days, I started to feel better. Flew to my daughter's graduation at about Day 16. About two weeks after treatment, my hair (cut shorter before treatment) started really falling out - think carpeting the bathroom sink, so I got my head shaved. I didn't want to have a hair crisis while at graduation. I walked almost every day - at least around our longish block. I think I missed one day, maybe two? By the end of this cycle, hubby and I were walking daily 45 minutes to an hour at a fast pace.

    Second treatment - Aloxia then steroid infusion, much slower this time - fewer issues. T a little faster, followed by C. Neulasta injection the day after - no major side effects from that except dull headache and general body aches. Like the first time, I was okay for a day or two, then the truck hit me again. Compazine worked well for the nausea, but I had a constipation crisis - TMI. I am now on daily Miralax, which is really helping. I have actual mouth sores this time. And I have a rash on my calves from the taxotere. I ran fever of 100.6 one night, so back to the NP, and I'm on antibiotics again. But with the Neulasta, white blood count didn't drop this time! I also had a day or so of high blood pressure and high pulse rate, but that has calmed down, thankfully. Overall now - a week after treatment - I feel much better. Mouth sores, fatigue, and icky food tastes are my biggest remaining side effects at this point. I've been able to walk every day except one, even though it's HOT in TN now - 90 degrees. We aren't back to 45 minutes or a fast pace yet, but we'll get there. I'm flying to visit my daughter next weekend, at the end of this cycle, right before my next treatment.

    Other notes:

    I am ONLY having steroids as the infusion at each treatment; I am not taking the oral ones before or after treatment. I have a history of a-fib. I am scheduled for four rounds of TC. My cancer was invasive but very small and node negative; both the surgeon and MO said, "Early Stage - Radiation followed by hormonal therapy for you." - until the Oncotype of 27 :( So here I am - on a bus I would rather not be riding!

  • kimmh012
    kimmh012 Posts: 85

    SJWhitten, sorry about your struggle with the side effects ... I had the mouth sores, not bad, but a burnt mouth since last Friday and man it hurts ... I knew the trick was to eat ice during treatment, I did, but not enough. Maybe try it next time if you want.

    I also got the scopolamine seasick patches behind my ear, it is my life saver, no nausea...

    Sending gentle hugs and positive vibes your way


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,948

    Welcome, SJWhitten! We're glad you've joined our community, and sincerely hope you find it to be a supportive place as you continue with your treatment! The side effects can be so hard, we know, but you'll find some great tips here on how to manage some of them!

    The Mods

  • SJWhitten
    SJWhitten Posts: 39

    Thank you Kimmh012 and Moderators for the welcome. I am really thankful to have found you! Just from the reading I've done so far, I've picked up several good tips and tricks. And somehow misery loves company - it's just good to chat with others who are going through this same journey. One thing I said to the NP when I saw her Tuesday was, "I don't know what's a side effect that I just need to deal with vs. what is a medical issue that I should call you for." Having someone else say "Oh I had that too!" helps a lot! If it's just something I have to deal with, I'll deal!

    Kimmh012 - have you tried rinsing your mouth with saltwater? I was pretty faithful with that after my first treatment, and I had less trouble. I haven't been as faithful with it, and I wonder if that's why I'm having more issues this time. I do have the Magic Mouthwash prescription - I cracked up when I saw that on my bottle from Walgreens ;) It helps.

    Interesting question - As I mentioned above, my hair started really falling out about two weeks after my first treatment, so I opted to get my head shaved. But I still have quite a bit of stubble. I do have some bald spots, but I am by no means bald. And I haven't noticed alot of hair loss anywhere else - eyebrows, eye lashes, pubic hairs. Does that all fall out later?

    Thanks again for the welcome and the support!

  • SJWhitten
    SJWhitten Posts: 39

    Melza - sending lots of prayers, hugs, and positive vibes your way. My best friend is going through what you're going through. She is fighting the good fight, and I pray that you will have the strength and wisdom for the same.

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Posts: 857

    I'm a bit nervous about my infusion tomorrow. This will be the 3rd try to have a first infusion. Hope it goes easily and that the SE are tolerable. blech...

  • godisone
    godisone Posts: 30

    I hope you prove to be third time lucky. Don't be nervous as stress might be the reason of the failures for first two times. You know how stress makes the whole process so difficult. Spend some time with your family and friends, relax yourself before visiting the doctor and i know it would work this time. Sending prayers your way Medicating. You will be in my thoughts. HUGS.

  • melza89
    melza89 Posts: 34

    Thank you all for the well wishes, prayers, and encouraging words. At this point my family is more in shock about my Stage 4 dx than I am. I'm shocked but I've read enough about this disease to know random crap like this happens. My mom is probably a wreck :( and on her way to visit me from out of state.

    I had my first round of TCHP on Wednesday. The infusion seemed to go fine (no immediate reactions). Yesterday I felt a bit mentally foggy but ok enough to go to work. I had a light workload yesterday so I took it easy. This morning I'm physically tired so I'm just going to work from home.

    SJWhitten - Best wishes for your friend.

    MountainMia - Good luck on your infusion!

    Kim - Thanks for mentioning the seasick patches. Had not heard of those!

  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Posts: 380

    SJWhitten, hi! My hair is shedding like crazy all over. I still have a substantial amount of stubble on my head.

    MountainMia, I believe you are going to have a smooth day.

    Melza89, I am happy that your infusion went well!

    I'm waiting to be called back for my treatment now.

    Have a blessed day, everyone.

  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Posts: 380

    Guess I have about 30 minutes of Cytoxan left. I've been good, sucking on ice most of the time. Dang, I'm cold. Glad I brought a cardigan and hat! I can only imagine what icing my hands and feet will be like during Taxol.

  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Posts: 380

    SJWhitten, I just asked my nurse about eyelashes and eyebrows. She said they usually hang on until the end. She said most patients don't lose them all. I believe that's the experience with several people on this site, too.

  • melza89
    melza89 Posts: 34

    I hate thinking of cancer and chemo all the time. What is everyone doing for a distraction?


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