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June 2019 Surgery Support Group

Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072

Hi to all who are scheduled for surgery in June. It seems we don't yet have an active board so I'm jumping in and starting one - a first for me. Until the past year I have been actively involved in several boards starting with the Dec 2014 surgery board which I joined 3 days after my Bilateral Mastectomy. Life caught up to me last year and I am now back.

This will be my 4th surgery in less than 5 years. I am scheduled for a second implant revision on June 17 due to recurring capsular contracture. I look forward to sharing supporting thoughts with others who are scheduled for surgery in June.

Thanks and once again Welcome,




  • rrshannon
    rrshannon Member Posts: 59

    I also have surgery scheduled June 17th. I had my bilateral mastectomy in April and hours later had a bleed and had to have emergency surgery where they removed the right expander while they fixed the bleed. Looking forward to getting the expander put back in as they have been having to drain a sermona weekly that keeps filling up weekly.

    Wishing all those with June surgeries the best.

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072

    Hi Shannon

    Hugs to you! Apologies for mistyping your name.


  • Yndorian
    Yndorian Member Posts: 236

    Hi! I join the thread. I still dont have a date for my surgery but it would be in early June. I am so freaking nervous!

  • Yndorian
    Yndorian Member Posts: 236

    Hi! I join the thread. I still dont have a date for my surgery but it would be in early June. I am so freaking nervous!

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072


    Welcome. Hugs to you! The BC boards have been very supportive throughout all of my journey. Especially the surgery boards.


  • TheresaNJ08
    TheresaNJ08 Member Posts: 1

    I’m scheduled for a double mastectomy on June 11. Starting to panic. So afraid of the final path report being bad news and of post oppain. Those are my two biggest fears right now.

  • Boymomof3
    Boymomof3 Member Posts: 3

    I'm having a lumpectomy with sentinel node removal on June 10th. I'll wait for those results to come back before deciding on further treatment. The waiting is so stressful! Best wishes to everyone with upcoming surgeries!!

  • Yndorian
    Yndorian Member Posts: 236

    Scottie: thanks for the kind welcome.

    Theresa: crossed fingers for good news for your final report. Some women have not severe pain post op. I hope we can manage it. My biggest fear right now is lymphedema, because my armpit was positive before chemo so they're going to take several nodes.

    Boymomof3: Hope your results deciding you don't need chemo.

  • RoseMHales
    RoseMHales Member Posts: 3


    I am having surgery on June 5th. I am having a double mastectomy and feeling like maybe I won't be a woman or desirable my husband. I am scared and know no one who has gone through it to talk to. I can't change my mind cause I have breast cancer and if I wait, I was told that stopping it would be too late. I was just looking for someone to talk to.

  • RoseMHales
    RoseMHales Member Posts: 3

    Understand, my surgery is June 5th, double mastectomy. I am scared and panicking, also. I wish you love and hope things come out good for you. My prayers are with you.

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072

    Teresa, Boymomof3 and RoseMHales welcome!

    Teresa, I know it's difficult to have positive thoughts before surgery. I wish I had found my first surgery board before my mastectomy. I actually joined 3 days after, and this is now my fourth surgery board. Hugs to you and sending positive thoughts. The best advice I got after BMX was not to try to do things too soon. Use only T-Rex arms (i.e. only your arm below the elbow and your hands, no lifting, reaching etc.).

    I bought a large tablet before surgery and it was a life saver. I could binge watch whatever I wanted on Wi-Fi. Or maybe listen to e-books.

    BoyMom – Sending positive thoughts. All of my surgery boards were active before during and after surgery, sometimes for several months. I still connect with some of my surgery sisters through other boards.

    Rose – Sending hugs and positive thoughts. Talk with your husband about your feelings. My dh has been my biggest support system throughout. He goes to all of my appointments with me even if he doesn't come back with me. I'm always worried that if he is not there, I will get bad news. He wasn't at the hospital with me when I found out that I would have to have a biopsy after a follow-up mammo. I remind him of that.

    Please know that this board will be here to support you throughout!

    As for me, I postponed going back to my surgeon for as long as I could. This is my second revision and he was very honest with me. Capsular contracture is not supposed to reoccur and there's a good chance that it will happen again after my June 17 surgery. Because I haven't had time to look into other options, much less wrap my head around them, I am at least buying myself some time with this revision.

    Hope everyone had a good holiday weekend. Sadly, I worked most of it.


  • RoseMHales
    RoseMHales Member Posts: 3

    Thank you Scottie, My husband does go with me and I know he will do everything he can to support and assist me on whatever I need. I just get scared knowing that after June 5th I will not have breast anymore and that I will be seen different and feel different. I try to keep telling myself "No Bra!!" but that doesn't always help. Thanks for the arm information movement, I knew I could move some but wasn't sure what part.

    Thank you!

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072


    No Bra is definitely a plus. I know it's hard to focus on good points as surgery is coming up. Maybe spend a little time each day planning on how to be as comfortable as possible after surgery. Look up the total body pillow. They are awesome wrap completely around you for resting comfort. I prop on pillows after surgeries so I can watch videos on my tablet.



  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072


    No Bra is definitely a plus. I know it's hard to focus on good points as surgery is coming up. Maybe spend a little time each day planning on how to be as comfortable as possible after surgery. Look up the total body pillow. They are awesome wrap completely around you for resting comfort. I prop on pillows after surgeries so I can watch videos on my tablet.



  • Stephy01
    Stephy01 Member Posts: 5

    I wish everyone who has a surgery in June all the luck in the world. Get well soon and recover well.Heart

  • teaka123
    teaka123 Member Posts: 29

    June 3rd is surgery day for me. Left breast mastectomy and sentinel node biopsy. Coming up soooon, but at the same time not soon enough.

    Best to all of us!!!

  • happyperidot
    happyperidot Member Posts: 19

    Hi. Still waiting for my date, but pretty sure it will be in June. BMX and bi-lat lymph nodes biopsy, even tho I only have cancer on the left. (Right has a benign intraductal pappiloma and extremely dense tissue, so better safe than sorry.)

    I am not the least bit scared of cancer, surgery, possible chemo, or reconstruction. I am very worried about being a burden to my family and imposing on others to cover for me at work. And most of all, I'm worried about how I'll look and feel at my son's wedding on Sept 14.

    I just want to know my date so all the other steps and plans can start falling into place. :-/

  • ipenelope
    ipenelope Member Posts: 233

    Hello ladies-

    I wish you all the best for your upcoming surgeries!!

    I somewhat agree with Scottie about the TRex arms. If you don't rotate and extend your arms you'll get really stiff so when your able to move, after restrictions, it will be more difficult. Use your arms within your restrictions to your comfort, it will also allow you to do more for yourself, for those who don't want to feel like a burden or are very independent.

    And in regards to being a burden, you're not at all!!! You and your body are hoping through a major health issue and changes!! Talk to your loved ones prior to surgery and express your worries and concerns!! This way everyone is on the same page.

    Sending thoughts and prayers for wonderful surgeries with fast recoveries and good pathology reports!!


  • CinnamonSpice
    CinnamonSpice Member Posts: 5

    Surgery not scheduled... Yet! I am assuming it will be scheduled sometime in June.

    Saw surgeon today for biopsy post op and pathology report... This was my second go around. First biopsy was in 2004. We discussed my options and I have decided, with the odds given and atypia found, that I am going to have a bilateral mastectomy with sentinel node biopsy and no reconstruction.

    I have actually thought about this a LOT over the last 15 years. Thankfully I have a wonderfully supportive hubby!

  • Shadow63
    Shadow63 Member Posts: 11

    My lumpectomy is scheduled for June 3rd. I'm not nervous about the surgery itself, not looking forward to the wait for results. Good luck to everyone.

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072

    Welcome Shadow, Cinnamon, HappyPeridot and myusername. Shadow and myusername sending hugs and prayers for Monday.

    I am working too many hours to get ahead before my leave and will be working this weekend again. It's so nice to have a board to share with again. Only one of my coworkers knows why I will be out and she has had similar surgeries.


  • Amf5484
    Amf5484 Member Posts: 15

    Hi everyone! I'll be joining this group. I just finished chemo and I have a mastectomy with immediate reconstruction scheduled for June 21st. This is my first surgery and I feel like such a baby, I'm so scared to be put under anesthesia! Wishing you all luck on your upcoming surgeries and praying for quick recoveries

  • NJgirl2018
    NJgirl2018 Member Posts: 4

    I'm having an excisional biopsy (lumpectomy) on June 7th. I had my savi scout placed on Tuesday and while that wasn't the most pleasant, i'm doing okay. Mostly just itchy at the insertion site! It has been nice to be on lifting restrictions (sorry honey, you have to do the dishes, and walk the dog, etc.) but i'd just as soon not have to have surgery, of course!

    My mass has come up benign on every test thus far (core needle biopsy, mri, ultrasounds, mammograms), but each time they comment on how they "just don't like the way it looks" and after my 3 month follow up they recommended excision. Hopefully this will be the end of it!

    It's kind of a weird situation to be in, to be getting (basically) breast cancer surgery without having a diagnosis of breast cancer. I'm not sure how to act or feel...I don't want to make a big deal about it but then again, it is real surgery. Although I'm having the surgery on Friday and back to work on Monday so hopefully it goes smoothly!

    Best wishes for everyone getting June surgeries!!


  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072

    Welcome AMF and NJgirl! Hugs to you both.

    AMF congrats on finishing chemo. I'm right there with you on anxiety about surgery. I have them give me something everytime - usually a combo of versed and calming meds.

    NJGirl: sending very positive thoughts for your surgery. Use the lifting restrictions for as long as you need especially after you go back to work.


  • teaka123
    teaka123 Member Posts: 29

    Thank you for the hugs and prayers Scottiemom11. Monday, is just around the corner.

  • wheatscapes
    wheatscapes Member Posts: 50

    Hello everyone - My first post. I am having a BMX this Tuesday (two days!) 😬 I am super nervous and still in shock that I'm here. Diagnosed May 9 with IDC, left breast, 1cm, and calcifications in my right breast. eR, PR +, HER +, dense breasts. Just said that I want the boobs off. They're too big and hurt my neck and golf swing anyway.

    Anyone have advice on how to navigate this surgery? TI

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072

    Welcome Wheatscapes, hugs and prayers for your surgery on Tuesday. Are you staying overnight. If so ask for a pain pump. That way you will stay more comfortably. Take it easy when you get home and don't try to overdo even when you start feeling that you can. Watch lots of videos or read. My tablet was my best friend. These are awesome support boards. Explore other boards when you are ready.


  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072

    Shadow and myusername, thinking of you today. Sending hugs and healing thoughts.


  • Yndorian
    Yndorian Member Posts: 236

    Myusername and Shadow, I send you my best wishes today! HEALING HUGS!

  • Shadow63
    Shadow63 Member Posts: 11

    Thank you. My BS said it went well. I've been taking it easy today. Hopefully, I won't be as tired tomorrow.