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August 2015 Chemo Group



  • KateB79
    KateB79 Member Posts: 555

    Can you believe it's been four years?

    Thanks to all for the updates. Rachel, I love your pictures.

    Big hugs to everyone.

  • Musosgirl
    Musosgirl Member Posts: 305

    Kate! It is so good to hear from you. I hope all is well with you and yours

  • superius
    superius Member Posts: 310

    Kate! How's that writing coming along?

    Appointment with Surgeon this past Tuesday All clear from Mammogram from May & just getting poked. Was told next year would be last follow-up, & don't need to see him after 5 years.

    Rachael: Beautiful pictures and much needed reminder about self-limiting.

    You might remembered I was elected into Parish Women's Guild. We (me, the VP, secretary, treasurer) were asked to stay on for another year. So will be again busy with different events, both charitable & social. Here is a picture from our Spring Tea this May. Each table's hostess would decorate and they would judge the best table (just for fun). I was able to get WorryWart to play for the event -- they needed music & he got extra pocket money. I am in blue, the lady in pink cardigan... her Husband Acki died last May. He was in the choir and he was the one telling me before Chemo "It's gonna get worse before it get better, but you will get through it". So I invited her (the event was just couple days before Acki's anniversary) & Yes, that's WorryWart at the piano.


  • Musosgirl
    Musosgirl Member Posts: 305

    superius, will you get to stop hormonal therapy at the five year mark? I am really struggling over here and wondering how others are handling tamox or AI’s.

  • superius
    superius Member Posts: 310

    I am on the 10 year plan. And it seems it's good/ right thing - One of the Oncology researchers in choir (three of them, I kid you not!) asked me how many years. I told her 10, & she nodded "good"

    I don't have much s/e - as far as I know, my skin is much dryer, especially this past winter! (as well as hair). My period I think is stopping. My MO has me tracking them. Her only worry was spotting/ heavy period (nothing like that). Also no hot flashes or sleeping problem.

    When I told my MO, I'm kinda lucky with s/e. She chastened me not to compare.

  • VickiRides
    VickiRides Member Posts: 163

    Hi, All. I decided to pop in here today after a long time away and was happy to see so many updates. Rachael, especially, I am glad to see you happy and enjoying your family.

    I've been doing well. Living life as a uni, completed one year of Tamoxifen and two years of Arimidex. 7 more years to go (I didn't start until April 2016). Thanks to Weight Watchers I've finally reached my pre-diagnosis weight (and a little bit under). I took up Crossfit about 6 months ago and even completed a Spartan race. Life is good.

    Wishing you all health and happiness.

  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650

    Beauty!!! Well done. I have been a Crossfitter since 2007, and this year i started a fitness program through (tracking calories and working out with Nicky Hollender) i've lost 20 lbs ( as of this morning) and have 5 to go. I've got the blessing to back off the hormones to every other day and i feel pretty good. 4 years of treatment almost completed. We're getting there kids... we're getting there.

  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650

    I have had my end of year 4 check up, all is well. I miss our girls that have gone before us, and I'm glad not to see many from our group on here that often, though I do worry so how everyone is faring. Be well, be loved, enjoy the season.

  • superius
    superius Member Posts: 310

    Just popping in to say Happy New Year! Hope all is well. Work has been crazily busy & slow at the same time... Had been working more hours this past year, & DEFINITELY need to cut back (stuck in office all day - no time & too tired for long walks. Got in trouble with Doctors (weight, sleep, exercise... blah... ) it rained like crazy for a week during Christmas time. Finally the sun's out.

    It's going to be FIVE year this year, y'all! Any plans?


  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650

    I'll be 5 years from diagnosis in May and 5 years cancer free, if we can say we ever are, on June 8th. We will see. I'm pretty confident though I do abuse my poor old body sometimes, it's about balance I think. Love to all congrats on our 5 years together.
  • Musosgirl
    Musosgirl Member Posts: 305

    I got the cancer diagnosis July 10 and NED on December 10. This is a big year for all of us and it would be awesome to hug each of your necks! Either way I am sending love to you all

  • KateB79
    KateB79 Member Posts: 555

    Just checking in... Nice to see some familiar names doing the same!

    Nothing to report here. I'll hit five years on July 6.

    :) kb

  • Musosgirl
    Musosgirl Member Posts: 305

    Kate! So glad to see you! Hope all is with well

  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650

    I checked back with the hospital this morning. 0800 Monday mammo. Oy vay.. it will be 5 years on May 15 that I was had my biopsy (diagnosed) A few more milestones this year. Thankful to be able to be able to get the mammo. I was expecting to be postponed til summer. My next and likely last MO appt will be May 21. Love to all.<3

  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650

    ok so I had the mammo all is well, virtual oncologist visit, all is good, next appt is 26 Nov also my LAST appt.

    Any recommends for a physician in the GTA... looks like I'm going to be Cut loose. Yay us .

    Dermatologist says not something to worry about looks like an infected/inflamed actinic keratosis from her perspective.

    my eldest will be 18 on Saturday, no grad, no prom, we damn well will have a birthday for the kid. So crappy for the kids graduating this year for sure. What a year and not even half way through yet.

  • superius
    superius Member Posts: 310

    Checking in from Sunny San Diego...

    Had mammo mid-May. All clear, but also said calcification. Radiologist's note didn't say any additional actions needed, & I haven't received any calls from my MO, I guess that's ok.

    Last appointment with Surgeon coming Monday... he doesn't talk much but good surgeon -- considering hearing from people on these board about non-clear margins, additional surgeries, pain, multiple drains, lymphedema, etc.... My surgeon definitely Aced it.

    Phone appointment with MO was April, next in Oct, then she said only need to see her once a year. Have to ask her if any caution when we go back to work in the office -- been working at home since mid-March, IT packed up everyone's station & moved everyone home in 2 days. (we have close to 100 people).

    No church choir until further notice (due to covid risk). Also.... WorryWart got fired beginning of January. First they claimed the pastor want to "revamp the music program & WorryWart is not part of that vision'" Then there were more fall out & it pretty much became attack on his reputation... I will finish my term with the church women's guild, then I think attend different church, when it's allowed to do so.

    What a crazy year! NED will be June 18


  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650

    made it. 5 years and 2 days post surgery. Love to all, missing those who have passed on, grateful to be here.

  • superius
    superius Member Posts: 310

    Today's the day! 5 years NED. Here's my "birthday donut" - it has to be from this store - my sister got me a donut during one of the chemo session, this is the store next to the hospital. Next mark (5yr finishing chemo) -- Oct appointment with MO.


    And I actually sent a card to my surgeon (seen him for the last time last week):

    Thank you so much for being my surgeon. When I met you 5 years ago (5/29, a Friday, just like this year), I knew nothing about surgeries. The only thing I remembered was your decisiveness – "we will do a mastectomy..." and you explained the reasons. OK, doctor...

    What you didn't know, was that you got "checked-out" that weekend after by your fellow surgeons, who are also family friends from church. And they confirmed that I got the good doctor.

    Then later on, I understood more what that entailed as I read on message boards about these horrible things about non-clear margins that required additional surgeries, prolonged & severe pain, multiple drains, persisting lymphedema, etc.... I definitely was bragging about having none of those! ;)

    Ok, good doctor. Thank you again for being someone I could trust. :) However! Fingers-crossed that I won't see you ever again, not IN your office, anyway!

  • deeratz
    deeratz Member Posts: 318

    Hi Ladies, I too had my 5 year Cancerversary. I count my surgery day as my date. It’s hard to believe that our nightmares started 5 years ago. I have had so many changes in the last 5 years. Different job, different home and so many new friends. Strong and courageous women who inspire me to do more and be more.

    I hope you are all keeping well and staying safe during all this COVID craziness.

    Cheers to 5 Years 🍷

  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650

    there is nobig fat COVID free hugs emoticon, thus I want you to know how over the top freakin' happy I am for both of you I am!!!!! Much love to all, Heart

  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650

    yesterday was my 5 year mark for my first chemo. Also my youngest brother’s birthday. He is 46 this year, I told him he’s a codger, he said he was happy when he woke up he didn’t feel mold LOLOLO...

  • Bluefrog76
    Bluefrog76 Member Posts: 250

    Hello all,

    Just checking in on this corner of the world. 5 years!!!! I continue to do well with my metastatic diagnosis. I actually had progression right after my last post way back in May 2019, but it was treated with radiation and a treatment change. Then it was off to Portugal alone in November to attend an international metastatic breast cancer conference as an advocate.

    I returned to work full time in February for the first time in over 4 years. I am responsible for all foundation fundraising/Grant proposals for the American Cancer Society from Maine to DC. I love the work and feel like every day I am helping all of us. I’ve been given quite a platform there and share my story often.

    But best of all 5 years means 5 years that my kids have had their mom. They were starting 3rd and 5th grades that terrible diagnosis summer. And now 8th grade and sophomore year! I am living the life I didn’t dare dream of then.

    My love and best wishes to each of you!


  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650

    Rachel, I am so happy to seE you and hear about your work. Thank you for being the voice for all of us. I have one in grade 10 and one in first year university. Like you I am grateful. Beautiful children, beautiful Mom and Dad.

  • ravensally
    ravensally Member Posts: 45

    I just had my five year mammogram, and they found....something. I go next week for another test. I feel scared, sad, and mad.

  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650

    I would be scared sad and mad too. I have to admit I spend a lot of time waiting for the other shoe to drop. I pray that this is scar tissue/dense tissue for you. I have my ‘exit treatment Appointment’ coming up. Pretty apprehensive about that. All the best Sally, for negative results.

  • superius
    superius Member Posts: 310

    yeah... that "the other shoe" praying for -ve result...

    I am right now waiting for my MO over a video visit in like... 6 minutes. I guess they don't want us "random street people" going to Oncology department where people are their waiting for their chemo appts. I think she mentioned from now we will follow-up every year instead of every 6 months.

  • deeratz
    deeratz Member Posts: 318

    Rachel I am so glad to hear you are doing well! Seeing your kids grow up is a gift, things most people take for granted.

    RavenSally, I hope that you are just dealing with scar tissue and nothing ominous is lurking.

    Last week I celebrated 5 years since I finished chemo. I can’t believe it has been that long. Time has gone fast and life has changed in so many ways. I had a phone consult with a new oncologist last week. I am nearing my 5 years on Tamoxifen so now I have to decide what I am going to do. She said that because I was stage 2 at dx she felt like it would be ok for me to stop taking it. The thing is, I’m scared to stop taking it. It has become my security blanket, my insurance policy. I have learned to deal with the side effects and they are nothing that I can’t handle. So we agreed that I would take it until the end of November to finish up my 5 years. I will then take a 2 month break.If I feel the same as I do now she will put me back on for 2 more years. She also still considers me pre menopausal as I was still menstrating when I started chemo. She also said there is a slim chance that my period could return. WTF?????? I’m pretty sure that everything is pretty much dead down there. I have all the menopause symptoms. I will be pissed if I get my period back after all of this. When I tested my hormone levels(one of the perks of being a lab tech, self diagnosing) all of my levels clearly showed that I was in Menopause. She told me that checking hormone levels while on Tamoxifen are unreliable. So she will check them in January after all the Tamoxifen is out of my system.

    I am thankful that we didn’t have to go through all of this in the middle of a pandemic. I really feel for women diagnosed now. It would be very isolating, even more so than how we all felt.

    Well CHEERS to 5 Years ladies!

  • superius
    superius Member Posts: 310

    I am half way there with Tamoxifen. 5 more years to go. At the beginning, one of the oncology researchers at church choir asked me how many years. when I told her, she said "good". No side effect anymore (none I notice). Period was super light, not quite regular. MO only concern if it's heavy. & she decided I should see her in 6mo (hopefully in the office, pending covid situation) before we switch to yearly check-up.

    And I am back working in the office. 3 persons in 20,000 office, each with different shift, so I barely see anyone. <YAY!> I am also thankful that it was NOT this year. Although all these distancing and cleanliness are very familiar. been there, done that.

    Cheers! Heart

  • Musosgirl
    Musosgirl Member Posts: 305

    Hello All! Rachel, you are always the first one I look for, so I am so happy to see your update from September! And of course, Mollie, Dee and Superius! Can always count on you three! RavenSally, I hope you are well. I don't remember the exact date but my last full chemo was just before Thanksgiving five years ago. I am still wanting for Dec.10 (surgery date) to consider myself fully 5 years out, but I treated myself to Invisalign this fall. 40 years old and 5 years cancer free! Might as well have straight teeth. Since we homeschool and my DH works from home, nothing has really changed for us this year. We just keep on keeping on. We attempted trying to adopt through Oklahoma DHS, but we have not been matched yet, and I think we may pull our homestudy. 2020 has become the year of retreating, consolidating, penny-pinching...

    Superius, I am sorry to hear about drama in your church. Drama in a church is always exhausting, but during the time of Covid is just uncalled for! My high school sophomore just started an internship at our church--I am hoping he can avoid anything like that. Our two senior pastors are police chaplains and they don't tolerate much drama--but he is not serving with them and youth pastors can be crazy!

    Hope all our fellow American friends had a wonderful Thanksgiving and we all have a Very Blessed Christmas season!

  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650

    Hello everyone. Thank you Musosgirl, we look for you too:-). I have good news I that I have been discharged from care (more or less). Since my GP passed away in 2017 and I have no one following me I will see my oncologist in a year and he has ordered a mammo for one year after my last (also clear). It’s a weird time this COVID time. No one taking patients, and even if they are most appts are by phone. Keep doing your regular breast/chest exams and you know I hope everyone has clear results. Love to all... Merry Christmas too. Nikk