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Starting Radiation October 2019



  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 554

    Petite1 - I'm so sorry your skin is giving you problems! Can they give you something for the spots that opened up? My RO gives a prescription cream for that. Are your boosts in the same area that is bothering you? Talk to your RO nurse and see what they say. I'm sorry your mom is in the hospital too. What a hard time for you. Will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

  • AnnC2019
    AnnC2019 Member Posts: 93

    Hi Kamboka,

    I am having 25 sessions. I think the burning sensation was just a one off because I didn’t feel it the last two sessions. I am still at the beginning so my skin is not falling off yet

    I wish you a speedy healing.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,053

    blue22: Welcome to this thread. It's so good that you have finished the regular treatments and are on the boosts. Sorry that you are having problems with pain under your arm and the nerve tingles. I hear that many women do experience both. I think mocame's RO told her to 'air out' the underarm. I suppose it is susceptible d/t the skin rubbing together and it's dark and moist there. Also the hair follicles could get infected. You are almost done!

    petite1: I was hoping that your skin would not get worse but it seems that it is. Has your RO given you any meds for this--topical or oral? You are almost done and then the healing can begin. I'm sorry to hear that your mom is sick. Wow, she's 98. You do come from a family with good genes. Safe travels and hope you mom gets better soon. I'm sure she'll be happy to have you there.

    AnnC2019: Glad that the burning did not continue. I didn't have the skin problems until the next to last day (not counting my pulling off skin with tape about a week before the end.) My one bad spot is much better. At least they have not been painful.

    mocame: How is your skin doing today?

    One of my colleagues gave me some bad news this morning. When I was first diagnosed he was living overseas. He said he had a sister in law that had had breast cancer about five years ago. His brother would call me to ask about how I was doing and offering a friendly ear. I had never met the brother or the sister in law. My colleague and his brother and SIL had spend time together in September. While together she had complained of pain behind her left ear. Otherwise, she had no complaints. When she got back to the city that she lived in, she went to her doctor. The PET scan showed mets to the left arm only. Two weeks later they repeated the PET and it shows cancer in the liver. This weekend, she passed away. She was only 39. I was so sad to hear this news. Even thought I never met them, I felt close to them.

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 554

    AnnC2019 - I'm glad you don't have that burning sensation anymore. I hope your treatments go well!

    Kamboka - I'm so sorry about your colleague's SIL! When you hear stories like that, it makes you appreciate everyday and being with your loved ones. How is your skin doing?

    My skin is okay. I still have some peeling but today has been the first day that I didn't feel itchy ALL day long. I still lotion 4 times a day but today I only used the hydrocortisone cream one time. The skin under my arm that had peeled first is now a light red/pink color. I pulled 3 of my stickers off that were starting to come off and the last one fell off at work today. Luckily it stuck to my cami and didn't just fall out onto the floor at work! LOL! My radiated breast is definitely more firmer than the non-radiated one. I'm hoping it softens up more over time but we will see. That is one of the side effects when a breast with implants is radiated.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,053

    I had a friend that I worked overseas with come to town this week for a conference. I usually go to bed at 9 pm and now I'm just getting in and it's almost 10:30. I'll be a zombie tomorrow. I'm taking a few hours off each day the rest of this week and I can't wait. work has been stressful.

    Tonight is the first night I'm going to try to sleep without the telfa pad. I think it will be okay. I'm still lotioning three times a day. My breast is not firm but it seem to be sitting higher than the other one. Wondering what it will be in six months after it all settles.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,200

    mocame. No the boost is just the wound bed. The rash looks a tiny bit better, but still stings and itches. The nipple is not hurting as much. 2 more to go.

    Kamboka. No one has given me additional lotions, creams, etc. They just said to continue with the ones I have. Yes. My mom is 98. Lives in her own home with part time caregivers. I am afraid she probably will have to go to rehab and it might be time for assisted living. I tried once before, but she wanted to be in her own home with home health. She did well for almost a year. She is sharp as a tack, but a little hard of hearing.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,053

    petite1: I come from a family of Alzheimer's on my dad's side. By their seventies, all my five aunts had it. My dad made it to his late 70s. As I get older, that's a greater fear for me than breast cancer. So, your mom is indeed blessed to have her wherewithals. Glad your rash is someone better.

  • AnnC2019
    AnnC2019 Member Posts: 93

    Thanks mocame. Good luck with your last treatment you must be relieved. Has anyone had the feeling that there is a golf ball behind the throat and coughing doesn’t clear it? My rads go up to the clavicle. The nurse said it is a common side effect

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,053

    AnnD2019: I also had radiation to the clavicle area. I had a few times when I had a dry cough but they said that a cough is not usually happening during radiation but maybe much later. I think that depending on the angle that they give you the shot, it might affect your throat more. What does your nurse say is the long term effects of this happening? Wondering if they can't reposition the beam a little further from your throat.--although my RO says that the radiation 'sprays' even though it's directed at a specific spot.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,200

    I am done. YAY I rang the bell. I am so glad that is over. They said it will take about a month for my skin to heal. My mom was discharged last night. So far so good. I am just relaxing today and puttering around the house. I am going junking on Saturday. I like old costume jewelry. I may start back to the gym, since my mornings will be free and I don't go back to the cancer center until 12/3.

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 554

    Petite1 - Yay! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you and that your mom is now home! My skin had gotten better by the day. I still lotion 4 times a day but only the part where I had the boosts is itchy now. The rest is tan. I hope you have a quick recovery.

    I apologize for not being on here much lately. I went back to my regular work schedule and personally things have been very busy and I have so much to do. Add to that I met with my MO today to go over the next step of AIs and OS with possible 2 surgeries in my future. Lots of appointments just in the next 2 months that it is crazy! Which also means longer work hours to make up for those appointments! Vicious cycle! LOL!

  • AnnC2019
    AnnC2019 Member Posts: 93

    Hi Kamboka,

    Thanks for the advice. I am going to ask if they can do this. I think I am getting radiation esophagitis and I am only half way through. Today it feels like it is burning in my throat

  • AnnC2019
    AnnC2019 Member Posts: 93

    congratulations petite1

  • Togethertolearn
    Togethertolearn Member Posts: 224

    yay petite1

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,053

    petite1: Congratulations!!!! The skin will probably start feeling better before the month. I'm almost two weeks out and even though it's blotchy, there is no pain and my two sore areas are healing.

    mocame: I feel you about the work schedule. My boss has seen me being more energetic and not having to go to the center everyday so he gives me more work. I've been a bit stressed but mainly because he is asking me to do things that is not in my normal job description. I'm glad your skin is doing better.

    Tonight I went to the memorial service for the young lady I mentioned a few days ago that died. I was wrong about the type of cancer. I thought my colleague said breast but it was rectal. Either one, it was aggressive and her life was cut too short. She and the family are Kenyan so they are taking her back tomorrow. It was a long service but very inspiring to hear her family and friends talk about what kind of woman she was.

    I'm so tired and am supposed to have brunch with a group of girlfriends from out of town.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,200

    Good morning, ladies. Skin is still red, bumpy and sore.

    Kamboka, I know what you mean. The affected breast sits higher than the other. The oncologist said in time it will be a little smaller and gravity will take it's toll. It will be a little more even, but with a deep scar on the top. I am sorry to hear about your friend.

    mocame, That's good to hear about your skin. Good luck with your work load and juggling all the appointments

    .AnnC2019, My radiation rectangle ran from about 1" below the collar bone, down the center of my chest. I did not have tightening in the throat,but feelings of indigestion and heartburn. It did not start until I was almost through. Does the RO or the radiation nurse have any suggestions?

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,053

    My breast area looks like I have polka dots of different skin colors d/t the peeling. It's looking much better though and again, no pain or other problems.

    I had filled my script for Femara two weeks ago when I finished rads. I've been staring at that bottle but didn't want to take. Today, I broke down and took one. Could have been psychological but I swear I had dizziness and slight nausea. I think I'll wait for to really start after the holidays. It's pretty depressing that I might have to take these for 10 years with all the long term side effects associated with them.

    petite1: Time is on your side iwth the healing. Soon the worse will be over.

  • thisiknow
    thisiknow Member Posts: 88

    Kamboka just uttered my sentiments exactly. I just finished up with 4 weeks of Rads on Friday none for the worse. In fact, the worst was a slight rash that lasted all of about a day and a half the day before they did the boosts.

    So now (gulp) it's time for a pill. Supposed to do Arimidex soon. I'm glad I don't have a bottle of it to look at quite yet... I guess the saving grace is that there are several AI's one might try if one in particular is giving us grief.

    Well Kamboka, I wish you well on that Femara. Let us know how things work out.

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 554

    Kamboka & thisiknow - We are all at the same point...Finished with rads and nervous about the next step. I pick up my prescription for Arimidex today and have my first Zoladex implant scheduled for this Friday. I'm feeling so good, so like normal, and I don't want that to change. My MO was very calm and reassuring. She said that, yes, she has people that have bad side effects, but she also has people that have no side effects at all. She said that if I have bad side effects, we will keep trying different meds and try to keep me on something as long as possible. She would like it to be 10 years. I am going to have an Oophorectomy at some point so I don't need to keep taking the Zoladex implant. Hoping to get that in January but it may be too quick to get that scheduled. I will also need to have surgery in the next year to have my implants taken out and exchanged with new ones. The one on my cancer side has ruptured and they are 11 years old. What a great year to look forward too...not. :)

    To combat any side effects, I'm tweaking my already pretty good diet, adding supplements (and possibly more), and adding more things to my current exercise regimen. I hope it helps.

    Best wishes to everyone as we start this next step!

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,200

    Good morning. I am still red with rash. It is warm to touch at the boost site. I am glad to use real deodorant again. Yay. (my family and friends are probably saying the same thing) I haven't got my script or the pills for the next step. I go to the oncologist 12/3. I guess that is when I start.

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 554

    petite1 - I can so relate to being glad to use real deodorant! I felt so bad for the radiation techs when they were doing my radiation. Since I couldn't put deodorant on for 4 or more hours before radiation...Ew! My boost area is still red and will probably peel any day now. The rest is great. I hope your skin improves soon! Do you know what meds you will be starting on?

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,053

    petite1: I was reading somewhere that the aluminum in "real" deodorant was not good for us. I ordered a Nivea "no alum" for chemo and it does stop the odor. Not sure about the sweating though as I'm not a big sweater. I tried Arm and Hammer and it didn't stop the odor. Hope your skin and rash settle down soon.

    mocame: I'm glad that you are doing well with your diet. Unfortunately, I've gained back 25 of the 38 pounds I lost with chemo. I have to admit that I have an eating disorder--I eat for every reason: happy, sad, anxious, etc. I'm going to ask my PCP about that tomorrow when I see her. I need to lose the weight. That's another reason I don't want to start on the AI as many women have weight gain. The more weight, the more estrogen production.

    thisiknow: We do have a few AIs to chose from. The problem that I see is that all of them have the possibility of causing long term problems. So I'm weighing do I want the weight gain which increases my changes for cancer, the secondary malignancies, the bone loss and breaks, etc. I stopped my taxol DD early as I was getting neuropathy and it can be long term and permanent. I guess because I'm single, no children, no significant other and older; I want quality of life. That doesn't mean haven't arthritis, hip fractures, neuropathies and another cancer. I hope I'm not coming across as too negative and it doesn't mean I won't try the AIs.

  • Togethertolearn
    Togethertolearn Member Posts: 224

    petite1 for whatever reason my breast is still warm and my final radiation was September 4. So it may stay warm for a while!

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,200

    Good morning, ladies. The rash is looking much better. The wound bed, boost area, is not as warm, but hard. I guess it is scar tissue. My energy level is up. Arm & Hammer is working for me. Yay. The oncologist said Arimidex for 5 years. I will know more after December 3.

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 554

    Petite1 - So glad your skin and energy are getting better! I wish I only had to take the Arimidex for 5 years! My MO said 10 years. Maybe because I already had a recurrence at 11 years from first dx. Not sure. I have my pills but I'm not going to take them yet. I get my Zoladex implant on Friday and then will wait a week to take the Arimidex. I wish you the best as you start your next step in your bc journey!

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,053

    petite1: So glad to hear that your skin is on the mend. It's been a long journey for you and I know you are happy that part is almost over.

    mocame: I, too, am supposed to do 10 years. It's because I was almost 100% ER/PR positive and I was grade 3. Did you take Arimidex the last time?

    After the funeral on Friday, I decided to try to take the Femara until I had a bad reaction or until I go home for the Christmas holidays. I have noticed more hot flashes/night sweats. I really hate taking meds so am trying to wean myself off the neuropathy meds and my blood thinner will end at the end of the year.

  • Togethertolearn
    Togethertolearn Member Posts: 224

    mocame Did you take any meds for those 11 years?

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 554

    No, I didn't take meds 11 years ago. I had a 2% chance of getting a recurrence and the higher chance of side effects of the meds outweighed the chance of recurrence so...

  • Why2015
    Why2015 Member Posts: 14

    Hello, I developed a frozen shoulder which took about a year+ to resolve. It started 10 months after Taxol and while I was still getting Herceptin. I have intense neuropathy in feet/toes from chemo. Hope this info helps.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,053

    Why2015: Do you still have the neuropathy four years out? I was so worried about the neuropathy and it the reason I tried taxotere first and then after a bad reaction, taxol. I stopped taxol early as the neuropathy developed. I'm two months from taxol and still have it although the pain is not as bad. I, too, have pain in my shoulder on the opposite side. I just thought it was overuse but it could be caused from the drugs.

    I hope everyone had a very enjoyable Thanksgiving.