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CONSTIPATION--problem with so many of our drugs



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Sheesh a  whole long involved answer ----into the nether world ugh!

    MT HUgs glad to see you too.

    dsgirlHugs to you too.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    JoE, the long involved answer was for you. Maybe next trip

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,138

    bumping for the great info

  • Melmax
    Melmax Member Posts: 168

    Recipe for constipation courtesy of my chemo nurse (always check with your doctors):

    3/4 cup warm coffee, add spoon full of butter (stir to melt), add 1/3 cup prune juice. Drink andEnjoy!

    I have all three but never thought to combine them. If I'm able to drink it without throwing up, I'll let you know. 😜

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,138

    Melmax - LOL. I like them all separately, but... Waiting to see if you can gag it down. And ;how it works.

  • Melmax
    Melmax Member Posts: 168

    MinusTwo - tried coffee and prune juice minus the butter and it didn’t work for me. Will be brave and add the butter today and see what happens 😁

  • scrafgal
    scrafgal Member Posts: 412

    I had major constipation on chemo that defied all medical advice....only one thing actually helped: Smooth Move tea....available at most drug stores. Amazing stuff. The senna is combined with herbs that reduce intestinal irritation that senna can cause. It is not for daily use but if you are in a real works!

  • bamr
    bamr Member Posts: 52

    On another thread, HappyAnyway suggested Dr. Schulze's Intestinal Formula #1 capsules. I bought it on Amazon and have taken it for a couple of days. Seems to work well, along with the whole other routine I have developed. Miralax in my morning coffee, strong probiotic in the morning, Colace before bed. I'm hoping I can leave off the Miralax soon if the Dr. Schulze's continues to help.

    Dr. Schulze's Intestinal Formula #1

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,138

    I'm 5 years down the road past chemo, but noticed something interesting the last few months. Prior to cancer treatments, I've always been on the 'slow' side - like one BM every couple of days was normal for me. And the 'product' was large & hard. Then chemo brought constant Big D for two+ years. After that I started taking magnesium for calf & foot cramps - 250 mg per day. This spring I stopped all supplements for a month as a test and didn't resume the mag. Hmmm - back to my old normal, but it still didn't connect. When the leg cramps started again this summer I added magnesium again and voila. BMs are daily and smushy (TMI???) I plan to discuss with my PCP next month.

  • Melmax
    Melmax Member Posts: 168

    update on the butter coffee and prune juice- it worked like a charm. I would rather take a pill because although it didn’t taste bad, I still had a hard time drinking it knowing what was in it

  • scrafgal
    scrafgal Member Posts: 412

    Just wondered over here again, as its6time to break out the Smooth Move again! I just described the butter coffee prune juice recipe to my sister and she looked at me in completely disgust😁 I tried to tell her that when something really works, you tend to stick with it!

  • scrafgal
    scrafgal Member Posts: 412

    This started up again when I switched to Arimidex less than 2 weeks ago. ..hope it goes away

  • Daylightdancer666
    Daylightdancer666 Member Posts: 30

    I'm on 30mg morphine slow release as well as other meds plus oral. Morphine every. Few hours, before my diagnosis I sometimes got constipation but didn't uncomfortable does now.

    I think last week it was, I had gone out with my friend for a meal and drink. I came back and the stomach pains was rediclous it was there but couldn't pass so I had one laxido and one senna which both prescribed for and went to bed passed out and had bowl movement at half. One that morning the relaif was amazing

    The next morning after discussion witb my mum and dad I'm going to have laxido a day I'm. Prescribed 3 a day of needed.. But I'm. Going to have one a day regardless of been or not and drink plenty of water. After the pain I was in last week and has been time before I'm not. Putting. Myself through that again..

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,138

    Daylight - Yup - pain meds will do it every time. When you get a chance, if you'll read through this thread you'll see lots of ideas for daily additions to your diet that will make all the difference. Good luck

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,138

    Bumping for Pesky

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,138

    Just wanted to say how much I miss SAS. Her knowledge of this subject and humorous cartoons made my journey much easier.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,138

    bumping to make active for those reading the new "poop" thread

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,310

    Magnesium citrate at night 2-3 capsules of 400-500 mg... agreeing with above... it works very well.

    ALSO fasting before chemo really reduced that horrid fealing of a cancelled digestive tract full of food. I ate very spearingly (Fasting mimicking) beginning 2 days before chemo day and lasting 2 days after. That plus magnesium took care of my constipation.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,138

    I too ate sparingly during chemo, but mostly because everything tasted off. On my way to the infusion center in the early mornings I did stop and pick up a breakfast burrito - potato/egg/cheese. Those were a real treat. And for dinner the night after infusion I usually had a large french fries with lots of salt. Another unusual meal for me since I rarely eat fried foods.

    I did have constipation off & on during treatment - mostly after surgeries or with pain meds. I took Senecot-S, a stool softener + laxative. I still take 250 mg of Magnesium every day. Started it for leg cramps. It is working for that but also keeps me regular.

    During chemo my problem was the opposite. I actually lost 60 lbs with the big D - only 10 lbs of which might have been a good thing.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,138

    bumping for those in need

    Weird story. I've been taking 250 mg magnesium for several years and it really seems to keep me regular. Last time I had a problem finding it, but finally spotted a bottle of 200 mg - same mfg. Well I got ready to open it last week and was amazed to find that it's "Vegan magnesuim". It's capsules rather than tablets, and recommended is 2/day instead of one. Guess I'm showing my ignorance, but who knew there was such a thing.

    After a week I have to say it's not working nearly as well either to keep my bowels moving freely OR to ward off the leg cramps. Both are magnesium oxide but the Vegan is magnesium biglyscinate chelate buffered. Guess I'll add prune juice for awhile since I'm not ready to brave the stores yet.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,138

    bumping for Mel who is dealing with opioid constipation. Been there

    There are so many good ideas and solutions here - in addition to some funny jokes.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,138

    Bumping for those suffering from constipation

  • ittlbok
    ittlbok Member Posts: 3

    I have found that taking 400mg of Magnesium. It is very helpful.!!! I take it at night and it also helps me sleep. I wish my Doctor or nurses would have told me that my libido would not be coming back. Not only does it hurt but with the pituitary blocked and the adrenal glands. I notice I'm having lots of thyroid issues. It's up and down. I'm in a new marriage. My husband has lost 2 wives to ovarian cancer. I feel so guilty not being able to find any comfort in sex. I don't even think about it, It is totally opposite of who I have always been and enjoyed. It's making my marriage tense. Went through chemo 2013/2014 with her/2 + and ER+. I am so sad that I have lost a desire to be intimate and really don't like to even hold hands. I hate the way my breast look and have had a reduction because I had a lumpectomy. I wanna feel it when or if It comes back. I highly recommend not having any female parts. Ovaries, fallopian tubes. Uterus etc. It loves the female body and. it seeks out those places to come back to and harm. I had everything taken out 15 years before my diagnosis. What is the answer to this dilemma? Why is no one talking about it? What are my options other than position and lubrication? Those have nothing to do with my emotions. If I would have known this would be the outcome I would have stayed single. It's not fair to my husband. He's since had a stroke and that also complicates everything. I miss me. Does anyone else have thyroid issues once the pituitary loses hormones? It's just weird and crazy. If you take the drugs to eliminate estrogen it shouldn't come as a surprise...But it's a huge surprise. At the very least the could have told me that this is a common side effect, Feeling defeated for sure... Ittlbok.....

  • ittlbok
    ittlbok Member Posts: 3

    400 millsgrams of Magnesium. Everyday... I take it at night. It also helps me sleep. It takes a few days to work, but I take it every day and it works very well...400 is the only one that works for me. 500 doesn't do it for me, I buy it at CVS and have been using it for quite sometime. I also take it in the morning with all my meds. wither way works wonders...

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,138

    itti - I take one 250mg magnesium every day for leg cramps and it keeps me regular. If I double that to 500, my bowels are too loose.

    Sorry about the sex problems. There are several threads on BCO about sexual problems as side effects - like "I want my mojo back". There are several discussions about lubrication & painful intercourse. Those threads could probably relate better to the issues.

    Edited to add - here's the link for the 'sex & relationship matters' forum

  • mtspacekace
    mtspacekace Member Posts: 123

    Looking for advice...this is a shitty situation 😉

    I had a bmx last Friday. I’ve been on a high protein diet before, and carb loaded prior to surgery. I had a great bm morning of surgery... I was in the hospital overnight, and because of some nausea did not have a meal for 48 hours. (I ate Thursday night before surgery, and then Saturday night when I got home, with just some broth and fruit in the hospital).

    I’ve been taking Tylenol and oxy, and 3 colace per day since I’ve been home. They had me taking colace at the hospital too. My appetite has been getting better, but I’m still only eating small meals, with fruits and or veggies at each meal. I’ve been drinking tons of water... I also had probably 3 large bags of fluids in hospital.

    I’ve been at home 4 days. And I haven’t had the urge to go.......shitty situation. I don’t want to get plugged up. (I had some constipation issues during chemo, and it might break me now after surgery) Should I be concerned yet? Is it still too soon for things to get back to working? Or should I start taking something else along with the 3 colace daily?

    When I was constipated during chemo, I had the urge to go, it was just hard (in more ways than one) But I haven’t even had the urge...yet...Will I need to take something to get the urge?

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,138

    mtspace - two thoughts: Nothing in - nothing out. But everyone's "normal" is different. Pre-cancer, my normal for 40 years was one BM every 3-4 days.

    If you are on pain pills, those will definitely make you constipated. Are you talking the collace that is just a stool softener? Or are you taking one that includes a stool softener AND a laxative - like "Senekot S"? I don't think you'd need 3 of those. You might check with your doc after you read some of the links in the header about "normal" and questions to ask.

    There are some great "recipes" and tips in this thread. Some favor prunes, others are more inventive. Good luck 'going' and let us know so we can cheer.

  • mtspacekace
    mtspacekace Member Posts: 123

    I am taking 3-colace per day that is just a stool softener. I did purchase some Mira lax to have on hand...but haven't used any. My “normal" isn't daily either...and during chemo I would go a week, then take one colace and have a bm. I'm still drinking tons of water, and haven't had the urge...yet. Maybe I'll have some prunes and see if that gets something going....


    We’ve had liftoff. Snacked on a prune this afternoon because I figured it couldn’t hurt, and a friend brought over some Modest Mix “Juicy Ass” tea. (I could never find smooth move tea in town). Had a cup of the tea after dinner and voila! It was time 😆. P.s. The tea was really tasty

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,138

    BUmping to the active list for new questions

  • AKColleen
    AKColleen Member Posts: 7

    This is for some who may have severe constipation problems...Basically 6/1/2017 I had partial mastectomy for ILC Stage 11A, Grade 2. Doing workup for this surgery my doctors found a GIST tumor in my stomach! GIST tumors can be cancer too so they needed to biopsy it or remove it. So I asked if both could be removed same time so I didn't need 2 different surgeries. They agreed. My oncologist in AK screwed up...I asked for ONCO test and she never sent tissue in. After a month I insisted she send tissue which she did..but she didn't expect my results to be high from my tumor stats. I had radiation. Then 2 months later my ONCO came back 27!! My onco was shocked and said I should have chemo but it was already 2 months out. So I went out of state to Virginia Mason Breast Cancer Clinic in Seattle WA and got a 2nd opinion. My new Oncologist ran some stats and found chemo vs an aromatase inhibitor for my age and tumor stats...came out with the same results. I've stayed with this oncologist. So instead of doing chemo we decided I'd begin Femara right away. It made me so constipated and I threw up weekly! I stayed on it 6 months and had lost so much weight she put me on Aromasin which I tolerated well. But at the same time I was experiencing constipation on/off from this partial gastrectomy for my GIST tumor. I've tolerated Aromasin really well now for 3 years, except for some reason I've increased with constipation n/v despite using miralax, 250mg Colase daily and Sennakot every day and an occassional fleets enema. I eat plant based. I can now only go poo with a Fleets enema - 3 years post op and 3 years on Aromasin. I've had many days/nights throwing up with basket in front while sitting on toilet and being so constipated I've cried.

    I've tried psyllium, flax, lots of fiber, fresh coconut, lots water, prunes, senna, miralax, colase, and more...nothing worked but Fleets enema and I can't live like this. So I contacted a Functional Medicine MD a few months ago!! He started me on supplements to calm my stomach and gut which were so inflammed (found on EGD and colonoscopy Follow-up after partial gastrectomy). The supplements helped me stop n/v!! Then he put me on Vit C 1000 daily and Magnesium 950mg daily to help my constipation,with no effect...then he upped my dosing of Vit C to 1000mg twice day and 1500 mg Magnesium Citrate daily. Finally with the upped Vit C and Magnesium the last 2 weeks, finally had a normal poo. Hope this continues. Rather worried about this high dose of Magnesium Citrate but my Dr assures me up to 2000mg daily is ok to do. I am still doing plant based high fiber diet, My Functional Medicine Dr had me stop all sugars except for coconut sugar and maple sugar and honey. I think the combo of the Aromasin and my partial gastrectomy (for GIST tumor) just did my gut in. My GI doc had nothing to offer and didn't think the surgery had anything to do with it. I'm so thankful for my Functional Medicine MD!! He checks all supplements he adds to my diet with the medications I am on for interactions. My breast CA is still in remission. About 3 years ago I began using the squatty potty and LORD it is such a helper. But it didn't even help once I had the partial gastrectomy. I hope everyone else with these problems can gleen some helpful info. I continue on Aromasin and will continue the high dosing of Vit C and Magnesium for now and then eventually ween with the help of my Functional Medicine Dr. Good luck to us all.