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Gardening, anyone?



  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    Happy thanksgiving! - I put suet out for the birds today, but haven't been able to get any pictures. Maybe tomorrow.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    This was a surprise photoshot this morning - OH MY! Love it! Had to share.image

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    This was a surprise photoshot this morning - OH MY! Love it! Had to share.image

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,911

    Lovely. Is it an Anna's that overwinters?

    A friend made a gorgeous wreath with plants from her neighborhood. I've always wanted to try that but would never expect to get those results.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,911

    Lovely. Is it an Anna's that overwinters?

    A friend made a gorgeous wreath with plants from her neighborhood. I've always wanted to try that but would never expect to get those results.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,954

    Wow our hummers go to Costa Rica for the winter 😳

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,954

    Wow our hummers go to Costa Rica for the winter 😳

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    Anna's don't travel so we feed them throughout the winter.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    Anna's don't travel so we feed them throughout the winter.

  • gailmary
    gailmary Member Posts: 451

    Jazzygirl. I just read that too.mynext doorneighbors moved there!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,954

    Fruit trees blooming



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2023

    I don't post here, but I do lurk and love seeing everyones pictures. Garden season is amongst us!

    May be an image of 1 person, collard greens and text that says 'Did you know that if you garden in your back yard naked, your neighbors will build you a privacy fence for absolutely no cost to you.'


  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
  • gailmary
    gailmary Member Posts: 451

    I hope you are all well and enjoying spring in your gardens. We have a few acres around the house. My garden us primarily a wildflower patch of natives wildflowers that have naturally seeded from the woodland uphill. I've added some native sun lovers.

    I live in a creeks enviromental corridor. Tons of wildlife here for se wisconsin. Across the street we also have 7 acre marshy wetland and 11 acres of oak woodland. Yes I weed them.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,954

    Cactus are starting to bloom

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,954
  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,911

    That is beautiful. I'm so glad you post these unusual flowers. We would never get to see them here.

  • greenbean2468
    greenbean2468 Member Posts: 19

    Hi gardening pals! I enjoy your shares! I'm sharing a photo of my first green sungold tomato on the vine. I finished chemo in March and hoped through the challenging chemo wintertime that I'd be able to plant at least a few tomato plants in May. I was and am loving going outside to see the progress. Also shown, a little okra plant growing from seed.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,954

    Blooming right now

  • gailmary
    gailmary Member Posts: 451

    Jazzy, i love these. Is this a garden.? From where?

    Im near milwaukee, WI. Here's what's blooming now. A perennial that spreads, reseeds, and has a long blooming season. Some kind of verbena.

    I never thought cancer would keep me out of the garden and in the house due to pollution. I always thought I'd be in pain. The smoke from Canada Forest fires burns my eyes and throat. With cancer in lungs, I think I best stay in. The weeds are happy!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,954
    edited June 2023

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    The first flight of the 2 baby wrens.

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 830
  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,954

    Gmafoley- those baby wrens are just so adorable. I am always amazed how quickly they go from helpless to independent. I had some baby doves in my yard this year.

    Home mom- love your gardens!

    It's really hot here now (100 degrees) and trying to keep things watered as much as I can. We need rain here in New Mexico!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,596

    Well since my hubby and I are still on the East Coast because of a few reasons that are too long to mention, we planted a mosest veggie garden this year and it went nuts! I have had to buy canning jars and so far I have taken four quarts of crushed tomatoes from thr garden with more to come. Looks like I may also be trying my hand at making pickles this year as my cukes are growing all over my garden!

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 830

    That's awesome! I had a lot of luck with tomatoes and cucs here in Orlando too. I'm solarizing right now, but plan to plant my salad this fall. Lettuce, cucs, tomatoes, maybe some herbs.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,596

    Just harvested another dozen tomatoes yesterday. The rate it keeps going, I am harvesting tomatoes at least once a week!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,657

    Sadly, I’ve only had one small tomato this year, mice got everything else before they could grow big enough to flower. Gotta have a greenhouse next year.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,596

    Just harvested 2 zucchini and a monster cuke that I had not even known was growing!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,596

    Correction as of tonight 3 zucchini and 2 cukes! Found the last zucchini and 2nd cuke after running a couple errands with hubby tonight.