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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    Good morning. We have sun and it is already 80 degrees. Hoping it doesn't get too much higher. Didn't yesterday. Sounds like the possibility of some major rain. I think it may be part of the Beryl landfall causing disturbances.

    Cindy, hope you can get some other good quotes on your trees. While costly for us, I have to say since we had our trees done, we have had a relatively 'clean' yard. We had to find people with bucket trucks and chipper/shredders since we have the sort of yard (2 acres of trees) we do. They also had the experience to be able to see problem areas that we didn't know were becoming issues, so it was a good thing if expensive.

    Hope all is well with you med. gyn appt. Always nice to get a 'whew' afterwards and that is just what happens for you I hope. I don't have anything much going on this week . In fact just have the 18th. so far and I will have three appts. mainly all together at Marion V.A. Hope that will be it for the month.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day. Know you are thought about.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941

    Will be leaving at the end of the week to visit a friend of 40 years who lives in the "deep" south for a few days. Now that we are in NC I joked with her about visiting during the hottest part of the summer being a case of going from hot to hotter 😍 🔥 At least we have coastal breezes. But she has air conditioning too, haha. The older I get the more old friendships mean. Looking forward to sampling some "meat and three" and just chatting non- stop.

    DH may eat too much BBQ while I am gone 🤗

    I am also Dr. appointment free for a bit and liking that.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 292

    I typed a post twice and lost it yesterday - in more ways than one! Hope this one goes better.

    We had Maureen, Ella and their housemate over the 4th - very simple menu - hot dogs, salads, and Village Inn triple berry pie. They leave tomorrow for her competition in Boston. I'm so excited for her. Her skating club had a send-off tonight for Ella and two others who are competing, complete with the presentation of a nice check to help with expenses.

    Surgery is finally scheduled for Aug. lst. It has seemed like a bureaucratic nightmare to get it scheduled. I would have preferred the previous week but I couldn't get my primary moving fast enough. I am being diligent about the exercises, Betrayal and Chris. Rode 4 miles on the stationery bike today, up from 2 ten days ago.

    Jackie, my criteria for a shelter dogs is that they have to sit on my lap on the first sitting. Sounds like Lil' Red would have done that if he could have.

    Sending hugs to Puffin and Haley. Great cloud pics MM. I do miss clouds here.

    Cindy, what are you reading? I'm into another Elizabeth Chadwick. Book club read "Admission" last month. Really good. I am less excited about Wednesday's book "The Last Bus to Wisdom." Really can't imagine what we will talk about.

    Have a good week everyone.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Betrayal, I hope you had a good night’s sleep last night!

    Reader, enjoy your time with your friend! I agree, catching up with “old” friends is so enjoyable and great for our mental health! I am so glad to have reconnected with my college roommate and some high school friends! Stay cool!

    taco, woohoo for Ella! Glad you got your surgery date! I know it was scheduled later than you wanted but you will be even more fit going into surgery! Nice too that others here have “been there, done that”, and can give sage advice.

    Harley, hope you are feeling better, one less chemo treatment left! There is light at the end of the tunnel.

    Puffin, thinking of you!

    Sandy, hope all is ok with you.

    Carole, I pass a country club golf course every time I go on errands and it always makes me think of you! Glad it is cool where you are, only “early morning” golfing here due to heat.

    Illinois, so happy you found a puppy! Lil’ Red (or whatever his name will be) is so lucky to have such a good home to go to!

    Stay cool everyone!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    I nurture a faithful heart.  When difficulties, sorrows, and trials beset
    me, I consciously choose faith in the face of despair.  Like the mountain
    climber who reaches the summit a step at a time, I hold an ideal in my
    heart.  Despite the temptation to bitterness, despite the seduction of
    rage, I choose a path of temperate endurance, grounding my daily life
    in the small joys yet available to me.  Learning from the material world,
    I harbor the seeds of hope against the long winter.  I count the small
    stirrings of beauty and delight still present in a barren time.  My heart
    is a seasoned traveler.  Moving through hostile and unfamiliar terrain
    it remains alert to encounter unexpected beauty blossoming despite
    the odds.  In the arms of adversity, I yet find the comfort of tenderness
    to myself and others.  I refuse to harbor a hardened heart.
    Decisively and deliberately, I expand rather than contract.

    Julia Cameron

    Transitions:  Prayers and
    Declarations for a Changing Life

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    Good morning. Well, it is a very wet morning here. We did get some "Beryl" remnants starting in the early evening. I think we may have more today. It's pretty cloudy out.

    Reader is sounds like you are going to be in for a really good time. Friends are wonderful gifts in our life and so getting the chance to re-bond in person sounds like the berries to me. Good times coming.

    Taco, what a frustration losing posts. Glad this one made it. I have the most issue when there is bad weather. I guess the enigma is not ALL bad weather does it and I can't pin down which is the real culprit. Glad you have your surgery date. Hard to plan things when you can't be for sure what the time line is on medical procedures.

    So far, Lil Red is still Lil Red. I think we won't start to really consider another name until he is here and underfoot 24/7. When we start to mesh as a family, hopefully it will come.

    Hope all who have tests or treatments have a smooth time of it. Those who are recovering from any I hope that too goes far better than expected. Hope you all have tolerable weather as well. Have a wonderful day.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,843
  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,843
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    Betrayal, great posts and fantastic reminders. Don't leave your pets or your babies. Until you see it in black and white it may not be so wonderfully clear.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    I had my infusion today with no problems, now hope no side effects - watch for blood in urine, stool, nosebleeds. My counselor met with me during the infusion so the time went by quickly

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited July 10

    puffin, so great to hear it went well for you! Really nice that your counselor met with you at the same time. Anything to help pass the time helps so much! 🦜

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,303

    Reader, enjoy your visit with a friend. I just had lunch today with 2 ladies I worked with for years. Friendship means a lot.

    Taco, glad you had a good visit with Ella. May she do great at her competition. Marking the calendar, 8/1; it will be here before you know it. I just finished The Circus Train, and I enjoyed it. And before that was First Lie Wins. Two totally different books.

    Jackie, I still love the name and hope it sticks. But you’ll know once he’s there.

    Puffin, glad it went well and the time went quickly too with your counselor helping it pass. Fingers crossed for no SE!

    As I mentioned earlier I went to lunch with 2 friends and we had a great time. We choose a place that won’t be bothered if we stay yakking. We were there for 2.5 hours! Lots to catch up on. One gf had sad news to tell us. Her sister has stage 4 ovarian cancer. She’s doing chemo and giving the fight her all.

    I left there and ran into Staples to recycle my old laptop, and old printer ink cartridges too. I took the hard drive out and snapped off a few other “things” inside. Now I have to put the hard drive in a bag and break it up with a hammer. I could turn it in and they’d recycle it but with tax info in it I’d rather not. (laptop was one more thing I found when cleaning out crap)

    Later in the evening I went out to water plants and saw my pool was down about 4” and thought it didn’t evaporate that much (although the heat has been brutal). So I looked at the filter and water was squirting out of a hose - it cracked. UGH! I tried to fix it, not happening. Ran to the only place open at 7:30 pm but they had 1.25” and I needed 1.5”. Then text my cousin, have I mentioned thank god for cousins, asking him if he knows anyone to put PVC on, like I had on my old pool. He came down, gave me a list of what I need to buy and will do it tomorrow after he’s done with work. Amen for cousins! And I need to knock on wood that it happened while I was here to see it and not on vacation.

    Tomorrow was a do nothing day, it’s supposed to be very hot again. But I’ll be at the pool place as it opens at 10. Then later picking up a gf’s car from Park & Ride so she’s not paying for parking while on vacation. And that’s my day.

    Hope you all stay cool, with Puffin, no SE and Harley a treatment completed. Betrayal, I’m hoping the pain you spoke of last has subsided. Anyone I missed, well wishes to you too!

    Sandy, you’ve dropped off, so hoping everything is ok.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 357

    Puffin - good news that your first treatment is complete. Fingers crossed for no or minimal side effects. It’s nice to hear that your friend is helping you. The lift chair is a terrific idea and I’m sure you’ll be happy to have it delivered on Saturday.

    Taco - happy to hear your surgery is set for 8/1. Keep up the good work on the pre-surgical exercises and hopefully that will lead to a smoother recovery.

    Cindy - oh boy, I feel you on the pool filter leak. That was me and DH two weeks ago and lacking a helpful cousin it was a pricey replacement. We are also waiting for a quote to trim one of our trees - I’m grateful to have a house, but it’s always something.

    Totally agree with Reader and Cindy on the value of friendships. I’m not getting out much right now but had an hour long phone conversation with a former coworker/friend from 40 years ago. We’ve kept in touch over the years and DH worked for my friend’s BIL for the past 7 years. My friend is a new grandfather and it was enjoyable to hear his stories about the new baby.

    Betrayal - hope the knee pain has subsided to at least a tolerable point.

    Sandy- hope all is OK. We miss you!

    Shoutout to Illinoislady, MM, Carole, Petite, Sunshine and anyone else I may have missed.

    Today was 80 and overcast so I spent some time floating in the pool. It’s such a guilty pleasure to be able to do this on a weekday. We are both very happy to be retired. Some chemo side effects are more noticeable this time - neuropathy in feet and hands, stomach issues etc. On the other hand, for today at least, I wasn’t as exhausted as usual and that’s a good thing. Four treatments down and two more to go.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Hi, all. I am back from my mini vacation. Doctor visits all week. Funny how they lump together. Derm today. PCP tomorrow. Got to run. Will catch up later.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Good to hear from you, Petite. I'm wondering how Sandy is doing. Hope she is well. Also thinking about Minus who lives in Houston. I fear she has lost power thanks to Beryl.

    Hope the new treatment works well for you, Puffin. Glad you're enjoying your pool, Harley.

    We're looking forward to a picture of your new puppy, Jackie. There isn't anything cuter than a baby animal.

    Our weather continues to be comfortable but this week will be hotter. I suspect a/c is in our future.

    Hello to everyone else. Hope today is a good day for all.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925

    I’m thinking about Minus too. After a hurricane the weather is HOT and there was no breeze at all.
    and hoping Sandy is just busy

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    To find something you can enjoy is far better than finding something you can possess.

    Glen Holm

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    Good morning. We have had a busy morning here. Was waiting on grandson and wife (on their way to live in Hawaii — on post as too expensive anywhere else) to stop by and chat for a bit until they had to get on the road again. They are driving across the country to see as many family members as they can.

    Then right before they got here a tree uprooted and fell across the driveway — which Andrew took care of even though Dh called the city who would normally come out. Then our Internet went out. We thought the lines were not good (and some still may not be so they are going to come check them) but they did get us going temporarily. So, at long last here I am.

    As to friends, they are always just the right icing for the cake. No matter what, it seems at least one of my friends, if not more seem to perfectly get what I need to hear the most, and in the in-between, are the joys of the comraderies we are able to share.

    Petite, good to hear from you. I'm sure I 'read' you were having a mini-vacation but forgot. I was feeling concern. Glad you are back. Hoping you only need the one week of med appts. and can go a good stretch and not need medical dates for a while.

    Cindy, wow. That is great that your cousin will hep with the pool issue. It can be so expensive for fixes and having someone who can is sort of priceless. Also, depending on strangers sometimes just can be a bit nerve-wracking. Hope it all goes well.

    I had forgotten Minus lived in Houston and may be cut off for a time due to Beryl. Thought you lived there too Wren. Well, I hope anyone who was in the storm or even near isn't going to have to wait too long for any needed assistance. The big storms seem to be getting a bit more frequent.

    (((Sandy))) Hope you are all okay where you are.

    Forgot to mention, we had rain through the night, night before last, and then rain all day yesterday and partially through the night (I'm sure that is what upended the tree) but the sun is out today. Hopefully no more rain for a while. Way too much comes down when it goes on for hours and we need to dry out a bit since the water table is VERY high here. I really don't want any more trees to fall over.

    In order to get you a picture of the puppies I'm going to have to try and get one off my friend's website and hope it will copy and paste since I don't know how to do pictures myself.

    Hope you all have a really good day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    Lil' Red in the middle. He hasn't all the silver (I think partly due to his actually being much smaller) and his paws don't look gigantic like his littermates. In he picture he doesn't look so much different in size and it is in the coloring and paw size that its most noticeable.

    These are miniatures, so likely maybe 12 lbs. or a bit less. The parents look to be closer to 16 to 20 #'s.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979
    edited July 11

    My HomeHealth PT came today and had some great suggestions. We moved my kitchen chairs into the second bedroom since they don't have arms, and I''m going to use the travel wheelchair at the table for eating and working on my puzzles. It has sturdy arms and a comfortable cushion and I can stand up easier with it.

    She also found a way for me to stretch my foot downward in the apt without having to use the stairway in the lobby. She added another pillow to my couch location so I'm better supported.

    Increasing my steroid hasn't helped - I just gained 2# fluid in my right leg so went back to the dose I was taking

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,303

    Pool - My cousin called to say he had extra parts in his garage from his pool and he’d drop them off before he went to work. Then he text he was stopping at Home Depot for parts. By time he got to my house I only had to go to the pool place for the flex PCV. About $50 in parts, $100 to him. Family! I had to drop the water level, so the inlet wouldn’t have the pressure of water as he replaced it. I took off the clamps and hoses so he didn’t have to. He replaced it all in about 30 minutes. It’s filled back up and running well. I’ll put some shock in it tomorrow.

    While I was out I got rid of 2 paint cans, recycled at Sherwin Williams.

    I showed my cousin where my chain link gate across the driveway was hard to get open, it had dropped. He said I could adjust the attachment to the post. So once I was home from the pool place I got out a wrench and did what he explained. First attempt raised it nice and high, but then the gate latch barely touched the other side (2 pieces that latch in the middle). I had to play with it but success! Mind you it’s about 38+ years old originally installed by Montgomery Wards.

    And that was my day. Awake at 6:30 AM, I hope to be asleep by 2 AM. Hoping your day was less crazy running around than my day. Nite!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    Who among us is willing to pay the real cost of a right
    and beautiful world?  The real cost is unselfishness; real caring;
    true cooperation and self-sacrifice--in short, less ego.


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Good morning, sweet ladies.

    I hope everyone is doing OK in the heat. Illinoislady, my heart just did a flip when I saw those precious pups!

    Puffin, thinking of you and hope you can get comfortable.

    Cindyny, I’m glad the pool situation is getting resolved. Family can be the best.

    Stay cool, safe and comfortable, everyone.


  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    illinois, the puppies are precious! I love them! I think that Schnauzers are born black, like Airedales, and then change coloring as they grow. Who cares, the puppies are darling just as they are, those faces won't change! It will be challenging having a puppy, but there are pros and cons with having a puppy vs an adult and either is well worth it when it's the right fit! Kelce is laying in her bed that I sat next to me. She always wants to sit in my lap and doesn't seem to understand (or accept) that I can't always hold her. LOL

    Cindy,wow, what a day! Glad you could get your pool and gate fixed. Now I hope you are in the pool enjoying the cool (or maybe luke warm) water! Crazy how hot it's been.

    Puffin, sounds like you have a home health PT who is outstanding at her job! The changes you described sound so much more practical.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Puffin, the changes all sound practical for improving your comfort and ability to do that you want to do. You have such a great attitude.

    Jackie, the puppies are cute enough to entice a person like me to become a dog owner. I have never owned a dog. Only cats. I suspect that dh might like to adopt a dog if we lived in one place and didn't travel. He occasionally comments that walking a dog can get older people out of the house.

    I played golf at 9 am and was soon perspiring a lot. I came home afterwards without playing any extra holes. It will get up in the 80's this afternoon. I will be turning on the two a/c units. Right now there are three fans whirring away. One in the hatch in the ceiling, the ceiling fan and a small electric fan.

    Tomorrow is our 55th wedding anniversary. I made a dinner reservation at an upscale restaurant that we like a lot.

    Happy Thursday to everyone.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    Happy day everyone. Just got back from Marion V.A. It was time to have my feet done. MM, I think you are right about the Schnauzers starting out in this case likely all pretty much black. There are black and white ones, silver-tipped, and white ones. Lil Red is a silver tip which means he would have silver on the feet, and eyebrows mainly. He doesn't have near as much as his litter-mates.

    You are so right. We will be challenged, but likely most of it will be doable, even if possibly feeling in-convenient at times. We are already trying to think of someone to babysit while we go to Marion next week for all my heart tests. We don't want Lil Red to have to stay crated for too long. Dh said just let him run around but he was forgetting little puppies like to chew on electric cords and turn over water bowls etc. so Lil Red will have to crate or go to a babysitter.

    Sun has been out most of the day. It is 86, but I didn't notice any humidity and there was a mild breeze so not great but fairly tolerable if you are not too strenuous with what you are doing outside. Glad we got back fairly early.

    Hope you will all have a really good day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 11

    • Finally had my squamous excision Tuesday, awaiting path results for margins. Twice-daily dressing changes are a PITA, and I can't lift anything over 8 lbs with that arm till the sutures are removed 7/22—so Bob has to help with bringing in large heavy packages and even laundry bags. Not allowed to do exercise, even cardio, till then lest it raise my heart rate and lead to bleeding at the incision. Not that it's easy to do so, since we have no fitness equipment here, the gyms are not nearby, and having to wear socks & shoes hurts my L toes (3rd toe callus and ingrowns on both big toes—the pedicurist gets only the barbs). Bob, OTOH, is obsessed with getting his steps—he walks the 2/3 mi. to the North Shore trail and takes it 2 mi. in either direction.I have 5 pr of Hokas (amassed since 2015) currently in smoke-amelioration storage). First thing we did here was buy new ones (Bondi 8 in black nylon). The Bondi 7s have too narrow toe boxes but Hoka heeded complaints and made the 8s' toe boxes roomy again. They look like clown shoes in monochrome, though—much cooler in contrasting colors. Bob got Rockports for dress and new NBs to replace his beloved ones that were getting ratty even before the fire.
    • Kitties rule the roost—seems my days are filled with feeding them, keeping them amused (and out of mischief) and scooping litter. Been unable to get them to sit still to administer the flea preventative, much less get a visiting vet in here (no way can I subject them to carriers yet again—was too traumatic 3 times in a row, from home to Niles hotel to downtown hotel to here). Still have to unbox & set up printer, Dustbuster and DirecTV Genies & remotes—home company tech helped walk me through downloading the app and porting my plan over from the satellite at the house to streaming here, with the DTV on the phone. As I fear screwing up the Hulu & Roku subscription that the home company installed, I don't want to do this hardware install unassisted.
    • Semiannual checkup with onc this coming Monday 7/15. Suture removal in Lake Bluff Tues morning, then endocrinologist in Skokie at 1pm. (Refilled my Mounjaro yesterday—with SingleCare it's $100 cheaper at Walgreen's than at CVS, and >$200 cheaper than the identical tirzepatide drug Zepbound. Not covered by Medicare, but I can afford it. (They'll now cover Wegovy, but only for heart-risk patients with other comorbidities and BMI>27; for weight loss and a1c control it's inferior to tirzepatide). Then ocular onc 7/30 (scans & refraction) and nephrologist 7/31. Must wait till after that to go to Warby Parker for prescription & new frames. 
    • Next door neighbors are sweet, but quirky about the driveway—the mom hates backing out of the driveway so we must leave enough space between my & Bob's cars (over a car-length) so she can maneuver her Mercedes to front out after her husband leaves at 4am. I must get home before Bob because he has to park behind me to pull out to go to work in the mornings. And the dad next door gets home at 2 pm and parks his Tesla in such a way that backing out is difficult for us lest the nose of our car graze the rear of his. (We can back out only one way, as this is the southbound side of a divided arterial). Meanwhile, nothing has been done at our house since the furniture & appliances were moved—not even the city inspection for code compliance work—so we could be here for a year. Not looking forward to Driveway Wars in the snow.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 11

    Apologies for the weird font & formatting—posted it on what I thought was this thread but was the "drinking" one instead. I am SO far behind here that I'm sorry if I missed anyone's good or bad news—dunno when I can next catch up.

    All my hassles are, in the greater scheme of things, minor. Reminds me of what a priest once said about hearing nuns' confessions: "like being stoned to death with popcorn."

    Speaking of pools, the village pool & water park is a bit over 1/2 mi. west. We would have to either buy a resident summer pass (no prorations for shorter time) or pay as guests each time. It's all outdoors, though, and there is no gym. As we are not sunbathers, I think we'll pass. (It's like pulling teeth to get Bob to wear sunscreen as it is).

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,843

    Sandy, prepare for the long haul. Our restoration was to take 6-9 months maximum however it was shortly before the Covid closedown when they provided that quote. So in January 2023, we finally signed off on this "6-9 month project". Coordination of the project and providers was poor, the supply chain created havoc and fortunately we did not have to leave the house. Not sure if SF would have covered a rental for that long but also due to a dog, cats and parakeets it would have been hard to find a rental. A rental without a basement would mean DH would not have had his favorite "retreat" space and we probably would have had to have separate quarters. Fingers crossed but bureaucracy does slowdown the process as well since everything has to be inspected by them before the next stage or restoration, i.e., electric before drywall, etc.

    Puffin, glad you have such great care providers. They can do so much for you.

    Harley, glad you are doing the countdown on chemo.

    Illinoislady, welcome to that handsome new member of your family. I think they have to be plucked rather than clipped for grooming? Nothing wrong with a crate since it does provide them a release from the hubbub of the household and a place to "chill". I don't think Regan will ever give up her crate since she spent 2 years in it prior to us rescuing her and she enters on her own many times.

    Got a canary today. It's male, a red factor which is a misnomer because he's actually black with a yellow abdomen, some in his wings and tail. I met the breeder at the store which acts as an adoption center. For those of us old enough to remember, my GM played the Hartz Mountain canary song show every Sunday to encourage her canary to sing. I was able to pull it up on my phone and of the 3 available, he was the only one interested when I played it. Breeder said he may take a week or more before he resumes singing due to change in environment but he is already making some chirpy peep sounds. She named him Bumble Bee but not sure if that will stick. He's young as well and after I picked him, she expressed regret that she hadn't decided to keep him for breeding. Brings back fond memories of my GM.

    Still heat advisories in this area but somewhat cooler today after rain last night. It wasn't much of a storm and we seriously need more. I think rain might be predicted for weekend.

    Hope everyone had a wonderful day.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925

    My outdoor painting class met today and we were treated to a parade of very nice dogs out for their walks. Lots of standard poodles and labradoodles with nice owners. Painting gardens is hard. Too many greens.

    Sandy, good to see you. We were trying not to worry