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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,309

    Puffin, good to hear the swelling is being addressed by the urgent care. I hope you don’t have to get up during the night, but if you do, you do.

    Great weather again today. I’m getting used to it so I hope it stays. I ran errands this morning and spent the afternoon in the pool. Grilled pork chops for dinner, easy night

    In the mail today was an envelope from the dentist office I said I’d never go back to. My initial thought was maybe billing me for cancelling my cleaning appointment. But it was a letter letting patients know that the dentist had died suddenly. I let out a gasp, I wasn’t going to go back to her but definitely didn’t anticipate her death. So sad, she died before her 62 birthday on 8/11.

    I’m at my gf home, pool watching & plant watering. And of course, my grandniece is taking a swim. She is definitely a help here, she got a lot of leaves and debris out from the deep end that I couldn’t get. So it’s a win win. (and she’s spoiled too!)

    Have a great night ladies!

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 357
    edited July 21

    Puffin - good to hear the Lasix is doing it’s job and the swelling is going down.

    MM - what a great idea to go to the DMV right after the hairdresser. My driver’s license photo always looks like more of a mug shot. Glad to hear Kelce is earning his keep by being your personal trainer and kudos to you for walking him.

    Cindy - happy to hear you are enjoying the nicer weather. We are having temps in the 70’s with low humidity and it’s been awesome. I spent the entire afternoon sitting in my backyard reading while watching my son float around the pool. DS is home for the weekend to visit with us and see some friends. Having a pool is an added draw to get him home. 😀

    Sandy - hope you are doing well and seeing some progress on repairing your home

    Betrayal - kudos to you for the effort and persistence you are putting in to PT.

    ETA: Hit post comment too soon when I meant to hit save draft.

    We are enjoying the cooler weather. Wednesday we went to see a friend who lives on a lake. Perfect weather for visiting on his deck and taking a boat ride. We brought the food and he supplied the drinks and fantastic lake views.

    Shoutout to everyone for an enjoyable Sunday.

  • artwish
    artwish Member Posts: 31

    1A BC at 70. About to finish 2 years of Anastrozole. Lots of SE to this day. I have a 90% chance of living for 10 years. From what I have read , at my age there is no cure only delay. I am over the fear and anger stage. I started antidepressants in April. I still have hot flashes but I am not sweating as much. I want to switch to the brand name and hope that will make things better on SE issues.

    I have had a great and blessed life. Plan to enjoy the rest of it the best I can.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited July 21

    Welcome artwish!

    I am 70, had breast cancer three times over 22 years. My fist time I was premenopausal.
    I know it seems scary but if it’s any help, I believe one is only considered a breast cancer survivor if they die of something else.

    I am not a doctor but your cancer seems like lower risk. I would happily change diagnosis with you as would many here. While cancer is tricky it sounds to me that you will have many good years ahead!

    Try to relax. Ask your doctors if you have questions about survival. It’s normal to be scared and anxious. I am reminded daily that I had breast cancer, because of the 8 surgeries I had due to those Dx. It doesn’t stop me from having joy in my life!

    Hugs to you! I hope you become a regular on this forum! The women here have so many different experiences and all will be happy to answer any questions you have! You will also read how they are living their best life!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 39,042

    Two things awe me most, the starry sky above me and the moral law within me.

    Immanuel Kant

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 39,042

    Good morning and welcome to you as well from me Artwish. MM has given you some good things to think about for a while. I am 78 — soon enough to be 79. My first diagnosis was in 2007 and there have been 5 others. Being diagnosed with cancer is not like other things through our life that we have had, but we can survive pretty good. The first time is usually the scariest. If you have time scroll through the entries here and look at those who have their dx's listed. Look at the dates of the original dx's.

    Do ask lots of questions. If your Oncologist's office has a patient navigator they can give you so much information on things you might expect as to longevity as well as quality of life. I hope you will ask. There are a lot of resources on BC.Org. I'm not computer literate so am not good in that area but this site does offer all sorts of informative articles and forums.

    I do hope you will consider coming back. Most of us are well past our last dx so we don't always talk cancer here but share some of our daily thoughts and experiences and nice parts of our lives that we like to share with each other. Keeps us highly motivated to enjoy life.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,926

    Welcome artwish. As far as SE's from your AI, talk to your MO to see if a change to another AI would result in less SE's. You will find support here from other women who have walked in your shoes so reach out with questions, concerns, etc.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,926

    Life is about celebrating the small as well as the big achievements. I have been able to walk up the stairs like a normal person for about the last 2 weeks but descent was still a cautionary tale with both feet on one step. Today I was able to walk down the steps alternating feet like a normal person twice. I am in awe of how far I have come in just 6, going on 7, weeks.

    Seems like it takes until the day after or rather the night after PT for the effects to catch up with me and this means disturbed sleep. So last night was tough with pain centered on the inner aspect of my knee. I did ice it and out of desperation used Voltaren gel this AM. Not supposed to use it (interacts with another med I am taking) but I needed something to knock the pain back because Tylenol did not touch it. I will reserve use for desperate times only and monitor for SE's. It is fine now.

    Sunny day with temps in 80's and a whisper of a breeze. Dahlias in bloom and tomatoes ripening on one plant.

    Bumble Bess had found his voice and offers serenades on occasion. It is still low in volume but I am hoping as he ages it will get louder. He likes the YouTube videos I play that feature singing canaries. Loves basil leaves, celery leaves and lettuce. He rips them into strips and manages to eat the entire strip like someone slurping a strand of spaghetti. Fun to watch.

    Carole, hope DH is feeling better.

    cindyny, I want to be your niece. She is a lucky girl to have you for such a doting aunt.

    Illinoislady, hope Lil Red is settling into his new home. Puppy breath has to be one of the best smells in the world.

    Harley, thanks for being my cheerleader. I really appreciate your comments. I hope that chemo is not knocking you back too much and the end is in sight.

    Sandy and Chris, you are missed.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  • artwish
    artwish Member Posts: 31

    Thank you for all of your responses. I am blessed it was found at an early stage. I had little experience with Drs. at the time and things went really fast. I did not ask questions or get much explanation on my condition.

    At first they felt it was a simple Stage 1. I continued to think I was Stage 1 for about 4 months. I had an easy time with the 20 radiation treatments. Then the Anastrozole SEs started. Things went from ok to bad fast. I would contact the nurses with questions and got little help. The nurse just said I should not be having any trouble after taking it for 5 months and don’t worry be happy. I asked for diet help but they did not contact me. Got info from a friend which was helpful but eating issues continued. I talked with a different nurse the next time and got some help. I still have hot flashes and insomnia but eating issues have improved.

    Eating issues made socializing hard. Eating out or having friends for dinner, is how we see our fiends.

    Traveling was out while I cared of Mother. We have started making short trips to the beach and to see family. This is making life better.

    No one has suggested a change medications. They only gave me 2 choices anastrozole or Chemo.

    I really want to get to the “ Don’t worry be happy “ stage. However it is hard when the SEs continue to cause issues.

    Thanks again for you responses. Look forward to more. Take care. Artist

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 39,042

    Artist, sounds like you definitely aren't getting as much info as could be helpful to you. Many times the pill your taking could be fine but you could be getting most of your side effects from the carrier materials in the pill. Anastrozole is a generic brand for Arimidex. Sometimes people can switch off the generic and it will be fine. There are also others that could be tried. So again, if you are sensitive more to the carrier materials there may still be some issues.

    It was just a thought that flashed on me when you mentioned anastrozole. I started on Arimidex before there was a generic and was switched over once anastrozole became available. I did notice a se much later on.

    Wishing you well with getting through this phase.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,926

    artwish, there are 2 other AI's available for treatment, letrozole and exemestane. I had horrible SE's from Arimidex so was switched to letrozole. It wasn't much better after taking it for over a year so my MO switched me to exemestane with the understanding that if it too did not work, I would switch back to one of the others. I ended up taking it for nearly 4 years and experienced no drastic SE's. Sometimes you have to advocate for yourself and if your doctor doesn't offer options, you need to find one that will. This is your journey and you need to be supported by the medical community.

    I was lucky in finding my MO and due to my dx was on AI's for 7 years during which she worked with me to find a workable solution. I now see her annually and think she was the saving grace in my entire treatment for BC. Both my surgeon and RO left a lot to be desired as far as treatment and truth.

    Good luck.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 292

    Artist - I tried two AI types before I stopped them at about 3 years post op in 2020. It absolutely was the right choice for me. If your MO hasn't talked to you about what your options are, I too suggest you think about finding another one. Part of being able to make choices is knowing what they are. I'm sure there are still threads about AI's and SE's on BC.. Maybe someone here can chime in with direct links.

    For me, quality of life rather than quantity has always been a priority. My Mom died of dementia after 5 miserable years during which she begged to die. I don't want that for myself or for my daughter to deal with.

    I did write a scathing letter to my primary. I'll know when I see ortho PA on Tues. whether all the pieces have fallen into place.

    Poor DH has had to admit that he really shouldn't be my driver - surgery center is just too far away on unfamiliar roads. A wonderful friend and her husband offered and he has reluctantly agreed that it's a good plan. It's been several years since he has driven farther than a 5 mile radius from our home, all on streets with no more than 35 MPH limits. I am very relieved because I thought I still had to fight that battle.

    Finally saw "Hamilton" yesterday with Maureen and Ella. I hadn't been to live theatre in years and the cast was good. Played nine holes of golf this morning but I hurt tonight.

    Just had a major dust storm and a hard but VERY brief rain. Our landscaping is struggling even with a good irrigation system, a must for the desert.

    Hugs all around. Haley, have you had the last chemo? The summer is both going too fast and going too slow.


  • artwish
    artwish Member Posts: 31


    My Mom passed last August. I had been looking after for 12 years. The last 2 I had BC. My sister moved here and helped with Mom ,so it worked out great. Mom never new about my illness. I was very lucky that Mom stayed independent till she was 95. After breaking her hip we moved her into assisted living. Things went well till breaking her hip again in August. Watched Mom go from very independent to very dependent. I too have worked for quality not quantity from life. At 42 I quite my teaching job and started my art career. The covid shut downs eventually closed all 4 galleries that sold my work. Have not been working since BC .

    Dementia is the worst part of aging. Mom could hardly see or hear at the end. Also started forgetting day to day things. She too did not understand why she was living so long.

    I am going to look at other MO options after I check my policy requierments. It will also mean traveling to a larger city since my MO is the only one in town.

    Thank for your time.

    We are having a nice summer. The grass is still green and the wild flowers are still blooming.


  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    taco, so glad your DH understood that you needed someone else to do the driving. There’s no shame in acknowledging what we can no longer do, but it doesn’t make it any easier! Nice that you were able to see Hamilton with Maureen and Ella! I hope Ella did well at her competition in Boston. I hope that was the right city. I had a bff Maureen and she was awesome. It is a name I rarely hear anymore.

    Yesterday marked 13 years since the passing of my sister from MDS caused by treatment of breast cancer and non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. She was 66. Doesn’t feel like it’s been that long, probably because I feel her presence every day.

    Looks to be another beautiful summer day! I have a lot on my “to do” list!

    Wishing everyone a great day!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 39,042

    The trick of living is to slip on and off the planet with the least fuss you can muster. I’m not a professional philanthropist, and I’m not running for sainthood. I just happen to think that in life we need to be a little like the farmer who puts back into the soil what he takes out.

    Paul Newman

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 39,042

    Good to hear from you Artist. Sad that all the galleries closed. Perhaps at some time when and if you begin to feel a lot better you might be able to find a couple more. I hope so.

    Also hope if you have to change MO's that you are able to find one 'reasonably' close. Most of the things I had done on my first go around with cancer were done at least 75 miles south of my home. Sometimes a bit farther depending on using more than one facility. I'm wishing you well with this.

    Good to hear as well you are enjoying the 'wild' flowers which are likely so easy to spot for an artist. Have a wonderful day.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,926

    Had second follow-up appointment with Ortho surgeon today and she is very pleased with my progress. I have been rationing Norco for before PT and for some nights when pain is relentless. She felt I needed to stop rationing and use it to prevent night pain. So I have a new prescription and will most likely take it before bed as well as before PT. Last few nights sleep doesn't even register on my Fitbit so it has been short and broken. PT today was challenging but doable. I know I will be sore tonight. Next appointment is in mid October. I will continue PT most likely until the end of August to ensure I am prepared for our trip in September.

    I am being serenaded by Bumble Bee who seems to have found his singing voice. It is low and pleasant with lots of trills. Hoping the volume will increase because the chatty parakeets drown him out.

    Today is sunny, in the 80's and humid. Checked out the garden bed by the stream and one azalea did not make it and the deer have done a job on the lily of the valleys, the peonies are leafless and they are wreaking havoc on the other beds. Meanwhile the weeds are flourishing and all these beds were weeded before my surgery. DH will weed them for me.

    Puffin, glad you are getting some Lasix to help with the edema. Make sure you get your potassium in though. You may want to ask your PCP about potassium supplements.

    Taco, glad you were able to find someone to drive you for surgery. Hope your date is confirmed and that all goes well. I am so glad I had the surgery even though it has been a painful recovery. I know once I heal more and reach that 3 month marker for return to normal for flexion and extension, I will be more than happy. One less painful knee, check.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    Saw my primary care Dr today and he did start me on a potassium supplement. Also got an appt to see a speech therapist as I'm having some trouble with that too.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,289

    Artwish, I just finished my 5 years of Arimidex and suffering with more hot flashes then when I was taking it. My mom died 3 days after I was pronounced cancer free. She was 98.

    Scarlett, I see myself about 50. LOL

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,309
    edited July 22

    Harley, I know having a pool increases my chances of visits. LOL. I’m hoping you’re reaching your last chemo soon.

    MM, I’m glad you feel your sister’s presence. It’s comforting.

    Betrayal, take those meds as you need them. I’m glad you’re hearing sweet bird song too!

    Taco, it’s good to have DH realize on his own, that his driving abilities were being stretched. Glad you have friends able to step in.

    Artist, you’ve had more than your share of cancers. Some ladies here have also seen their fare share.

    Jackie, you’ve traveled far for many different treatments. Always better when it’s closer to home, but sometimes travel is unavoidable.

    Puffin, sometimes I swear like a trooper. (Nothing I learned at home, mom wouldn’t say poo if her mouth were full of it.) So with everything that’s been thrown at you, and quickly, I admire your outlook - I know I’d be swearing! HUGS to you. I remember my mom taking a potassium pill that was the largest pill I ever saw. I can’t remember if we could crush it and put it in applesauce. Hoping your potassium is easy to take.

    I’m getting ready for our trip to Cape Cod. We have a set of king size sheets & a large comforter we take with us. I washed them both today, having to flip the comforter multiple times to get it all dry. I’ll take my own pillows too. Hardest part of going is bringing a full house of stuff with us. We can rent the items from a local company, but it’s expensive enough renting the house and I prefer my own bedding.

    It was about 83 today. The day flew by me. Tonight I think I’m taping off the bathroom door & frame so I can slap a coat of paint on there early tomorrow. Then that room is done. Fingers crossed!

    Sandy - it’s been some time since we’ve heard from you. Fingers crossed you’re alright.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 357

    Artist - welcome to BCO. This is a very supportive community and we are happy you joined.

    Puffin - I admire the way you are handling your latest diagnosis and doing everything possible to remain independent. My PCP prescribed potassium for a short time earlier this summer. It as a huge pill but I was able to crush it in water and drink it. It did the trick and raised my potassium levels back to normal after only a week.

    Taco and Cindy - Chemo#5 is this Wednesday and #6 is scheduled for 8/14. So I’m getting close to the end. I have follow up appointments scheduled with the GYN Onc and MO for late August and early September to talk about the future. I ‘think’ the GYN Onc will be overseeing my follow up care but I’m not 100% sure. I’ve tried to avoid planning too much into the future as it stresses me out.

    Taco - happy that you will have someone to drive you for the knee surgery as it will be one less thing to stress over. I think it’s good that you sent a letter to your PCP as the lack of action on their end is inexcusable. Glad you enjoyed “Hamilton”.

    Cindy - Cape Cod sounds wonderful - enjoy!

    Jackie - I love today’s quote - thank you.

    MM - glad you still feel close to your sister. It’s a shame as she was only 66, but I’m sure she is watching over you.

    Scarlett - holy cow, you have really been through the wringer with cancer. Like you, I still think I’m in my 30’s and I think I am perfectly healthy.

    Betrayal - cheering you on so that you have a pain free trip in September. Take the norco - there’s no reason to suffer.

    DS was home for the weekend. Took the train home Friday night and DH gave him a ride back yesterday. DS will stop by Thursday night again to borrow one of our cars for a weekend trip and return the car on Sunday night. I’m thrilled for any opportunity to visit with him.

    Shoutout to anyone I missed.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,309

    I think I mixed up Scarlet and Artist. Apologies!

    I think I’m about 40-45, until I look in a mirror. This is my first year on Medicare. Always knew it was coming but it was YEARS out, if you know what I mean. Then no years out & it’s here.

    It’s like with the passing of Bob Newhart, I had no idea he’d gotten so old. HAHA I loved Bob Newhart’s humor. I don’t think I’m old until someone passes and reminds me that the years just keep rolling along.

    Good night ladies!

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited July 23

    Cindy, my sister and I used a ladies room at a restaurant once that had two stalls. When we were walking out we overheard a young 20 something heading towards us say to the person with her, “oh good, the two old ladies just came out!” My DS and I just looked at each other and said to ourselves “what old ladies?” I think I was in my late 50’s at the time,DS was early 60’s. It was the first and last time I was ever called an old lady!🤣

    I feel like I’m still in my 50’s! Hey, if the weather men and women can tell people what the “feels like temperature “ is, we certainly have a right to have a “feels like age!”

    Thanks for startling my day off with a large and a smile! Hope everyone has a good day!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,144

    Good morning to everyone. DH and I continue our efforts to deal with his bleeding after beginning the Eliquist. No matter how hard we tried, he would bleed through our bandaging of places on his legs that he injured with bumps and scrapes. We went to a wound care specialist yesterday and the nurse gave us some information and a bag of supplies. She also applied some bandaging. We left feeling we had gotten help.

    Today I have an appointment for a hair trim. Afterwards I want to go to Walmarts and look for a container for planting succulents. I bought an arrangement at the farmers market that is delightful but the container doesn't have a drain hole and the tiny plants are very close together.

    Our weather has warmed up but it's still pleasant to sit out on the deck and we manage most nights to sleep comfortably with fans rather than run the a/c.

    Hoping everyone does well with treatments and planned surgeries.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 39,042

    The hallmark of courage in our age of conformity is the capacity to stand on one’s convictions—not obstinately or defiantly (these are gestures of defensiveness, not courage) nor as a gesture of retaliation, but simply because these are what one believes.     -Rollo May

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 39,042

    Good morning. A little sun peeking out so maybe a nice day in store. It is though already 76 degrees. If luck holds it won't get too much higher.

    I so enjoyed everyone's entries so if I don't say anything just know that I am responding to them. So, the biggest point for me age. I will soon enough be 79, but I think like all of you, I've never quite "felt" the age I've actually been. I guess it just proves it is really only a number. I know my mind is far younger than that number. I guess I can hope 'to a degree' that it stays that way. I do recall years ago thinking how "old" some people were, but in reality they not all that far from me. Five yrs. can make a real difference in how you see yourself as compared to that person five yrs. older. You know — they are the ones willing to consider a cane while you barely know what one is. Well, I'm in the group now who actually have a cane. I'm lucky I don't need to use it, but I did need it at one time.

    Carole, you are still much cooler than we are here but I have been pretty surprised since our recent big storms that we haven't suffered a lot of humidity which I expected. Also, the temps. have been very reasonable for this time of year. August is usually the 'hot' month so we shall see. I'm grateful that we seem to have stayed nicer than most years when we have had big rain events.

    Catch-up day today. Our baby-sitting duties ended last night. Made me happy. Maybe that is some of that age we talked about, but it was challenging having two dogs (thank goodness about the same size) with one a gross puppy and the other 8 yrs. old. Kiki only gets one feeding a day and we feed twice, and Kiki doesn't care about playing so Red drove her nutty. A sigh of relief that both of the dogs will be more comfy. Red does play well with the cats here. We have the two big bruisers (Dilly and Dally ) and they actually wrestle with Red. They seem to have lots of fun together.

    Hoping everyone with pain, bleeding, swelling or other issues finds the key and can move through to good conclusion on it. Even when I may not mention anything, I am thinking of you and always hoping for the best results. Goes too for chemo and moving in temporary housing. Lots going on here. Scarlet and Artist.

    Wishing everyone a really good peaceful, productive day.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,309

    Age talk reminds of my partners dad. He was 83 or so when he & mom were looking at an independent living facility. He came back saying they were all old and they all had canes! My partner, he didn’t remind his dad that he was no spring chicken and should be using his cane too!

    It was 9:30 PM last night when boredom took hold and I painted the door and trim in the bathroom. Crazy I know, but nothing was on tv, and the book I’m reading is “out there” so rather than waste the time I just painted. I was showered and in bed by 1:30, because had to dry my hair.

    The bathroom door & trim look all nice and clean, bright white. Which makes the trim into the bathroom look on the drab side. Only problem with old houses with big baseboards and trim is they carry into the next room. I could do all the outside trim and then get to the baseboards but it would never end. I should be happy there isn’t a bright light in that little hallway! It will sit in the back of my head, more painting, I won’t rule it out.

    I’ve got errands to do today which include feeding a hamster. So I better get moving. Enjoy the day!

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,289

    Good morning, Ladies. I went to my attorney to make a new will and advance directives. Glad to have that done. When I had my cataracts done, they wanted my living will. I looked at it and everyone listed was dead. Sad, but true. Hopefully, I won't have to do another one ever again.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,926

    cindyny, I really like to paint though my days of painting walls are over because using a ladder is a challenge. I also hate cutting in so I will stick to woodwork. I do have some woodwork projects I have been putting off forever: the window frame in the laundry room and the double window in the dining room. All others were done during restoration by the painters (only a few) or me. I like Benjamin Moore white because it doesn't yellow like other paints and considering dome of the the baseboards had not been repainted in 15 years, I had to be careful when I refreshed them because there was no clear delineation between old and new. I also need to paint the wainscoting outside the hall bathroom because it was removed when we replaced the motor on the jetted tub. Agree that once you touch up one area it makes the next area look like it needs to be addressed.

    Worked in garage rearranging and organizing. Grocery shelves are now complete as are ones that hold gardening items and car maintenance items. I do have 2 bins of planters to go through but not today. That is being delayed until I can find time to repot some houseplants that need to be divided. DH is a pack rat and has been told he cannot purchase any cereals, chips, water or this ice drink he buys until the current stock is nil. He had 2 large totes full of chips and cereal boxes (plus the ones on the grocery shelf =6 there), another drawer full of the ice drinks, over 2 large packs of water (which he doesn't drink) and a large stash of beer. We have a good supply of umbrellas and they need to be washed and donated. I keep 2 umbrellas in my car as does he and we take 2 foldup ones on vacation. I want him to spray the umbrellas with this Awesome cleaner he buys at the dollar store (it is a great degreaser) and then rinse them with the hose. It doesn't hurt the lawn and cleans our vinyl trellises easily (he had 12 bottles, so another thing that is off his list to buy). The garage is taking shape and we do have to reduce what is stored there, like my objective is to get rid of the large totes he is using for dog treats, cat food and cereal/chips. I purchased wall hangers for my cleaning items and another for garden tools. Once we get everything in its proper place then I will address what we need to add to the walls for organization. We need to hang the lawn chairs I rewebbed for one and we had a shelf that had a hanger section that we used for outdoor jackets for gardening, etc. The refrigerator and freezer are back in place.

    Had to quit because my legs were starting to feel like jelly. Prescription from yesterday not received by pharmacy due to problems with their eprescription access. PA resent prescription today and asked for me to contact her if it doesn't go through. They text me so I will need to check phone for notice. Nope no notification yet. Not a hurry but they won't order pain meds on Fridays.

    Very loud thunder and lightning in early hours last night. Less humid today with temps now in high 70's. Sort of overcast with slight breeze. So working in garage wasn't too overly hot. Another night where sleep not registered on Fitbit due to being awake most of the night. I go into a deep sleep, wake up to go to the bathroom and boom, I am wide awake. I don't turn on the light and just rely on the light over the sink in the kitchen. Getting to be a pain this sleeplessness. Took Tylenol but tonight if it happens its time for the big guns, the Norco.

    Illinoislady, glad that Red and the cats are getting along. Misty rules the roost here. She bosses the other 2 cats and Regan around. Tawny and she do battle on occasion but Leo and she will play together. Leo is real mellow so he gets along with everyone.

    petite1, glad you updated your will and advance directives. Ours were 20 years out of date when we updated them and like you some of the people were not available.

    Making arrangements for family birthday party in August since my DSGS and DGS share birthday month with me. Dates are less than a week apart with DSGS first, followed by DGS and then me. So we will go to Bonefish Grill on a weekend so DS, DDIL, DD and DSIL can attend. DH and I will go to the Capital Grille on my actual birthday.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.