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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 281

    I think I'm doing okay but Thursday was scary. I told them I thought they were letting me go to soon. I didn't really feel awake. Anyway, got home and took about 3 steps out of the car with the walker and my ankle just collapsed. I had Ken grab the cane with a seat and shoved it under my backside but knew I couldn't get in the house. Our wonderful fire department were there in a very short time and two guys literally carried me to our bed. Fortunately the garage and the master on on the same side of the house as I am not a small person. Called the hospital and they told me to loosen the wrapping. Ken went to our local "helping hands" and got a wheelchair but by tonight I was back to the walker. Have full flexibility with the ankle again although it's a little tender, but I do need to pay attention to my pill schedule. Waited too long this afternoon and then was really sorry. We extended Mutt's time with the sitter until Monday morning.

    KeyWest - go for it! If you need further inspiration, get out the poem about wearing purple. I have it framed in my office but am not going in to get the exact title but it's the one that is used by the Red Hat Society.

    Puffin, I'm so glad you are able to get the equipment you need.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,075

    On Facebook, a friend of Puffin's posted that Puffin had been rushed to the ER.

    Taco, I hope your recovery progresses without any hitches.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,609

    Taco so sorry to read about your post-op experience. I pushed to be held overnight post-op and while not assured, my surgery started later than expected and then I was in the PACU longer than expected. I wish you had the option to be held overnight. I think you had a long ride home and that could have contributed to your weakness. Did you see PT before discharge? I did not have a wrapping, only a long dressing over the incision. I did not adhere to the pain med regimen after a few days and that was a mistake on my part. I just made the 2 month mark after my surgery and still take Norco on my PT days prior to it ant then usually that evening at bedtime so I can sleep. I may take one either at bedtime or when I awake due to pain associated with sleeping with leg in full extension. Take the meds and feel free to ask for more during your recovery. Hope your ankle feels better soon.

    Keywestfan, ditto on the above. Age should not be a deterrent and I admire you for even trying. Go for it! I am sure you will have more admirers than detractors.

    We had another thunderstorm last night but again not a whole lot of rain. Need more since we are so dry and even the dogwoods were wilting from the heat. I think they are predicting a brief respite from the unrelenting heat before it comes back.

    I need to try to drive today because I have to take car to dealership for service on Tuesday and have not driven since the beginning of June. PT feels I am ready so I will honor their opinion. I'll drive around our block which is roughly 1.8 miles and do several loops. I won't be in heavy traffic to get there since I use the back roads. Wish me luck.

    Have several offers from local restaurants for birthday meals or discounts on meals. Yesterday we went to Uno where I had an offer for a free entree. I asked if it would be honored for their lobster roll and they very kindly agreed though it is the most expensive item on their menu. They now offer a hot version vs their cold option, so I tried it and it was delicious. It will now be my first choice. Took home a piece of their carrot cake, which is new, to eat later. It too was delicious.

    I also have a discount offer on a meal at the Desmond and we have not eaten there in a long while so I may take them up on it. They use to have great meals but over the last decade they have made multiple changes to their menus and not for the best. Many of the really great choices just disappeared and the replacement weren't anything to write home about. We used to celebrate New Year's by going there for an early dinner but haven't been back since pre-Covid due to what became just a meal and not a celebratory evening. Why pay more for a fixed price meal that was no different than a normal dinner at their restaurant? No more complimentary glass of champagne, noise makers, piano player during dinner, etc.

    Will clean bird cages, straighten up around here and do some other light housekeeping chores. I have been catching some of the Olympics and I am amazed at the skills these young people possess and their dedication to their sport.

    DD and DSIL were able to bring Banjo home from the vet and dropped by so we could see her. They have DS's dog with them and they may ask DS if this could be a permanent arrangement. She loves to take walks and they walk their dog daily so she is in heaven. She gets along with his other 2 Frenchies but they pester her constantly. At DD's she gets peace and quiet even with the pesky pup.

    Hope everyone has a great day. Wishing that all who are struggling have a brief respite.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,276

    I’m back home. The week flew by, and I wish I booked 2 weeks. I’d love to have a place over there, but 2 is too many so a third house would be crazy.

    Before we left the Cape we went to an Auto Zone and had new wiper blades put on. I think I should have changed them before we left Florida in May, why I wait - I have no idea.

    Harley, you’re just having to roll with it. Fingers crossed for Tuesday so you can get #5 done with. Good day taking in the State Fair!

    Betrayal, your DSIL is a gem to get the floors done for you. Years ago while in a non walking cast for 9 weeks my sister asked if she could do anything for me, vacuuming is what I wanted!

    Petite, my neighbors report, and sent videos, of a lot of rain in Fort Myers. But all are safe as it makes its way up the gulf. Keep an eye on it, and stay safe. I’ve seen/heard nothing from Sandy; Keywest reported she’d seen Sandy on FB, so hoping she’s ok, just too busy.

    Taco, you are fortunate you didn’t seriously hurt yourself. Thankful the fire department came to your rescue.

    Carole, thanks for the update. Puffin is in my thoughts daily. It seemed she was living life to the fullest before this hit her. I hope she gets through this and can still get enjoyment out of life.

    I don’t think I posted pictures from our fishing excursion. It was a lot of fun being out on the water but I’m no fisherman. My hands ached and I caught nothing. But my grandniece loved it, and it was for her.

    I’ve washed all the bedding we took and even stripped our bed here - we left on a Saturday and Sunday is our bed stripping day. This week we’re a day ahead. Everything is back where it belongs, and as far as I know, nothing was left behind. I did fill out the request for a week next year in the same house. It’s super secluded, and an easy walk to the beach.

    Enjoy your Sunday!

    PS - 78 and raining. Ugh.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Oh, I hope puffin is going to be OK!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 37,997

    Since the human body tends to move in the direction of its expectations--plus or minus--it is important to know that attitudes of confidence and determination are no less a part of the treatment program than medical science and technology.      -Norman Cousins

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 37,997

    I'm stunned hearing about Puffin. Lately, my computer doesn't seem to want to open on the newest entry so I had to go back to find Carole's post. Grrr. I so hope it is something highly 'fixable' and that Puffin will soon be home again.

    Taco, here's hoping that you are able to build back your strength and resilience. Sounds okay at the moment but I can imagine the angst of having the 'lapse' while trying to get comfy in your own surroundings after discharge and being too weak to even get into your house. Thank goodness for Fire Depts. and their ability to help in all sorts of odd situations. Hats off.

    Betrayal, wishing you well on your driving excursion. After a fair length of time a bit of apprehension is probably a good safety measure. Still, it is likely if your PT thinks you are ready you probably are. It felt odd and a bit strange to me when I re-started my driving after not doing so for some time, but I soon found my confidence slowly returning to be as 'healthy' as before. I think you concentrate in a different fashion for a while after re-starting something important like driving.

    Your food excursions sound fantastic. Being on restrictive diet when I 'loved' food and trying new recipes I have to get vicarious now. It is sort of sad when a GREAT restaurant changes hands or scales back (cost cutting measure maybe?) their menu. It happens everywhere, and I do think Covid especially created a lot of hardships.

    Cindy, love the pictures. I would love being on the boat. Shame on me though. I always feel sorry for the fish that are caught who were swimming around minding their own business. It is silly I know. It's the same reason I could never enjoy being on a farm where animal food is being 'raised'. Like most people, I don't have much trouble buying anything from the meat case at the store, but if I have to see whatever it is that I'm buying alive first I don't think I could. I often won't even kill a spider. Hate to say it, but most of my cats get spiders and or other creatures that accidentally find their way into the house — and I don't have to KILL anything that way. Don't know just when I got this way.

    You did a great thing reserving the house you used this yr. It sounds like a winner for sure.

    Nothing much going on here. I think it will be another relaxed day with equal parts of working on my list to whittle down after my have to chores. I hope everyone has a good Sunday.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,920
    edited August 5

    My DH is in memory care. I knew they had one Covid case and masks were optional. I was very surprised to learn it was his room mate. I got a mask on right away. They said DH has no symptoms and feels fine. I had a booster in July so I feel pretty safe.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 37,997

    Wow Wren. Glad you and your Dh had your shots, and I hope your Dh stays fairly free of any issue. I do know that any place where there is any kind of congregant living things can happen. Still, I think of it as a surprise when it happens.

    Hoping you too will be okay.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,075

    Puffin posted on Facebook with good news. The swelling around the tumor is down so the treatments are working. She went to the ER because of an episode of confusion. She is such a fighter and deals with her health challenges so calmly.

    We had gentle rain during the night and more of the same this morning. DH's Monday morning golf is looking doubtful.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 37,997

    Be patient with everyone, but above all with yourself. I mean, do not be disturbed because of your imperfections, and always rise up bravely from a fall. I am glad that you make a daily new beginning; there is no better means of progress in the spiritual life than to be continually beginning afresh, and never to think that we have done enough.     -St. Francis de Sales

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,267

    Carole, thank you for the update on Puffin.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,075

    Petite, I've been thinking about you and hoping you're not having problems with the weather in FL.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 37,997

    Good morning. I'm hoping that I found all of today's entries. It is good news about Puffin. Sounds like a bad case of dehydration but I don't know. I've learned to forgo a lot of the liquids/mainly water I liked to drink and so far, no issues whatsoever. I think there are a few issues that could cause confusion enough to have to be hospitalized. Hoping Puffin can get back home and resume her activities.

    I just read this morning as well as seeing it on a weather radar about the big storm hovering on the bottom of Fla. coming on shore. I too wondered and hoped Petite would not have to undergo power losses or too much if any life disruptions. With so many people here living in different states it does seem like something is always going on somewhere.

    Hope everyone is going to have a good day. It is hot here so not much will be going on out of doors. I may run to the bank in a bit, but that is all — then back home in the air conditioning. My car has it, but not the same as being inside the house.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,609

    Haven't driven my car since the day before my surgery in June so it was surprising to see that my 6 year old car is still under 9,000 miles on the speedometer. I drove around the block and then drove around one of the cul de sacs and then down a different road to get back to our street. Drove home to discover it was about 4 miles (Years ago I used to walk about a 5 mile loop of the neighborhood) and still under 9,000 miles so I am still in the group where they won't test emissions due to low mileage. I still get a small fee to charge but not the full amount. However, their charge for an oil change is excessive. It felt odd to be behind the wheel and speed limit on my road is 25 mph (I am only one of the few that obey it) and I took my time driving. Tomorrow is about a 5 plus mile ride to dealership on back roads with higher mph postings but I will drive as I see fit and feel comfortable.

    PT today was still 9 minutes on recumbent bike but she added 2 new exercises to work hamstrings. I did not use my cane and felt fine. Little sore now but heat after exercising seems to work better than the ice. I can ice at home if needed.

    Doing some laundry and straightening up. Watered plants, brushed Misty (I need to trim her claws because she was clawing at me to remind me I was late in brushing her) and gave DH some directions on paint touchups where he spackled in garage (after DB had already painted that area). Could not convince him to patch holes in wall where he had removed bike racks, hangers for lawn chairs, etc. prior to DB painting. His procrastination gene drives me crazy and for the last 2 weeks I have been reminding him he needed to do the touchups on those spots. So it is very hot today and all he did was complain about the heat, no sympathy because on the cooler days he opted to do his thing.

    Puffin, I hope you get home soon and it was good to hear your tumor showed some response to treatment.

    harley, I hope your numbers improve so you can resume treatment.

    It was another hot, humid day and I think we are to get another thunderstorm tonight. I like how they are occurring after the work day is over and not ruining the entire day. We need the rain so every drop is appreciated because it means my water bill won't be equal to the national debt.

    petite1, hope the storms don't effect you. Stay safe.

    Hope everyone had a wonderful day.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,267

    Hurricane Debby was a rain maker. It is still raining. Locally the flood were not as bad as predicted (4'-7'). Which is a good thing. Many people did not take precaution. My friends decided at the last minute to ride it out. They live in a stilt and the problem is their cars. They parked them on a septic tank mound. They are safe, will have a mess to clean up in the yard. They are also trapped as the road is flooded. One way in and out. Debby made a mess through out the state. It flooded where it has never flooded before, due to rain, not the Gulf.

    The good thing my drain and gutter repairs held and worked perfectly!

  • artwish
    artwish Member Posts: 31

    I am 72 but will not come back to this line of discussion. First one of you tell me how my 1A is envied by most on this sight. Then there seems to be a small group that use this more like Face Book than a discussion on topic. This is not helpful and a wast of my time.

    At 2 years in harmon treatment my 1A invasive and 10 year survival looks less likely. The found 3 PBSs (Probably Benign Findings) yesterday in my Lft. breast.

    So nothing to envy here.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,276
    edited August 6

    Yesterday I ran to get my free birthday car wash before it expires. And as usual, you vacuum out your own car. My car had lots of sand from the Cape, and the vacuum wasn’t working as high as I’d like it. Seemed to take me forever and I was drenched from sweat when I finished - high humidity. As soon as I got home I removed all my clothes and rinsed off, then threw on my night shirt to cool off.

    Then I got a phone call from my sister. My 60 yr old cousin has been in the hospital since Wednesday. His sister received a call on Wednesday that he’d missed Mondays dialysis and was a no show Wednesday. She found him lying in feces, disoriented- she’d thought he had a stroke (which is still possible). He might have been there since Sunday night- last time he spoke with someone was 10:30 pm Sunday.

    They told his brother & sister they couldn’t do anymore for him. Pneumonia, sepsis, MRSA, bleeding in GI tract, infection throughout his body. He’s been on dialysis for years, really didn’t take care of himself, but it’s sad no matter. They said they’d need to remove all his implants - pacemaker, port, and I don’t know what else, and replace them because the infections had settled on them but he’d never survive a surgery. They said he could pass in 2 hours or 2 days.

    I went to the hospital around 2 pm to say goodbye and sit with family (KN-95 mask & lots of hand washing). Around 4 they stopped all IV’s, put a magnet on his pacemaker and started with hourly pain meds. His BP was about 65/35 so already respiration was slow. Friends from 7th grade who are still best friends were there - playing music on the cell phone for him, you could see he enjoyed it.

    I left around 9 pm, he had supper shallow breathing but no pain. I woke today at 7 AM after about 5 hours of sleep and I’ve got no text nor phone calls. Assume he’s still hanging on.

    Wren, covid is alive & kicking. My gf husband tested positive yesterday. Stay safe.
    Carole, thank you for the update on Puffin. Great news the swelling around the tumor is down.
    Petite, glad your gutters did the job! Debby was a downer. FMB had the surge up into the streets but it could have been much worse.

    Sorry I rambled on so. On my way to the hospital I was on a highway, missed my exit and had to travel a long ways to get to a rotary to go back. Not familiar with the exit from that direction, I missed it again! I ended up back where I first entered the byway. In the middle of crisis mode, there was humor.

    Speaking of humor - I bought my sister a Cape Cod wall calendar, token to thank her for putting an Amazon box behind my house. I also bought myself a similar calendar but smaller. Yesterday I started putting my dr appointments out in 2025, marked up birthdays too. It’s then that I noticed the calendar I bought for my sister is for 2024!!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 37,997

    Kindness may be achieved by all, rich and poor, learned and illiterate. Brilliance of mind and capacity for deep thinking have rendered great service to humanity, but by themselves they are impotent to dry a tear or mend a broken heart. -unattributed

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 37,997

    Cindy, I'm so sorry to learn about your cousin. Sad that someone wasn't called the first day your cousin didn't make it for the dialysis. Then again, if there were a stroke not sure the outcome would have been a whole lot better. You and you cousin will definitely be in my thoughts.

    Otherwise sounds like aside from that the day would have been normal mainly. Thinking mostly of the summer heat and humidity. Illinois seems to be having its fair share right now as well. Have thought rain would come past couple of days, but no. Not yet.

    Hope all those who had to go through hurricane Debby made it all right.

    As always thinking of Puffin, and everyone doing treatments or some of you who are waiting I'm hoping for the best.

    Have some odds and ends today. I may get back later.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    The electric wheelchair didnt work out

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,609

    puffin, sorry to hear the electric wheelchair was not useful. Hope you are back in your home where you will feel most comfortable and well taken care of.

    cindyny, sorry to hear about your cousin. Had to laugh about the calendar for your sister. It's the thought that counts.

    Took car for inspection and annual oil change today. It is 5 miles in one direction to the dealership so round trip was 10 and I am now officially at 9,005 mile and the car is 6 years old. They improperly charged me for the emissions test because in PA you have to have driven at least 5,000 miles for them to do it. I requested and got a refund because I have only driven about 1,200 miles this year. Between my December surgery and the June surgery not much opportunity to drive but then I am retired as well. Hoped they had called me earlier because I was trying to avoid rush hour traffic but managed to dodge it. Felt comfortable driving but not on major roads just yet.

    Been watching a series on Britbox about forensic pathologists and it has 27 seasons. I noted that I was missing some parts of the story and realized that it was most likely due to my tendency to doze off. So I did rewatch 2 today to catch-up. I am only on season 8 and they have 4-2 part stories per season. It is quite good with each story part lasting about 60 minutes. The cast members have changed in season 8 but that brings a new storyline to light.

    Tomorrow is stepGS's 22 birthday. I will call tonight because I know he will be celebrating with his friends tomorrow. He can't make the family party which is disappointing but not sure if at that age I would want to go either.

    Hot and humid today but now lots of thunder with periodic drizzling. Of course, the dealer washed my car and I am unable to garage it because DH has all sorts of things on the floor that he is "organizing". He did get the rack for my mops and cleaning tools up on the outer wall and on the inner wall he mounted 2 racks I use for holding bags I can use for freezer foods. I like having them visible so I can grab and go when I'm going to Costco or the grocery store. Garage organization is ongoing but a slow process since we are deciding what to keep, donate or trash. Some items will be relegated to the shed because they are seldom used but needed on occasion.

    Hope everyone had a wonderful day. Those in recovery or having medical challenges are in my thoughts.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 341

    Puffin - happy to hear the swelling has decreased. Keeping you my thoughts.

    Betrayal & Taco - cheering you on through knee rehab. I realize it’s painful and challenging so hang in there.

    Cindy - such sad news about your cousin and he’s so young at 60. It’s a good reminder that life can turn in a second and that being an active participant in one’s health care is so important (I’m always reminding my 70 y/o brother of this - usually to no avail 🤷‍♀️)

    Chemo#5 did happen today - Yay! My platelets have risen and while they are still well below normal the number was good enough for treatment. My neutrophils are still very low at 0.9 but I will get a Neulasta shot tomorrow which should help for the short term. Only one more treatment to go which is tentatively scheduled for August 28. The nurse said he would guess it’s 50/50 whether it gets delayed again. It is what it is.

    Send positive thoughts to all, especially those dealing with health issues.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 37,997

    Today we are faced with the preeminent fact that, if civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the science of human relationships. . . the ability of all peoples, of all kinds, to live together, in the same world, at peace.

    Franklin D. Roosevelt

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 37,997

    Good morning. Wow Harley. So glad you could get our chemo and oh how fantastic to have only one to go after this one. I hope fortune holds and you are able to get the next/last one on time, but entirely understandable that the nurse gave 50-50 on it. We will still all hope. Your body needed the reprieve it had but it did prolong things. So hoping right now for last one to be on time.

    We are able with some care to live rewarding lives well into 90's and some beyond even. Jo's mother who I took care of was able to be home (with me as her constant aide while there) till she was 100 yrs. old. Couldn't cook anymore nor really do much, but up till she had to go to the nursing home she was able to walk around the house, wash up, get dressed and otherwise take care of her personal self. She just couldn't be alone mainly and needed to be given her meds (took them herself after) daily and her meals. That said, I admit that living with a Dr. in the house was likely a huge help, but still with care and advocating at times for ourselves and being willing to see Dr's when needed can help us live a pretty normal and productive life.

    Saw Jo yesterday and will go back on Friday and take Lil' Red. She is anxious to see him. I didn't want to take him the first time since I just 'show' up due to having a key. Even if Jo is not home, she knows I love her dogs and have since the day they came into the household, and she wants me to be free to come in and visit them even if she is not there. But, didn't want to spring a big surprise and sure enough she did have an appt. to go to so it was good for us to choose a time when nothing was going to happen. Also her daughter Maria will be home and available to meet Lil' Red as well.

    It will stay cool today. 69 this a.m. and cloudy. Doesn't feel like much humidity either but pollen count is really high. That I can certainly discern. Not sure if we have a chance of rain, but the cooler temps are greatly appreciated.

    I hope you all have a good day and that there are as few problems for anyone as possible.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Puffin, I'm glad to see you posting here. I hope you continue to recover. I'm sorry the wheelchair didn't work out.

    cindyny, I'm sorry about your cousin. It sounds like they're keeping him comfortable. I hope he can pass peacefully.

    Not much going on here today. I hope everyone has a decent day.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 37,997

    A little friendship, a little sympathy, a little sociability, a little human toil. . . is needed in every nook and corner.  Therefore, search and see if there is not some place where you may invest your humanity.

    Albert Schweitzer

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 37,997

    Good morning. Saying hello to all and hoping that everyone is safe if there are storms, and cool if there is a lot of heat, and getting projects done that need doing. I hope I can manage all these as well today. A bit warmer today but not out of the question. I am hoping for some breezes to pop up but who knows. It is always aa degree or two cooler out here in the woods.

    Hope you all have a really good day.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,920

    I’m heading to Oregon today to see my son and grandsons. Coming back for scans on the 20th. I’m nervous about them of course. Looking forward to seeing them. The weather will be hot so I’m trying the clothes I’ll take to Thailand in Nov