I say YES. YOU say NO....Numero Tre! Enjoy!



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,616

    Great idea about the headphones. I have been turning my hearing aids down. I've also gotten good at "hearing but not " listening". But so far the hearing aid levels have kept me sane. I will listen when I first get up in the morning. If anything has gone on much it comes 'fresh' and not so much on the endless repeat cycles that take place all day long — if you have the news on.

    If we go somewhere we do leave news on for the animals — mainly for the "voices". Since we spend a lot of time with our animals, they seem to like it. Maybe they do not feel left alone when someone is speaking — even if it is not us. Done that for a long time.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,616

    Happiness is a process of radiation, not absorption.  No need to seek for happiness.  Happiness is within.  Happiness is the only thing where the more you give, the more you possess. Pleasure can be bought at a price.  Happiness is priceless.

    Fred van Amburgh

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,616
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,616

    Once again this morning I'm having my "thoughts". I recall one of our soul sisters who went on long ago to her great reward use to call them "brain droppings". One of the things that strikes me is that once again, we have played so fair and nice when the other side does not. Why do we try so hard to teach our nice and fair play. Sometimes, we need to meet people where they are and I'm not sure we did that — to the constituents or to our political opponents.

    For instance, our economy was far better but our "costs and prices" of goods and services did not reflect that as yet and that got used against us in great gas-lighting ways — making the FG's the desired economy.

    I think in many ways we might have made people more rather than less afraid. We gave FG a lot of power when in fact he has none. He is demented and has stayed out of sight. He is nothing, but we fought against the huge ogre who had to be defeated instead of using our time to paint him with reality. We weren't reminding people of him as a REAL enemy — we were letting him have stature and power by not finding ways to portray him as he really is — an old, weak, powerless bully with dementia who can't do much of anything to anyone. We needed to call the other side what they actually are — the Nazi's and facists, assholes, monsters — but we were so nice we skipped that part. Didn't seem fair to NAME them, so instead we let them name us — incompetent Democrats destroying economies and letting aliens and immigrants rob and murder us and eat our pets. Yes, it was stupid, but which impression seemed to stay with more people. We said we were listening, but a lot of our constituents apparently didn't get that message. Obviously, pointing out a fantastic economy while prices are still high is too tricky for us — so I'm not so sure we acknowledged it right — there was an awful lot of gas-lighting from the other side, as never overcame that.

    I don't blame Kamala or our Pres. Truth is the media did a job on our Pres. and sadly it worked. We will never know what would have been had he been okay with one term like he will now have, or if he would have attained, even if extremely narrow, a win had he stayed in with us. There was NOTHING wrong with his mind, only it was in an old body, that stuttered worse again and made the usual life-long gaffes. We let the media dictate our agenda, up to and including a late switch of candidates — so I have no blame for our Harris. She was given such a difficult maneuver, late in the game.

    But sadly, I will admit, joy and smiles while often needed, won't go very far in winning an election. A great addition for sure, but it did give the other side an opening for making us seem like we weren't all that serious or maybe not really in touch with THEIR real needs. We promised good politics and policies while the other side promised whatever you want, I'll get it for you. WE are strong and able and can do ALL that people really need — look what we did before. The other side got people to look back — before Covid — and that's where they all went and we didn't see them leaving.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,616

    We still have to teach our kids the right things, but at the same time we also have to remember that which is painfully true today: sometimes nice guys do finish last.

    WE don't all have to become FG's, perish the thought, but we are often as mentioned before too eager to play completely fair and be nice. For that — FG will once again sit in our WH rather than the jail cell he belonged in and now he never will go there for sure.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,616

    The messages were great, but it was not the right time for their resonance.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,616

    So true. Their opponent was one of the most un-worthiest.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,727
  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,727
  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,727
  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,727

    Sadly, it did.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,727
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,616

    Wondering what others think? We have been here before — more than once. I do think since mid-terms are for the most part hard on the party holding the reins, that we have an opportunity then to make some in-roads. Once started, there will be some momentum but what the translation will be, come time for next election (I hope we have one) hard to say.

    A lot my depend on how the first two years go. With FG mostly un-checked likely by a crazy cadre of WH people who will have no idea what they are doing, and the glazed eyed Reps. who now have the power they wanted, is not fully clear, but we will have to see how it plays out. It seems right now to look like a chaotic mess. FG is has dodged papers that should have been signed so as to sit in on meetings and be given informations needed to start dealing with 'presidential duties'. I'm not surprised that he has not SIGNED. He had no intention of being a REAL president before and he has less now. If he SEES anything — it is that he is bound by nothing and beholden to nothing and no-one but himself. Him — sign pledges. He will stand up and place his hand on 'something' and take an oath and not mean a word of it once again. A televised public display of degradation for the second time.

    Remains to be seen if we will get another "carnage" speech out of him. Maybe if we do it would remind us a bit more of the CARNAGE we dealt with after we let him take that first oath of office and move into our White House. Maybe we would be a bit more reminded of the lies, the grifting, and the dictator love. If lucky we will remember the times on foreign soils that a U.S. President was laughed at for not having any idea what he was doing there.

    So, I wonder, and I wonder what most of you think???? Anyone willing to share?

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,616
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,616
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,616

    Cult lot bigger than I imagined - but we can wipe it out in time.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,616

    Thank goodness — we need the sanity.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,616

    My sense of horror still lingers. Cult robots have spoken and it's devasting.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,616

    Thank you Demi Moore. Our government and justice system is right now so screwed up, but I hope together we can put it back together.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,616

    One more voice of reason for US. Sorely needed.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,616
    edited November 2024

    America is, indeed, going back. Not to a time of greatness. But to a time of darkness.

    The bullies have won. The cheaters have won. The polluters have won. The criminals have won. The oligarchs have won. The predators have won. The people, even though half the country won’t realize it for a while, have lost.

    This time, Trump’s incompetence, laziness and stupidity won’t save us.

    He’ll be surrounded by people eager to execute his most fascistic and vengeful plans.

    The best we can possibly hope for over the next four years is that Trump, now immune from prosecution, will be driven more by a narcissistic need to be loved than by a psychopathic urge to punish.

    The good news for Dear Leader: He doesn’t have to do much.

    - The booming, low-inflation Biden economy that Fox News viewers have been trained to hate could simply be rebranded as “the best economy in the history of our country” under Trump.

    - The manufacturing investment that Biden has initiated through the CHIPs Act could simply become the “Donald J. Trump Very Powerful Manufacturing Supercycle.”

    - The infrastructure projects that Biden has funded could all be finished but with Trump’s name slapped on to keep him happy.

    - The mass deportation plan could be pared back from 20 million to a number that at least doesn’t require concentration camps.

    There’s a chance the tariffs won’t be tooooo bad. And that Elon won’t completely crash the economy.

    The Christo-fascists and the Tech-fascists will have their demands, of course.

    The war on women and the “war on woke” will continue. There will be many new victims whose lives will be lost and whose futures will be ruined.

    Putin will want at least a chunk of Ukraine.

    Young people who may have hoped to inherit a livable planet will have to settle for competing for Musk lottery tickets to win a future trip to Mars.

    Everything that can be stolen will be stolen.

    Everything that can be corrupted will be corrupted.

    Things will be bad.

    The technology that we’re told is “keeping us safe” will actually be used to keep us in our place.

    Four years from now, the world will look very different—and on a tech-driven trajectory that cannot be stopped. 

    Sounds so awful, but some of us have been made for great challenges. We certainly are going to have one.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,616

    How is it that so many people don't seem to understand they are now inside the house they lit on fire and wonder what it will take for them to GET it.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,616

    Facts to bear in mind:

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,616

    This is so much of the problem. We need to find a way to educate people long before an election. They vote not knowing one whit what they vote for. You have to know the difference between "good for you" and "bad for you" BEFORE you vote.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,616

    This sort of crap should dis-qualify you immediately. Not in Trump's world where he slobbers over grievances and vengeance.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,616

    Likely some idiots lie given and they will believe like the rest of it which is why they voted as they did anyway.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,616

    The trouble seems to be the moms voted for that degraded being as well — and frankly, they should have taught the sons the above long before. WE enable men period, and it's time to seriously re-consider that completely.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,616

    Yes, I do and I still have QUESTIONS.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,616

    I have purposely chosen a couple of my "spots" that I didn't go to often. I hope the information does spark a sharing of thoughts, ideas, offhand quick impressions. We need the laughs and understanding and I'm glad they show up here, but I also think we don't talk a lot here. We don't exchange a lot of ideas together. Now seems a good time to soothe the sense of aloneness. Well, at least it is a sensation I have had a lot of lately. I know I'm not, but it does feel like it.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,727

    You are not alone. I think some of us are still trying to digest what happened and trying to make sense of what is next. We know it will not be what we wanted and expected. I am trying to process what my next step will be. I do think I am resilient based on what has happened to me personally in the last 3 years and how I have dealt with that but I am still reeling from the election results.

    My BFF revealed months ago that she has always voted Republican and I have not spoken to her since then. This originally had nothing to do with her choice, just our busy lives, but now I question as religious as she is, how she works with the homeless and is a parish nurse how she reconciles these actions with voting for the orange blob who lacks both morals and an ethical code. I don't think I could talk to her right now so I am glad to not have the time to do so. My genealogy buddy is also a trumper so I am feeling alone because two people I love and care about do not share my values and I cannot accept theirs. So that makes me feel alone.