Amorphous calcifications
I’m a frazzled newbie here. I was told today during a routine mammogram that I have new amorphous calcifications in my left breast and will need more imagining and a biopsy on Friday. I’m just sick as you all can relate to I’m sure. Just wanted someone to talk to Thank you
1 month with symptoms and still no ultrasound
Hi, I'm just needing some advice from some people whom maybe have experienced what I'm going through so here the sitch... woke up 1 morning in January and noticed a strange rash on my right breast red enflamed and hot. I'm prone to skin irritations with allergies that I have, so I didn't think much of it and put some otc…
I've googled all the words in the report...still clueless.
I had my routine mammogram and well woman exam last Wednesday while I was off work before starting a new job this Monday. During my breast exam, my OBGYN noted nothing noticeable or remarkable. However, last Thursday I got a call that I needed to do a follow-up mammogram and ultrasound Monday of this week. The wait was…
Armpit Lump, Ultrasound scheduled
I noticed a lump in my armpit after an infected hair follicle. Infection went away and 4 months later lump is still there. I went to my dr and she confirmed she feels swollen lymph nodes in my right armpit. She ordered an ultrasound as a precaution. Appointment is Monday. The lump feels kind of squishy, not round but more…
Swollen Lymph Node
Hi, I was scheduled to get a mammogram last week due to dark nipple discharge from my right breast. The night before my appointment I fell and broke my leg so had to reschedule. Then two nights ago I found a hard swollen lymph node right in the middle of my armpit on the same side of the discharge. Now I'm a little…
Suspicion for malignancy_ultrasound and mammogram
Hi all, I am new here and glad to find this forum. Just want to share what happened to me so far. I found a lump (not small) in my left breast, and did the ultrasound and the mammogram booked by my GP. The imaging result is not good, and my GP refered me to a breast center. The breast center booked me for more imaging…
Please help decipher my MRI report
hello! First time poster. I recently had my screening MRI (report attached) and my MRI guided biopsy is scheduled for 3/1. Any insight into the highlighted area would be welcomed. The 1.3cm NME section.. This will be my 6th biopsy since August 2021 and so far, so good but I'm feeling down about this one. This was my first…
BI-RAD 4 Core needle biopsy with ultrasound
Hello, I'm a 73 year old lady new to the community. Have cystic dense breasts, had twelve biopsies since age 35 - no cancer so far. Once again next week will have yet another core needle biopsy with ultrasound for unpallable area seen on 3D mammogram. Have had 3D mammograms for six years now. This new unpallable area is…
Strange lump
Hi, I have a history of cysts and benign changes in my breasts. Family history of bc. I'm used to being told everything is a cyst but I found something different today. I usually do breast exams with two fingers but today I decided to poke around more so to speak. I felt a bumpy large mass of what I wanted to believe was…
Raised CA 27.29 and Scared Out of my Mind
Hi All, I’m looking for some guidance in the interim. A little background first both my parents were diagnosed with cancer. My father suffered from pancreatic while my mother survived cervical cancer. My BRCA results came back with 2 mutations of insignificant significance. It’s because of that result and both parents…
How fast do fibroadenomas grow?
I read everywhere that fibroadenomas can grow, stabilize and reduce. What I cannot find is how fast such changes in size can/tend-to be. I would very much appreciate information on this topic, if there is a reference to a reliable source much better (e.g. "my personal experience" is a good source, a scientific/academic…
Pink patch on breast over a month
Hi guys, I have been beside myself with worry since early January as I noticed a faint pink patch about the size of a 50p on my left breast it has a slightly darker outside. I went to my GP who prescribed hydrocortisone for possibly a fungal problem which didn’t work, then antibiotics for mastitis for a week which also…
Please help me understand these results.
Hi I am scheduled for a Biopsy on Monday. I don't really understand alot of the language in the results I have gotten so far. Not sure how worried I should be. So any help would be appreciated. Thanks! EXAM: Diagnostic right breast ultrasound CLINICAL HISTORY: Unspecified lump in breast. N63 COMPARISON: Bilateral…
Developing Asymmetry at Screening - Tech Consulted Radiologist
Hello All - I'm 52 and have heterogeneously dense breasts and got my first baseline mammogram at 35. I've been fairly consistent with mammograms since 40 aside from last year, so it was 2 years since my last screening when I went a week ago. I've had recalls here and there and have learned not to get too upset about them…
Calcifications - waiting for biopsy results
Hi I've recently been troubled by an itchy left nipple. Saw my GP who prescribed anti fungal cream. Helped a bit but then itchiness recurred. Went back to see different GP who did full physical breast exam - found no abnormalities, lumps or anything but decided to refer me to breast clinic to make sure all was ok. Had 1st…
Indent, something is not right
UPDATE: I had my mamogram and US today. Radiologist said from what he sees they both look normal however I am BIRADs Density Catagory C. He said he would not be able to see smaller abnormalities because of this. I also got my generic testing back and I was negative for 32 mutation but tested positive for a variation (not…
Screening Mammogram Report: How concerned should I be
Okay for those of you used to reading these here is my report: FILMS COMPARED: Prior imaging studies performed at East Stroudsburg Radiology on 01/20/2021, and at an outside location on 03/23/2015 were reviewed. MAMMOGRAM FINDINGS: The following digital mammographic views were obtained: bilateral craniocaudal, bilateral…
Breast MRI enhancement
Hi 2 1/2 weeks ago, I had a breast MRI for swelling in my armpit. That ended up being fine. But they found a linear non mass enhancement in my right breast. I've had mammogram & ultrasound but nothing showed up. I've read that it can be dcis and also that it can be benign. There isn't a huge amount of info out there. My…
Anxiety, Waiting, COVID vaccine reaction?
Hello Everyone! A few days after my Moderna booster, the area about an inch and a half above my collarbone got swollen and sore, with a smallish lymph node present. The pain wore off in a week or so, but it's now been 6 and a half weeks, and I still have a small lump (I'm guessing 2-3 mm wide). It's soft-ish, mobile, not…