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CMF Question



  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited August 2008

    good AM all: Oh Carol, gentle (very gentle) hugs to you!!!  that bolus thing must intensify those zaps bigtime.  I did have this as well, I am so very very sorry you did also.  It did heal extremely fast tho, they gave me 3 weeks off txts to heal the blisters from it.  A nice break.

    I am so sorry you are having such issues; I hope the time away from it will let you heal up quickly.

    I'm sure you are correct, you will gain in the end.  And it's in sight!  Did they put you on antibiotics for this?  (Something to ask your radiology doc about.)  I just managed to avoid it narrowly, tho they wanted to at the tail end.  I wonder if chemo beforehand makes this treatment worse on the skin, it stands to reason.  When I began to blister they told me to cut out all unecessary arm movement, bending, stretching, etc.  I know you are one active lady, but maybe some rest will really do the trick for you now, and you are very smart to take it.

    Two to go, tho, this is wonderful!  As soon as you get healed more, it will feel easier.  It's not a waste of a day, you need to rest and heal, this is a bigger battle than anticipated and you must take care of you.  Just listen to your body, it sounds like work can and should wait a bit.

    Praying for you to heal up just fine and quickly!!!



  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited August 2008

    Annie, as always you gave Carol suich excellent advice!  We are so lucky to have you on this thead. 

    I'm back from my oncology appointment and have gotten good news.  The blood work looked fine and my tumor marker was 14.  Do any of you really understand the tumor marker issue?  I asked him what the marker was 3 months ago and he said it didn't matter.  Anything under 31 was "safe territory" and they could fluctuate slightly just like our weight. (I guess he figured that women would understand that weight bounce!)  Have any of you received any info on tumor markers.

    As far as the Arimidex and feet, etc., he still wants to continue with it unless the condition becomes unbearable.  He says it gives me a 60 to 65% better chance of not having a recurrence if I can take it.  So........I guess I will continue to hobble around for awhile longer and attack anyone verbally who dares to look at me wrong!  LOL 

    I have a few month reprieve now...don't see the surgeon until December and then see my onc again in March.  He wanted to get a schedule coordinated so that he sees me and three months later the surgeon sees me and etc.

    Annie and I understand the things that are going through your mind right now.  I nearly made myself sick with worry these past two weeks.  Why do we do this to ourselves?  If this is the "new normal," I don't like it!!!!  Hugs to both of you as you go through this next diagnostic phase.  I'm another CMF gal who just got good news so the odds are in your favor.  Keep that in the back of your minds (along with those worrisome thoughts that I'm sure you're going to have regardless of what anyone says) and soon we'll have more to celebrate!!!!!

    Hugs, Carol.  My gosh!  This rad program has been horrible for you.  Hang in there.  It is about done and you can begin to recoup and go on with your active life. 

    Jill, check in and remind us how good it feels to be NED! 


  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited August 2008

    Hi ladies:

    1st:  Yay Rita!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I too don't get the tumor marker thing, but it sounds like you are in a great area if 31 is a problem and you are so low.  And bloodwork too!  Good for you!

    I know that the guys tag team, from last time I did the same.  They want someone to always be checking you out every three months as that is when cancer would double if a tiny thing was there.  It makes you always safe, so try to think of it like that.  You will always be safe.  I know it's a big pain, but time is strange, believe me, you will almost become insouciant regarding these checks, even mammos and MRIs.  I was completely off guard by this second cancer, which in a way is a good thing, it does go to show you how completely you can recover from the trauma.

    Time will pass, and you will always be anxious about check ins, but I tried to corrall them into the "night before" anxiety only.  With time and practice this can happen.  Waiting on results (sigh) always one of Dantes Seven Circle of Hell, but I did try to keep busy and that helps the most. 

    I wish there was more advice for you as to your feet.  What about acupuncture as some suggest has helped them on this site?  Just a thought, I have to go do arimidex too, I have also heard how much it helps.  Can they switch you off to Femara if it is intolerable?  That also has a great record in beating recurrence with I believe a few less side effects.

    I just had ps visit today, can schedule my exchange whenever.  Getting a lupron shot on  Monday so the "silly sisters" aka my overactive ovaries don't get started up with their funny business before they get to the oopharectomy.  I got  a good joke from the onc visit.  I look young from so much estrogen, that is the good news.  I  got cancer from so much estrogen.  That is the bad news.  (wonder what happens with lupron and an a Dorian Grey effect?)  One would hope not!  But at least I am in menopause, if not thru it.  About time too.  I've had a period since the age of 9!!! Enough!

    Carol, sweetie, I am praying for you that you are feeling a little better today.  Knowing you, even one day down will have you bouncing right back.  Very Very Gentle hugs to you.  You are now due for some great health!

    Harley hope you are doing well and finding life after cancer treating you kindly.  Please let us know how the testing goes.  Mine I have put off til 8/25 with the onc's bet of 5.00 (he says it is alot of $, since he is jewish and careful with his money, cracked me up, but if he's so sure this is not cancer, he'll put 5.00 on it, it does make me feel better about it)  At any rate, it's a reprieve.  Of far more importance to me, is that my daughter will be safely ensconced back in school and will not have to witness or pick up on her mom's nerves.  Much easier to be brave on the phone for sure.

    Jill, still doing that happy dance? 

    Some sad news (or I hope not sad news but beginning to look that way)

    We have lost our Dave the Cat.  I had the visiting vet scheduled to come out last Tuesday and he simply vanished.  It is as tho he knew it.  But there are also coyotes about here and I can't help but think the worst.  My husband said he pitied the coyote who would take Dave on, bec. he'd lose or be killed.  It is true, Dave has tusks for fangs and the worst claws I have ever seen outside of a cougar.  He is huge, also.  Looks more like a small panther than a cat, oddly muscular in an un catlike way and only loves me. (I fed him when he crawled out of the woods half dead so he became almost as devoted as a dog to me; we began with him growling and only eating after I went back inside and progressed to him head butting me as I sat on the deck so I'd pet him.) So I hope he attacked, or ran away, not the Lord of the Flies scenario I am worried about playing in my head about him being set upon by coyotes.

    I hope he returns, has anyone ever had a stray guy just take off for awhile and then come back?

    I keep calling him and tomorrow I am going to go put flyers everywhere.

    Sorry, rambling.  Have a good night all, and great news Rita.   Anyone done Lupron on here?  I hear great things, re: a slow and gradual downscale to end of menopause and horrible things, people have hot flashes for forever, and muscle aches and flu.  I suspect like with most things, it'll be sort of in the middle somewhere.  But all in all, I'd rather be a "hot mama" than a dead duck, so lupron and ooph and arimidex it is.  And a barbie boob. Surprised



  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited August 2008

    Annie,  I haven't done the Lupron so I can't help you there.  Maybe one of the younger gals has done it.  Oh Hey, I wouldn't worry at all about your scans if you have a Jewish doctor who's betting $5 on good test results!  LOL  I think I'd like your doctor!!!

    Oh...I hate to hear that Dave the Cat is MIA.  He may come back yet.  Male cats are very independent and he may be out stalking a "mrs."  Our outside cat, Roscoe, is also a black male and is probably as scrawny as yours is muscular.  Roscoe is gone for a few days at a time.  Then he reappears and spends several days being lazy on the porch.  We have coyotes, etc. around here, too so I always worry when he doesn't show up.  I'd give him at least a week before I'd really be too concerned.   Hopefully he's just "horny!"  LOL

    Annie, I bet you'll do just fine with the Arimidex.  I know a gal here in town that's been on Arimidex for nearly 3 years and the only side effect that she's had was the inability to sleep at nights those first weeks when she started the drug.  Everyone is different.  My side effects are tolerable and I keep looking for ways to minimize them.  As for the Femara, my onc says we can try it if worst comes to worst.  He prefers the Arimidex because it is more "tried and true."  And he says that many gals still have a different set of side effects with the Femara so you're often trading one group for another.  I'll stay on it as long as I can.  I've heard some gals on the hormone board say that all of a sudden, they seem to adapt to the drug and their side effects just fade away.  Now that would be nice!

     Ginny...check your email and verify our meeting date.  I need to get my ticket so I don't get shut out on the train but want to be sure that I have the right date to meet you.

    Thinking of all you CMF gals today and hoping that all is going well for you.  Have a good weekend.


  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited August 2008

    Hi all:

    Rita, thanks for the good thoughts on Dave, he is altered, but seems very focused on Emma, our obese but pretty indoor girl.  Hasn't shown up yet, but I still have hope.  Put alot of flyers in mailboxes with my daughter today.

    I am glad to hear arimidex is tolerable so far...I heard also that alot of women suddenly adapt to it after a year or so on it.  I hope we both fall into that group.  Mind over matter!!

    Yes, I love my onc, he's hilarious and so reactive...he worries more than I do!  I am still concerned about the scans but beginning to think, well, if it is, it is, and I have to fix it.  If it isn't, then yay.

    I will try not to worry about Dave too much.  I do love the old thing, tho.  I don't look too good these days either, so he's great company for me.

    love to all

    Carol, hope you are feeling better?



  • luvmyself
    luvmyself Member Posts: 58
    edited August 2008

    Hi ladies,

     Just checking in. We've been busy with DH's brother here visiting from PA with his wife and 4 very active 4 boys. You sure forget how much energy little one's have.

    Carol- Just wanted to say WHOOHOO!!!!!  you are done!!!  Time to Celebrate!!  Been thinking of you. Sending gentle hugs your way. 

    Will drop in on Sunday, off to the cabin to get out of the heat!


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited August 2008


    Congratulations on being FINISHED!!  YEAH!!!


  • Juliechicago
    Juliechicago Member Posts: 179
    edited August 2008

    Hi Annie,

    I was actually on Lupron for the four months I did the A/C back in 2000.  Different reason-- it was an attempt to preserve my fertility at the time....thought being that if you put the ovaries out of commission, it might preserve the egg bank.  (Have since learned there are widely different opinions as to whether or not this really periods did return and I went on to have my two miracle babies.  I know- hard to be certain if it was the Lupron or my own system kicking back in-- I like to think maybe the Lupron helped).  At any rate--- did not really have any crazy reactions to it- except the hot flashes.  Boy, did I get a taste of what's to come.  They were strange-- and there was almost a warning to them,., a buzzing and then WHAM- I had an urge to tear off every piece of clothing and the blasted hot wig.  Heh- would that have been a sight. They did die down after a bit though and didn't happen as often. 

    I'm sorry about your Dave.  I have a 19 year old kitty- Allie- who is not doing so well. Kidney failure and I'm afraid we are not going to be able to keep her much longer. She is peeing outside her box and has lately started to poop in my daughter's room.  I have a new medication to pick up at the vet's tomorrow...but if it doesn't help,  I'm not sure how long I can keep this up.  It's just--- with the cancer reoccurence, the chemo and the surgery in Sept which I'm starting to get terrified about-- I just don't want my buddy to die on top of all this.  She's been with me since right out of college when I moved into the city on my own....she and I in that lonely apartment.  Wah....

    Both kids have had colds the past two weeks and I've been doing my best to avoid the runny noses and sneezing etc, my hands almost raw from so much washing...but *(&*&!!!,  I started to feel the throat thing tonight and think I might be starting to develop something.  Crap!  I think zinc (Cold Eeze) is okay on chemo, isn't it?  Guess I had better check.  Grrr. This was supposed to be my GOOD week!

    Meet with the PS on Friday and getting scared.  I spoke with him back in May, but at the time, there were still some unknowns (brca testing etc), so we didn't get too deep into specifics. Now, we will.  I know this is a CMF thread-- but if anyone has any pre mast/reconstruction tips, I sure could use them.  Specifically- I've read about certain belts and camisoles that drains can fit into...are they worth it?  I'm worried about sleeping and contemplating buying a recliner-- good idea?   Lots more questions to come and I'll certainly be checking some of the recon. threads too, but like that I'm starting to "know" a few here and the support has been so helpful to me. 

    Going to bed. Frown 


  • 3ofus
    3ofus Member Posts: 201
    edited August 2008


    Been busy helping my hubbie as he gets ready for back surgery this Monday. 

    Carol,  I'm so sorry to hear that you are having such a rough time with rads. Sending prayers and gentle hugs for a quick recovery and finishing without any more problems.

    Annie, will say a prayer to St. Francis that Dave returns unharmed.

    Rita, can't wait to see you in Chicago---soon!

    Will be off for a bit as we will be going up north to a cottage for a holiday.

    Take good care everyone!


  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited August 2008

    Hi everyone:  Hope everybody is feeling well tonight!

    Rita, how's that foot doing? 

    Ginny, thank you so much  for the prayers for Dave...I keep feeling him on the deck waiting for me, but I am beginning to feel also that these are not physical body feelings, that he is on the other side already.  I so hope not.


    I know that they do usually give chemo with a cold, but best to check in w/onc first.  Interestingly, I did lupron once before for feritlity cycle, to keep ovaries "in suspended" mode, but not crush them.  I'm not sure which this is, and before I get the shot tomorrow I have questions for my onc. first.  I drive him nuts.

    I can help you with all the mastectomy stuff and recon if you want info...or I can help with what I had done that is...I am happy to PM you tomorrow with info on t shirts, drains, sleeping, etc., and the recon tip ladies are sooo helpful!  try the feb. 08 recon thread and speak to gayle B., a friend who has been so helpful and had such a great outcome.  They will welcome you and really help out too!  I'll send you some more info tomorrow.

    I have a barbie foob (no nip, implant and expander) now and while the immediate period after the surgery was extremely challenging (note: you will NEED HELP BIG TIME) with the kids, with driving, with cooking, with even lifting or showering for awhile.  I know this sounds daunting, but with careful planning you can certainly do it.  Get a service to get your weekly groceries delivered when your hubby is home (no lifting for awhile) a recliner is great, but you can use your own bed with plenty of pillows too.  I showered sitting down on a plastic toddler chair (don't laugh, it was stable and washable) and my husband put a hand held shower attachment on it so I could sit down and use it.  I don't know if you will be bilateral, or uni lat, but I had one good arm I could use and there was a day where we actually wrapped me up in saran wrap over the bandages so I could use the shower.  Laughed our butts off which felt great.

    But don't worry (yeah, right, I know) but try not to.  It is do able, it is easier than the chemo, it can all be worked out ahead of time.  Lifting for awhile is out, so that's a pain, the drains, once you get it down are easy and take one minute to do, and chart for the ps, and are temporary.

    The foob feels weird for a bit, but get some physical therapy when the ps says you can and do it religiously and before you know it ,you'll be on here helping others thru it.  You will, believe it!

    It's do able, hon.  I'll write you tomorrow with more stuff.



  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited August 2008

     p.s. Ginny, prayers for your husband's back surgery going out tonite.  Good luck all will be well.



  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited August 2008

    pps:  Carol, so close now...............the end is in sight!  I hope and pray your skin is feeling a bit better now.



  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited August 2008

    ppps: Julie, geez I am sorry, scatterbrained today after 8 hours driving to attend my new bil's father's wake in NH, he suddenly died just last week.

    I reread and saw about your kittie Allie.  I used to be a vet tech, I know alot of cats misbehave outside the litter box to call attention to kidneys issues, or utis.  I hope the medication works.  Also, they pick up big time on our moods if there is an upset in the household, and this kitty sounds very close to you.  Poor little sweetie, I hope she improves.  I will also pray for her as well.  19 is a long long kitty life, I kept my old sweetie pie Cassandra alive (diaphragmatic hernia and liver failure) with a high carb diet and a sedentary lifestyle for longer than we had thought.

    Cats are such loving little fur people.  I hope your Allie can hang in there for you awhile longer.

    good luck.



  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited August 2008

    Ginny: just popping on to see how surgery went for your hubby.  sending prayers and good vibes to you. 



  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited August 2008

    Hi gals!

    I've had so much fun with my little grandsons this week and have been so busy that I haven't even checked in.  We went swimming, to the state fair in Springfield, to the zoo, and to a nearby small-town carnival.  I feel so lucky to have been able to share the time with them but am SO TIRED!!!!  It will be so nice to take a leisurely shower without hearing "Grandma, grandma!"  LOL

    Carol....we haven't heard from you in awhile.  Please let us know how you're going now.  Is the skin healing up and loosening up any?'d you do with the Lupron?  Any news about Dave the cat?  Please refresh my memory.  I know that you were scheduled to check out the lung issue soon.  Did it get rescheduled or am I completely off track there? 

    Harley, how's it going?  Please check in and give us an update, too.

    Hi Jill!  I bet you are enjoying summer now that you've been given such a good report!  :-)  I am so happy for you.

    JulieChicago...loved your picture on the Illinois site.  It sounds like you enjoyed your time with the Chicago area girls!  Sometimes it's just so nice to be able to say what's on our mind and have others who really understand.  Aren't those ladies awesome?  I'm so glad that you got to connect with them!  I really wish I could have made the trip up but we had our yearly teacher/retired teacher cookout and I didn't want to miss it either.

    Well, I need to regroup my house and get going here.  It sounds like everyone is doing well.  It's just four weeks from today, Ginny!  Can't wait to see you and welcome you to the USA!

    Catch you all later.


  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited August 2008

    Hi all, Rita I seem to be the only one around these days....hope that means everyone else is happy and busy with their summer!

    Sounds like you had a blast with your grandkids! 

    I haven't heard how Jill's hubby is doing, but I imagine she's pretty busy.  No news from Carol either, but prob. likewise.

    I had 1st lupron shot yesterday, did fine except for very achey legs last night.  They said it's normal and should go away in a few days.  Scarey hip shot, good thing I got a private room so I did not flash anyone!  I had a great laugh, the nurse tells me "Oh you young gals do just fine with this shot!"  Ho HO.  I think I am probably older than she is!!! Of course I was so flattered I did not disabuse her of this notion.  I sure don't feel it these days.

    I have the lung scan scheduled for 8/24 at 10:00.  Quite scared, but it needs to be ruled out.  I do feel pretty confident that my onc bet me 5.00.  Now I have to go get a bone density scan ( I believe it is for a baseline for arimidex) and an echocardiogram which no one is worried about.  In the middle of all this, must get my daughter back to college next week, so outside of having my hair done, I'm not focusing on anything else at the moment!  My entire living room looks like a dorm room exploded at the moment.

    I hope you are feeling great, how is the foot with the arimidex issues?  I'll be joining you in that pricey bottle of goodies soon. 

    thank you for asking about Dave.  He has been sighted about a block or two away.  Can't be many giant black cats with a limp.  He was apparently bright enough to leave the area where the coyote is (here) and move elsewhere.  Hunting is good, so I'm not too worried.  I slowly drive by every day and call "Dave" plaintively, leaving my neighbors to wonder what the crazy cat lady is doing, or if I'm looking for my man or something.  I hope to see my kittie again, but if not, I'd rather he be safe and away from coyotes.  Perhaps he'll return when the weather turns.

    How old are your grandsons?  I sure will miss my daughter when she goes back to school, she's great company!

    love to you

    Hope to hear from the other ladies soon, and that all is well.



  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited August 2008

     Hey to Julie, how is it going girl?  Did you end up with the cold and when do you have next txt?

    Hope you feel OK.



  • Juliechicago
    Juliechicago Member Posts: 179
    edited August 2008

    Hi there,

    Annie-- miraculously, the cold didn't materialize. I've always had luck with those Cold eeze zinc things and it did seem to work again.  Phew!!!  Just got the call about my bloodwork after #2-- definitely immunosuppressed, but "not critically so."  Am sure feeling it though- by 7pm I feel like I walking thru quicksand.  Have a million things to manage-- esp. with school starting next week.  aaargh.

    Saw my hairdresser today--- yep, she says, you have definitely thinned.  Not noticeable to anyone who didn't know me before...yet?  The thinning has slowed down-- but I'm wondering it there will be another big loss 15+ days after #2?  Does this happen about 14 days after every treatment?  Feeling pretty down about this...keep repeating it's better than bald.

    Also had second period. Seems lighter than normal.

    Next treatment is the 22nd.  And the the surgery on the 19th.  Anxiety rising again for both.

    Thanks Rita for the kind note on the picture. My 6 year old told me yesterday that I look like George Washington...somehow, that was not the look I was going for.....

    DH out tonight-- have two sticky kids to get into a bath and then collapse.  My daughter has been waking lately around 2 and wanting to get into our bed again....takes a good hour to get her back down in HER bed.  I'm POOPED!


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited August 2008

    Hi gals!

    Carol...we're still looking for some feedback from your area of the country!  How are you doing, hon?

    Julie...Are you saying that we should start calling you George now?   LOL  Out of the mouths of kids!  In your defense, I'd say that you look NOTHING like George Washington!  LOL  I don't think that you'll lose much more of your hair.  My hair loss tapered off as the treatments progressed.  You've probably reached about the max of hair loss at this point.....with maybe just a bit more shedding.  Enjoy this next week before your treatment. (a chemo holiday!!!)   Each of my treatments was different so I don't know what to tell you to expect this next time.  Just will be doable and you'll be almost done after this next one! 

    Annie,is your lung scan on August 24th or Sept. 24th?  August 24th is on a Sunday and they don't do any scans on Sundays around here!   If they do them on the weekends in your area, I'd say you're in VERY GOOD HANDS! 

     Well, my house is still a shambles from my visiting grandkids so I'd better get moving.  Hope all of you are doing well! 

    I'll be back later!


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited August 2008

    Just bumping up our thread!  I hope the inactivity on here means that everyone is doing well and having a great weekend.


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited August 2008


    Hope your kitty is safe.  I worry so much about my furry babies!

    I'm praying for you, and that lung scan... I know it will be ok!!  Your scan will be all clear!!

    I called my gyn onc.  The nurse told me that the pathology from my D & C was benign, so all is good!  Now I am hoping that the bleeding & cramping will stop soon, because it is getting old.


    Thanks for thinking of me.  The D & C went ok, I guess.  I did have quite a bit of pain, after the pain med. in the IV wore off. 

    Now I am taking pain med when the pain starts to get on my nerves.  Then I get dizzy. 

    My sister in law has been visiting, so I have been going out with her every day.  I'll be glad to just rest tomorrow. 

    Take care everyone, and enjoy the rest of your weekend!



  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited August 2008 glad to hear from you and that your results were B-9!   I also hope that your bleeding and cramping stop soon, but doesn't it seem much better already just knowing that your results were benign?

    Hang in there, Harley.  It isn't easy after a bc diagnosis but I think we're alot tougher than we ever thought we were.  Someday I think we'll find our "new normal" and in the meantime we just need to try to enjoy life, which is indeed a precious gift.

    I'm so glad you got good test results!  I told you that both you and Annie were due for some good vibes!!!!  Hugs to you.....................


  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited August 2008

    Hi gals:

    Rita, you are too funny, my old lady brain isn't working after that lupron shot, the scan is the 25th.

    Harley, I did not know you had a D & C, I must have missed that post, I am sending lots of love.

    I am so happy for you that the tests showed as benign, what a relief!!  thank you for thinking of me during all this for you!! You poor dear, what alot to go thru.  I am sending many good thoughts to get you thru the bleeding and cramping soon.

    Still achey feet for me, but not a big deal compared to all the other stuff, I must say.  Must go with the territory.

    Jill, thank heaven you missed the cold, you sound quite busy with your little ones.  I am glad your hair is not noticeable, I was so bad about thinning that my hairdresser told me to just shut up already.  But how we worry about that during CMF.  It sounds like as Rita says, that the "big shed" may have come and gone.  I also did the lighter period, then no more after that.

    When my daughter went thru that phase (uh, she still does it at times) I just gave up and let her in with us for an hour or so.  I figured, so what, she'll grow up soon enough and then i will miss these times.  I still feel that way.  I'd say do what works for you to get you thru this phase.

    Everybody stay well, daughter back to school this weekend, feeling sad already :( but glad to get her "out of the line of fire" so to speak with all this scan stuff. 

    love to all


    p.s. Carol. where are ya?

  • golfer779
    golfer779 Member Posts: 410
    edited August 2008

    Hello All,

    Sorry for being MIA, to make a long story short, I finished my rads on the 7th.  I was a very well done by that point, in fact I think the last time I posted here I was on some pretty heavy pain meds to make my day/night tolerable.

    What a difference 10 days can do for a gal.  My dh and I are in Northern CA on vacation, my chest is looking pretty darn good (if I do say so myself).  I have spent the last 3 days with a gal from the Jan 2008 Chemo post that I have been very active on throughout this journey.   It brings me so much joy to think about how a "website" can bring two people together.  She and her husband welcomed us into their home, we dined on absolutely fabulous food that her dh prepared, drank very fine wine, and enjoyed lots of conversation.   I even got the chance to dip my toes in Lake Tahoe, what beautiful country.

    Today we are seeing my dh's oldest daughter and fiancé who are in CA for a work study program.  We are headed this afternoon to the Napa Valley to do some wine tasting and even a round of golf. 

     I will be starting my Femera when we return home this weekend, and I am also scheduled to take an infusion of Zometa next week. 

    My apologize for not popping in to respond to all the kind words of encouragement over the past couple weeks, life is good right now and getting better all the time.  I may be a bit MIA this week, should be back on track by next week, I still need to read to see how you all are doing, I sure hope that all is going well.

    Bye for now ... Carol

  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited August 2008

    Carol, great to hear from you and even better to hear how well you are doing!

    Your vacation sounds great, enjoy every second!  MIA is a good thing when you are out having fun and seeing buddies.  Good for you, girl.



  • Juliechicago
    Juliechicago Member Posts: 179
    edited August 2008


    Popping in to whine. Dodged the bullet last time, but this time, the virus (?) has me.  Sore throat, congestion, headache.  Crap!  And final treatment on Friday.  Not sure how to get over this with half an immune system and then treatment in 3 days.   Have regular onc meeting this afternoon and will see what he says....  Any ideas out there? 

    DH sick too-- not sure if it's the same or not. But honest to God it's like having a third child....

    Kids are fine--- they gave it to us.

    Feeling stress badly this week. Work escalating and I'm trying desperately to keep everything humming with all my absences.  Have only been there 3 months and still trying to prove myself.  School starts Thursday-- so all the prep that goes with that.  Dying kitty (19 years) still pissing anywhere but her litterbox. Fondness for the kids' rooms, so we literally have to barricade them in at night so she has no access. Trying to get everything in place for surgery on 9-19. A month away, but need to get some things planned now.  aargh. And just so TIRED with this chemo. Hell, I'd be tired anyhow- but this just amplfies it.

    Ok whine over.  Um, not quite. Hair still shedding.  bleah. I want this over!!

    NOW I'm done.  sorry!!!

    -julie b

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited August 2008

    Oh Julie!  I'm so sorry that you got the virus right before your last treatment.  That's sure not what you needed right now with everything else pressing in around you.  Hugs!

    It is no wonder you are tired!  YIKES!  I got tired just reading about all you're trying to do while going through chemo.

    I don't know what your onc will do about your last treatment.  He may postpone it until you're over the virus (if it's still hanging on).  I imagine the blood test will tell him how well your immune system is functioning.  You certainly don't want to go into the last chemo with a really low white blood count.  Postponing it a few days won't mess up the effectiveness of the treatment.  I'm sure he'll give you good advice.  Just think...........only one more!  Then you'll have plenty of time to recoup before your surgery.  In all honesty, my surgery was easy compared to the treatments.

    I'll send good vibes north to you.  Hang in there and try to rest as much as possible.  Thinking of you.........


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited August 2008 glad that you're doing better and enjoying some time away.  I'm so glad you checked in as "mother hen here" was getting worried about you!  I'm so glad that the rads are over for you.  Now you can reclaim your life.  Are you taking the Zometa infusion as a way to prevent bone mets or is there another reaspm for it?    I've been reading alot about that lately.  Most of what I've read suggests that it only help pre-menup. women and I certainly don't fit that category.

    Annie...Hope you're enjoying this week!  Hugs to you!

    Catch you all later.


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited August 2008


    I read here that you are volunteering for Reach to Recovery... and the Look Good Feel Better seminars.  I called about volunteering for Reach to Recovery, and they said that there would be a training class at the end of July, but no one called me.

    I finally got up the nerve to call them again to check the status.  I spoke to the woman in charge of the program, and she assured me that they are happy to have me volunteer.  But, this is not a very good time for volunteers, since it is summer and everyone is on vacation. 

    They are planning to have the training in October, but she isn't sure when.  I'm hoping to hear from her when they FINALLY get it scheduled.  By Oct., I will be ONE year out from my tx.  Oct. 9th was my last chemo.

    Did you have to wait very long before being contacted about volunteering?


  • 3ofus
    3ofus Member Posts: 201
    edited August 2008

    Hi cmf ladies,

    Annie, thank you so much for your prayers for my dh.  His back surgery went well and he is without pain finally!  I am so relieved.

    I'm glad that Dave is still around somewhere.  Hopefully he will come back to you soon!

    Carol,  CONGRATULATIONS for being all done with rads!  I'm so glad you are feeling better and are on a nice vacation----so well deserved!

    Rita, just a few more weeks to our "girls day" out in the big windy city!

    We just got back from a really relaxing time with friends at a cottage.  It was a perfect place for my dh to heal. 

    Well, I'm off to get some work done for my dh suprise bday party this Saturday.  Boy, what a difference a year makes---last year on my dh's 50th bday I just had a very low key dinner----this year I am making up for it!

    Harley, I'm glad your tests went well.

    Julie, hang in there!  I hope you are over your cold and are getting stronger.  Believe it or not, even though you keep losing hair and think, "how will I not go bald?", you won't and only you and your hair dresser will really notice the change.  If your hair is long and it starts to get out of shape, maybe try a cut with some layers.  My hair is all back now, and some more...and so will yours before you know it.

    Take care everyone,
