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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Good Morning--as u can see I went bak to sleep.

    NM I had no idea either what u've been thru--and I think that means like stops all involvement with whatever is going on. I can never explain words, I know what they mean just hard to explain.

    Lori no one can help me with this computer it's got to much I can do on it so it confuses me more--I didn't know there was so much to choose. so I'll muddle thru it.--as usual...

    And Dorky u'r here for now I'm glad--pssst I put a bottle of Kaluha in my coffe--those airplane size bottles I hope it won't interfere with my pain meds. hahaha or maybe it will boost them aha--we'll see

    It's cold and WINDY here this morning I can hear all the wind, I'm so bundled up then later I'll get a hot flash and walk otside

    Oh my sister called at the airport to say good-bye and I was screming at her for leaving me now and the lady that she is she never raised her voice cuz people are around, so as I am yelling don't go, turn around--she's saying Oh I'll have a nice time and there is such a thing as a cell phone--so I yelled bitch and she says now go back to sleep and get u'r rest and again I'm yelling how can I sleep now woth u so far aways OMG and I hear quietly OK have a nice day. and she hangs up laughing. I told u she is a bitch.--So that was what started my morning and when she comes back, and she will, I will be a full blown alcoholic and it'll be all her fault and I'll tell her so.

    OOh I washed a load of clothes yesterday and forgot all about them in the washer, ooo so easy to do. Not washing, the forgetting.

    I'll be back  Lub u all

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    Oh shoot I forget me clothes in washer too Cami. Get my 2 coffees n kahlua n brb.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2013

    Good Morning...Yes, Lori..back to 5 days now...I have Wed/Thurs off today be my Fried dey!!

    Good Luck Beckers going back to work. It has to be difficult after so much time away.

    NM..I've always wished I could buy the pretty bra's too. 

    Cammi..I got dizzy just thinking about typing or reading or both upside down.  Im not sure why you would need to change any settings in rebooting your pc. Maybe you should have someone at your house look at it and help you out with it.  I know just enough to get by when it comes to computers.

    One month to eyeball kisses !!! whooo hoooo...You girls will have a ball.

    ((( Dorty))) Love ya girl...glad to see you around and feeling better. 

    Suppose I should get some work done...but I dont wanna...whahhhhh....

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2013

    Stummbled right into Beckers and Cammi...hopes I didnt spill youse dwinks..

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    Hi cyndielou. Pull up sat. Cami's on playground slidin down slide. I hear screech cuz she has no undies on.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Becker meds and booze good combo---(MODS not really) don't want any trouble u know. Tehehehe

    Ok I rewashed clothes and they are now in the dryer--that doesn't mean I'm going to change tho it's just a jesture I do so I don't seem so lazy.

    It's snowing with huge flakes out there and piling up fast with windy stuff blowing around--I don't care no schedule for anything for me today anyway I'll just watch sczary movies and my True live killings of people. I am so morbid. But they say that  npeople who are interested in these things are good conversationalists. So I again proved this myth is false. I'm good at that. LOL

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    Cami, guess we gotta keep it under contwol in dis place or mods shut us down?? No more beaver pictures?? Ha. Nice you don't have to go out in snow! Hot choc and slasher shows. Yay! Lol about you yelling at your bitchy sis and she pretends it's all good.

    Goldie - yessum gonna meet undies and then Wawa's friend Sheila at the Irish karaoke place soon!! You hike alone? I'm scurd to. I'm in CA where people are too goofy. Not safe. I'm goingon hike #4 soon. Who is Proud Mary? And who is gonna lick your eyeballs??! Yuck!

    Cyn - someone licking your eyeballs too? Yuck!

    Dork - I hope you ok. Did someone sneak up and lick you in the eyeball too?? PM if you'd like. We can talk about DIEP and I'm a good listener.

    My sister bought me a Purdy bra for Christmas. It's a 42 C and holy heck! It doesn't fit! My toobs (tummy boobs) are too wide! WTH? Last I remember I was a 38 B!!! I had fat grafting at stage 2 and I think the PS stuffed my hips in there too. He wasprolly like "whoops" and stuffed some in other side "whoops!" back to the other side. What am I gonna do wif these tig ol' bit ties?? (damn auto correct separated my bit ties) I've been in sports bras tshirts n sweats this past year. Damn. Thank you for the compliments on my avitar but I think I am tore up from the floor up! If i lose this pic and these dark circles don't improve, I will just have a pic of my forehead up. Ha!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2013

    good afternoon all,licking eyeballs,beavers,what were you gals up to this weekend!   hey becks ,what kind of pt care do you do?   finally got my mammogram report  -birad 2-yee ha     , still going through the workers  comp things, still having pain at the site but at least i know theres nothing showing on us or xray ,  . dorty-hoope you having a good twodays,

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2013

    ROFLMAO!!!!  I was wondering about that screetching that the clothing is clean Cami can put something on! Beckers your cracking me up about your Toobs. 

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2013

    Now Im tripping over Julie...! Great news about the Mammagram !

    Beckers...Powd Mary is MemaSue....she Powd Mary too! She squeeks goin down slides too cause she dont wear the underclothing thing weather they are clean or not.  Avoids the whole laundry issue by just wearing Nuttin.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2013

    i learned a new word today toobs!    cammi,sue -commando on the slide Surprised    cyn,hope i didn't spill your drink cyn

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    Juliet - I do occupational therapy rehabbing people. Strokes, spinal cord injuries, hit by trash truck, fell off balcony havin sex....I have seen it all (I think). Congrats on BIRAD 2, but you have had a few lumpectomies on that may wanna get some toobs too! Looked like half my boob was missing after just one lumpectomy on my lefty.

    Oh foils (I said goils but my puter does what it wants sometimes), I'm so excited!!!! I got a call from this rehab place that Iove working at and they want me to just work for them, as much or little as I want....flexibility if Mom needs me, will start me slow til I get into the swing of things!!!!!! I am sooooo relieved. Mo money!!! Just dreading calling my company. They been waiting for me. :-(

    Cyn - Mema's a screecher too? Ha!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2013

    I am going to Mom's pace for Pau Hana, yippee!! Cam, I will catch up with you latah. Goils and FOILS, ketchup with you all too. lub lub lub. and rounds of suz'z i-Ball kisses!! mwah!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    OMG I slept all afternoon  and it's still snowing--inches of snow--If a man tole u it would be at least 10 inches but reality says 5 to me---so what do I do sleep my Katie-Kat and me jst snoozing away. Well I'll be up tonite--oh mabe not I'll take my meds that helps.

    OK let's see here Becers u have big gazongas now wow--I used to be a C-D cup now I'm concave so I gues it's -C cup I never wear any kind of bra--that's horrible but I can't stand anything around that area still. I just like comfort that's why.

    Dorky u'r such a good dgtr, I'm glad u'll be with u'r Mom--be careful.

    Again did I ask this who's going where>

    And Julie I have no idea what birads are bt u sound like it's a good thing so YAY (I really don't)

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2013

    hiya goils! mese back. had an okey visit with Momma, she was sleeping but looking berry berry comfy. it bese time to dwink dwink dwink n dwiink eeebin more! yippeee, cheeRS!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Hi Dorky, I'm glad u'r home safely, now get in de lounge and start u'r odering tonite I'm having a cosmo--I know old drink, but I'm an old lady) LOL

    I'm glad u'r mommy was resting comfortably--How is u'r dad?    oo that drink went down fastly-Anoder one please barman. Tank u. OK do u talk to u'r dad regulrly? I'm glad u r taking a couple of day away from u'r job u can use the less stress part of it.  U know peeps don't know how stressful jobs are til u do dem. Dats what I tink anyhow.mmmmmmmm anoder drink puleeze now quickliest.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2013


    Hi Ladies! For some reason I can't type in the box here to type in, so had to put this on wordpad and copy. WEIRD! Thats why the tears in the emoticon! ANyway, joining you all for a dwinkie....or two...duh, it IS twosdey! Glad you got to see Mom tonight Dorkie! We went to my parents for Pau Hana, first time in a long time. We used to go almost every night.....before the trip to China. That really changed things for me, but my dad has been much better. Guess now he misses us! My mom is getting so forgetful...she was looking at her birthday list and asked me who a couple of names were...well they are MY grandchildren, so I was sad she was forgetting them. But when I remind her, she then seems to know (I hope). ANYWAY, it was fun. RE my big toe(s)....that always get messed up from long flights...the foot dr had to hurt it a lot today...and then told me I have a bone spur under the nailbed, which then I guess reacts to the pressure and only option is to remove that toenail and cauterize it so it won't grow back. Will have to wait till after our next trip. Thank God for fitFlops....I wear them constantly now! And I will again put dark polish on my toenails to cover the black of the big toenail!

    Beckers, I am fercited that you and Shannon will meet my friend! Awesome! Wet eyeball kisses are Sue's specialty! LOL....just expect it if you ever get to meet her in person.

    Cami, wow, so much snow for you! We had high winds last night...took some trees down nearby, and my DD said she saw some trampolines that were blown over fences, near her house! They are hinting we might have a dusting of snow on the stores will prolly run out of bread, milk, and bananas!!!

    Good news, Julie!!

    Happy Frieddey, cyn!

    Hugs to all.....


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Kat I can not keep track of u anymore--u seem like a whirlwind to me u'r all over the place tell me when and where u land. Again I'm happy u were with u'r parents, I know when they start forgetting it's not so good, but they are so special--it's good to be with them.

    Ouch u'r toe(s) does it really feel better with flip flops oh u have to get that done as soon as u can--that hurts alot. U get goofy things. And I'm still waiting for dos sexy eyes of u'rs.'hmmm anoder dink TY

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2013

    Cami (yeah, I can type here again!), I am HERE for now....won't travel for 3 wks. But not enuf time to heal from what the foot dr has to do, so will schedule when I have enuf time betwn trips. But I gotta is FitFlops, not flip flops....Sue and Alli have them too. They have a nice arch and very thick soles and were originally advertized to give your legs a workout...not sure if I have better calves from them, but I have better arches! One of mine started *falling* so I have worn these a couple of years, and they really help! Very comfy, and I have worn them in a lot of countries...cause of my toenails, it hurts to wear closed shoes for very long, so these are my lifesavers!  I do get weird things happening to me, don't I ? Told my DH tonight....first my boobs go, now my toenail goes...whats next??? LOL   ChEARS~!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2013

    Good Evening Ladies...late for me to be here but then again it is my Fried dey and dont have to get up in the ayemm

    Beckers, my g/f just got her masters in OT and is going for her state board exam on Fried dey..the real Fried dey this week.  With all the studying and possitive affirmation tapes Im sure she will do fine. 

    Cami....are you up?? I think its..Kathy goes to Europe and visits with Bernie in March and MemaSue goes to see Goldie also in March. 

    Kath....i worry about your toe with your trip. 

    I just saw on the news that 72 is the new random is that? So what is 48 then?? 

    Dorty..glad you had a good visit with your mama tonight. 

    Thinking its time for beddybye for moise....

    Nighty Night ...dont let the bed bugs bite.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2013

    Cyn.....HUH???? Hard to believe that 72 is the new 30!!!! Wow. I think my toe might be ok (notice I wrote *might*) on my trip...since she cut a lot of the sides out. Oh did that hurt! BUT I am getting toeless compression kneehis, and then the pressure won't be on my toes. And prolly wear the fitflops and then socks on the plane. Can't risk wearing shoes flying for awhile!!! But to China I didn't wear shoes on the plane, but had the comp hose on, and so the toenail turned black, swelled up, and HURT! I just need more time b4 a trip, before I have the sugery on it. Can you believe my DH is going to play racquetball tomorrow night? I think he's crazy....hasn't been THAT long since his knee surgery! Enjoy sleeping in, and your two days off!!!!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2013

    Latest news.

    Liam doing well

    Dave still has the flu

    Fifteen Belgians arriving tomorrow

    Kathy coming to see me soon.

    Big secret now (I'm not allowed to tell anyone just yet)  Sinead is 6 weeks pregnant.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2013

    Cyndielouwho - R U KIDDING…U ROCK! Sez Ms Beav…heehee. dis was later today…but had to comment. U DONE GOOD GOOD GOOD!! One more day…right? Den u r off for 2...right? No matter…..It has been a hella week eh?

    Cami - I leebs all da time…well…at least every 3 weeks to go to LV for treatment. Lately more cuz of StepSon breakin his foot/ankle/tibia…whatever. And sometimes jes to git mese grandkids. And…sumtimes jes cuz. Like…Friday…I am going in for my SIL retirement….BIG ASS BASH!! DD has rented the entire bar at Fiesta jes for her DH. I knos I will git tooo dwunk…so I go a room. DD got a block of rooms for discount. n e Way…I say to DH….trade out Saturday so you can come too. He hems…he haws…he sits da fence…So it is a NO. OK den. So I say to my son…hey…u can share my room….u and u girlfriend…only NO HANKY-PANKY. He laughs…but he gonna share…tooo cool! Mese lubs lubs lubs mese kids cuz dey turned out OK, considering I was jes a kid when mese birthed dem. Dat a whole nudder story. OOO I got off topic. anyway…aside from next week….not going again til da macrh of 19. Den, well next day…git on da big metal tube…who say dat…Cyn and NM..mese tinks…anyway to Cali.

    I AM HOPING to meet another BREASTIE in Cali…ooo soo much. But either way…I will spend couple days wif gf of 41 years (9th grade) in Long Beach area. Den few days wif my Aunties in Tarzana. Then off to PHX. OOOO goils…I am gonna git off da plane in PHX…get in a rental car….and head STRAIGHT TO GOLDIES house. WOOHOO!!

    Gonna spend a few nights…2 or 3...depends on how much she can tolerate mese n mese dwinkin n smoking. Den back to Mesa for Easter. Mese other Auntie…year older den mese mom wud be AND went thru masectomy in Oct of 2010. Right b4 her 80th bday which was Nov 28th?? I think. Anyway….don’t kno why I say dis…cept dat mese aunties r closest thing to mese mommy and..with or without her…these ladies are EXCEPTIONAL…in my life. PLUS…I have many many cousins there…and their children.

    LORI…you met Ginger…she is only 6 weeks older then me.

    GOILS…some of u will member….but listen…1 year ago Easter…still mostly bald…but enuf hair to SPIKE…lol. Ms Goldie, her DH and others…were to b or came to PHX. She invited me to meet her….1st time. I was noyvus…of course…since I only knew her thru this thread. But I still felt a kinship. Well, nothing like meeting in da flesh to confirm that kinship…right? I had mese cousin (Ginger) take me and wait til I met her…LORI. Well….I layed mese eyes upon her and KNEW IMMEDIATELY…that she was my SISTER!! Sooo….I can’t wait to see HER (Goldie) at the SHADY LADY! Then I will go spend Easter with my Aunti and mese cousins.

    Wait Wait….gotta say….I met Katwinka in June of 2012 and I FELT IMMEDIATELY that SISTERHOOD. Then…in OCTOBER I met DorK and Mrs. Vino….and …hey…yeah…something…..SISTERHOOD! Guess my dunking…but true..point is… WE get sooo close on this/other threads..that when we do get ’face’ time…it’s like…hell sista…was sup!! On dat note…done wif dis?

    Beckers - I soooo wanna go wif u n Undie to da Karaoke. Can’t sing…but I can damn well dwink. LOL. By the by….u will get used to da ‘bigger’ foobs in no time…guaratee! I hate to hear…but kno it can b tru…partners left behind can and do develop heart trouble. Mese saying lots lots lots prayers for your mom.

    Cami - WOOHOO…I love it too when mese pills kick in….dat goil kinda look like me….way waay way way back in da day….LOL!

    NM….I don’t unnerstand HE##??? I say same thing as your next sentence…but then, again…I am lost. Please don’t put this on you….my mind is FURB pretty much gone. Like someone sed or posted…”of all the things I’ve lost…I miss my mind the most” One thing I do understand…is having treatment in the 1st place…but really…I don’t totally understand. For some reason…I need to kno…PM if you wud please! (((NM)))

    Lori - yeah….U see what time it is…holysmoly…it’s 10’;15pm. When…ever…has anyone known me…well n 2 years…to b posting this late…NEVER!! Well…mese jes hab to say…..4 weeks from TODAY….mese gits to put mese arms around you and gib u 22 wet eyeball kisses!! Don’t ask me why 22...I jes pull dat number outta mese head..K?

    Cami - again I have to ‘laugh my ever widening white ass off’…as Goldie puts it and me too now…EWWA = ever widening white ass. What you put your sister thru and blaming her for ur alchohanobilsm. Can I blame her for mine too? LOL!

    Beckers - did I tail u mese DD middle name Rebecca? not dat it matters…but mese tinks u bout same age as her. HEY…dat was invitation to TAIL US DA year you were born. I cud insist u give us your DOB…in total…but I won’t…jes saying…GIVE UP DA YEAR OF BIRTH…K?

    O meesee….I cwack meslep up when Im dwunk…LOL!

    Cyn - I knows u gotz 1 more day…but as Beckers say…’pull up a sat’….what’s eben better…is Beckers…newbie…kno a screech from no undies when she hear one. LMAO!

    I got more...jes gib me a minute.  Cant believe I am still typeing and even simi conscioius!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2013

    Beckers - no offense…jes trying to give MYSELF a widdle giggle…shame on mese!

    Cami - jeez…can u gib me a break? Now u talkin tru life killing n shit….welll….I absolutely LUB dat chit. I can’t hailp it. Ya kno I trained to be a CSI person. U kno dat toopid show based in Vegas about criminal investigators??? Welll….hate to burst some bubbles…but they DO NOT do that. The detectives do ALL follow up after the criminalists have processed the ‘scene’. Anyway….I took college classes, photog classes, even did ‘ride-alongs’ with our ‘CIS’ peeps. In fact…my 1st dead body was a ‘mob hit’ at the Sands. So….after rambling…my point is….I will watch ‘tru life’ chit….b4 the NCIS, ETC ETC.

    Listern here Beckers….no more jokes bout dat Beav…ya hear! Just kidding…dat pudy funny…LOL! AND…don’t b saying YUCK to da eyeball kisses…dat b me…k…pwoud mary…mese…it’s all jes a yoke…K? When mese meets u …what we call ‘face time’…I will have to gib u a BIG WET SLOPPY EYEBALL KISS! Jes kiddin…jes a big yoke round dese heres parts….n no…I don’t hab overalls on. LOL!! And don u worry bout having da BIGGEST FOOBS EVER! U had me cwackin up goil…stuffin dis and dat!! jes go see dem goils on TV dat can fit u in a bra proper. Dey cwack mese up too. I rather b in a sports bra meself. ..much more comfy!

    Beckers - can u ‘rehab’ me to HAVE MORE SEX? Jes asking!!

    Cami - LMAO ROTF…how u say…big gazonngas…LOL!!

    Dorfy - YAY can u believe it…Iz still awake…Go figure!! I am soooo HHAPPPY U mommy doing goot tonight..whoohoo!! Mese drived me DH hoe tonite…I was able…but sinc we been hoe…now I’m dwinking ad dwunkliest…who cares!!

    Katwinkadinks - how old ur mom…92? or sumpin…she still got it all going does your dad. Am glad u cud do a widdle PauHana wif them both. I kno how much tim u spend ‘doing’ for them…and alll da other crapola…so I am happy to hear it was a pretty good evening for all ya’ll. Yep….a widdle dark polish will make all da diff…and I 2nd your ‘thank god’ for fit flops. Since u shared that…I can’t live without em!!  And den u go and warn Beckers bout my ‘wet eyeball kisses’!!! That’s OK tho…aint nutting really secret amongst us…right!

    Cyn - 72 is 30??? R dey nuckingfutz???? So dat mean 62 is the new 20??? and 52 is what…10??? Shit…who wanna go back dat far??? Dat mean u ain’t even born yet Cyn…now dat makes me LMAO….jes kidding!! NOT!!

    Bernie - WOW…I can’t believe I am still awake and still trying to ketchup…now I see ur post. Who is Sinead? Is it da singer? Don’t laugh OK. Glad Liam is doing well…sawee Dave has the flu still…WHAT THE HELL…is 15 Belgians? I already kno Kathy coming to see you as is Cyn. Don’t bese mad…mese is es dwun getting morse so and needs at goes tobeds. Iz jes twing to ketchup K?

    O TAY DEN!!  Goils....dis is da longest, most winded, most bullshit post I have ever made...well kinda for da mostest part.  That is mese story and I'm stuck to it..n now gonna take me sorry EWWA ta bed...can't f'n believe it is after 11PM...OOO.

    gotta say......lubslubslubslubslubslubslubs all ya'll!!  N don make fun a me..K?

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    LOL!! Hell sista - was sup?! Dats funny. Mese so turd. Iz late. I missed da par Tay tonight. What's Wednesday called? Thanks for clarification on the sloppy wet I kisses memasue. Imma wear my protective eye covers next time I roll thru Mesquite. Ha! I was born on my mama's birthday, June 18, 1966. I don't feelb a dayober 65 either! I promise not to make any more jokes about the beav! Never more pics of it eber. It's so cool dt you all meet each udder face time. Love you goils already! Gnite. Hicccfdupp!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    Sue - rehab for more sex ...ha! (sorry...processing delay) you know, I saw a thread on here bout vaginal atrophy. What does that mean???!!!! My lord! Does it cave in on itself? I hope that's not next ... Big ol bazoombuz that I can't feel knocking things off shelves and vajayjay all shriveled up! Will find out how to rehab dat chit when I get back to work!

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited February 2013

    How the hail do I even follow a post like that? Mema-love your posts. My neighbor next door is in his 80's and has a walker,chit.

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited February 2013

    LMAO Becks,dem uder threads can be a real eye opener. There are no filters with what they talk about. Surprised  Sor...oops no s word allowed in here. Regrets on spilling your dwink,heres anudder,cheers all.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited February 2013

    Good morning, loungettes!  I'm a little cranky this ayem.  Missed my massage last night 'cause I had a flat tire on the way to the appointment.  Brand new tire!  Yeesh.  So I've got to get that taken care of before making a 50 mile drive (one way) to see one of my patients, and there's another storm coming in.  Wanted to get that done this ayem.  Sigh. 

    Goldie--I'm working on putting and keeping treatment he## in the past.  Mostly I do good that way.  ~~Hmm, for a moment I was thinking my limited knowledge of geography was seriously wrong!  Got any ponds or lakes?  I'd like a water side location myself. . .

    DdorKable--you can ALWAYs have a seat next to me!!!!!

    Cammy--I don't often put all my treatment experience together like that. I'm afraid I'll scare off the newbies.  Don't want anyone to miss out on potentially helpful treatment just because it doesn’t work out that way all the time.  ~~Oh, your poor sister when she gets back and realizes what she's done to you by going away!

    CynCyn--maybe we should go bra shopping together?  Good excuse for a trip for me! 


    Juliet--good to hear the x-ray and us were negative!


    Cammy--I'll join you, I like cosmos! 

    Wahine--My brother used to get ingrown toe nails on his big toes until he had his toe nails removed.  He says it's one of the best things he's ever done and the recovery was pretty quick.  In the meantime, keep on with the flip-flops!  Oh, Fit Flops.  I'll have to look into those, love to wear sandals/open shoes in the summer but the arches don't like it.  This may be an answer! 

    BBBBernie---YEAH!!!!!!!, oops, meant to whisper "yeah!!" 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Sisterhood Drink

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Lovely red sunrise this ayem, but today is supposed to be nice, with more weather tomorrow.  Sigh.  Be glad for spring to arrive!

    ORLA-- I tried to file a malpractice suit, but the records were "perfect"  and no one would take it on.  Only have 2 years to do that, so now I'm trying to forgive and let go. ~~ What does it mean when a flight gets "cabashed"?  Don't know that term. 

    Mema--It was HE##.  That's why I say I am a bc cancer TREATMENT survivor.  I know the bc would have killed me eventually, but I'm not at all convinced that it would have totally ruined my life for 3 years in the process.  Well, maybe at the end, but then people would believe me that I was in pain and treat it.  So sometimes I regret ever having treatment for the beast in the first place.  And with the anniversary of the diagnosis coming up it's been on my mind  lately. 

    Wahine--the truncal LE, which was mostly in that breast, went away with the mastectomy.  OK, sometimes I think there is a little swelling along the ribcage on that side, but nothing bothersome.  The pain from it is totally gone.  And I've got the wedding cake top, too!  Working, slowly, on getting rid of it. 

    Beck--oh, my, how cute! 

    ORLA--please tell me that poor gal doesn't know about the "back door"!

    CynCyn--hope the transition from work to off work without too much trouble!

    Cammy--it's bad enough to have all those tests, but to have one keep getting put off--SUCKS!!!!!

    Happy Monkey day to you, too, DorKable! 

    Beck--I got smaller foobs when I had recon, 3 years ago?  Yeah, 3 years ago.  Still don't know what size bra I would need.  Keep thinking I ought to go get some of the pretty ones I could never wear before just because I can!


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the  Sisterhood Drink

    2oz TY KU sake  

    1oz diet ginger ale

    Sprinkle of cinnamon


    Pour TY KU sake in a glass, top with ginger ale and sprinkle with cinnamon.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2013

    for dorty