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how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    Christmas man with vacuum cleaner. Isolated over white background Stock Photo - 8241133 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013
    For u cyn







    • Sexy Women With Tattoos

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2013

    What doctors Ms Cami? What did they say?

    Cyn, what other tats do you have? I have one on my son’s chest….lol.

    Cute yoke Sue…………I WEEK!!!!!

    Dofy, we love you too girl. Sorry you had to see dat Moler Focker wif his pants down, glad I missed that. LOL @ changing your mission wif dat hottie Julie threw in there!

    Uh oh Beckers, not sure what to say about your Annie’s red behind, I’m not thinking it should still be red hours later. Did you talk to your DD about it?

    What are your tats Lara? Ouch on the lip, at least he didn’t pounce on your chest. You must have caught a bug while you were away? Tanks foy de fwowers.

    Kathy, hope you made it to your destination and without any more instances. ENJOY!

    Yucky snow, I don’t like it, no matter how pretty it is!

    If I hurry, I get the DOTD in and give NM a break.

    Tahitian Tattoo Cocktail

    Tahitian Tattoo Cocktail. Photo by alligirl

    Add all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.

    Pour into a chilled Tiki mug or a tall glass with a couple of ice cubes and garnish with a pineapple slice.


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    Good drink ill take 5

    well I have one its means dreams

    the other one I'm getting to symbolize something after all this chit is done

    I am eastern European so I think it will b something small letters in Slovak Czech

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013
    funny fart photo: fart fart.png

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2013

    aww, great advise Julie. ((((BECKS))))

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited March 2013

    Yummmmy DOTD Goldilox.....with all dat rum will be dwunkers in no time atol...danka! And Orla..sweet of you to bwing roses for eberybody...very pretty, sowee you iz sick. Shoah hope you feel bettah..what is the problem?  Do your roads look like that?  Lovely eye candy from both you and Julie..who I still dont know cant dwink! 

    Hiya dere MemaSue and DorKieworkiedoodle.....

    Beckers...good question from Julie, if this is the first time you have seen a mark on her like that.  I spanked my kids and used time outs too but never left a mark and it was just enough to scare them. 

    I've been reading puppy articles on behavior and found some interesting information and trying to implement things I havent allready problem is with biting right now..everything else is great.  Any suggestions?

    Goldie, My first tat was a butterfly..outline only....about 7 or 8 years later I had color filled in..its located on my right shoulder blade.  My second is an ankle bracelet with a gay pride triangle in the center and above it the name BO ,which was my girlfriends nick name..about 7 years after that I had the word VOID tattooed over the name BO so I count that as two. The same time I got the VOID , I also got an arm band..its a vine with flower buds (rainbow colors). The first time the Pats won the Superbowl I got a flying Elvis on the back of my neck.  I think that was something like 2002 2003 ish..not sure and now my ribbon..I think dat be 6.  Lara what do you have? 

    Happy Two'sday


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited March 2013

    dang near broked my neck on Lara and Dorty..hope not too much spillage goils :)

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2013

    Morning DahhhhlinKs!

    WooHooo the screen is betta...Tanks to all who kept the 'post' vigil up to git us off dat page!

    Lara - a Great Dane...must be a terrible site ((Lara))

    Today I leave for LV.  Den git in da big toob tamary to fly to LAX.  One night in LongBeach den 2 nights in Santa Barbara and dinner/drinks at the Biltmore woohoo.  Den 3 nights in Tarzana wif mese aunties.  Den back in da big toob for PHX and Ms LOWEE....can't keep da smile off me face.  heehee.  Am going to take my puter but don't kno how often I will have wifi access.  But when I do...I will check in.

    Becks - leaving a mark...that is NOT cool.  Keep an eye on her and if you see it must say something.  Maybe suggest some parenting discipline books?  It won't be easy to brouch this very sensitive subject but it might be necessary.  (((Becks)))

    Gotta git me ewwa in all you girls tooo tooo much!!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

    Two Russian hunters meet.
    "I shot a gigantic bear yesterday," says Ivan. "Look at the hide!"
    "How do you find such huge bears?" Sergei asks.
    "Easy," says Ivan. "You stand in front of a cave and whistle. When the bear comes out, you shoot."
    Weeks later the two meet again. Sergei is covered in bandages.
    "Didn't you follow my advice?" Ivan asks.
    "Sure, I did. I stood, in front of a cave and whistled," Sergei replies.
    "And what came out?
    "To me," says Sergei, "it looked like the Trans-Siberian Express.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

    good evening bernieLaughing

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Orang who is that??? U'r say yuck.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Hi eberyone--I like the DOTD yummy good...

    Hi ladies---Now who's leaving--one at a time here--Kat's no doubt somewhere.I told u u guys are like celbrities aways trabellin'U'r like da pretty flowers for us. Ramblin' Roses.

    Orange are u feeling better now--eberyone has somethin now ick--u guys trabelling an getting co. better get healthy and stay that way, so u can enjoy eberyone.

    With the wind chill it's 5 below here WTF, but sun is out--big deal to me.

    OK everyone feel good--rite now den I wil feel good for eberyone.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Hi girls....yes, first time I have seen that. I texted her Mom so she realizes the red mark was there still after bath time. She said it was because Annie was jumping on bed and had previously done that and landed on the baby. I can understand but I think she lost control. I didn't take pic last night because my grand niece was there and she lives with them. So...this am I planned on it but the mark was gone. It's upsetting. That's too hard for it to last that long. She has history of post partum depression so everyone was worried. The baby is 2 1/2 months. Ugh!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

    becks glad you talked to her mom,

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    I'm glad too Juliet. I wanted to know how long the red mark stayed. I really want to spank her and see how she likes it!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  I overslept yesterday ayem, woke up about the time I'm usually leaving the house.  Fortunately I can get dressed really, really fast and still got to work on time.  Not that it mattered to anyone but me--gotta love being on salary sometimes.  Now I've got about a foot of snow, gotta wait until my driveway gets plowed out before leaving for work this ayem. 

    Cammy--not sure what you did to your screen but mine looks fine!  How'd the shower and errand running go? 

    Chrissy--aww, what a beautiful couple!

    Goldie--Yeah, most morning after dwink recipes I found looked pretty awful.  I think keeping  the night before going is better than a morning after dwinky!  Thanks for sharing Katrinka's updates.  Why does travel have to be so complicated?  Instead of around the world in 30 days it's 30 days to get around the world. 

    ORLA--We just keep collecting names here, don't we?

    Adey--I like side effects of AWESOME!

    CynCyn--Ooh, fiddleheads, I can't wait!  Can't picture it with another foot of snow on the ground, but it will come! 

    DorKable--say hi to your Momma from us!

    Mema--oh boy, that man is in TROUBLE!!!!!!

    Juliet--something tells me that Breaking News has something to do with the phenomenon of watching grown med chasing balls around with sticks.  Never have understood the attraction. . .

    DorKable--boy toys at McD's?  There weren't any there when I went through the drive through for lunch yesterday!

    Becs--YIKES!  How old is Annie?  At 25 pounds she's probably about a year old?  Most likely still in diapers, yes?  An open handed smack on a diapered behind shouldn't leave a red mark 5 hours later.   I'm disturbed, too.  At a year old the "spank" is usually more noise than anything else, gets the tot's attention, does no harm.  I know some kids have more sensitive skin, but still red 5 hours later? Doesn't seem right to me. 

    ORLA--the roses are beautiful!

    Goldie--Love the Tahitian Tattoo Cocktail!  I'll take 3!


    ORLA--not sure what is worse, the overly tanned hide or the white lipstick!

    Becs--jumping and landing on the baby is not good, but a red mark 5 hours later is not good either.  With the history of post-partum depression she needs close watching, especially at this point in time!

    Well, the guy is here plowing out my driveway, so get to leave for work as usual.  Probably just as well, got a long day ahead. 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the First Day of Spring

    2 oranges

    2 lemons, sliced into rounds

    2 limes, sliced into rounds

    1 bottle of dry, fruity white wine (sauvignon blanc or pinot grigio)

    1/2 cup cognac

    2 cans club soda, chilled

    Mint sprigs for garnish


    1. Slice one orange in half and squeeze the juice into a large pitcher. Discard the peel. Slice the remaining orange into rounds. To the pitcher add the sliced orange, lemons and limes. Add the white wine and cognac. Chill in the refrigerator overnight.
    2. When ready to serve, pour the sangria over ice in glasses. Top each serving with 1/4 cup club soda, and garnish with mint sprigs.
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Goood One Julie...

    Becks it is good u talked to her Mom, but as an adult she might not realize how hard when u hit a little one and if u see danger could happen u loose ot for even a few seconds. Some people have a harder time controlling themselves then other. wait I'm not condoning hitting, I don't mean that---I just meant at least she talked to u about it so that's a good thing and hopefully now she's get more perspective with her actions.

    I hope every is feeling well--and Kat is ????????? who knows.

    It's still very cold here so spring is not in the air yet. And spring break for Joey is next week, we'll see why they call it spring break.

    Istarted my new pain meds yesterday, didn't sleep the nite before but I'm better now.My SIL left for work about an hr. ago so the house is quiet except for me and Katie-Kat. well I'll be bock (as someone who was gov. of CA and was married to a Kennedy) see no names-oh and had a chile with another woman. 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    Beckers glad u spoke with your mom

    Cammie that's tan mom shes addicted to tanning its ridiculous she was on the news

    I remember wearing frosted lipstick was cool back in the day

    I canr believe Easter is almost here Im not talking to my mother so ill just have easter here I am at Dh house

    sad but it has to b done for now not speaking to her

    any who I am still sick and have D stuffed nose and thoart

    Get my fill tomm yeah

    back on the road wed to Brockton Mass 3 days only

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013
    funny pictures
  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2013

    Awesome on the tats Cyn, like I said, mine is on my son! I do have my belly button pierced, got that done about…………OMG, 15 or more years ago? I want to see the Flying Elvis! Sorry, I don’t have any advice for Sir Bitesalot!

    Sue Bee Honey, you will have internet access at mese house! See you soon doll, safe travels. I’m keeping an eye on the weather, it keeps jumping around! I’m really hoping it’s nice enough, that we can go for a ride on the quad.

    Yes Becks, glad you confronted your DD, and thank goodness the baby wasn’t hurt.

    NM, the messed up page was a page or two ago. I guess you are not surprised by the foot of snow, nor would I be. Ahhhhhhh, that DOTD is a breath of fresh spring air!

    Cami, does the new pain med seem to help? And WTH are they gonna do about that D and WHEN???

    Oh dear Lara, not talking to mom, sick, getting a fill and going out of town again! Das a lot goil!

    Looks like, when de Kat is away, de mice do not play!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited March 2013

    Funny Lori...I thought that first thing this morning..when the Kats away...great minds think alike..right? 

    NM..that drink sounds so refreshing..I love that about summer..the refreshing adult beverages..I love citrus, but I know citrus doesnt like us. Before you know it will be spring and all this will be a distant memory until next year. What I wouldnt do for a meal of Lobsta, clams and fiddle heads. 

    Cami..what were you refering to about Arnold?..It was Ahhnold (hear the accent)?

    Happy Humpday everyone!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    yummm cyn sounds good. Love seafood.whole belly clams yummy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Hi Luvs----Lara u went away too. Geeze what r you doing. Now the fill is tomorrow? And still have that cold? Take it easy, please.

    Cyn who was I talking about? Arhhnold?? Was that me? Oh I can write with all accents from all over the world. I just don't remember.

    Lori, I know I'm all mixed up with all my Drs. trying to figure this back thing out cuz this may be the source of my D.. that's so strange but true. I don't think I like these pain meds either--I don't know they seem to make me antsy, all the other ones make me very hyper and I always thought they

    re supposed to kind of knock u out.  and instead I don't get that--I think they help the pain cuz that's when I do stuff but almost to much and then I feel shaky--the only time I was on anything that really knocked me out and I didn't feel shakey was Fentinol--but I'm not going there agin either--but the patch was funny cuz I'd keep on loosing them, then I'd worry about the cat and I'd find it on my clothes so then my DD would come and put it on. I don't know right now what to do so I just take my time I figure a couple of weeks isn't going to make much difference. I don't mean to sound so mean--did I sound that way--cuz I don't mean to really I'm just confused right now--too many things at one time for me cuz My mind takes it one at a time and like I've said I break things ups to be simple for me---I'm rambling again I know and I see my letters are different--I'm always hitting something--I have to cut my nails--Oh I have so many problems.LOL

    I tink I need a dink fast----

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    WAIT--I've been out of xanax for a week now---I bet that what this is cuz I take maybe 3 a day and I haven't taken any now. Oh all this for that--I bet it is---I know these letters are bold I meant to do that. LOL OMG I'm additcted to them now--Oh I' relieved maybe that's it. OK I've got to straighten this out.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2013

    Hi goils!

    Dis mese favorite dey of de year, first dey of Spring, wooo hoooo! mese not a fan of de winter at'll.

    Cam, I hope you get your xanax soonliest, I hate hearing you are feeling anxious. And don't worry about being addicted, I tink we are all addicted to sumting dese days. with a cancer DX, hell, we deserve de good drugs. I could not live without mine.

    ORLA, stop posting dat suntan Mom, she skeeeves me and gives me night mares. Ick. You getting another fill tomorree? I jealous of you with two foobs, mese jest has one at de moment. I might be waiting till November to git mine, rethinking de whole situpation.

    Becks, I hope things are better with you. Sorry you are going through anxiety over lil Annie. I said a prayer for your family. I had a form of post partem depression where I could not stop crying at what should have been de happiest time of mese life. Jest keep your eyes open. And I hope you are not sorry for confiding in us. We are here for you and do not judge. ((((HUGS and LOVE TOO)))). I hope work is going well for you and that you like your new employer.

    Well I wanted to write you all but seems as usual, I dragged mese feet. I gonna meet de XDH#2 at Mom's place this evening, saw her earlier too and she is not feeling well, she has loose stool. I hope she did not catch it from meses, I stayed away for the two days i was feeling so bad. Chit, I hate when momma does not feel well.

    My Dad had yet anuther episode of hallucinating, he thought he was being robbed. There is more but I haven't time. It looks like another family intervention will be needed soonliest.

    I love you girls.  Happy Spring!!


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited March 2013

    Happy Spring!!!! Mese not a fan of winter either..luckily its pretty goot here most of da time..dats why is'e here...dat and mese mommy and daddy and grammy here dat has to do with it....enee way.....Great to see youse in da lounge DorKie poo...

    Cami...I tought it was you sayin sumptin about some politician in Cali married to a Kennedy dat had a baby with a mexican...I could be wrong....hope you get yuse stuff soonliest too to make you feel A.O.K!!

    Lara,...Brockton.  one of my first bf's was frm Brockton....yes...I did at one time have dem....he was actually my second you know what..he was Greek...and didnt have a shaped you know what....ewww.

    Hope all youse ladies have a very goot first of Spring ebening!

    Lubessss ya's

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Cyn hahahaha u know what---sounds so cute.

    Dork I'm feel bad for u'r mommy to have that, make sure they check her lots. My dad had hallucinations sometimes, they always found out it ws a med. I guess as he got older even the simple ones got him????

    Well I git mine whew, I'm feeling better now-OMG the last 2 days were terrible Oh well, I don't care if I'm addicted anyway it makes me feel better. It's spring? we're possed to get lots of snow in a few days--lots??? who knows for real.

    Dork I'm glad u posting keeping us up on tings--cuz we want to know.

    LUBS u guys