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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Had a boatload of paperwork to do and not much time to do it in so I went into work early yesterday.  Got it all caught up and done, even though the laptop had an electronic nervous breakdown and lost an hour and a half of work in the afternoon. 

    Goldie--going on a date?  Good for you!  Have fun!

    Juliet--Can I take a copy of the Alzheimer's Request to work?  It' great. 

    Cammy--I've never been crazy about olives, but those sound worth trying!  And being a biotch is part of the journey, we've all been there and will be there again and here is where we can be open about it!

    Oh, oh, looks like there's been a little fire in the HTL again! 

    Juliet--were you in Vegas? 

    CynCyn--most of the snow from the last storm is still here.  Can't wait to see it melt and go away! 

    OK, now Sadie is going nuts.  There must be a critter in the attic, I can hear little pitter patters in the general area she's barking at.  I suppose I've got to check this out sometime today. 

    Becs--you wear a bathing suit at the HTL pool?  I didn't now suits were allowed! 

    ORLA--of course we care about you!  Coming off xanax is hard.  Are you sure you need to come off it?  Are you trying the cold turkey approach?  It's not necessary to do it that way, you know. 


    Becs--love the Vitamin V! 

    Undy!!!!! Trust Undy to know a great plumber! 

    ORLA--Where the Zombie come from?????

    Becs--you've got me wondering more and more now! 

    Cammy--I don't know much about olives, how come the green ones would work in vodka but black ones won't? I'm curious now!

    DorKable--pudding shots?  I know about jello shots, what are pudding shots?  DD on the Dean's List, HOORAY!  CONGRATS!  And same to Stella's acceptance to the Unibarcity of Bartending!  Will she be getting a Mixology degree? 

    BBBBernie--she looks like she had a pig snout grafted onto her face!  YUCK!!!

    Goldie--I'll have to check out that My Strange Addictions show, sounds interesting in a macabre sort of way. 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Sunny Sunday

    4 ounces of grapefruit juice

    1-1 1/2 ounces of Benedictine

    just a small splash of grenadine

    Fill a tall glass halfway with ice.  Add Benedictine and grapefruit juice.  Finish with a splash of grenadine. 

    The grenadine will sink to the bottom and give you a lovely blush color at the bottom of your glass.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited March 2013

    Good Morning Loungettes,

    Are you getting any of the latest storm NM?  It must be at a point now when you say ..when will it all end?? Will we ever see spring again? 

    Thanks for the advice Undie...I will check into that.  Im going to take him there next weekend for the cheapo vaccination clinic so I'll ask then.

    Have fun in Flagstaff Goldie, enjoy your time away..and just think when you get back you will have company!!  Whooo

    Congrats to Stella on her acceptence ..sounds right up her alley...and MUCHO CONGRATS to your DD Dorty. Thats an awesome accomplishment!  I never heard of pudding shots either but what the hell...sounds good to me..bring em on!

    Lara, hoping you are feeling better this saTURDay! stop that about the bags...jeeze louise, dammit janet.

    Yeahhh..why doesnt Julie have more names and Beckers too...hmmm....Julie has actually two..Julie and Juliet..but they are so  much the same..there needs to be that silly new commercial with the little girl wanting more...I love that commercial..she is so serious about wanting more..

    Who let Lizbeth in??? 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Good Morning Lovey ladies who indulge in fun and likker A N D nak id men (best part)

    Orang I hope u'r fills feel beter thi AM--u poor ladies who have and are going thru this and Dork it's horrible for you :(

    Well someone is going to get goofy winter weather and I think it's not us to bad, but it's going to leave lots of water or snow somewhere--we're just possed to get some snow, but u never know how the winds blow--blowing is always the problem for some people too. oops well I mean like candles and stuff.

    Got a big question for u ladies in the know--cuz I don't...My Onc called last nite to talk about the MRI and just said my back and discs got worse since the last test 3 months ago--Ok I'm fine with that but she never saw my ultra sound of my bladder or my kidney, now does the MRI trump the ultra sound for organs, or is the MRI mostly for bones or does it show everything? in that area. I was surprised she called so I wasn't ready for any questions--for some reason I tend to think about this ultra sound and I'm not normally like this--so I need a pro's opinion cuz u guys know so much and I certainly don't. I don't want to ask anyone else cuz they get all technical on me then I really get confusticated but u guys talk normal to me. LOL

    My oldest DD is coming over to get Joey this morning and Marty will pick him up tomorry--they're going to make Easter stuff and eggs. She can put up with all that mess--ick I'm glad someone can. We'll do our eggs during the week--yes even me--but I'm not aloud to do anything I want-ha now I'm being told what I can't do--I don't know wy eggs are the perfect shape for so many fun things--my youngest DD is such a prude and I raised her. WHERE DID i GO WRONG---the other one is much more like me in that way.

    It's sunny and cold here just some snow tomorrow, I hope some anyway. No one is sure yet. I know I repeat my stories but just skip this if u read it.

    Every October I'd always ask my Dad what the winter was going to be like and he's explain monthe by month and in April what the summer was going to be like and again he'd say month by month and he was right on  always---When I got older much older, I still asked him but finally asked him how he knew and all he said was u have to pay attention for the next season in the season u'r in now--the animals tell u, the trees tell u, even the ground tells u--it's nature that tells u everything and people forget to notice. (Not those exact words cuz my dad had a bit of an accent so he used different words sometimes and thru in a lot of stupids and nuts for people) I miss him so, u never get over missing 'r 2 favorite people--u just put it aside. Another one of my silly stories.

    OK my being boring is going to stop for now, but it will return and maybe with a better being boring story.

    I lublublub u all --u don't know how much--u'r my sanity (what's left of it) my laughs and my concerns--u'r all great.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

    A young lady came home very sad from a date.
    She told her mother, "Anthony proposed to me an hour ago."
    "Then why are you so sad?" her mother asked. "Because he also told me he is an atheist. Mom, he doesn't even believe there's a Hell."
    Her mother replied, "Marry him anyway. Between the two of us, we'll show him how wrong he is."

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Bernie hahahaha-hell

    Is that the tan women or someone else--OMG the wrinkles, her back looks worse than a world map. Her face has to be as bad if not worse.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2013

    Good morning, again, Loungettes! 

    CynCyn----looks like more snow later today.  I am beginning to wonder if it will ever stop!   Hmmm, Becs hasn't been here long enough to get nicknames, but Julie is over due!  We'll have to work on that!

    Cammy--MRI trumps ultrasound for everything.  BUT--the MRI of the back may not have covered the area of the bladder (should have gotten the kidney, though).  And sometimes the doc reading the test only looks at the area under question and things not related may not get noticed unless they are really out of the ordinary.  Ask your doc for a copy of the report and you'll be able to tell how much detail the reading doc  covered, and what organs/body parts.  And boney problems like back problems do progress over time, so that's no surprise.  And I agree with your Dad, nature tells us a lot if we look and listen and pay attention, but in the modern world we've lost that knowledge.  For instance, don't plant your garden until the birch leaves are as big as a mouse's ears.  Corn should be knee high by the 4th of July to be ready for harvest in late August.  A macerel sky ( a certain type of cloud formation) means rain or snow within 24 hours.  Red sky at night, sailor delight, red sky at morning, sailor take warning.  I learned a lot of that lore from my grandfather.  I miss him still; he died when I was 10, but I still remember him and think of him all the time. 

    OK, time to get off the computer and off my butt and get something done!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    Nm u read everyone post wrong omg u got in the pudding shots too much NM...Cammie was on the xanax not me I was years ago. But those are withdrawal symptoms

    pains better yeah...........

    Some Hot tenders here

    eek Bernie that one pic is bad of tan mom puke

    good scary movies on today

    Goldie going on a date wtf Im missing something

    undie in the house.............

    sephora is amazing I love all there things

    jello shots,pudding shots yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


    Dorkie congrats to DD

    Cammie I love those storied they are memories

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013
    funny pictures
  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013
    funny pictures
  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2013

    Good morning goils!

    I am glad that NM answered your question, Camille, mese knews she would. I hate dat de doctor caught you off guard like dat, poor lady fwend. Tanks Cam and Becks for a great partay last night. And Unde' too.

    De first time I had pudding shots was last year. It sorta funny story but reflects badly on mese. Oh hail, I mese Steven as you all know drives a limo for a living. Well last summer he drives dese rich goils to a concert in Philthadelphia PA. Well dese goils had a big partay in de back of de stretch limo and had lots o food and lots of dwinks and lots of jello chots. Whilst Steve was waiting for de concert to end, he came back here to clean out de limo cuz de goils said that they ate and dwank and shooted enuff pudding and tailed him to git rid of de rest. Well hail I say, lets check dem out. Well Steve wuz not allowed to take de chots cuz he had to pick up de goils so I said I would take care of "disposing" of dem. And I ate em all, about 14 of dem, no chit. Mese was wasted and dey was sooo good. Dey also left a bottle of cinnamin whiskey which mese had to try. And I ate de rest of de pepperoni bread and other snacks that these goils left behind. Yep, I was a good helper by being a human dumpster hehe. Now dat a boring story eh?

    Cam, I love when you talk about your father, I could listen to you tail stories of him all dey. And so much of what he would say was berry true, he was a smart man foah shoah.

    NM, ick, I hope you find de critter easily and get it outta yer house. I know Sadie will help you track it down. Does yer attic have real steps or jest pull down steps?  I tank ye for assisting Cam with her question cuz mese did not know de answer. You rock, Kim! It is so nice to has you and Julie in de lounge for medical inquiries and such.

    Lara, now you got others posting nasty sunburnt people pics, ick again. De real story about dat suntan mom in NJ is dat she was said to have taken her pasty white daughter into de tanning booth and people made a big stir about it. She was charged but de charges were dropped when de authorities had no proof that she had taken de child inside de booth. And ya know, she claims that other ladies are jeolous of her beauty and says she is a beauty queen. What? Dat lady craaaaazier than all of us togedder!

    ok, Lara made me do it hehehe! dis her and her DD:

    de widdle goil is cute. de Mom, not so much. I tink I tailed you goils that I had a dream about her when this was happening. I dreamed that I was out to eat in a diner type o place and she was on de other side of mese booth. In mese dream, she scared me cuz she talked to me and said "yes I am the suntan mom that you are starring at, wanna picture, it will last longer". I get all skeered and woke de hail up from mese sleep cuz seeing her was skeery as it gits.

    Ok, mese gonna pack cuz mese going to de Shady Lady with Suz. Yep, cuz I said mese going means I am going. It might be voycheryl but mese bese dere. it essites me greatly when de goils get togedder.

    BBB, funny joke, me will try to remember de aethist one (can't spell dat word). Mese going to a partay tonight and has to have jokes to tail.

    Juliet and NM, I loved de alzheimers poem, I read it from mese phone to mese sisters and to Steve whilst we were visiting mese mom, it brought tears to our eyes, it really did. It is a beautiful poem and a great statement. 

    Who'd I miss? Cyn Cyn? I would not miss you dahling. Hope yer day is going well and that people are leaving you de hail alone. i love when you get to bese de boss and ken join us more. How is your DD doing? And how wuz yer sleepover last night with de odder son? I hope tings are good in yer hood. and jest say no to ghosts, de spooky!  MAYBE you can borrow Sadie, I heard she also a ghost hunter, she tink it a game to go and find de ghost.

    Now who'd i miss? Cuz mese gotta go and git mese hairs did, gotta get de gray outta dis hair, ick ick ick, hate to have roots showing. Mese up to ebery three weeks with color, gets expensive but dose my priorities.

    Peace out ladies and enjoy yer saturdey. Know I love all of you special woman and I tank you for allowing me into yer lives.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    NM thank u so much --I understood that better and for some reason they just concentrated on my back which wasn't the problem, that's being caught off guard and later in the day I didn't have any questions ready, so I just ask for the reporto to see what was covered.? I knew u guys would take care of me Thank you again NM I so appreciate this BTW I never asked for a report so I just call the Dr; office that ordered it and they send me one.?.

    Orange what is that thing?, it looks like a giant boar, I know some people are iant bores but this looks like a boar to me--but ???? I've got sci-fy on today so I'll be happy.

    Dork that lady is so sick and disgusting looking, her poor dgtr. U got lots goin' on today Dork and yes I know the importance of hair growth with white in it. It's awful. And it sounds like u'r going out tonite too. E-GADS u busy thing u. And I love the limo story--I admire you for it..u helped the envirement waste is how u look at it.

    Well Joeys gone they're going to make homemade dog bones today and all the ingredients sound ver etible for humans too-all natural so she's going to eat some and see--if they're good we can have some but she'll send a couple home for our big furbaby anyway.

    Hey orange the wasps are back today in yet another wasp story--can't wait for summer this year and wasps.BTW have any of u noticed in the summer the mosquitos or those little fly things don't bite u at all. Well maybe this summer they will, but since I've had cancer and all the IV's of junk they start to come near me and leave me alon totally. I can't help but wonder why MY blood isn't good enough for them, but happy about it.

    My GF has come in from FL and only staying 1 week--so we'll all try to get together and I hope I can make it, my sister is in charge of picking out th restaurant so she's got a lot of stress on her cuz we love to tease her how bad it is. I hope I can go so badly, but we'll see. My cousin goes too and leaves work early like my sister --the only 2 working nymore.

    OK have a good Sa-turd-day everyone--Lub u all.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Happy sa turd day! Whew! Was a fun par Tay last night! Mese tired today.

    Speaking of blowing Cami...was kinda windy last night for youse and mese plumber fella. Had so much fun with you, Dork n Undies at the shot partay!

    Bernie, love the jokes...especially the yellow pants! Oh sausage one was pretty good too.

    NM and Cami, I love stories from fathers and grandfathers. Yesterday one of my patients told me the story of how he survived Pearl Harbor and another 94 year old man told me about his coon hunting days and how they would get the hound dog drunk after and how his partner fell asleep and rolled over into the campfire. What a contrast from pearl Harbor...They are so funny sometimes!

    Dork, loved the limo confession! Lol!!! Glad you discovered them so you could bring them to our par Tay last night!!!

    Orange, that chocolate mama is something else. Can't believe tanning salon didn't cut her off!!

    Well, my monkey crawled up on my shoulders and is reaching around and plugging my nose!! It's Annie weekend!! Happy to report no spank marks. Be back later! Omg! She just broke wind!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Becks I love Annie weekends--I know I didn't have as much fun with my kids I was raising them, now my grandson gets all that stuff. And I love it.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

    There was a male bodybuilder who was tanning. He was looking in a mirror naked one day, and noticed his penis wasn't tanned. He suddenly got an idea. He went to the beach, and covered himself with sand, except for his penis. 

    Two old ladies passed, and one said, Damn injustice! The other one said why. 

    The first one said: 
    - at 15 I was curious about it 
    - at 20, I got it constantly 
    - at 30 I asked for it 
    - at 40, I begged for it 
    - at 50, I paid for it 
    - at 60, I prayed for it 
    - at 70, I forgot about it 

    And at 80, they are growing wild.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Bernie funn joke and Mis tan looks pathetic.I guess she thinks she looks good.

    Julie guys lookin good and I love the sweet little girl

    Good Morning Ladies---Happy Fun-day--Oh so much fun it's snowing now but we're only getting about an inch, I think the southern part of the state is getting it--This is when u just want an inch. Oh even when I'm not awake, I think twisted.

    I hope everyone has a good day. I woke up during the nite and my Katie-Kat was laying flat on her back-spread eagle sleeping on me--she waits till I fall asleep and lays all over me, other wise she's more proper. OH what else does she do.???

    Becks i hope u having fun with Annie, I'm sure u r.

    I'll check back later. <3

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes! 

    ORLA--can I claim cancer treatment brain for my confusion?  Or maybe working hard? Oh, I know, I'm not drinking enough!!!!! Jock, please bring me another!  Another what?  Another ANYTHING!!!! 

      Wow, now that guy has got a freezer full of pork!  Which reminds me, I've got a small piggy in my freezer that needs organizing and inventorying.  Hmm, is that even a word, inventorying? 

    Dorkable--Actually, that story is fun!  I bet you were very wasted, but I bet you enjoyed it!  Cinnamin whiskey sounds interesting, how was it?  I think the critter vacated after Sadie set up the alarm, haven't heard any more pitter-patters, and Sadie hasn't shown any more interest in the attic.  My attic has NO steps, just a hatch in the Laundry room ceiling.  Gotta lug the ladder up from the basement to get at it. Needless to say I haven't  been up there much. 

    Yuck, Yuck, Yuck.  All I can think of when I look at that overtanned mom is leather and skin cancer.  I'm glad she thinks she beautiful.  I simply do not agree. 

    Cammy--Yup, call the office of the doc that ordered the test and they can send you a copy of the report.  The place that did the test can send you a copy, too, but you have to go through the filling out a release and maybe pay for the printing, where the ordering doc already has your release on file and usually doesn't charge printing.  I've seen a few doggie treat recipes and they usually do use human edible food.  Not sure what the taste is like, though.  My mom made doggie bones and then crocheted a cover for a coffee can that looked like a fire hydrant one year for Christmas.  It was adorable!  Makes me wonder what kind of permanent changes chemo makes in the human body if mosquitos can sense it years later. 

    Becs--those stories of the past are so precious, all of them!  Funny, too, sometimes.  I love getting my patients' and families to talk about the past, isn't it fascinating?  Enjoy Annie's shenanigans! 

    BBBBernie--LOL!!!!!Amazing what you can find growing wild if you look! 


    Cammy--too bad you can't get a pic of your Katie-Kat sleeping on you, it would be hilarious!

    Princess glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Palm Sunday

    1 tablespoon fig jam

    1½ oz. Wild Turkey 81

    ¼ oz. Orange liqueur

    ½ oz. fresh lemon juice


    Combine all ingredients into a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake and strain into an old fashioned glass over fresh ice.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2013

    Yes a date NM. DH and I are with one another 24/7, so if we find time to get away and do something, we always call it a date. Uh oh, critters in the attic? Of what size???? Oh that “My Strange Addictions” is indeed VERY strange. They had one gal on there that was eating her cat’s hair. She would groom the cat, scrape it of of items in her home, etc. and eat it!!!! Another guy was attracted to huge pool blow up animals!

    Lucy, I like that commercial too with the little girl. How In the world did she memorize that script? Oh I hope the puppy class helps Reese.

    Cami, you are always so sweet and feel so bad for the girls that are going through some chit right now, but you are right there with them, as you too are going through it. I sure wish they could get it under control. But you are sure one tough cookie. Oh I just know NM or Julie will answer your questions on the MRI and US. And in a way that you will understand.  And you can call your doctor and ASK, you have that right. Don’t we just have the best goils here? And what are you being told that you can’t do? You might repeat your stories, but hail, we might forget reading them, so no worries! And we LOVE your so called “boring” stories.

    Oh Bernie, I hope that tanned woman is something someone photo shopped, good Lord. Cute joke about the woman getting proposed to, and sad about it.

    Lara, date was with my DH. Ain’t nuttin goin on!

    OMG, confessions Dort. Did you REALLY eat and drink all of that? 14 pudding shots? Oh I would have gotten sick on that for sure, but not because of the booze, but the pudding! Suz and Mese will lub to hab you in de Shady Lady, come on ober.

    Well, I must end here and get my EWWA moving, I still have a page and a half to catch up on. Maybe I can sneak in later for some drunks, I mean drinks!

    Ciao for niao!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Thanks again NM, I really didn't know how to go about it. after all these years too. Ugh for me.


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited March 2013

    Good Morning , Happy Sundey Fundey , I hope  your weather doesnt make work busy for me Cami, I got maybe 2 weather related calls yesterday..most conserned in Peoria, Champaign, and I dont know where all esle but those two stick out.

    BBBBernie keeps letting in that lady with the icky tan and wrinkled skin...she does make us all look better ..if thats possible since we are fabulous!!  I dont think thats the same woman from NJ tho...the one from NJ is heavier I it the same person Bernie?

    Countdown to see Katwinka and DH....!!!  I hear you are going to walk to a pub?  And she gets to meet you precious Calva...Im Jelous..

    Mema Sue and Goldie to have a terrific visit too.

    Dorty you are sumtin lady...I just love your limo story and can just about make a mental picture.  Now I have to get me some Pudding shots somehow and try this out...maybe not 14 of them tho.

    Beckers have fun with Annie...I jelouse of youse too.

    Taking me forever to write this ...better get to work..not the boss today so I gots ta actually ;)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Cyn I was talking to my sister and telling her all the gals that can work from home, but she already looked into that and with her work she can't??? So she'll continue to stay as long as she can. There's a whole new regime there and they really don't treat her very weel anymore--she's so likeable and funny and very knowledgeable about her job for 30 yrs. But whe new people come in things change and of course they want her to retir. And she so effin stubborn she will not and takes their chit, then calls me complaing and i tell her to retire and she will not. But she does do things funny, I think. But still she doesn't need this stress, but as she said who could stay with her husban 24 hrs. a day--well not her, I could but she can't hahaha I so love my BIL he's the one that has always been with me thru all of this chit and more people just assume we're husband and wife for all these years so he's a good guy, just snnoying.

    Oh well everyone does what they need to do I guess.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited March 2013

    What does your sister do?  A lot of companies are going to home workers because it saves them money on renting space, utilities and office supplies but some just can swing it because whatever the position is requires physical presence.  I am grateful that I can work from home, tho it does require discepline and not for everyone. 

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Bernie, lmao! In a few years I will be payin for it??? Oh my...hard to imagine.

    Cami, Annie is at a fun age. Yesterday she peed her pants and I sternly told her, "I am NOT happy." Awhile later she climbed up on my lap and says, "You happy now Grandma Becs?" I just can't stay mad at her...she's too cute.

    NM, do you work with patients too? What do you do? (I know Juliet wrestles with naked ones in the middle of the night.)

    Goldie, 24/7 with the hubs? I miss my hubbie. He went to our OK house and now works there full time. He used to work from home and could set up office anywhere. Hope you had fun date night.

    Glad vacuum stopped.

    Cyn, how did your gf do on OT boards? I think I missed that.

    This place was dead last night. Too much par rating fried day.

    Have a good day all. I'm getting sore throat so this should be fun week.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2013

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!  Just back from a walk and organizing the piggy in the freezer so I can find things.  Boy do I have a treasure there!  I may need to get another freezer if I can find someplace to buy a half or quarter of a beef beast.  Feels good to have stuff to work with, though. 

    Goldie--I hope you have fun on your date (or had fun, I'm funcused about the timing, now)! 

    Cammy--You're welcome, and I like having the opportunity to share the word about patients' rights to copies of reports and how to get them.  Many hospitals now have on their website a way to request records which is very convenient, if you are tech savvy. 

    CynCyn--what kind of weather related calls do you get?  I'm nosey!

    Becs--I sometimes wrestle with naked people in the middle of the night, too, but they're dead when I do it!  I am a Hospice RN Case Manager, I do end of life care for people and their families. 

    Think I want to go make some bread or something.  Hmm,. Maybe I better wash the work clothes first, will need them tomorry. . .

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited March 2013

    Beckers..your Annie sounds so cute..You are fortunate you get to spend so much time with her like Cami and Joey...I am envious.  I havent seen my gd in about a year and a half and unless her mother will allow me to visit , I have no idea if/when I will ever get to. She will be 6 in August. My g/f passed the national boards and actually just recieved her license. There were many in her class that didnt pass and it was quite  upsetting to her..she found herself feeling so badly for her friends that she wasnt enjoying her acomplishment .  It made me angry that she was made to feel that of the women that failed lives in Tampa and we were supposed to get together with her while my g/f was here and when she found out she failed she actually told her that she wouldnt be able to meet with us because she couldnt stand to see her because D passed and she didnt...pissed me off because if it were the other way around it would have been different....WoW Beckers....I guess that irked me more than i had realized at the time...quite the pandora's box of emotions just came out...eeek. AND to top it off....the entire week D was here she was on the phone with her and texting her and emailing her chit to help her study to take it again...grrrrrr.damn...I think I need a dwink...will have to be virtual however.  ;)

    NM weather calls are usually cancelled/delayed flights, giving passengers options , rebooking, etc..its been very busy the past few weeks. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Oh Cyn I'm sorry u don't get to see u'r gd like we do--it's a shame when something is broken and not fixed yet. But it has to be. And u'r poor GF worrying so much and not really enjoying her victory. That sucks too.

    Oh my sister works at the Collage in Elmhurst so I guess it's kind of hard with a lot of the jobs.