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how about drinking?



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2013

    Hi ya goils!

    Welcome Notme!

    Bernie I laughed as I was reading coz guess what I'm cooking for dinner tonight? Yup, you got beef and cabbage! about coincidence! DH likes cold corned beef for his lunches so I usually do a big one that will give us a couple of meals and will do him most of the week for his lunch. It's so easy and very tasty.

    Dork sorry, yup I said the hear about your mom. Altzheimers is really devastating for the loved ones but not for the patient as they are very happy in their own world. Glad to hear that your dad is going to move up close to you as I know you will be very happy about that. Hope you feel better soon girl, you seem to have been down for so long it's time to work your way up again.

    Sue, I'm on the iPad at the moment but when I get on the computer I'll post a pic of the happy couple. Future SIL likes to look after himself and works out in the gym most days but is very supportive of what my DD does and fully understands that her time literally is money. They have been together for two years now and living together for a year. I love him to bits as he makes my oh so serious daughter laugh so hard she cries........something I had not seen for a long time. I had given up on her marrying at all as she turns 40 in just goes to show that there is someone for everyone, you just have to keep looking......or your true partner will find you anyway.

    NM I continually crack up at what your Sadie does and can imagine the look on her face. Keep them DOTD coming.........I don't know where you find them but I'm glad you do.

    Hiya to all the other girls......hope you are doing well.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

    May luck be our companion
    May friends stand by our side
    May history remind us all
    Of Ireland's faith and pride.
    May God bless us with happiness
    May love and faith abide.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013
    The Wearing of The Green    

    by Dion Boucicault (1820-1890)        

    O Paddy dear, and did you hear the news that going round?
    The shamrock is forbid by law to grow on Irish ground;
    St. Patrick's Day no more we'll keep, his colours can't be seen,
    For there's a bloody law against the wearing of the green.
    I met with Napper Tandy and he took me by the hand,
    And he said, "How's poor old Ireland, and how does she stand?"
    She's the most distressful counterie that ever yet was seen,
    And they're hanging men and women for the wearing of the green.

    Then since the colour we must wear is England's cruel red,
    Sure Ireland's sons will ne'er forget the blood that they have shed.
    You may take a shamrock from your hat and cast it on the sod,
    It will take root and flourish there though underfoot it's trod.
    When law can stop the blades of grass from growing as they grow,
    And when the leaves in summer-time their verdure dare not show,
    Then will I change the colour that I wear in my caubeen
    But 'till that day, please God, I'll stick to wearing of the green.

    But if at last our colour should be torn from Ireland's heart,
    Our sons with shame and sorrow from this dear old isle will part;
    I've heard a whisper of a land that lies beyond the sea
    Where rich and poor stand equal in the light of freedom's day.
    O Erin, must we leave you driven by a tyrant's hand?
    Must we ask a mother's blessing from a strange and distant land?
    Where the cruel cross of England shall nevermore be seen,
    And where, please God, we'll live and die still wearing of the green!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Bernie that is quiet a poem, again never heard that before--it's tuggin on me fart.

    Oh if I had legs and feet luke that I'd definitely wear those tights and shoes.

    It's still the 16th there right?

    And Kat's packing to leave and

    Sue's leaving (right?)--to many of u travel--I told u this before No way can I keep up--

    Chrissy u'r staying put-u have way to much to do and corn beef sandwiches yummy--there is so much going on here.

    Dork I'm so glad to see u post and have a little tendah--Kat was gambling so u prolly didn't see her.

    Joey and I have been alone all nite, I curled up on the couch anfter taking a few pain pills and he was rubbing my feet and I didn't care what we watched on TV so he asked if he could watch this program and I said yes, and he said u'll love it mammaw. (I could care less) and it was about The theory of everything---which I thought was a comedy--OMG it's real--there is aTheory that exists with this name. Now did I love it? Well 1st I had to understand it. And under the influence I didn't know what a star was. And in between groans and WTF's I watched it, I'm glad I didn't want to be a scientist--I would have been such a failure, but since I became really nothing--I'm a success. so I have a lot of pride in myself for the succes I achieved. BTW this did remind me of the Big Bang theory so I got confused why it got it's own name. So see how I spend my time--it has nothing to do with packing or luggage--it's brain power. Under ANY influence.

    Oh I have a St. Patricks' day party tomorrow night--we'll see (oh tonite, I mean) Saturday right? Oh Oh I have to find something green--hmmm even the grass isn't green yet or I'd bring a handful--I don't even have green PJ's--I would wer them if I had em. Well if I go I'll come up with something green---even if it's envy. 

    Oh I'm blabbering--I am aware of it, but I feel the need to and u guys can just ignore me, I can't call anyone it's like 4ayem.

    I wrote the Govenor yesterday and di blaber a little to him and I told him 2 ways for this state to make money without depending on everyone who doesn't have money. And I also told him I should be paid for my ideas cuz they would work and I always get back an automated answer about all the mail that they get---so I did write back and said no one is writing cuz no one really likes him he's done nothing, most people don't even know his name---after, I thought I think I went to far this time, oy vey then I thought no one reads these things anyway so I'm fine and will continue with my activism for the good of the country--cuz i also write the President.(just not as often)

    OK I'll stop for now Thank u for letting me rattled on and on--I'm not having a good nite right now and this helps me--believe it or not--

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Woke up to a covering of snow on the ground this ayem.  Sigh.  And spring just a few days away, right?  Sigh.  Time for more coffee!

    ORLA--Implants in May--HOORAY!!!!!!!  Luv the way you describe us, so cool!  Ooooh, spooky, made me jump!   Wow, that isn't a tan, that's a tanned hide!  Can you say "skin cancer"?    Oh, my, now I need some chocolate to dip my coffee into. . .  Chocolate covered AND filled strawberries?  I think I'm in heaven!

    Goldie--I seem to be having trouble getting past that pic of hump day guys for some reason.  . . .

    Cammy--nothing like a good cuddle after a bad dream, is there?  I can't take the Fent,  I tend to stop breathing, which is very upsetting to me and everyone around me.  I can take codeine, though, and diluadid and morphine.  I wish there was some way to find out what's behind the D and fix it once and for all.  It breaks my heart to see you suffering like this.  And I'm with you, I trust my own instincts and my dog's more than any medical test out there. 

    BBBBernie--Wow, what a breakfast!  Boiled bacon?  I never thought of that one.  Is the gravy a sausage gravy?  Ooh, I love the history of corned beef and bacon!  I love traditional stuff.  Aha, the gravy is actually parsley sauce and you give the recipe, too!  Hooray! 

    DorKable--You probably picked up your case of D from the nursing home.  Be sure to wash your hands when you arrive (to prevent bringing something in) and when you leave (to prevent taking something out) and don't touch your face in between.  Hope your Mom is having a good day for your visit. 

    Not-Me--glad you find us, we all seem to find what we need when we need it on BCO. Any particular kind of red wine you like??

    Wahine--Here's to winning big in the HTL Casino, and can't wait to hear about your trip! 

    Chrissy--Sadie is a silly critter, much of the time.  I'm very grateful that she picked me out to be her human.  So happy for you and your dtr.  It's great when the in-laws get along!

    BBBBernie--Wonderful poem! 

    Cammy--if you can't ramble here where can you ramble?  That's part of what the lounge is for, after all!  I'm sure someone reads your letters, but for threat assessment rather than for the actual ideas.  Too bad, I bet your ideas are GREAT!  Maybe I should start writing letters to the guv, too.  I'm sure I can find an opinion or two of interest! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is The Irish Breakfast

    It’s one shot of half Irish Whiskey and half butterscotch schnapps, followed immediately by one shot of pure orange juice, which is finally followed by some crispy bacon. Between the butterscotch, the juice, and the bacon, the taste is similar to dragging your bacon through the syrup from your pancakes.  And doesn’t Irish Whiskey make breakfast more fun?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2013

    Chocolate filled stroybewwies…….yum.

    Looks like Lara and Shannon will be fighting over the percotini fountain! (not really, I know they will share)

    Awwww, how sweet that Joey runs to you Cami, instead of his mommy. What a bummer about having to cancel you luncheons, was it that damned D? I do hope you and Adey get to meet. Would you be taking pictures………….wink wink! LOL @ Kat having her own plane. We might have a friend come over and help with packing a day or two, on Monday and Tuesday. And then the gal that works with our accountant might help with the phones. But kind of hard to sell something when you don’t know anything about it. Oh and Katie Kat doing her scans again, I hope she is just trying to massage you to make you feel better. And Wawa knows how to post pictures, but no, I have not seen those beautiful eyes yet.

    Bernie, do you do that boiled bacon? I think I’ll keep mine fried.

    DorKie, I glad you feeling a little better and get to go bisit wif you mom. I hope you had a nice bisit and she had a good day. We should all hide in Katrinka’s suitcase and go bisit Bernie. I don’t know what dude you found to be with, but wasn’t one from me. I’z still lookin.

    Well Not-Me, we do have quite the time here and welcome anyone that wants to come in and have some fun. Where in MI are ya? I’m originally from there, and visit once a year. I’m from the Lapeer area, family in White Lake and Warren.

    Kathy, I would certainly forget things if I waited like you do to pack. I hope you have wifi, cuz you always make us feel like we are on your trip with you.

    Chrissy, you beery right about de oldtimers and dat exackerly what I tailed her too, dat her mommy beery happy. Drinks are super easy to find btw.

    Cami, I’m glad it helps you to pop in to the lounge when you have a bad night……or day. And shame on those politicians for not writing you back.


    Oh meese, you had me laffing about not being able to take the Fent, cuz you tend to stop breathing, as if it wasn’t too big of a deal and those around you got jes a little uncomfy………LOL.

    Well, gonna transplant our maters into larger pots and get some onions in the ground. The pollen is blowing off the trees like crazy and looks like smoke. My neighbor gave me so OSHA root, boil it in water and take 2 tbsp a few times a day. Tastes like chit, but I rather take that than OTC drugs. So far seems to work pretty good. We’ll see how well when I get outside!

    Have a wonderful TURD DAY GirlZ

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

    or Boiling & Stewing

    All cuts are suitable. but the lean pieces (forehock, gammon, collar) are sometimes casseroled or stewed whole, tied with string.

    For Frying or Grilling

    All cuts are suitable but rashers are usually cut from the back. streaky or collar. Steaks are cut from the gammon or prime back.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

    "The Wearing of the Green" is a traditional Irish folksong that dates back to the Irish Rebellion of 1798, when the Irish rose up against the British. At that time, wearing green clothing or shamrocks was considered a rebellious act in and of itself, potentially even punishable by death. The song clearly mocks that policy, and its popularity in its day (and now, even) enforced the color green and the shamrock as important symbols of Irish pride. "The Wearing of the Green" has been recorded by many different groups, and remains a favorite pub sing-along to this day. Several different sets of lyrics have been written, with the best-known set coming from playwright Dion Boucicault,

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

    Paddy and Sean are planning to go out on St Patricks Day, but only have 50 cents between them.

    Paddy has an idea, he takes the 50 cents of Sean, goes to a butchers and buys a sausage.

    Sean is really pissed off at first that Paddy spent their last money on a sausage, but Paddy lets him in on his plan. "We are going into the next pub, order two pints, drink them and when it comes to paying you go down on your knees, unzip my trousers, pull the sausage out and start sucking on it"

    So, they go into the first pub and do exactly as Paddy suggested. The barmaid is disgusted by the sight and kicks the two out. Paddy says: "see it works, we didn't pay did we?"

    As Paddy's plan seems to be working they carry on doing it... In the 12th pub, both are quite drunk by now, Sean isn't looking to good. They have just finished their pints...

    Sean: "I can't do this anymore Paddy my bloody knees are hurting like crazy...!" Paddy: "No worries...I lost that bloody sausage in the third pub!" 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Bernie another winner hahahaha

    Believe it or not I knew about the green--first time I knew something. I forgot til I was reading it tho.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    bernie great history

    cammie the governer u crack me  up

    Nm yea was being silly

    Dork u seem better thats good

    I do not think the implants will hurt to much Goldie idk oh shoot gotta send u pics I forgot

    Chrissy your DD is gorg... and in great shape

    have the corned beef going

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2013

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!  It's warmed up to a balmy 36.5 degrees, considering taking Sadie for a walk.  Maybe. 

    Goldie--still too early for me to put in onions, gonna try that this year, though.  OSHA root?  All I can think of is Occupation Health and Safety Association and I'm sure they don't appreciate being boiled! 

    BBBBernie--LOL! What some people will do for a free drink!

    ORLA--gotta be silly, otherwise gonna cry!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    Happy pattys day.........................

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013


    “A leprechaun is small and green

    He hides where he cannot be seen.

    But if you catch one on this day,

    He must give his gold away.” Unknown

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2013

    paging all goils...

    dere a big partay in de lounge, it starting at midnight for St. Patty's dey! Woop wooop. But I partaying nows cuz mese too dwunk too knows wat time it is. n ebburyboddy bese Irish todey,anuder wooop woooooop!

    peace n love to all on dis St.Patty's Dey!!! slainte' or whoebber dat go (do not be offendarded BBB, mese twied).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Oh dis party isn't stopin'---fallin on a weakend can reely lat a long time. the partay is a buffet of likker---any kind and ALL the mixes and even a couple of r furbabies.   Oh and of course r tendahs---whoa Dork I see somtin speshall in de lounge----U  hahaha and a couple of udder thins too--hmm a couple of new tendahs too---n I see food too, oh this is gonna be F U N ----who's up for it--oh I see some tendas are.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    WHOOP WHOOP I iz here toooooooooooooo!!!! Hiya Dorkie....I brought the green food coloring to color all de dwinks wid! Dh brought me home a mint chocolate shake from Arby's....omg it was soooo good, but he got me a huge one, so mese tummy is, serves mese right! Hmmmm.....maybe some green irish likker will help!

    Bernie, OMG that joke was soooooo funny! We had a big St Pats day parade its done to honor the Irish gal who started it here many yrs ago, and she died a couple of yrs ago. She also owned the Irish pub.... Oh, I just found an article they wrote about the parade, and didn't realize she started it here 36 yrs ago!!! WOW...thats about the time I moved here. . You might enjoy clicking on the pictures too.

    OK, I am ready to PARTAY!!!!! Got all packed except for last minute chit I always throw to make sure ea pc is under 50 pounds! It sux too, cuz from here to Dublin on DL we could take 3 bags, but then Dublin-Frankfurt-Lisbon-Madeira and back we can only take 1 bag, since those segments are a diff airline, and those are coach. So hope I don't foiget nuttin....cuz....."Ain't Nobody Got Time Fo Dat!".

    WooHoo....lets partay...then in a few days I get to be with Bernie!!! And Sue gets to be with Lori!!!!! Yipppeeeeeeeeee



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    One of the dogs at the parade here today....

    36th Annual Ellen McAnelly Memorial St. Patrick's Day Parade

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    I lob dat dog Kat---Chgo had it's huge parade here--up til just a couple of yrs ago they would make all the river downtown GREEN-dey stopped dat ???? It was fun for peeps who worked there to see dat. Now my kids went to my SIL family for a big partay, Joey wanted me to go--but I'm home so I partay with u guys---litterally-guys-likker-lounge what else cud I ask 4. hehe

    So Kat's all packed I hope we get to talk wid u ober dis time and Sue too. Lucky Ducks

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2013

    hiya cam, mese still partaying! and mese jest got teeny tiney cuz mese going with Wahiney to de Irsih place outside de lounge. wanna come too? hail, dis a good partay. it paint saddy's dey, wooop wooop! oops, nutting sad, dat dwunk tawk cuz mese dwank de whole keg o green beer! cheeRs, green chEARS! whozz partaying??????

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    Oh yeah Cami, I remember reading about them putting all that green dye in the Chicago River....awesome! My GF and I used to go into Waikiki on St. Pat's Day and take a sm btl of green food coloring with we would order beers and then make them was fun!

    Yes, we are so and Bernie and Lori and Sue will both get together on the 26th...awesome! I can't wait! OH, and what is this little tiny package that is MOVING and giggling....and hiccuping.....????? Must be Dorkie all teeny tiny and thinking she will hide in mese purse! LOL....can't hide in de luggage as dat would be toooo stifling and maybe too hot or tooo cold. YOU is a silly dilly Dorkiepoo, but mese lubs ya!

    Party, party, party!!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Oh no, did I miss der partay?? Happy St Pat Ricks day goils. Lub lub!! I be at the Percotini fountain. Takin me a tender with me for shoulder rubadubadubdub!! I may put mese some bubbles in da jacuzzi and play hide n seek with the tenders!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    Aarrrhhhh mese gots ta git some's almost 3:30 ayem...

    Beckers, if Dorkie joins you all in the jacuzzi, and you notice a lot more bubbles....well, ya know, she does lubs her farts! LOL. Just kidding dorkiepoo...we know you have such a BIG fart (mese means heart). Oh I'll stand in line for those shoulder rubs, and back rubs, and..... My oh my, we can keep these tenders sooooo bizzy!..

    A Big Happy Saint Patricks Day, girls of the HTL....and especially to our very own Irelander (almost sounds like Islander)......BBBernie! My parents were cooking a corned beef dinner the other night, and it smelled soooooooo good. Thanks for 'splaining all that, interesting as we all thought it was definately a traditional irish meal. Would be fun if we have an Irish Coffee when we land in Ireland in the weeeee hrs of the morning (top o' the mornin), and then when we land in Germany in the early afternoon, we can have a draft German the Lisbon Portugal airport we can have one of their ummmmmm cafe's....then since it will be midnight when we land in Madeira, I guess we will just be ready for bed! LOL. Such  weird, LONG travel days just to get there from here.

    OK, will try, try, try again for some shut eye time. You all be good (or NOT) while I am away....and of course I will check in when I can.



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2013

    Top O de morning to all ye goils! Happy St. Patty's Dey, de partay still going.

    yep Kat, ye know mese was making bubbles in de jacuzzi, it was all dat cabbage mese ate hehe! You have a safe trip now, ya hears me? Pop in for some dwinks when you can!

    Have a great sundey fundey goils and dwink up, de HTL is a Pub todey and dey soyving up all dwinks in de color green!

    and some jello-o'shots for all ye mcgoils!

    CheeRs biTChes! and lots o Love!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Lovely sunny ayem today.  Crystrals in the window are throwing rainbows all over the living room.  Very pretty. 

    That's right, today is St. Patty's day!  The Maine legislature had to pass emergency legislation to allow pubs and bars to sell likker before 9 ayem today.  Our esteemed guv was going to veto any legiaslation that hit his desk before a plan to pay back the hospitals the billions owed by the state for the last 4 years, but made an exception.  Just goes to show how much weight likker sales has in this state!

    Cammy--lets hit the buffet and then check out the new meat behind the bar!

    Wahine--I always overestimate what I will want/need when I travel and take too much.  I have to keep reminding myself that I'm not going to the ends of the earth, if I forget something critical I can get another one, and if it's not critical I can live without it!  But I don't travel any where near as much as you do. 

    Becs--partays here last a very long time, so no one misses one!  I've got some green dye for the percotini fountain! 

    Wahine-- do you plan your trips and layovers around the drinks?  If so, good for you!!!!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is The Horny Leprechan

    4 oz light beer

    5 oz lime flavored vodka

    3 drops green food coloring

    Mix and stir, serve well chilled. 

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2013

    LOL @ Paddy and Sean, didn’t see that one coming!

    NM, I thought the same thing with OSHA……lol. As for the onions, I got them online from a great company, instructions say to plant 4 weeks BEFORE your last frost, so we did! As with our weather, you never know. I can be pretty sure we will get a freeze yet, so I hope they will be ok. DH wanted them in. We got a candy onion, SOOOO sweet. Name of the company if you are interested is Dixondale.

    I hope I can catch a leprechaun today Lara.

    Woop woop Dork, you got the party started……..I’m in.

    Safe travels MsGreenEyes! I hope you don’t foyget anything either, me included!!!! ((((KATHY)))))

    LOL Becks, great idea with the bubbles and hide n seek, you sneaky lil thang you!

    WOW Dort, you are up early!!!! And still partying.

    Cami, sorry you missed going out, yet again! NOT FARE I say, NOT FARE!

    Luvin our DOTD NM.

    Where is ebbery budy? The Tendah's have put out a nice spread for us.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2013


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    Im drunk with all these drinks yum cookies