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how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013


    , Thursday | 3 comments



    funny pictures

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Lara so u;r mom is doing OK? Isn't she in pain?

    And u'r getting school credits, sometimes I get confused. I hope u find the right thing for u to do and like.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Oh my gosh, I have everything for today's drink. Won't have to go to neighborhood liquor store again today. I need a bigger cabinet now that I'm an even bigger lush :0) Damn, I might not have the stupid Sprite. I can get that at de grocery tho

    Who's idea is it to start mornings before the sun even comes up? Thinking they should be shot alongside Dick Smack. And don't we switch the clocks soon? That's Ben franklins fault!

    It prolly a good thing Dork's Dick didn't repack nottin cause he prolly woulda f'd something else up.

    Really gotta turn off spell check if I'm hangin out at the lounge. Too early to fight with it.

    Bernie and me gonna enter three legged race next get together, but only if she brings the Irish coffee. Hope it's not her left leg too or wonna us is runnin backwards. Prolly end up on the floor with Cami.

    Better day everybody! Go kick a$$ and take names :0)

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2013

    NM, could not just skip over your post, that would be like not listening to a friend when they had a problem. OMG, I sure hope you don’t get in trouble for those 2 missing pills, yikes. And certainly you will find out in time, why that person was let go. Hope your day goes better today. Sorry you are losing one of your favorite patients, perhaps you can go to visit on occasion. I’m going to have a ton more tomatoes and don’t know what to do with them!

    DOROTHY, why can’t your dad go to one of your sisters or brother’s house for a few days????

    Oh dear Bernie, you poor thing. I hope you heal quickly and that knee doesn’t present any problems.

    Safe travels home Kat, so glad you got to get away.

    Lara, glad to hear your mom is doing well. I was worried about mine yesterday, she was having trouble with her o2 and pulse. O2 was 77 and pulse in the 40’s!!! Good luck on the job front. Where are you?

    LOL Lynne,  needing to turn off spell check while in The HTL!!!

    Off to the dentist this morning, have a great day Thirstday girls.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Have you tried making homemade ketchup with your maters? Or BBQ sause. We have done both and they were kinda yummy :0)

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Then we can put cocktail weenies in the BBQ sauce and eat them with toothpicks,in the lounge!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    This is good, Lynn is a caterer so she can do all the goodies for us. Virtually )sob)

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    I could start male order!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    My ankle.....two daze after my birthday (1/26) my used to have dog yanked and I went down 4 stairs, dislocating and shattering my ankle. Had my first and hope only ambulance ride hubby kept saying call 911 i kept sayin, no im fine friend on way she will get me to hospital decided since my foot was pointed 45 degrees to the left that maybe, just maybe i should call 911!

    Awesome funny doc put humpy back together with 14 screws and a 5 inch titanium plate. I was out dancing 8 weeks later all healed up and out of d damn sexy air bootie. Then damn chemo came along and screwed up all his hard work. Fried the nerves that were still working their way back to normal. I limp worse now than when I right out of d boot. Hoping it's not permanent and headed back to pt when I have time.

    Nother day nother dilemma. But whatta you do, gotta go with the flow!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013

    Hi 4, have I missed something cos Cami calls you Lynn?

    Only a hairlive crack, Cami, so just have to take it easy for awhile.  I find tha wine is very good for the pain eventhough that probably what caused in the first place.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Bernie. My proper name (lol) is Lynne but I answer to anything!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013

    Hi Lynne, what timeline aryou on.  It is 3.50pm here.  Wine time.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    East coast in Atlanta Georgia. It is 11:15 am here. 45 minutes to wine time :0). If you are drinkin' wine maybe you should sit on the floor!

    I could swear clock said 11:18 when I posted this. Maybe it said 11:48. Who the hell knows! Anyways I guess you are 4 hours ahead of me until we do that stupid fall back clock thing
  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    OMg so I got the talking on phone reduced to parking on the pavement

    my father went with me

    then he left my house guess what he got pulled over on the way home for talking on the phone

    wtf thats life

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Just Damn! WTH was I thinking staying up all night? Gotta say tho it feels good being so tired from something I decided to do instead of something inflicted upon me!

    Hope everyone is trudging thru having a great day so far :0)

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    Can watching scary ones in the computer

    Cam I worked for university

    And I went back for my masters

    Did not get that job

    Oh we moving forward as always

    Hey this is the first time In over a year I have not had a surgery

    3 months

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Dang Lara. Why did you have so many surgeries?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    BBBernie I loved that pic. Is that how u felt? OMG

    Lara I'm sorry about the job, but when something ends something else starts--I heard that on Criminal minds, but I thought it fit here. really I'm sorry, but u have good things going for u so it will come and it'll be better. See no surgeries--Knock on wood. We can hit Becs head.

    Sorry Becs but I figured u'd read this u know I'm teasing you.

    And Lynne u'd better be sleeping--u need it.

    Dork are u doing OK??????

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Cami sue!!!!!!!! Knock on one a dem tender's wood!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Let's have a slumber party Fried Day Night! Wear your bestest PJ's....I been working my arse off. We will jump on da beds 'cept for Bernie, Quatro, n dorty. We will put you goils somewhere safe while we cause a rukus!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Oh yeah spelled moller foker wrong I noticed. Ha!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Goils....I foigit to tell you I had MRI on my footsie today. There. Now when I say B9 again, you will know why. I guess I been busy getting my tune ups n chit.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    Hi girls, quick pop in then to bed I go. 

    Bernie, so sorry about what you are going through. Damn floor! 

    Lara, you sound good, glad things are looking on for you with the foobs. woo hoo to no surgery.

    Cam, I posted yesterday about mese dr appt. Miss you goil, we on difflent schedulles. How is DD? And Joey?

    Lynne, I do not do spell check at all here. and it is very hard to use my phot, auto correct goes nutty. 

    NM, hope todey was a better day. Thanks for your support on dr dick smack. 

    Lori, you jest so sweet. I am praying for yo momma. Must be hard.

    To all else, sorry dis is short, might be a record short post. I am whipped and have been fighting off sleep for a few hours. Lights out here. GOod night goils, peace and love and of course, losts of cheeers! 

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013

    A man walks into a doctor's office and says, "I have a problem with my dick!"

    The lady at the counter says, "Sir, we do not say words like that at the doctors office! Now leave and come back and replace "Dick" with some other body part like "Ear."

    The man does as he's told and comes back in and says, "I have a problem with my ear."

                          The lady the says, "What is that?"

                          To which the man replied, "I can't piss out of it!"

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Oh Dorky I'm glad u stopped in and u need to sleep so I hope u have a good nites sleep

    Becs tell us right away. U goils it always something, no wonder why we end up here this is the place to be fo shoh.

    Leslie is still on all her meds, but there is codeinne in the cough syrup and she takes some kind of meds with steroids so the codeinne wriles her up so--ahem I'll take it. My cough is from my head with a runny nose, my usual, hers is in her chest, usual She's kind of kncked out so I'm doing a little to help her so she can rest so my pain meds are really coming in handy now hahaha

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Another brisk morning, here.  Dreamed about searching for something all last night.  Not sure what I was looking for but I was searching and searching and looking in some very odd places--other people's houses, attics over stores.  No wonder I'm so tired this morning! 

    Cammy--only one surprise yesterday, and it was an easy one to cope with, so it was a pretty good day!  Enjoy your coffee. 

    ORLA--praying you get something soon, maybe at this next university! 

    4sew--unwritten lounge rule--you can substitute any likker for any other likker and any soda  for any other soda for any reason (the most common being that's what I've got in the house).  Be inventive!  Starting the morning before the sun is up is OBSCENE! 

    Goldie--I'm not in any trouble about the 2 missing pills.  This house went through 2 weeks of pills in 5 days, so we all know where the pills are going.  Not to mention that I am allergic to that particular pain killer!  Is your mom on any heart or blood pressure pills?  As people age they often need to have these kinds of meds reduced or even stopped, and you will get stuff like low heart rate ad oxygen when the drugs build up in the system.  She should also be checked for urine infection.  It's crazy what a urine infection can do to the elderly! 

    4sew--wow, what a trip your ankle went though!!!!!  I'm praying it clears up after chemo. 

    BBBBBernie--talk about high level negotiations! 

    ORLA--Happy NoSurgeryVersary!!!!!!!!!!

    Becs--Friday nite slumber partay, yes!  PJ's OPTIONAL!!!!!  (at least while the Tenders are serviing?)

    DorKable--sleep well, and remember lots of healing gets done during sleep!


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is Jelly Bubbles

    0.5 Tablespoons of homemade Watermelon Jelly

    Balance with Champagne

    Take 2.5 Tablespoons of jelly and add to a small metal shaker cup. Then add Champagne and gently stir to mix in the jelly well. Pour into a Champagne Flute glass then garnish with a Watermelon triangle.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2013

    Lynne, I have thought about making ketchup, tomato paste, barbeque sauce and pizza sauce. But need to research the “how” on some, as I think you might have to use a pressure canner for some of those, and I do not have one. I know I can make some of the items with the jarred tomatoes I currently have. Thanks for the suggestions. So I’ll bring the sauce, you bring the weenies!!!! LMAO! On another note, so sorry about your ankle and chemo screwing things up……………FURB!!!

    Oh I LOVE the giraffes Bernie, that is SO US!

    Good grief Lara, how do they get parking on the pavement from talking on the phone?? Hoping it’s at least a lesser ticket coming out of the pocket. Sorry your dad got caught too. Have  you thought about a blue tooth? I love mine!

    OMG, just cracking up over Cami and Becks knocking on wood. I think Becks meant to say know on one of the Tender’s woody! And what was wrong with your foot? Glad for the B9 tho.

    Dort, glad you peeked in, but you didn’t say how you were feeling. I hope things is looking up for you.

    NM, you are sure having the dreams lately. Relax and enjoy your weekend, it’s almost here. Mom is on all kinds of meds and gets UTI’s all the time as well, but those are due to hygiene. She also see’s her doc regularly. I think the low levels are mostly due to her COPD.

    Katrinka, mese tinks you home, but prolly wore out from all the travel. Check in when you can chica.

    Well, we could get a freeze tonight, and I still have lots going on in my garden, this isn’t fair, it’s still SEPTEMBER! Plus I have company coming tomorrow and Sunday, my little buddy is up and I don’t think I’m going to have time to see him. I just got unpacked yesterday from our trip, leaving again on Thursday. Oy Vey!

    I think I need something stronger than the Jelly Bubbles. Maybe I can put some wodka in there too.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Good Morning my ladies (most of u)

    Goldie u'r buuusssy. How are u going to finish all those maters with company coming and all--there's lots of them. U can fry up all u'r under ripe maters and freeze them--good stuff. And yet another vacation---Good for u. I hope u'r mom is doing all right.

    NM I'm glad u'r day was better yesterday and today is Friday so 2 days off to relax with Sadie.And u had a rough week so enjoy u'r week-end. That's an order--I wrote it up.

    OK silly stuff--Since when do they gice 3rd graders an SAT that Joey got back just this week *4th grad) now he has to show us, he's proud of it I read it and didn't even understand it--I didn't tell him that --it was all these crazy numbers all over the place. Very few words which I would have understand at least. So I just said this is wonderfu;???? I hope it was good.

    OK I'll check in later.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2013

    Been busy busy!! 

    Lowee - sooo glad you are home.  Sounds like you had a wonderful time.  I think Moab is booTful too.  DH and I did much of the same trip in 2004 I think.  I loved seeing all the faces in stone, such history!  Don't envy you all the canning you will be doing wif da maters, but I kno u'll b makin some killer sketti with it!  Thanks for getting Lynne set up wif the HTL video and such.

    Lara - Haven't read all the way thru, but hoping things turned out well with your moms surgery.  (((Lara)))  Ok found it...your mom doing better..yay!  Take some time for uself girl K?

    NM - sounds like you are having a rough week.  I can hear you screaming in your posts to Dorkable about her PS too, and now all the strangeness at work.  Hope you are finding time to chillax...mayb git to da fukitol fountain a time or two eh?

    Julie - LOL that everything fit in ur cases...I ALWAYS feel like I'm forgetting something and usually I do.   Have a GR8 vacay!!

    Hi Karen - u are jes tooo usual.  I could not survive on just 5 or 6 hrs of sleep.  I need at least 7!

    Bernie - loved the article about the English language.  I found myself struggling when I had my GS (7 yoa) and we were doing a lesson every day.   I thot, how the hell did I learn it...LOL!  But Bernie...falling off da chair...OUCH!!!  Hope you heal quickliest dahhlinK!  By the by - I think alcamahol works best for my pain too...drink up...Kachink, but dammit, keep it together...heehee...dem g-raffes too phunny!

    WaWa - sounds like HI is the bomb and LOL about peeps of Micky D's...heehee!

    Cami - sorry to hear your DD2 has peemonia (love dat spelling heehee), I sense a bit of angst that you can't help her like you used to...mese tinks she lubslubslubs u no matter what and of course you can do no wrong in widdle Joey's eyes...such a cutie!  Funny story about your priest fwend so sad he is not here, God Bless him.  Hope ur brother has someone else jes a sweet to set u up with come da parTay on SaTurday.  U Rock girl with all ur letters n emails to da Gov and Pres.  U make me soo proud!!

    Cyndielouwho - jes lubs da Reese avatar. Did I also read about Rose (Ithink) have H-pylori.  What NM sed is right.  My dh has it, and yes...smoking and caffeine supposedly aggravate it.  Hope she gets good med help in Boston.   My dh quit smoking on that very day and he did have to do anti-b's.

    Lynne- u been cwacking mese up...u fitting right in here wif da rest of us dwunks n pill poppeers...but wtf...what else we gonna do eh?  And u talkin wif Bernie bout 3-legged race and one a u having to run backwards...mental pic...lmao!!  But seriously, all da chit wif the se's of chemo on your body...FURB!!

    Beckers - Hail Yeah!!!  pj party tonight...Lynne bringing bbq wienies, I'll bwing killa...hail yeah!!  But I miffed sumpin...whas wrong wif u footsie.  I read bout blue stiches in u face for a moller focker (dat right) we waiting for 2 tests to come back B9...I'm funkassed.  But no matter  I say some prayers for u jes as soon as I can after a 2nd shot of killa K?

    Shannon - WooHoo....been missing de 'hunk du jours' fer sho.  Dang...I need a man!!  chit dat a song mese tinks.  Thanks fer de cockatails too...hope you are doing fine too!

    I need to post this now.  It has taken me all morning to do it.  Whew!! 

    Lubs u goils!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Chit....dis is de zombie Kat checkin into de lounge....well stumbling in would be more like it. Took 17 hrs from when we left the condo in HI till we got to our house, and I didn't sleep on the plane. I hate that....but I watched 3 recent movies each way, going over and coming back. Just got home a couple of hours ago. SO tired. Becks, you hosting a PJ partay? I might show up but I will jest wanna sleep so I wud be a partay pooper. And whats this you said about "tender's wood"???? LOL, youse so silly.

    Bernie, OMG how awful!!! Cracked knee cap AND broken toe. Girlfriend, I *think* it was 4sew that said why don't you just drink on the floor? Sounds like a plan, to me! Hope you will heal totally and not need anything done to your knee. And broken toes are SO sore...been there, done that, but not my knee. Ouch!

    Dorkie, Sure hope your situation is improving!!!!! I don't know how you are coping with all that is going on right now. (((Dork)))

    4sew, I laffed at you writing "I could start a male order"! LOL. You fit right in here purrrrrrfectly!

    Lara, where in HI does your cuz live? I had more fun telling the locals we met about my g'g'gpa inventing the ukulele around 1865. Then I (and I may have said this the other day?) bought another book that mentions him several times and says the King (King Kalakaua) gave my g'g'gpa permission to use the Hawaiian Seal on his ukuleles, and ONLY HE could use it, as 2 others invented it with him, but he did the most elaborate ukes with inlays, and also played for the King, and was his favorite entertainer. Too bad a big fire (Chinatown in HI I think) burned down his shop, and he stopped making them. King Kalakaua also was heavily promoting the ukulele as he thought it had a prominent place in Hawaiian music. But OMG getting to go onto the Hokulea was awesome. 

    Sue, the round-the-world trip the Hokulea is going to make (will take 3 yrs) starts in May of next year, I think, then after going to all the islands close by, it then goes to Tahiti in June or so, so prolly won't be in the Cook Islands till later in the summer.

    Cami, Your DD is sick? I haven't gotten to read the posts yet, but hope she is improving!!!!!

    NM, Yes the green flash really exists (much to my DH's chagrin)....I see it mostly in HI, as my dad's condo is right on the beach and the sun sets directly in front, over the water, so a perfect view. Only seen it a handful of times though....and once on a cruise in the middle of the ocean. You only see it if there are no clouds on the horizon, and you have to watch for the exact second the sun disappears below the horizon. Here is what wikipedia says about it (but I think it looks more like a dash than a dot)...also going to add a picture...

    Green flashes and green rays are optical phenomena that occur shortly after sunset or before sunrise, when a green spot is visible, usually for no more than a second or two, above the sun, or it may resemble a green ray shooting up from the sunset point. Green flashes are a group of phenomena stemming from different causes, and some are more common than others.[1] Green flashes may be observed from any altitude (even from an aircraft). They usually are seen at an unobstructed horizon, such as over the ocean, but are possible over cloud tops and mountain tops as well.


    Hugs to ALL!!!!!!!
