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how about drinking?



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Dork. Alcoholey kills germs. Just sayin!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Oh and the taco gave that away! No judgement here!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Does Ginger help your tummy. If not try MaryAnn :0)

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    LOL, now everyone is leaving~~!!! AND just to set the record *straight* (pun intended), Cami is sleeping with her CAT "Kat", not me being called "Kat"!!!  Just sayin....

    Dorkie, my dr gave me a script for nausea that worked really well. Not sure what would help you tonight though. Sometimes eating ginger, or brewing a tea made just from ginger will work. On the ship they also say green apples helps, but I don't believe them on that one! You poor dear! And I know our Allison will forgive you....cuz youse is tired and dwinking and feeling sick, but you gots to meet her too!!!!!

    OK nighty night....good luck with your blood work tomorrow Dr.Cami! Hope everyone can sleep tonight, me included.....

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Well now we know the ginger will work since 2 of us mentioned it, and if one of the 2 is "4", then its like 8 of us mentioning it, right? I have lots of preserved ginger I brought back from HI...some is sweet, some with Li Hing on it. Wish you were here....I'd share....

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Hopes you all gets good sleepers. I still got hours work left. Maybe west coast ladies will show up in pjs too help me with the tenders, weenies and wenches serving tacos :0). I very open minded and can juggle. and it won't be the first lounge I closed down dancin on the tables. Won't be the last either!!!!

    Til next time... Oh damn, just tripped on Cami and landed on Bernie.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    Kat, I knew I missed Allison and Chrissy but did not mention them since they do not post. Hey, Crissy's daughter is getting married tomorree, partay? Hmmm. Due to time zone (Austrailia), they are likely already started their wedding morning. Best wishes to the lovely new couple and congrats to Chrissy!

    I wish I had ginger. I did partake in some Willie Nelson, it helps a lot but chit, at this rate, will run out. I like to have a year supply at all times. For de record, mods and po-lice, dis all done voyshirley! tehehe. Good night all. Again apologize for not saying what I want to each of you ladies. I have not been meseself for a long long time. I will git there though...


    Love you girls, all sleep snug like a bug in de rug.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Nite nite dork. Please go get some rest

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    I'll take care of tenders but what does MolerFocker look like jest sews I know if he shows up?

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Alyson is in LA with her big girl panties then heading home to down under in couple of daze

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Good nite Cami

    Good nite Dork

    Good nite Cyndi

    Good nite Wahine

    Good nite John Boy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    U got it Lynne. nitey nite

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Shades....   of......  YUM!!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    You goyles jinxed me wit dat faht talk. On way to beddie buys DH say he no fellin good, he all gazzy. I so shudda had dat rito for self defense. Not gonna get any lucky wood tah knock on eider.

    Itsa late here or early dare. Pend where you be. Top a da mornin to ya Bernie. Nitey nite to das rest o yas

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Chiiiiiiiitttttt!!!!! I musta missed one helluvuh pajamer par tay!!!!! I was side tracked in da casino..... goils passed out errywhere with weiners, cock tail sauce and fish tacos.....

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Lovely sunny Saturday morning here, I am looking forward to a nice day today! 

    4sew--Do you have the big red hot dogs?  I love the red ones!  A spread sheet is a good idea to keep us all straight, I know I can't do it on my own and routinely embarrass myself by addressing the wrong Lougette about an issue.  But since none of us can really keep up we just laugh and move on! 

    Wahine--I am organized out of necessity.  There's only me, and I've lost nice stuff to leaving out in the winter before, and gotten skunked by October blizzards, so I start thinking about this stuff in September.  Besides, it makes it easier in the spring. . .

    Good morning, DorKable--bathing suit, pjs, birthday suit, what's the difference??????

    Cammy--what you doing hogging the hunks??????

    DorK--I didn't know you were so politically influential!!!!!

    CynCyn--introduce me to your friends???

    OK, now I will never be able to eat a taco with a straight face ever again!

    BTW--I was at the partay, just behind the bar with Pants. . . .

    DorKable--Aunty B's are notorious for causing the upset tummy.  Tums is better for heartburn, you may want to try some Bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol) to coat your tummy, or meclizine hdyrochloride (Dramamine Less Drowsy).  If those don't work, ask your doc for something.  Also try eating a little something before taking the Aunty B's. 

    4sew--ginger is great for upset tummies, thanks for the reminder!  I actually carry candied ginger with me when I travel to prevent motion sickness. 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is PJ Punch

    1 gallon 190 proof grain alcohol

    1 (46 fluid ounce) can pineapple juice

    2 gallons cherry juice

    2 (4 ounce) packets sweetened tropical punch flavored drink mix powder

    1 gallon water

    6 apples, cored and sliced with peel

    6 oranges, sliced into rounds

    30 seedless green grapes

    20 strawberries, hulled

    4 lemons, sliced

    4 limes, sliced


    In a 5 gallon container, combine grain alcohol, pineapple juice, cherry juice, drink mix powder and water. Add apples, oranges, grapes, strawberries, lemons and limes. Stir gently and serve.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2013

    Almost forgot to tell you all about the last exciting thing of this work week.  the office I work out of was evacuated for a short time due to a fire across the street.  I wan't in the office at the time, but I was in town and did see the smoke!

    Bangor firefighters do not know if someone was inside a burning garage  Friday afternoon on Hancock Street.

    It happened around 2pm.

    The entire garage was on fire when crews got there. Flames were reportedly as high as the trees.

    A neighbor says it sounded like an explosion.

    ” My son was right beside me and all of a sudden the snow blower just went pow! It just blew up. Everything just started blowing up,” said Jean Severance, who lives in a house next to the garage.

    The fire marshal’s office and Bangor police are investigating to see if anyone was inside the garage.

    ” The structure did have a partial collapse, we were never able to get into the building to determine that there was or was not anybody in there,” said Assistant Chief Rick Cheverie, of the Bangor Fire Department.

    The fire melted siding on two nearby homes.

    Police seeking person of interest in connection with Hancock Street garage destroyed by fire

    BANGOR, Maine — A fire that gutted a garage on Hancock Street and melted siding and broke windows on three nearby apartment buildings Friday afternoon ...

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Good morning!

    NM. You think a Scopalamine patch would help DorKs? Hopefully she still sleepin. She drank way more than me did

    I can get the alcohol for the DOTD from the tank in Otis' backyard. Just gotta drive over to Mayberry. Maybe Barney will give me a ride. Don't want to turn the sirens on tho. Might wake Aunt B and Dorks.

    I hope dork gets all patched up. It nice of you to give her such good advice. Specially about how to take Dr. P. Rick out of bidness

    That was a big fire. I stood in the street with my friend and watched her house burn down a few years ago. Then waded through the rubble few days later looking for anything to salvage. Not a nice memory. Hope they don't find any bones in that garage. My friend lost 5 dogs and a Micah and 2 other birds :0(

    Great day everyone. I actually gotta get my buns movin and go to work or reals. Hungry HS banned kids expecting dinner from me

    I'll be I he hot tub tonight with that new tender. See ya'all later.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    OMG NM what a fire--it sounds like onething blew up after another, well that where everything is stored so that part makes sense, but not finding anyone that's a different story--hope it was empty. It looks wicked.

    But I'm glad u'r OK and can start putting things away, u are organized--well Sadie will help.

    Ooops I have to get dressed and be at the hosp. shortly just blood work.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Hey Dork

    What bout Matrix or Trix 4 short? Cami can splain! After she gets back from her saturday tests and eats sommpin so she can start drinking gain.

    Hope the alcohol killed bunch of those bad germs for you last night and you feelin good today. I'm gonna take my wheelchair (I gotz 2, one for upstairs one for downstairs from when my ankle was totally FUBAR) and go throw over my laundry. Thanks for the tip!

    Then I gotza go work more. Rather stay and play though.

    Mornin Wahine. Hope you getting some ZZZZZZZZZs

    Mornin CyndieWooHoo. Sorry yuse gotsa work latr too.

    Becks. We missed you like how you used up the left overs to decrate them pipples

    See y'all later taters

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Ladies. We really need to remember to turn the timer on the coffay pot before we start drinking. That way it'll be ready in the mornins. That or make it a new required part of the tenders job descriptions to have it ready for us as soon as our eyes is open so they function faster. Specially now the mornins are gettin colder. Yes, even her in hotlanta it gets a little chilly in the morning

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Oops! CynCyn if u r lookin fir you nana friends I think I just ate one of them. Sorry ;0)

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2013

    Cami, the tomatoes you saw, I already put up. I have do have more though and I guess company for tomorrow is just a maybe. I picked everything I could, as it got to 28 degrees this morning, so everything is now gone, most likely. Funny you couldn’t read the SAT test, but I’m certain that lil guy aced it. How was your party?

    Sue, we wanted to go back the end of this week (to Moab) for camping, but mese thinks it’s going to be too cold at night and might rain on Friday. We’ll see.

    Katrinka who needa some sleepa, glad you made it home safely, but yowsers, 17 hours is a long time. Glad your DH got to see the green flash. I don’t think there has been anything earth shaking going on, I think you’ve got the jest of most of it. I wouldn’t worry about it. Just get some rest! I never have the right thing to say at the right time either, it’s always an after thought. Darn, I wish I would have said ……..! And isn’t it nice to look so much younger than what you are? Hope all is well with your parents, and your girls too. I wuz up, til 10 my time, but cooking and cleaning, cutting up chicken to marinate, blah blah blah. But I had my party on!

    Lara, it moosta been meant to be, that you didn’t get that job. Hang in there and get better, one will come along. You and the Tenders did a great job filling up the likka cab.

    Cyn, dat some scary chit with your DD and her school. Glad SHE is ok. I know you will miss your friend, like you said, bitter sweet. And yes, we need Mrs. Vino back in de house foa sho. LMAO, dat you want taco’s. Oh, mese hopes you got enough sleep to get to the airport!

    Julie, I guess you iz gone by now? Have FUN FUN FUN!

    NM, if  you get to those apples, your house is gonna smell SOOOOOOO GOOD. Funny about the rut. Oh goody, you gots the right DOTD, I was gonna start looking for an apple drink.

    Yes Lynne, I had the sauce for de weenies, it wuz really goot. I saw you dippin in it. I’m not usually here in the evenings, I do my catching up in the mornings with my coffee. We have a business online, so I am on the computer all day long, but ALWAYS  her in spirit. What do you do for a living?

    Holy Crapola! Just got to the bottom of the page I was reading and there’s THREE MORE TO GO. Hail, a girl can’t keep up even if she doesn’t go away!

    DorK, you say you’re saving the morphine for when the pain is badliest, I hope that phase is GONE girl! Please tell me it is, and that you are starting to feel a lil better.

    Becks, me no think you missed de Par Tay, mese tinks you de guilty one dat came in did all doze tings to ebberyone. Of course it wasn’t me, I de Innocent One.

    Whoa, ok………….I got through it all! Now to get mese EWWA moobing, (for de Matrix) that means Ever Widening White Arse.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Good Morning again--I'm back--Lynn please don't ask me to spkain anything cuz I have no clue- what a Matrix is, or why a taco, or most that goes on SOMETIMES and sometimes I'm worse than any of them I don't get it. Hell I was named after my Grandmother whose name was Carmella, but real name was Millie--I started out all confusticated, and I love how they call me for my test Karmel Grasso, well 4 people stood up and they were all of mexican/Spanish decent and I stodd up and said did u say Garcia--no Grasso they all sat down, I figured it was me. But before that they called Patel 5 people stood up and they had lots of figuring to do, 3 had the first same name --good that their birthdays were different. Good thing when I walk in the back they kniw me and I have no problems with my name there.

    That's how my morning went, which is nothing.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    LOL funny you saying that Becks came in and did stuff (decorated) us while wese wuz passed out...because if I recall correctly (although that is always questionable!) YOU are the one that decorated our faces the last time we wuz all over de floor. LOL...yuppers, ya gotta watch out for de "Innocent one"! AND its good when I am dwinking too and "front and center" as I have been known to hide in de corner and take pics....I tink Cami does dat too sumtimes! BUT as always, what happens at the HTL stays at the HTL!!!!

    Of course 4sew, just ask the Tenders or Wenches to have the coffee ready at a certain time and it will be done! They love having jobs to do, so give them your list.

    NM, Love the DOTD! Reminded me of the punchbowl we would fill with "PJ"'s...which then stood for "purple jesus"...using grain alcomahol and fruit juices, grape juice, etc....very sweet and you did not taste that wicked grain alcohol. This would be for New Years partays when we had gold carpet (1970, girls)....and omg the stains I would have to clean out the next day....Jan 1 was always carpet cleaning day, and the day we had killa and limes! BUT the funny thing (and I think I have written this before, so bear with me) was, when we would see the husbands, they all "thanked" us so much, as their wives got loosey-goosey and they had amazing $ex when they got home! Funny. Esp their wives that normally would not drink.

    Dorkie, THANK YOU....I did not know which day Chrissy's DD was getting married...just knew it was in Sept. I also hope the day is wonderful for them and it is purrfect, as I know they did so much work for several months to have everything just right. OOPSIES, pardone thot you were just listing all the bco gals you had met from this thread, but you are right, Alli and Chrissy have not posted for a long time. Ya foigive mese, dontcha??? pwetty pwease wid a tendah on top.....

     I just wish more of you had met Junie in person. I think Donna did (CasinoGal) and I was also fortunate to have face time with her. 4sew, Junie was the life of the party here, and was on the thread before I joined up, we all loved her, and she became a bright star in the sky over 2 yrs ago. Sure miss her! I got to meet her family at her memorial, and they welcomed me so warmly as they were aware of the close friendships we form here. Love you, junie!

    WOOHOO I did get some sleep last night....hope you all did too. Now to do a gazillion errands, and esp to pick up the 30day pills that Molly will start on for the beginning of her heartworm treatments (later on comes the lumbar injections and hospital stays). It was SO NICE hugging them over and over again yest.

    Becks, How Cum youse invitedd us to a pj partay and you were MIA??? Wese missed ya last night, foah shuah.

    Wow, that was an awful fire, NM! Glad you weren't there at that time. HOPING no one was in there.

    And 4sew, that is awful about your friend losing her 5 dogs, macaw, and other birds. That is heartbreaking! One time when my DD and I returned from taking my youngest DD back to her math and science high school that was a 7 hr drive away, we found the house full of smoke. The microwave had started by itself (prolly a power outage then power surge) and burned itself out. Thank God there was nothing flammable near it, as it was on a wood stand (around 1993). BUT 2 of our cockatiels were right in their cages in the kitchen, and we were so thankful they were ok, as well as our birds that were in other rooms. They have such a delicate system and can easily get overcome even by teflon fumes if you heat up a pan and nothing is in it to diffuse the fumes from the teflon. Sad your friend lost her house and all her possessions, but the grief of losing her pets must have been awful.

    OK....lets get this Sat-TURD-dey partay started!!!!! Lots of Kahlua and Killa (for Mema) for de coffee....lots of good food, nice sunny day by the pewl and de free ATM at de casino is ready for action....partay, partay, partay.....



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Hi Cammi! Funny about everyone standing up thinking it was their name that was called....dang, must have been a bizzy place this ayem! Hope all the tests they do on your blood are A-OK. Glad you are back home and can eat and dwink again! Pants.....git this woman bixed up and quickliest, ok? Oops, I mean, please??? Wow, he is sure quick (but not when he shouldn't be.... *wink, wink*)....and now Cami has a nice cold fancy dwink in her hand, and some food on a plate in her other is good......

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013