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how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    sorry mese write so much. i making up for lost time whiles mese was higher dan de empire state building. I miss dose deys. I wrote a song about it, here it go. Sing along....

    Once upon a time there was a tavern

    Where we used to raise a glass or two
    Remember how we laughed away the hours
    And dreamed of all the great things we would do

    Those were the days my friend
    We thought they'd never end
    We'd sing and dance forever and a day
    We'd live the life we choose
    We'd fight and never lose
    For we were young and sure to have our way.
    La la la la... 

    Then the busy years went rushing by us
    We lost our starry notions on the way
    If by chance I'd see you in the tavern
    We'd smile at one another and we'd say

    Those were the days my friend
    We thought they'd never end
    We'd sing and dance forever and a day
    We'd live the life we choose
    We'd fight and never lose
    Those were the days, oh yes those were the days
    La la la la... 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    and CYNDIElouWhoGittingSpace(d) out: I tried to find dat song but only came up with dis. It is a crazy story of cheerleader camp and de fountain of troy. so no song, we can make up our own, yippee skippie.

    I sorry for writing ober and ober and ober. FEEL FrEE to jest skim or jest byppass. I talk a little too much. And mese fart is feeling oberjoyed at de love and friendship I git. mese jest too phucked up to write about you all. So what Lori said, I ditto. Compliements of de innocent one, read her post it says all I wanted to say cept that I am not dwinking. can't believe stupid mese put de pain pills in mese pocket. 

    waiting for Lynne to join me at de fountain. she not complaining but she one week outta soygery. I tink she too dwunk to care. Mese soooo enbious. But I has mese willie nelson which is next best ting. Mese lungs not so happy but it does halp with de pain. willie is voyshirley a name for de MaryJ, schmoke, grass, weed. I applied for a card. well I thought about doing dat. It now legal here but have to dwive many moons n miles to git it. and it not fully regilated by de stooopid a$$ goberbment. speaking of GO CAMMIE GO, you keep writing those letters. would love is yoanu shared some of yer writing with me. and mese promise, mese will bail yer arse outta jain den partay if needed. Love in mese fart for all loungettes. And to Stella but not de moler focker. Mese want to send de dogs to tear dat mole but last time mese tawk about it, mese got banned from bco and mese cwied til dey bixed tings for me. 

    Beckers, dwunk ye? I not sleeping, come on in. Sumbuddy enny buddy, come. I be up for a bit more but has to be good goil and do bed early. And yep, mese sleep with mese doggie too. I wear shorts so she does not contaminate mese wounds aldough dey covered so dern tight. Mese learning to keep mese muddy paws off of dem. I gonna post a pic unless somebuddy objects. It ain't purdy but mese lubs sharing mese war wounds and did de worst yet. 

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    I be happy to join you at the fountain but I don't know where it be? Maybe I need more to dwink or at least a pain pill. I don't like those so I don't takes them. Mee docs think I'm nits. They right!

    Good night Loungettes

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013 are too funny!!!!  I have trouble reading your I just skim it and get what I can......but glad you are back to your "old" self.....

    My kids leave tomorrow.....Its been a nice visit...but I got really annoyed with DD#1 tonight....she is having phone problems...I asked her to help my mom outside and she is fussing with her phone, so I told her "f*** your phone"  she was not happy with me...of course I was so embarrased to say this in front of my SIL....DD was ticked off!!!!  it didn't last long, but I'm still embarrased...don't think my SIL's parents ever use this type of language...SIL was okay.....I usually will go see the kids over winter break so will see them again in a couple months....Mom came for dinner...she is doing well, but she told me that she fell this morning and it scared her!!!  She was un-nerved by it but did not get hurt physically...she lost her balance standing....also happend a couple weeks ago...

    The last of the fall holidays are Wednesday night, Thursday and Friday and then Shabbat....I"m so worn out on cooking and company for this round and not much cooking......I have challah in the freezer so dont' need to make anymore...still have some cookies (though not many) and a bit of 2 different cakes but I'm tired of them....we are going to friends for lunch Thursday so need to bake something tomorrow night or after work Wednesday.....then my meals are simple...Wednesday night salmon, rice and salad; pizza thursday night....I have chicken in the freezer for Shabbat so just need a veggie and side dish.....I love my holidays, but all the cooking and company when my kids are here is exhausting!!!!

    Poor DD#2 is feeling miserable...she woke up with a sore eye...she said it felt like she had a splinter in her eye....she said it has puss in it and it is running a bit and she sounds congested......mightbe a trip to the doctor tomorrow, but I'm working and Dad is out of town....guess her sister can take her in the morning!!!!  what fun for sister's last day.....

    Goldie...your trip sounded wonderful!!!!  One of the most beautiful places we went to years ago was Glacier Nat'l Park in Montana....I haven't been to Moab or Arches.....

    Kathy....didn't realize that you were in HI is your mom

    4- welcome....yeah for good news ont he prophy.....

    MemaSue....nice to see you stop by

    Cyndie...welcome stranger!!!!

    Cami, Beckers, Bernie....

    Going to go pour a glass of wine...and make some popcorn...I snack on it at work...also when drinking wine...not so any calories!!!!

    Sweet dreams....

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Cyndieeeeeeeeeeeeeelou and her fwend Dorty who went poo poo!!!! Where da friggen hail you'z been?

    I did my best speed reading and don remember chit cuz I am on vitamin V wif Capitol V. Got molerfocker cut off side of my face right by the ear and I'm not sure if it's my head, eye brow, ear, neck, throat, or what's hurting fo sho. My PS was sewing me up and sutures were same color as my hair and he plucked a few of my hairs outta my head. I wuz like chit, whuudahail. He switched to blue sutures and I think they will be so pretty.

    Wahine.....where you at? HI????? I'm jealussssssss!

    Welcome back goldielouwhoismakingtomatostuff.

    Funny one Bernie.

    Número quatro, congrats on the prophy results. You can have your pick of tendahs or wenches tonight!

    Jules, did I read you lost some el bee's???? Weight a go goil fwend!!!

    Hi Mema.

    Cami, whachu up to???

    Lara, sup?

    Ok. Imma go now. Perco fountain fo me!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Becs did u remind us of u'r face? Oh and u got stiches--take plenty of Vit. V or any that works. I don't understand I read all of this and I seem to miss things. WTF

    Dork u talk all u want, u haven't for a while so now it's u'r turn to talk about every and anything cuz we lub u and if it helps u in any way we are here.

    My DD2 has pamonia--yep pamonia LOL Joey get a cold and fever for one day and she always gets pamonia--So she on an inhaler, anti's and something else and of course she lubs vicks like an addiction--no matter what we have that in the house always. It's so sille cuz I try to do a couple of things for her and I'm done I can't even help her like I used to but my SIL is fine about everything anyway she can do no wrong in his silly eyes.

    Karen another Holiday--they come to close together. would never be able to do all the  cooking and baking OMG I'd like the eating part but that's it.

    OK Dorky u left u'r meds in u'r pocket u sily and I remember that song u wrote so I sang along, u knew I would. And I know i'r on anti's but u'r immune system isn't really perfect yet so wash u'r hands realy good. And maybe use Lysol in u'r house too. cuz I'm sure u still have windows open or something--just don't borrow trouble u've got enough without borrowing--

    Oh 4 the fountain is in the corner of de lounge, very convenient for all of us, I'm usually on de floor on de udder side with 1 or 2 hunks depending how I feel. After de fountain tho.

    I was hoping we'd hear from Lara (orange) bout her mommy and the hernia operation. ick Maybe tomorroee

    Dork u seeing a Doc right ==the chithead or a good dr.tell him to fix u right and treat u like the queen u deserve to be treated like.

    And I'm so glad Lori's back and front, but u have lot of work to do young lady--good luck.

    Julie 1 more day right? Or is it today--

    How long wil Kat be gone?

    All my meds haven't kicked in yet as u can tell.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

     He's waiting.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013


    a.  mischief; prankishness

    b.  deceit; trickery.

    It seems to have originated in California at about the time of the Gold Rush, though it was first recorded in print [April 25 issue of San Francisco's _Town Talk_] only in 1855. ... The word looks Irish, and there was no shortage of Irishmen in the California diggings, so it's plausible to suggest the Irish word _sionnachuighm_ as the source, meaning 'I play tricks', which is pronounced roughly as 'shinnuckeem'. Others argue it comes from an East Anglian dialect word _nannicking_ for playing the fool. Yet others guess at a link with the Spanish word _chanada_ for a trick or deceit, which is another half-way plausible source, considering California's history. Yet another theory was put forward in 1948 in _American Speech_ for an origin in German _schinnage_l for a nail that holds the rim to the wheel, which produced the German slang terms _schinageln_, to work, and _Schenigelei_, a trick.

     From "World Wide Words" (Dec 18, 1999)

    Irish curse for Dr DumbDick:

    “May you be afflicted with the itch but have no nails to scratch with”

    “May the devil find a home in your arse”

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Happy Twofer Tuesday! 

    4sew--the thing with names here is that everyone has more than one.  And we routinely get funcused as to who said what, so you will fit right in. 

    Goldie--Welcome home!  Sounds like a great trip, glad you had a good time.  The pin sounds lovely. 

    Cammy--Good morning! 

    4sew--HOORAY!  Clean path is wonderful news!  Lampshade partay!!!!!

    CynCyn--Good to see you back!  All that Drama can't be much fun.  Make sure you set aside a little bit of time for yourself every day, even if it's only 5 minutes in the shower!  You need and deserve it!

    DorKable--OK, from now on you do NOT speak with the PS's nurse, you say that she lied to you about PS on vacay and you don't trust her, you will talk with someone else.  EVERY TIME YOU CALL you say this.  When you do get to see your PS you tell him the same thing.  You ask him if the delay in treatment caused you any harm (he'll say no, but he'll think you've been talking to a malpractice lawyer).  If he asks if you are going to sue you say you aren't going to discuss that with him without witness present (not office staff, someone you bring with you).     When you call to make an appointment ask to speak with the office manager (if it's not the PS's nurse) tell him/her what happened, tell them you need an appointment but you don't trust the staff anymore, ask what can the office manager do to assure you will get competent care.  That's another malpractice suit red flag for office staff.  If this person asks if you are going to sue tell them you aren't going to discuss that.  Also mention the office being closed at 4:20 when you called for an appointment yesterday. Ask if the message on the phone is wrong about the closing time.  While all of this is a bit of work it should get you red carpet treatment at the PS's office, which is the important thing right now.  Take a tape recorder and TELL the PS you are recording the visit, do not ask permission.  Or take someone with you to take notes, or do both.  Arrgghhh, I just want to scream for you!!!!!!!

    Karen--all that cooking is make me tired and all I did was brown some beef and cut up some veggies last night and tossed them in the crock pot this am for stew for dinner.  If I get home in time I may make some biscuits.  Poor DD#2, hope she feels better fast! 

    Becs--blue sutures, huh?  Sounds like pretty, pretty!  Better than sewing you up with your hair, that's for sure!

    BBBBBernie--LOL at the Irish curses for Dr. DumbDick! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Smoky Paloma from the Double Down site:

    1 oz Tres Agaves Blanco Tequila

    .5 oz Del Maguey Vida Mezcal

    .5 oz Charbay Ruby Red Grapefruit Vodka

    .5 oz Tres Agaves Agave Nectar

    .75 oz Lime juice

    .5 oz Grapefruit juice

    .5 oz Egg white

    Garnish: Lime wheel

    Glass: Bucket


    Add all the ingredients to a shaker and shake without ice for 10 seconds. Fill with ice and shake for another 10 seconds. Strain into a bucket glass filled with fresh ice and garnish with a lime wheel.

    Pasted from <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    Good morning everyone.....I can't believe that is just getting light out and its after 6:30!!!  like the cooler weather but not the shorter days...

    NM...I didn't do any cooking last night....just re-heated lasagna from last week and made a salad...the other food is what I'm thinking about for the rest of the week starting on Wednesday night....really not much cooking...well considering the past couple of weeks......

    Wishing everyone a great day...need to finish getting ready, get a walk in and leave for work.....bbl after work

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    Read fast dork u r to funny poop on going

    becks u on the V goosd stuff here is a OJ and vodka

    $ welcome

    HI JUliet

    Karen yum lasagna

    Goldie sounds u had fun

    cyn your back where u been?

    got about 3 hours sleep last night gor to the hospital at 8 30

    surgery was scheduled for 10 30

    did not take mom until 2

    6 30 I saw her the doc took or glued out with a mesh 4 hyernias wtf

    DH got her meds got her in the house exterme pain finally she was out by 9 pm

    didnt get home until 7 30

    went home showered she is better today keeping her on the pain pills she can not lift

    pain is not as severe

    so tired

    pray they call me for the job today

    ill post latah

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2013

    Yes, I’m back Cami, but leaving again on Oct 3rd to go camping!

    Lynne, yippe for the all clean! I’ll drink to that. The fountain is where ever you want it to be! Usually around the pewl tho. Oops, mese see that Cami moved it to the corner. You will find it. I’ll have to dig out the video of The HTL for you to watch.

    Cyn, sorry about all of the drama. I hope it calms down when your friend leaves. How much longer are you on that shift? Ha ha, “…standing on the corner of Winslow Arizona”?

    Dayem Dort, your plate is over flowing! I think I would NOT make an appointment, storm in there, and insist on being seen and not leaving until you are taken care of. I would even start showing other patients what has happened to you!!!!! And here you were so excited about going to him. The patient that I shared my pin with, I do not know how old he is. I would say maybe somewhere in his 50’s or early 60’s. He has my email, so I hope I hear from him. Sending him a picture of a witch would be just plain mean, the Innocent One would not do dat. And he is married, I got to meet his wife too.

    Karen, you made me chuckle about your comment to your DD in regards to her phone. I was surprised to say the least… We will get to Glacier Nat. Park next year. We were suppose to go there, but the weather was not good, so we passed. You must go to Moab, Arches and there is another one, with Natural Bridges. Hope your DD is just coming down with a cold, and nothing serious.

    Becks, blue sutures on the side of your face? Certainly they are sending it to be biopsied?

    Lara, hope your mom is ok.

    Cami, LOVE the dude with the wine…………………YUMMMMMM. The GUY, not the wine!

    Oh BBB, dat is poyfect curse for Dorfy’s PS.

    NM, sure wish YOU could go with Dorky to de doc’s and I’ll bet she wood lub dat too. I have a ton of Palblano peppers in the garden, gonna try to roast them and then freeze them. How many tomatoes did you end up with?

    Here ya go Lynne, here is the video and drink while you watch it.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2013

    Bumped ya Lara, but it was gentle. Glad you checked in. Amazing, the things they do in out patient these days. Good luck on that phone call today.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Good Morning all

    Oh 4 u have to watch the video it is amazing what Goldie out together and how we can visualize our place. I did change the fountain, cuz I'm always on de floor.

    NM I love all the stuff u told Dork I hope she gets a chance to read it before she goes all good stuff, and Goldie has some stuff too, u guys are good.

    Well I heard from the Governors office, getting closer to the governor--just someone who works there but they're no konger from just the State in general--they're from his office and supposedly trying to help me, well til I actually see help I don't trust anyone, but at least they are not call me crazy and acting like I'm out to harm anyone. But the letter I wrote thr other day I used spell check and reall classed it up--took me a while cuz class is not my stron suit.

    BBBernie I love how u come up with things--u'r so original and so many topics. LOL

    Dork u up yet, how r u doing?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    Happy twosdey goils! Oops, editied to add to next sentence, as other wise makes no sense. I saw my primary care doc this morning and he changed my dresssings, yippee... my home nurse will do it tomorree, yippee. That task beats de hail outta me mentally and physically. 

    Glad to see so many posting, even Cyn and Lori back and Mema recently too. Praying for all of ye with issues. (((Lara)))

    Sorry Lynne, I felled asleep last night in de other corner, sorry mese missed you at de percotini fountain. I asked de tenders to change up de ingredients for ya, is is wodka you dwink? 

    And goils, been a long time since I have taking a fukkitol pill, oh why oh why do mese foyget some important tings to help?

    For the newer goils, here is one, you can find de despenser in any of de ten locations of the lounge or just ask a tender to bring you a few! 

    tanks to NM for great suggestions....will update when the time is right. can't discuss right now, too pissed. still gotta make that call, mese scared. I will have two stiff ones den do it (git yer mind outta de gutter Dr. Cam) Dwnk up now, heres two for each of you! bbl

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    ohhh I jest love this place, Pants is bringing me a jug full of these.

    It might be a good day after all. FYI, I am waiting for the PS office to call back. I am chicken chit and did not call until 3pm. Still not sure if my PS is vacation or what. Crazy chit. What is next? 

    I do not really want to sue my PS as I am too afraid of going through that and losing. Know a friend of a friend who lost and it was so clearly a case of negligence. I jest want to feel better and get on with mese life. Well I confess that I will look forward to stage 2 of the DIEP, I do anyting to get outta work! Life IS good. whew, tank God for narcotics and dwugs at the HTL. I also tank Him for anti-b's. I am tinking about having a widdle dwink tonight. I can't stand it!!

    Peace goils!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Dorky I want a whole container of dos pis allby myself--oohh happy would I be??? Very and love to chill well, that's not to hard for me tho I'm to lazy not to chill but I could use dem anyway. MORE CHILL YAY---OK waiting for u Doc to call back. I scretly called the main number for my Dr. and left  message that I didn't get to my tests yet, not cuz I forgot but I had a cold and I said leave a message for the Doc. cuz I fraid of talkin to her. Why r we like dat.???

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited September 2013

    Happy Twoesday!!!  TGIT!!!!!!  No concrete plans for my weekend...nice for once. I would go to the beach but think it will be a wash out is supposed to rain all week.  Good excuse to watch LMN if you ask me.  Julie, how is it down in CC?  Its actually a good time to look for sea shells as the surf brings up all kinds of stuff in this kind of weather and no one is on the beach to snatch it. have me in stiches..(not pretty blue ones like Beckers) just get me laughing so hard...You go girl and ramble away..I love to read your ramblings. yeah, you should prolly stay away from the Moler Fokker subject..dont want you to go getting yourself into any twouble.  I miss Alliooop too.  We will  have to put out an APB on her a$$. You said Mema has been popping in too??  I mussa missed her ..dang dog darnit.  Like your are so talented Dorty.

    Lori, have fun camping...its been many years since I have been camping .  I would LOVE to go too but not down here..too many creapy crawlies here . Arent you afraid of scorpions and poison snakes and trantulas?  Still want to go?  LOL.

    Karen, seems you are always cooking.  Do any of your kids cook when they visit?  I like cooking but dont want to be the one to always do it but it seems more tiimes than not that I am. stiches?  What other colors do they come in?  

    I've been around just havent had a second to myself to get in here.  

    Lynne..did you find the fountains?  Watch out for Cami..I think I've stepped on her a few times. Cami, is Joey sick with pamonia or someone else?  Finally a response and actually the governers office?  

    Lara...glad to hear your mom is doing ok....did you get that phone call?

    NM..would love to get some ME time.  I do get shower time alone, if I dont have company that is.  I still have the sancutary of my room.  I re did the decor and now its my little oasis in the madness.  I did it in bright Oranges and pinks...DS said it was makes me feel good and cheery. 

    Bernie...I knew you would come up with the definition and origin for me.. you are so good at that.  I have a feeling if I dont send this I will loose it and that will piss me right the H E double toothpicks off. 

    Latah goilies

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    Cyndie! Nice to see you lovie. Your room sounds nice, glad you have at least that to run away from the insanity of life. Now to get the son to EMS'ing and maybe get your place back to yerself? I can't even remember who is there but I know you have a housefull at your bed and breakfast. You are so kind hearted. 

    Dr. Cam, you are funny. Like you, I am overwhelmed with things to do. I really have nothing to do but play my game on facebook and read and respond to emails, go to appointments and that is pretty much it. Yet I still get anxious over feeling I have so much to do. I have to collect my chips and take my spins, those are very important events. I even have a calerdar set to get as many chips as I can. Do you like to gamble? If so, you would be so addicted to this game. I really enjoy it though. It is my escape. well the lounge is too.

    Lori, good to watch the youtube link again. each time, I pick up someting different that I did not notice the last time. Very well done girl. And I too am envious that you will be camping. my issue is that no one in my life digs it like I do. But I have my back yard resort for camping. I have not slept outside much for a few years but b4 the RB, I spend many summer nights sleeping outdoors and loved it. I always woke up without an alarm. And I drank and I drank and I drank until I passed out. Not really but great memories. I had a nice set up with my lounge chair, blankies and pillow. I even had a sheet over the cushion! 

    I have PS appointment at 1:30 tomorrow, should be interesting. When I first called today, they told me that the doctors schedule is marked that he is not in. But I am seeing Dr. Dickstain, told he is in for emergencies only. Hmm, about time they figured out that I need care. My primary care doc faxed him and my home nurse has been calling with no response. I am glad that NM told me what to do. I am praying I find balls to do what she said. I am not as assertive as I want to be. Have read so many self help books in my day on being more assertive. And I have gotten far but have a long way to go. 

    oops, where did de time go? it is ice cream time with mese Dad. will not say much more about that today, I am exhausted from all of it. don't tail but mese jest bixed me a widdle cocktail, tomorree is the last day of anti b's.  ok, sorry so much about me again, know I love you all and pray for my goils daily. matter of fact, mese just laid on mese chair by de pool today and meditated for over an hour which included prayer time. My ADD usutally kicks in when praying but I tink I covered eberyting today. Amen. Barmen, bwing me a dwink, yipppeeeee!

    chEErs, fella dwunks! and peace to you all ♥

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited September 2013

    I foigot who all is staying here also 

    Enjoy your Ice cream and your dwink.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited September 2013

    hello?????  I know I know...MIA forever and now wont leave ya'll alone. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Cyn I love the  colors u said that would be so cool to be in. I tink that's a good idea for me---even one wall bright and cheery. OK I've got to think about this now. Thanks for the idea.

    Dork I'm glad u'r seeing the Dr. that's not in tomorree, he should see u anytime u need him, in my opinion. U should be be very high on his list. And it sounds so cute u have ice cream time with u'r dad. How the hell do all of u stay so thin. U eat, drink and are merry (well not always) but everyone has a great body. Then I come along blump, blump, blump--now I'm blaming it on 3 hernias in my big tummy, but swelling is another but most of it is just plain fat.

    Oh well another finger nail is getting loose, WTF is this. I take everything I'm supposed to Oh hell I'd better drink more----Oh oh I hve my brothers BD party Sat at  a great restaurant and DRINKS I am going to drink--no meds to interact that day. I have to think of a good one--ooo how bout a champagne cocktail, that's not to strong right? It's an open bar so I don't have to pay hahaha/ Whenever my Brother had any kind of party I was always paired off with one of his beatest friends and we enjoyed each other so muc, and he used to come and visit me t work alot and I just thought he was great, He passed away not to long ago--Oh did I  mention he was a priest? But he was just a regular guy and we liked each other and we got close over the years. I do miss him--He was a pastor of a big churxh and I was his rumor--that was fun. for both of us. Oh well. I'm talking to much about nothing, I just took my pain meds and it seems to react that way, then I can't talk anymore or think--there's a fine line between me taking them or not taking them. OK I'd better check on my Emails I got more today from the Gov's office and the Pres. I told the Pres, I was not speaking to him now, I bet he's happy.

    Oh it's my DD that has peemonia, my poor baby--she's still my baby And whenever I say where's my baby, my cat, Joey and my DD comes. Oh they are all goofy.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Shoot, can't read all the posts I am behind on or I will miss the sunset over the water from our lanai. Gotta pick up some more japanese beer, for Pau Hana....already have the Ahi Poke (raw fish, seaweed, soy sauce, etc). Big muddy hike yest to beautiful falls, today drove thru my stomping grounds when I was a kid...used to have to hike 3.5 mi into the woods, now it is a paved road! WTH? Eating lots of good local ono kaukau (food) and enjoying the beach, swimming, sunsets, drinking. Will miss HI again, but will be glad to be with our furbabies soon.

    BIG HUGS TO ALL, welcome to Lynne(sp?)....haven't gotten to meet you yet! I am KatwinkadeDwinka, Katwinka, Wahine, Wahine de Machiney, Kat, Kathy, whatevah, just call me!

    Pau Hana here I come! Taking tons of pics, but not on wifi enuf to post any. Maybe when we get home....

    Suck Em Up! Okole Maluna!!!!


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013


    Thanks for the cocktail and the video. Love the video. Thinks I might be able to find me way round now. Ouch, stubbed my toe. Is Cami on the ground again by the fountain?

    Have a good night ladies.. Thanks for taking me in :0)

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Ello luvs! Happy twos day.

    I had a molareffer on mese face 4ever. I jus love having a PS. So off it went! Wooshhh! Yes, he sent it for biopsy. They probably like, oh it's Beckers again! I think they sent me to collecshuns too. It's a matter of principal. I got too many damb med bills. That's my principal, principle, you say potato, I say potada, blah dee blah dee blah. Makes me think of bah da bing ba da boom, which reminds me Dr Legal and Doreroni are gangstuhs n chit! We got people goils! Louisbille slugguh types!

    I know I gotsta catch up. I'm tired. Been working new and old job, plus didn't sleep so good with face ache. Big hugs! One love!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Kat I'm glad u popped in and u'r having a good time--u lucky duck and we miss u. Let us know when u get home and we want to see u'r pics/ of course. How sweet.

    And i've been at the fountain I thought I saw Lynn for a mibute but then the hunks got around her, but I'm saying right here for a while. So watch where u step, u never know what I'll be laying on. or who????

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Shouldn't we all get in Dorks pocket around lunch and bring our baseball bats and torches.. I'm late to the story but it is obvious Dr. dickstain needs his kneecaps realigned!

    Oh and his little nursie too..
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Lynn u'r right but we have to wait til Dork gets all well. Otherwise I'd say let;s go for it.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    I was thinking for the moral support so she could stand her ground an know we got her back! I don't know the deal but sounds like it really sucks :0(

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013
