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how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    I am at my moms now doing school work

    Cam watching it

    Her surgery is tomm ill be in the hi

    ospitall all day prob waiting

    glad its not me

    I gave her a gift bag new jammies, crossword puzzle book ,magazines she loved it she cried.

    I will be here all week well back and forth taking care of my mom

    ventro-hyrnia surgery

    well at least her tummy will go down now its a big bump

    love u all ck in when I can

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013
    funny pictures
  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    spooky pic

    again have no idea why it sys that weird crap on the bottom

    ever time I post from that website

    pumpkin shooters all around

    I bartended all through college and waitress

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

    dorty,colour change is good ,how did the last dressing change go?

    cammi-pain will do that, so keep taking the xanax and pain pills regularly

    hello 4 

    back in work for the next 3 nights then vacation, got everything in my cases first time, so have forgotten something!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Julie is everyhing is packed all right---u forgot a few things. LOL Better recheck.

    Lara let us know how u'r mom does with this.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    Orange...good luck to your mom with her surgery are a wonderful daughter......

    Cami....your GS sounds like a very special kid..... are you doing tonight?

    Calling Kathy and Lori....missing you here...

    MemaSue...nice to see you...

    Hi Beckers....

    Welcome to 4sewhat....

    Had a nice dinner with my mom and the kids....she was in good spirits today....took her to the $ store....Hoping she'll come to dinner again tomorrow as its the last night before the kids go home Tuesday morning.....    Mom was using the cane today and I said something that it makes me crazy when she just carries it....she said later on that she decided that she is not going to get made at me if i say something.....I"m biting my tongue a lot, but I so worry about her when she is unsteady......

    Need to go catch up on work emails....I didn't check them on Thursday or Friday so behind quite a bit......Also going to have a glass or 2 of wine.....

    Sweet dreams......don't know if I'll get on tomorrow morning before work as I need to take DH to the airport so the kids can have his car...we need to leave by 6:15 so I can get to work on time for a 7:15 meeting.    so if I'm not here early, I'll see you tomorrow night....

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    Hi girls,

    quickly, I am feeling much better today, the best I have felt since before surgery. I visited my Mom and it would have been great but had a big and ugly issue with my dad. He now believes that mom has a boyfriend, no longer getting raped but enjoying her sex life at night. He is so dilutional and we think it is coming from denial over her condition, depression and sexual frustration. I am going to try to get him to come with me for my shrink appt on friday and my sisters may come too. I am confident that my shrink will allw me to do this. Dad cursed both me and my sister out today after verbally abusing my mom and telling her that he is done with her. The staff fear that he will get violent but we know better. He has never been violent. He is just frustrated as hail and bent on the fact that mom is having sex without him. Crazy shit going on here. Glad I do feel better. I have a long way to go but I tink de infection has eased up. I have to figure out how to get retested for that. And if I have a debridement, it will have to be by an associate of my PS as no one else will touch it. Oh Lord, help us, always something. I nearly made a stiff one but took a vitamin v instead. 

    I read earlier but hell broke lose and I never responded, SORRY, tanks for hearing my issues. I hope everyone is well at possible. LOVE YOU GOILS!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013

    Morning all.

    4 - greetings from ireland.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013
    You think English is easy??
    I think a retired English teacher was bored...THIS IS GREAT!
    Read all the way to the end.................... This took a lot of work to put together!
    1) The bandage was wound around the wound.
    2) The farm was used to produce produce.
    3) The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.
    4) We must polish the Polish furniture..
    5) He could lead if he would get the lead out.
    6) The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert..
    7) Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.
    A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.
    9) When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.
    10) I did not object to the object.
    11) The insurance was invalid for the invalid.
    12) There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.
    13) They were too close to the door to close it.
    14) The buck does funny things when the does are present.
    15) A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line.
    16) To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.
    17) The wind was too strong to wind the sail.
    18) Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear..
    19) I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.
    20) How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?
    Let's face it - English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant, nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple. English muffins weren't invented in England or French fries in France . Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet, are meat. We take English for granted. But if we explore its paradoxes, we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.
    And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing, grocers don't groce and hammers don't ham? If the plural of tooth is teeth, why isn't the plural of booth, beeth? One goose, 2 geese. So one moose, 2 meese? One index, 2 indices? Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one amend? If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it?
    If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught? If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? Sometimes I think all the English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane. In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship? Have noses that run and feet that smell? How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in which, an alarm goes off by going on.
    English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race, which, of course, is not a race at all. That is why, when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible.
    PS. - Why doesn't 'Buick' rhyme with 'quick'?
  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Hi loungettes! Tried to read all the back pages, and THINK I might have caught up. BUT no time to respond, other than to say I am SO GLAD you are doing better Dorkie, but hate what your dad is going through. Good luck with all of that, you have so much on your plate, just concentrate on your healing, ok? Becks, so funny about your dad in the purse, and OMG to see that pt have a "tent"....what an effect you had on him! LOL. Cami, hope you are feeling better!! HI to our newest loungette..."4"....welcome! Lara, what a nice gift for your mom....and hope she does well with her surgery!!! IT is still Sunday here, but Monday for most of you. Having to get on wifi here at McDonalds, and I swear the people here rival the people of Walmart....OMG! Esp at this one, I think its the worst one I have ever been to, but its the closest. Enjoying the beach, all the good food, but miss my furbabies!

    Love and Hugs to you ALL!!!!


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Oh no Dorty!!!! Just when you are feeling better, all hell's breaking loose. Could your dad have a urinary tract infection? Elderly and dementia blow my mind. Seems any little thing can rock the boat! Is he calmed down now and can you reason with him? How's your mom? She was probably like, WTF? Oh dorferoni....hugs! Hang in der.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    OMG Dork--u've got to get better to handle all this--How is u'r mom taking all of this? I s she aware how u'r dad is acting? He's so confused he can't help it, but u can't blame the staff on how they feel what he can do. They don't know him and he's acting irrational. But again u have to take care of u'rself too. What a mess.

    Kat it doesn't sound like u'r home--did I miss something.

    Oh Bernie that is so true, LOLed at times cuz I heard this all of my life--I will not repeat here what me dad used to say about the English language and whoever made it up was a drunkin' bum---and that was the nice thing he said. My Dad only knew a couple of languages but said English was the hardest to learn and that really proves it .

    Ok its Monday another week and I hope this week bring everyone together feeling better.

    Dork are u going to bring u'r Dad to see u'r mom or gie it a rest and try talking to him when he's open for it.?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2013

    Good  morning, Loungettes!  How is every one  this Monkey Day?  Happy Fall, Loungettes!  Feels like fall this ayem here, too. 

    Cammy--chronic pain (pain present for more than 3 months) is it's own disease entity.  It causes physical changes in the nervous system, has all sorts of associated problems like depression and anxiety.  Not  a fun thing. 

    Karen--I love my Kindle Fire, read scads, watch TV episodes, play games, now finding the online aspect.  Neat toy, but hard to type on. 

    4sewwhat--Welcome!  Delusional is the norm here, that or drunk.  What's your fav adult beverage? 

    Becs--people do get sent home way to soon, but it makes more money for the insurance company investors! 

    Mema--good reminder about the way kids change their  moods so fast!

    Cammy--good for you for getting back on the letter writing horse!  First amendment rights rule! 

    ORLA--praying for you and your mom.  Spooky pic, indeed!

    Juliet--vacay is good! 

    Karen--it's hard and scary watching someone who is unsteady just carry the cane around, I know.  Not much you can do about it, though.  It's a wonder more of us kids don't have short tongues. . .

    DorKable--the delusional behavior your Dad has is typical of advancing dementia.  You are right that it's coming from his frustration and fears, but he can't process info properly anymore.  The big problem is that with advancing dementia non-physical people DO get physical at times.  The staff is right to be concerned about your Mom's safety.  Ask your agency nurse if the agency has a Wound Nurse specialist. There's lots that can be done without surgical debridement, and a certified wound nurse can do some sharp debridement.  Getting rid of the dead tissue is important.  Or see if you can get in with a wound clinic to be sure you are getting the most up to date care.  And no worries about responding to all of us, we know how much energy it takes to heal and we want you spending your energy there, not here!  Just check in from time to time so we know you are OK!


    Have fun at the beach, Wahine!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Green Hell

    1-1/2 oz. Balcones Brimstone Corn Whisky

    1 oz. Carpano Antica Sweet Vermouth

    1/2 oz. Green Chartreuse

    2 dashes Regan’s Bitters

    3-4 mint leaves for garnish

    In a mixing glass 2/3 filled with ice, add all ingredients except mint and stir until cold (20-30 seconds). Strain into a chilled coupe. Garnish a side of the glass with mint leaves so that they stick up like little green flames. To do this, drag the bottom half of the leaf through the drink and up on to the side of the glass. The leaf should stick to the inside of the glass. (This could take a try or two).

    Pasted from <>

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Happy Monday Loungettes!

    I am still trying to figure out who is where and what issue belongs to who. And names. I'm bad at names but that could be all the booze!

    Dork. Think I got you figured out. Hope you are feeling better and parent stuff sucks. Good luck.

    Until I sober up I am just going to wish everyone a good week wading through all the crap!

    Orange good luck and prayers for your mom today.

    Wahine. Bama. Wow culture shock for sure. You are close by tho so if you ever need anything...or run out of vodka, I'm not far away.

    Promise I will catch on and catch up with everybody else soon. Have a damn headache from sleeping funny or just not sleeping. Gonna say it again, surgical drains suck!

    Cami. Gotta get back to sewing, more orders to fill for Ducky!

    Have a great week all!


    Bernie love the English!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2013

    I'M HOME! Well, actually got home on Friday as we had to change our plans. We were going to go the Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons, but weather was calling for 100% precipitation (rain and maybe snow) and cold temps. Had a really GREAT time. The Celebration of Life was wonderful, my favorite part was the Hope/Share pin. It is a pin of their logo (tree, boy and dog), we were give 2, one for ourself and then one to give to a current patient who is undergoing treatment. You give them the pin, share your story with them, in the hopes of giving them HOPE. My new friend is Dennis, and he is getting treatment for lung cancer and is from TX. Other places we went were Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Deadwood, Custers Last Stand, stopped at some hot springs, Flaming Gorge, and drove through Moab on the way home. I think that is the most beautiful place in the country, at least in areas of the country that I have been to.

    I am all caught up on reading and have missed you all. All seems to be going ok with everyone at the time. Dorothy, so glad you are starting to heal, and I pray it continues and there are no more set backs. I just wish you didn't have your dad to deal with right now.

    Sue, glad for NED and no METS. But darn that DH of yours, I am sorry to hear this.

    Becks, I believe the "choco sprinkler" turned out to be B(???? I too got a chuckle out of your dad being found.

    Cami, I am glad you are back to writing, it is your RIGHT. And I sure hope you can get that pain managed, you poor dear. Cute about Joey being proud of his black eye.

    Julie WOW, I wish I had family like you! Nice vay cay.

    Karen, I'm glad the flood did not affect you!!!! Devastating!

    NM, somehow I knew you wouldn't give up sleeping with Sadie!!! Wishing you good luck on everything else. We tried doing the decaf coffee, but when I found out about all of the chemicals used to make it decaf, we quit. I now just have 2 cups in the morning.

    BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB (lol) I hope you survive the sister! Know you will survive the new baby tho! When is he/she due to arrive.

    Kathy, I hope you are getting some much needed R&R.

    Lara, good luck to your mom. And you are another one dealing with too much pain for too long. I sure wish you could get over to visit with Dofey. How long are you there? And where exactly are you?

    Cyn, Shannon, Alli and all of our other MIA.............miss you girls

    Certainly I have missed someone..........please don't hate! I gots to run. So much to do, plus we are heading out again in less than 2 weeks. Going back to Moab, but taking the quad this time!

    Oh, where are my manners................WELCOME LYNNE

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    GOLDIE IS BACK  I'm so happy, u were gone along time this time. I always miss u when u go--but so happy u had such a wonderful time u deserve to always have a wonderful time. but that's also cuz u'r happy too.

    NM I'm so glad u come up with all these things for Dork, well everybody, but right now she needs you so. And u and Julie understand so much of all of this with everyone so we count on u 2. Like u guys need more chit. But Julie is leaving very soon--in 1 or 2 days. Sooooo. And becs is good too, but she's always exciting men on her shift. Not that u don't. And again I laugh, u giving up sleeping with Sadie, like that will ever happen. Silly Drs. they do know better.

    Dork I hope today is better and u'r dad has calmed down, so u'r family can relax mre and heal better.

    I hope Lara can tell us how her mom is doing too.

    OK everyone have a good day or try too

    LubsLubsLubsLubs all of u.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    I hope everyone had a great event free Monday. I am getting ready for a cocktail! BS surgeon's nurse called today and my path from my prophy came back ALL CLEAN! Some atypical cells but none of that nasty crap hiding in there. I was worried.

    I'm buying this round!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

    congrats 4,have one for me, working again tonight

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Thanks Juliet! It's a relief since they started off telling me the other one was just fine too. Gotta love days when nothing gets any worse!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited September 2013

    Hello Lovely Ladies of the HTL...Hi 4sewwhat....nice to meet you.  

    I know I've been MIA for quite a while now , trying to deal with all the chit coming down the pike here at home. DRAMA...between the boys and my friend from the North I havent had time for myself to dedicate to anything not limited to but including (is that the expression) ...Donese.  I also didnt want to burden you all with my shinannigans (sp?? BBBernie??).  I hope everyone is doing ok or at least that things arent getting worse .. I did hear of Dortys EPIC and continous infection....sure wish things would go smoothly for you are one spashal Loungette and I hope you are now on the mend so you can finally enjoy your flat belly and gorgemous boobies.

    Lara..whats wrong with your Mom??

    Have a safe trip Julie!!  Is Stella joining you?

    Wahine..hope you are having an awesome time in HI with DH...Im sure that you are..sounds beautimous. 

    YEAH...The Innocent One is back!!  Glad you had a good trip LoriLou..!

    NM..I havent had a chance to read up..Im lucky I have the time to FINALLY write but Im sure that you have been instramental with all the chit Dorty has been going thru.

    Cami...hope you are feeling well...whatz new wichu?

    Beckerz????? away Im sure.  

    Still on this poopy night shift...effing hate it ...Im sure I have said that nothing new.

    Hello and hugs to my girls... ((( Alli, ChrissyB,Jeanbean,SuZQT, Bernie, Lara,Cami,Dorty,NM,Julie,Beckers,Katwinka,Lori)))  If I have forgotten anyone pahhhleeeze esscuse moi...I promise to try and be more consitiant...

    PS...friend from up north is going home...home sick for the most part......bitter sweet. 

    Love yahhhs

    Cyndielouwhohopesyoudidntforgetherexistance ;)

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    Hey girls,

    Things are still pretty hairy around here. My dad got very impatient waiting for dinner. I told him it would be on the later side since I put frozen chicken in the crock pot at 2:30. I told him that I had to text my daughter to find out when she is coming to get her spare key. Not sure if I told you the extra drama of yesterday. She came to vist for the day along with my XDH1. She lost her car key between the car in the driveway and the front door. DId not realize this until it was dark. we searched long and hard. I did a ten minute search this morning. Was concerned that my grass will be cut today. i went out to the pool store and my dad, DD and her BF were out front of the house and I thought something was wrong. Get this, my Dad looks down and finds the key next to my pole lamp. It was like finding a needle in a hay stack. For a few minutes, he was smiling and feeling heroic. Now he is talking about going back to Myrtle Beach. He is no longer allowed to feed my mom which is actually a good thing. He took pride in doing so but honestly, she is hard to feed and he would get so impatient and hollar at her. I wanted to see Mom again today but I had my one outting. 

    NM, such great suggestions from you, wow. Good idea to see a wound care specialist. I am not sure if I would have the same issue with another dr not wanting to touch what my PS did. But get this, things jest get more complicated. OMG. I find out today that my PS was not on vacation after all. The biotch nurse that dismissed my complaints the day before I went into the hospital must have had my PS confused with another. As I could not make this chit up. Another mixup creating by my PS's nurse. The home care nurse left a message late friday telling them I need to be seen and that debridememt is what I need. And I likely need stitched back up. My wounds when measured are a good big larger today and my umbilicus Gus, and my Mutt rutt in mese belly are going to blend if not treated. So the nurse calls and told a Dr. Butler is handling my case. The person said they would page dr butler. well the nurse gets a call back from a Dr Buckley saying I am not his patient. oh chit. So I wait again and ask the nurse if I should call. She said no, Dr. Butler will be calling. She called back and says that Dr. Butler is on vacation, my PS was NEVER on vacation. All this time wasted by the knuckel head nurse giving me misinformation.  I really NEVER want to see the SOB again as I feel he does not care and that I am just a nuisance to him personally and to his fat wallet. Finally, I am told to call for an appointment. I call at 4:20 and get the recording that office is closed, hours until 4:30. WTF! 

    and it jest hit me today that the number 13 is not my friend. it never bothered me before but get little dog died on 8/13, I eneded up getting admitted to the hospital on friday the 13th and this was my 13th breast surgery. Damn it, I wish I had not thought of all of that lol. 

    Ok, nuff about mese. Welcome home Lori (Goldie for de new goil Lynne). And Lynne, darn looks like you are only a week post MX? So glad to read that there is nothing going on in doze dere cells. Woo hoo for all clear.  And sorry you were misdiagnosed for so long, chit that sucks. Thanks for de rounds. Our tenders will serve another round in yer honeor, cheers! Gonna hit send before i lose my rant. got close to sending my words to BCO outterspace. HATE THAT.

    Hi Cam, Juliet and nice to hear from Kat (wahine plus the million other names she has lol)

    cheErs and a big welcome round for Lynne! Hang with us, you will get us all straight in no time. I remember meeting thse goils and getting dem all mixed up. 

    more Cheers and love to all.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    ps - I dropped all of the kids off at the pool again today, 3rd day in a row. So nice not to have the wicked gas pains and expellation of some weally weally nasty stanky gas. Taking three rx's to make it happen. maybe TMI, but I filled that toilet today, hell yeah, I am proud. then I flushed the kids and walaa dey gone (cept for de remnants on de edge of de pool lmao) sorry I hope I do not offend anyone with mese poop humor. I tailed Stella to pull my finger dis ebening and she did. She left again and I likely will not see her for months again. De little biotch! (note to 4, Stella is mese alter ego sort a but de goils made her come alive. Hey Cam, ok, where did Stella really go? huh huh huh? I tink she staying with her Joey and gonna be a bad influeance if you do not separate them. Oh, hope his black eye is better, how cute that he is pwoud of it.

    Hi Sue, Karen, Orange (Lara) and others. Drinks and percotinis for anyone I foygot.

    and ps to 4Lynne, monday is a bad word here, it is monKeYdey. You will learn the days. tomorree is twosday, we dwink two at a time. Den hum dey, den thirstdey then friedday. Den saTURDay and finally sundayfunday!!! And we has three nurses on board, berry knowledgable nurses. And I am a doctor. I can take your drains out when dey ready. I am excellant driver, I mean drain remover. Took out four over the past year. ugh, it is up to you to tail me when to remove cuz me might have messed up on one by getting it bixed up with another. Ya see, I get funcused between de number 4 and de number 1. I am at yer service night or day. Jest call de UFO and I be in GA in a jiffy!

    Peace and love to all mese loungettes! PS last day of antib's is thirsey, got mese dwinks ready. Ok who wants to hang by de percotini fountain? Lara, Beckers, Lynne??  

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    PS Lynne, that is how I spelled my DD's middle name. love that spelling.

    BBB, yeah, when is dat alient going to arrive? Loved de countdown, love all of your funnies. And I love ye. De UFO gonna drop off 142 bottles of wine. Let dem know what ya like. Dey will get all and eberting you request and have it there in two minutees from when ye say what you want. Praying for you. And of course all mese goils. K, gotta go and play my game. mese addicted more den eber cuz i miss mese JD/Gentleman Yack. Just saw that Cyndie posted. And looking for Chrissy B. I called her name, will have to further research when mese not jacked up on pills.

    and goils, I often resist mese valium, skeered of addition. dey made me take em at night in de hospital and I uhh how do I say dis, I dumped dem and didnot swallow, sorta like Monica Lewinsky. Bdw, I do a great impression of Clinton. ok, off to play. bbl if mese does not crash out first. carry on, partay like de stars you are!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    sorry mese bumped ya Cyn. Glad to hear that you will be one roomie down, hope tings are less hectic. mese lubs ya goil! 

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited September 2013

    Hi Dortydoo with the poo poo ....Great "JOB" bet you are relieved that the kids are all going to the pewl willingly.  

    I Hate how you always get shafted with the chit in these soigerys...from now on...remember is up with your ps office?  I hate when professionals are incompetant...and I hate when places close early without an explination.  

    Im glad to hear you are taking it easy I cant get the song out of mese head and am thinking of Goldie standing on the corner..oh my...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Hi Cyn, it's great u got a chance to drop in, with all those people there, but u sounds like u r loosing u'r favorite one??? And I hope everyone is helping u around the house--u don't have time--and get rest when u can.

    Dork I'll be at the fountain with most of us. I don't like how u'r being treated, u should be a top patient for all u have gone thru and they should accomadate u with anytime, this has been horrific for you and it shouldn't have been. I think the Dr. is embarrASSed cuz to much happened with all the surgeries and now this. And of all times for u'r poor dad to be not himself with u'r mom. I know he can't help it but it's just more worry for all of u. I'm sorry u have to cook at all someone should be cooking for you still. but I know it's hard for anyone to know what u need cuz u never complain about u'r things that go on. The everyday things and with u'r dad there at this time I know it has more drama in u'r life right now. So it's no easy to heal for u. Damn I'm so sorry, it's been such a difficult road u'r on and have been on--But the HTL is at the end and u can have good help there and any amount of drinks that u want.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    Thanks Dr. Cammie Legal. thank you ALL for being here for me. I am going to bed, been a long day and I have early am dr appt with primary care, follow up to hospital stay. wish I did not have to ever see dr dicksludge again. hate him. I hope he breaks his million dollar eye glasses and stubs both big toes getting out of the shower tomorree. Den I want him to eat a contaminated banana for breakfast and puke all dey. Den I send TonyaAllie and her Louisbille sluggar to whooop him across de knees when he is down, take dat Dr. Dickenchit.

    Peace, lub and cheerS to all mese goils. Good night, and no painting mese face while mese sleeping at de fountain, k?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Nite sweet Dorky especially after what u described for u'r Dr. tomorryy hahha--

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited September 2013

    Good night sweet Dorothy...good luck tomorree ..and I wish the same for Dr. Dicksludge.

    thanks Cami...I would prefer that they all move out but one at a time is ok too.  Someday I will have my solitude and then wish I  had someone to talk to ..then I could come to the Lounge and I will be fine...

    Ill join you at the fountain...betcha thats a song..maybe a hymn..idk

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    Cam, dat bill bix em for phucking with mese eh? I don't tink he know mese got people. I got Julia for de swamp land and mese got Allison (whom mese miss so much, anyone who know her or ebery body, pray for her and her three friends dat got DX within two deys, FURB!) I got a few goils who has guns and dey knows how to use em. Den i got mese secret people dat mese bin talking about all along. And I tink dey related to you. Gambeenose and Gottifamily are my people. I tink ye know dem Cam, dey yer family too? oops, truth serum gitting to mese again. and for record,  I spail mese mobb fwends wrong on poypose. Cam, mese purdy sure you in dis same exclusive group with mese. Hope dey dont hurt us for tailing but I know dey got mese back. Dr. Dicksluge, you going down you em effing SOB. I do try to porteck de innocent. Speaking of, did not say much to my goil Lori, one of mese biggest fans. wELCOMe HOME, dere no place like it. i am so glad to hear you had such a good time. Mese gonna has to find yer pics. I agree that de area of de country you bisited is de most bootiful. I was to many of those places at 12 years old. And oh, I would love to get back to Sequoa National Park and de red rock canyans. Si mese Cali peeps anywhere near does places?back to Lori (for you Lynne she is Goldie/Lori/de inoceent one (YEH RIGHT) heh. I got tears reading about yer adventure/sailabration of life. I jest know dat de man you are hailing will benefit from your experience. Did you say hold old me is? Be careful with him, don't let him love you. Send him a pic of a witch. I know one you can use and I tink you know too. hint - bathing, uber great wine, excersize maniac who not funny like us. You know de one dat lives in New Hampshire ( to portect mese EWWA, mese changed up a fact or two. If anybuddy knows who mese talking about, PM me and you git a prize.

    question for any windows 8 users with laptop, please help. I need to find a way to stop mese mousepad on de pc cuz it making me fugging nuts. I keep hitting someting that constantly zooms den shrinks mese screen from teeny tinny to super dooper poopie large. I ready to throw dis lap top in de pool. I thought I had mese old HP bixed but still having trouble. I wonder if it is work it to take it in for repair. It takes forebbber to log in, have a hit de power off which is bad. But system freezes so quickly when I git in. All my chit in dere is saved and I can sometimes get in by doing diagnosics. but it takes 54m times to shut it down de wrong way cuz it freeze. I am tinking I might have alot of the pics I lost when mese dwopped mese phone in de pool. I had great pics and video of meses mommy. Speaking of, Mommy was really good today although she was down. She was chattier than eber and making a lot of sense.  Oh, I got de go ahead to visit. Was told that since I have been on antibs by IV for a week then on for almost anudder week, I am not contageous and the only ting I have to do to portect mese self is wash hands and sanitize de whole time I bisiting. I was also told to step up mese activity more. and doing much better in moving. mese dad still calls me Mrs Jenkins who was the hunched old lady with a bun in her hair from our childhood.  chit, mese rambling. I tail ye what happened. I took a vitamin V and was gitting ready for bed. I was hurting purdy bad. well when I took of mese jacket, I found de dinner does of mese meds. no f'ing wonder dey did not work for me, DUH (I got mese dunce cap on).

    Kat, was great to see you poop yer face in de lounge. I do miss ye for pau hanna. do you know what time dat is for mese here in eastern time zone? and sweet of our new goil 4Lynne for offering to hook up with ye. I do tink she has met de most bwesties from her cept Chrissy B. I would lub for her to poop in and tell us about de wedding plans to to tail her story of dat wild and crazy tour of de USA. besides a skuuby chic, I tink she was de first I met in person. I feel bad for skuuby chic but mese tried and tried and feel snubbed by one who I thought was a bwest fwend foreber. I hope she read dis and know mese hurt. I mean I wish her happy birtday and send her messages and she no respond. I ask God to bring her back so I can address meses sailfish behavior. Ya see, dere are two sides to ebery story. DAMN truf serom attaking.