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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Geez LouEEZE where is ebberybuddy??? Hope everyone has been habbing a nice SunDey FunDey! I just made a humongous pot of "chicken longest rice" as it is my DH's fav dish now (really called Chicken Long Rice, but the cellophane noodles are very long). Was glad to know I make mine better than the hawaiian guy who sells it in HI! Ha! Also just signed up my 8.5 yr old g'dau and myself for a pony painting class. I will be so happy to introduce her to painting! And I might jest paint my furbabies instead of a pony....this will be on Sat...was a groupon...yay!! She is a natural redhead, so I pretend she got it from me, when we are together...hahaha.

    OK Dorkaroni how did your day go? How is your dad doing? Is he banned all weekend until the pin-embedded beyotch-nurse gets written up over banning him? Hope tomorrow things will go "Hunky-Dora" (haha, your name and our HunkyD's name, who I miss so much)....and that your daddy can visit his lovely bride again. You can send me pics of your have my interest piqued again....not fair, sure thought you would be all healed up by now. Chit!

    Awwww Cami, I jest love how you look at things. Here you were in distress, and your sis covers you so you can safely get to the bathroom, then you both erupt in laffter! You are amazing! How is your DD doing....did she kick the new-moaniya to de curb? Hope so!

    4sew, how awesome that you do cakes....can you share some pics? Thats quite a talent. I remember my DD1's wedding which was 16 yrs ago and her cake was $500....was a castle, so was quite large too, but I thought that was a ridiculous price....guess the same one would be $1500 or more now. And neat that you do catering too....awesome. I take it you sew too? I love sewing, and wanted to find the Hawaiian Fabric store in the town I grew up in, but didn't know which street it was on, as it recently moved to that area. They have aisles and aisles of hawaiian prints, as they have another location I have been to before. In the airport I was talking to a gal that lives near where I grew up, and she told me it was about a block away from where we were. Chit!  Yeah I know, my DH says I have never met a stranger, but thats how you learn so much, I find people so interesting.

    OK love the Rusty Nail dwink Lori....purrfect!!!!  Love the hunky guy pic Cami! Where is our NM today??? Oh yeah, she is putting her plants to bed. I didn't even get outside to work today....gotta get inspired by you NM....I really do! And where is Julie now? Someone mentioned she is on her vacay now? Is she in the UK???

    Pau Hana time!!! Whooooooopie!!!!! Dwinks are on the house....bring your own ladder....and Okole Maluna!!!!

    Katwinka Wahine de Machine

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    My friend posted this on scarves....Tits UP if you have em....

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    i hope yuse goyles dont mind, i hit de atm in the sino and gote someb $$$ and ordered de tenders some new unis!never mind dinner, if it’s done right, you will enjoy it, If it’s not… then ‘I’ will enjoy it :P

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    OMG, is it something I said? lol. where is everyone today? Geez.

    NM? Where are ya? Are you and Sadie having too much fun to spend time at de lounge Cry? waaaaaaa! mese tears are oberflowing. tehe, jest kidding

    Karen is biddy doing her ting for Komen Race for the Cure, go Karen !!

    Beckers? Was it something I said behind yer back last night? If so, mese so sawry (oopsies, said de forbidden word), I restate. I APOLOGIZE. 

    Kat? Biddy with taking care of Maverick de dog? Or bisiting yer DD? Parents? How is eberybuddy bdw? Miss you todey. Love you wtih all mese fart. 

    Lori? Off de grid. I have a feeling that she has her "ef me" shoes on, enuff said... Embarassed. You deserve a happy day cuz I say so. I've missed ya. and of course mese lubs ya. And I know ya lubs me. You prolly getting your bigarse stick pins together to do some for poking, dat because she so nice and so innocent but when it come to habing mese back, she dere. Yep, I see her in her high heals looking so sexy but she now done the chickie chickie wow wow fesarvity and is poling mese dolls. I tinkI jest heard a scream from ober de river. ye haw, take that Dr. P Rick I.

    Cammie, where art Thy Dr. Cam Legal? She writing a letter? Or snuggling with her QT padootie duty Joey de sweetfart? ♥ Come in Dr. Cam, been missing you bery much cuz wese bin missing each other. I got a big hug for ya (((((DR. Camille))))

    Lynners? Habing a sundeyfundey nap? Or hanging with de family. How rude! jest kidding ya of course ♥ Family first. I have fallen in love with you. Don't tail Cyn, cuz she tink mese cheating on her fart. hehe!

    Lara? I know I know this one! woo hooo. she watching scary movie. and I bet I could figure out which one if I try. brb. Crud, mese remote is unreachable from where I sitting. Otherwise I could likely figure it all out. I tink anyway. 

    Mema Sue is dwunk, no doubt dere. Mese lubs mese Mema and hope she feeling greatliest todey. And enjoyiing herself with her DH. Hey a goil can pray and I do.

    uh uh, gotta run like now, sorry to goils I missed. 

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Hola! Holy moly molar focker was streaking out back!

    Dorfy, wuz you talkin smack????? I lubs you...just hung ober after the rager you threw last night!

    Cami, cracking up that your sister bombed you with wet paper towels. I bet you'z goils were hell on wheels in your younger years!

    Wahine, long rice chicken? Yum! Choke dat chicken!

    Where Iz Ms Lara! You have yer pumps on??

    Hi Lynne. Good idea to git the tenders working in the kitchen.

    Gotta pack da UFO tonight!!!!!! Goin with Ms. Dorty to see P. Rick in da ayem!! We will behave sorta almost. We cross our farts and don't hope to die even if we stuck all dem needles in his eye! With liberty and justice for all. Amen.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited September 2013

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Whats on tap for tonight??? Late one for me...I'll be around till 2ayem..lets make it a good one. 

    Dorothy..are you going to get defibulated tomorrow? What does that involve? Does Dr. Doodiedickstain do this? 

    I wonder how Nurse Cratchet feels today after all thos pin pokes..hope she feels like shit and calls out of work and gets fired.  

    Kathy..where on earth did you find that pic of the "scarves"???  Lmao.  American Horror (Coven) strts on October 9..a week from Monday.  How has DH been feeling lately?  

    Hope you get to go camping Goldie!  My kids loved to go camping, which surprised me but they were "happy little campers" back in the day.  I have a feeling if I asked them all to go they would jump at the chance.  Used to have all the gear but not anymore...Would love your RV  you tent or RV when you camp?  NM..ever camped on the Saco?  That was always a favorite thing to do.  

    Cami...I swear every time you step out of your house ..and even when you don you have a story to tell and you are so funny..what a trooper you are.  Its a special kind of person who can laugh at themselves and you so have that quality plus ! was you walk?  Or was it a Run?  Hope you didnt have to cook tonight.  Im worn out for you just thinking about it so much go girl..and 7 years to boot.  

    I think Julie is on her trip..she is missing Epcot Wine and Food fest..I think she usually goes to that...and I think that Ms. Vino may be away also..

    Who's here to party????  

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Cyndielouwhojustknockedmyarseindapewl!!!!!!! Putchya one a dem scarves on dat Wahiney brought us!!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited September 2013

    Oppsies Beckers!! 

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Hiya CynCyn! That pic was posted on a friends FB page. Funny! Here's a bucket of Natty's for ya....

    This is sorta what the chicken long rice looks like, sorta like a soup chock full of clear noodles, chicken, ginger, onions...(not a pic of mine though, mine looks

    DH is doing ok...had  big probs with his knees and ankles on our pain and ankles were swollen from the flight for about 3 days. Plus he's on strong blood thinners, so he worries about any bleeding, or being in an accident. My DD1 is still hurting from her neck surgery and her tongue surgery, but the path reports are supposed to be good. DD2 is still waiting for ins approval for artificial discs. My parents are doing well. My mom seemed "off" last night, so I stayed and made dinner, then left the guys to watch the game (ROLL TIDE won again!), and came home to eat here (just didn't want to stay there for hours). She has her moments where she is very confused, then she has very lucid times too. They still are doing everything.  DH used my dad's new chainsaw to cut some thick branches off for them, and did some other yard work there. Was hoping to work in OUR yard, but that didn't happen. Started Molly on her heartworm pills today, which are every 12 hrs for a month, so no traveling for awhile, then wait a month, then the lumbar injections. Just hope we can get rid of those darn heartworms, and very glad she doesn't act any differently....runs and jumps and acts like a puppy.

    OK, nuff bout me....didn't mean to write so much. Watching ONce Upon A Time...are you watching it Cyn? Glad the AM HOrror will start that one! Missing "666" though.

    Happy EVening GIrls!!!!


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Wahiney, the chicken dish looks yummy! How is flavor. What is it compared to? Ummmm. Poor DH to be so swollen. Can he wear compression stockings? How is his back from when he fell? I sure hope your daughter can hold out for artificial discs. When I had the surgery, they would only do one level for the artificial disc and I needed two done. When will your other dtr get path? It hurts like heck to have any little sore in the mouth so I cannot imagine what she has gone through! Did your dog test pos for heart worms? Heart worms are not a problem in Calif. I had four shih tzu's and had to give two to a rescue in Houston after I was diagnosed with FRB and they wrote the most horrible thing about me on their site for not having them on heart worm preventive. That's my effed up heart worm story. :-/ hate them. Let's have a couple skewers in their honor okay??

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    I'm in de lounge. Gettin ebberybuddy ready to tart a new week. WTF they all tink dey need clean unders. I say turn last weeks inside out and i do de laundry next week!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Chicken does look yummy. My husband saw pic and now he want some too. Wouldn't take us long to get to BAMA! Any leftovers?

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Oh poifect Lynne, we need grub for da UFO!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Oh yea, 4sew,  I make a HUGE stewpot full to the top, lots left over....we will eat it for days....or you all can join us. Its similar to chicken soup, but with the ginger, green onions, and bean thread (long rice, also called cellophane noodles as they cook clear), it has a different taste. I add a little ALoha Soy Sauce (much sweeter and better tasting than Kikkoman and te others) and my Dh adds some too, plus he adds some sesame oil. I like to keep it like the taste I grew up with....they would serve this sometimes at luaus, with less broth, alongside laulaus, lomi salmon and poi.

    Becks, her neuro thinks she just needs the one disc, first thought it would be two...and apparently not all ins co's cover it, so she is still waiting. YES, Molly and Maverick were both on heartworm meds for years. I missed a few days a couple of months ago. Had a dog a few years ago get it too, while on heartworm meds. The company will pay for part of her treatment, not quite half though. She has to stay in the "hospital" when she gets the lumbar injections (which are $400 I think), one night the first time and then 2 nights the next time. I need to really try to give her the pills every 12 hrs, so I am glad we are discussing it, as it will soon be time for another dose, and I am not used to this schedule yet!

    Come on in, chow down on Chicken Long Rice....oops I mean "Chicken Longest Rice"!! LOL

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    Hope everyone had a great day!!!

    The Denver Komen RFTC was this was a gorgeous day for a walk...I'm not a runner...never was....My DH, DS and DD#2 walked with me....DH has been sick since Wednesday night and he managed to walk today......They were my co-survivors and are still by my side!!!!

    The survivor ceremony was especially moving award was given to this young survivor who is only 29 and is at the end of her journey...she was dx at 25 when she was pregnant with her DD who is now 4 1/2....she actually found the lump at age 24 and was dismissed by the doc...finally got Dx a year later....she was NED at one point but then the beast came back.....she is fighting for her life, but unfortunately, she is now in pallative care soon to go to hospice...after she spoke her darling little daughter spoke and had me (and probably everyone else) in tears...the precious thing said, please give my mommy good care!!!!  My husband was a basket case hearing the little girl....I've met this gal a few times at Komen events, but she probably doesnt really know me, but I've talked about her to my family.....MY heart just breaks for her husband and precious little girl.....

    I know many people don't like pink and don't like Komen but this gal is one of the reasons, I don't mind pink and have a special place for Komen....I feel fortunate to have raised over $600...

    I'm tired and need to do work for work...time to catch up after not checking emails since Wednesday night....Now that the holidays are over, I can get back to a "normal" week (whatever that is)....

    Oh yeah...posted race pictures on fb...

    Sorry that this post was about are all in my hearts...sweet dreams...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Hi guys, just poppin in to say Hope everyone is doing OK.

    Kat I lub dose scarves==How could u'r DH do all that stuff, he must not feel to well==he sould wear compression sox, they help or won't he wear dem???

    Dork I'm missing sumptin, I thought u'r boobs were OK, it was u'r tummy, now a boob is giving u trouble--It cant u've been thru this too many times. I don't understand why it's been so bad for u. I praying for u.

    Eberyone is on bacashun seems like, Lori everytime u say how cold it it, I'm like Huh I always think of AZ as to to hot. At least when I was der, it was awful. I was just in de wrong place.

    I'm going to party wid my Katie-Kat now O the theme is A cat;s meow. Dat really means I'm to lazy to do anything--like usual.

    Lub, lub, lubs u all Oh my DD went out last nite and now she feels worse--she doesn't listen, do any of us listen???

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    I can't remember to take my meds, let alone get anybody else theirs!!  supposed to be taking Aunti B's until this lask dang drain get out.  Maybe if i spend more time on my EWWA (did I get that right?) it could come out sooner, but running around they collect too much and my doc won't pull it.  He real anal like that.  I grateful for that though.  Dork should come see my PS, he uptight so/s that he squeaks sometimes when he walk, but he give me his cell number in case of troubles.  Of course i dont ever use it but have it if i needs it. 

    I start my rads tomorrie.  How long til me FrankenFoob glow in de dark?  they gonna zap my neck too so if the chemo "phone sex" voice comes back I'm definately going to find a way to make some money off of it this time!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited September 2013

    Yummmmo on the Chicken Long Rice....

    No Kat..I didnt watch Once Upon A Time..I had intended to watch it tomorrow..but my toopid DVR didnt do its job and it didnt tape I have to wait for OnDemand...

    That heartworm thing is serious hu? I have to get Reese in to a vet to get "snipped"..I'll make sure I get him caught up on shots and whatever he needs for that.  

    Beckers..thanks for packing up the UFO and Lynne is catering this trip?

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Oh 4sew, I didn't realize you had recently had surgery and still have a drain...that sucks. I hated the drains more than anything. Good luck with rads....I don't really know much about that, except that you may want a really really good cream for any burns that might happen. Hoping you don't have a hard time of it.

    Hi Cami!

    Yeah, DH FORGOT to wear his script compression hose/socks on the trip....sheesh! I always wear mine, and now wear the toeless script type compression hose and my toesies have been fine! Remember, some of you, how my toenails would swell up and be so painful and turn black and sometimes come off from all the pressure? Got that taken care of now, yippeeeee! DH bought some drugstore $19 compression hose/socks for the trip home and that helped a lot, but then he cut them off cuz they were too hard to try to get off and we were both so tired. LOL...he's a piece of work, that one.

    Karen congrats on raising so much money, and on doing the walk with your family. I feel so badly for that young gal and her young family. Can imagine all the sadness seeing her, and esp when her young daughter spoke. Not fair.

    Ok, de tv is calling me back....later taters...

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Karen. kudos to you for walking!  I was going to do a walk this year but didn't sign up because I wasnt sure where i would be with treatments and stuff.  Lucky for me i found out I bounce back quick from most of it and really don't have too many bad reactions, even to chemo.  Hope rads go as well and wish everyboday didn't have to deal with any of this but if they do that they could be lucky too.  what a sad story about that girl.   We are all way too young for this chit, but 29, just damn.

    Yes Cyn, i'm bringing food for the trip.  Never been on the UFO, my first time.  I have to have Scottie beam me back to atlanta at 2 so they can zap me but then he can beam me right back.  Do we finally get to rearrange P. Rick's knee caps?

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Oh yes Cyn, heartworms can be fatal, they just take over the heart. Don't look at any pics online it is awful. Right now (well before our trip) he thought she had about 15, if she had 30 it would be in the very dangerous stage, so the dr said it would be ok to wait till now to start treatment. She is so sweet, it just is weird to imagine all that is going on right in her dear heart. There will be lots of tests too, to make sure they are all taken care of. YES< please get Reese all that he needs! Since he is inside mostly he prolly isn't exposed to as much, but it just takes one infected mosquito to bite them and give them heartworms. Awwwwww....don't tell Reese what will happen to him....he's such a sweetie, now he will get his balls clipped...but its a good thing to have it done. Just wonder what they think when they come out of "where did they go???"

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    that's so mean, now what do they have to lick?

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    I hired a new tender.  He Dutch!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013 this how we can leav Dr. P. Rick Stain tomorrie after he take care of Dork.  I tink it a goot way to recycle that paper they put on exam tables and make us lay on all crinkly and chit...

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    WooHoo, whuts his name 4sew?

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Dork,  want to make this the next party theme?  YOu can bring the guest of honor!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    here's another new tender for you beer dwinking goyles.  He not in new uni yet.  Aren't you glad me stole me hubby's computre and figured out how to share!

    I goin lookin fir new wenches now!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    I haven't even looked at all my pics yet, but the day we drove to Yokohama Beach, they were filming a car commercial. This isn't my pic, but is a pic of Yokohama....just a few minutes from the beach we stay at...

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    OOPS..... I was trying to get your beerboy to bring me a beer.....but then Pants got I have too many beers to me Cyn!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    I'm back----I like the new tendahs. but if Dorky's Dr. looked like dat whoa I'll take care of him myself. Being Italian I know all the tricks and know alot of tricks, nice women.

    4 How can u do all this with a drain still there, u really are a trooper. Like Kat said just use a good cream for that area--I think too it depends on the pigment of u'r skin, but I don't know for sure.

    Al I did was wash clothes--necessity---and watch TV and rest today. I am so boring Not bored--that rarely happens and I don't know why.

    Kat u'r DH is funny he just cut them off??? hahaha They are a pain in the A$$ but I never thought about that--I wear the toeless too, they are much easier for me to put on.

    Our furbabies kept me company today big time--how we love them, I wish they could talk, or maybe not.

    I just took my pain meds, xanax is coming soon so u know I get all talky here. and say nothing--I was talking to my Katie-Kat and she got up and turned around with her A$$ in my face. brat,