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how about drinking?



  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited September 2013


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited September 2013

    After a few Natty's...Chest Bump Beckers! And ..head over teakettle into the pool by Lynne...Send the Wenches..I portend Im dwoned and get mouth to mouth

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Hey dork shud be back wit dat scream by now. Wonder what flavor she decidin on tonites. I'm gonna grab a tender and takes him to me shop to do de dishes and sweep de floor from makin all dem Sammie's and manthas earlier. Den while he cleenen up fer me I'm gonna be in the hot tub. Dat way I can point de winches in WooHoos direction

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    Beckers, laughed my ewwa off at de wrong nurse. God I love you goils. I am doing some home work of sorts, jest finished wathcing an old movie with mese dad, no idea of the name of it but was quite funny. 

    Lynne, I pick de blond, she reminds me of my Stella.

    Cyn ya almost done work? Hate that for ya.

    Kathy, come back pleze. Me will be here with you all soonliest, hope I not too late and dat you all stay. I telled mese dad about our vodoo partay and made him laugh. Sadly, I had to block him in my drive way so that he can not go over to Mom's in the morning. I tailed him I did this and that mese sister is mad at him. But I talk about dat non partay time don't wanna have a downer partay, dis a fun vodoo partay. 

    Nurse Charlene is overweight, nothing against big goils if dey nice but chit, dis goil a beotch. She is the one whose mom was my typing teacher in high school. And mese and mese goils did some major vandalism to her el camino in doing about 8 drive by beer bottle tosses into de car. den we let de air out of her tires. she was late for school de next day. She is now dead and I am so remorseful for what we did back in 1978. Karma eh? I tink it mese fault de pig nurse picking on mese dad. And dere another trouble maker dere. Her name is Katy, she was initially hitting on my dad and doing her prairie skirt twirl dance for him. but he not interested in her. She says she has a bf in TN. I tink her BF is in her imagination. She looks pretty good for being over 60 but once I got to know her, she is very ugly to me. I jest don't get it, my dad feels strongly that he is being picked on and I tink he is. He of course has been quite naughty, especially again today at his second bisit with mese oldestst sister Alice. She is so upset with him but me and de other sister have his back on dis one. Enuff of dat, gottza finish mese home work. And jest made a dwinky, made it a wee bit too strong but I am sure it will go down well once mese done mese homework. Should not be long, another 15 minutes or so? ENUFF of de sad chit, let's partay! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    first in line is dr dick b lubkok. I tink he gay, i love gay people but hate de dr for de record, duh). if anybuddy want his real info, PM me. we can have fun bashing him on website ratings. jk of course. not not knot, gotta knot in my troat, eh hem. 

    seoncd in line is de biotch nurse charlene who bese prolly feeding her face at de desk or talking negatively about de patients, poke her up

    next is Lara's dr dickmore, poke him up too

    lastly is NM's former dr at de ER, poke him in de arse ober and ober. 

    i jest went through a box of push pins. what was dat again that Beckers or Lynners was using? Can we all have some of dem dere poking sticks?? here are four more for enybody to use. or bring yer own. and bwing yer own nails! tehehehe!

    ok goils, let's parTAY! name your doll if ya want. and dwink and be mary. I am mary tonight. mese was no mary dis morning. gonna be a long dey tomorree foah shoah.

    cheeRs! woo hooo, it saturdey night in de lounge. hope to see more goils come in. eberybuddy cept uh, neber mind. oh mese so bad. jest kidding really. dere no one dat I do not like dat bisits here. oops, made bold to say ch ch chia charlene just said OUCH cheers!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Awwwwww Dora, mese here too...jest twyin to ketchup on de flat tube (tv) shows dat I missed while gone on de beach...soooo many. Your poor daddy, so glad you blocked him in. I alweady poked about a hunred needles in dat nurse biotch dat enuf? Nope? Okey dokey....jest added annudder one...

    Cyn, Thanks for reminding me of the new season about for American Horror (or whatever de name is) you know when dat will start? Glad your friend got off safely....and hope your son gets into that program...and that your situashun gits mucho bettah. Dang it, leaks in your kitchen???? Wish you could do something, but like you said, I guess the owner doesn't care right now, and not sure if you can do anything since he is selling. Is there anyone you can ask, to see what rights you have? Maybe deducting some rent because he hasn't fixed it?

    WooHoo 4Lynne is on a roll, Becks is on a roll, Cyn is on a taco, Dorkie is in de bottle, Cami is cuddling with Pants.....HEY WAIT A MINUTE how cum Cami has a tender all to herself????? LOL, jest kiddin. Gots ta get Lara, Sue, Lori, NM, Julie, and Karen here too. Neber been to a voodoo partay befoah, but sounds fun, as long as no needles get stuck in me....otay? I know I prolly am forgitting some gals again, but don't be mad at me and stick me wid a needle, ok?

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    OOPSIE didn't mean to bump into ya DoraDoo...was a close call wid de needles all ober de place but I see that HUNK caught you jest in time! Here are some more needles for ya *handing you a big BOX of needles*....


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    Katwinka Dwinka, looks like it jest you and me, de other goils are detained. I gotzta take sumting for pain damn it, dis belly is throbbing. den mese come back and git some more skewers to poke de bad bad people with. mese most inturdested in poking de witch nurse. she back home now, works 7-7 on de weekends, she will be dere tomorree. hope you enjoying yer shows. I watch berry little tv but enjoying more with mese dad here. and it look like he gonna be around a lot more. oh boy.  kk, be back in a few. delaudid calling mese name damn it dr dickschmack.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    I'm here still.... got pins all ober da place stuck in da dolls, on a map on da wall, playin some darts in HTL....where else?? Took my shrimps off da skew er's and I'm boutsta find somewhere to stick those!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    Oh my.....I can't believe how much I missed since Wednesday least 6 or 7 pages...lost time to read them all.....tomorrow morning is the Denver Race for the need to be up early!!!!  leaving the house at just wishing everyone sweet dreams!!!! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    yippee Beckers in de lounge again. 

    I met to make some comments from mearlier posts but can't bremember too many now that de pain med is kicking in. omg, wuz really hurting tonight but likely cuz mese did some house work todey. I kept it berry light but looks like it was too much. jest can't win but gotzta do what I gotzta do as I do need clean clothes. I wore sweats to mese mom's meeting yesturdey that I pulled outta de hamper, had dem on dey dey before and dey had a small area where de wound cover went through. i know i know, ICK ICK ICK. 

    anyway, wanted to comment on de fire that NM talked about. Holy SMOKE (no pun intended). and OMG, what a story about de big fire and loss of so many doggies, bwoke mese heart. I try to foyget about it though cuz it jest to sad to tink about.  

    mese ordered anudder dwink but don't tail, me having decaf tea. not feeling so great again, still nauseating and it not from anti'bs cuz mese been off of dem since thirstdey. I gonna call mese primary care docdoor if mese PS will not help me with that. I tink I jest grossed out at my body. I wake up at night and when reality hits of jest how ugly mese body is, I wanna vommit. sorry, oops, dis a partay. 

    and Beckers in de lounge, yippee. still waiting for Kat to come back and for Lynners too. I hope dey come back cuz mese a widdle lonely. oops, remembered something I has to do online so will do jest dat den come back. k? has I told you all i lubs you? 

    how is Lara doing, she post but no say how she feeling cept that need a job. I jest know ones a coming to her soon, God speed goil Lara. 

    and Juliet on faycation, so fircited for her. 

    and who else mese wanted to talk to? nag nab it. cant bremember. oops, here come a hot flash, what was mese tinnking dat a cup of tea would hailp me feel good. nag dab it agen. ok, gonna take mese sorry ewwa out of here and bring in a happy arse! 

    tenders, can u bring us anudder case of skewwers? make em purdy ones and long and thick cuz dat what de dorkie victims desoyve. de sob and de biotch. ef both of dem and may dere nose be infaded by fleas and dere crotches slowly rot! take dat.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    Tanks Pants. wow, four cases of 126. you done good dude.

    Tanks Jock. and what, you said you have 16 cases of 96? Can you order jest a few more? I want mese vodoo peeple with one at least ebery half inch of dere jerk bodies. dat'll bix dem eh? 

    Sweet, Mr. Big, you know how to please a goil. Please gib us a few hundred cases of dese. Dere 144 in a case, dese all should keep us biddy. 

    ~yawn, skewwers are so boring. gottzta do some more poking, not so boring.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Oh boy are those some big sticks! We could play ring toss or just skewer up dat box of voodoo dolls Cyn brought. Wuz dat Cyn? Hic! Where is Cyn? Last I saw she was playing the drowning game so she can have her mouth to mouth. (Kat said she's on taco) had me a taco supreme for lunch from Taco Bell! Haha. Had an all beef wiener with chilli n cheese Fri! ;-) did new goil pass out? Saw her a little while ago....her legs fell through holes on da hammock....she stuck!

    Dorty, I need to order you some sweat pants online for spay shall delivery. Worried about you. Maybe need more medicine for infuckshun?? Is monkey day procedure outpatient. We need to get UFO ready!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Dorfy, wounds are yucky while they heal from inside out. I hope you can see wound care doctor. Maybe a wound vac. Hard to imagine our bodies heal so nicely. Are the girls okay? Not sure if your incision unzipped on toobs. I'm sowry (chit....said "s" word) you have these problems. It's not fair at all.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Is Dr Legal passed out sum wear? Haven't seen her all nite!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Happy to report I am down to 12.5 mg of Effexor now! Can you beleeb dis chit? Been all fricken summer long comin off!!!!!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited September 2013

    Im here but fading fastliest. 

    And tonight I better go to bed before Beckers comes out armed with her camera and veggies. 

    Good Night Moon

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Good for you, Becks! Hope you totally wean off (weiner off?) the effexor berry berry soon! And Dora, yeah I was wondering too how your new girls are lookin? Have they healed, or still have an open incision? I know you sed yer tummy looks yuckie, but wondered how the rest was doing. Poor baby. And your poor daddy. He is SO LUCKY you let him move in, with all the surgery, healing, etc you have been faced with. Can anyone help you with laundry? Your DD prolly would help do a couple of loads, or maybe you can teach your dad to do it? OR put out a FB call for help? You prolly still have some friends there that would like to help out if you jest tell them what to do. I know some of them helped you sooo much, but you still need help for awhile, and maybe they could come back?

    Chit, dere are pins and needles ebberywhere....lets put more into de voodoo dolls....take that, and that, you beyotch nerse, and chit-a$$ P.rick dr.....*jab, jab, jab*.....dere.....

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Night NIght CyndieLouWhoNeedsSomeSleep! MEse going beddiebyebye too...jest took a melatonin, and gotz ta git up eurly.....night night ebberyone!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    oops, missed dis whole page. I preading de 5th on the foobs, dese all jacked up too. I am angry and so tired of dis ride. but on de bright side, get to be out of work longer, woo hoo to that. Good night gois or should I say good morning.

    Hi Karen, sorry I bumped ya and did not see ya. Tanks for anudder card, loved it. 

    Bernie is next, take it away Bernie. hey how is Sinead, when is that widdle alien due to come to earth and show her face? I say a goil. 

    4am, I go back to bed, napped for four hours dis afternoon/ebbening. oops!

    love you girls!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Oh chit zi come here no and I got sll stuck with pins on de floore mese feet, re hurting now, But dat's ll right if Dork need help in rhe party then U suffer silentk--OOOOOWWWW Nope not silenty. Dork cuz of the way u'r heaing it wont look purdyo for  while--just don look, pretty soon u be bootifuller dan ever and be so happy and no more pain. U'll see--Now lseep everyone I came home I was exhausted and hurt alot so I kinda collapsed, but the party was wonnerful. great food and dinks and fun peeps, and after we sange HB to my Brother--I got up to go to the bathroom and I went to the bathroom without any Depends on--I looked at my sister and she knew she got behine me and we walked to the bathroom with my brothers GF who didn't have a ckue til we finaly got to the bathroom when I told her I already went. So I get in the dis, one and my sister couldn't reach me so she hrows ober a big wad of soaking wet aper towels and hits me in the head, /well of course we're laughin it was horrible I had to throw my underwear away and clean up and Sara was like what's going on and when my sister told her she couldn't understand why we were laughing so hard, then she starts laughing--It was a chitty end to a good nit--but my nephew saw me and said et's go home u don't look righ, Oh I was so happu, they wanted me to stay with them, cuz I aone here tonite but I'm better off at home with this crap. So that was my night out==But when I got home I had to rest and now I feel a bit better but eberyone is sleeping as they shoud be and u'r party sounded fun and I missed it all. Dorfy u'll see u'r Doc Mond right. and I bet u'r stinkin mad about u'r dad dat's why ders all the pins---I should write a letter.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Look what I woke up with---My sister sent him over to help me get over my emberassment, oh I'm over it--she's so sweet

    Good Morning whoever is up==I know I won't be up for long. well let's just say I'll be back in bed soon.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    I'm up. Waitin on the tenders to bring coffee to me in my bed. Sorry I passed out bout 1:30. Makin all them sandwiches pooped me right out. Fed 250 high school kids yesterday and then catered dinner for the HTL!

    Hope you all gettin some rest. Hubby next to me snorin.

    Tender better get dat coffee here soon. Or a wench. I'm not picky if they gotz coffee fer me

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2013

    Why Katrinka my dahlinka, let me get you a drinka, but I moosta say, I have no idea of what you speeka!!! Liked how you cleared things up with Cami sleeping with her Kat.

    Too funny about the last names Cami, at the doctors office. You sure have the funnies to tell. Hope you get your blood work results soonliest.

    Cyn, that is not our typical temps for the morning, but yesterday morning it WAS that cold. Glad you made it to and from the airport a-ok. Bummer about the leak and landlord not answering you. Maybe you could tell him something like, if he doesn’t fix it, the floor will be ruined and he will have more damage to deal with.

    Dork, I got mese a really big stick pin to jab doze bad peeps, or maybe we should use rusty nails. That nurse has no business working there. Oh I made chicken kabobs last, we can use those skewers. Darn, I thought you were starting to heal and feel better, but it doze not sound like it. The new girls are messed up too? How so?

    I can add a dic doc and an a$$ surgeon to the voo doo dolls list.

    LMAO @ Miss Matrix Piggy, too funny. I’m in for bobbin for some apples!

    Wow Becks, that is a long time coming off the Effexor, wowsa.

    Awww Cami, what a way to end the night, but glad it was at least towards the end. I hope you enjoyed yourself.

    Lynnsie Poo, you are no longer aloud to do any ting here in The HTL, that is why we have de Tenders, dey take care of ebbery ting, you got that girl?

    NM, did you git dem apples? Did you see the ones from Lynne???

    Weather is not looking good for our camping trip, so may have to cancel Cry.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2013

    How about we sip on some Rusty Nails today?

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Is all yuse gud goyles at chuch? I dwinking caufey. Tender sent kids with that and pancakes. Stayed on me feet too long yastarday and me ankle is PO'd at me. Good escoose anyways!

    Goldie if the line of sandwiches didnt give it away. I do catering and cake decorating. I love to do fun and/or tacky themed cakes! Done my fair share of canning and freezing and dehydrating too. Maybe you could try that with your maters and stuff. No pressure cooker? Justbdont have one or it too scary? I know some don't like them cuz old ones went BOOM a lot. My great aunt had one explode and then it rained grape jelly in her kitchen! Not sure the stains ever went away. Sorry bout the camping trip weather. I love to camp. My kids too urban and lazy. The oldest runs if he sees a lady bug! I spend most of my time on the back deck. It's screened in. Kids don't like it. Always bitchen. "it's to hot out here.". "AHHAHH there's a bug on your chair!". "oh my God, it's so cold out here.". Whatever! If I stay out there they leave me alone! And I can shut the door so the screaming and fighting is muted. They really good kids tho, I got lucky and shouldn't complain.

    We have an old RV but it is at my parents house so we never see it. Been sitting so long it prolly needs too much work now and is a loss. Bummer but what do you do.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    Good morning goils! Happy Sundey fundey! 

    Church you asked Lynne? no comment cept dat we has an inflatable chapel in de lounge. 

    Cammie Legal, write a letter for me, do it! Sorry that your party ended up a crappy note but at least you laughed at yerself and held it together and still had fun. God Bless you goil, i jest love ya! 

    Lori, your dwink looks uber delish, yum yum yum. gulp gulp burp gulp! Sorry about the weather, hopefully it will change. Tanks for de rusty nails, de nails and de dwinks. and yes, mese right boob opened up and drooped. I was looking at pics as I take em eberydey when I do the change of packing etc. ick, dey keep me nausiated. I was reading medical reports by PS last night on failures and omg, why me? Dey change of dis happening to me is like less than 2% even considering mese dwinking and mese lifestyle of not going to sleep when I should etc. Dis a bumb deal. But I do know I will get better and will heal someday. I gonna likely do the phase II of this surgery here in NJ at another hospital. I starting to tink it aint how good de dr is, it my naughty bady hating all dis chit. 

    Lynne, I much like you and would love to go camping but mese people aint interested. I do as you do and enjoy de great outdoors from mese back yard. Your boys sound awesome, you should be so proud. you makes a lot of meals, wow, must be a huge band. Mese was from a small high school, our band had like 50 peeps, dat it. our jazz band was berry good, won a state champiionship but de regular band, not so great. and marching band sucked. i was high de whole time though. haddta to make great music -- or so I thought! 

    Good morning Wahine, NM, Beckers and all mese goils. Let's make it is super fundey sundey. I gotta get with mese dad, he being a good patient widdle boy!
