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how about drinking?



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited October 2013

    Kathy, yes I made my whole outfit including the crocheted top.......I was so pushed for time in the end I finished it at 5am the morning of the that was cutting it

    I thought I heard a whole lot of tittering coming from the bridal bouquet but though I was hearing things.......I should have know it was you girls come to visit and join in the festivities!!  I have been so busy for so long with making things for this wedding that it has left me little time but hopefully now I will be able to spend a bit more time relaxing at the HTL.

    Hi to all the new gals in the HTL.......I guess by now you have found the other inhabitants are really lovely, helpful and supportive and the bestest of friends.

    Well girls, I'm about to head off to bed as it is 1.45am and time to get some shut eye.  Have a good day all!

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    CHRISSY, u long awaited wedding has happened. How are u holding up--we were waiting for pic. here but founf some-u know how sneaky we are. Well not me, but some others are. I'm sorry I wasn't on much uesterday nd haven't seen them yet so I'll do that today, but heard how beautiful u looked and how beautiful everything was, I don't doubt that or a minute.

    Good Morning Lori, I hope u get to go camping next week, the wether is warm here this week in the 80's which I can do without but whatever. Idon't know about the DOTD of the day, sounds like strange ingredients to me. But what do I know. Pizza man is good and u did a good job with Dorks Dr. I like how u counted the pokes made me laugh. U'r so cute.

    Dork what;s going on with u'r Dad? U'r Mom sounds promising to remember all that, that's so sweet. I remember when my dad would get names confused (well most of his life he did) but he'd always get my name right. I was his fav,, of course--well as u know it was no secret he tole everybody that my whole life, anyway I hope u'r situation with u'r dad wikl be OK. And I;m not going to say the S word, but Dork aren;t u doing a little to much? I mean u shouldn't be driving all over the place and doing things. U'r tummy is being overused cuz whenever u move all that has to move. Oh Dork I don't mean to preach but we all worry about u and these stupid infections and all u'r surgeries--Please take care of u'rself. 

    Lara I hope u'r feeling better today, honestly I feel the time for a job isn't right for u yet, but it will ve soon and u;ll get a good one.

    U are all so intelligent nd worldly, brave, and all are fighters u'r such a caring group of women I'm so glad I'm part of this group. U make me feel like I'm smart, LOL

    Oh I forgot I got my blood work report--the usualy low pot., low mag, and something else was low--see how I listen, but I forgot for 2 months to take my cholesterol med and it was perfect.So that's again why I feel floopy--well one of the reasons, When I hear there is a reason I always feel better mentally, LOL And she insists I see this other Dr. which I promised her I will call today, cuz she said she hates that I'm in so much pain. She's so sweet--she's my primary and I really like her. Oh and then she said that she'll never forget the time she called me at midnite, cus she had never done that before to tell me to go straight to thw hospital and she was so woeried and I was calming her down cuz I was fine with it. She has reminded me of that call so often she's just so concerned with her patients. I like that. I got lucky cuz I didn't know her at all when I picked her I just liked her eyes and how they looked gentle to me. It's all in the eyes. Oh I'm rambling, u know I just took my pain meds---u poor gals u put up with all this nonsense I write.

    Oh and dork it's funny I put that bouquet up for u and forgot to write u'r name on it---and everybkody knew it was for u, Hmmmm.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    sorry I bumped ya Chrissy. I am in awe over the wedding, the pics are beyond amazing. Hope to see you more here now that all has calmed. Did you see my post about the moler focker being in OZ? omg, can't believe we found him and he is stalking your people lmao!

    NM, sorry about the laptop crash, sucks big when that happens. 

    Bernie, you crack me de hail up, I spit out mese poop syrup. I am praying for ya girl. Keep the funnies coming. You are so right, men never do listen. 

    Lori, love the pizza face PS lol. At a glance, his face resemles my belly. I am going to do wound care then nappie, have only had one good nap in the afternoons since my dad is here. 

    chit, I am being invaded by stink bugs again. it is mild here and those stinking nasty mo fo's stalk me. when temps change, they come out of hiding with the intention of making me nuggin futs! 

    ok, so where was I? 

    Karen, hope you have a nice walk. I got another card from you and it was awesome. I will have to snap a pic of all of the cards and love I have. My sis set them up pretty for me in mese kitchen. 

    Lynne and Beckers, you coming to partay with me tonight? Kat, I know you be there. What kind of partay, suggestions? Does Lynne want to host a lampshade partay, a vodoo partay or does anyone have any ideas? Or jest make it a partay partay with de intent of getting blasted. 

    Has anyone seen our inflatable HTL chapel? I went dere to pray and can't find it, I tink de wind took it away else there is an aethist sabomour sneaking in the door. and we know it ain't moler focker. 

    Cyn, your weeked is getting closer? So nice to see you here more often, yippeee. Here some natty's for ya, dwink em down, I know you can handle 24 of dem before work. hehe, jk! we never dwink and work and dat includes me. oh hail, oh nebermind, I better not sey. 

    I gonna copy a note about yesturdey for ye all, it is a message dat I send to a family member edited for de HTL. It tail all about yesturdey procedure. 

    and I humply apologeez for missing some berry important people. I love each of my goils here, and dat without fail. I am de fail fer foygetting to mention. 

    Peace out, time to git de crock pot loaded to mese can feed mese crock pot headless daddy den stoopid wound care then zzzz time, I can't wait. mese popped an afternoon vitamin v which is berry rare for mese. I wanna partay all de time, hate wasting time sleeping but mese gonna be a good goil and do jest that. 

    cheerS, big ears. Nose rubber nose (dat for ye Kat)! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    ok, sorry so late. this is notes from my widdle debridement surgery on monkey dey go hiccup oops.

    I asked PS many questions. I asked about wound care doctor and he said that I need to just trust him and not run to the ER.  I just said very nicely, I do trust you, I know I am in good hands (yep kissing de ass and licking his crack). I even thanked the PS for coming in, was told he had conferences last week and again yesterday. I told him that I would ask my questions while he prepared me. I first asked about the swelling and asked if he can aspirate today or at my Wed appointment. He was quick to say that he was sure that the swelling in my stomach was scar tissue. I found the courage to dispute what he said, I told him that I do not think so as it feels so much like it did before I had the fluid drained in the hospital and is getting more tender each day. I could tell he is aggravated by me  and probably real pissed that I went to the ER twice. I did not care what he thought, I brought a bag or courage with sweet with me too hehe! I did really good in communicating. So I am laying there and he was going to get started.  Before I knew it, he poked me and numbed up my stomach and the area to be debrided. All of the needles as they hurt bad and he did not warn me. What I did not realize that the next stab was to check for fluid until he commented that the last poke was to check for any fluid which he was sure there was none but said he wanted to reassure me so he would check. He found fluid and said that he could drain it but there was not much at all.  He then stabbed me again, I did not realize he was hooking up the aspiration needle. This guy could give me the courtesy of telling me what he was doing, I was shocked by the stabs. PS mumbles at the nurse that there was a lot more drainage than he thought and that he should listen to his patients more.  So as he was finishing the aspiration, he turns to me and said that he did not take much out, contradicting himself. He was definitely uneasy with me.  he was then getting ready to debride. It felt to me that he was writing on me lol. I made him laugh when I asked if he was autographing his work.  It was a lot of cutting but did not hurt a bit. PS also mentioned to his nurse that he intentionally left a small area of necrotic tissue in the wound to act as a "gate", meaning to keep my belly button hole from meeting the other big hole. He then left the room and had the nurse pack and dress it. I told the nurse I wanted to see what he did before she dressed it, she showed me and I thought I would faint.  He scraped so much out, the wound under mese belly button is deep and huge. It so close to mese big  arse umbilicus aka belly funkbutton.Mese  family drama continues. It turns out that my oldest sister, Alice, had a mini stroke when we all thought it was vertigo. Thankfully, it hit an area of her brain that did not cause any issues at all. She has a follow up on wednesday. My other sister Mariann's hubby was admitted to the hospital today. He got a dx of shingles but has been in so much pain. The shingles were below his neck and some on his back and his pain level was through the roof. Mariann was here today to take Dad to lunch so her DH went to the ER. They checked and due to his past heart issues, want to monitor him at least overnight. He had a heart attack years ago while on a cruise to Mexico, he was only in his 40's and is now in his mid 50's. He makes a ton of money but it does not come without stress (he is the one that is a VP for GE Reinsurance as a actuary, if not for him, I would not have graduated college as he tutored me though two statistic courses. BIGGEST SIGH OF DE WEEK...  Our family can not get a break. I jest ask for prayers from all of you for my family and for myself. And of course for all of ye goils that I pray on daily. 

    pls remind me to tail ye all story of my dentist DX. he called me on sunday to tail me he is in mese club. from what I had heard, I did not tink he was going to make it. I give tanks to God. I prayed in mese own chapel (which bdw is stink bug infested at de moment, I find five today and removed them and dey stinked me up, dey lurking and trying to land on mese hair. I gonna hair spray dem, yep like doing that to icky bugs den they can't get to dere food den they die cuz there legs all stuck, bastards). 

    Ok, time to do dis wound care crud, will take pics if I can stomach it. den I have before and afters. i also has before and afters of mese both sober and dwunkliest. I take lots of pics of my face to keep my bowels moving. hehehehe!



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013


    Just realized we bumped earlier. The eewwwe was for tan mom. Not yuse. Sorry to hear bout your surgeries and pain. I still got inflate a boobs. Swapping to squishes for new years. I kept my areoles. Doc was thrilled when he came to talk to me before surgery. In my gown wit me butt hangin out. I handed him a drawing I made and had two pics.

    1--his proposed cut

    2-- my proposed cut

    We compromised! Don't think he ever had a patient who was seamstress too show up and suggest where to cut before!

    I hear there is a guy named Vinnie does really nice 3D tatts. I'm thinking prolly not gonna do nipple surgery. Hear it doesn't last all that long and that's a lot of cutting and stitching. He said he could do tatts for me nipps

    Nipple related. I was in a restaurant with air on and it was freezing. I kept looking down and then it hit me. Duh nottin stickin out dare no more!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    4sew, I need to give you Earleens name/email....she is is Asheville NC...closer to you than to me...and she does not charge bc pts to do the 3D nip tatts. (Hope that is still the case as she used to also do a non-profit, and we would donate to it). She is so loving and caring (lost her mom to bc) and does excellent work. I need to go back for touchups when I get a chance, both on my nips and my eyeliner. I trust her fully. YES I have heard about Vinnie too, even saw an article about him, but I think he charges even for bc pts, and I doubt he is any better than Earleen. Tell her I recommended her to you....

    Would be fun if we got to go together! (Oh and your comment was so funny....also with 3D nips, no headlights either!!!)

    Dorkie, I still can't believe all you are going thru....I mean I totally believe you, but it is just so awful that its hard to imagine you going through all that!!!! I still am praying big time for ya, girlfriend!

    And YAY Chrissy is here more often!!! WooHoo!!!!!

    And Cami, I love your doctor, how nice and caring she is. You were lucky to find her!!!

    OK, just came in from working outside, all "glistening" and need ta shower.... Hugssssssssssssssssss,


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Hey Kat!

    Consider it a road trip! I know of two people here local too. Maybe we could just make a weekend ouotis it and anybunny that needs nipps could come for a tattoo partay! We can make the DOTDs the buttery nipple and the slippery nipple!

    Chrissy. I made my own wedding gown and finished sewing the last button on just befor the ceremony. I should have put in an invisible zipper and buttons just for show, but no....I had to out on loops and a million buttons down the whole bodice. At least we didn't get out the stapler or glue gun. Thought about it once or twice though!

    Think I might have got banished from another thread for saying ass! Alls I sai was that they shuddah picked a nice cheery pink like flame n go or baboon a$$ to represent for October. Damn, just damn! They tells me to go stand in a corner and that "I really out there"

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    4 omg I am going to Vinnie, thats a great New year prez

    U sew omg I have had this idea and I can not sew

    mybe u can help idk

    I heard kat looks amazing that women I watched the video does good work but I am in NY so ill go to VInnie I called already do not have apt yet I need 400 to book I am getting my masters so they give u kick back money once I get that check I am calling

    what party r we having tonight

    I saw prisoners that was good in the movie theater last week

    ummm dorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk did u see tan mom

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    the tenders are in the locker room getting ready for the partay too :-)

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    see..dey cute and a purdy pink!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    OMG now I know why I have not had my shower I come....*splash* right into the shower wid de new Shower Boy....woohoo, thanks!

    OMG, LMAO...or is he laffing HIS a$$ off? Sew funnneeeeeeeeee!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    Wow hot

    Ok so mess new pain doc said I try these nerve block pills mess don't want to cause they make u not functional

    And new cream

    She studied or worked with msectomy patients so that's good

    It could take a year

    I' just want my life back

    Please can we party to night

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Partay at wine thirty. How dat sound? Me kids mostly in bed by den. Crept dem pesky teenagers.

    What the theme? Zoo animals. We have giraffes and baboons and docs and nurses so far. Mee mad at me chemo nurses. I know they busy but they stand me up last night :0( they still my friends but dat not nice. I drive a long way and even take me kids and husband den de no show. Made me grumpy

    Orange I can sew most anything and have. Even a Bimini for. House boat. Sew what's dis ideamener yuse has? I try to help. I have a ruffle machine, 2 embroidery machines, an embellishment machine I haven't figured out how to use! An industrial machine and a couple of sergers

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    Lara/Orange?orla? Are you up to hosting a partay dis night? And I do wish you would go to NC and have kathy's goil Earleen do your tats. I tink I telled you before but when I met Kathy, we had a show-off-fest of our war wounds. Her foobs are jest so beatutiful and that tats are unfreakingbelievably read looking. I really had to touch them to believe they did not protrude (sp)? 

    Chrissy, I am so so happy that you have some time to yerself, you been going nugging futs with that wedding for so long. But well worth every minute as it was bootiful. I wish I was really there. I bet if I asked to be invited you would have let me come, cuz you jest loves me that much. Of course the airfare would not be doable anyway. But mese fart jest fills up with so much love seeing the pics. You look so purdy, can't believe you crocheted that dress yourself, it was beautiful on you. I love your hair too. I tink you should keep growing it out. You looked purdier than ever. but of course you did cuz you mother of de bride. loved seeing your DH. tell him I miss "our" chats. ie when you and him used to skype from mese house. those were the days my friend, oh I hear a song, sing along "once upon a time dere was a tavern"....

    Dr. Cam Legal, I keep missing you mi' dear. I hope to see you at de partay tonight. and OMG, you gonna write letters to "our" people about de govt shutdown?? I can't say too much about it as it is so freaking ridiculous that it is happening. I don't fully get it and am sure I do not want to comprehend it all.but i agree with you wholefartedly that the big boys should sacrifice dere paychecks. 

    I wonder if this means that our own Mrs Vino's DH does not get a check nor have to work? Is this right? Does no one who work for de government get paid? Talking about effing up de economy and effing up American's. I say no more. Would love to hear from Chrissy about dis. I always loved her input on jest about anyting but more so about our government. of course we can't go too far polictially cuz it could distrurb de love in de lounge. none of us are repelligan and not demobrats.

    I gotta feed mese dad, been another horrible day. I have the terrible job of taking him to the doctor tomorree. He already said to me "what de pluck do I have to see the dr for"? It is our goal to first get him on anti depressant meds. I have to go to mese own PS appt then rush back for dad's. can you say stress? Can you say likker? tehehehe. 

    Sew, funny that you created your foob preference for the PS. I tink our Mrs Vino did the same thing. Or was that Lara? 

    kk, gottzta fly or mese ass be in twouble....errr more like mese ears will hear more tings that make me cry. yep, I cried myself to sleep dis afternoon over the mean tings he doing and saying. I know it not his fault but I had to break down. den I dwink and it all better. I been having two a night although last night I barely got the one down cuz mese belly was feeling sickly. sigh ~ life goes on as I know things could be much worse. 

    love you all, rounds for all, make it two cuz dis TWOSDEY!

    peace out, goil scouts! cheer

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    Dork I know wtf is going in we have no government now

    Mess so drunk

    4 if u hate your chemo nurses me to they r on the voodoo list

    Vino husband is a big wig wow!

    Ok let's have a hm I don't care party

    Here's a shot for everyone

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    i don't hate me nurses, just mad at them right now for standing me up and not comin dwinkin wit me win de posed to.  they dont need stickin maybe just like ice in dare undies for forgittin.

    i have to take de kids to de damn party city.  Want me to pix up anyting fir de partay??

    Dey still talkin on dat other thread bout how I naughty cuz I said a$$  if dey only new!!!

    sea yuse alls at de partay!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    what thread what they say

    ok pick up the ice

    and some booze

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    sounds good Lara, I git it started. and goils, line up at de fukkitol fountain. and de tenders are passing out "mese don't care" dwinks! woo hoo a partay!

    shots for all! 

    ! I don't care ! cheers! what's yer pleasure Lara? nebermind, you de host. de tenders gotcher back.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    Lynne, tail them on that other thread that I said they are ubber boring ~ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. jest kidding, we all have a right to go to other threads and act normal. and when mese says act, I mean it cuz non of us are quite the norm! And I would not change it for a minute. 

    So Lynne, yer nurses stood you up? I gotzta hop back a page to reread what you said. chit.

    I got to go on a narcotic run but want to wait and enjoy de peace and quite of mese house. Dad went to visit Mom. I got so mad at him jest before dinner and now I feel so horrible for it. oops, dis a partay. oops again, mese ken vent at partays as long as mese dwunk right? ~burp~ oops, I tink I gonna go on other threads and talk like dis, gotta loosen some goils up. and don't dare me, I am in a mood foah shoah! 

    cheers girls and extra lub to all goils who bese hurting ((((LARA)))))  (((CAMMI))) (((((NM))))) ((((MESE)))) (((ALLS MESE GOILS, GROUP HUG))))) 

    k, time to git dis partay going. I will be back later. hope to see Cammie. and it would be a miruncle if de innocent one show up. I bese paging Chrissy B too, she needs a partay indeed! 

    remember, a friend in need is a laugh indeed ;)

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    subject to copyright.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    Wow, Orange, I love your place! wooop wooop. have eight dwinks with me? or more. ~burp. LARA! hehe, dat was you burping or was that someone else? it wad not mese. and fyi, I aint bin farting todey, finally made de big dump. ok, dat enuff about that, this is a partay! I still have to run to the pharmacy but enjoying my time while dad is out. I am going to sit in the parking lot for a bit too and jest pray. I feel so bad for my dad and bin a little mean to him. oops, he back, I am in big trouble!! gtg!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    I be back mit di eyes anb booze  What did me miss while me be away at de partay store?

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    was sunbunny lookin fir a pic of me dancin on a table?  well dis not me.  Cyn dis one fir U...

    I want dose boots though!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    An "I don't care partay" sounds good, Lara!

    Dorkie, why not take your dad with you to your PS appt then go straight to his appt? Hate all the driving and running around you are having to do. I DO HOPE the dr gets him on some good antid's....sounds like they could help him out a lot right now.

    Time to partay....and I don't care....singing that song those 2 gals do....where they do horrid stuff, then sing "I don't care!"..... WOoHOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    i missed this movie.  Tenders!  fire up the projector pool side..

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013


    I found the inflatable chappel!  I don't remember anybunny taking all our pictures in front of it tho....

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    CHIT I did it again.....was responding to the PREV page....didn't even see this page here...dang! Looks like the partay is in full swing already.....lotsa booze, lotsa tenders and wenches, and even a gal dancing on de bar! (I need to make sure I am on the LAST page next time....sheesh!)....oh well, what do you expect from a drunk, right??? LOL. Funny that they are talking about you on that other thread, HUH??? The way we talk here, they would go nuts!

    Oh, that song is by "Icona Pop"..."I don't Care, I love it".....

    Partay, partay, partay.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    Yea I got those red boots on

    I'm dancing

    Hic oops fart

    Fart oops hic

    I just was dancing with the pole and the boots I just farted on mole - o fucker

    Fart on pizza face