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how about drinking?



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Hi DorK.

    docs face wasn't what I wuz tinkin bout jumping up and down on!

    I go get zapped at 2. No biggie for me. Then I goin for real margarita. All me chemo nurses meetin up wif me ta partahy. I take pics for me blog.

    Bernie, gettin aged sucks, don't it? My hubby has a Honda sumthin and a new shiny Ducati somtin or udder.

    Elf?? I bin called worse! I not dat short tho! Hahaha

    Good days ebberybuddy

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013

    Pick the cat up and cradle in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat's mouth and gently apply pressure to cheeks while holding pill in right hand. As cat opens mouth pop pill into it, allow cat to close mouth and swallow.

    Retrieve pill from floor and cat from behind the sofa. Cradle cat in left arm and repeat process.

    Retrieve cat from bedroom and throw soggy pill away. Take new pill from foil wrap, cradle cat in left arm holding rear paws tightly with left hand. Force jaws open and push pill to back of mouth with right forefinger. Hold mouth shut for a count of ten.

    Retrieve pill from goldfish bowl and cat from top of wardrobe. Call partner in from garden. Kneel on floor with cat wedged firmly between knees, hold front and rear paws. Ignore low growls emitted by cat. Get partner to hold head firmly with one hand while forcing wooden ruler into mouth. Drop pill down ruler and rub cat's throat vigorously.

    Retrieve cat from curtain rail, get another pill from the foil wrap. Make note to buy a new ruler and repair curtains. Carefully sweep shattered 'Dolton' figurines from hearth and set to one side for gluing later. Wrap cat in large towel and get partner to lie on cat with head just visible from below armpit. Put pill in end of drinking straw, force cat's mouth open with pencil and blow down drinking straw.

    Check label to make sure pills not harmful to humans, drink glass of water to take taste away.         Apply plaster to partners forearm and remove blood from carpet with  cold water and soap. Retrieve cat from neighbours shed and get another pill. Place cat in cupboard and close door onto neck to leave head showing. Force mouth open with dessert spoon and flick pill down throat with elastic band.

    Fetch screwdriver from garage and put door back on hinges. Apply cold compress to cheek and check records for date of last tetanus jab. Throw t-shirt away and fetch new one from bedroom. Ring fire brigade to retrieve cat from tree across the road and apologise to neighbour who crashed into fence while swerving to avoid the cat. Take last pill from foil wrap. Tie cats front paws to rear paws with garden twine and bind tightly to leg of dining table, find heavy duty pruning gloves from shed and pry cat's mouth open with a small spanner. Push pill into mouth followed by a large piece of fillet steak. Hold head vertically and pour a pint of water down throat to wash down pill.

    Get partner to drive you to the Emergency Room and sit quietly while doctor stitches fingers            and forearms and removes pill remnants from right eye. Call at furniture shop on way home to order new table.


    How to Give a Dog a Tablet

    Throw it in the air.

    Say "Catch"

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    LOL Bernie! (at your jokes that is, not at your ailments!).

    4sew, just looked at your blog....awesome pics!

    Dora, hmmmmm.....when you sed your mommy has been talking more and doing so much bettah, all I could think of was....*she must be having sex like your dad thinks she is having* Not really, but that thought did cross mese feeble bwain! Good luck today!

    Good luck with rads, 4sew, or elf, or Lynne...

    And Becks, you have sumtin today too?

    Cami, when do you have blood work results?????

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    I need to catch upp

    Dork how long u out of work ?

    Lots of nice pics

    I'm in the dumps blah meh

    Voodoo pin everyone

    Dork u can move around?


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Hope dorks appointment went as smooth as mine did! Sittin in the car pool lane already.

    30 thirsty minutes til happy hour ladies

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013
    funny pictures



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    4 r u ok heres a hug

    cam miss u what u watching

    hi goldie

    Juliet nice pics

    Karen what an amazing story, It sounds like you enjoyed the event

    te killya time

    heres around

    love u alll

    Hi cyn whats new hows GF?

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013
  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013


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  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    BBBernie u get me everytime--I so want to give u hugs, cuz I know u'r in pain and hurt, then u get me with a funny soty joke I'm laughing at what u write. U'r so funny.

    Lara why are u so down, Please don't tell me u'r pain hasn't lessened OMG--and u know U'll end up with a better job, but maybe u arent' ready yet. I've been watching USA all day NCIS-LOS ANGELES --I hrdly ever wtched it so it's all new, lots of acrion, and really nice eye candy for all of us. But I've been napping on and off this--I take some pain meds and I sleep--I wish they had them where I don't get knocked out, Oh well.

    Lynne easy peasy right? Well one down.

    And Dork should be home soon--I hope.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Dorkie is home YAY!!! Hope the pain level is low.

    Yeah, Lara, whats up? What has you down? OK< didn't mean to be funny by writing up and down, but ya know I mean well. Hope things are okay. Wanna vent here?

    And Bernie, I ditto what Cami are so funny, yet you have so much going on. Don't know how ya do it!

    Yipppeeeeee more Chicken Longest Rice tonight! DH wanted it for lunch and I said "No way...its for dinner, I am NOT doing all that cooking again tonight!" He took some of the "bean thread" cellophane noodles to his buddy tonight so  they can make it too. So funny that our asian stores sell the noodles for almost half the price they are in HI, which is MUCH closer to China!

    Hugs and Happy Hour to you all!!!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Love the JD bouquet for Dora, Cami! Purrfect!!!!! You doin ok, Dorkie???

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    Chrissy's Pics are beautiful...she looks so happy smiling ear to ear.  

    4sew, Lynne, Elf....Quint??  How did it go?  Im not sure about pigmentation and burns.  My g/f previous  partner was African American and she burned very badly. My OR told me that larger breasted women tend to burn worse also. Have fun having drinks. 

    Bernie, sorry about DH. Hope he gets home soonliest.  In the mean time very sweet of your friend to guard your door in his van.  

    Great to see you Lara..where have you been?  My g/f is good. Im planning on visiting her in November and she will come here in December, Christmas night.

    Hope you get to go camping Lori and riding.  I bet your part of AZ is much prettier than PHX.  Dust bowl that it is.  

    Great news about your mom Dorty..I wish many more days like that as much as for her as for you.  All cleaned up?  How often do you have that done? the Dorky would appreciate that.

    Wahine...nothing wrong with spoiling the fur babies. I woke up to Reese chowing on an electrical cord...chewed the part that sticks in to the wall right off. What a pain in the ass..but adorable at the same time. 

    Julie...nice to see you..have a great time with your family in Whales..Did I ever tell you I almost got killed crossing the street in Cardiff??  I was just following all the other people...scared the chit out of Jodi..and Me..what does Cymru mean?  

    Early night tonight..only work till 11:30..sigh..


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    OMG Cyn, I hope the cord wasn't plugged in at the time! I forget how much puppies like to chew, as most of our recent furbabies have been rescued a bit older than that. Such a cute age though! Chit that IS scary to almost get run over in another country! GLAD you didn't get hurt! Had a close call meself, in Hong Kong....we had crossed to a narrow traffic island between so many busy lanes...I mean talk about traffic. ANd so many people, you almost got moved just by standing still in the mobs. So stooooopid me looks the WRONG way (they drive opposite of us) and steps off the curb, which had NO room for error. DH grabbed me and pulled me back just as a double-decker bus whoosed by. I mean it was within inches of me AFTER he pulled me to safety. Dumb, dumb, dumb. A couple places we have  travelled  to recently have had big letters on the road, to remind tourists to look BOTH ways....duh....but its funny how we get so used to mostly just looking one way.

    Shoot Cyndie, you can go out tonight after you get off work, you early bird you! LOL. But it WILL seem early won't it, after the wee hours you sometimes have to work.

    Hope all you lovely loungettes are having a good evening.....

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    What did I miss about DorK having more surgery!!!! always have the best jokes...sorry you have to deal with so much

    Lori....every get to Colorado?  when is your next trip? are you doing? many rads

    Cami, Beckers, Julie and everyone else....cheers...going to finish my glass of wine from dinner and get busy on thank you notes...I believe that people deserve proper thank you letters when they donate...a few friends have said NO to me writing them, but guess what they will get in the mail!!!!  just makes me feel good....bbl

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Just turned out the light. Not glowing yet! Can't use the cream you ladies recommended. I allergic to sulfa and is in the cream :0( Just gonna hope I don't need it. 1 down 32 to go.

    Hope the week is off to a good start for ebberybunny. I going to lunch tomorrie to meet a local lady I met on BCO. We live just a few miles apart!

    Hope dork restin comfy tonite. The rest of yuse two.

    Tenders.....I like my coffee at 7:30 please!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    No going out on the town for me its sad when 1130pm is early.  

    Good for you Karen...I think people appreciate being appreciated..even if they say it isnt necessary.  And it does feel good to show appreciation.  

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    Have fun Lynne!! wOW..THATS BIG..HOW DID i DO THAT?? hOW DO i GET IT BACK TO NORMAL?? Anyway...Lynne...have a good night..glad you arent glowing and keeping yourself up.  Great feeling to hook up with a breastie..isnt it?  

    Wheew...back to  :)

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Good nite Cyn. 20 minutes and you can call it too!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Lynne, Your first meeting with a bco gal is usually awesome....there is just a connection that your other friends just don't have. I am so furcited for you, and can't wait to hear all about it!!

    I am SOOOOOO fercited right now....was throwing around a few dates with my DD2 so I could visit her in TX....then when I checked the  fares they had dropped so much so I quickly bought my tix. (Today I was trying to book my parents flts to HI and whenever I found a decent fare, which are still horribly high since they have to go first class, it would change the next minute, to a higher fare). So I was afraid I would lose the fare I found for TX, and was so glad to get it. Then I got the wild hair idea to invite my DD1, who hasn't flown for over 13 yrs when I took her to Madeira, Portugal, as that is when her panic attacks surfaced. I was so glad she decided she wanted to come too!!!! Of course since a few minutes had passed, the rate had gone up $100 more, but still lower than it usually is, so now we are BOTH going! She and her sister are so close but she hasn't even seen where her sister lives, so this is just going to be such fun. Will leave my DH home to take care of the dogs and the g'kids! Not going till next month, and will just pray that she can handle the flights!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    wow, busy busy, de lounge is hopping. DorK is sore so going to bed. 

    but first want to read some then will fill you all in on my date with Dr. Cavalier P Rick, MD. I saw something about a bouquet of JD but wanted to poop in and tell ye all I am ok before reading. in the meantime, rounds for all. make dat two on dis twosdey! 


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Cyn, you must have hit a different key to get it so big! Laughing

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    And yay, Dorkie is sharing her JD with us, plus whatever anyone wants to dwink! Wonder if the "poop" thing you learned would work here?  :poop: (LOL it didn't work....oh well)

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited October 2013


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited October 2013

    Hahaha .... It doesnt work here!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    LOL Beckers, I tried it before you did....Great Minds Think Alike!!!!

    Dang...spent HOURS on the phone tonight with Delta, first with mine and DD's tix, then getting my parents tix with miles (HI for them), had to make another 2 long phone calls for theirs. Always when you hang up, THEN you notice something they missed or did wrong....aaarrrgggghhhH! On the plus side, they were all very nice and friendly and I got them to waive the fees.

    Can I go to bed now??? Pwetty pwease....pwease, pwease, pwease? Mese sooooo dang tired....hope we ALL sleep well tonight. Hope our Dora is not in pain tonight and if so, that the pain meds take care of it. AND that her wound heals COMPLETELY with no more problems. Poor dear, she has been through so much. Glad your 1st rads went well 4sew, and hoping you won't need anything for burns, esp since you can't use that silvadene cream.

    Night Night Girls, Night Night Tenders, Night Night Wenches, Night Night Moon, Night Night Moler Focker John Boy.......


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Kat u done good===go to sleep.

    I really enjoyed today lesson on poopm thanks tp Dork but wheb I looked at it it's so small unless u know what it is will others know? This is an important factor in the poop scope of things.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited October 2013

    Haha Wahine. Great mind!!

    WTF you say Cams? I think it means you had lesson today to learn to make poo. I'm so worried about our poop maker master Dorfy. I want her better now.

    I gotta sleep now. I think I need to work 2 jobs but not sure why.

    Nite nite