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how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    Lol tender I'm not getting it I'm swooshed

    That guy tender I was joking I wanted the other tender

    K I'm confused

    4 why would u insult us? That would be hard to do

    Idk I'm in hydro land mybe I missed something and in gambo land it's a crazy place

    Also trying to do a research paper in this land not working

    Where's dork

    Cam I'm on sci fy to

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    A new Tender appeared

    From out of the Blue.

    We didn't get to  know him

    And away he flew.....

    But I don't care

    I saw his hair!

    I don't care

    Now he's not there!

    I don't care

    Where's Lara's pear?

    I don't care

    What shall I wear!

    I love it, I don't CARE!!!

    (lol....gotta sing the tune to that song).....

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    K now i are confused.  I don't member saying nothing insulting?  At least not unintentionally insulting!

    I was just sayin tender was a really poyson, not de udder side o me brane.  He just wanted to come out and play.

    what ya researchin?

    Don't think I would like it in Gambo land.  I didn't even take pain meds after my surgeries cuz i don't like the way it make my head feel.

    i prefer booze! Added bene...alkeyhole killz girms 2!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    I just wrote that cuz it was funny. and reminded me of our "I Don't Care" party a few nights ago.....and in Lara's verse she wrote that she ate a pear....

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    Lol Kay

    4 no worries I didnt know he was real

    My brain is muah

    I'm getting masters in higher Ed

    So I'm researching how the late 19 th century affected the modern college

    I know so exciting

    This gambo is making me feel bloated I don't like it

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    Omg kat! Not Kay

    See I'm in fairy land

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013


    hopfully the meds will settle down and quit messin wif you but still make the pain go away

    I hate taking anything for anything

    late 19th century is cool.  My grandparents were born then

    hey maybe Cami can give you a personal account

    jus kiddin!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    puttin out an APB on Dork.... Even PM'd a few days ago and nuttin.

    Stella didn't answer either.  Hope nuttin going on wif her dad or mom.  Hopin she just getting some rest so her wholes clothes UP

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Here ya go fairy land....Can Fairies dwink? Oh yeah, I guess so....the Absinthe Fairy sure looked like she did! Hope the SE's from the gabapentin will go away and it will start helping you. Meanwhile, let's all fly away.....

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Come Fly with me.................that anudder song yuse can git sicked in yur hed

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    It's ORLA the Orange Fairy!!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    Omg lmao

    Yea a fairy party!

    How fun

    Lets see

    Oh fairy

    We do not drink dairy

    Because we r fairies

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Oh fairie!

    I see you don't drink dairy

    Then how can we get merry?

    Forgot that likker is quikker

    But might make us bicker!

    OK, Pau Hana Time and Fairy Follies........


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Tell de bouncers not to let dis guy in...

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Fairy Dancin!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Group Photo.  I gotta be a red head since I colored my hair last night first time since May!  Just happy de hairs on me head and not de floor!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Wow I missed alot---Who doesn't love fairies--Tinkerbell, Stella, even the truth fairy.

    Lara u are studying somethin so interesting now but it doesn't seem like it--I don't know how u can do it at all but good for u. I hope u get used to that meds soonleyest.

    Did anyone hear from Dork I hope she's resting well, that's what I like to think--see Lara I live in fairyland too.

    Kat how's u'r back ? It wasn't so good so I hope it's better

    I just poopin in  (Oh that's what I'm still doing LOL) to say Hi

    If u go to de Lounge 4 said it was all fixed up with likker--good for u 4.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    It wuz nut me what stocked de bar. Tender did it yesterday before he leaved.

    Hope you done :poopin': soonliest too :0)

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    The HTL been busy.....hard to keep up with it all, so please excuse me for not responding to everyone individually.....don't mean to be self centered or ignoring anyone.....

    Orange and Cami....sure hope you get some relief from your pain.....

    Orange....are you working on your PhD?

    DorK...please let us know how you are doing

    Welcome to 56 the year you were born?  I use that in my screen name as its my birth year....a good year

    I joined the "smartphone" age!!!  My DD#2 is sooooo happy...she finally got her iPhone 5c...she is paying for the phone and her cover!!!  I went with the HTC One...sure hope I like it.....the price was good.....I've figured out a few things already but have more to learn...still struggling using the "touch" as I have nails, though they aren't long but strugging with the "right touch" to make things work.....Going to sit with the manual tonight and see how much I can learn...and son also has a droid so he can help me....DD only wanted an iphone....but since she's paying for  it with her babysitting money its her choice....

    Gorgeous weather in Denver today, but rain and snow is in the forecast for tomorrow!!

    Sweet dreams!!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Nite nite Karen!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    yaY a fairy partay! you goils post such great pics lately, I have to outdo ye all with a good fairy pic...hmm...tinking tinking dwinking tinking. dat settled, mese will dwink about it den let you no.

    mese bin biddy todey. I spend many hours antagonizing stink bugs. yep, dey stalk me and make me so nuts. I flick em away and dey get me back. some crash stink bomb mese hair. others land on de middle of mese forehead. when I am me cottage (dat de new name of mese shack jest because dat is how mese cable tv peeps reference me's cave. (Stella taught me that mese is not'nd a proper word. I try to bremember, it is opposed to be "me's". she sed i gotta sound like an intrailagent dwunk whens speaking or writing. so enny way, yep spend nours of hours getting back at those stink bugs. 

    at dis fairy partay, mese gonna have a contest. it nutting to do with fairy's it is to do with stink bugs. and de winner of mese twivia question gits a week of free massage at eny time of dey. and dey git three tenders all to dem sailf. ya see, one ken do de dishes and clean, one can make ya scream "OH GOD OH GOD" so loud de roof blow off (dat a funny mental image, i see de roof a flying lmaofol funny ya know)? dis because it de funny roof in de casino in de lounge, it funny cuz each shingle is a clown, full size man meat included clown) 

    ok, gottzta go and get mese jamas on cuz it so fomcortably VS de shorts mese wearing. I has mese faborite nighty gown dat is most comfy and mese can wear sorta like a dress but it is de bomb of clothing for mese, DorKy Dorfanella K. for obbious reasons, de ole night gown comfy. so more about it ye ask? K. History of de nightgown (and maybe mese take a peckture of it for ye). 

    wait, phone call. brb

    ~answering phone....oh yes Hi Stella my dear, how are you tonight"? "yes, ok oh sure I can. ...what?"  sigh ~ oh mese oh mise"...I will be correcting that so mese not a bad and dumb clown, tanks for pointing out. reminds me of time long ago before you had wings when you used to sey irregarless and mese pointed out dat not a word. den you say it not a word turd"....."come again Stella, u has static on de line, call me from yer land line".  anudder sigh. "hello?". "oh much better.... ok....oh yes, I bremember dat but shhh, de spayshall agents listening in on call so won't not talk about it". -----long paws (oh I hate de phone" ------ "ok, mese fine and mese dwunk so no worry about mese. and tank ye for tailing me dat propert enlish to impress Bernie and Chrissy is to write me'se M E o'postropey E, got it". .... "love ye too.". "what? moler focker, oh no dat a whole new story Stella, I can't now cause me's got five going and a contact too, can u give me some time, you talk too much". "yes stella you widdle biotch, reform school. you going back". and me'se not gonna bisit dis time oh hail no."......... "you going, no iffs nots or butts about it you going" click. oh escuze me, dat was Stella on de phone. Sorry to bore ye goils.  

    as I was saying, hasing a contest. And gonna figure out de bestest fairy of dem all. yep. but first gottzta git a firtting dwink (what was that word again Bernie, ya know de substituion word for de ef word, it made me lauff just cant bremember. 

    kk. brbaigmad. dat mean be right back aster i get me a dwink. bdw, what dat tender name again who joined and we skeered him away? Butch? Dexter? cant tink of it. will ponder while igmad

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Whuts de twivia question Dorkie??? If its de tenders name, it was "Dutch". But me's knows it won't be dat ez. AND what was de toid tender gonna do? You mentioned 3 tenders, but after the "Oh God, Oh God" tender, den you didn't tail us whut de last one would do. MEse (oops I mean me's) gonna make you accountable, yessirreee bobarella! LOL, Love having you back in de HTL. I wuz gettin worried boutcha! I know you still have pain, and the awful wounds, but soooooo glad you have your sense of humor intact. OR maybe its even better than normal cuz of de meds???? YOu are so much fun, and dats a fact.How I know dat? Well, yer name is in de FACTual book of facts. Yep, it sez you went to see de Wizard, down de yellow brick road....oh WAIT a minute, wasn't dat YOU? Says her name is Dorothy, so she must be are in the fact book.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    ~~~~~  I interrupt dis thread wid an importantly announcement ~~~~~

    Chit, if it isn't one thing its ten gazillion. Well, on the Doctors show today, they said that our shampoos can cause avoid the chemicals Cocamide, Parabens, and Phthalates. Well I checked my L'Oreal color vive shampoo and its full of all dat chit!!! The one dr says his childs baby shampoo hardly lists anything, while his has a ton of bad stuff....just like mine.

    ~~~~~ I now return you to your regular drinking thread ~~~~~

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Dutch was de tenders name. Do me win?

    Parabens is awful stuff and in ebberyting. Lotions especially and even eye makeup full o all dat bad chit. Parabens r synthetic estrogens or convert to estrogen something like dat. Bad juju for us BC goyles. I had awful time findin lotion with no parabens..

    Ok I wanna play...wurs de ? Already de suspense is killin me

    Glad you back dork. Stella sounds like twubble! Let me no where you send her to school. I got one a my kids needs ta go dare two.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    LOL I posted too quickly....was thinking "Dutch" and typed "Butch".....auwe! SO I corrected it...whew!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    hiya Kat, tanks for keeping me's focused. I tink it both de pills and sumting else I fergot to tail and it big. I tink me's found mese naval. no kidding. I take pics of me's healing progress. Due to swelling, me's can't see inside me holes. but tonight I discovered what appears to be de little twirly tingy ting in my belly button. I am not kidding. as you have seen, de pics of me's holes are berry ugly. but I was happy to find something familiar and that is the center of my naval all de way in de smaller hole in me gut (is me ok Stella, say no and you gone back to reform school and no Lori gonna take you out and love you, nuh uh). I might have mentioned before but I did not know that my naval was going to be relocated when I had the big surgery. the ps prolly told me months ago at my consult, but I did not know for a time after I saw it that it was my old inny. I had thought that the PS made it by putting a hole in my gut lol. I did not care about it either way, ya know?  I jest show up for surgery and hope for the best. 

    So I will try to stay on track this time. Dern ADD really going today, ya think? will start with Wahine's question and give you the trivia question. ready? 

    bdw, as I read, I have so much to say in response to you girls. but it is work to retain what I read then write back. I'd love to copy the text then insert my responses like me's does at work. I hate that I am lazy to talk to you all but you all sez ye understand and I do like meseself udderwise. I am who I am. Love me or hate me, I dont portend to bese sumbuddy I am not. Stella does, we bicker over dat constantly. bdw, did you all see that she is in OZ? omg, can''t discuss her right now, tooo distoybing.

    Ready for mese contest? need to reUP my dwink den will report back, promise! 

    Have I told ye lately that I love you (ALL). off subject (I do this on occasion), Kat's song wiht the mention of Orla cracked me de hail up. I taught Kathy writed de song but next posts make me tink it is real song? ANd mentions Lara and fruit? FUNNNNY! so many tings are funny. ok. brb in a jippy. dwink up, join me for six rounds cuz it thirsdey (which bdw, Lynne (tell me your new name Bernie came up with , I love it but too dwunked to remember) ...what was I saying? oh, Lynne, where did you find all of those dere thirsdey pics? golly gosh gomer pile. ps I made that up. ok, will brbfrdt (means be rigth back for real dis time)

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    Can I be in charge of fun and events tonight? Den has a volunteer for tomorree? please vote yay or nay. I waiting for mese dwink. where is Baxter? chit, had his name and again forgot. I tink I need mammory pills. I have rb pills but dey do not make me unforget tings. ok, still waiting for mese dwink. it is GJ on de rocks dis night. why you ask? cuz mese ooops me's soda all gone. but i ken do it. and I am Mary, tanks for Raquelle Leather Rock greeting of de day. 

    kk, brbfrdt again