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how about drinking?



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Yay. Dare I voted

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013


    DorK's Triva question of thirstdey:

    What household product makes a stink bug stop moving quickliest?

    1- Off insect repellant

    2- Foaming glass cleaner

    3- Hairspray

    De winner gets the three tenders of their choice for a week. and Kat, the 3rd ting was a tender to be at yer Beck n Call as a loyal bartender. *Dutch let us know if you are in and lets list all de tenders for de winner to pick from. Pants, Jock, Mr. Big, Snow Boy, chit memory all alone in de moonlight can we git a dwink here here, oh late into de night. suz the lampshade is big enough for al all to wear, dis de dream of de song (credit CATS). 

    NO PURCHASE OR PAYMENT OF ANY KIND IS NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. PURCHASE DOES NOT INCREASE ODDS OF WINNING. Open to legal residents of the United States who are 18 years of age or older unless otherwise stated herein. Void outside BCO's gallaxy and beyond including locations afforded by the HTL UFO. Not qualified where not permitted by de law.  Do not enter this contest if you are not located in the United States at the time of entry except for loungettes in Ireland, Whales, Scottland and Austraila mates. Odds of winning depend upon the number of eligible entries received during the Contest Period.Family members of de BCO Dwinking Thread not eligible for de contest. Prize will be forfeited to second place winner should de winner be guilty of a crime with exception being drinking crimes. Good luck players. Contest runs through 10/04/2013 at 8:00 aye em Eastern Time. Shortly dereafter, winners will be announced. Good luck to all. 

    ~more disclaimers, edited cuz dey boring zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    PS another fun contest would be to ask the joy level that I got from conducting this research on stink bugs. a hint, my level of pain that these bugs give me is a 10 (hate that pain scale, so silly using being hit by a train, really???!

    I am not done here yet. Have to wrap up de subject matter (I wrap in a zip lock bag teheheburp.............

    brbfs (b right b foah shoah)

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    My answer is 3-hairspray

    I hate dat stupid smiley faced pain scale too. It jez stoopid

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    thank you for your vote, Lynne. hey, do you like the name BBBB Bernie gave you? And what was it again? I loved it but for the life of me, can't remember. 

    Ok, I have to finish one more point about fairys then either talk to you all poysonally or jest dwink. Or update you on my stoopid situation. I get pretty bored with complaining and hate hearing myself bitch day and night, de aye em til de pee em. and fdrm (for de record <de M is a typo>, I am really serious in that I tink I see something that appears to be the swirly part of my belly button, that made me so happy! now I see more than total grotequestnessliest when i look at mese mutilated body.....ok, brb maybe. dat is if I do not crash. 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    and why do most of you leave when I poop in? is it de smell?

    I been farting up a storm again. Last night, I woke myself up jest to rip a 12+ second fart. Or was it farts? hmm, questions to ponder by Dorkaloonieroonie. 

    Ok, will start talking to a few of you, foygive me if I do not get to you all. This place has been hop hopping lately. 

    Lynne, you are finding some pretty hot boys for us. Our Julie is going to have some serious competition. And Undie'Cove, a goil who pops in once in a while but always bwings a hot hot hotty. I have to confess something that I feel bad about that I think you brought up. About the incident near the White House today. I do not watch much news but happend to turn on the 6:00 news. when I turned on de tv, they were showing video footage of the lady in the Lexus. My confession is that I laughed really hard. At the time, did not know that the lady was shot dead in front of her small child. so saddened by that. I guess I will not make that visit I was planning to the white house. That is, unless Camille will come to make sure I behave lol. Crazy stuff with the government shut down. I get mail yet the CDA is closed. I heard that if there was a serious outbreak of disease in our country, anyone hit would be phucked. I will say no more bout that. 

    You still partaying? where is mese Beckers, she usually here dis time of night. I know where Kat went, she saying Oh God Oh God over there inside de luxory cabana by de pool.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Bernie called me Marlin. It's ok. My kid said you mean like de fish? So dare you have it.....

    Tink I'm callin it a night. Been kinda a long day.

    Hope u r feelin better for reals. I don't know why ebberybunny gone. I was here most if de day by meeself too. Busy busy I guess.

    Catch you on de flip side. Dat what I just heared Kat sayin!

    Sweet dreams

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    ellow==I just here to bote--hairspray--hahaa Dorky I'm glad to see u here, I know u'r holes hurt. and u always have holes Dork--oooooo--dey bodder me so,,day hap to hurt so so so bad oooooo--u poor thing---I loved u explanashun of rules for u'r contest-LOL LOL LOL--Now someone better tell me--what are stink bugs--I don't knos dem?????

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited October 2013

    I must an udder par Tay... :-(. :poop: I just came in at 1 ayem. At mese boss n wife house dwinkin red wine hic, gotta go to Wouk I ayem. Chit. Den to mnts in da peeyem. Lubs mese goils!!!!!!! U da best in da west!!! And east n south n chit too.

    Check in after my cruzy weekender bender!!! Octoberpest here I comes!!!!!!!! Woooohooooooooo!!!! Oooo got headache alreddy.

    Nite molar rockers. XOXOXOXOXCAMELTOE

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes! Feck of the alarm this ayem!

    Wahine--sounds like good stuff, that new pill.  Must be really new if it isn't in the pharmacy yet!

    Goldie--Love the Wicked Vine!  and I see I got funcused about who has what ailments, again!

    4sew--now THAT is the way to get served the first cuppa joe in the ayem!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    Karen--ah, the pleasure of sleeping in!

    BBBBBernie--great explanation of the sun over the yahdahm!  I'm with you, lets go with the original!

    Goldie--LOL!!!! And that lump of coal isn't big enough to match Obama's huge head, either!

    Cammy--all pain is transmitted through the nerves, but not all pain COMES from the nerves.  Pain comes in 3 flavors:  neurogenic pain is caused by irritated or damaged nerves, somatic pain comes from irritated or damaged tissues, and visceral pain comes from irritated or damaged organs.  Arthritic pain is somatic, comes from damaged bones.  Cramps and heart attack pain is visceral, and frequently is felt somewhere other than where it is really happening (like gallbladder pain under the right shoulder blade, called referred pain).  Diabetic foot pain and post mastectomy pain syndrome, also lymphedema pain is neurogenic.  Each uses slightly different nerve pathways to the brain.  Narcotics work in the brain in the area that processes primarily somatic and visceral pain, doesn't work well with neurogenic pain which is processed in another, nearby area.  Bone pain is the oddball, it's triggered primarily by inflammation, is processed in a unique area of the brain, and is best treated with NSAID type medication.  The NSAIDs stop or reduce the inflammation, decreasing the pain signals.  Drugs like gabapentin soothe the irritation of damaged nerved, also decreasing the pain signals going to the brain.  Narcotics work on the center in the brain that processes most pain, but doesn't decrease the pain signals.  So all pain does travel through the nervous system, but those signals are triggered by different mechanisms, and the best way to stop the pain is to stop the originating mechanism.  Nerve block totally block ALL signals through that nerve, so there is no feeling, no movement below the level of the block.  Good for surgery, but not necessarily good for a walking, trying-to-function human being!

    Wow, my first fairy party!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    DorKable--you are having quite the time, aren't you?  Let's see, I can still get in on the contest, yes?  Butch?  Dutch?  Come here, Handsome!  Hooray for finding your belly button!  Progress!

    TGIF everyone!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    NM wow thank u for that very interesting

    Karen I will be working on my PHD next year so when I get that you all will call me DR. Orange

    dork I fell off my chair with the contest

    I pick 1

    wheres Juliet

    oh undie is having foot surgery today

    she will be layed up for a bit

    we all say a pray for her

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    No 3.  What is a stink bug?

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2013

    Cami, you must have been so worried about Joey, we know how close you are to that lil doll and how much you love him. I hope you have a non floopy day today.

    4, funny bout de Tenders falling asleep, but it usually is pretty quiet here during the day. It’s at night when the parties start. And I’m wif you on taking the drugs, hate taking them. And you DIDN’T insult anyone. Having the Tenders to yourself is a plus, take em and run wif em, or have dem run wif you (in dere arms)

    Lara, I bet you are a hoot trying to do a paper while in gambo land. Good luck with that. Is it helping with the pain at all? Thanks for info on Unde, maybe she can come to the lounge whilst she is laid up.

    Kat, I WAS singing! You need to go on America’s Got Talent.

    No doubt Stella is luvin the fairy party!

    Hey Dutch, thanks for setting up the bar, you done did a might fine job!

    Karen, congrats on upgrading to a smart phone! Don’t think I have heard of that one. I have iPhone.

    LMAO at our aDORKable! You are too phunny. And then Kat asking about the trivia question! I got so involved wif your conversashun wif Stella, I foygots about dat too. How are you feeling love?

    Kathy, I can’t even imagine Dork WITHOUT a sense of humor. I have heard about those things in shampoo and if I’m not mistaking, they are in make up, lotions, etc. WE CAN’T WIN.

    There I go responding before reading ahead. Lynne is saying the same thing.

    Oh Dort, you were on a roll girl. I think I am too late for the trivia, as it is 8:30 there, but only 5:30 here. But I would guess hair spray too.

    Becks, we know you are here in spirit at da parties, jes like moi! Sounds like a fun night wif da boss. Now dats da kind of boss to have!

    NM, the lump of coal came from FB, and the original poster, and I don’t think she realizes it, but as people share it, you can click on her name and then have access to all of her photos, and she has children. Obviously not private either. WOW, what a splanation on where pain comes from!

    Thinking of you today Shannon during your surgery. Maybe our new Tender can fly the UFO and get everybuddy so we can join her in the OR room.

    Cami, stink bugs are alien looking bugs and if you touch them, they put off a horrible smell. They are becoming quite the problem in the east.

    I gots to run, need to leave in about an hour and I still in meese robe!!!!! Happy FRIED Day all.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    LOL at the Camel, Bernie! Oh stink bugs are awful green large bugs that can emit an awful smell, esp if you try to kill it. We only get a few, very rarely, but Dorkie ends up with ALL of them, and they work their way into her house too. Yuck.

    Dotty, I DID make up dat song, BUT it is from de I Don't Care song....I jest put diff words. Cuz Lara first wrote about the I had to go from there. LOL. SO glad you found your belly button...I guess for now you could call it an "Inny" till it comes out. Your contest was cute, I like all the disclaimers!!

    Still soooo tired...dang it woke up again after 4 hrs...Dh mentioned something he wanted me to remind him of in the ayem, and said it in detail...well that was ALL I needed to be totally awake, cuz then my mind goes a mile a minute. SO ben up almost 3 hrs....will try again....hoping for some Zzzzzzzzzzz's.....

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Oh Good, Lori posted a pic of a stink bug. We also get the green ones....

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited October 2013

    Lol Bernie........girl you get me everytime!!!  Never know what you are going to post but I know I will always laugh!......Love it!

    Dork ya got my vote as   In answer to the question, hairspray is the best at stopping any bug in it tracks coz its sticky!!!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    Agree with hairspray...of coruse I never have any in my house!!!  don't have many aerosole cans.....

    Geeze...while reading I had a bunch of things in my head to say, and now I'm blank!!!  yup, there is nothing in my head!!!!

    Woke up in the middle of the night listening to the rain (bedroom window is open)...,such a nice sound...and now it is turning to snow.....probably won't get much....just covering the grass a bit....but its damp and cold out.....Need a walk but too lazy to drive to the mall to walk....the reason I like walking so much is that I don't have to go anywhere to do when I get off teh computer I'm going to do some cleaning and then figure it out, but don't have a lot of time as got to get mom at 9:45 for doctor appt......

    Dr. Orange.....nice ring to it...its that like Dr. Pepper!!!  and we have Cami legal!!!  what other "professions" do we have in the HTL!!!  Seriously, I go by Dr. Karen at work as my last name is too long for little kids to that I work in several schools its hard to get people to call me that...many use my last name...don't really care what they call me a long as its polite!!!!

    The other day I was in a 1st grade classroom and the teacher was making clocks with the class....that is the thing I remember most about 1st grade (or was it kdg)....making a clock out of a paper plate and practicing the time with my mother....then when I said how many years ago it was, it sounded sooooo long I dare tell!!!  when I say the year it doesn't sound quite as old as the number of years!! especially when I'm talking to a teacher born in the late 70's or early 80's!!!

    DorK...glad you found your belly button!!! you have time to hang with us!!! 

    Bernie has the best jokes....Bernie...when does your DH get home?

    NM....good are you off work today?  you mentioned something about ignoring the alarm clock

    Wahine...the green stink bug isn't near as ugly as the brown one...but still not fond of them...bugs in general!!!

    Lori...whats the weather like in the AZ mountains today?  are you getting the same storm and weather as CO?

    Can't scroll back and re-read the rest of the posts or I'll loose mine as they are on another wishing everyone a good day...c u later

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Good morning all my ladies-(some)

    NM u realy should teach u splain everything so I understand it and u took that time ---Thank you so much I do understand more I'll have to reread it a couple of times but I understand it now.

    Undi's in OR today? Did we know? Oh chit we gottsta get de UFO going quicklyest.

    BBBernie those were so funny, I love the camel--why do we like camels hahaha.

    Lori u another one splaining is relly good--I don't want to know all about stink bugs, I really thought Dorky was fooling around with those names. OMG I don't want to ever see them here. Ick--Do u have them in AZ--I wouldn't think so because of location---R U going away soon.

    Lara Julie is in Wales now right everyone? she said we might hear from her today. Now see I membered that and I can't member what I just read.

    Dork u always make me laugh and like Lori I got caught up in the conversation with Stella too. LOL

    Hi Kat and der are green ones too??? OOOHHH, better take a nap today, u've got the weekend coming up and u'r always so busy.

    Becs u feeling OK? I know u've been busy but as long as 'r OK.

    I'm so---oops I almost said the s word----anyway I still have my D not as horrible but I'm still floopy and feel yukky--this has been a long bout--it just makes me so tired and weak feeling so I haven't been posting so much, but it's not cuz I don't love you all, it's cuz I don't feel so well.

    Oh I just heard Joey talking to his mommy and he said Thank you mommy, 'r so good to me--For God's sake she was only making his lunch. I'm worried about him he's too nice. I watch a lot of those shows and they always say he was so nice u would never think he would eat 18 people cuz then he walks away singing (in the morning) Oh I've got to tell u this story--I know it's boring so just skip it if u want. Joey was doing his homework and he does it in the kitchen alone--no distractions, but I could hear him saying Oh no, over and over. Well of course I got involved so he said the teacher gave them 2 foods to characterize one was a potato, which was simple he knows how to explain that. The other was a fig and he said to me I don't know what a fig is--And of course I said u poor little Italian boy u really should know that, so he;s not alowwed to use the computer (so he doesn't, dummy) anyway I said well can we talk about it, he smiled at me and said U know what a fig is??? Oh please that was one of my dads favs to eat in the summer. So we talked about it, he was so happy and I was so smart. And I thought I can't go yet I have so much more to teach him. Who'd a thunk a fig would be so spaycial.

    Hey I don't have many outside stories these days. LOL

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2013

    Weather is fine here Karen, no storms, but going to get cold tonight. How about just Ms Karen?

    Cami, Joey will forever remember that story about the figs!!!! He will remember lots of things you told him, and the love and cuddles!!!! So YES, you need to be here for a LONG time.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    Two old ladies were outside their nursing home, having a smoke when it started to rain. One of the ladies pulled out a condom, cut off the end, put it over her cigarette and continued smoking.

    Lady 1: "What's that?"

    Lady 2: "A condom. This way my cigarette doesn't get wet."

    Lady 1: "Where did you get it?"

    Lady 2: "You can get them at any drugstore."

    The next day ... Lady 1 hobbles herself into the local drugstore and announces to the pharmacist that she wants a box of condoms. The guy looks at her kind of strangely (she is, after all, over 80 years of age), but politely asks what brand she prefers.

    Lady 1: "It doesn't matter as long as it fits a Camel."

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Bernie hahahahahahaha

    Goldie thank u-u'r so sweet. It's funny but my dad was the only one that ate figs all the time -dried in the winter and he used to tell us u don't know how good this is for you--yea OK dad, now I find out they have more nutrients and stuff than almost anything else u can eat. Geeze

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Haven't read to catch up yet and I'm off to get zapped, but we have those bugs on my back deck.  We call dem Soldier bugs here.  Never noticed them being smelly.  They must save all dat fir Dork!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Bernie--they say o crap what she up to now for you already!!!  hahaha

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    Good morning girls! 

    Loved reading all your posts. I crashed out again at mese computer last night. I gotta stop doing that! 

    NM, what a great explaination of nerve issues. And I can really relate to what Lara is going through as I had the same issue. I think it stems from being cut over and over. My biggest issue was at the edge for the TE's/implants closest to the armpit. I would swear one of my PS's along the way hit a nerve. I would get shooting stabbing pains that would just get worse over time. I will ask Lara if that is where her's is. It is still very tender in that area for me. 

    I would be 95% sure that the operation I had to have on my ulnar nerve had to do with the RB. I know because I noticed the numb fingers just a day or two after a breast surgery. For the newer girls, in Dec 11, I had to have surgery on my elbow. I had lost so much strenght in my left hand and half of the hand was numb. I have permanent damage in that my muslce mass causes the sides of my hand to shrink, that is from atrohpy (not sure about spelling). Yet my PS at the time denied it having to do with the surgery he did. With NM's explanation, that just confirms what I always believed. I am very thankful that the surgery was successful and that I have use of my left hand. I play piano and still have issues with doing octaves (ex hitting C to another C with the same hand, have to stretch the pinky to the thumb to do that). anywho, I really am glad that it is bixed up. My pinky and ring finger are a little numb but at least I have some feeling. My hand was folded up and it looked horrible. 

    So gotta type a book here to hide that nasty pic of the stink bug that Lori posted. The ones here are the brown ones, called brown marmorated stink bug. They first came into Pennsylvania but are spreading up and down the east coast area. I had not seen one for the first time until about five years ago. They are so gross and the smell is horrible. You can't just squish them. I can smell if there is one around and I usually find it. The biggest problems is that they lay a trillion eggs. And they are very hard to kill off, the typical exterminator does not do the job. I have aa stink bug catcher that I bought last year and have caught a few. But the thing makes me so sick to look at. For those of you that have never seen them, you are SO LUCKY! 

    As for the contest, it runs until 8 pee em EST so if you have not yet voted, get yer votes in. I have to go back and figure out who voted what. I made a sh ort video of me killing off one of them. Oh the joy of torturing those mother flockers as they torture me. Thankfully, I have only had a few in the house. The biggest problem is in my cottage by the pool. (that sounds classy eh? My cottage is an old shed in my back yard but I use it as a hideout and escape place. It has all de luxories of home.  I will try to take a pic of the stink bug catcher and get it up. but have to add a ton of other pics to hide it from myself as they truly turn my stomach. 

    I love you all and I swear I will address you girls. I wish it would not to so rude to copy/past pages of your posts then comment after each then repaste lol. Oh I am so lazy. 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    oh, gotta finish up what I was doing last night at our fairy party. I had to tink really hard about unique fairies and I tink I found a few.

    ~disclaimer, all in fun. not intended to hurt anyone who may be a fan of these very good looking talented fairies, k? hmm, I smell another contest lmao!





    what one do you all like the most? I tink I ♥ Stella! 

    chit, gotta fly. My dad just came home and I have to make sure he eats and takes his insulin. Love you girls. will be back in a bit to try my best to talk to all of you and comment on what I have been reading. 

    If you have not voted on de stink bug best kill method, please do! Dis funliest. Happy friedey goils! 

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    4sew, those stink bugs might not stink until you squish them or get them mad? I think thats it...maybe yours are happy ones, or there are so many varieties?

    Bernie, FUNNY as usual....a condom to fit a camel....omg dats not a gud visual! lol

    Dang, my phantom printer is going off just starts on its own like it is printing, then USUALLY a blank page comes out. I have checked, nothing in the sometimes it starts scanning for no reason and I have to cancel it. BUT sometimes it goes on at night and I wake up to so many printed pages about the status of the printer. WTH? Have had trouble ever since I got my new desktop (few months ago?), and now it won't even print from IE unless I go back in as administrator, or if I am on chrome or from a PDF. Weird!!! ANyway, it just happened again, so thot I would mention it. My 2 other printers I had hooked up at the same time have bit the dust, but I have too much extra ink for this one, and it does such good photos, so I guess I'll wait on replacing it.

    Awwww Cami, what a sweet story about figs. And you are so funneeeeee saying he isn't supposed to use the computer so he doesn't...but we know YOU would have!!!! We have 2 huge fig trees, and this year we mostly gave them all away, just didn't have time to mess with them. Still a few on there. Wish Joey could try a good ripe one, they are so different than the dried ones, but BOTH ways are good. He's such a sweetie...I doubt (seriously doubt) he would ever do anything bad, but I would hate someone to take advantage of him because he is so nice. YES, you do need to stay here for your Joey....definately!!!!! When I got my bc dx, the only thing I worried about was my youngest gdau who was only 3...her other gma passed before she was born, so I am her only gma, and felt I needed to be here for her. But YOU also need to be here for us, cause WE need you too!!!! I do hope you drink a lot of fluids while you have the "D", but I am sure you are a pro at that by now. Hope it goes away today!!!!

    Oh Karen, I remember making those paper-plate clocks too. I think it was the neatest thing we made in school! Nowadays the young ones barely know how to read a regular clock...has to be digital, thats so sad. I guess soon regular clocks will go the wayside like typewriters....

    I DID get back to sleep this ayem....shoot I hate being up in the middle of the night, then when you wake up late it seems like half the day is gone already. I do hope you all have a wonderful FRIEDeggDEY!

    Love having you back here Chrissy! And it sounds like a nice get-together that the Aussie gals are planning! Hope you will get to join them in Sydney!!!

