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how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    oh, quickly....

    For Dr Cammile (who IS a real doctor), our Wahine grows fig trees. She be the HTL expert on em. If Joey needs more help, just reach out to Kathy. 

    gtgfrtt (got to go for real this time)

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    OOPS I posted so long I missed Dork's posts! Here....will a big tall, icy GJ & Coke make you happy??? OH, you say I need to bring you 2 dwinks? Okey Dokey ya go *handing 2 dwinks to ya*....

    Guess I will guess hairspray too, since that seems to be the consensus so far. I CAN change my vote later, right? lol. OH and I also vote for Stella as the Besta de Fairies!!! The way jose!

    Toodles Noodles...

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    Kat, you bumped me and I bumped you. But de water is nice today, ahhhhhh! I really hope the back pain is helped with the new drug. I would suggest you do some research jest to make sure it safe. If is jest a antiinflammatory with de other ingredient which I forget but was someting else that has been out for awhile, it will be fine. I always worry about taking new pharmaceuticals. I tink one killed my SIL. She was taking that one that was recalled, I can't remember the name. My brother did finally settle on a class action law suit against the maker. I wish I could remember. It was a huge recall and I think the drug was for arthritic pain. SIL was only 48 when she had a massive heart attack. Geez, what can I remember. Was there a partay here last night? lol. I wish I could taste your figs, you make them sound so yummy.

    Beckers, loved the acronyms for seniors, so funny. YOu have a great time this weekend with your high school besties. I know you will. And be prepared for the biggest hang over of de year. Good that you get to see your widdle Annie when you get back, de perfect cure for a hangover.

    NM, my PS is definitely lazy. My insurance authorized ten more nurse visits. My nurse will be back on monday to re pack and dress the wounds. Tanks again for teh great explanation of nerves. Hey what about the nerves that make us mad or anxious as in saying "she getting on me's nerves"? Is that a real nerve, if so which one? I hope things are calming down at work. I hope you are back up and running on a laptop, can't imagine hand writing an admission. I was chatting up with nurses when in the hospital and I was respectful when they were not able to get to me as fast as I'd like. You made me realize that you all spend more time documenting things than actually with patients. That is a sad fact. I hope you and Sadie have a nice relaxing weekend! FRIEDEY< ye hawww! (eberydey frieday for me).

    Lori, it was my psychologist that I saw yesterday. Session was mostly about my Dad. One topic that we discussed was the place where my Dad is waiting to get into. The Dr told me that he thinks it would be a good idea to let dad live independently as long as the three of us girls can monitor that he is eating and taking care of his diabetes. Loved the wicked vine drink, yum yum yum. Still dwinking dem today. well along with the two cold GJ's that Kat brought me. I tink Chrissy has Stella now. can I have her send Stella back to you? She being berry unruly again. She followed John boy moler focker to OZ. sigh~ she needs to get over that boy. he must have something bery super large feet, wink wink ;)

    Lara, you are cracking me up. But I am truly sorry you are feeling so bad. I really relate to the pain you are having. I am so glad that your foobs are doing well this time. I hope you do not need any revisions. It was my 2nd revision to righty that caused me to lose her. I often wish I left it alone. It was fine and good when I had a bra on. I tink my expections have been too high. but that is Kat's fault cuz hers are so dern perfect. Good for you using this time to get more edumacation. We gonna have a lot of doctors here....Dr. Orange, Dr. Cam, Dr. Karen and me, Dr. Dorkie. Don't tail but I am NOT a good doctor hehe. I hope you feel better hon, here some hugs for ya ((((ORLA/ORANGE/LARA))))).

    BBBernie, I lmao at your most recent joke. a condom for a camel, I can picture the clerks face at de drug store. You sound good, I hope you feel as good as your posts sound. Great lesson in Irish vocab. we say UP YourS in the US too or is it jest where I live? I humbarrased to say that mese accent is that of a philly goil and the way we talk is also philly style. I do try hard to enunciate though. People around here sound so uneducapated. Hey, would "UP YOUR SOD" be sumting you could say? I love when you share your culture stuff with us. How is de Alien? And her mum? And more so, how you been feeling? PM me if you'd prefer.

    Lynne, where do you find all those HOT boys? So glad you are finding them because I usually get my fill from Julie but since she away, she not pooping in. And where do you find the glittering and moving pics you post? I love them. Did your tender boy teach you that too? I want him to be mese oops me's tender too. Hope you have a weekend that you can relax versus cooking for hundreds of teens!

    UNDECOVE', mese here with ya but can't hear what is happening. SHHHHH eberyone, I gotta hear dis. crud, missed what de doctor said. Hoping Lara can fill us in. Praying for a speedy recovery. I miss you. And I miss the hotties you bring here too! dey schmooooking hot! I need to know where you goils find these hot boys.

    Karen, do you only work with berry widdle kids? Like K-3rd grade or sumting? They are my favorite ages of kiddies. I LOVE TWO YEAR OLDS. I had the best time with my DD when she was two and learning to put words into sentences and so forth. Congrats to your DD2 on the new cell phone. I guess she foygive you for cursing in front of her? Ooops, it happens to the best of us. Kids know how to push our buttons when they want something. I hope you have a nice weekend and a pleasant Shabbat. (realized I had been spelling it wrong for years, ooops sawrie).

    Camille, I too hate that you are going through so much. You are so so brave with everything. I love your Joey stories so much and hope that he is neber bothered for being so dern nice. He is such a perfect young gentleman. Tell him we all love him to the moon and back. I hope you feel better and for the love of GOd, I pray that the D gets outta your system ASAPliest as in NOW. Hate hate hate that for you. I want to also mention that i love ALL of your stories, you make them so funny. and knowing how bad you feel, I really admire your strength, wisdom and courage. I jest love you to de moon and back too!

    Stella, I not happy with you. You disrespected me on de phone last night. You berry close to going back to de school in update PA. I know you do not like it there but you gitting too wild agen. You need to calm down and call me when you feel better, (ya widdle biotch). ooops, see it jest slipped out.

    Chrissy, I hope to see you around here more too. I missed you so much. But you always did come running when I called for you eben when you was biddy crocheting and prepping for your beautiful DD's wedding. Your girls are so beautiful. Tell your daughter that she is just beautiful and that I am so envious of the love she has with her new hubby. And tell your other DD and your DH hello from mese. I miss de hail outta ya goil. Glad to hear things are good as can be with your health. You are one amazing lady!

    Cyndie, I hate your hours. I hope that at least it is quieter than working during the day. Hang in there girlie cuz we need ya. And please, you and eberybuddy else, STAY OUT OF DE RABBIT HOLE! Or we come down there too, ya hear me?

    ok, who'd I miss? Hurt me and hurt me badly, I need to be punished. I do prefer punishment by de tenders ya know?

    I sure hope you girls that have not ever had to smell the stench of an angry stink bug NEVER have to go through what I am going through. They come out with change of weather. They are looking to hibernate and lay eggs so that they can torture me with their many baby stink bugs in the spring. And I will annouce the winner of de contest tonight. Daat if I not too dwunk. Have a stellar afternoon my loves. And know I love each of you in my special way. Even Undie Cove' who does not visit often enough, I love you ALL!

    Lift your glass and toast. and put dem dere tits up too if ya got em!


    *novel done, stink bug pic buried. omg, I see one now. out comes the ________, DIE BASTURD DIE! I so enjoy torturing those little nasty creatures. Uh.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013
    OK dork we all voted
    That is disgusting a stink bu. I neverknew they existed
    Karen when I worked with high schools they would call me Mrs. W.
    My last name is long also
    Dork my pain is weird first my boobs are sitting ona rib it kinda sticks out so the pain radiates around and when it stings you just stop and peay it goes away
    When I am doing push ups or planks the middle gets very inflammed. If I look down it looks like the boobs are connected but they are not. This will happen if I am putting pressure anywhere so I have cut down my work outs

    I want a surprise party for my monumental B day
    Cammie and I favorite holiday is what?
    Dork found what today belly button few
    We are all in Fairy land
    and we do not care
    and I eat pears
    omh lol being silly I think dork should have a contest weekly
    Who won................................
  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    I kinda like Boy George too, and yes, I know it is sad that I know that that is Boy George! He from the 80's not the 90's but I STILL DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!!!

    I gonna catch up with everybody in a few. Gotta take puking feverish girl child to de doc. UGHHHHH

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013
    A fairy (also fay, fae; from faery, faerie, "realm of the fays") is a type of mythical being or legendary creature in European folklore, a form of spirit, often described as metaphysical, supernatural or preternatural. Fairies resemble various beings of other mythologies, though even folklore that uses the term fairy offers many definitions. Sometimes the term describes any magical creature, including goblins or gnomes: at other times, the term only describes a specific type of more ethereal creature or sprite.[1] Various folkloristic traditions refer to them euphemistically, by names such as wee folk, good folk, people of peace, fair folk (Welsh tylwyth teg), etc.[2]

    Much of the folklore about fairies revolves around protection from their malice. Although in modern culture they are often depicted as young, sometimes winged, humanoids of small stature, they originally[clarification needed] were depicted quite differently: tall, radiant, angelic beings or short, wizened trolls being two of the commonly mentioned forms. One common theme found among the Celtic nations describes a race of diminutive people who had been driven into hiding by invading humans. When considered as beings that a person might actually encounter, fairies were noted for their mischief and malice.
  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013
    Bumped u 4 above
  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013


    Since we still in fairy land.........................


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Anybody in the mood for Chinese? Dutch send me dis so I could order dinner. He naughty. Maybe we should send him to reform school with STella.


    GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Jez when Me's figure out how to post pics dey change UP de sistim. WTH??

    I gonna call me's tech support teenagers and figure dis out.....................

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Purdy Fairyland Pic, Marlin!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Trying to catch up===wow--my eyes hurt--
    I tink Stella is the prettiest, but a lot of mischief so she can't stay with me now, maybe another time.
    Lara I watching HIT & RUN ?????? So far it's not scaring the chit out of me.
    Dork u take care of u dad so nicely.
    Kat u have fig trees OMG I haven't seen one since I was little, geeze I should have asked u more questions. I was going by old memories.
    I'm doubling up on some meds for a few days- ick I hate meds. hahaha Look who I'm talking too.
    And Please don't anyone say I'm brave and all dat--cuz I not--I'm lazy and stupid--it helps me so much to be that way. My DD is the PITA they're always ready for me to go to ER cuz they see to much, when I lived alone I could just feel miserable and I got away with it. LOL
    OK I'm going to put my big old huge feet up--and relax.
  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Cami, this is for Joey, a pic of one of our fig trees that I took in July while it still had very green figs on it...

    photo P1110014_zps7d9ebbdb.jpg

    Hmmm...that might be too you need it a lot larger?

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Maybe this is better, so he can see the unripened figs....OOPS Don't know what happened, but when I preview this it DOES NOT show those other big blank spaces, so I can't edit it out. Hope it won't mess up our page!!!


    photo 5d53740c-564f-4058-952a-23c5ec6d914d_zps6cc76d46.jpg


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    I do NOT like this new tool bar so far :-( and we have to make our own smileys :0(

    I love figs tho, specially fig preserves with cream cheese on crackers. Yum!!!!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    dork we bumped

    I missed your post

    Ok the winner tonight can't wait

    I know u relate with me my ps said nothing about revision or pocket work my right one feels a little weird it kinda bends in weird I might have her look at it not sure basically these r to big for me I'm kinda mad because she said she put them on me anyway wtf ! I think I need to go down a size but I do not want to mess with them

    Ill let u know about indie I think she was a dancer because she said her foot was messed up due to high heels lol she wasn't but I bet she would like my red boots 4 had out

    Kat omg your back feel better please and rest

    Cam have not heard of that one it's good your not by yourself

    K ill ck in again I need to know the right answer

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Hey Cami,

    deeze pills for you to solve your problem most expeditiously.. Did I spell dat correct?


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Hey Somebunny better get back here and help me keep these tenders busy. They startin to take dis fairie theme a bit too far.....................


    Wait, are those fig leaves???

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Marlin dat's dem and dey didn't get filled for some reason GRRRRRRRR or my Potassium edier===my other 3 got filled but not for dis problem GRRR
    Oh da fig tree is greeeat for Joey to see... Thankeee MissKat.
    I tink we all won Dorky what are u gonna do now????
    OK I made a deal wid the pretty Dr/ I go for tests tomorrow morning and den she see how tings are going. Cuz I had some crackers and it's been OKey Dokey (so far)
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    DorK....I work Elementary school (ECE - grade 5)....that's pretty much what I've done for the past 20+ years.....the previous couple years, I've had schools that went through 8th grade, but that's the only time, I've done middle school. It wasn't DD#2 that I said " f*** to, it was DD#1 and I was embarrassed to use that language in front of my SIL. All my kids have heard it all from me and DH!!! at least they know where they can use the language.

    Most of Shabbat dinner is done....I have challah in the freezer so didn't have to worry about that.....also mushroom barley soup for lunch tomorrow...added a couple boneless chicken breasts to it and put it in the crock pot.....roasted whole chicken, roast potatoes, spaghetti squash, sliced baked eggplant, asparagus, cut up veggies and marble cake for dinner.....its just DH and me....DD#2 is invited out for dinner to one of her teacher's (they invited all the girls) and DS is working....I'm sure that DH will fall asleep soon after dinner!!! last night when I told him it was just the two of us, he commented "how romantic"!!

    Time to finish up cleaning the kitchen...candle lighting is in about 1/2 hour....I'll toast everyone tonight with a glass of cabernet....see you tomorrow night!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    Lynne, hope girl child feel better, sending prayers. dat poor widdle goil and her poor mommy too.

    Orla, de vote is in but de HTL auditors are verifying de winner. In de event of a tie, de goils will have to duke out how dey gonna split de three tenders for a week. hehe. So sorry about all that pain and problems. I hear ya loud and clear and will scream with you. I tink I tail ya before, when no one listening, I just scream at de top of mese oops me's lungs and say de ef word. sometimes twice, sometimes thrice but it works. I also have a blow up doll that i beat. I forget her name, I tink Lola. But I sure know her twisted face. I had a boy too but killed him. and i not kidding. try it, you can buy de dolls on ebay cheap.

    and NO for those wondering, dey not anatomically correct. dey has nothing

    down there hehehehe!

    who wants to announce de winner? do we has our red carpet shoes on? and Lara, did you ever find yer shiney red shoes? I left me's shoes in Oz lol. speaking of, dere a Dr named Oz. I tink that funny as hail. ~burp

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    We iz all weady for de winnah, Dorkie...


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    well I hassing a pwoblem ~hic but de auditors still reading through. but i gots a big mouth so I give ya what I tink I know. I tink you ALL lose and I get de three tenders for de week.

    I know de answer and it is something that I do not think anyone guessed. De answer is ......

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    de answer is foaming glass cleaner! who'dda thunk? i hit those little buggers (no pun intended) with hair spray but dey still fly away. I was using Matrix biolage, Freeze hair spray but those stinking turds kept marching. So I hit dem with the Off and that not do anything. So I tried my glass cleaner and de amonia must knock dem de hail out. dey walk sum uh huhh but dey fn pests don't git far before they jest drop. I been capturing dem todey, it is a new hobby. not really fun but feels like I gitting even with the fn sob's. I hate em but getting less skeered of them. I telled me who is boss here at me's ranch. yep. ME is DE winner. Unless someone else said the foaming glass cleaner, we has no winners. SO by default, I win.

    I WON I WON! yippee, show me de prize.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Dats alright Dorkie, u kin habs de three tendahs....I gonna take Chile Boy (remember him?) on a ride he will nebber foiget!!!! LOL

    SSPX3116-1 SSPX3116-1-1.jpg

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Foaming Glass Cleaner? Neber herd of dat....wonder if de regular glass cleaner wud woik? OR jest ammonia in a spray bottle??? Ennyway you enjoy your 3 tendahs and make them pamper you all night and make you go "Oh God, Oh God....". I gonna bees far away wid Chile Boy, so NO ONE can hear me yell!!! LOL....

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013


    Wenches, could you bathe these three for me please?


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Which three tenders did you pick, Dora????

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    I'm only one state line away. I let you know if I hear you Kat!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    OOPS I see who you picked....jest bumped ya into dere arms...but dey ARE filthy....glad you will git dem cleaned up before you dirty dem up!!! LOL.