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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    OOPS Marlin, I bettah go to de udder side of mese state!!! (On a side note, DH always embarrases me when we check into a hotel or if we are booking a cruise, and he tells them to put us far away from my parents, as I am a screamer! Not really, but it makes mese face turn red!).

    Didn't you meet up with a bwestie, Marlin? I thot you sed that a few days ago??? If so, how did it go?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    so what, de other boys who have come in de lounge for our viewing pleasure have been much hotter. call it a boobie prize or what. I don't care. It was de prize that the BCO prize committee designated, I have nothing to do with that.

    windex makes foaming glass cleaner, the stuff I have is just a store brand or sumting. but I do love how it cleans glass and MUrDeRs stink freaking bugs. I HATE em MORE than they hate me. I showed them all a ting or two. yep, their friends are shaking in dere stench!

    *disclaimer ~ ok so I made up de fact that BCO sponsored dis event. It is brought to you by Proctar and Gambler lmao! bin a long time since I laughed mese own dern ass off.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Proctar and are a riot as usual, Dork! Hope you enjoy YOUR boyz, and dat dey are verrrrry clean before they "cum" to you!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    I'm watching de bugs crawl on my screen porch. Now I wanna squish one and sea do it stink?

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    I'm gonna walk de red carpet wid ya Dorkie....can't have you walk it alone!!!!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    Marlin, yeah, that's it. been trying to remember.

    Kat, I can see your DH doing that. With a very straight face too. That is funny!

    I got to git for awhile, got tings to do. oh hail, I gotta play more. it friedey again and again and again, like ground hog dey for me. Oh I am so biddy doing nutting (hey, I sound like Dr. Cammie Legal, eh?).

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    dork check your PM I wuz naughty!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    I got to git for a while too. gotsa bake cookies. Unfortunately I'm working again dis weekend. Feeding 150 Ballerinas. That's a lot of Exlax and Celery!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Strange to me how there was ONE (1) winner and it was DORKY, Hmmm I guess De proctor and the gambler did a good ting for Dork. OK u can have dem but I still have 2 blow uo dolls and I use dem for der real purpose--I don't kill nybodyies bloow up or real peeps. But I tink I could be a thief, de only ting is the govnormint knows me an I can not write anote cuz dey knows my speling is nut so goot. And dis place has nit helped me for spelin' or for my vucabalary--bit I dooo no more bout sex---hehhe I always new bout dat, I teesin' u bout dat--Ino loads. Mo dan anybody hear.
    Lara dat mobie was kinda stupid. BTW
    Oh Oh somebodie put spellcheck on here, I looked up an I seed all red squggly lines.
    Ok it's ofichul de word floopy is bein used medicaly--I talk to de nurse a cuple x's today and de first time I tol her I felt floopy an she said oh Camille u got D last Sat. nite--she membered me--der r so many nurses der and I don no dem yet. But dey no floopy. an she said AWWWWW see--she new. So we can al use dat for r Drs. now.
    OK mese eyes r burnin, I tink or it mite be da tootpicks holdin dem open. Maybe I be back --I always wake up at nite--and I so tired but it goes back to mese days of workin' at nite---YES WORKIN AT NITE who are u to judge me--oops u unnerstan bout workin at nite, I forget tings sometimes.
    LUB all round, while we fall down.
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited October 2013

    Dork you be gentle wid dose tenders now ya hear?! Deys jest widdle boys.....well hopefully not so widdle in all da wight pwaces.......hahahaha!

    Yup, Stella be wid me wight now an Ise be keepin her well under contwoll! I libs in da far countwy and the moler focker was last seen UP on the Barrier Reef so he be 3000 miles away an Stella has to bahabe her selfs when she wid me! I not be cruel or nuttin buts I be keepin her widdle hands biddy with learnin to make pretty tings........she so biddy she not got time for mischief!!!

    Kat and Cammie I just looooove figs!!!! I remember as a kid my friend had a huge fig tree in her back garden and we would sit in the uppermost branches picking and eating figs right off the tree.........needless to say, we never had a constipation problem!!!.......and the figs were just the yummiest! I still love fresh figs and will make a right pig of myself on them.

    Karen, I always say I never knew how to curse until my kids grew up and taught me well. I try to behave but sometimes life just gets in my way and out all those words kids just laugh at me.......

    Hi to everyone else that I haven't addressed personally!

    I need to go make myself a cup of tea......or maybe I'll get Stella to do that!

    Have a good night all!

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    DorK's boys cleaned up nice. Third one still in the tub though!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    We have Dita Von Teese in de lounge! Wese gots ta make sure she don't take our Tendahs sirreeee. She one sexy gal but she ain't got nuttin on us! Well, she does have 2 of the Tenders though....hmmmmm......

    Hi Cami! Here ya go *handing you a cup of tea*. The tenders seem to be bizzy right thot I would help them out. I alweady wore out Chile Boy so I have some time on my "hands".

    Yeah Cami, VERRY VERRY strange that the person (hint, hint) that started the contest is the WINNER....hmmmmm....some hanky panky goin on around dese parts.

    HUH? I think Marlin mentioned it earlier, but I didn't notice till now....but yeah, how cum no more emoticons???? HUH???? Weird.



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    ooh I look so purdey. hmm, I wonder about de boy still in the tub. MARLIN, I tink you know what I talking bout. He hung. He hunging on to de rail so as not to slip n fall. tehehe.

    Chrissy! YAY! and Yippee too. Yay to see you in de lounge. and Yippee for you having Stella. Yo, have her git you that cup of tea. If anyone can train her, you can. Our inncocent one did a purdy good job with her but she left, went to stay with Julie, den went abroad, went to Cam den off she go. I know she wuz in vegas for a spell but she been gitting in all kinds of trouble. and Chrissy, if you were here now, you'd be giving me a spanking. Why you ask? hmm, maybe I outta shut up for a change and not tail on meseself. but uh, chit crap and poo poo. It has been a long long long time since dis happened but it happened again. I made a big old spill on mese laptop. uh ohhhh. I mean it was a tall glass of soda with a hint of Dack Janiels in it and de whole glass spilt right across mese laptop. I acted berry fast and pulled de battery out, shook it dry and have it laying out to dry. And I will hope and pray that mese old computer that I love so much continues to run. I have been working with it for quite some time and prior to tonight, could not get it to boot up. but it did tonight cuz I prayed. I tailed God I need to be with mese bwesties and He said notting. But dis working.

    what? on no not again, Stella on de phone Chrissy? I changed me number, you gibed it to her? Oh she said it was emergeny Cee? uh oh, put her on. Tank ye.

    "Hi Stella, you be good for Chrissy. What de emergencee?". Stella - " you said mese again Dortey Mum and dat make me sadliest. Cuz u being mese foster mutha I humbarrased cuz mese friends know you and jest cringe when you has improper use of de langwich. Mum, we talked bout dis yesturdey". ME - "oh Stella, so sorry to humbarras ye. I did not notice I did dat but tanks for calling me out on it. I has a hug for you and you give one to Chrissy from mese oops I mean me's too, k?". STELLA - "ok. I making her tea and know jest how she like it. sweet n low jest like her. well sweet like but she not low but mese widdle. Oh mum she took my only wing away and tailed me that now that me can't fly, she will teach me manners. you be's pwoudliest cuz me's oblaged her and made her tea. and I made her bed for her and left a flower and a mint she like on de pillow casing!". MESE, oops make that me apospopee s. I "Me's so pwoud and please make Chrissy proud and gib her a big kiss on her cheek and make dat sound me's lub when you kiss me, k?". STELLA - "kk, mum, gotta go now. Chrissy gonna play with me. Me promise to be good if in you doesn't use de work mese - oh how I cringe. i promise not to dwink Chrissy's likker too. don't tail but me broughts me own" ME's: "kk, lub ya see ya bye". Stella - "heaby breathing den hang up sound ..."

    OH MESEa OH MISE! I feel so much better knowing stella in good hands. Chrissy say she take our picture and sent to me tomorrow. Maybe Lori can help me open de picshore cuz I don't know nutting bout mese oops me's old laptop. I know I just love it though. I praying it will work when I has to rerubber, I mean reboot. Speaking of rubber, where is dat boy in de tub, these other boys got nutting. dere tingys look thinner than a pencil tehehe. Dont tail them I laughing but geze, I tink I got a booby prize here goils. k, gotta git another dwink. and dis time it'll has a lid! ya tink I would learn after losing two laptops in three months. murphys law, if I buy de warranty, won't need it. and if I dont buy, den I do. oy vey!! brb.

    where Orla? And Kat? I need hailp here. I can't run dis place myself. and where de hail are our real tenders? Darn procdor and gambler, send me three half studs and no tenders. I tink that contest was bixed. wait, I designed it. will try to figure that out while I do what I was leaving to do. prollem is, mese foygot. oops, me's me's me's. dat hard to type, old habbitats are hard to break!!

    I here and got lots of lub to give, come and git it goils! NM, you awake? maybe but prolly snuggling with that cutie widdle puppy of hers. I jailous of enyone who has sumbuddy to play with. I gotta to and cry me"S a later back, cheers!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Oh but we can align the text, woohoo *sarcastically*...

    Now to try the right align....could do the same thing with a tab....

    Not such a good thing, the emoticons were better.


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Oh Dotty, your post is sooooooo funniest! Love it! And thanks for sharing de phone call wid our Stella de Bella de Ball. She sounds like she is being a goot gurl dere wid Ms Chrissy.....see she calling her dat now, showing some respect! Mese (nah nah nah nah nah....Stella don't intimidate mese!) mese wuz saying....mese sad dat your puter had annudder bath...don't cha know dey don't like baths? Not even wid de pwecious GJ and Diet....nope. HOPE you get it all dried out. Hey, will putting it in a sealed bag (BIG bag) wid rice help, like it did for your phone? OOPSIE...if annyone here didn't know about de fone fiasco, dey do now. Annyways (lol) tanks for de laffs, you a rock star!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Dorky I lub when u let us listen to u'r phone calls wid Stella, but just member sometines she fibs. But she is in wonderfully hands wid Chrissy.--I so glad Chrissy has some time wid us now, I missed u Chrissy// U so bootiful and Dork u and Kat too--oh so bootiful, sigh.
    I hope u'r computer is stik good Dorky.
  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    aww, tanks Kat and Dr. Cam for saying much nice tings. It took me awhile but I was able to get my vegas game running on this here old HP laptop, it took me some time but me's did it. woo hoo! and crud, why am I skeered of Stella. Iffin I want to say mese I can! tanks Kat for teaching me a lesson on whose de boss.

    I not sure about de other computer, I jest have the battery out and will keep it out for as long as this computer is working. I LOVE this one. I changed the settings so that it will not hybernate and as long as I do not have to reboot it, I should be ok. I tail ye all one ting, I no computer literate these days and hate figuring out plug ins. But I did lots o google searches, watched two youtube videos and followed directions. The only thing that held me up is that I did not close then reopen all browsers and that was my issue for a long long time. uh oh, stsink bug alert...gonna catch this one in my catcher thing I bought last year. I jest grab them in a paper towel and watch the sobs suffer! oh life is good.

    time for a dwink and some spinning in my slots game, wooo hwhooo! oh, not a stink bug after all, was a creepy thing though, it got away and deserves life as long as it does not bother me again. lets dwink! I will be back!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Nitey Nite Goyles! I callin it. Slow nite in de HTL and I gotta workz too early fir a Saturday.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Yeah Cami, our Chrissy and our Dorkie sure are bootiful! As for me, luckily the gal that did the pics was able to eliminate my double (triple?) chins! Thats why I like that picture so much. Now if we get to meet someday, puleez don't expect me to look like that, ok? I would also love a body like that...a gal can dream, right?

    Dotty, if you grab a stink bug in a paper towel, doesn't it put off that horrid smell??? Looks like the brown ones came to the US around 1998 (Thanks China and Korea!). I remember the green ones from when I was a kid though..

    (This is about the brown one)...The stink bug's ability to emit an odor through holes in its abdomen is a defense mechanism meant to prevent it from being eaten by birds and lizards. However, simply handling the bug, injuring it, or attempting to move it can trigger it to release the odor.

    (This is about the green one)....Both adults and nymphs have large stink glands on the underside of the thorax extending more than half-way to the edge of the metapleuron. They discharge large amounts of this foul-smelling liquid when disturbed.

    It also says the smell is similar to how cilantro smells, maybe thats why I can't stand cilantro! Nothing like eating stink bugs! lol.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Kat --- CILNTRO???? I don't like the tast, but the smell isn't that bad. Do they ever go away, I mean like whe it's cold do I not see them like bees? What de hail is we talkin about???
    Everyone goin to sleep? And Kat I know u look like dat well maybe 5 lbs different, and Dorky u too.
    OK what is going on with the computers, I thought it was just mine, it doesn't copy like befor and no cute faces--can we still do poo on FB--I gotta try it. I don't understand--I DON'T LIKE CHANGES, STOP THIS INSANITY, I'M GOING MAD I TELL YOU MAD.
    Oh Oh Joey loved the trees Kat he thought that it was sooo sweet of u do do that for him.
  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013
    Awww, but Joey thinks is EVERYTHING is sweet, he is sooooo nice. Glad he liked the fig tree, though. The other one is just a few feet away, but didn't show up in the picture. The pink blossoms you might be able to see are from one of the tall Crape Myrtle trees.
    NOW I DO NOT have anything, like the Bold, Alignment, etc. Its all gone from this posting box. HUH??? Oh and Cami, I need to add a "0" to the 5 pounds, as its really 50 pounds I have gained. Really.
  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013
    MODS, if you read this, what happened to all our choices in the posting box? Nothing shows up tonight, just a blank box, nothing above it to be able to "insert, align, bold, italic" etc.
  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    Mods are biddy tonight. and that is a good thing cuz I dont want them in here, dey berry nice but mese scared of dem. hehe.

    I just lost a post but will let it go. I do miss trying to get it back by using that widdle arrow tingy. Glad it is all of us cuz when I went to use that little tree to pee, I mean post a pic, I could not find it and thought oh boy, I drank too muchly.

    All have a great saturdey, I am sleeping late, have had to wake up early ebery dey this week for sumting or sumting else.

    Kat, I have crape myrtle too and it was most beautiful this year. I think I tailed you before, a security guard friend that used to work in my building gave it to me, was the size of my hand and is now over 8-10 feet. I would love to root more and have them along my fence. They are so pretty. My dad has them at his place, dat de home of de crepe myrtle as in myrtle beach. oh I so smart.

    Cam,. the stink bugs sleep when it gets cold but will try sneaking out if we have very mild days in the winter. Count yer blessings that they are not yet there. I tink they be invading Lara soon, sad ting cuz they are moving both south and west of here, down as far as VA with a few below. Oh, when i first saw them and was told what they were, I googled and found that I could help de US and send a live one to Rutgers U for research. I trapped a widdle RB and put him in an old film vial and mailed his breathing stanky arse to the University. they thanked me but never told me anyting more. Hey, I did my part.

    Ya'll have a super saturdey, love you girls! cheeRs and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's. me so tired but had to take more meds cuz me was throbbing some. and sadly, hate to complain again but sadly, had to put some more surgical padding over the area, it is bleeding heavily todey. and I did not do a dern ting to deserve this. I promise, bin taking it really easy. One outting a day and not cleaning cept to put tings away and keep my kitchen and bathrooms sanitary. i even had my dad dump the bleach cuz it a big bottle and heavy for me. sorry to complain, I jest kidding. Mese all healed and ready to go to work but gonna fake it some more hehehe burp zzzzz hip chip nose that is, got an itch.

    OKEY< ENUFF ALready Dorkamunsta, mes tired o f hearing me talk so I go bed now. jest one and all, feel de love I sendingnow and tanks for tolerating mese badarse dernself. LOVE in me fart.

    love, dorky and her widdle dog too!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited October 2013

    Dork are you going to get some sleep? Girl, you need to rest so you can heal!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013


    1. If you open a packet of crisps in the pub, you must open it entirely, spread the packet out and place it on the table for all to share.

    2. You may give out about the Late Late Show all year round, but you must watch the toy show and you will almost certainly enjoy it.

    3. You may not be interested in GAA, but if your county is in the All-Ireland final you will care, and you must support them.

    4. There is no better cure for a hangover than a fry, preferably cooked by your mother.

    5. Cans of Guinness are for cooking and foreigners. Not for the likes of us.

    6. If someone speaks to you about the weather, you must respond with interest.

    7. An bhfuil céad agam dul amach go dtí an leithreas’

    "Can I have permission to go to the bathroom, please?"

    8 A can of rock shandy is the world’s best fizzy drink.

    9. Sure, we’ll go for one’ means you are agreeing to go for at least four.

    10. The less expensive your article of clothing, the more proud of it you can be – ‘Penneys finest!’

    11. With the arrival of spring you must frequently utter the following phrases:

    Grand stretch in the evening.

    There’s heat in that sun.

    Great drying weather!

    12. You haven’t sufficiently said goodbye to someone on the phone until you’ve said ‘bye’ at least seven times.

    13. A Chinese dinner may be simply comprised of chips, rice and curry sauce.

    14. Tea will cure 90% of what ails you.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    Good Saturday morning, Loungettes! Had a lovely sleep in the ayem, gotta make a coupla visits today and working 8-5 tomorrow. Supposed to be nice today, rainy tomorrow, so that works out.

    Goldie--I read or saw something about how there is info attached to pics taken on cell phones that gives the geographic location of a picture. I remember, it was on TV, as an experiment one of the TV people took some pics of her little girl in her bedroom, and the TV station could use the info attached to locate not only the house but the location of the little girl's bedroom! There is a way to turn that off, fortunately, but most people aren't even aware of it. It is so scary what people can find out if you aren't really careful.

    Karen--I was working yesterday, I just kept hitting the snooze button and trying to ignore the fact that I needed to get up.

    Cammy--I do love teaching, but I don't like the politics of working in a university. So I stick to teaching here in the lounge and with my patients and families. And it is amazing the impact of a small thing like talking about figs. With all the electronic communication going on these days I'm afraid most kids are missing out on that kind of connection with their families.


    4sew--good luck at rads today.

    DorKable--I vote for Stella!

    Wahine--I remember making paper clocks, too. What's really sad is how it's changing the way time is talked about. A patient's grandkids were visiting when I was making a visit one day, the patient asked what time it was, I said it was quarter to something. The grandkids had no idea what that meant, and actually could not tell time on a regular clock! They always looked at their cell phones! So sad, to my mind. Weird about the phantom printing stuff!

    DorKable--the 'getting on my nerves' feeling is a nervous system thing, as opposed to a nerve thing. Which I know sounds weird, but stay with me a minute. We understand what nerves are, right? Nerves are part of the nervous system, which is the nerves, brain, and spinal cord, and some chemicals. Nervousness, anxiety, jitteriness are feelings that we get when the brain is sending out chemical signals along the nerves that make the heart rate go up, the breathing rate go up, the muscles are put on alert, digestion slows down, concentration can get very focused (or very scattered if there isn't something to focus on). This is the "fight or flight response" that's built into our bodies to handle physical threats to the body. Like a cold, the fight or flight response can be very mild to very extreme. The very mild end is the anticipation, mild nervousness we feel at things like seeing the blue lights behind us, or when a balloon is popped behind us. The extreme end is a panic attack. In between is a whole range of intensity of these feelings. And things are busy but going well at work. I got set up with a new laptop, but most of our documentation is still on paper anyway, which is a pain.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Good Morning!


    Sparkley for DorK!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Ad dese ain't stank bugz, they Sexy bugx!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Oh I konked out of the partay too last nite.
    Good Morning---
    NM U hve to work tomorrow? U'd better get an extra day off this week. Honestly I love how u splain things. And when I'm reading it I think yea I know that feeling, or that's happened to me and it's scary. U are a prize for a person and a nurse==People are blessed to have u take care of them.
    Oh and I thought we might hear from Julie yesterday, but I guess she couldn't get to computer. I miss Julie, but I'm sure she's having a WHALE of a time. (bad pun) it's early
    Dork I hope u'r sleeping well and u'r poor holes--I never heard of so many holes in a person like u have. They should be healing I think by now. I can't think about u'r holes, it makes my tummy hurt.
    It's going to rain all day today about 80, so muggy. Joey just came in to ask if 9:30 was OK for me to go to the hospital and I said yes, so he writes it down. Oh Lord--Oh Joey's going with me, he's so excited cuz he's always so interested in this stuff--He had to ask permission-