how about drinking?



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2014

    I woke up feeling almost like my old self yesterday like a cloud had lifted. I got to babysit all day yesterday.. ahhh the smell of a 2month old, it was fun.I sang to her and we danced around and had our own little partay… the brats fussed and worried the whole time, every peep she made they would run to me like "do something!!" So then had me mm-in-law for dinner, got half way thru and soooo tired. Hubby did clean up and I was asleep on the couch by 8. woke up long enough to crawl my sleepy ass to bed… Damn I'm a good time on a Friday night! Anyway, slept like the dead till 6 and awoke out of the strangest dream… My DH and I were in a restaurant in Key West and we were being taken to our table (and I had BC in my dream) and my mom, dad and aunt (all dead) walked up to me and said Hi honey, we hear you're having a rough time and wanted to stop by and say hi and give you a hug. So…in my dream… I said to my DH…"can you see them?" and he said no… so I hugged them, and they said "gotta go".. and they exited thru this like 3 foot tall utility door and my DH said he saw the door open and close….Whew… and woke up.  weird..weird …weird.. Swear to GOd, no Xanax or wine or magic mushrooms or anything, it was 6 in the morning! So now DH is out with the brats and I'm just thinking about it and thought I'd share subconscience is a weird thing..

    Juliet, loved your pick, and the party dog… a little late but putting my brat's New Years party pic on. Never to late for a party, Right?


    Red, so sorry about your mom, and Dork hope you work things out with your dad and princess hope your birthday was great and hoping you get 50 degrees today.. we're gonna be close, then back in the 20's on Monday…. r we ever gonna get spring? Anyway everyone have a fab day!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    Genny that was a great dream..they are showing you, they are there for u amazing I got the chills

    4 is vegas ready for u, love the fried egg pic they put fried egg on everything now

    No work today

    Princess Im glad u get it work drains me I just decided to join socirty three weeks ago it is better for me mentally but the physical toll is rough thats why I have happy pills

    cam amityville the orginal was on last night

    feeling lazy today,but the more I get out the better.

    poop in later



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    image   heres breakfast for everyone

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2014

    Ya Sue, me an youse at da Shady Lady. I foygot we made doze cork tops!! Hope you can get some hailp wif da jaw.

    Wow Cami, you take your work phone with you? Maybe I should teach you my business and you can answer my calls??? I sorry bout da store, but you cracking me up about manslaughter and only getting 2 years wif 3 years probation. You know we would break you outta dere girl.

    Red, congrats on being done. So happy for you. Was that your good news, or is there something else?

    Genny, Dork had a good way of looking at treatment time, so it doesn't seem so long. For me for instance, after treatment 3, I would say I have 4 left after the next one. I wouldn't count my next one. And of course being half way was huge! Oh and I LOVE the dream you had, how absolutley wunnerful.

    Chrissy, we will be able to call you da Bionic Woman when you done gittin all dese new parts.

    Lara, that is great that Stella wuz able to hailp you. Now if your own doc can!

    Hmmmm NM, I thought work had given you an iPhone. Musta just been a "new" phone, not iPhone? I see several people in town wearing masks, but I didn't think it helped much, as germs can get in there still. They also wear them for alergies.

    Red, I hope your mom has a wonderful time with NO incidences! Did you have a birthday?

    OMG Julie, who is your big brown beautiful friend? He/She is beautiful, as you are too!

    Princess, sorry your ex is being an A$$, why do people have to be like that when one is phucking going through cancer and treatments??? Ya know Julie has a swamp, and Dork has peeps, jes sayin! Glad to see you resting tho.

    As most of you know, I was in a car accident yesterday, both cars totaled. Thank God everyone is ok, but as I look back, it could have been so very different, there could be 3 people dead. Cyn, I know you can relate! Really scares me, and makes me sad to see what's going on again here and I hope things will be resolved. Kat and Bernie I love you both so very much. Life is so short, and we never know when it's going to be our time.



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited March 2014

    OMG Lori, I am so very glad you are OK!  That must have been really scary.  We really do not ever know when something huge can come along and change things.  It was a year ago today that I had my biopsies that put me on this roller coaster with all the ladies on BCO.  Sometimes things happen that tell us exactly how little control we really have over something as fragile as life.  Really glad you and the others are safe!  Can I borrow your cork top when I see Mema??  Otherwise I have a halter made out of pheasant feather I can wear :0)

    Thanks for the Breakfast Lara, I'm eating it now!

    Princess, I have a Kiln I can offer along with the swamp and the peeps.  We call it the "Bone Asher"!  Hope you are getting some rest and felling beter for your celebration tomorrow.  Funny how certain things can make us embrace birthdays again.  Last year I didn't want to get older, this year I am happy I can!

    Genny, cute puppy!!  I loved hearing about your dream!  My interpretation, not that it's worth a damn, is that it was their way of telling you they love and support you coming to give you healing hugs here on earth because they are not going to see  you anyplace else anytime soon.  Have a wonderful weekend.

    Dork, did you spend another night with Jack??  How's your daddy doing today?

    To anyone I missed personally, have a great weekend.  I hope everyone, but especially NM, is getting beautiful weather and able to relax and enjoy for at least a little while!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2014

    It's a sad day when friendships are thrown away and the truth does not seem to matter.

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited March 2014

    Lori...  Thank goodness your ok!!!

    Ginny... Super cute!

    Lara... It looks yummy!!!

    Thanks for the offers of bodily harm!  Über thoughtful!!  I rested well. I had some toast and eggs. Cramping. It's ok. I have a pill for that.  Headache hanging on, apparently I did not drink enough...  Lol.  I have a pill for that too it seems.  

    You girls have a good day!!!Happy

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    omg this is a god damn cancer thread

    I love posting 

    Do u have enough crap going on 

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited March 2014

    Anyone call for a tender? 

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited March 2014


  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited March 2014


  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited March 2014

    I give up on trying to post pics,Juliet where are you? We need some naked tenders asap.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    image data-sz="f">

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    OK something for everyone. My SIL went to the new Piggly Wiggly and got to spin the magic wheel and won a

    pound box of cat treats. yummy--not a pound box of chocolates--My cat recognized it right away. Well in all fairness I would have recognized the chocolate right away.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    Hi girls! 

    It a bootiful day in de lounge, eh? mese jest starting de dwinks. 

    Lori, what de hail? I so glad you are alright luv.

    Hi Cam thanks for posting the hot pics for undercover. how r you?

    Genny, what a cool dream you had, I also believe it is a sign that those up in heaven are watching over you. Thanks for sharing, I luv a good dream.

    Who is dwinking what todey? Me, jack daniels, what a surprise! tehehe. 

    Lub lub lub ye goils, cheers!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Hi Dork well my drink is Pepto Bismal mixed with vodka--it cuts the shocking pink color.

    Oh and I too loved that dream--to me it's pretty much the same as others said--it signifies u'r loved ones re watching over u with love and strength and u will get thru this cuz they are helping you. Good dream.

    I've been on the phone, Saturdays people are hone going thu Angies List for Electricians so it's a little busy and of course my usual sister and cousin calls so I'm tired for nothing today.

    Lara how are u doing???? My pain is tolerable today better than yesterday. Oh well

    Have a fun Saturday--BBL

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    here's a bunch of pills and a hug cam

    I'm having a good day believe it or not

    Nice pics

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    Dr. Cam, so glad to hear your pain is more manageable todey, I'll dwink to that! I lubs yer dwink of choice hehe. 

    speaking of pepto, I gave mese dad and stool softener yesturdey and guess what? Yep, he shit himself again. I jest lub cleaning turdage out of adult underwear. NOT. this is anudder reason I dwink. 

    Tittys up if ya got em! Cam, put yer middle finger up instead!  Lubs you all! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    Cam, glad you posted a hot goil pic, maybe Cyn will poop in now! 

    I am at a diner right now, pray for us. lol.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Dorky I d pray for us all I even said a Novena to St. Joseph last week. So I prayin/

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    OK no more tolerable--I just cleaned the litterbox and din't know the litter was new and full--Hot chit now I hurt like hell, damn it could have waited but I try to do something and I screw myself up---oh well pain meds and more vodka--I'll get it under control

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited March 2014

    Cami, pics are nice!  Cat poop, not so much!  I miss not having a kitty or puppy.  Feel better!

    DorK, poopy pants not fun at any age!  Good luck at the diner!

    Lara, really glad you are having a good day!  You deserve a break!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2014


    Wow, I feel like i've opened a novel and started reading it in the middle. And now I've introduced myself as this new character and nobody really knows who I am yet, and it's not quite certain where I fit. I'm gonna have to read back a bit and get to know some of you… while I can't start at the beginning… I do have a life to live, I mean 1389 pages, but I would like to get to the point where I don't have to keep scrolling back trying to figure out who's who. I joined this thread cause I like to drink, and when I got my dx and found out all the changes it will make in my life, drinking my wine was up there toward the top 20 or so, and then I found that you ladies just crack me up… and if I can't drink with my buds then I can virtual drink here. So that said, I wanna stick around and go ahead with starting the novel in the middle.

    Lori, I'm so sorry about your accident, thank goodness you weren't hurt, I think once we go through this cancer shit it should be a law that nothing else bad can happen for like…5 years..don't know who we go to for this request but thats the way it should be

    Oh and Goldie I am trying not to look at the big picture, you're right it helps. One time I ran a 1/2 marathon, and I didn't think about mile 13 till I finished with mile # 2. That's how I've told people I have to approach this, people want to talk about when I'm done but I can't go there now.

    Thanks everybody for your input about my dream, I felt the same thing, that they were telling me they are here for me, it was so real, I woke my husband up to tell him about it and it made me cry. in a good way. So let me tell ya bout' the other 2 times my mom came to "see" me. The night she died, 12 years ago… my dad died at 59, which was 30 yrs ago. He and my mom had a really good marriage and were best friends, anyway she was only the age I am now when he died and she never really got over it. My brother died 4 years before her. which will have something to do with it in a minute. So anyway… the night she died she was in it ICU and me and my 3 brothers are there and she dies.. so I drive the hour home, and I sit down at the table with my FIRST glass of wine and proceed to tell my DH about what exactly happened. And I'm crying and sad and he gets up to go to the bathroom and all of a sudden right in front of me on the wall just like someone is playing a reel to reel movie is my mom and dad dancing with Glen Miller playing in the background (they used to do that to the hi-fi in the living room, I thought it was so dorky as a kid) and my dead brother was just sitting in a chair watching them. …. So this tremendous peace came over me, and for the most part I stopped being sad.. she was where she wanted to be…. I will never forget it, it was so vivid………. so let me skip ahead, I never saw her again until a month ago. It was when I was getting my metastatic work-up, I had taken a Xanax cause I was so nervous about the MRI (i'm claustrophobic). So I'm actually getting the bone scan, and Im laying there with my eyes closed and someone started squeezing my hand and I sort of jumped and opened my eyes and my mom… poof!…. was gone. But i knew she was there….

    Anyway.. I'm more convinced than ever that they're there. That's all, just wanted to share… and thanks girls for the eye candy, and I'm definitely gonna have to get one of those cork tops when I'm done with this nonsense.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    Genny, I LOVE your story! and I have goose bumps and chills deep to the depth of my sole. There IS an after lift. I chose to believe that in spite of no actual proof. you have been through a lot of loss, sorry for you. I know I am blessed to have two parents with me despite my Mom being mentally gone and my Dad half mentally gone lol. It is okay not to know who we all are. Hang around and take it slow. It will come to you. For now, just come here and talk it up like you did above. It is nice getting to know one another around here. And before you know it, you will know us all a little too well hehehe! 

    Cam, sawry bout de chit debacle, hope de pain meds kicking in and helping your ailing body and de wodka is of course helping yer brain too! 

    Today, mese moddo is God Bless Likker, yippee, cheers!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    so mese Dad been glued to CNN for days. Today I asked him why and he said that he feels like one of the family members of the lost loved ones as he is missing my Mom. Out of the mouths of babes, right? He has not had much visitation as he is not able to behave under the limitations they have set for his visitation. So ennyway, I changed the subject to that of the plane. Those poor victims are not coming back. And I do not get why so many countries are wasting valuable money, time and resources in figuring out what happened to that missing flight from Algeria. Those people are NOT coming back, they either blew up in the sky or are deep in the ocean. It does not make sense to me to further investigate since we all know that the pilot was in on whatever happened on that tragic day for the world. Ok, I am getting off mese soapbox cuz dis chit depressing. Further, I put the TV in play recorded items mode and making Dad watch old episodes of American Idol. He looks so much more relaxes as he dozes off for the night. 

    I am thinking about heading to bed soon. Life is not fun right now for me and it exhausts me taking care of my Dad. But I am grateful to have him and Mom here on Earth with me vs on the other side. That is all, thanks for hearing me. hmm, tinking about making a stiff dwink, ya tink dat a good idea? or go to sleep? hmm. any tenders in the house? show me the whiskey!! 

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2014

    Oh Dork, don't watch the news! It's the most awful and depressing thing ever... don't let your dad watch it.... anything is better. watch some old reruns of Golden Girls or something.......but not the news. Only for weather, then turn it off...nuff said

  • StellaTwinx
    StellaTwinx Member Posts: 64
    edited March 2014

    Hello and happy happy saturdey girls! 

    I have not been here since january. I see lots of new faces too, how awesome is that? I heard that our girl Lori was in a serious fender bender aka accident aka wreck as we say here in Stella land. I am so glad that  there were no serious injuries. 

    I am jest an easy going girl who loves to drink, get into trouble and find ugly men that look like John Boy Walton, also known as Richard "DICK" Thomas. omg, he just take me dere. I know no buddy understand my infatuation with that man but he is jest hot hot hot. 

    Dorty, you asked for some whiskey? Here ya go! I know what you like. 


    and I also brought a little cheer for Lori as I know she needs a little pickMESEup too. 


    Do not fret, I brought enough Miller Lite's for everyone. 

    and for those that prefer a fine wine, here ya go. 


    I prefer some Fat Bastard


    and for my wodka loving fwends 


    Come one, come all. I brought the Sunshine. The tenders have brought the likker. Dwink up now, cheers! 



    Cheers. from me and a few friends of mine. ok sum of mese fwends are in heaven but dey joining cuz wese all know that visits from Heaven are jest....well HEAVENLY! 
