how about drinking?



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2014

    Today my darlin' DH is getting our german shepherd tested to be a therapy dog, keep dem fingers crossed. It will put him in a happy mood if she passes  and he has a cold and feelin' crappy and boy I hope I don't get it and tryin' not to make it all about me. And if he kin be happy, easier for me to be happy. Today I'm feeling gooood!!! Day 9 since chemo and feelin' like me old self..yay!! An I dont have to do it for 11 mor days. Anyway, I'm posting a pic of my sweet little Nora just cause I wanna, get to babysit again on Tuesday. 

    Can't wait for the partay tonight, got my lampshade all ready!


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    ah is that your baby genny what a cutie

    Good idea 4

    NM no I phone I can see u wanting a treck phone cheaper

    I love my I phone

    Well dorks dad said some interesting things he said ill live to 89 he also said he loved my hair and it didnt look like his daughters shitty hair idk he's a character he didnt mean it he's in another world but not I just think older people just don't care what they say after a certain point he's aware of more then he lets on he's a flirt to I still feel so bad about that day and he fell

    Drank beer feel like crappo got drunk my head is just weird sometimes it gets to me all this crap 

    But I have u all


  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited March 2014

    lara... beautiful hair for I now look like a spotted owl on my head...LOL

    Cami... I'm about an hour from you only!!

    Genny...that's a beautiful pookie baby Nora!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Oh Genny u'r baby is beautiful, how exciting to be with her.

    Princess I always think of Indiana like 2-300 miles away wow we're not to far. So when the weather is good and u'r up for it--maybe we can have face time and everyone will be jealous of us. That would b neat--but I don't have a whole lot of good days but I do have some.

    OK I have to look for some scary movies now--I've been watching NCIS- LOS ANGELES which I love Scary and action, I'm a true love for some man, but none I know or anyone that wants me. But at this point I really don't care.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    OK, so I'm having a real problem ladies. I love Kathy. I also love all of you ladies. I have talked to both Kathy and 4 via PM and emails. Kathy has been on this thread for 6 years. She is surely beloved by almost every one of you (maybe not Dork's Stella, but that's probably cuz she hasn't taken her on a vacation lately). I met 4Sew on a different thread and liked her too. She has never done me any harm. But my friend is hurting. She expressed her pain and nobody answered her concerns, at least not on the thread. 

    So I am going to take a vacation from posting while I get it straightened out in my own head. You know I love you all. You have helped me through some of the worst moments of my life. Yes, I am crying while I write this. And I know you just wish this would all go away and you could go back to exactly how it was before, but it doesn't work like that for me.

    Lori, I am so glad your car accident didn't result in those three deaths you spoke of. (((hugs)))

    Dork, I love you - hope your dad (who seems to be a strong man, considering) finds happiness in whatever new situation you find for him.

    NM, my mom has never done anything small. (hugs)

    Cami, I'm still threatening to visit you, although if you don't want to now, I'll understand.

    Aly, I am hoping face time in June is still possible. 

    Lara, Cyn, MemaSue, Shannon, Bernie, Princess and Genny - huge hugs for every one of you.

    Chrissy, thanks for being there for me from the beginning. 

    Everybody else, know that I have thoroughly enjoyed your company and your hugs and laughing my way through my anger and pain with you.


    4 I am withdrawing from Bonfire as well. I really can't do drama. Not now. ((((hugs for who you were for me)))

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2014

    We now have a certified therapy dog... woohoo havin' one of dees to celebwate.... May be partying alone tonite. Ladies, if any of us should know life is short and 2 cherish each day should be us. Already lost me mom, dad and 2 I got BC, got no place for drama, glad I opened dis book in da middle.... hope ya'll work it out...


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    Thank you Genny. That is a lovely sentiment and I agree. Have fun - this is the best thread on BCO, for sure.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Red I'm sorry u have made a decision keeping u away, u must think of u'rself right now for healing and do what u feel best for u'r own peace of mind, that part I do truly understand and I don't want to add to any more drama. U know when people are hurt expressions are all different some will hold it in and some will not and not every single person on all these boards get along--that's just normal when u have all sorts of personalities and somehow u got caught in some drama that I think happened before u came here, (maybe not). I am truly sorry that u are leaving, I've enjoyed and liked u from the beginning and would never not meet you in person. May u heal quickly and be happy.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Would you believe the
    weather torturer is talking about record low temps today and a major storm on

    DorKable--looks like
    we're in for a Nor'Easter.In
    March.So your Dad took some extra
    respderdol?That would have been a great
    time to take to see your Mom, he would be twice as mellow!It is scary, though, when they do things like

    4--Snow certain is a
    4 letter word.Yeah, Sadie is good to
    cuddle with, most of the time.She lets
    me have the blankets, but she wants ALL the pillows.I've had to wake up and pull a pillow out
    from under her in the middle of the night a time or two.

    Cammy--Irish cream
    is good stuff!

    Red RH--Sorry to see
    you go, I will be praying for you.

    Genny--Nora is
    adorable!Here's to the GH pup passing
    Therapy Doggy testing!

    ORLA--So funny your
    Dad is a flirt!Glad he likes your

    Genny--Hooray for
    the Therapy Dog!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Hot Springs Cocktail

    1/2 tsp Maraschino

    1 1/2 oz White Wine

    1 tbsp Pineapple

    1 dash Orange


    Shake all
    ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2014

    Thanks NativeMaine, Woke up to a dusting of snow this morning, I love when the weather man says"It's just a little lake effect" like it doesn't count... we can get 6 inches of "lake effect". Took the dogs out for an 80 minute walk, no wind it was actually not bad. Hope you get some sunshine today, that seems to be about the best we can hope for these days.

     DH is sick,... cold, flu, I don't know but I've moved upstairs and putting a mask on if I have to go into the BR he's in. I feel fine, 12 days post chemo and I feel like my old self except for a little nausea which seems to be squalshed with soda crackers. But I still don't want to catch whatever crud is cursing thru his body. Well gotta go to work today... have a good day girls.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2014

    Yes goilies, I ok. Thank you so beery much!

    My sweet Kat, I think you and I are the only originals left here from when The HTL was created. It was you, myself, Junie, Dee and HD. What fun we had creating it all. And I just hate all of this drama and how hurt you are. You do not need this right now, you have too much going on as it is. Think of you daily and your DD. I hope she has started healing. I love you.

    Cami, I'll bet Katie Kat was happy she got those free treats! Pepto and vodka......eeeewwwwww! And you addressed my accident on FB, that is fine, you don't have to do it here too! You are so sweet.

    Lara, sounds like you are gonna be our drug dealer? Yes, I was in an accident, and I'm ok. Just hard to stop thinking of how it COULD have been. How did your hair turn out? I see you are going ahead with the nips. I sure hope that doc calls you, can you give them a call again. Funny about Dorty's dad, I'm sure he was a hoot.

    Genny, you'll learn who everyone is in time, don't worry about it! No need to go back to the beginning, not everyone that was here then is here now. Girls move on and quit posting and we have lost some. And if you want to know something, just ask! You mention we should only have something bad happen every 5 years, well I'm at 6 years, so now I should be good. But for some of the girls, the bad chit just won't stop! Cami (Camillegal), Dork and Lara (Orange). Your little Nora is adorable and good luck with your fur baby becoming a therapy dog. Also, stay away from your DH, we don't want you sick either, not during chemo. Glad you are feeling well.

    Stella, it's so good to see you poop in once in awhile. And thank you for coming over to help me clean. But I think you had too much wodka. It was a tell tale sign when you were sitting on my dresser and fell off! But the Miller Lite's for mese was really awesome.....tanka ewe.

    Dork, I can't imagine how hard it is on you, with your dad and now the accerdants. I hope you can find a place for him without too much trouble. Is anyone helping with that? Your poor daddy. Did you go to see your mom?

    Nice uniforms for the Tenders 4!

    Great thought for the raw eggs and dieting Julie.

    NM, thanks for splaining. I knew you had an iPhone!

    Princess, I knew you were only about an hour from Cami, in fact I posted that quite some time ago. I hope the two of you can get some facetime. And YES Cami, we will be jealous!

    Genny, congrats on your fur baby becoming a therapy dog, what's the next step. And stay well! Good idea to stay away from DH. Glad the soda crackers are helping your nausea, don't forget the protein and H2o.

    NM, you guys just can't catch a break from this old man winter, gheesh! I hope this one fizzles as well.

    I skipped out yesterday, as I am feeling bad about the situation here. Just wish it never happened, breaks my heart. And I was having company, so it gave me a reason to get started cleaning a little earlier in the day. Now it's back to work Monkey Day, insurance people are suppose to call. Love and Huggles....

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!!   Been having a good time with my kids.  Best treat was my dsl inviting vs AndrewMichael to go with to monster trucks.   He sat next to me whole time and oooh'd and aaahhh'd.   Loved it!   

    Too hard to comment to each of you on this Kindle....but wanted u all to kno I am lurking and wishing each of you the best.  I will be back home Weds or Thurs...Will catch up then.

    Lubslubs to all my bweasties...Muah!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Good Morning everyone--I'm really late--I went back to sleep

    Lori r u still feeling OK after the accident, that to me is like a delayed reaction type of thing. I really hope so, It's so good being intelligent (you) cuz of the paperwork now, so u can handle that without a problem.

    NM u are getting hit with the worst with this winter and this area is right behind you--it's tiring to wonder everyday what's coming.

    Genny what does u'r therapy furbaby do? I think that's amazing. OK stay away from u'r DH, for sure--u'r in chemo now so u have to avoid all his crappy stuff. And BTW you're right--we hear the same thing--Lake effect snow--yea sometimes it's 4-6 in. but it's only Lake Effect--whatever that means, it's still snow. I'm glad u'r having some good days now.

    OK I'm giving myself another hr. I have slight D now, but I have a bone scan this afternoon--I have in the past gone and just exploded there but I'm not a big fan of that so it's always a big deal whether I go or not when this starts as u all know by now.

    Lori I so agree with u--I'm sad for what occurred and hope it passes somehow, I never like change ever.

    OK work day again, I'm getting calls where they just hang up---This had to be a hookers number before cuz no one get this many calls.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    head ache work I'm like a counselor what they tell u

    Wed is surgery ill have stitches from scar revision

    Work tomm then 9 30 wed

    No scary movies on cam wtf

    Ok ill bbl

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2014


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2014

    Send them to my place - it is my birthday. Yes and I am 65 and so pleased even if many days are a great struggle but I am alive and have a wonderful family.

    Big hugs

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Well, the weather torturer
    is doing a good news/bad news thing, blizzard conditions expected tomorrow (bad
    news) but only for the eastern tip of the state, only a "few inches"
    for central Maine (good news).Last time
    he said we were getting 6 inches we got just a dusting, hoping we don't get a
    reversal again this time!

    Genny--I had lots of
    sunshine yesterday, but lots of wind, was quite chilly at time,especially since I will not wear a coat in
    March.That just encourages Old Man
    Winter.If I ignore him he will go away,
    right?Get several pump bottles of hand
    sanitizer, one or 2 for each room,use
    some every time you see it.Make DH use
    it, too.Make sure each room of the
    house gets somegood ventilation every
    day.Our grandparent's habit of opening
    all the doors and windows of the house for an hour every day of the heating
    season has a strong basis in science for decreasing the spread of colds and

    Goldie--about the
    only thing in my life that changes faster than the topic of discussion in the
    Lounge is my phone situation!I, too, am
    hoping that the weather torturer guy on TV is right this time!

    Oh, joy, the weather
    torturer just announced that we have broken the record for low temp for
    today.New record is 2 degrees.Old record was 7 degrees.At least it's above zero!

    Mema--sounds like
    you are having a great time,Hooray!Thanks for popping in!

    Cammy--went back to
    sleep?What a luxury!Hope you enjoyed it.As to the weather, most of us don't bother to
    check any more.We look out the window,
    if it's snowing, it's snowing.If not,
    life is good!And no matter what the
    source of the snow is, if it has to be shoveled it's a pain in the
    anatomy!All those calls you are
    getting remind me of the time a local bank ran an ad with a misprint in the
    phone number, the printed number connected to a telephone sex/porn thing!It was quite the news for a while.This was back in the '80s, before cell
    phones, caller ID, etc. . .

    ORLA--OK, I just
    told the tenders to make sure the UFO is fueled up and likkered up for you for

    Genny--you found the
    HTL Fire Department!Aren't they good
    lookin' fire fighters?


    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is theSuper Strong
    Tasteless Coffee

    1/2 cup Coffee
    1/4 cup Chocolate
    1 cup Water
    1/4 cup Milk


    I know the
    measurements aren't superb so ill put it here =P Add your coffee first probably
    about 1/3 of a cup, add your milk and stir like theres no tomorrow it should be
    just a bit more liquidy than paste. Then add chocolate powder... the more you
    add the less you'll taste the coffee. Stir again! Then add boiling water. You
    should get a really big energy buzz, but wont have to put up with the horrible
    taste of proper strong coffee so you'll be drinking it like water =D Enjoy!

    For those of us
    needed help with the ayem caffeine fix!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    wow snow its cold here over it

    50 they say friday doubt it

    I have to say this kat is a great person and going through chit no one is ignoring you.I think the drama is un needed people backed off the thread not much to say expect they will b missed I have posted for almost 2 years here and I love everyone. I agree with goldie this crap is the last thing to think about we all are in hot spots meaning stress, life,people being sick,chemo and rads, car accidents,snow etc

    I do not want to loose my cyber friends this is a place to b silly and let go of crap

    enough said

    everyone better b geared up for me tomm



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2014


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2014

    Cami, I'm doing fine dahling, honest. No delayed reactions, excepting from mese pea bwain. Did you go for your scan?

    Genny, those firemen will go just great with some of the others we've had around here.

    Alyson, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! And what blessings you have to be thankful for. And you do NOT look 65.

    NM, I hope this storm fizzles on you like the last one. Too funny that you won't wear a coat in March and the misprinted phone number.

    Lara, we will be there with you to make sure you get some nice nips. You still haven't heard from that other doc?





  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2014

    Julie, I forgot to comment on that cute smile.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    imageHAPPY BIRTHAY Aly

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Good Morning all--

    Lara tomorrow is u'r day-right? We're there for u.

    NM it snowed here during the night not a lot but a few inches--it doesn't stop and it's cold now too.

    Lori I had D yesterday so I cancelled then it turned into another corner of vomiting so I think I must have had some kind of flu, cuz it's still going on.  I hope my phones are quiet today my head is spinning--Oh well it will be over soon. I'm glad u'r feeling OK and did u say u'r car is totaled? OH what a mess.

    Jeez it's only Tuesday I thought it was Wednesday--these days are so confusing lately. Or should I say gin. OK I'm taking it really easy today--I feel like chit, But


    Lubs u all

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2014


    happy birthday aly

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2014


    go the cake lara now jut need the alcohol

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2014

    imageHappy Birthday Aly!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2014

    genny what a beautiful story, we are never alone

    cammi hope your feeling better

    red -same thoughts 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    happy bbbb day alyyyyyyyu

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Oh I love to look at the pics u guys come up with they are so cute.

    LARA what's happening?????

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2014


    Ok, I'm starting to figure some things out... Orange/Lara right? Well. anyway, good luck tomorrow, hope everything goes perfectly! I picked this pic causa her nice boobies!