how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    no I changed dressing and showered and I just drive to the store

    I know I got dizzy driving no good with stitches

    Oh well

    I'm showered in my pjs

    Dh is screaming for me to stop moving about so ill sit like a good girl lol

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2014

    Lara, hope today is better for you and you are happy with results. Genny gave me an idea for a new name for you.....La La Lara! Or maybe just LaLa? No, we did not go camping. I mentioned that we CAN'T go camping or riding now, with no truck.

    And Genny, you are not ugly! You have not started to lose your hair yet? Watch out for the scalp and those so called pimples. You can get foliculitis, and it's not fun from what I understand.

    Princess, is your name Tobbi?

    Julie, nice dalek (I think that's what you call it) for NM.

    Dork, quit scaring the newbies now! Just give them alcohol!

    Cami, I iz beery glad dat you really not upset wif you sissy. Nice to meet your Katie Kat and then the one of Joey and Sox was so cute. I hope you can make it to your scan tomorrow.

    We had winds here yesterday too NM, not quite that bad though, but up there! We have to tie off our solar panels, always afraid they might come crashing down.

    I can't figure these stupid allergies out. I'm fine for a few days and then BAMM, they hit with a vengance! Makes me THIRSTY! Pants dahling, bring me and the other gals some of those Windy Beaches Paaaa Leeeeeze!

    Drug addicted, alcoholics at that.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2014

    when i was going through rads ,i always thought the machine rotated like a dalek!!!!!!!!!!!  exterminate

    lara ,rest woman

    genny when i started tamoxifen i broke out ,it felt very weird to be buying acne products again at 50

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2014

    Morning DahhhLinks!!

    Been crazy around mese life but won't bore wif details.  I missed a birfday?  Hope you had a fab b-day Aly!!

    LaLaLara - hee hee...goldie gib u dat name...I like it.  I hope you feeling better girlfriend.

    Genny - gonna try n find my pic.  Be very very careful about the scalp.  Goldie is right...folliculitis is painful and very very ugly.  I too had acne during chemo, but please tell ur doc about ur scalp.  u might need anti-b's.  ((G))

    Dory - tanks for update on da Lara.  Wish u didn't hate ur job so much...with everything u dealing with, makes things even harder.

    Lowee - This is my name for Goldie...heehee.  Any news from da ins peeps on da twuck?  We had high winds yest too.  Was expecting it, but den da skies opened and it rained dogs n cats n widdle animals.  I was driving from St George, V V Gorge was very scary during storm, den grocery shopping was soaked by time got home.  Sky so clear today...woohoo.

    Cami - I lub da pic of KatieKat.  She such a beauty.  So am I to take it u Did NOT get ur scan cuz of the D, that u rescheduled for today?  Hope it calms down soon so u can get da scan.  I too am plagued with D a lot.  I always have G2 Gatorade to replace electrolytes.  Helps keep me hydrated so I don't git sooo damned dizzy.  There are other 'replenishers' out there, hope u partake in some keep u feeling better.

    Julie - How u doing?

    NM - Yay for no snow but I HATE da wind.  Glad u didn't lose power tho.

    Hi Princess - how u feeling?

    Gotta run....lubslubslubslubslubs to all ya'll and those I missed!!! 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    pooping in feel ok

    Genny get a purple wig the colors in now

    Or a long blonde one u will look great

    La la is what my family calls me so I like it

    Hi mema hugs to all


    I'm bored watching cujo cam

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Lara I was going to watch that then I fel asleep. LOL Hope u'r doing OK

    SusyQ--I drink all my water with electrolytes, but I still have it so I'll see tomorrow about the scan-I feel pretty sick today, but it will pass soon I hope-- this is a long bout usually it lasts 2  maybe 3 days but not this extreme I feel like chit 000ps that's the problem--I crack myself up..

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited March 2014

    Goldie... Yep, my name is Tobbi. Like Toby Keith. 

    Glad your a bit better Lara. 

    Cami.... She's sweet!!

    Off to chemo nowNerdy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    princess I hope this chemo treats u better, let us know----I love u'r name, is that short for something?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    Hey chickies! Boy have I missed ye all goils. Now hear me and hear me cleary. hehe! 

    WDF up with the wind eberywhere yesturdey? It was windy here too. So much in fact that a portion of mese fence blew down. Dat some craaaazy chit now, eh? 

    Camm, KittyKat is sooo cute, love de large pic, it accentuates on de cuteness. I too hope the darn D is gone, to de curb like NOW. I sorry you having a rough time. And tanks for essplaining about yer sis hanging up on ya, I thought that was de case as I know how much you both lubs each other. 

    SuzieQ, lubs de name La La for Lara! Sorry you got chit happening too, it jest a chitty bang bang kinda time for manny of us, ya know? It is always grate to see ye here in de lounge! I toast ya, *clink clink* clink-a-roonie, CHEERS!

    NM, we also got spared de big snow storm here. It was snowing purdy hard in dese parts but tankfully, de temps were higher dan esplected so de snow jest stuck to de grass, me deck n such n not de road. It was enough to make mese car filthy agen, soooo tired of snow. I also look forward to de mud season hehe! Mese Bella been burying a bone, digging it up, burying and digging and so on. I gived her a first steak bone eber and she is enjoying it muchliest. Ya see, when I had tree or two furbabie canines, dey did not share nice. And was skeered to gib Bella de bone but she lubs it. Does Sadie get steak bones? 

    Princess TOE-BEE, (hehe, hope ye dont mind), cute name yes. I wondered same as Cam if it is your birth name or a nick name. Sorry about the break out but all goils sez it normal. and neber eber FOYGET, you are always bootiful. Do not let de rat bastard aka cancer make you feel otherwise. Wese all bootifulliest and you quite purdy I mighten add. Hang in dere goil, you GOT dis! I mean hell, you from Indiana, how could you not? Mese lubs my Indianians, kewl peeps so dere bootiful one.

    Lara Lala Lara Orange La La de da, stop moving around. YOu like me and I know it hard. I guess mese has not teached mese de lesson about moving around yet cuz mese fail fail fail. You be good and try super hard to rest. I kmow it not easy cuz I dont know how eidder. I saying prayers for super doooper healing for you and quickliest healing! Lubs ya lil sis. 

    Hiya Juliet! you really need to git yerself a doggie goil, de pics of you with dat puppy dawg and de pic I has etched in mese mind of you with Cyn's widdle Reesie pup, I ken see that you jest lub doggies and dey lubs lubs lubs you, sorta like mese does ~hiccup~ oops, scuuuuze me. But really, I wish you could have a puppy. if you ken, come here and lubs on mese puppy. In de summer when CYn comes. And ye all invited, k? I jest lubs mese goils. 

    Well I had a wild n crazy dey. I saw mese shrink who tail me time to make a big change. Cuz I hated today at work too, total torture. And mese Dad, he soooo cute. we tinking bout cutting his resperdal dwug again, wese cut de amount in half and hisi brain is bettter. He bese so funcused and lost and it has been abrupt. Although de demons in his head tailing him that mese mom habing an affair are quieting, he has gotten so berry foygetful. And sorta out of it. He like a baby but a cute baby. He sez tank ye to eberyting I do for him. Speaking of witch, mese gotta fly and get dinner. I ordered jest pizza. he like "classy food" as he calls it....meat potatoes and a veggie. and not cheap meat. but wese poooor people, berry berry pooor. so I sez I gotta fly but will POOR mese an extra large dwinkie oncen I git back home from fetching de pizzas for din din. I tail ye more later. Ya know, I talk alot sumtimes but I quiet too when mese bwain is desssturbed and mese dessturbed quite too much lately. Ok den, I go now. Cheers! and a pocket full of lubs lubs lubs to ye alls! 

    ps praying for ye all daily but still sending special prayers for mese fwends whom really really need em, ye know who ye are. kk, cheers for reeers! byebye! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    now THAT is a dorKy style post up dere, ya know? tehehehe!

    one more ting, mese had wicked wicked gas early week and some ibs. todey, berry quiet down dere ~sigh~ dat a good ting. kk, cheers n more cheers x infinity (be backwards 28 simbol would be here but ken't find it cuz mese DWUNK! 

    ba-bye goy-alls aka goils tehehehehehe bahahahahahahah, cwacking de hail up mese is. Amen. bARmen. cheeRs n eARs too. kk, ober n out.  


  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited March 2014

    Yep Tobbi is it, not short for anything

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    OOOO now dat's a post from Dorkify--she really talken now.  I'm gld u lessened that pill for u'r dad--for a short while they gave that to my dd and I took him off of it and he was fine--it screwed with his head terribly??? I told the Doc he was not physcho he was sad and confused and after he was back to his old silly self.

    And Dorky u said u have to make changes-like what can u change? U'r poifect to all of us.

    OK u'll tell us when u can.

    I'm still tired so I'll go for now try to be back later.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    Princess Tobbi, gawsh, that is cute and very original. Mese gitting ready to change up mese identity again here. I will not be dat freaky looking dainty farta though, she eben skeered me.

    aww Cammy, so sweet of you to say such nice tings. and tank ye for supporting mese decision on dat wicked n ebil pill. when de mayo clinic sez NO to mixing dat pill with demensia patients, along with the fact that his blood sugar is running wildly high despite him eating berry much healthier, I tink it a bad bad tings for him to continue de evil drug. and de drug mese/wese lubs lubs lubs, is his widdle anti depressant pill, I wish he would have consented to taking that one many years ago. He is a different man, so berry mellow. cheers to zoloft and cheers to mese bwest fwends, yep, you know who you are. all reading dis are one of dem, so take dat (jest wrote a berry bad werd but decided to erase as de admins would throw mese EWWA outta here so fast for that word. PM me if you want to know de word. Mese been dying to sez it to a client of mine. people with money suck de biggest mollliest (as in many many moles) one, like John Boy's widdle pencil pwick tehehehehe! 

    Is our La La in la la land? ha, me made a funneeeee. come on, laugh with me. ok time to change up mese identity agens cuz I gotta share sumting real. Ya see, you all gonna be calling me Erin Brocovitch soonliest and ye will see why soonly enuff, ok? ok dat enuff hehe, oun not intento'd!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2014

    if i can swing it would love to come and visit you dorty,major changes in work,going to days for at least 3 months,see if the body feels better on days

    tobbi love your name,is it a family name?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    ok goils, it is me, erin brockovich. not really but dis mese new identity. why you ask? Other than that I am nucking futs? I need to git someting started, sorta like de real Erin B did. Do ye all know who she is? De avatar is a pic of her when she was arrested. She is mese hero. so now I can talk about de job. 

    ATTENSION ALL GOILS, call me Erin or sumting in that line. 

    Julie, I hope ye like de day shift! yippy, Erin is happy cuz she can now partay with you at night. come on goil, crack open some likker and dwink with mese! 

    I can essplain privately if ennyone wanna know. it about mese job, me needs to portect that piece of chit job by maintaining a secwet identity. well erin aint no secret, jest call me Erin please. No Dork, Dort, Dorfy Dorty etc, do not call me etcettera hehe! chee   ooops, ah ah ah chooooo CHEErs!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    ps please tail me me is purdy, k? cuz I standing for a cause dat mese believes in, dat all. kk, gonna go find some likker den some twoulbe, with a capital TW! lubs ye goils. 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    Hey LP's, Burned out yet?! check out, if ye care and have de time, dis link witch me has porviously posted. it about mese company, de job I have been at for turdeen years, yep, dat IS true. it is a hell hole and mese git in more twouble for being vocal. and me do not mean singing vocal, jest bittchin' and tailing de truth, I put mese hand on de bible and say dis is DE truth and nutting but de truth so hailp me God. Amen. Barmen. 

    yep, de topic about (which bdw, LP means loan procssor), dis is mese story but I did not make de post ya see, mese skeered to. but I gonna turn all crazy and turn into de Erin that changed/exposed berry berry bad tings. ya with me? If not, jest disregard. And me is open to PMs and dere ye can call me DorKie, yippee for that ennyway. 

    have I told ye all dat mese, Erin Brockowitz wannabe, lubs ye all. and disclaimer, I am not DE real Erin, k? OK so I sez ~hiccup!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    WELCOME GOILS TO DE ERIN B PAGE. what an extraordiary honor!!! yippee kay yayyyyy! 

    ok, I will stop and make room for other loungesttes. who wants ta dwink with mese? dwinks ON me. 

    Rounds for all goils, and near beer or cyber dwinkies are AY-OKEY! yipppppeeeee again!!!!!!!!!!!

    lub and kisses, 

    Erin B (for biotch) 

    Peace, ♥ and happynessesst friedey eve! yeah!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2014

    Mamasue and Goldie,  thanks about the scalp info, I think I'm ok, they seem to appear and disappear just like the mess on my face. My DH went and got me some Cetaphil today, they look like they're dryin' up. I'm thinkin I might need an antidepressant so I'll call the onc tomorrow and ask about both.

    Camillegal, Sorry about your bad D, hope things solidify soon. Keep drinkin dem electrolytes. I'll have to post a pic of my kitty one of these days, i bottle fed him from 6 oz to 18 lbs. He's huge and pure black.

    Lala..get better soon, stay still and let your DH wait on you.

    NM, NativeMaine, Kim...thanks for the cheat sheet... I'll try and get it, I'm a bit slow. Are you gonna get spring next week? We're sposed to get in the high 50's!!

    Tobi, good luck with chemo, how many more ya got?

    And Dork njoy dat pizz wit your pops and dem dwinks, tanks for tellin us we pwetty wen we not fewin too purdy.

    And Juliet and everbody else, nice to meet ya all.. 

    my name is really Mary, my mom was Genevieve. I'm having a blue day, I got no D, no pain, nothing wrong but BC, but just feeling low. I'm hoping it's not raining tomorrow and I can go out for a run, think my endorphins are asleep, been too lazy. So thanks ladies for being there and listening, hopin' you all have a peaceful pain free night...sweet dreams

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited March 2014

    Aww you guys are the greatest! I always hated my name. My sister is six years older her name is Susan. How come she got the regular name? 

    I always wanted to know. I have a firm mail policy. If it comes address to Mr. I don't care if I'm getting a check, I'm not opening it!!!

    Juliet... Tough switch to days. I've been there. 

    Dorkable.... My middle name..... It's Erin. Lol.  Glad your dads meds got adjusted. It will help.

    Chemo lite today was fine. Just tired had a little nap now that it's bedtime I'm awake. Lol. Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    Hi agen goils! now Erin B feels silly that she took on Erin B's identitie. but I has to be secretive cuz mese skeered. so again, dont call me dorK. oops, I has mese name in mese signature tingy, so nebermind. or I can figar out how to change that. 

    Tobbi PRN, me always wanted to be a Debbie, a Barbara or sum name from de 60's vs an old lady name such as Dorothy. oops, mese real name is Ethel tehehe, well not really. Me bff from school's name is also Doroothy and wese beens calling wese Ethel and Edith sincen we were in our teens n joking about becoming those old gals that wese portended wese bese, hehe! anyway, I tankfully, escaped chemo but I know what it is like to go through it, from hanging around de lounge here. and I feel for ya. I hopeth with all mese fart (btw aka bdw which translates to by de way.... annyway, as me was saying, dwink yer water, lots o water and lots o protein and likker as tolerated. and know that Dis too SHall Pass, jest like stanky gas, before ye know it, ye be backs to normal you and you will enjoy that more den before cuz o what u has endured, k? me hope ye comprehend mese dwunkishness hehehehe. Here is a hugger (((TOBBI)))

    and Gennie, same goes for ye. and yer name name is a kewel one too cuz wese has Mary's who were not like one hundred and turdteen years old like de dorKothy's of de world ~hic~. I jest know ye lubbed lubbed yer mommy so much. I sorry she had to go, huggers to ye too. ((((Mary)))). quite contrary I will add, hahaha, I hope ye dont mind mese stooopid attempt at humor, bad humor torns out to bese, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! 

    saying weeeeeeeeeeeeee made me tink of mese JeanieBeanieFromHoth. Hoth is a planet bdw. okey..... sigh ... 

    so I gibbed mese Daddy pizza fer dinner and his dern blood sugar went sky high again. chit, I knew better but jest wanted sumting easy. dern me!

    So hmm, I know I has more to say but mese bin hogging up dis page so  i quit. cept to say that I lub ye goils. and Lori, NM, Cyn, and all goils, SMILE, it is fRIEdey, wooop woop. And ye LaraLaLa, be a good goil for me, k? 

    to all, a good night. raise yer glass n raise yer tits, iffen ya got em and say cheerS! 


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    PS I totally need to kill dat avatar of mine, ick! Nice lady but uh, not too ez on de eyes! 

    PSS HI CAM, HI JULIE which bdw goils, real name is Julie. jest lubs her too. lubs all ye.

    dOrK, errr I mean erIN is not in, she is OUT, obber n out. more chEErs! 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Heat wave here, it's 32
    degrees!ABOVE zero!Let the mudding and flooding begin!

    Cammy--that 118 mph
    gust was measured by a buoy in the Gulf of Maine, not on land.Around here the winds were only in the 40-50
    mph range.Praying the D goes away.

    ORLA-- you've been
    driving???????SLOW DOWN!!!!!!!No wonder your DH is screaming at you.

    Goldie--Today is
    only going to be "breezy" and warming up so the snow turns to
    rain.Then again the same on
    Sunday.I'm beginning to see the
    beginning ofmud season looming on the

    Julie--I thought the
    rads machine sounded like a Dalek!

    Mema--I'd rather
    have the wind than the snow.More fun to
    listen too, less to shovel after it's over.

    Morning, Princess!

    Morning, Erin!Lotsa wind around lately,Gotta watch out for things flying through the
    air, like snow, twigs, small cars. . . .Sadie does get bones from time to time, the biggest I can find so that
    they will last her more than a couple of minutes.She loves them!Pizza for din din sounds good to me!But I know about the "meat and
    potatoes" eaters, like their hearty meals!I hear you about trouble at work, I've got a problem situation going on
    and it's draining me, not to mention making it impossible to sleep.

    Genny--spring here
    in Maine is still 2 seasons away, after mud season and bug season.Looking like spring will arrive in, oh, about
    July.And it took me MONTHS to put that
    lit together, and there are some loungettes on there that aren't currently
    active, so don't worry about it!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Drink Without a Name

    2 oz Vodka

    1/4 oz Cointreau

    1/12 oz Yellow

    1 twist Orange Peel


    Stir with cracked
    ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a twist of orange.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Oh ERIN u could never do undercover work, continuing to tell us what u;r name isn't--I've got a lot to teach u. And blowing whstles not so easy u have to have loads of proof in writing and o tape too. So think ow to organize it first. But u are crakin' me up. U so funny.

    Toby we all love u'r name it's so damn cute.

    Genny it's so easy to have a blue day--sometimes it's just there and it passes and if not u tell u'r Dr. and they'll help it pass.

    Well I still have my D--Now I',m pissed it's a PITA literally I'm so exhausted and crabby-7 effin yrs of this crap ad I need to get tests today, well I'm not going if I' chitting all over the place.My clothes are in the dryer already--My cat is so funny everytime I have D she not only comes in the bathroom with me she sits on my lap and purrs like she's helping me. Only when I have D--goofy cat. I'm complaining to early I know--Um Erin u know how to get a hold of me so my ears are working OK.

    Yesterday I wrote the the Gov. of IL and the Pres. of the US--no one listens but I do anyway. I do still always start with I mean u not harm, and wish u well then I blast them--why do I keep doing this? My mental capacity has diminished so.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    NM I just saw u'r post it took me forever to write and send mine--U' having a problem at work too? Oh Chit u poor ldies--why is that even allowed--t=it's hard enough to work everyday without people problems, I like the DOTD sounds good. nd yes spring is coming it rained and snowed yesterday, so it's making up it's mind.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2014

    Love your dalek thoughts Julie....EXTERMINATE indeed! Do you like the idea of going on days? Would give you and Lucy some time to hang out of an evening.

    Sue, I knew someone here had that foliculitis. I hope all is going ok on your end, are ya stayin home this weekend?

    La La, what a quinky dink that your family used to call you that. When you said you were in la la land, I saw your name in there and that's when I said, we shall call her La La! Glad you like it.

    If you're dealing with that darn D and have the flu, it's no wonder you feel like $hit girl. Hope today is better for you.

    Princess, I hope you don't get hit too hard after the chemo. This is number 3? I figured Tobbi was a nick name too. Were you named after anyone? Aren't we a nosey bunch? I too like the name Tobbi, cute and original.

    Om my freaking gooness.....LMAO at ErinBrocko. What the heck is the name of that movie with the ladie and all her personalities? La La, Cami??? You must know. Wind here in the spring is what we get, not rain. Oh I hope lessening that pill will hailp your daddy, and Cami said it helped with her dad, so I am confident. Ahhhhh!!! It just came to me CYBIL, you are like Cybil! You shouold be Erin Wacko, instead of Braco!

    Genny, we sawry you feeling like you down in dat wabbit hole. We hate when dat happens, and I hope you can get dat pill and it will help. Do call your onc. We also have a FUKITOL despencer, please help yourself. Was Genny your mom's nick name, or is that what you were called, other than Mary? Aren't you doing chemo too?

    Wacko mentioned EWWA in one of her posts and jes so you goils know, dat means Ever Widening White Arse around here. Anudder one is DILLIGAF, which stands for Do I Look Like I Give A Fluck.

    NM, I guess you have to get through mud season before you can have summer. Our winds were gusting to about 60, but like I sayed, that is our spring. LOL at not having to shovel the wind, I like that. You mention "bug season". That reminded me, I wanted to tell Erin I saw my first STINK BUG the other day. I sawry things are not so good at werk and hope they get it bixed up real soon, so you can sleep.

    LOL Cami telling Erin she couldn't do undercover werk, you are so wise! Oh how I wish you would share some of your letters. And your Katie Kat jes lubs you so much.

    Gonna play in the dirt today, today is the nicest day of the next 3. DH has sum ting planned for tomorrow, and Sunday we are going to Flagstaff to the Home and Garden Show, and then maybe to new casino for lunch. Hope everyone has a great weekend when you get to it.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2014

    For La La and Cami


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Lori hahahahaha U'r so funny=I'm the one that finds all the bodies. hahaha The  movies that came to mind Sybyl and and older one 3 faces of Eve---altho I think Erin has way more than 3 faces. But I love her own face the best.

    Oh I hate big winds, I'm always afraid the power will go out that's what really scares me. It's raining here but chilly rain, nit spring rain---there is a difference. If u saw me now--I have my room heated of course then I have a small heater directed right at me--flannels nightgown a big warm sweater,  blanket around my shoulders and a heated throw on the rest of me. I think I'm gtting stranger, nit enough alkamahowl

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2014

    The Innocent One will sacrifice herself for others!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    Goldie that was a good one

    I'm ok today I'm so burnt out from this crap

    Pain changing bandages etc 

    It's ranting here to cam I'm in bed going to nap soon

    I feel like one nip is not even so I OCD about this now

    Erin bocho lmao almost pooped a stitch

    Hi everyone to outta of it to type

    To everyone

    Love ya all