how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2014


    so true

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited March 2014

    Lara... You're a naughty girl!! Scaring those nice folks!  Lol

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    LaLa, lmao at you and me sawry for laughing. but you messing with people n tailing dem yer nips fell off is jest funnneeeee! I hope you have a good dr visit tomorrow and that you get that note to stay out of work and git lots n lots of good dwugs! I can meet ye at de percotini fountain if ya want. come one come all, join us!  be a joiner, woooo hooo to de joiners of de world. 

    Juliet, how ya doing? do not hear muchly from ye but your posts are always profund in one way or anudder. mese lubs ya and wish wese was sitting at that table with CynCyn and laughing n farting right now. oh de memories are bootiful and dats all mese has. I will TAKE that! Hugs to ya. I hope you furcited about day work. you neber did tail us how ye feel about it. 

    SuzEQT, saying sum estra prayers for you. and for our Tobbi n our Mary Mary Dana Dana too. hang tough goils, you is stronger soldiers dan ye realize! 

    Lori, hope ye hasing a blast in de lubly Flag stuff tehehe! but really, miss you here in de aye ems. and NM too, dern again and wdf? lol, jest kidding goils. but really,  do not see NM either, Me hope no aliens got her. I am missing all of mese goils, coome partay with me. sumbuddy anybuddy please??   I know sundeys are typically quiet cuz ye all wif yer lubed ones but me lubs ye all too so dere! 

    DorKy sends hugs n lub as does Stella. cheeRs, big ears, no fears and no tears. Life is too short to cry all dey long, k? lubs lubs lubs ye all! see ye soonliest. last one in is a ratton egg! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Hi guys I'm home and had a really nice time and no D--My DD fed me little things at a time--the bitch but we laffed lots so it was good stillfeeling not so good but much better.

    Lara u can't go to work, so get the Ok from th Dr. for shoah, u just been thru way to much way, way to much. U nd Erin are in some record book for this recon.  BTW none of u are good at changed identity--Oh brother it's to funny. Erin u'r boobs look great in this avatar the other one u really knew there had to be a number under that picture.

    Princess and Genny u'r at the beginning of this crap so everything is a surprise. Remember drink a lot of good old water preferable with electrolytes in them--just a suggestion--but we're here and certainly rest when u need it and use plastic utensils and biotine toothpast and mouthwash Oh and keep a metal fork near u'r plate in case anyone tries to take any of u'r food just stab them with it. Don't share.--just a suggestion--- When I was first told I had cancer I said many silly things but one was Oh I'll loose wait, and my onc said why?? I told her cuz when celebrities announce they have cancer they always say so far I've lot 50 lbs. I was so happy and she just steeped on my dream cuz she said u'll probably gain weight and believe me even 1/2 lb was to much, and when I was deboobed I lost weight and so happy but then I was told it was because of my deboobing and I asked if they could take my spleen, my GB, one kidney and some intestines out cuz I could live without that stuff. They rebuffed my suggestion.

    I can't wait til my DD pool is open -oh if summer ever get;s here---cuz she doesn' care what I wear in the water-I mean like clothes


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Sue I hope u'r doing OK, it's a hard time losing a dear friend.

    NM I hope u had some good weather, cuz it's going to be in the 60's tomorrow , then rain and back in the 40's the rest of the week with rain. So enjoy what u can.

    See when Lori's gone the morning posts are all goofed up. and missing Kat and Bernie it's sad.

    Erin I'm writing to the Governor again tomorrow, he just gave a speech about being honorable and just--I'm going to tell him his mom should give him a bar of soap for even using those words where he is concerned, of course I will say that it's not a threat it's just a fact. And of course I will have more to say. My DD did say she hasn't gotten any more phone calls from the governors office so I'm writing all the time. But she did say if she gets any paperwork to sign to have me committed she just might, to shut me up.

    OK I'm so tired we watched Gravity last nite. I know this is not a popular stance to take, but I thought it was boring. not enough spook and killing and certainly not enough George Clooney.

    I hope u all sleep well and have no pain,

    Lubs to all of u MUAH

    Gee I miss Dork too

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2014

    Good Morning,
    Loungettes!Interesting day
    yesterday.Started with some snow and
    rain, then sleet, a once inch coating of ice on everything by noon.In the afternoon the wind picked up and
    started breaking ice off the trees around the house and blowing them up against
    the house.The back deck is covered this
    morning.I thought some windows were
    going to break yesterday.Surprised the
    power didn't go out, but I bet there aren't any weak branches or trees left
    around here now.

    Lustytush is better!

    Mema--thanks for the
    prayers, hopefully some actual progress will be made in the situation this
    week.OK, my mind is totally warped, I
    saw the "CA" after Auntie and though "cancer" had to
    re-read to see that it was "California"!

    Genny--no tenders in
    the pool?OK, I see your concern, but
    maybe we can have just an hour or two of fun with tenders in the pool time, per
    day?I love it when they have to wade
    out to bring me my drink as I lounge in my poolchair. . .

    ORLA--not much going
    on in here on the weekends lately.That's ok, more dwinks for us!

    Erin--LOL @ granite
    counter tops!Too funny!

    Aly--I had a no
    movement day yesterday.Vegged out all
    day long.Very lazy, very fun!

    Glitter Kiss--NICE!

    ORLA--why jittery?
    And definitely DO NOT risk a bust driving to work!

    Julie--so true, so

    Erin--No, the aliens
    didn;'t get me this weekend, a big case of laziness did!

    Cammy--the whole
    weight thing is a bummer, isn't it?I'm
    tempted to tell people that I can't lose weight because I had cancer and the
    remaining, hiding cancer cells won't let my body let go of the weight, and If I
    do manage to lose weight the cancer will come back. . . If only to see the
    looks on their faces!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is theShakin' Blue Monday

    1 tsp Brandy

    1/2 oz Blush Wine

    1 1/2 oz Canadian

    1/2 oz Lemon Juice

    1 tsp Superfine


    Add the whisky,
    blueberry brandy, brandy, lemon juice and sugar to a cocktail shaker
    half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well and strain into an old-fashioned glass
    almost filled with ice cubes. Garnish with a slice of orange and a maraschino

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    wow NM u are getting hit  we have had rain light, and some nice days

    I love storms

    Oh good cam your ok I was worried

    Imwriting letters as well I am so mad about this pain control I called the pharamcay told them what is going on with me and they ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh yea ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i am not a drug seeker god damn idiots the pharmacy can flag u with out knowing your history she felt bad blagh and I said I want all notes in this god damn conputer NYS is going about this craop all wrong I am calling for a script today better get it I am starting to feel a little better I can stop walking with hunch shoulders I am not going to work today

    these god damn kids ruined it for people  who have pain snorting this crap etc wt hell is wrong with them

    My brother was given oxy from friends how the hell these kids get it have no idea but he got hooked on herion from the pills because herion was cheaper true story he went to rehab clen 16 months I pray he never goes back he will dir he was doing 8 bags a day no one knew, he acted normal even scarieer. I dont even take percos I take 5 norco thats it will not take the heavy crap no way

    DH stayed home up my ass hes at work thank god needed a break I like my space god



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited March 2014

    Good Morning Loungettes!

    I am several pages behind!  Wanted to poop in and say hello.  Promise to ketchup with everyone later!

    But I wanted to mention this to LaLa. I saw something on the exchange thread. One of the ladies that has had tons of trouble, several surgeries and can't do most of the pain meds mentioned something called Experel. They used it on her last surgery and she said it worked great. I looked it up. It is an injectable local pain med that lasts I think 72 hours. I don't know if they have to use it in surgery or if they could do it for you now?  I just thought it might be worth asking your doc about?

    Sorry about your brother, that sux.  Sounds like he is doing great now and I will pray it stays that way for him.

    Be back soon!  It's spring break for the kids, which means extra work for mom.

    I'm also packing and counting down the days until I get to meet up with Mema next week!

    Have a wonderful day!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    4 u'r so lucky having a face to face with Mema--u gals will have a good time.

    LaLa u sound so aggravated, and I don't blame you, maybe u can ask about the drug $$ mentioned, if u haven't already. It's so hard getting the right pain med--sounds simple to most people, but it's not-there's a lot that are really hard to take and u keep on searching for the right one.Of course I wish u didn't have to take any, but u'r just having a hell of a time.

    NM I hope u have a good week this week and I can't even talk about this weather, really nice today and then overnight cold all week, Out like  lamb, but April is going to be in like a lion again. It's almost over I guess. I like the DOTD TODAY, sounds good.

    OK I'm calling for my bone scan today--everyone keep their fingers crossed. That I get it done this time LOL.

    Hi Julie I think I missed u yesterday and I never mean to miss you. I hope u'r day goes well.

    Isn't Lori back yet.?

    Princess and Genny I hope today finds u feeling better.

    Oh Erin I'm all farty today u'd enjoy this--it goes with this territory of mine and I know u'r a fan of these things,

    BBL LUBS to all

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2014

    Sue, thanks for letting us know who Pat is. I am very sorry for the loss of your friend. You mentioned they "pulled the plug", so I am thinking that she went in peace.

    Genny & Princess, you have cute stripper names, can you put them in your signature so we won't forget?

    Genny, I think it was you, had chemo Friday. It' prolly hittin you bout now. I think mine always hit me on day 3.

    Wacko, dat wuz a goot yoke.

    Cami, sounds like you had a WUNNERFUL time at your DD's. You made me laff when you called her a bitch, cuz she only gibbing you small portions. But CHEERS for no D.

    Julie, how are days working out for you?

    NM, Mother Nature is not playing very nice at all. The company we bought our pellet stove from is always at the Home and Garden Show, he said they have a dealer in Maine. If you are still interested, or want to do some more research, it's Quadrafire.

    La La, I hope you were successful in getting your drugs. I can't believe the trouble you are having getting them.

    We had a really nice time. At the show in one of the booths, they were selling this flat iron for your hair. Doesn't burn your hair and makes curls, she did all of my hair. I really liked it, so I bought one. $100. Went to the casino on the way home. We are not bit gamblers, started out with $20.00 each and we cashed out with $100. So not too bad. Insurance company called and they ARE going to total the truck. But my DH wants it back, so he can bix it. We HAVE to have a truck!

    Happy Monkey Day! Interesting ingredients on that DOTD NM! Wine, Brandy and Whiskey!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    oh yea whats that called goldie I want one

    well it never ends i got turned down for lydiocane patches insurance would not approve

    4 wtf where u beeen off with the tenders glad your back

    yes I will talk to doc about that thanks 4

    no ones poking me until im better though ill poke their butt if they poke me lol

    tea so go down stairs have a fking flat tire dh is an idiot driver put it to close to the curb

    yea my brother I thinkis on methadone now 27 years old thanks for prayers hes doing good but that all stemmed from his friends getting oxy with zero prescription which ruins us for pain pills i get nervous if he goes bk he could die

    enough of that

    k im in the perco fountain


    pooop in latah

    cyn calling cyn

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Lara (((HUGS)))

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2014

    Hi DahhLinKs!!

    Thanks for all da sympathy thoughts and prayers.  Tonite is visitation/rosary so rushing to get things done. 

    4 - woohoo...yes, next week.  I'm still good for Tues.

    Lara - u cwackin mese up bout da nip.  u bad.  But seriously...mese tinks same ting bout med maryjane, da idiots ruin it for us.  Docs jes don't want their name associated wif it or any other narcos.  Praying you get some relief soon...(((Lara)))  I had sibs strung out too...not fun at all.  Saying a prayer ur db stays clean 4ever.

    Erin - tank ewes soo much fer mese hugs...feel u arms around mese by da fire right now.  MUAH!!  Sounds like u had a heavenly sleep night and in-late morning...gib ur x-dh a pat on de head for me.  The one on his shoulders, ahem.

    Lori - yes, had been on life support, so it was quick.  Sounds like u had a nice time and I wanna kno name of that hot iron too.  So, how does that work, if they total it, can dh still have it?

    Julie - thanks for the booTful woids.  They have dat plastered all over my onco office and I have it on a book mark too.  I jes lubs it cuz it soo true.

    Cami - still cwackin up about u advice to 'jes stab em' wif da fork and dat ur DD may hab u committed...LOL.  I too thot I'd lose weight...NOT.  How come some do and others don't?

    NM - oooppps about da confusion on CA.  Ohhh that is so scary bout the wind breaking da ice off and throwing it around. You are lucky u didn't get a window broken or sumpin.  Guess the winds were really bad last few days in Vegas.  DS sent pic of tree blown down in his backyard.  We will both be there tomorrow, can't wait to see what other damage might have been done.

    I kno I'm missin some peeps, but gotta run. 

    Lubslubslubslubslubslubs and more lubslubslubslubs and WEBK's for eberone....MUAH!! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Oh it's quiet here tonite---U know I never think of big winds in certain areas like vegas or upper TX== just different places, cuz we get them and they are scary no rain or anything just bad--- trees fallng and fences going it's just scary.

    I was  litte busy today and those stupid guys never answer my emails so I know things are getting done--I got upse today and told them all---I can't get these men to talk it's like pulling a ducks neck and trying to get a swan- and I'm sure I didn't get the message across. Men are goofy sometimes.

    I hav to go to the hospital tomorree and leave some pee, cuz my Dr. called and wants to get mese pee, cuz she likes to do that.

    How is ebery1 doing tonite, I crzy on pain meds--no not to many just nuff---Lara I hope u'r comfy as much as possible.

    Erin how is eberyting going--better I hope.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Was windy yesterday and
    chilly, looks like it's gonna be the same today.Isn't is supposed to be warmer in April than
    in January?

    ORLA--I actually
    like storms, too.Love listening to the
    wind and watching lightning.All the
    lovely rules to prevent drug abuse only seem to affect those of us who play by
    the rules.So not fair.Good for you for not going to work, and good
    for you for calling out the Pharmacy!Prayers for your brother.

    4--good morning!

    Cammy--prayers for
    the bone scan!Am seeing the sun some
    this week, so I guess this is an improvement!

    Goldie--thanks for
    the info, I will be doing research this summer, with hopes of making a change
    before next winter's heating season.It
    may not be the pellet stove this year, but I think that is definitely in my future.I grew up in a house with a fireplace and
    kind of miss having one, this may be my opportunity to get something like

    turned you down for lidocaine patches?Did they give a reason?I hope
    you are going to appeal.Have the
    Tenders move the percotini fountain over near the pools we can chat as I

    Mema--hope you got
    some comfort from the visitation/rosary.Rituals can be a great comfort at times like this.Yup, this has been the winter of the winds.I didn't think there were any weak branches
    or trees left to come down, but there's a bunch of branches in my yard.BUT, it was raining the other day, so this
    may be just a layer of branches being uncovered as the snow melts.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is theWindy Beach

    1 oz Spiced Rum

    2 oz White Creme de

    (Fill With) Ice

    1 splash Lime Juice

    1/2 cup Orange Juice

    1/2 cup Milk


    Mix all ingredients
    in a blender until smooth. Makes 2 servings.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Oops I've been trying to say good morning and my phone keeps ringing--busy blah BBL

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    Cami, mese bumpdid you into the pool yesterday morning. Good thing Pants was in there to catch you. So there is good reason for dem to be in da pool.

    La La, that was yesterday's DOTD that NM posted. Shakin Blue Monday, with brandy, wine and whiskey. Glad your brother is not doing heroin anymore, how scary. And I still can't believe all the trouble you are having getting pain meds, that is f'ing crazy. Did you ever hear back from Chicago?

    Lil Doyty Butt, the iron is Ginalli Milano Tourmaline. They are $299.00 on their website, I paid $99.00 and got a shampoo and conditioner. I believe they said they were from a salon in Planet Hollywood, there in Vegas. And yes, they said we can have the truck, so we'll see. I hope the visitation and rosary went well for your friend, may she rest in peace.

    Cami, where do you come up with these things??? Pulling a ducks neck trying to make a swan! You are off today to the hospital for urine sample, and what about your bone scan?

    NM, I hope you can find something a little more reasonable for your heat. The pellet stoves save money in the long run, same with the on demand water heater, however it's that initial cost of the product and installation that is the killer.

    The Windy Beach sounds bout right for me. Windy here until Thursday, but I'll take it over cold. Our winter this year has been schweet!

    Is it Friday yet???

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    they kept asking me questions that chicago thing so I felt weird I was like I just want a consult

    my dad is getting pain meds now had to cry to everyone

    fuck my PS I  hate them

    I resent pics through marys email the front desk person love her shes so cool anyway asked questions blah

    gewndella the evil witch bitch nurse goes to scold me and I told her I want a not for work u can drive no I am not drving ass

    anywho I shut my phone off I am not talking to those people today

    I hate her

    scold me fuvk u I have bben through to much chit

    sorry I am very mad my primary gave me the meds not PS


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Oh Lara u'r having a hell of a time with all this chit==I honestly don't understand all this, I mean why--it doesn't make any sense. U shouldn't have to suffer like this. Its just to much.

    Boy Lori I was freezing yesterday after u pushed me in the pool, well I did stay in with the tenders for a couple of hrs. I figured that was their job. Yes Mis PITA I get my scan Monday--I was going for my pee today and guess what came back--u got it--my diarrhea--effin crap is right. I've been in the bathroom for a while, my phone is busy and I'm talking to people on the pot. What dedication, and it got cold here again I'm all wrapped up in blankets

    I just asked my DD if it were Thurs yet? I was serious--WTF is going on this week.

    OHHHH Lori I always like seeing u'r post in the morning u and NM start off my day. Thank you.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014

    ((((((cammi))))))))  sending some florida sunshine to you

    sue,so sorry for your loss

    nm-hope work is better this week, hope to start days next week but still have not got a scedule, like a lot of people on days so that will help


    lara,so they won't pay for lidocaine patches but will pay for narcotics, wtf!    nm is so right the new rules are hitting hard the law abiders     ,it has cut down on our drug seeking admits tho   . the docs are handing stuff over to pain management if tghey think its along term issue now.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    on my mom fell she had 2 black eyes

    Jeezzz she's ok she slipped on a box she was crushing and boom

    Face right oin the cement

    Hi Juliet

    Cam I know I'm over it I have a note for the week but ill try work tomm mybe

    Poop in latah

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014

    oh lara, glad she's not badly hurt

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited April 2014

    Hello all!

    Still trying to ketchup and kids are all home for break so time is short.

    Weather is bootyfull though and I am sending some spatial delivery to Cami and NM and anyone else that needs it!

    Julie, I hope days work out great and soon. That would be really nice for you

    Genny and Princess hope the SEs are few and things are going well.  It will be a distant memory soon!

    Hi Lori!  Hi Erin!  We owe Genny a lampshade party!

    Mema, so sorry you lost another friend.  It is happening all too often in this crazy world lately.  Still counting down and can't wait!  In one week we get to do lunch!

    Lara, sux you are having such a rough time again with the meds.  So sorry to hear abut your mom falling but glad she is mostly ok.  Hope the week gets better.

    Sorry if I missed anybody!  Have a great afternoon girls!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2014

    Hi loungettes, haven't been here in a few days. Been working extra while I feel good before my next chemo which is not until this Friday. I'm babysitting now and my little sweetie is sleeping away. It's 65 degrees here and super windy.

    I guess the tenders can come in the pool for awhile, but after 3 beers they hafta get out and pee.

    Sorry about your mom Lara, and sorry you been feeling so poopy.

    Cami, sorry about your D and good luck with your scan. 

    I go to PA tomorrow and I have a ton of questions. My right boob is looking dimpled like the left one with the BC. I don't think I trust the MRI, I want more test on the right side I think. Taking the trazadone, still waking up at 4am, hair's just abut gone, buzzed it pretty short yesterday, looks really dorky….no offense Erin, BTW…. I loved your joke, got a couple a 90 yr old customers are gonna get a real kick out of it. I got one for ya later when I have more time to type

    Gotta go, my little munchkin is wakin' up. DH is outta town tonight so I'll probably see ya all tonight.Adding a pic of my sweetie.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Genny all that bootiful hair and eyes--wow.

    Lara u'r poor mom, I guess she's lucky that's all that happened.

    Hi Julie muah

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    Hey girls! Jest popping in whilst I wait for my baked ziti. I made it on Sunday but am cooking it tonight with pillsbury lite crescent rolls and a tossed salad. Mese house smells sooo good. 

    OMG, Genny, love that little pudding face on your baby, how cute! Thanks for sharing, me jest lubs babies. Speaking of, I have told a few of the goils already but mese gonna be a grand mom. I have known for three weeks but it is not yet official or as my hair dresser put it, "facebook offical". Jess is having an ultra sound tomorrow to find out how far along she is. I was initially shocked and not happy but it is what it is and I am getting furcited. Mese DD does not want me to tail anyone jest yet as it is considered a high risk pregnancy. but I just can't hold back any more. And I deciding whether I want to be Mema, Grammy or jest Gram. Thoughts? I love Mema, after my goil Sue aka pwoud Mary.

    And now for the bigger news, mese gonna have a baby too! and Camille is gonna be de God Mother. And de father is unknownst to mese. hehe! and that my lubs is of course an April fool's joke. But mese DD story is NOT. It is true.

    BBL goils, until then, cheers and lots of love to all of you. 


    Mema Erin-Lilfarta-Dorky Dorothy whom is berry berry furcited. 

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2014

    Erin how super exciting!  And I'm making spaghetti so my house smells super good too. Hope that your daughter does well and what about Mimi?

    Lara hope that you're feeling a little bit better and so sorry that the pain is hanging on.

    Genny Oh is she the cutest little thing ever! She's so so sweet!

    Emma, NM, 4..... Hello ladies!

    Juliet it's nice to hear from you. You have some of my favorite jokes. 

    Cami I'm behind on things. What is with the big D?  Why is it all the time? Oh my gosh I'm so sorry that's so terrible to just be controlled by it. Hope it goes on hiatus soon.

    Exciting news for me, my third, that's the halfway of the big bad chemo treatments is Thursday. And my good friend who we ran a marathon together is coming to be with me from Detroit.

    Happy fools day!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014

    what a beautiful little munchkin

    erin Happy

    genny and princess  ,hope the se's are not too bad this week

    genny ,we will be in your pocket tomorrow 

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited April 2014

    Hello. I miss you guys sooo much. I've been offline for two weeks now. But tonight I sat in my tub and read 8 pages of you.

    I'm done rads now. I still hurt but I'm done. I also got the all clear on my heart, so I will be starting to exercise now. Boooo. OK maybe not but I have always hated exercising. 

    OK, don't know if you still want me in the HTL, but I'm putting the request out anyway. I just miss some of you too much.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014
