how about drinking?



  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited April 2014

    Juliet. {{{huggles}}} to you too. Thanks.  

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    Red! me will dwink to thee being in de lounge again! and silly goil, y of courz wese wants you. 

    Hiya Julie. Its me Erin, uh I mean lil farta uhhh oops, i foyget. but ya can read mese auto signashore and see who mese is. but of course ya know. how long undil ye work deys? 

    4 sew, yipppeee, facetime with Mema Sue is soooo furciting. haPPY HAppY for both of ye goils, wooo hoo, I toast ye ... chEErZ'zeeeeeeez! *clink a rama shama lama dinga donga dong ding, *clink*. oops, me smashed mese glass. what a waste of a gooten dwink. chit. 

    Dr. Cam, ye in de lounge? dat ye under mese bar stool? i jest see one foot coming from sumwhere and it look like yer slipper on de foot. and tank God it dont stankup de place  ya knows nose. hiccccccc

    hey Lori, glad ya back and glad de spiders did not eaet ye and yer dH man right from de camp site, yikes wood be horrayfying. 

    so I tinking that mese work at de ringing brodders barnem n baily circus. yep, mese newest adfenshore and do it stink, it stank mese whole sey up worstest dat a wicked baked beans n burritos fart. i mean really. but I do not really eat burrriTOEs. mese calls dem chitty diapers hehehehe, but YUK n EWE! 

    Lara. mese wodd;e sista, so sorry for de suckitee pain. You go get em. make dem gib ye narcotics else mese people gonna hurt dem n chit on dem too. ha, take dat bad peeeeepal! 

    so mese dwink n typing with one eye closed and de udder half closed. so mese bid ye all ah doo. NM, dont werk to hard lub and de rest of ye, dwink all dey on hump dey jest because ye can! 

    Titties UP if ya has them, cheErS! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Oh Red I was missin u--yea come back.

    Erin a baby oooooooooo how exciting, it's wonderful==praying all goes well. And no grandma right, sounds so old. All the other names are cute. Oh we'll come up with a good one. u'll see.

    Genny and princess are in almost the same place with chemo--I hope all SE's lessen for u, we know it's not easy.

    Oh real quick story my D has been going on for almost 7 yrs. with a ton of Drs. and all that stuff--so I just live with it. And lot of Depends. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited April 2014


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited April 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014

    good morning aly

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Oh, my, it got to almost 50
    degrees yesterday, so much snow has melted off, there is hope for spring after

    Good morning, Cammy!

    Goldie--yeah, it's
    the start up costs of things that concerns me, but I'm also looking on pay off
    time.If I can come up with some cash
    this summer I can save big $$ next winter and that will be worth it.Trying to keep the long term in mind.

    ORLA--{{{{{hugs}}}}}So not fair.

    Cammy--I always feel
    a bit odd talking to someone when I am in the bathroom, but it happens often
    enough.It does make me wonder where
    other people are when I am talking with them, though. . .

    Julie--things have
    been a bit calmer at work.There is a
    family meeting on Friday, that should be interesting.What really upsets me about the whole
    situation is that it started with me being pulled out for trying to follow the
    rules and the case given to a nurse that doesn't follow the rules and doesn't
    get called to account for it, and now I'm put back in to get the rules back in
    place and control the high cost of supplies.So I've been set up for trouble, and it is happening.And now that I've created all kinds of
    trouble and got the rules back in place they are looking at taking me out and
    putting another nurse in, one that the facility admin will like better, so that
    we might get more referrals from the facility in the future.Very mixed feelings, I have.

    ORLA--your poor
    Mom!So glad it's no worse than a
    raccoon face.

    4--thanks for the
    better weather, greatly appreciated!

    what a cutie!

    Erin--congrats on
    the future grandbaby!Praying the high
    risk pregnancy goes smoothly.

    Princess--you guys
    talking about ziti and spaghetti, makes me think it's time to make another
    batch of pasta.Maybe next weekend. .
    .Hooray for being halfway through

    Red RH--congrats on
    being done with rads!I've never been
    fond of exercising, either.It's easier
    if I can get a routine going, maybe that would help for you, too?


    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is A Sunny delight

    1 oz Triple Sec

    3 shots Lemon Vodka

    1 whole Lemon

    1 shot Club Soda

    oz Sunny Delight


    Using shot glasses
    or a cannery style mason jar, pour the vodka and the triple sec together.
    Squeeze the lemon lightly, and place it on the rim. Fill the glass with sunny
    delight, then add a shot of club soda.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Good Morning all

    Good Morning NM, U beat me this morning I was trying to catch up on my e-mails a little, I cleaned some out==I don't quite understand about u'r meeting Friday. It's like u straighten things out, then someone else comes in==U and Julie are so dedicated to u'r patients it just seems like that always comes first for u 2 all the time. I again like the DOTD, they all sound good and I never drink anything, damn--but I thought the next ime I go to the store I'm going to buy some little bottles of different things I like and just have a single serving so once in a while I can enjoy something.

    I can't believe all the snow is gone, we're getting rain the next few days but it's not snow, so April showers etc. And I like rainy days anyway. I'm not a sun person.

    Aly nice waking up to u'r sayings and then followed by Julie--Good Feeling.

    So silly busy yesterday, I swear everyone was having a problem with their electricity or furnace like crazy

    I hope everyone has a good day today and feels decent.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    LaLa, can tell how upset you are, and you have every right to be sick of this BS! Who can blame you? I just wish it could be resolved. (((((LaLa))))) Oh dear! Your poor mom, I hope the black eyes are the worst of it.

    Cami, you stayed in the pool with the Tenders, so they could keep you warm! You are a dedicated employee, to be taking calls whilst in the bafroom, dat foa shoa! You are always on everyone else to get their tests and see their doctors, so we are on you as well. But seems like it's almost impossible for you to get your D to cooperate with your appointments! I like seeing you in the mornings as well. Hmmmmmm, Miss PITA eh??? LOL!

    Julie, how are you doing? All ok? Are you Cyn planning anymore get togethers?

    4, spring break for us was always just Easter Vacation. Now kids have it at all different times of the year.

    Genny, that baby is so cute. What is her name? And look at all that hair! And if I remember correctly, isn't her color about the same as her Grammy's? When I lost my hair it wasn't as devestating as I thought it would be. What I found to be the worst was when I lost my eyebrows and eyelashes, as then I think we look almost like burn victoms. And then waiting for it to grow back, took FOREVER, as I have long hair.

    CONGRATS Dort! And don't worry about what the baby will call you. It will come. One of my mom's very dear friends, her grand kids called her grandma lady! My DD calls my mom Dia. Reason being, before she could talk she babbled dia dia dia, that is all she would say. So my mom decided she wanted to be Dia, my nieces call her Dee. And my son calls her Grannlynn, cuz her name is Marilynn, I am Lori Lynn and my daughter's middle name is Lynn too. And what does Joey call Cami, is it Mimi?

    Princess, half way through! Woo Hoo......calls for a sailabrashun, ya think? How is your hair doing? So you have chemo Thursday and Genny has it Friday. I am originally from Michigan. Is your friend right in Detroit?

    Red, that is AWESOME news on your heart. OMG, that was such a scare, almost as bad as hearing you have cancer. And of course you are welcome.

    Aly, we're definatly a weird group, huh?

    LOL Julie and Aly! Nothing to drink.....OMG, NO WAY~!

    NM, I hope you can save to get the good things that will help in save money in the future. I guess that's the big sucky part. Those stoves cost like $4000, and then there is the installation. The pellets here are about $4.00 a bag. And like I said, my house is all open, I don't have alot of individual rooms were the heat has to go through a bunch of doors. So you might still need other heat when it's super cold. I think I see your spring underneath all of that mud! Not quite sure I understand what is going on at your work. But I can't imagine YOU doing ANYTHING WRONG.

    Cami, with warmer weather on the way, maybe you won't be so busy? Or will they be calling about air conditioner problems?

    Still windy here, it's miserable. But at least it's warm and SUNNY!


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited April 2014

    Thursday morning  here and I am awake so have a drink  - of yea. Hehe. 

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2014

    Goldie. Friend is from Westland.  But I surprised get a went up and ran the free press marathon with her in 2010. She came after my surgery too. 

    Red. Bam!! Glad your back!!

    Cami crapon the D!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014

    imagenow this might induce me to exercise more regularly

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Hi guys--Got a break--it's not bad out just people with a lot of problems and moving into new houses too. So I hope we stay busy for all of our sakes Dan (my boss) stopped over yesterday and I said I hope u don't mind when I say silly stuff on the emails once in a while and he said what are u talking about we always laugh at u'r emails--I swear I thought I was being so professional, I have no clue what he's talking about.

    Lori u know I don't really mean u'r a PITA but really u remind me of my sister--everytime I talk to her she has something to say about my app'ts. I don't get it she has less than I do or she's be in the same way I am--but she's a real PITA and u know how much I love her. It's her BD next week--was my Mom's too) on the same day and it's Marty too--So I'm planning (fingers crossed) on going out with her girls (4) and my sister and me for lunch and we're planning a 50th BD party for Marty called 50th Party for Marty==it started out smallish then more friend heard about it and want to come so we have to figure food, which at first wasn't much now it's a joke. We'll have beer and wine that's it. And my Joey wants me all dressed up so everyone sees how beautiful I am--I wish everyone sw me with his eye. Oh he calls me mam-maw like he said mommy and Grandma mixed cuz I'm both but he call his other one Grandma--cuz she's just a Grandma. he's bad. So there are lots of names--my sisters GC call her buba????? no one knows why yet.

    oops there goes my phone BBL 

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited April 2014

    Hi there, I'm so tired. Almost a 12 hour day yesterday and another long one today. My friend suggested that I get a doctors note that says no working more than 8 hours a day. Bahaha. That would go over so well.

    Cami and NM, your right about phones in bathrooms. It happens often enough with my oldest and me that we now announce 'I'm taking you to the bathroom with me.' I may take you up on that visit Cami, it's about a 10 hour drive from here I think. NM, I need to say, I have always, always, always wanted to visit Maine. I have read so much about it. Hint hint.

    Aly, hi there. I'll have a drink with you. Maybe that good sounding DOTD? How's the weather down there now. I heard you have been having cyclones and wind storms. And I love people I can be weird with too.

    Lori, thanks for the cheers on my heart. I start my exercise program on Monday. Then, like NM said, a regular routine. Every Monday and Wednesday from 3-4. Told my supv that I had to because of my heart too. So at least 2 days a week I'll get off early to go work out. IDK. We'll see.

    Princess, congrats on being half way thru chemo! I forget, do you have to do rads too? Sound like you have a really good friend, there. One of the forever kind. Thanks for the welcome back.

    LaLa, o dear, your poor mom. Maybe tell her she looks like a boxing champ? Lol. Sorry about all the crap you are dealing with. I would be just as p'd off as you. I'd be jumping on desks... or sending my oldest to do it for me since she's really good at it.

    Erin, congratulations on being a grandma! My gkids call me Nana. I kind of like it. Rick is Papa. A couple of the older ones have started calling me Deb. Freaked me out for a bit, but, oh well. Your April Fools joke actually had me saying OMG, till you said haha. And by the way, you are by far the worst undercover person I have ever heard of. Bar none. O, wait. A bar? Come on over for a drink.

    Genny, hope you're doing well today. That little baby is the cutest little bit. She made me smile just looking at her picture. Big beautiful eyes.

    Well off to make dinner. Ttyl.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    red glad your back 

    Genny Omg I just love your baby squeeze his cheeks

    It stress try another trazodone

    Dork wow your prego great

    Thanks for all your support

    Hi Juliet hi Goldie I know we all r going through stuff but we have each other 

    Cam D that long damn D

    I was reading this book and well it's complicated she's a pain therapist and can't feel pain ends up she's the killer but she said u should name your pain mine shit fuck hate u 

    Yes 60 here glad all the snow will melt for u NM

    Alyson I'm weird to liked that post

    4 ooh you must b busy with the kids home

    I'm missing someone idk  sorry I worked today brain is a egg


  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2014

    red... Yep 6 weeks rads too yippee!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited April 2014

    HI Loungettes,

    Jumping in, haven't caught up!! Yes Lara, very busy with the kids! They all got haircuts and we ran some errands after I got home from my doctors appointments. I got my drain pulled!!! So furcited! It had worn out its welcome again. And my PS has committed to a time frame to start rebuilding Nemo's Fin!!!

    They are talking about having me do hyperbarics for a while?!?! Maybe that could help you too?

    Anyhow, love all the pics ladies. Julie, I may have to have my bike overhauled!!!

    Genny, Nora is adorable!!! Hope you are feeling well.

    You too Princess. Chemo will be a distant memory soon for both of you.

    So Erin is preggers, huh? Guess Stella finally rubbed off on her!! Congrats NanaDork!!

    Cami, so wish the D would just let up and you cold feel better. I LOVE your always happy-even-when-you-are-bitching attitude!! You, my friend are an inspiration!

    NM, did the weather I sent you and Sadie get there yet??

    Red, Great news on the heart stuff! Sorry you are working such long hours right now. Retirement partay at the Fire on Friday night for JO. You should stop by and say hi!!

    Lori and Mema, haven't had a chance to read and see what you are up to, but hope all is well. We are buying tickets for shows. Any suggestions?? Thinking so far on the Australian BeeGees and Zumanity. Any other suggestions??

    Julie, hope the day shift kicks in soon for you!

    Cyn, you must be working too hard like usual. Isn't it your weekend tonight though?

    Hiya Aly!  Hope the Asthma lets up soonliest!

    Lara, How are you mom's shiners??  Hope both you and she are feeling better!  Be careful before you sweep or vacuum in case there are any wayward nipples lying around!!

    Apologies if in my soberest state I left anyone out!

    Think I am going to go make a DOTD!  I could sure use one today!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    Julie, LOVE yer new bicycle. where do me get me one of dem?
    Cam, glad you tailed Lori aka Goldie that you are me-maw! that is jest so cute.

    to the two of you doing chemo, God Bless you and make ye feel good soonliest.

    to Lara, SOB MoFo biotches that cuasing you trouble, I gonna send mese people. 

    sawry, meese berry dwunk at de moment. so will say tanks for de congrats on mese and mese DD's pregnantseese. hehe. I jest dwink so I can cope. dats all. lubs ye all goils, cheers n sweet dreams. no wet dreams n tittie up, k? chEErs to all of you great woman!! and womEn too. ugh, MEN! dey suck de biggestliest one.

    NM, woo hoo for mud, right? tehehehe! 

    gotta fly to mese bed. 

    peter pan here, ober n out. 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    oh peeee essss......

    taank ye all fer calling me Erin. dat is so uber kewel of ye all. i lubs ye girlsies goils! ~hicc n a fartsie too, ughhh, bed time we go now pants n me we go to mese bed, oh mese oh miiiiiiise! teheheheheehe~burp, oopsies! ok, make me stop. S T O PEEE stop it already Dork Erin dumass ~burp, i go now for real cuz de gas, well ye know right? foygib mese all ye goils. i weep n swppe i mean sleeeep now. i pulled mese weeds BURP~ ok then. 


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    pee ess eSSS yes? I did pull weeds dis night for real. like omgawd I did it! ok, back t de floor me go eth go go go zz zeee zzzzzzz. 

    YES< mese weird, if ye has  an issues with dat, you talk to mese peeep.e. otherwise, eff ya! luv u goils bdw, nighty night for reallllllzzzzzzz's

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited April 2014

    Evn all. Pooping in to see who at the bar in da lounge.

    Ise called Granny by my babies which I love. Was out with DGD when she about 3 and some ones oh are you out with your grandma. No she replies that's my Granny, Grandma has one of these - holding her hands out as though she was holding a walking frame. Everyone knew what she meant.

    Gosh I really miss my babies. Its getting closer until Ise sees them.

    I open drink but now lost it. Drink hunt - must find it.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2014

    Morning Loungettes, gotta do a quick post, hafta get brats out for a walk then go to work. Welcome back Red and 4sewwhat. My DGD's name is Nora. My son and his wife hafta be in a wedding in CA next week and I get her for 5 days! 

    Erin Congrats! you're gonna love bein' a name so far is meema...we'll see if it sticks when she starts talking.

    Cami, hope your lunch and party are a blast and your D takes a vacation for awhile.

    Lala, hope things get better for ya soon, I am reading that same book right now. I named mine after a kid I knew when I was in the 6th grade who always picked on me. His last name was Galvin and he used to make me cry. First person I ever felt like I hated who I hadn't thought about for like 40 years but he came to mind when I was reading that book and trying to name my BC

    Juliet love the bike bar

    Princess, I have 6 wks of rads also, I too am so excited...not...yipee, trying not to think that far in advance, just trying to get through next chemo which is tomorrow.

    And NM and Alli and everbody else, have a good day gotta get in the shower in a minute.

    Went to CNP yesterday, really like her, she upped my trazadone to 100 mg and I actually slept 7 hrs last night, I feel good! She ordered a diagnostic mam and U/S for next week on my other boob cause now it's got dents which is how I found it in the left one so I asked for the test. They just wanna do lumpectomy so I wanna make sure it's not in the right one too. Hair falling off like a labrador in the springtime, gonna shave the little bit thats left today. Wore a wig yesterday that itched, gonna just wear a hat today. Whens the stupid hair on my legs gonna fall off?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Mud season is trying to
    arrive.Can't drive all the way up my
    driveway right now, too much mud and muck, almost got stuck the other day.The snow is melting off pretty fast but there
    isn't a lot of places for it to go yet!Soon I'll be giving Sadie a bath every other day!The Clinical Manager at work is leaving the
    position and going back to field work as of next Monday.She is going to take over my problem facility
    as of next week.Exactly what I figured
    was going to happen.Arrgghhhh.

    Cammy--yeah, I'm
    getting pulled out of that case, again.It's crazy, and I'm not sure exactly what to think about it all.Maybe I'll just ignore it after next Monday.
    . . .

    Goldie--yeah, it's
    the start up costs that are a challenge.I'm thinking on demand hot water this year, pellet stove another
    year.But I'll see.I've seen some pellet stoves for around
    $1000, and sale time for them is coming up.I do plan on keeping the oil furnace as a back up to whatever else I
    use.And Maxine has it right, thanks to
    my meds!

    morning!Whatcha drinking?

    Morning, Princess!

    Julie--with that
    bike I might take up biking for exercise!

    Cammy-- isn't buba a
    Russian term for grandmother?I think I
    heard that somewhere.Sounds like a
    great party you've got going on.

    Red RH--Let me know
    if you ever get a chance to come to Maine!

    ORLA--Name your
    pain?Realy?Give it permission to think it's


    4--congrats on
    getting the drain out!The weather
    arrived yesterday, absolutely wonderful, thank you so much, please may I have
    some more?

    Erin--Go to Bed, you
    are talking in your sleep!

    Aly--from the mouths
    of babes!

    falling out like a labrador in springtime"I know EXACTLY what you mean.Was
    petting Sadie yesterday, came away with a handful of fur!Time to start brushing her outside in the
    afternoons. . .

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is Wrong Island Iced Tea

    1 part Vodka

    1 part Triple Sec

    1 part Gin

    1 part Rum

    1 part Whiskey

    1 splash Coca Cola

    1 splash Lime Mix

    Best served in a
    Highball Glass.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    jeez genny ill prayer it's nothing please keep us updated u r strong we all r strong women we can do anything

    Mom wow that much snow

    I love that Juliet we r mermaids

    Yea Erin u pulled weeds

    4 yes good advice lol about the nips on the floor I thought that was a good one after the healing I'm going to look into all that u suggested hoping it goes away ..,,

    Going to work in an hour it does feel good to get out

    Almost lost my post geez

    Hi Alyson princess 6 weeks down good closer to the end

    Ill poop in after work

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Good Morning everyone---

    Well Erin I hope u got some sleep--u have to aleep un order to work u know. I hope u'r mom and dad are soing OK and now u'r going to be an ole' granny. LOL the best fun of all.

    Nora for 5 days? Genny u'r going to enjoy that so much and her parents after 1 day will miss her too. Spoil her all u want that's u'r privilege. So that part is good.

    Red how in  the hell do u work that many hrs. I someone promised me a hundred $$'s an hour I couldn't do it. U must be exhausted. I' just don't understand how all of u can do so much but I'm glad u can.

    Princess don't think about the rads yet, that's just an inconvenience and just tke care of u;;rself with the time happening now--Genny u too.

    NM how are things in u part of the world. I didn't realize where Maine was exactly til I saw a map and Joey showed me, u're really way up there no wonder u'r winters are brutal. Altho this year has been strange for so many areas, but I think it's over. Now it'll be rain.

    Lori I know about where u are cuz I've been in AZ a few times, not by u, but there.

    Hi Julie, Hi Lara--oh oh I'm forgetting someone can't think right now or ever actually. So I'm saying Hi to everyone--I have to get my phone charged and my paperwork under control.


  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2014

    for #3 I baked white chocolate cherry macadamia nut cookies.   Half way there now!!

    Pouring rain here in sheets.  The free house cleaners come today too.  Super nice.  Boys are at ex. I got to sleep in a bit!!

    Ginny   One more down!