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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Image result for thursday funny

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Good morning friends- I am so freaking tired it is beyond words. Waking up to problems in the reporting platform from some cut over activities last night. Going to be another hard day and will miss a luncheon I was hoping to do. Living for the weekend and it is the SF play weekend!

    NM- I agree better to get things fixed before the salty junk gets in places it should not. You are right too that they may not be filling the position either. Beginning of the year usually means new budgets for places so maybe go check out other postings in the area that could work for you? It is hard to stay in any situation where you feel abused (I never have.....) The snow sounds very pretty. We just have cold here right now.

    Cami- I am sorry the D persists. Has anyone ruled out Irritable Bowel Syndrome? I have a lot of GI issues and IBS, but think it may be related to the diverticulitis they mention every heiny scope. Wishing you some relief with this. Being tied to a bathroom is no fun.

    I have some things to get done on the way to work today since this client wants to own all my free time these days. Today is my last day on site for the week.

    Wishing everyone a warm and cozy weekend!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2016

    nm your so right to fix things before the weather can make them worse but the insurance companies never seem to realise that your saving them money do they!

    chi hope the spasms have subsided some today,getting crazy to get effective med relief today, i here you on difficulty doing certain things ! i'm right handed but at least i can use my left for wiping,ps i officially have a frozen shoulder

    cammi- enjoy your christmas prep,going home to spend the time with dad


    its been in the 80's most days ,unusually warm for this time of year but most enjoyable

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2016

    hi wanted to read but don't have my damn glasses. At surgery center ready to be wheeled back

    J, love u all gals. Cheers

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2016


    this is the card my nephews wife made for him(she is a nursery school teacher after all)

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    Dara, hope your surgery goes well and your recovery swift & smooth.

    Cami, I am sort of a hot mess right now, I guess. The back is a tad better today—I could actually pick my feet up to walk instead of shuffling, and am using the walker mostly to carry stuff from the front room to the kitchen & vice versa. Bob explained to me that unlike Valium or Robaxin (which he doesn't think works all that well), Flexeril is designed to be a 24-hr timed-release muscle relaxant, so that's why I'm supposed to take it only at bedtime. Rather than cutting the Celebrex dose, the P.A. at the Immediate Care Center had me take an extra one during the day yesterday and then take one each at bedtime & in the morning until my back is better, at which time I can go back to my maintenance dose of one 200mg cap in the morning. Bob is getting quite paranoid about acetaminophen: when I was rehabbing my knee replacement surgeries, the recommended max was 4000 mg/day; by 2013 it was 3000; now he says no more than 2000mg/day. That's no more than four extra strength tabs a day (used to be recommended as two every 4-6 hrs); if I take two arthritis strength (650mg ea) at bedtime, I can't take more than one in the morning. (And everyone knows how effective one Tylenol is…..NOT). So I'm using the TENS unit 30 min 3x/day (not sure if it's doing anything other than distracting from the pain; wearing a 5% lidocaine patch overnight and a Flector (diclofenac) patch during the day. Today I was able to isolate the “trigger point" and cut the patch in half to cover it…those patches aren't cheap, not even in Europe where they're OTC. Surprised to discover that 4% lidocaine patches are now available OTC in the U.S.

    Got a followup call from the Immediate Care Center this afternoon: the actual physician wants to see me to followup tomorrow, and might refer me to Evanston or Skokie Hosp. for an MRI to make sure it's just a strain and not a sprain (and if so, which muscle or ligament). He looked at the X-ray and said nothing on the spine or the pelvis “lit up." He also wants me to go to “back school," probably at Athletico, once I've healed enough.

    My singing partner, venue operator & I made the decision to cancel our Sat. night holiday concert down in Park Forest—my partner was willing to do it solo (and do a great job), but the venue said they'd prefer us as a duo—and the snowstorm is supposed to be in full swing by the time I'd have to leave Chicago and he'd have to leave Madison…and last into Sunday. 6-8" is the forecast. All of that would probably have led to a none-too-full house either. It's sort of a blessing in disguise—by the time we reschedule, we'll have our new CD out (and I might have mine as well) and a soundperson running their P.A. instead of us having to haul and operate our own.

    Jazzy, I can tell you that while an extraction and a fixed partial denture isn't cheap, it isn't anywhere nearly as bad as it sounds. I've had a “Maryland bridge" for a lower front incisor now for the past 13 years, and it looks & works fine (and the extraction, of a crowned root-canalled tooth, was no big deal compared to wisdom teeth). You can probably work out a payment plan too.

    The NYC-DC trip is finally a reality. But boy, was it complicated! I was able to book Bob's online, since it was a simple Midway-LaGuardia-Midway RT. Then I tried my flights. But for some insane reason, doesn't let you book more than three segments of an “open jaw" online. I thought, okay, let me see what I can do with a one-way on SW, the Acela train to DC, or Jet Blue from NYC to the DC area & then home. No dice. First, I tried to book LGA-Reagan or Dulles. Nope—from NYC, SW flies only to Baltimore…and that flight was sold out. I looked at the Acela…no baggage, only carry-on (and I had miserable flashbacks of shepherding my rolling suitcases on the TGV and AVE bullet trains in Europe). Okay—what about Jet Blue? I'd have had to fly out of JFK (Bob's flying home from LGA), change planes in Boston and land at Dulles; and en route home I'd have had to change planes at JFK. So I just sucked it up and booked myself a “boomerang" trip: one RT between MDW-LGA-MDW (same flights as Bob) and then change planes at MDW to fly another RT MDW-DCA-MDW. Only a 2-hr layover and I'd get to Arlington really late, but I reserved a late check-in. And I think I might also rack up enough miles to get me to “A-List" status (or a free companion ticket) on SW.

    Yeesh. Remember when flying used to be fun? And you could just tell a travel agent where you wanted to go and when?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    And got another bombshell today. Our little black princess kitty Heidi had begun spraying of late, rather than using her litterbox no matter how clean we kept it. We figured it was a territorial/dominance issue, since Happy (a neutered male) likes to play-fight and she’s not into that. Gordy brought her into the vet today for her annual exam & shots…..and found out she has a whopper of a kidney stone! Apparently, squatting to pee hurts too much, which is why she sprays. Poor thing is on buprenorphine for pain & anxiety and antibiotics to prevent infection. The stone is too big for shockwave lithotripsy, so it’ll need to be surgically removed next Friday via cystoscopy. And she has to eat special wet food—so we need to feed both cats on a schedule and in separate rooms with closed doors: she’s no longer allowed to free-feed kibble, and Happy—who will eat anything that isn’t nailed down—would otherwise eat her food as well as his own.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Hi friends- middle of the night and sleepless in the desert. Been pretty common the past month and go through these insomnia periods, then they pass. I think this insomnia is just due to work stress. Looking forward to getting done with work tomorrow and heading off to Santa Fe on Sat morning for some fun.

    ChiSandy- glad to hear you cancelled your gig, given the back problems and a pending snow storm. I am sorry to hear about your kitty problems too, but glad you were able to find out the problem at the vet. I am glad to hear your NYC trip plans are coming together too.

    Juliet- I love the photos & cards you shared. The one by the teacher is so creative!

    Dara dear- I hope your surgery went well and you heal up quickly!

    My sister was able to get our Elton John tickets last night for mid February, and onward next to get our reservations at the Venetian!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Just a quick pop in, got to get an early start, got a long day today, starting with picking up the Jeep (it was ready yesterday as estimated, but no way I could get back to town by 4:30 pm).

    Cammy--maybe they are filling the position for the first of the year, but it seems someone could say something to me, they see me almost every day and know I'm waiting to hear. Trying to just ignore that whole thing for now, though.LOL Pie and Lattes!

    Jazzy--there is another Clinical Manager position in another office.That office is an hour's commute, and is an office in trouble due to lots of turnover and various problems.The commute would be only twice a day, but still that's 2 hours of driving per day.And getting home well after 6 pm every night.I don't know, need to think about it.

    Julie--Love the pics!Wish I was there!

    Dara--enjoy good drugs, recover quickly!

    Chi--What a complicated travel situation!Poor princess kitty! Hope she feels better ASAP!

    Jazzy--you've got good reason for insomnia!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning Ladies.

    OMG Sandy planning u'r trip needs a blue print and a journal. I never travel, but just thinking about it would make me full of anxiety. I'm glad u'r a tad bit better, but we want u to be a whole lot better. And I know of the snow but in a way this one's on u'r side. U'r poor kitty, But it sounds like u really have everything under control, poor baby. Cats are my thing.

    Julie it's great to see u, but u don't have to give us a weather report at this time of year.Happy

    Dara, I hope to hear from u soon and get all the scoop on how u'r doing. (((HUGS)))

    Jazzy u are (and this is my medical term) frazzled U really need to decompress and I truly hope u can this weekend.

    NM it's TGIF and I know u'r relieved. Personally I don't think I would consider a job an hr. away, only cuz it's just to far, I'm simple folk, 2 hrs going to and from is just to much--Just stay put and relaxed and see what happens after the first of the yr. Well IMHO anyway Sadie needs u home too u know. BTW good DOTD we're going to need it around here.

    I think I told u now I'm getting involved with the research Dr., who BTW I really like--so we'll see how this whole D thing goes in the next few weeks. Oh Leslie had a client she wouldn't work on yesterday, she told her she was just diagnosed with Shingles and that stuff freaks her out to try to work around it, she felt bad for her, but I guess not bad enough. LOL The lady should have kept her mouth shut, cuz Leslie wouldn't know. maybe. It's kinda funny tho cuz my mom had them a couple of times when Leslie was her caregiver and it never bothered her, but she said it was Gramma--there's a difference.

    I hope today brings everyone a wickedly good weekend and all healing is going well.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Good morning again friends- I was able to get back to sleep for a bit, but then got up and working on some things this am. Cami, you are right that I am frazzled. We have had far too many fire drills here at the 11th hour, and mostly caused by the client IT dept. Go lives are hard enough, but they have people there who make it harder mostly due to lack of communication. I have my small suitcase out for the over nighter and getting packed up for the afternoon trip tomorrow. I also just finished my business Xmas cards, and most of the personal ones too. Want those done and finished! End of the year project deadlines are tough, and there is just always too much to do anyways this time of the year.

    NM- too much driving is not my thing either. I have had many opps come up through the years to do work in Santa Fe, that is an hour drive north of here and/or a bit longer with the train here. If they are looking to fill that job in the new year, they should be interviewing now. And I would avoid anything where there is high turn over/management issues. A long drive and unreasonable people is a bad combo. Well, hopefully you will get an interview! Fingers crossed! Sadie and I are rooting for you!

    Cami- you have a research doc like on that show House. I bet it will help as they tend to think outside of the box?

    Someone at work was telling me this story yesterday about this woman who was totally mistreated by TSA at LAX around her port. She is being treated for bc, and this woman is also Sirius Radio host and it created a very high profile story about women traveling who have breast cancer and the way they need to be treated. TSA are bunch of beasts in my opinion, and hopefully this incident will create awareness of how to treat people who have ports.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2016

    Sandy, just reading about your back. I hope it's better by now and nothing serious. Of course our minds go directly to the big "C". Oh YAY, it's not!

    Our silly DW. Breakfast with the Grinch, how fun. My mom has that low heart rate too.

    NM, you were feeling a bit off a few days ago. I hope you are feeling better now.

    Cami, did you get to see a video of Joey playing? And you are so right about these mid week nights for the kids and parents.

    I haven't made it to the last page to catch up. Mystere was really good. Legends in Concert was only so so. Garth Brooks, he was good. Michael Jackson, he was the best. Barbara Streisand, she was the worst. And of course Elvis, he was only so so too. Have to head to town, getting labs done today. Results will probably be ready tomorrow. I don't want to look!

    I'm so scared!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2016

    Morning DahhhlinKs.

    It's FRIDAY, YAY for all you working gals. Cancun was marvi...I could not use my phone tho. My son was here and downloaded into a folder all the pics and videos he took. Some of them are too dark to see, but will try n send 1 or 2 decent ones.


    Great BBQ and other delectable food and drink pool/ocean side. Can't see my daug with her head in the shadows, her dh is bald guy with his daug. Will try to get more to post later.

    Lubslubslubslubs n prayers to all!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2016

    good afternoon all,sue you look marbevelous!

    good luck with the labs lori fingers crossed-

    cammi v dr house what a match up that would be

    nm-hope you get the job you want

    dara-hope everything went well and your resting pain free

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Early Good Morning Ladies.

    WooWoo SusyQ and Lori are back in de lounge. We miss u gals, but sounds like u had a great time SusyQ and lubs the pic., so beautiful (((Lori))) those tests will be fine, u'll see.

    NM I hope y get some rest today and u and Sadie can cuddle without being stressed at all.

    Sandy u'r back should be a little better (I hope) but u know more than I (for sure) but I think sometimes it takes a little while for relief. Just don't start feeling better and go flying around. Cuz u'r another one that does that. Everytime I hear the weather report it's seems like they're saying more snow, but I guess it could be all different areas. Cuz it covers a lot, well we'll see. Just stay in. I'm always so bossy, no one listens to me anyway, not even Lori.

    Jazzy OK I think u have plans this weekend so u'r in good shape to destress, I hope Friday went OK. U must be one hell of a salesperson cuz u always get prepared and have things going on--U R quite a woman. BTW how long have u been self-employed cuz that takes guts to me. LOL I never thought of House, I wish he looked like him, but now I think I remember when he did bring like 3 maybe 4 Drs. to see me and I had no idea what was going on, (a while back). Now I have to get the package to do all of this here and back, I always hate to bother my kids--I wish now Joey could drive.

    I still have a couple of things to order, but I should have some money the beginning of the week which should be OK and Leslie finishes up for Jodie for me, usually the week of Christmas and gets some good buys, oh and her f**kface husband.

    Sandy this time I'll write it down, can u please give me a budget merlot wine to bring that's OK. I just don't want to bring something that's awful, decent is good enough. LOL--Cuz all that's open to bring for Christmas is dessert, everything else is accounted for--so I want to look up a yummy (easy) dessert and wine to the house--they all drink wine and I believe they all like red (mostly merlot) I jst don't know wine anymore at all.

    I know I'll be sleeping thruout the day again, but I want to check in to see how our travelers are doing nd maybe get some more pics. Julie u look adorable in all of u'r pics.

    And Dara I hope u'r doing well and can let us know what is going on--word for word.

    Wow no Nancy, Mary and Hsant--kind of worried--Well I see Nancy on FB but I know Hsant has her dad maybe not doing so well right now. I hope she comes in to let us know. And no Anorable pics. I really enjoy pics. And if I remember I'll ask Joey to put our home all decorated here, cuz I can't do it.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Image result for alcohol food recipes Well if u like gummy bears at all could be fun at a party for the holidays. Oh this is a good way for underage kids to indulge, who would know?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday!Actually, I'm glad it's Saturday but I have a $hi# load of computer work to do for work, and a whole lot of housekeeping to do before Mom comes to visit later today, and a funeral this afternoon.Ah, well, tomorrow will be a do nothing, not even get dressed day.Got the Jeep back yesterday ayem, very happy to have my own car back, even if it does smell faintly like paint!

    Cammy--I'm not crazy about the idea of a job an hour away, but I have done it before, and I would actually be getting home earlier than I do now most days of the week.It's a position where I can choose when and if I stay late, not a position like now where I can end up working late any and every day of the week with no more than a few minutes notice.And there would be the option of working from home sometimes.But, I'm not going to make any decisions until after the first of the year.I really do not want to leave the office I'm working in, but I can't keep up this workload, either.I wonder if my dreaming about losing and then finding my passport last night has anything to do with this situation?Good luck with the research doc!And Leslie's customer was right, if her rash isn't where it shows and she doesn't say anything no one would ever know.But it's only a problem if you are pregnant and never had chicken pox or never been vaccinated against chicken pox, or if you are a child who has not been vaccinated against chicken pox yet.But, it freaks people out, big time.

    Jazzy--too much driving is the problem I'm having now.My patients are so spread out geographically that it can be an hour to an hour and a half driving time between some visits, and like yesterday I am starting my last patient visit after 5 pm. I'm often not getting home until nearly 8 pm.The job with the commute would mean an hour driving to and from work, but I could consistently be home by 6:30 pm.

    Oh, $i##.Just got a call.One of my Aunts, the Auntie who runs the Bed, Breakfast and Boarding Kennel has been diagnosed with ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease.She's had trouble talking for a while, was told it was from a stroke. Now it's progressed, in the last couple of weeks she's lost her driver's license, started falling, having trouble breathing, having trouble swallowing.She lives alone, not sure what she's going to do since she won't be able to live home alone much longer.

    I'll be back later.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2016

    Oh Sue, look at you! And we CAN see your beautiful Jen Girl. Glad you had such a good time. DH did not go, I assume?

    Boss Lady "I'm always so bossy, no one listens to me anyway, not even Lori." Now what have I NOT listened to? LOL? When Joey gets to drive, you two will have a ball. I can see it now. LMAO at the F***face husband! You are so funny. Does your family realize how funny you are?

    NM, you and your dreams, they must mean something. They are always just so different! Glad you got the Jeep back, the smell will go away soon. I'm so terribly sorry to hear about your Aunty. This is the one that keeps Sadie? (((((NM)))))

    Wacko, did you have your surgery?

    Missing all the other gals too.

    Will be looking online later for my lab results. Here is me prior to the show Mystere.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2016

    Cami, I found this for you....

    1. Meat. Because Merlot is a hearty red wine it pairs well with smoked meats, beef, barbecued burgers, spaghetti and meatballs, veal, lamb, game birds, Italian beef, and barbecued ribs. Plan your meal around the red and game meats that pair well with Merlot. Avoid serving Merlot with fish.
    2. Vegetables. Merlot pairs well with stuffed or fried Eggplant, asparagus or broccoli covered with a smooth cheddar sauce, garden salad with a creamy rich dressing, and smother red meats with sautéed mushrooms and caramelized onions.
    3. Fruits. Create a fruit and cheese appetizer tray by adding blackberries, sliced plum, black cherries, and red grapes to the tray. For a fruity dessert, top ice cream or chocolate mousse or pudding with rich fresh berries.
    4. Cheese. Create a delectable appetizer for Merlot from sliced Parmesan, Gouda, sharp or medium Cheddar, Monterey Jack or smoked Provolone on whole wheat nutty crackers.
    5. Dessert. The perfect dessert pair for Merlot is chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate. Serve chocolate mousse, chocolate cake, double chocolate chip cookies, chocolate ice cream, or deep fat fried chocolate candy bars. So long as it is chocolate it will be an ideal dessert with Merlot.

    The deep chocolate in brownies makes the perfect match with a dark red like Merlot.

    Our pick: Yellow Tail Merlot ($5.99)

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2016

    TM's have practically doubled. You can find me in the rabbit hole. Just toss down some hugs and lots of prayers....

    Feeling broken...

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016

    Ok, back to finish this ayem's reading and posting.

    Jazzy--what the TSA did to that woman was horrendous.I hope something is done about it.I'm just waiting for the day some horrendous mold or fungus or bacteria gets passed from foot to foot in an airport.In fact, that may be the next place targeted, get something as far as the taking the shoes off point, don't even need to get all the way through to a flight to spread a disease all over the world.Crazy.

    Goldie--Still feeling pretty tired, and tired of being tired.Ah, well, this will pass, eventually.Praying for good lab results!

    Mema--Lookslike you had a grand time in Cancun!Good for you!

    Julie--I wish I was in Orlando rather than here!

    Cammy--Sadie and I had a lovely cuddle in this ayem, until about 6:30 when Sadie really had to go potty.Once up, I had to go potty, too.Opened the door onto a 17 degree, breezy morning.Talk about a fast wake up!

    Great gummy bear recipe!

    Goldie--Yes, this is the one who keeps Sadie when I travel. I'm going to take Sadie down for a visit tomorrow.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Goldie- so sorry to hear about the TMs. Hugs sister.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2016

    ((((((((((((((goldie)))))))))))))))))))-hugs and kisses and chucking chocolates,booze and tenders down the rabbit hole for you,you may as well party while your there

    nm-not sure if its a curse or a blessing its progressing so fast for her,prayers for you all,hope she enjoys her Sadie time

    jazzy-having been on the other end of going live a few times, been praying for you too this week,you have worked so hard for this

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    Lori, you look fantastic—hope Vegas is a blast!

    I second the recommendation for YellowTail Merlot—it and Barefoot were the two brands I was going to recommend. Chateau Ste. Michelle has a good one from WA's Columbia Valley for around twelve bucks or so. “Ember" red blend (in a box!) is wonderful if you can find it—Whole Paycheck sells it for $14 but sometimes it's on special for $10. Bota Box also makes a good Merlot (I think it's Chilean) for about $10. The advantage of a box is that the liner collapses as you pour each glass so that what's left stays fresh—and it's usually a full liter instead of 750ml.

    No danger of my going out and “overdoing” it—though it’s not snowing yet here by the lake, it’s still raw out there and it’s due to start any minute, through early Monday. A major achievement today—I was able to climb over the side of the tub to shower and do my hair for the first time in nearly a week (had to sponge-bathe till now). Thank goodness for the grab-bars we installed back when Bob’s dad was living with us!

    And the concert I had to back out of was canceled—due not just to my back but also the snow (would have had no audience) and staff illness. Alas, they’re booked through late 2018, so the rescheduled date is way down the road. But unless something goes very wrong at my mammo and breast surgeon appt. Tues. aft., I will be on the radio (WDCB 90.9 in Chicagoland, worldwide) Tues. night from 8-11 pm. (Not sure of my time slot yet—and maybe an encore on Dec. 20).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Lori don't go down that hole please, I remember a while ago u'r counts were up and then they went down. Well, I'm sure there is nothing u can do differently to make a difference so it's not that. But like I said I do remember when they were up, so please no holes for u. U've been amazing all this time, and u continue to be amazing, it will be better for u--it has to be and BTW u look beautiful as usual. (((LORI)))

    Sandy and Lori thank u for the wine ideas and now I can bring a couple of bottles. U map things out so meticulously and u know I need complete direction and it was certainly given to me. OK Sandy how's the snow in u'r area? It's pretty damn high here. My SIL had to go in last nite about 8PM and came home about 12AM and it looks like he has to go back again. There's 3 men doing this, but it's a big complex so it takes a while. But as he said couldn't we have the snow Mon. thru Friday during the day? No so far it's just been on the weekend. LOL He just goes to Naperville, but he said the driving was really bad out here. I know they clean Chicago and all that area pretty quickly, but I was up all night and never heard any truck around here.

    NM I hope u keep to u'r plan of doing nothing today, I think that's what I read. U and Sadie should just have a quiet day--that always sounds good to me.

    Jazzy how are u holding up?

    DARA, DARA, DARA.OK the call is out.

    OK I'll check back later.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Image result for alcohol food recipes for parties OK I might have put this on already, but I don't remember. I liked the name.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes.Happy Sunday Funday! Sadie and I are going to visit Auntie today.Sadie will have a grand time with aride and lots of tummy tickles and belly rubs and being allowed on the furniture. Auntie loves having her visit.Got most of the "paper" work caught up yesterday, will need to stop by the office on the way home and finish up some, though.And I still need to do some grocery shopping.And wash work clothes.Hmm, better get my butt in gear.

    Goldie--I just saw the post about the TMs.Crap.Crying for you.

    Julie--the faster the better, to my mind.The suffering when the mind is whole but the body breaks down is horrendous, and no way to make it better.She took care of Sadie for me when I had recons surgery, had her for 3 months, and they love each other dearly.So lots of trips for Sadie coming up.

    Chi--grab bars are a wonderful thing, aren't they?I had them installed when I had recon surgery, left them up as they are so handy.Sounds like backing out of the concert didn't create any more difficulty than the weather.Good luck on the radio.

    Cammy--Sadie and I are going to go visit Auntie, and then do some of the stuff I should have done yesterday on the way home. I just couldn't get motivated to do much of anything yesterday.

    Love the Ho Ho!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2016

    Well, ya's can set a ladder in this hole. I may come up for some air or peek my head out. I'm so sick of getting this feeling when things go wrong. Makes me hate being alive sometimes.

    Jules, thanks for goodies, especially the booze!

    Sandy, I must have missed where you hurt your back. I can totally relate and I hope it's nothing serious and just needs time. Lots of time! The back is nothing to mess with. Glad I picked a decent wine. Well, I didn't pick it, it was already there in the post! Good luck at your appts. and what are you doing on the radio?

    Cami, I'll be ok. It's just gonna take me a few days. I just wish I wasn't such a sappy, sensitive cry baby. I like your Santa's Ho Ho drink and I don't think you posted before. Iffin you did, I don't remember! I guess that's another perk for us goils. My markers were up on the last labs as well, so the last two.

    NM, how is your aunt feeling and handling things. How old is she? Glad you will be visiting frequently. I know you all will enjoy your day. And wipe those tears, they are not necessary.

    Heading out in the morning for Phoenix, I have onc appt. I've decided to see if I can't keep the news from my family until after Christmas. Not the kind of news one wants to share at this time of year. Just what I want to do, ruin everyone's Christmas.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2016

    For my wacko friend


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2016
