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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    “Spirited” photo, Lori!

    I have OA in my lumbar & cervical spine, and one or the other tends to severely spasm on me every 2-3 years or so. Usually puts me out of commission for at least a week, and I’m about to get very, very nervous about it: have a mani appt. tomorrow (hope I can get down my front stairs to Uber it) to get my nails in shape for my radio appearance this Tues. night (there’s an “overflow” night Tues. 12/20 if I am still too immobile to drive out to Glen Ellyn…near where Cami lives). Every December, Lilli Kuzma, the DJ for the “Folk Festival” show, has a lineup of performers doing a couple of holiday songs each: sacred & secular, traditional & contemporary, serious & silly and originals & “covers.” My singing partner Stephen Lee Rich (assuming he can get out of his driveway) will be coming down from Madison, WI to join me in a couple of tunes. I will let you know if I have to postpone till the 20th. (Seeing as how I get on a plane to NYC the 22nd, I sure hope I can be on the mend. Using a wheelchair or walker for an entire trip sucks big-time).

    Cami, NM, here by the lake it appears (from looking at the roofs of cars and what’s piled up on my deck & fence) we’ve gotten about 4” so far, and the “second wave” has started. There was a lull this morning, then a blast of huge wet flakes, and now it’s tapered off to near-flurries (knock wood). Via my neighborhood blog I found a guy to shovel my sidewalk ($500 fine for not doing so!), front & back stairs and a path in my alley by my garage door so Bob can get in & out. He is a cardiologist down on the Southwest Side & ‘burbs, and drives a Fusion Hybrid (low ground clearance, FWD instead of AWD like my Outback, which he refuses to drive); last night he had to stay down in Oak Lawn so he could get to work at Christ Hospital today. (One year, when he drove an AWD Taurus, he had to spend an entire WEEK down there until I found a guy to snowblow through 3 feet of snow for alley access—and when we came home that night from dinner out we still got stuck on the “ice hump” down the center of the alley)!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    Well, I spoke too soon—the sloppy wet stuff is falling again. I know the plow & salt truck came down my street, because there’s gray slush beneath the newly falling snow. No idea about the alley—the city never plows, and my neighbors & I might have to hire a service for that (and then dig out the inevitable berms that will block our garages). Y’know, the last night of the Bar Show as I rode down in an Uber I marveled at the magnificent skyline and Millennium & Grant Parks and wondered why anyone would ever want to leave Chicago. Hahahahahah…..

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Good evening friends- the weekend of fun is just what I needed. I really was not in good place mentally and emotionally end of the week. TMBS (too much bullshit). I put my presentation together for the execs tomorrow and no comments from the client so far so I am going to assume we are good. I will check in the morning before I head out for any final changes.

    We had a GREAT time in Santa Fe. Got up there mid afternoon and got the royal treatment. All kinds of good stuff with this stay including access to the executive lounge (free food and drinks), and then we had a nice surprise with Gruet champagne and choc dipped strawberries! When they learned we were both Hilton Honors members, they bought another one! We ate the strawbs but each took home the champagne for another time. We brought our own adult beverages with us for the room (and oh we drank em too).

    Little shopping and trip to the plaza to see the lights and then ended with a great dinner, and some time in the hot tub at the hotel, and some time by the outdoor fire. After some breakfast that was part of the deal with this stay this am, we were on the road by 10 to return to ABQ. That Hilton is totally great if any of you ever visit Santa Fe. Near to everything, recently renovated and great service!

    Today I went with a friend to see a Julliard string quartet. Really outstanding but the auditorium was packed and just SO HOT. We stayed for the first half, but left after intermission because it was too hot. Hard to enjoy the music when you are uncomfortable and just want to strip down! We both felt good seeing the first part, gave us a taste of some really lovely music.

    Will let you know if my project finally goes live. I have been working on this for a year and ready to deliver. We will see what they say!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    Sounds like a great weekend, Jazzy!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2016

    Hi girls, I am recovering quite well from surgery. My hand is still numb for the most part. I got to change my bandages today and my boo-boo is quite ugly.

    Lori, oh good lord girl. My heart is broken for you. Thank you for coming up out of the hole and taking a photograph of you and my other BFF Jack. So kind of you to think of me during this time. I hope you start to feel better. I felt so bad after reading your post because there have been times when I have felt like you do with my headache pain and there have been times where I feel that I just don't want to be. But I know my shit will get better. Hence the guilt. I love you so much. Hang in there and stay strong. I understand why you want to keep this from your family until after Christmas. Sending lots of hugs and love from NJ (((((Lori))))).

    NM, I am sending more love and hugs your way too. I feel so bad for you and for your aunt as well. Lou Gehrig's disease is no joke. I had an aunt who went through it and it was not easy to witness. Many members of my family thought that she was taking too muchValium because her symptoms developed shortly after the loss of her husband and she had admitted that she was taking Valium to help her with the grief. At a family gathering, she was eating and the food was falling out of her mouth. The reason for was the disease not the drugs. I'm sure there's family members that were talking negatively of her felt guilty. Back to you and your dear Aunty, I will keep you both in my prayers. And I think some Sadie therapy will be just what the doctor ordered for both your aunt and for Sadie too! I am glad that you got Pearl back. I hope they get did a good job bixing her up! As for the job, I too do not think it is a good idea to look into the job with the long commute considering that there also are so many issues at the office ~ just my opinion which means nada! I hope this coming week is better for ya and that you got all of your errands done today, poor dear.

    Chi, sorry about your poor kitty. But glad you found what the problem is. Hope her surgery is a success and that the eating separately will not be much of a problem for you. Stay safe if you should venture out into the snow. I bet it's a pretty scene. Agree that it's a blessing in disguise that the concert was cancelled.

    Camille, I heard you calling my name. You really cracked me up to0 talking about Jody's husband aka F^ck face, i jest love how you tell it as you see it! I am glad you're almost done your Christmas shopping. I have not yet started but that is typical for me. Did you get your loveseat yet? I don't recall you saying that you did. Joey driving? Oh my Lord, how wonderful would that be for you though. The blink of an eye and he will be driving, that little guy is growing up way too fast. The girls gave you lots of great advice for wine. You sure came to the right place for it. I hope that your personal Doctor House is able to help you. It sounds very promising. I had to chuckle when reading about House. I recall an episode where he was chopping and snorting his pain meds. I think he called it an alternative delivery method LOL. I loved that wacky bastard. I hope you are feeling well and no bouts of the big D, you really really deserve a break. I will tell you play by play everything as requested. Let me know if I miss anything, you crazy broad! hehe! Oh, I'm gonna try to find the pics of your house and post a few since you said that you will get Joey too do so. To me, that means I have permission to take them from FB and post here. if not, sue me.

    Mema!! Welcome home! You look fantastic. So good to see you and your family. Glad you all had a good time. I have missed you so much. I've been meaning to talk to you about your headaches. I hope they are gone. More on mine coming up. I think it is good news. Hope to see your purdy face back in de lounge soonliest, k? Muah!!

    Jazzy, I still need to check out the TSA link, hope it does not piss me off too much.. wanted to finish this long post first. nSorry you have been so frazzled. Your work sounds so stressful. I imagine it will be very helpful to be rid of your pesky doctor clients who wanted to go live then make quick changes then the added communication issues. I hope you can close that chapter soonliest. Good luck tomorrow.Insomnia sucks so much. I hope you get some sleep. Your weekend sounds near perfect and just what you needed. A shame that it was so hot at the concert but overall, sounds marvelous. Good for you girl. Hang in there!

    Julie, did I read that you are going home for the holidays? That sounds fantastic. I loved the homemade card. And your Christmas photo is adorable. How appropriate for a Disney world like you LOL. How is Mutley doing?

    I am also missing the girls that are MIA. I'm sure that Mary will report soon. And I keep up with Nancy on Facebook here and there. I don't facebook like I used to but try to go through posts every few days or at least weekly to see what's up. I hope that HSant and her Daddy are hanging in there. I do hope she reports in. We have a lot of love to give her if she needs it. I think we all need love which is why we are here. Right girls?

    As for my headaches, I am getting the MRI done this week as well as blood work to rule out other diseases. But I am back to my theory of it all being related to my severe clenching and grinding my teeth in my sleep. Since I have become aware of these habits, I catch myself all the time. On Friday, a week ago, I finished reading the e-book that my handsome online dr. friend wrote. And I am really kicking myself for not reading it through sooner. And more I'm kicking myself for believing my first (very ancient) neurologist that I had that terrible disease which was often referred to as the suicide disease, yikes, he knows NOTHING about me, the ass. All of my medical issues, from the headaches to the sinuses to the phantom dental pain to my hair hurting is what I believe all related to my teeth. I will attach The link to his e-book. It is quite lengthy but for anybody interested or if anybody that knows of a friend or a family member that experience migraines and also clenches or grinds, this could be a good read. I had impressions done on Friday and will have delivery of my new device in t wo weeks from Friday. It might take up to a month for my headaches to stop but I am very confident that this will do it. My own dentist tried to sell me a knock off. I am very disappointed and will likely be leaving the practice.

    The biggest issue tthat my ailment has gone undiagnosed for so long and that I had to figure it out on my own which is the reason I have been getting a runaround is……(this is from the book):

    Medical schools, therefore, leave the study of the temporalis muscle to the dental schools. Dental schools leave the study of headache to the medical schools, so the temporalis muscle and even more importantly, the nerve that services the temporalis, the Trigeminal, has been largely overlooked as a causative and/or perpetuating source of headache and migraine.

    here is the link

    I hope all of you girls have a fantastic week. Lori, I will be especially thinking of you and praying for you. I need you to come out of that rabbit hole because if you don't I will cry too. I am not much of a crier but I have cried more in the past month and I think I have cried in my life. If ever you need to talk give me a call. By the way I need to text you my new home number. I had it changed. A long story.

    Cheers ladies!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    Dara, so glad you’re going to get relief from those headaches and sinus pains. Is the temporalis muscle adjacent to the TMJ?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2016

    Goodness, have stumped me lol, I thought I knew all of the answers on this subject. I do know that I was sent away by two TMJ specialists because I do not have TMJ disorder. Maybe you can ask your DH? Hmmm, I am curious too. Also, I wanted to comment on your post when discussing the changing recommendations for the amount of acetaminophen doses that are deemed safe. I've been thinking about my drinking of de alcamahol lately and how it may have affected my body. Reason being that there was a point of time where I thought my headaches could be caused by the excessive drinking. I was drinking quite heavily since I started in the mortgage business in 2001. Before then, aside from high school and college weekend wildness, I rarely drank. Besides starting a new job in 01,I also started a new relationship (between marriages) with a guy whose favorite libation was Jack Daniels. At that time, mine was coffee! Long story short, I learned to love JD and continued to love it after that relationship ended. Throughout my cancer recon journey, I had over 20 breast surgeries including a DIEP flap which I got a Pseudomonas infection of the abdominal wound which took nearly a year to close. During that period, I was on high doses of percocet. And that was when the tylenol dosages were allowed to be higher. I had my doc switch me to the opiod without the tylenol for a period but found it very hard to find at the pharmacy at the quantity I was prescribed so went back to the percocet which for a period was taking 8 pills a day. That is a lot of tylenol for my liver to process and I was drinking de JD on top of that is massive amounts. This headache thing has definite been an eye opener for me.

    Ok,gotta try to sleep, been a rough day. I am consumed with worry over so many things and missing my valium so so much. And my six JD's a night too hehe!

    CheerS ladies, love you all~!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!It's Monday. It's snowing.School closings all over the place.I guess I better get the nearly bald summer tires off and the studded tires on before going too far today. Would rather stay home and not go out at all, but that's not realistic.Not going to go all over on back roads, though.Can do that tomorrow.Still got catch up stuff to do, too.I hate starting a week so far behind already.

    Goldie--Auntie seems to be doing pretty well.Her sense of humor is still intact.She gets frustrated with not being able to talk, and is upset about having her license to drive taken away.She's been independent for all her life.She's 68 or 69.Don't blame you for wanting to keep the news about the markers quiet until after Christmas.I think Auntie would have preferred to wait to let us know about her diagnosis until after Christmas, too, but it's hard to hide not being able to drive all of a sudden, and falling down a lot.Sorry, didn't mean to get off on my own issues again.


    Chi--oh, my, ice humps, low clearance, fines for not plowing/shoveling, what a saga!Personally, I prefer a FWD to an AWD if I can't have a real 4WD.But then, I'm so old I remember being taught the difference in driving in snow with a front wheel drive and a rear wheel drive, back before the days of 4WD on anything but trucks.And in manual, not automatic!Manual is still way better in slippery conditions than automatic, in my book, but I'm one of those really weird people who actually SLOW DOWN in weather.Once you get past the annoyance and inconvenience, snow is pretty.

    Jazzy--Sounds like you had a wonderful time, good for you!Will be curious to hear what happens with the project.Sounds like you have done your part, now to see if the other folks come through.

    Dara--Glad you are recovering.Praying the numbness goes away really, really quickly.And that the boo-boo calms down over time.Misdiagnosis seems to go with Lou Gehrig's disease.Auntie's speaking and eating and drooling issues were chalked up to having a stroke for over a year.I was surprised to see how wasted one of her legs has gotten.She and Sadie had a great visit, and I will make sure they get lots more.You are probably right about the job with the commute and office issues. I'm going to try to just let all that stuff go for a bit, and concentrate on coping with the work load issues.I just wish God would hurry up and work this stuff out already.Glad to hear you have a plan for getting rid of the headaches.And your friend is correct, medicine is too fractionated to be useful at times.No one looks at the entire person anymore.

    The TMJ and Temporalis Muscle are next to each other:


    Temptation Cocktail



    Shake blended whiskey, Dubonnet, triple sec, and anis with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Add the twists of orange and lemon peel and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Good morning friends- I went to bed early last night and probably slept a good 9 hours solid! Exhaustion from everything is a way to keep yourself to sleep vs. being up in the middle of the night or awake too soon. Maybe having fun weekend too? I realize I have been fun deprived as well as not getting enough exercise. Will make this a more reasonable week because it is really go live or bust now. Throw all the obstacles you want folks, and it won't happen!

    I met another one of my buds I have not seen for awhile yesterday afternoon for a drink and snack at Whole Foods new bar, and then went to a concert with the Julliard string quartet. The music was lovely, we heard a Beethoven piece, and also some Mendelssohn (my fav), but the auditorium was stiflingly hot. I found myself trying to get through it vs. enjoying it as much as I could have. So at intermission, my friend said "I don't know if I can sit through another hot hour of this, do you want to go?" She bought the tix so I did not want to be rude and say lets leave, but felt okay when she offered. So we split, feeling we had had enough experience to feel good and left.

    I had an interesting blood orange cider from the tap at Whole Foods and loved it! Needed something different from wine, given our outing to SF.

    Dara- I hope you continue to heal from the surgery, and get some better help around the headaches. I cannot believe someone would say "the suicide disease" to a patient. Not helpful. By the time you get through all this stuff, you will be better than ever and able to go find that great new job that is waiting for you!

    Goldie- I love the photos you shared and if I did not know better, would never have any idea looking at you all that is going on. I know we often do our best to put on a brave face to the world. I hope your holidays are good and that if there is any news to be shared, you can find the right time and place to do so with your family. It is our life, our health, our choice when we share things.

    Cami- that FF comment was pretty funny. I may borrow that for my favorite provider on my project. LOL!

    Chi- I am thinking of you too and hoping you can get in a better place with the back.

    NM- sounds like it is time to get those other tires on the car. I would want to stay home too! Wishing you safe travel out and about in the snow today.....

    Gotta get on my way to an 8 a.m. meeting. Wishing everyone much peace and love here this week!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2016


    Sadie must have written this

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    We’re all shoveled out now, so if anyone falls on our sidewalk, it wasn’t due to ice or snow. Was able to Uber from (got a ride to) the nail salon, so my nails are in playing shape for the radio show tomorrow night (in the lineup that runs from 8-11 pm we are scheduled to be on from 9:18-9:33). I’m confident enough to drive now—in fact, there were times in the past when I drove when my back was worse. The Immediate Care center PA prescribed me Flexeril to take only at bedtime, so that’s what I was doing till yesterday—Bob expressed surprise, because he usually prescribes it 4x/day for the first few days of a backache. So I started taking one in the morning, too and it’s made a world of difference—that, and wearing a Flector (NSAID) patch at night and a Lidocaine patch during the day when I need it the most. Won’t take the Flexeril tomorrow morning, since I have to drive to Evanston Hospital at 11 am for mammo & BS followup; and then leave the house by 5:30 pm for the radio show. (The DJ always brings homemade Guinness brownies).

    Last night we had shrimp & spinach fettucine “aglio e olio” with red pepper flakes—and washed it down with a Mumm Napa sparkling Pinot Meunier. Tonight will be leftovers (solid & liquid).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Spent half of yesterday waiting to get the studded tires put on Pearl. She is going much more confidently in the snow now.3.8 inches of snow on the deck.Light and fluffy, easy to move stuff, so that's a good thing.Now the wind is picking up, and it's a bit chilly (being snarky here, in case you didn't notice).Long meeting this morning at work, but hopefully not too long after the meeting is over.I actually took advantage of being on salary and only saw 2 patients yesterday afternoon, then went grocery shopping.Actually got home before 5 pm .As long as I work half a day (seeing at least 2 patients) I can claim the full day as a work day.Don't do it often, but figured I was due.

    Jazzy--you must feel fantastic after such a long, solid sleep!Good point about being fun deprived.Too bad the auditorium was so hot, that takes away from the enjoyment of the performance.

    Julie--I don't see a pic, just the box where it should be.Can you repost?

    Chi--Sounds like your back is getting better, that's good!Why are you getting your nails done for a radio show?Who's going to see?

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Grandma's Swingin' Eggnog



    Beat yolks until light. Add sugar and mix well. Add milk and rum. Mix well, then chill for at least 3 hours. One hour before serving, whip cream and stir into chilled mixture. Return to refrigerator for an hour. Serve in punch cups and dust with nutmeg. Serves 20

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Good morning- two day from final go live and things are coming together on the final communications, training, and schedules. We keep having the IT dept trying to drop other changes on top or around us, but simultaneously complain how we are not doing things better and faster. Somehow, I don't think I will miss them when I leave in a few more weeks. I think this go live is going and can't wait to get through it and done. Got a biz dinner tonight with one of my new collaboration partners to discuss the future work I plan to do around this with others. Onward and upward. This has been one very long and difficult year working on this project.

    NM- glad you got the tires on and yes, I heard the sarcasm in your voice! Does Sadie like playing in the snow?

    ChiSandy- glad you are feeling better. Watch the Flexiril intake as it can tear up your stomach. I took it years ago after a car accident and side to side whiplash incident (got t-boned). It helped initially but then had some horrible stomach aches and had to come off of it. Wishing you better days sister.

    Going out early to get the oil changed so that is done before go live and before my trip up north for Xmas weekend to the hot springs. That is my reward at the end of this! Never see this guy there, but I hear he is a regular visitor (LOL!)

    Have a good day!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    NM I thought u already did u'r tires but now they're done. BTW u never leave early from work, so do it when u can in the winter especially. Oh u'r dear Aunt. What a horrible disease my one GF had that and it was really hard to diagnose it, but a chiropractor actually did and sent her to a Dr. he knew, she was still working but when she went on Dis. she went down hill quickly, she was so much fun--we'd see her a couple of times a week and her sister moved in with her, it was really awful--but u know that- it's a strange disease, I'm so very sorry.

    Sandy I knew this back wouldn't hold u hostage very long and very happy about that. I wrote myself a note about u'r radio thing so now I hope I read it. Bundle up it'll be cold, then more snow Friday nite into Sat. Another weekend--so more shoveling and salt. bad weather this month, maybe Jan. will be better for us.

    Dara wow u'r really getting u'rself in shape for u'r new job, meaning another great chapter for u. Oh how I remember the huge whole u had with Zac the Vac, I'll never forget that pic. Just the thought of it made me sick LOL Well hopefully all u'r wellness will really start very soon for u.

    Julie I didn't see anything either.

    Jazzy 9 HOURS, holy chit--I can't imagine but as they say u must have needed it. This weekend u really unstressed u'rself---good for u.

    Lori get out of that hole. I'm so sad u'r in it. Praying and thinking of u all the time, Remember when I told u how my Dr. told me I was NED? She left me sitting in the office and went out to the main room with all of the patients and yelled we did it, we did it, Camille's NED I heard my name. Shen said I thought this would never happen. Well when she came back I asked her who NED was and why are we together. She just looked at me and said Oh dear u really don't know--No I didn't know--she said maybe that's why u'r NED. Sometime what we know doesn't help us heal, but more often it does, I can't tell u to be strong u'r going to be what u are and that is strong. I've told u so many times--u'r amazing and it will come thru for u, (((HUGS)))

    Well the no feel day is here---TUESDAY---and it's really winter here, so no more weather forecast Julie.

    Hope to hear from everyone soon and things are going well.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2016

    Not sure how much I'll write…

    Sandy, I had to laff at you needing to get your manicure for the radio performance! I know, you probably use them to play your guitar.

    Wacko, unfortunately I'm not out of that hole, just thought I'd poke my head out occasionally, hence the need for the ladder. I was going to take a picture of me with the big bottle of Jack, but they were permanently affixed to the straw bales.

    NM, so sweet of you to take Sadie for extra visits to your aunt. My gosh, she is still young.

    Jazzy, thank you for your kind words and you hit the nail on the head. People are always telling me how good I look, and they would never have guessed.

    Cami, I can't help it. My biggest issue is what this causes me to put on everyone else, and I have no control over it. My family, my friends, my husband, our bank account. Onc wants me to go back on the FU pills. Oh gee, I can hardly wait! Hopefully, I will be out and about(from the hole) sooner than later.

    In the mean time...Check this out, but you have to have FB
  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    Yup, I get gel nails every two weeks precisely for playing fingerstyle guitar (and I hate using fingerpicks, whether metal or plastic). I have to keep the L hand nails very short so I can fret cleanly, but I still get the no-chip French manicure on those. My R hand nails have never been strong enough to grow long enough to play without wearing a notch into the index fingernail after only half an hour. In fact, I have to reinforce that nail with a plastic tip—and it still splits (probably from an old injury to the root of the nail bed). My nail tech says she sees weak nails in all her clients who have had cancer, whether or not they got chemo. Back in the days when I wore acrylics, I would get “fills” for the new growth every 2-3 weeks; but for acrylics the nail surface has to be roughed up (and some of those walk-in “nail-mill” salons in malls used Dremel power tools for that); not to mention that acrylics are made by mixing a polymer powder with a solvent and emit harmful VOCs (so much so that the techs wear masks) and don’t let the nails breathe. The kind of gel I get is a clear base coat that comes in a little pot (nail-mill “gels” are just UV-cured acrylics), followed by “Gelish” no-chip polish. They need to be soaked off and new ones applied at every visit. I’m pretty sure that some of that nail weakness, plus the white ridges, are due to those years of abuse from getting gel nails.

    My nail spa is pricey, but there are no fumes, drills or masks; everyone speaks English well (the owner-tech came here from Saigon when she was a baby and her sister, the receptionist, was born in Chicago as was one of the techs. The other two are Bulgarian). The spa is by appointment only, and you choose a tech and remain with her as a client. People come from as far as 40 miles away—the owner is an instructor for techs wanting to use Bio-Sculpt and CND products, as well as a lecturer in nail salon sanitation. And she does such a good job on my "problem toes”and calluses that my podiatrist fully approves and became a client herself. (Of course, insurance doesn’t cover salon mani-pedis).

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    The radio show was tons of fun! Had a bit of drama when my singing partner (driving down from Madison, WI, coming from the opposite direction on I-88) entered the building at the wrong entrance and got lost inside (the student resources center where the radio station is located has a lot of levels, entrances and dead-end corridors); so I opened our set with the solo number he'd suggested I do (and which I've never performed live and on guitar—only on dulcimer in the recording studio). Just as I finished, he walked in—whew! We managed to do three-and-a-half more numbers. I sat in with a duo whose alto was home nursing a bruised tailbone. And then, we each got a solo number during the reprise and group-sing hour. Music & humor are indeed the best medicine: I didn't realize how much I still hurt till I got home and out of the car. Yeeeouch! (Took me over 90 minutes to get to the station, due to RR crossing gates on the Union Pac. line all being stuck in the down position—and when I decided to get on the freeway from the one street that had a trestle overpass instead of a grade crossing, I discovered that just about everyone on the NW Side had the same idea). Just performing and reconnecting with my music friends pumped out enough endorphins that my back didn't feel as sore. I'm paying for it now (typing this while in my recliner with knees bent and wearing a heating pad), but it was worth it.

    And earlier today I had my 6-month mammo & followup appointment. The mammo was so normal that my surgeon decided I didn't need to see her, just her NP (with whom I'm pretty sympatico, since she has led a few of our support group meetings). The only finding of note was that my 14cm (yes, centimeters) seroma had shrunken to 10cm, which might be permanent. But it's painless and I'm still pretty symmetrical. Next followup will be in June.

    So I have two things to celebrate (and take my mind off my backache); therefore, I'm sipping a 3-oz. glass of Mumm Napa sparkling Pinot Meunier. (Didn't feel like having Beaujolais Nouveau—maybe tomorrow after the support group meeting if I defrost some salmon).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Temps have gone from low 20's to freezing or just above, gotta love this time of year.Still, could be worse.It is December, after all.

    Jazzy--Sadie does like playing in the snow.Sometimes I have to call her in and make her stay in for a bit until I can get the ice balls out from between her toes.Definitely have to check for those ice balls before bed, talk about COLD when she plants her ice-balled paws on my back!Glad the project is almost over.Sounds like the IT department is not being helpful.Oh, my, meeting that guy at the spa would be something to talk about!

    Cammy--it is a horrible disease, and I am very afraid of what's ahead for her.Just have to take things a day at a time, I guess.What a way to find out your NED status!You may be right, though, what you don't know doesn't get in the way of healing.

    Goldie--You really don't have any control over the ripple effects, and that's got to be really, really hard.Praying for you.What, exactly, are the FU pills going to accomplish if you go back on them?You were so miserable on those pills, I hate the idea of you being that miserable again without getting some really notable benefit.

    OMG, Whoo HOOO!

    Chi--I love the look of well-manicured nails, but worried about possible damage. Now I'm thinking I have been wise to not do anything like that until I do more research. And now I have a place to start, thanks to you!So glad the radio thing went so well, despite the drama!And for the good mammo results.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Image result for christmas drink recipes

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2016

    Glad your test results are good ones Sandy, a very good reason to celebrate and the radio show went well.

    NM, the FU pills are chemo. Hopefully knock back the cancer, if that's what's going on. Won't really know until I get scans.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Good morning friends- went out and had a nice dinner with one of the other vendors and one of his resources last night (a woman I have worked with and like a lot). We did the Ruth Chris Steakhouse, which I have never been to, but have heard good things about. I am not a red meat eater, so steakhouse are usually not a place I pick, but they always have good seafood. I had some delicious sea bass, along with a fabulous salad and some sides. YUM! Lots of good food and conversation. Due to the long hours this week and weekend duty, no drinking outside of sparkling water.

    Cami- sleep was good for a few nights, but tossing and turning last night. Going to yoga tonight so that may help.

    Chi- congrats on the good news on the mammo. Good to be clear for another six months. My follow ups are end of January.

    NM- oh ice balls in the paws, eek! I would not want those in my bed or on my face either!

    Goldie- I hope that you will feel okay about staying here and even lurking even if you don't want to write. We get how hard this is and that not talking about stuff is sometimes easier. The whole thing is overwhelming. Hugs sister.

    Saw this on the subject of snow and thought it was funny, especially as we have a lot of sisters here who are all over the country. They do freak out here when we get snow!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2016

    Hi girls,

    NM, glad you got the snow chains on. Travel will be safer for you and your Pearl. Stay warm dear.

    Chi, congrats on the good news. Hope your back feels better.

    Lori darling, so heartbroken for you. Dont know what to say about resuming the FU pills. That is a decision for only you. Pls dont stay in the rabbit hole, i for one will miss de hail out of you and love seeing your face on here. I love ya and am here for you. Gonna stop and text ya my new number now before I foyget.

    Jazzy, so furcited that you are live with the PIA client, hope you are done with them soon!!

    Cammy, wait, you are NED? Hope so. Hey got formal permission from your DD to share pics of your home decorated with the help of your Joey, also gonna share the pic of the snow covered yard! Still hoping the D-docs soonly are able to help! gonna quickly post this then come back and finish and post pics before i lose this. hey seems my fingers are getting better with typing wooooo fn hooooooooo!! chheeeeeeRs!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2016




  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2016

    ok can't find the poem again and won't download properly but its written about a dogs life from the dogs point of view,sadie to a t

    chi-WHOO HOO

    dara great photos

    jazzy its almost over

    ps its been in the 80's this week we are going to have a cold spell this weekend, my flight is via Detroit hoping no real delays this weekend

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2016

    Hey Julie, nice weather! Hopefully weather will be ok in MI by the time you go.

    I posted this on another thread that I go to. Thought I would share here if any of your are interested.

    Tomorrow night, something to watch. Treating cancer with cannabis.

    The website is

    This is the link to sign up for show Thursday evening.

    Date: Thursday December 15, 2016

    Time: 5 pm – 6:00 pm pacific / 8 pm – 9:00 pm eastern

    How To Watch: This event will be live-streamed directly to your computer or smart devices in real-time.

    Cost: FREE to watch live (Join INSIDER for anytime access)

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    I admit it: I blew off my support group meeting tonight, even though my BS’ NP told me yesterday there was going to be a nutritional lecture by someone from the Cancer Wellness Center. My back hurts too dang much and it’s insanely cold out there (the coldest night we’ve had since the infamous “Chiberia” of three years ago).

    My DOTD was good-ol’-fashioned hot chocolate (a mix from Whole Foods called (tone-deafly) “Moo-Latte.” I spiked it with a shot of espresso. For tonight’s dinner, Beaujolais Nouveau with pan-seared coho, snap peas and fried rice (made from leftover Chinese takeout rice).

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2016

    Lori, I was looking at the posts on the other thread, quite interesting. I am so sorry you are going through so much.I joined the green flower thing so I can view the presentation, very interesting. Wishing you peace girl. Love you to bits n pieces, (((((LORI))))

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Got wind chill warnings out for today, guess I better put a sweater on when I go out today.Actually, I have been wearing a jacket recently, I just don't like to wear one when I'm driving, it feels so binding and constricting.I like my comfort.And it's Friday Eve, yeah! Things have lightened up a bit at work this week, hoping it stays this way for a while.Work days have been reasonable, been getting home at a decent hour.Could learn to like this!

    Goldie--I just pray the FU pills actually work, if you are going to go through all the misery they cause again you deserve a big benefit for putting up with that crap.

    Jazzy--Love the snowfall effect comparison chart!Too Funny!

    Dara--Pearl is a great warmer upper, she warms up really quickly and gets my feets nice a warm fast, too!And fingers doing better typing, HOORAY!!!Pretty lights!

    Julie--ah, 80's, quite a bit warmer than here.Like 70 degrees warmer, BEFORE wind chill!I so wish I could take a vacay right now and go to Disney.And maybe see some of it this time!

    Goldie--thanks for the link, going to try to catch this if I can.I need to learn more about cannabis and cancer treatment/end of life care.

    Chi--I think I've seen Moo-Latte around here somewhere.Will have to look for it.Sounds yummy, especially with a shot of espresso!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Slow Cooker Mulled Wine



    • 8 Clementines
    • 1 Switch out the clementines

    Baking & Spices

    • 1 tsp Allspice berries, whole
    • 5 Cardamom pods, whole
    • 2 Cinnamon sticks
    • 1/2 tsp Cloves, whole
    • 1 good grating Nutmeg, fresh
    • 4 Star anise
    • 1/2 cup Sugar
    • 1/2 Vanilla bean

    Beer, Wine & Liquor

    • 1/4 cup Brandy
    • 1 bottle Red wine


    • 1/2 cup Water


    • add 5 sprigs fresh rosemary
    • garnish each glass with a sprig of rosemary and a few cranberries

    Slow Cooker Mulled Wine is a warm winter cocktail perfect for entertaining:

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2016

    Hi girls, skimmed through and got pretty much caught up, been away way to long. Trying to get myself prepared to take the dogs out, it's snowing and blowing and pretty awful out there. DH out of town. Getting Nora Friday night, can't believe it's almost Christmas!

    Lori, I'm so sorry to hear about your jump in TM's, when do you get the scan. Are you still doing the RSO? Sorry about the FU's, I know they were working but ugh,the SE's.... praying hard for you. I signed up to see the MMJ show. And by the way, you look as pretty as ever, even from the wabbit hole.

    Dara, hoping the MRI brings you a cause and cure for the headaches. And the hand surgery, did you already have it or scheduled soon, can't remember. Hope you're getting some Logan time.

    NM, sorry about getting no word on the job, hope something opens up soon that gives you more office time and lots less travel time. My dogs love the snow too but I think the ice balls between the toes will be a big problem this morning.

    Well they just closed the schools here and every one between here and where I work, Ugh, that doesn't happen often.

    Sandy, you have been a bizzy performer lately. So sorry to hear about your back problems, hoping that the fact that you were having wine last night means you're off the big time pain killers and it's starting to get better?

    Jazz, sounds like work is keeping you busy, love the snow chart, so true.

    Cami, love you house, it looks so pretty! What does Joey want for Christmas this year? I imagine you are getting pounded with snow and wind too? Your daughter sounds like the lady I work with, she gets freaked out about such stuff, always thinks she's going to catch something. Our hands are in water all day long, really lowers the odds I think. My phone and computer are no longer communicating, I don't know why but it makes it hard to share pics, I'll pluck one off of FB for ya.

    Julie, I see you've been DisneyWhoring again, good for you, and did I read that you'll bee seeing family for Christmas?

    Hope everything is okay with hsant and her dad.

    Sue, looks like you had a nice time in Cancun, will you see the g-kids over the holidays?

    Well girls, I know that was quick and I have a lot more to say, am going to try really hard to get back here tonight, I'm working extra for the holidays, everyone wants in before Christmas, I'm pretty well completely booked so I keep adding people to the end of my days. I've been pureeing soup and drinking it while doing hair because lunch breaks are not possible now, I'm ready to get next week over with! Got to take the pooches out to brave the elements and I'm going to need to double my time to get to work.


    Nora modeling her new scarf and boots. She's getting so big!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Good morning friends- well, our go live is a GO as of late last night. Met with the senior leaders and got some nice kuddos from them. The VP of the area I am working for said he knew we would be ready and also told my client I am the best consultant anywhere. Going to be getting a few more things done today to secure our readiness and then we put this puppy in. So ready to get on the other side of this and keeping an eye on my freedom end of the month.

    I came across an interesting high level job with one of the other healthcare orgs in town. I decided I am going to apply (it is a FT position), but want to explore it and do think they may want to talk to me. I have some new opps pending with my collaboration partners in the new year, but also not sure that is going to pan out the way they think and decided I cannot depend on that. Just one option for 2017. So better to have more eggs in the basket. I need to update my resume and will do that and submit my info and see what happens. I plan to take a little time off after this contract ends.

    NM- glad your days have been better. I know they are planning to fill the job by first of the year and hoping you still have a shot at it. If you don't hear, at least you will know by January. I hate the feeling of never getting an answer on anything (I get silence a lot too when trying to get responses on business). I love mulled wine.....

    Cami- I have to scroll back and find the house pictures!

    Genny- oh I love little Miss Fashionista. She is getting big, but the outfit is so cute. Does she like clothing? My mother told me by the time I was 4, I would go to the closet and pick out exactly what I wanted to wear. Maybe Anorable does too? What a cutie pie. I bet she is excited for Xmas?

    Goldie- thinking of you friend and hoping you are taking things easy and that the FU pills work. You are saying FU to cancer friend.....

    Dara- hoping you are still healing well from the surgery. The outside decorations are so lovely. Like the snow pic too. We get snow here too, but nothing like other areas. Been pretty dry this year unfortunately. Super mild day predicted today.....

    Sandy- hope you are feeling better today with the back issues.

    Hsant- if you are reading and not posting, please know we are thinking of you and we care. Hoping things with you and your dad are okay......

    Juliet- thanks for the good wishes. This joy ride is about to wrap up.

    MemaSue- hoping you are enjoying the holiday season?

    Got a busy day ahead but plan to leave early and hit some errands and the gym this afternoon as this job is taking up a lot of my free time the next week. I keep thinking OT hours and will have a really nice invoice to submit when I leave end of the month. That will help to carry me during my downtime.

    Wishing everyone a beautiful day!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2016

    Hi girls,

    Gotta be quick, had a bad night so gonna be gitting back to bed shortly. Heading to Atlantic City tomorrow for two days, saved two doses of immitrex for this and another for Christmas.

    Wanted to just clarify that the PICS I POSTED OF THE SNOW AND THE LIGHTS ARE OF CAMMIE'S PLACE, NOT MINE. I got permission from her DD to post them from Facebook. Jest wanted to pop in and clear up de funcusion!

    Head is hurting bad today, bad night of grinding, teefers hurt. So so sure that the cause IS the teefers. One week from tomorrow I get my appliance to stop the insanity! SO SO HOPEFUL!

    Snow here as well and bitterly cold n windy. will post more soonly as possible. Will likely post first night in AC as I am passing on the big ball at Bally's. Both XDH2 and Cuz will go. Steve wanted me to go but I think best to avoid a noisy formal holiday bash and jest sit back n relax whilst they party since only two tix anyway.

    Lori, continued thoughts n prayers.

    All stay warm cept Julie, stay cool. Hope your flight goes as planned, foyget when you fly out.

    NM, stay warm, hopinf for a good day for ya.

    Genny!! Nora getting so big and jest more beautiful and so grown up! OMG! Have to pos.t pics of my lil guy but what I have is fuzzy sincen I drowned my iphone. which bdw girls, getting new phone and new cell # too. pm me for new cell if ya want it

    Jazzy, best of luck on the go live girl! Love your spirit, take that time off, well deserved chicky!

    Chi, sounds like you are feeling better, good for you.

    Who'd I miss?

    Where's Miss Cam?

    Love you all.
